1 CV PROF. DR. SİBEL İNCEOĞLU E-Mail - Anayasa-Der


1 CV PROF. DR. SİBEL İNCEOĞLU E-Mail - Anayasa-Der
Higher Education
Liceo Italiano (Italian High School), Istanbul, 19751983.
Under Graduate
Istanbul University, Faculty of Law, Istanbul, 19831987.
Marmara University, Social Science Institute,
Public Law, Istanbul, 1988-1990.
Marmara University, Social Science Institute,
Public Law, Istanbul, 1990-1997.
Assoc. Prof.
Marmara University, Constitutional Law, 2003.
Istanbul Bilgi University, Constitutional Law, 2009.
Academic Research Abroad
-European University Institute, Academy of European Law, Florence, Italy, 1990,
(Attending the General and Specialized Courses in European Community Law and
Human Rights in Europe).
-University of California Los Angeles, School of Law, Los Angeles, US, 1993-1994
(Visiting scholar).
-University of Amsterdam and University of Groningen, Netherlands, July 1997.
-Advanced Legal Study Institute, University of London, UK, June 2001.
-Advanced Legal Study Institute, University of London, UK, June 2005.
Academic Dissertations
-“European Community Law and National Law Relations: The Italian Case”, LLM
dissertation, 1990.
-“Euthanasia versus Right to Life”, PhD dissertation, 1997.
-“Right To Fair Trial”, assoc. prof. dissertation, 2002.
-“Principles of Judicial Conduct”, prof. dissertation, 2008.
Research Assistant
Department of Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law,
Marmara University, 1989-1998.
Teaching Assistant
Department of Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law,
Marmara University, 1998-2002
Associate Professor
Department of Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law,
Marmara University, 2003-2007.
Associate Professor
Department of Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law,
Istanbul Bilgi University, 2007-2009.
Department of Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law,
Istanbul Bilgi University, 2009-….
“Right to Privacy and Right to Property under the
European Convention on Human Rights”,
Specialization Courses on Human Rights to
Solicitors, Istanbul Bar Assoc., Human Rights
Center, May 1999, May 2000.
“European Court of Human Rights Cases”,
Specialization Courses to Judges, Prosecutors
and Police officers, Marmara University, Faculty of
Law, dates: 01 Dec. 2000, 19 Dec. 2000, 26 Jan.
2001, 2 Feb 2001, 23 Mar. 2001, 07 Apr. 2001.
“Right to a Fair Trial”, Seminar to the members of
the Court of Cassation, Istanbul Bilgi University,
İstanbul 30 May 2004.
“Right to a Fair Trial”, Specialization Courses to
Solicitors, İstanbul Bar Assoc., 2003-2006.
“Turkey and Fair Trial”, Seminar to judges and
prosecutors, Justice Academy, Ankara 29-30
March, 27 June 2007; 20, 27 March, 5,11 June
2008; 05, 12 March, 30 May, 08 June 2009.
- Yeditepe University, Faculty of Law, “Constitutional Law”, undergraduate, 20022007.
- Kadir Has University, Faculty of Law, “Constitutional Law”, undergraduate, 20032004.
- Istanbul Bilgi University, Social Science Institute, “Procedural Rights and
Principles in the ECHR Judgments”, LLM, 2004-2007.
-Bahçeşehir University, Faculty of Law, “Constitutional Law”, undergraduate,
- İstanbul Bilgi Univ. Faculty of Law, Executive Council member, 2008-..
- Istanbul Bilgi Univ. European Union Institute, Board of Institute member, 2010-..
- Istanbul Bilgi Univ. Faculty of Law, Board of Faculty member, 2007-2008.
- Istanbul Bar Association/Lawyer,1998-...
- Istanbul Bar Assoc. Human Rights Center, member of the executive committee,
- Helsinki Citizens Assembly, 1999-…
- Human Rights Committee of the district of Kadıköy, 2004-2005.
- Human Rights Committee of the city of İstanbul, 2003-2007.
- International Association of Constitutional Law, 2007-…
- Association of Constitutional Law Research, 2. president, 2011PUBLICATIONS:
1) Right to Die, S. İnceoğlu, Ayrıntı publ, Istanbul 1999.
2) Pluralism, Authors: S. İnceoğlu, S. Batum, L.B. Tokuzlu., A. Öztezel,
Toplumsal Katılım ve Gelişim Vakfı publ., İstanbul 2003.
3) Rule of Law and Reform of the Judiciary Taking Into Consideration the
European Convention on Human Rights, Authors: S. İnceoğlu, S. Batum,
F. Yenisey, C. Erkut, TÜSİAD publ., İstanbul 2003.
4) Right to Fair Trial, S. İnceoğlu, Beta publ., Istanbul 2002, 2005 (2. ed).
5) Right to Fair Trial and Judicial Ethics, S. İnceoğlu, Council of EuropeEuropean Commission publ., Ankara 2007.
6) Principles of Judicial Conduct, S. İnceoğlu, Beta publ., İstanbul 2008.
7) Basic Principles for a Liberalistic, Egalitarian, Democratic and Social
Constitution, Authors: S.İnceoğlu, İ.Kaboğlu, Y.Aliefendioğlu, Ü.Azrak,
İ.Kuçuradi, M.Gülmez and others, DİSK publ.. N. 57, İstanbul 2009.
1) “Right to Privacy”,(Sibel Inceoglu-Yesim Atamer), Dikkat Haklarimiz, (ed. by
Süheyl Batum), Helsinki Yurttaslar Dernegi (Helsinki Citizens Assembly) publ.,
Istanbul 1993, p. 69-82
2) “Right to Liberty”, Dikkat Haklarımız, (ed by Süheyl Batum), Helsinki Yurttaşlar
Derneği (Helsinki Citizens Assembly), İstanbul 1993, s. 55-68
3) “Turkey”, Encyclopedia of World Constitutions, (Sibel İnceoğlu-Emre Öktem),
Vol. II, Ed. Gerhard Robbers, Facts on File publ., USA, 2007, s. 938-946
1) “The Nationalization in Turkish Constitution and Acts”, Agumentum,
December 1990, N. 5, p. 70-76.
2) “A Comparative Study of the Principle of Prompt Trial of the Accused”,
Argumentum, January 1992, N. 18, p. 275-284.
3) “Is This a Law of Public Emergency? Or an Emergency of Law?”,
Argumentum, August 1992, N. 25, p. 389-394.
4) “Emergency Law According to Human Rights and the 1982 Constitution”,
Facultatis Decima Anniversaria, Marmara Unv. Publ., Istanbul 1993, p.
5) “The Private Radio and Television Broadcasting According to the
Constitution”, Fırtına, February 1993, N. 5, p. 50-58.
6) “Yaşama Hakkı Karşısında Ötanazi”,(Euthanasia versus Right to Life), 3P
Dergisi (3P Journal), September 1996, N. 4, p. 20-26.
7) “Right to Privacy in US Constitutional Law”, Insan Hakları Yıllıgı (Human
Rights Year Book), 1997-1998, V. 19-20, p.173-186.
8) “Lawfulness of Euthanasia in the Netherlands, Istanbul Barosu Dergisi,
1998, V.72, N. 1-2-3, p. 27-33.
9) Country Survey “Turkey”, Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law,
Ed. Eugene Cotran, Chibli Mallat, Kluwer Law International press, The
Hague, London, Boston, 1997-1998, V. 4, p. 455-461.
10) Country Survey “Turkey”, Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law,
Ed. Eugene Cotran, Chibli Mallat, Kluwer Law International press, The
Hague, London, Boston,1998-1999, V. 5, p.453-460.
11) “Death Penalty”, İstanbul Barosu Dergisi, June 2000, V. 74, N. 2, p. 338368.
12) “A Study of Amnesty Act N. 4616 Taking into Consideration European
Convention on Human Rights and the Constitution, İstanbul Barosu
CMUK Uygulama Servisi publ., 2001.
13) “Right to Life and Death Penalty, Kocaeli Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi
Vecdi Aral’a Armağan, Kocaeli, 2001, p. 133-164.
14) “Constitutional Priorities in the Adaptation Process to EU”, İstanbul
Barosu İnsan Hakları Merkezi, Publ. no. 1, İstanbul 2001, p. 272-311.
15) “The Examination of the Amnesty Act According to the Equality Principle
and Non-Discrimination principle at the Turkish Constitutional Court and
European Court of Human Right Judgments, Symposium of the
Constitutional Jurisdiction, organized by the Turkish Constitutional Court,
Ankara, 25-26 April 2001. Anayasa Yargısı, V. 18, p. 41-70.
16) “Constitutional Analysis of the Principle of Secrecy in the Trial of
Children”, Galatasaray Hukuk Fakültesi Kemal Oğuzman’a Armağan,
İstanbul 2002, p. 113-125.
17) “Political Criteria of Copenhagen and 2001 Constitutional Amendments”,
Marmara Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi/Marmara Journal of European
Studies, 2002, Vol. 10, No. 1, p. 1-33.
18) “Developments and Problems Regarding Judiciary in the Adaptation
Process to EU”, Görüş, Sep.-Oct 2004, p. 44-51.
19) “Turkey: Concept of Sovereignty Facing the Powers of EU”, Symposium
of the Constitutional Jurisdiction organized by the Turkish Constitutional
Court, Ankara 28-29 April 2005, Anayasa Yargısı, Ankara 2005, V. 22, p.
20) “A Note on the Secrecy of the Decisions of Supreme Council of Judges
and Prosecutors”, Hukuki Perspektifler Dergisi, N. 5, December 2005, p.
21) “Equality and the Prohibition of Discrimination under the European
Convention on Human Rights and Turkish Constitution, Çalışma ve
Toplum, No. 4, Year 2006, p. 45-61.
22) “On the right to Die, Güncel Hukuk, N.3, March 2006, p. 24-25.
23) “Euthanasia: Recent Developments in the World and Its Position under
Turkish Constitution, Hukuk ve Adalet, Y. 4, N. 9, January 2007, p. 141172.
24) “Effects of Disciplinary Procedures Against judges to the Independence
of the Judiciary”, Türkiye Barolar Birliği Dergisi, N. 72, Sept-Oct 2007, p.
25) “Problems and changing in the Turkish Procedural Law in Terms of
Human Rights Law” Uğur Alacakaptan’a Armağan, V. 2, İstanbul Bilgi
Univ. publ., İstanbul 2008, p. 371-389
26) “Prerequisite of Democracy: Rule of Law and Supremacy of Law”,
Eksiksiz Demokrasi Sempozyumu, Türkiye Barolar Birliği, 18-19 Oct.
2007, Ankara 2008, p. 16-35.
27) “Remarks on Judicial Reform of the Ministry of Justice”, Yılmaz
Aliefendioğlu’na Armağan, Yetkin. publ., Ankara 2009, p. 525-545.
28) “Survey on Observations of Judiciary; From the Point of View of Fair Trial
and Confidence to Judiciary”, Adalet Gözet, İstanbul 11 Apr. 2008,
Istanbul Bilgi Univ. publ., İstanbul 2009, p. 105-115.
29) “Pluralism in the Judgements of European Court on Human Rights”,
Çoğulcu Demokrasi ve Çoğunlukçu Demokrasi İkilemi ve İnsan Hakları
Toplantısı, 5-6 June 2010 Ankara, Türkiye Barolar Birliği publ. No. 186,
Ankara 2011, p. 83-129.
30) “Opinion on the Act of Ombudsman”, Uluslararası Kamu Denetçiliği
(Ombudsmanlık) Sempozyumu, Doğuş Univ., Istanbul 09.March 2011,
1) “Euthanasia”, Panel, Kompos- Mentis, (Center of Psychiatry Education,
Research and Treatment), Ankara, 27.05.1997.
2) “Right to Die”, III. Symposium of Medical Ethics, University of Ankara,
Faculty of Medicine, 23-25 October 1997. Also published as a
Symposium Book by the University of Ankara, Faculty of Medicine, 1998.
3) “Political Party Dissolution Cases of Constitutional Court: ÖZDEP Case”,
Conference, Marmara Unv. Law Faculty, 15 April 1998.
4) “Right to Die”, Conference, Adam Bookseller, 4 June 1999.
5) “The Principle of Protection of Privacy at the Juvenile Trial”, Symposium
of Juvenile and Democracy, World Academy for Local Government and
Democracy, 11 June 1999.
6) “Euthanasia”, VI. National Social Psychiatry Congress, Nevşehir, 28-31
October 1999.
7) “Constitutional Priorities for the Adaptation to European Union”, Criteria of
Copenhagen Symposium, İstanbul, 24-25 June 2000.
8) “Ideas on the Patient Rights Regulation”, I. Medical Ethics Congress,
Kocaeli Unv. School of Medicine 9 June 1999. –Also published as a
Congress Book, İstanbul 2000.
9) “Euthanasia”, 36. National Psychiatry Congress, Antalya 3-7 Oct. 2000
10) “Malpractice and Euthanasia”, Panel of Lawfulness of the Patient Rights,
Association of Patient Rights, Istanbul 28 Oct. 2000.
11) “Human Rights and Turkey”, Panel: Political Criteria of Copenhagen and
Human Rights and Democracy in Turkey, AIBU, Bolu 10 Dec. 2000.
12) “A Study of Amnesty Act Taking into Consideration European Convention
on Human Rights and the Constitution”, Conference, Istanbul Bar Assoc.,
Istanbul,17 Feb.2001.
13) “Civil and Political Rights”, Lectures on European Union-DemocracyHuman Rights and Economic Standards, ÇHD, Istanbul 15 Dec 2002.
14) “Problems of Rule of Law in Turkey According to Political Criteria of EU”,
Symposium organized by Diyarbakır Bar Assoc., Diyarbakır, 26-28 Sept
15) “Turkish Case: Process of Abolition of Death Penalty”, Panel, Ensemble
Contre La Peine de Mort and TESEV, İstanbul 27 Sept 2004.
16) “A Difficult Balance: Judicial Ethics Versus Independence of the
Judiciary”, Workshop organized by Istanbul Bilgi Univ., Istanbul, 12 Nov
17) “Problems and Developments in the Trials before Turkish Courts
Regarding Article 6 of the ECHR”, Human Rights Congress, Istanbul, 1719 May 2004.
18) “Development and Problems Regarding Judiciary in the Adaptation
Process to EU”, Workshop, Bahçeşehir Univ. and European Public Law
Center, Istanbul 17 March 2006.
19) “Equality and the Prohibition of Discrimination under the European
Convention on Human Rights and Turkish Constitution”, Seminar on
Equality and Prohibition of Discrimination in Labour Law, Marmara Univ.,
Istanbul 20 May 2006.
20) “Euthanasia from the point of View of Human Rights”, Turkish and
German Health Law Symposium, Yeditepe Univ., 21-22 Apr 2006.
21) “Effects of Disciplinary Procedures Against judges to the Independence of
the Judiciary”, Symposium organized by Council of State, 11 May 2007,
Danıştay ve İdari yargı Günü 139. YIL, Ankara 2008, p. 97-109.
22) “How should be Regulated the Regime of Rights and Freedoms in the
Constitution”, Workshop organized by Association of Members of the
Universities, Siyah Beyaz basım publ., Istanbul, 2008, p. 65-71.
23) “Independence of Judiciary”, Panel on Independence of Judiciary in
Turkey, YARSAV Union of Judges and Prosecutors, Ankara 23.06.2007,
Türkiye’de Yargı Bağımsızlığı ve Yargıda Örgütlenme, YARSAV Yazıları
ve Söyleşiler, YARSAV yay., Ankara 2008, p. 52-55
24) “Principles of Judicial Conduct”, Justice Academy of Turkey, Ankara 08
Feb 2009.
25) “Latest Advances in Euthanasia”, Panel on Euthanasia, Marmara Univ.,
Istanbul 19 May 2009.
26) “Judiciary and Human Rights, Policy and Conceptual Framework”,
Workshop on Judiciary and Human Rights, Istanbul Bilgi Univ., Istanbul
11-12 Sept 2009.
27) “Judicial Independence and Impartiality According to European Court of
Human Rights and Other International Documents”, International
Symposium on the Independence, Impartiality and Effectiveness of the
Judiciary, Justice Academy of Turkey, Ankara 10-11 Dec 2009, Türkiye
Adalet Akademisi publ., No. 6, p. 54-64
28) “Opinion on the Constitutional Reform of Judiciary”, Panel on New
Constitution, Koc Univ., Istanbul 29 Dec 2009.
29) “An Assessment on Constitutional Amendment of 2010”, Panel on
Constitutional Amendments, Okan Univ., İstanbul 13 Oct 2010,
30) “Separation of Powers and Independence of Judiciary”, Workshop,
Ankara Bar Assoc. General Assembly on International Law, Ankara 11 –
15 Jan 2010.
31) “Judicial Independence in the International Documents”, Panel on
Independence of Judiciary, Istanbul Bilgi Univ., Istanbul 17 Feb 2010.
32) “Constitutional Court and Reform”, Panel on Structure and Power of the
Constitutional Court, Doğuş Univ., Istanbul 26 Feb 2010.
33) “Maintaining and Developing Public Confidence; From the Perspective of
Judicial Conduct”, Project on Performance criteria of Judges and Public
Prosecutors organized by Ministry of Justice and Embassy of UK, Ankara
23-24 Nov 2010.
34) “Euthanasia: From the point of View of Patient Rights and Accountability
of the Physician”, Law of Medicine Days, Kadir Has Univ., 19 March 2011
Translations of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights:
1) “Dudgeon v. United Kingdom”, İnsan Hakları Kararlar Derlemesi,
(Collection of Human Rights Judgments), İstanbul Barosu publ., Istanbul
1998, V.1, p. 386-395.
2) “Loizidou v. Turkey”, İnsan Hakları Kararlar Derlemesi, İstanbul Barosu
publ., Istanbul 1998 V. 2, p. 111-198.
3) “Erdagöz v. Turkey”, İnsan Hakları Kararlar Derlemesi, İstanbul Barosu
publ., Istanbul 1998 V. 2, p. 292-303.
4) “Türkiye Birleşik Komünist Partisi v. Turkey”, İnsan Hakları Kararlar
Derlemesi, İstanbul Barosu publ., Istanbul 1998, V. 2, p. 372-394.
5) “Incal v. Turkey”, İnsan Hakları Kararlar Derlemesi, İstanbul Barosu publ.,
Istanbul 1998, V. 2, p. 395-418.
1) Insan Hakları Kararlar Derlemesi (Collection of Human Rights
Vol. 1, edited by O. Doğru, S. İnceoğlu, H. K. Elban,
Istanbul Barosu publ., May 1998.
2) İnsan Haklari Kararlar Derlemesi (Collection of Human Rights
Judgments), Vol. 2, edited by O. Dogru, S. Inceoglu, H. K. Elban, Istanbul
Barosu publ., October 1998.
3) Deprem ve Hukuk (Earthquake and Law), edited by S. İnceoğlu, O. Ergin,
M. Uçum, İstanbul Barosu publ., İstanbul 2000.
Kapani – Aybay Award of Research on Human Rights, May 1992.

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