A New TLD Holder for External Radiotherapy Beam Audit Eksternal


A New TLD Holder for External Radiotherapy Beam Audit Eksternal
SDU Journal of Science (E-Journal), 2013, 8 (1): 92-99
A New TLD Holder for External Radiotherapy Beam Audit
Doğan Yaşar1,*, Bayram Demir2, Erol Kam1, Gürsel Karahan1, Murat Okutan3
TAEK, Çekmece Nuclear Research and Training Center, Metrology Unit, Secondary Standard
Dosimetry Laboratory, Yarımburgaz Mah. ÇNAEM Yolu - 34303, Istanbul, Turkey
University of Istanbul, Science Faculty, Department of Physics, Vezneciler / Fatih, Istanbul, Turkey
University of Istanbul, Oncology Institute, Department of Medical Physics, Çapa / Fatih, Istanbul,
*Corresponding author e-mail: dogan.yasar@taek.gov.tr; doganyasar@yahoo.com
Received: 8 April 2013, Accepted: 17 April 2013
Abstract: In present study, a special TLD holder inserted to a solid water phantom for TLD irradiation
was designed and results were compared with the TLD results irradiated in a plastic bucked using
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), standard TLD holder as recommended by IAEA. Powder
TLD-100 was used in the study and the capsules filling powder TLD were irradiated using Co-60 beams
in RW3 type solid phantom with new holder. The absorbed dose measurements for TLD were performed
by Harshaw 4500 model TLD reader and the results were confirmed using a 0.6 cc ionization chamber in
RW3 plastic phantom. For different irradiation setup, the closest dose values to the prescribed dose of 2
Gy were only obtained with using the new TLD holder (2.022+ 0.017cGy) with lowest error value. The
average and standard deviation for standard IAEA water phantom and plastic bucked set-up were
2.014+0.024 cGy and 1.948+0.062cGy respectively. While the maximum average absolute difference
(%3.5) and the maximum % error (%3.16) were found in the hospital condition with bucket filled with
water, the minimum average absolute difference and the minimum % error were %1.32 and %0.86
respectively, with our new TLD holder in the solid water phantom . In our opinion, the reason of this
good consistency is the reproducibility of TLD position that created by means of our TLD holder. This
study shows that non-standard conditions may cause important differences between SSDL (Secondary
Standard Dosimetry Laboratory) and hospital dose results.
Key words: Radiotherapy, TLD, quality audit.
Eksternal Radyoterapide Işın Denetimi İçin Yeni Bir TLD Tutucu
Özet: Bu çalışma da radyoterapi doz kontrolü amacıyla yapılan TLD ışınlamalarında kullanılmak üzere
özel bir TLD tutucu dizayn edilmiş ve elde edilen sonuçlar IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)
tarafından tavsiye edilen yöntem olan plastik kova içerisine yerleştirilmiş IAEA TLD tutucu sonuçları ile
karşılaştırılmıştır. Çalışmada toz TLD-100 kullanılmış ve TLD tozu ile doldurulmuş kapsüller
önerdiğimiz yeni TLD tutucu ile RW3 tipi katı fantomda Co-60 ışınları ile ışınlanmıştır. TLD absorbe doz
ölçümleri Harshaw 4500 model TLD okuyucu sistemi ile okunmuş ve sonuçlar 0.6 cc iyonizasyon odası
ile doğrulanmıştır. Farklı ışınlama şartlarında verilen 2 Gy radyasyon dozuna en yakın değerlerin yeni
TLD tutucu (2.022+ 0.017cGy) ile elde edildiği görülmüştür. Standard IAEA su fantomu, plastik kova
set-up’ ları için ortalama ve standart sapma değerleri sırası ile 2.014+0.024 cGy, 1.948+0.062cGy,
olarak tespit edilmiştir. Hastane şartlarında plastik kova set-up’ı için maksimum ortalama mutlak fark
(%3.5) ve maksimum % hata (% 3.16) iken, yeni TLD tutucu set-up’ın da bu değerler sırası ile %1.32 ve
% 0.86 dır. Bizim düşüncemize göre, değerlerimiz arasındaki bu uyum yeni TLD tutucu sayesinde tekrar
edilebilen TLD pozisyonlarıdır. Bu çalışma standart olmayan ışınlama koşulları olması durumunda SSDL
(Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory) ve hastane doz sonuçları arasında önemli farklar
olabileceğini gösterrmiştir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Radyoterapi, TLD, kalite denetimi.
D. Yaşar et al.
1. Introduction
In 1969 the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), together with the World
Health Organization (WHO), established the IAEA/WHO TLD postal programme to
verify the calibration of radiotherapy beams in developing countries [1, 2, 3]. The main
purpose of this programme is to provide an independent quality audit of the dose
delivered by radiotherapy treatment machines using a Thermoluminescent Dosimeter
(TLD) as transfer dosimeter. The IAEA/WHO TLD postal dose quality audit service has
also monitored the performance of Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratories
(SSDLs) in therapy dose quality since 1981. TLD postal programme was applied first
for Co-60 energy beam and then it was extended to high energy photon beams produced
by clinical accelerators in 1991 [2].
The hospital staffs of participated TLD intercomparison programme have to irradiate
TLD capsules in the non-standard conditions. They have to irradiate TLDs vertically in
the classical water instead of standard water phantom (e.g. IAEA water phantom).
Water filled plastic buckets or similar water containers are used for this purpose. The
procedure starts with putting IAEA standard TLD holder with TLD capsule in the
plastic bucket. There should be 5 cm distance between TLD capsule centre and water
surface. In these conditions, TLD irradiation set-up isn’t practically easy for medical
physicist. For the TLD irradiations in above-mentioned phantom, geometrical errors are
inevitable. Moreover, radiotherapy centres are already working at high capacity for
cancer treatment and might try to irradiate TLD in a short time. Also, the water in the
container might not have the same temperature as the irradiation room. These factors
causes the TLD irradiation doses to be out of the acceptance limits of the IAE/WHO
TLD audits which are ±5% in non reference conditions for hospitals and ±3.5% in
reference conditions for SSDLs. It has been observed that sometimes mistakes were
made in the calculation of the dose given to the TLDs or in the geometry set-up for the
TLD irradiation [2]. But, both mistakes can be prevented, especially for the latter; it is
possible to remove the geometrical error in external dose quality audits.
In present study, a special TLD holder inserted to the solid water phantom for TLD
irradiation was designed and results were compared with the TLD results irradiated in a
plastic bucked using IAEA standard TLD holder.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Materials: Thermoluminescent Dosimeter (TLD) System
Lithium fluoride powder was used as a TLD material in this work. Its effective atomic
number (Zeff.: 8.14) makes it close to tissue equivalence (Zeff/tissue : 7.42). The grain size
of the material is between 80 and 200 µm. The powder is annealed before it is used for
dose measurements in order to optimize its characteristics and to achieve better stability
of powder sensitivity and lower fading. The annealing is performed at 400 oC for 1 hour
followed by fast cooling and subsequent annealing at 100 oC for 2 hours [2,3]. The
powder TLDs are closed in black polyethylene capsules of 19 mm inner length, 3 mm
inner diameter and 1 mm wall thickness. The outer length, including the plug, is 28 mm.
SDU Journal of Science (E-Journal), 2013, 8 (1): 92-99
Every capsule contains about 160 mg of powder that provides nine identical portions to
be read after the powder is dispensed. Harshaw 4500 model TLD manual reader was
used for readouts. In order to determine a reader calibration factors (RCF), reference
dosimeters are irradiated to 2 Gy in Co-60 beam at SSDL. The irradiation is performed
under reference conditions using a standard IAEA holder in IAEA water phantom (30
cm x 30 cm x 30 cm). The absorbed dose is determined with SSDL’s therapy level
working standard according to IAEA Technical Reports Series No-398 (TRS-398)
dosimetry code of practice [4]. The TLD dosimeter is positioned at the depth of 5 cm,
at the distance of 100 cm from the source within the irradiation field of 10 cm x 10 cm.
In order to calculate the absorbed dose to water from irradiated TLDs, a TLD system
calibration has to be performed and several correction factors determined: the dose
response (non linearity) factor, the energy correction factor, the fading correction and
holder correction factors. The absorbed dose to water (Dw) at the location of the TLD is
calculated according to follow formula;
Dw = M*N*flin*fengy*ffad*fhol
Where M is the TLD response, N is the calibration coefficient of the TLD system, flin is
the non-linearity dose response correction factor, fengy is the energy correction factor, ffad
is the fading correction factor, and fhol is the standard holder correction factor [5, 6].
2.2. Measurements
To determine the user effects arisen from geometric errors on the measurements, three
different set-ups for TLDs were separately irradiated using Co-60 irradiation system,
Picker C-9 in SSDL. All measurements were performed ten times by ten different
medical physicists. TLD irradiations were performed in usual geometrical conditions: in
the depth of 5 cm, at 100 cm source to axis distance (SAD) and in the size of 10 cm x
10 cm.
In the first group of measurement set-up, TLD measurements were performed in SSDL
conditions using a standard IAEA water phantom. For this purpose, an irradiation set-up
was arranged as shown is Figure 1 and the 2 Gy radiation dose was given to the TLD
using Co-60 beams.
In the second group of measurements, to create the non-standard conditions of hospitals
and to determine the user effect on the measurements in these conditions, a plastic
bucked was used. The plastic bucked was filled with water and an IAEA TLD holder
manufactured with plastic material was placed to the centre of the bucket [5]. And then,
3 TLD capsules for every irradiation were placed in the holes drilled on plastic holder as
shown in Figure 2.
Finally, measurements were repeated by using our new TLD holder under the
irradiation conditions as shown in Figure 3. The proposed new holder was designed to
simulate the shape of the 0.6 cc ionization chamber and to be used for the TLD
irradiation in the solid water phantoms (RW3).
D. Yaşar et al.
Figure 4 illustrates our new TLD holder and a farmer type ionization chamber. The total
length of TLD holder applicator is 159 mm and it is made of plexiglass. Its thimble
section is different from ionization chamber. It is designed to have 23 mm outer length,
5 mm inner diameter and 1 mm wall thickness. TLD capsule can be put inside the
holder with ease.
Figure1. TLD irradiation set-up using standard IAEA water phantom (30cmx30cmx30 cm)
Figure 2. TLD irradiation set-up using a plastic bucket in hospital conditions.
SDU Journal of Science (E-Journal), 2013, 8 (1): 92-99
Figure 3. TLD irradiation set-up using new TLD holder in solid water phantom (RW3).
Figure 4. TLD irradiation holder designed (RW3) with the similar shape of Farmer type ionization
D. Yaşar et al.
3. Results and Discussion
National and international quality assurance networks are performing dosimetry intercomparison between radiotherapy centres functioning at the present time in the world
[1, 2, 3, 7]. All radiotherapy centres participated in external audit with TLD has
suitable dosimeters. In the hospital, TLDs are vertically irradiated in the plastic water
bucket instead of IAEA standard water phantom. Because they have to make two
studies in different arrangements for TLD irradiation, TLD measurement uncertainty
increases and also the latter procedure is a time loss for the radiotherapy centres.
National and international organizations have been preparing TLD postal dose intercomparisons between SSDLs and radiotherapy centres for years. Also, Turkish
radiotherapy centres have participated in external TLD quality audit for Co-60 energy
beam since 1989. According to the results of the comparisons organized between 1989
and 2012, geometrical error has the biggest percentage within total error.
This study shows that non-standard conditions may cause important differences
between SSDL and hospital dose results. As can be seen from Table 1, we determined
that the most closed results to the prescribed dose (2 Gy) are our TLD holder results.
For different irradiation setup, the closest dose values to the prescribed dose of 2 Gy
were only obtained with using the new TLD holder (2.022+ 0.017cGy) with lowest
error value. The average and standard deviation for standard IAEA water phantom and
plastic bucked set-up were 2.014+0.024 cGy and 1.948+0.062cGy respectively. While
the maximum average absolute difference (%3.5) and the maximum % error (%3.16)
were found in the hospital condition with bucket filled with water, the minimum
average absolute difference and the minimum % error were %1.32 and %0.86
respectively, with our new TLD holder in the solid water phantom (Table 1) . As can
be clearly understood from these results, the reason of this good consistency is the
reproducibility of TLD position that created by means of our TLD holder. On the other
hand, plastic bucked or similar material may cause a non standard irradiation conditions
and different material such as plastic used in the TLD holder may cause inhomogeneous dose in the water. Izewska et al. [5] showed in their study, when an
IAEA holder is used in the hospital, the error between hospital and SSDL could be
reduced by applying a correction factor to the TLD results of hospital. As stated in their
study, we also applied a correction factor to the TLD results irradiated in this step
mentioned above. Since an acceptance limit of 3% was chosen for the Pan-European
Radiation Oncology Programme for Assurance of Treatment Quality (EROPAQ)
intercomparisons, any systematic error in dose evaluation by the measuring centre
should be minimized. But, geometric errors cannot completely prevent in this non
standard conditions when using an IAEA TLD holder in a plastic bucked.
In conclusion, medical physicist has to measure dose out-put of irradiation system very
carefully and the centre should have a suitable dosimeter system with valid calibration
factor and also with stability and repeatability of the response. Furthermore, to eliminate
the user effect caused by geometrical errors, it is suggested to perform both ionization
chamber measurements and TLD irradiations in the same material and in the same
geometrical set-up in hospital.
SDU Journal of Science (E-Journal), 2013, 8 (1): 92-99
Table 1. The measured values of irradiated TLDs for 3 different set-up conditions. Difference (%) shows the value between measurement and prescribed dose of 2Gy.
Set-up :1
Set-up :2
Set-up :3
in the SSDL conditions
in the Hospital conditions
With our New TLD holder
with IAEA water phantom
with bucket filled with water
in the solid water phantom
Measurements No
Average Measurement (Av)
Standard Deviation (SD)
% Error = (SD/Av)x100
Average Absolute Difference (%)
% 1.32
D. Yaşar et al.
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Bayram Demir e-posta: bayramdemir69@yahoo.com
Erol Kam e-posta: kam@nukleer.gov.tr
Gürsel Karahan e-posta: karahang@cnaem.nukleer.gov.tr
Murat Okutan e-posta: mokutan@istanbul.edu.tr