
Curriculum Vitae
Namık Kemal University
Faculty of Agriculture
Animal Sciences Department / Biometry- Genetics Laboratory
: Emel
Mailing address
: Namık Kemal Univ., Agricultural Faculty,
Dept. of Animal Science, 59030 TEKİRDAG
: ozemel@yahoo.com, ozemel@nku.edu.tr
Genetics, Population Genetics
2007 –
: Asist. Prof. Dr. in Animal Sciences, Trakya University
Tekirdag, Turkey
2001 – 2005
: Ph.D. in Animal Sciences, Trakya University
Tekirdag, Turkey
Thesis Title: An Investigation on Genetic Structure of Native and Cultural Cattle Breeds in Turkey
by Using Microsatellite Markers - (2001 – 2005)
1996 – 1999
: M.A. in Animal Sciences, Trakya University
Tekirdag, Turkey
1992 – 1996
: B.Sc. in Animal Sciences, Trakya University
Tekirdag, Turkey
1. Özkan, E., Soysal, M.I., Uzun, B.; Özkorkmaz, E. G.; Togan, I. (2011). Prp Gene Based
Scrapie Susceptibility in Native Turkish Sheep: Do We Need To Introduce a Breeding
Programme to Select For Resistance to Scrapie in Turkey? Sustainable Conservation of
Livestock Breeds Diversity for the Future: Impact of Globalization of Animal Breeding and the
Loss of Farm Animal Genetic Diversity - a Conflict? RBI 8th Global Conference on the
Conservation of Animal Genetic Resources, Tekirdağ / Türkiye, 4-8 OCTOBER 2011
2. Özkan, E., Özkorkmaz E. G., Uzun, B., Soysal, M.İ., Togan I. (2011). Türkiye Yerli Koyun
Irklarında Prion Protein (Prp) Gen Polimorfizminin İncelenmesi. 7. Ulusal Zootekni Bilim
Kongresi. 14-16 Eylül 2011, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana - Türkiye.
3. Özmen O. , Şeker İ., Ertuğrul, O., Özkan E. and Tekin N. (2011). Prolactin Receptor (PRLR)
Gene Polymorphism in Chios, White Karaman and Awassi sheep breeds. Archiv Tierzucht 54
(2011) 4, 381-390, ISSN 0003-9438 © Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology, Dummerstorf,
4. Ozkan, E., Soysal, M. I.; Ozder, M.; Koban, E., Sahin, C.; Togan, I. (2009) Evaluation of
Parentage Testing in The Turkish Holstein Population Based on 12 Microsatellite Loci,
Livestock Science. 124(1-3), pp. 101-106. [doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2009.01.004]. [ISSN: 18711413] [Livest. Sci.] [Monthly]
5. Oztabak, K.; Ozkan, E.; Soysal, M. I.; Paya, I.; Un, C. (2009). Detection of prion gene
promoter and intron1 indel polymorphisms in water buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis). Journal of
Animal Breeding and Genetics. 126(6), pp. 463-467.
6. Gargani, M.; Pariset, L.; Soysal, M. I.; Ozkan E.; Valentini, A. (2009). Genetic variation and
relationships among Turkish water buffalo populations. Animal Genetics, 2010
Feb;41(1):93-6. Epub 2009 Oct 2.
7. Soysal, M.I., Koban, E., Özkan, E., Altunok, V., Bulut, Z., Nizamlıoğlu, M. ve Togan, I. (2005).
Evolutionary relationship among three native and two crossbreed sheep breeds of Turkey:
preliminary results. Revue Med. Vet., 156(5): 289-293
8. Soysal, M.İ., Tuna, Y.T., Özkan, E., Gurcan, E.K., Togan, İ., Altunok, V.. (2005). A Study on
the Wool Characteristics of Several Turkish Sheep Breeds According to the Microsatellite
DNA Types. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences 8 (2): 186 - 189, 2005
9. Soysal, M.I., Özkan, E., Kök, S., Tuna, Y.T., Gurcan, E.K. (2005). Genetic Characterization of
Indigenous Anatolian Water Buffalo Breed Using Microsatellite DNA Markers. “Anadolu
Mandalarının Mikrosatellit DNA İşaretleyicileri Kullanılarak Genetik Tanımlanması”,
Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2 (3):240–244, 2005
10. Tuna, Y.T., Soysal, M. İ., Gürcan, E.K., Özkan, E. (2004). Importance of Preserving
Indigenous Animal Genetic Sources in Trakya Region of Turkey. Pakistan Journal of
Biological Science. Volume 7, Number 6, June (233 – 238) 2004
11. Soysal, M.İ., Tuna, Y.T., Gürcan, E.K., Özkan, E. (2004). Farms in Turkey: Sustainable
Development in the Preservation of Animal Genetic Resources in Turkey and in the World.
Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol.2, No.2 P: 47-54, 2004
12. Soysal, M.İ., Özkan, E., Gürcan, E.K. (2003). The Status of Native Farm Animal Genetic
Diversity in Turkiye and in the World. Trakia Journal of Sciences. Volume 1. 2003, number 3
Series Biomedical Sciences, p. 1-12. Bulgaria.
13. Soysal, M.İ., Özkan, E., Gürcan, E.K. (2003). The Usage of Genetically Modified Organisms
as a Source of Food. Journal of Animal Science, Volume XL, Number 5, 2003, 17-20p, Sofia,
14. Soysal, M. İ., Gürcan, E.K., Özkan, E. (2002). An Estimation of Lactation Yield with Several
Methods and Different Control Production Intervals and Partial Yields in Black and White
Cattle Raised in Tekirdağ. Journal of Animal Science Volume XXXIX, Number 4-5, 2002, 1316 p., Sofia, Bulgaria
15. Soysal, M.İ., Uğur, F., Gürcan, E. K., Uğraş, İ., Özkan, E. ( 2002 ). An Investigation on the
Growth Curves Describing Body Measurement Age Relationship in Saanen Goat with Linear
and Non-linear Models. Journal of Animal Science Volume XXXIX, Number 4-5, 2002, 17-20
p., Sofia, Bulgaria.
16. Soysal, M. İ., Gürcan, E.K., Özkan E. (2002). A Research on the Relationship Between
Polymorphic Blood Potassium Types and Several Wool Traits in Türkgeldi Sheep Raised in
Tekirdağ Province of Turkiye. Lucrari Stiintifice, Universitatae de Stiinte Agronomice Şi
Medicine Veterinara Bucureşti, D, Zootehnie, Vol XLV, 1 P1-94, 18-21 p., Bucureşti,
Romania 2002
17. Soysal, M. I.; Tuna, Y.T.; Gurcan, E. K.; Ozkan, E. (2001). An Investigation on Several
Characteristics of the Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Slaughtered Different Ages. Journal
of Tekirdag Agricultural Faculty 1 (1) : 9-12 -2001

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Türkiye`de Manda Yetiştiriciliği`nin Önemi

Türkiye`de Manda Yetiştiriciliği`nin Önemi 5. Soysal İ, Kök S, Gürcan EK: Mandalarda alyuvar potasyum polimorfizmi üzerine bir araştırma. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fak Derg, 2 (2):
