anadolu kard‹yoloj‹ derg‹s‹ - The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology


anadolu kard‹yoloj‹ derg‹s‹ - The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology


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anadolu kard‹yoloj‹ derg‹s‹ - The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology

anadolu kard‹yoloj‹ derg‹s‹ - The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology of the editors, the editorial board and the publisher; the editors, the editorial board and the publisher disclaim any responsibility or liability for such materials. The journal is printed on an a...


anadolu kard‹yoloj‹ derg‹s‹ - The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology

anadolu kard‹yoloj‹ derg‹s‹ - The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology of the editors, the editorial board and the publisher; the editors, the editorial board and the publisher disclaim any responsibility or liability for such materials. The journal is printed on an a...


anadolu kard‹yoloj‹ derg‹s‹ - The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology

anadolu kard‹yoloj‹ derg‹s‹ - The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology ve yazım kılavuzu ile Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği’nin Kardiyoloji Terimler Sözlüğü yazıda temel alınmalıdır. İngilizce yazılan yazılar özellikle desteklenmektedir. Deneysel, klinik ve ilaç araştırmala...
