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Journal of
Mathematical Analysis of the Historical Economic Growth with a Search for Takeoffs from
Stagnation to Growth
Ron W. NIELSEN.…………………….................................................................................. 1
The Impact of Governance Environment on Economic Growth: The Case of Middle Eastern and
North African Countries
Noha EMARA & I-Ming CHIU..........................................................................................
Military Spending and Economic Growth in Greece and the Arms Race between Greece and Turkey
Dimitrios PAPARAS, Christian RICHTER & Alexandros PAPARAS…………………... 38
Real Effective Exchange Rates Comovements and the South African Currency
Leroi RAPUTSOANE ………...........................................................................................
The Path-Dependence Bias in Approximating Local Price Levels by CPIs
Konstantin GLUSCHENKO ………………….................................................................. 69
New Result in Consumption Theory: Change in Savings and Income Growth – Nineteen Years Later
Cheng K. WU ………………………………………………………………............................... 77
Micro Enterprise Financing in an Islamic Economic Framework: Bangladesh Perspective
M. A. Mannan CHOWDHURY & A. J. Mohammed FAROOQUE ….............................
The Relationship between Consumption and Income
Tai-Yuen HON………………………………………………………………................... 94
Causal Link between Trade, Political Instability, FDI and Economic Growth: Nigeria Evidence
Luqman O. AFOLABI……………………………………………………….................... 100
The Impact of Capital Expenditure on the Probability of Reelection of Mayors at the District Level in
Jorge Luis GUZMAN…………………………………………………………………….. 111
The Effect of Country Risk on Foreign Direct Investment: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis for
Developing Countries
Mehmet H. TOPAL & Özlem S. GÜL…………………………………………………… 141
Book Review
Marcel Boumans, Science Outside the Laboratory: Measurement in Field Science and Economics.
Attilia RUZZENE …..…..………………………………..……............................................... 156
Conference Notes
IX. European Conference on Social and Behavioral Sciences
Gül YEŞİLÇELEBİ ……………………………………………………………........................ 163
New Economics Books
Editorial………………………………………………………………………... 165
ISSN: 2149-2379
J. Econ. Bib.
Journal of Economics Library
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J. Econ. Bib., March 2016, 3(1)
Journal of Economics Library
Volume 3
March 2016
Issue 1
Table of Contents
Mathematical Analysis of the Historical Economic Growth with a Search for Takeoffs from
Stagnation to Growth
Ron W. NIELSEN.…………………….................................................................................. 1
The Impact of Governance Environment on Economic Growth: The Case of Middle Eastern and
North African Countries
Noha EMARA & I-Ming CHIU.......................................................................................... 24
Military Spending and Economic Growth in Greece and the Arms Race between Greece and Turkey
Dimitrios PAPARAS, Christian RICHTER & Alexandros PAPARAS…………………... 38
Real Effective Exchange Rates Comovements and the South African Currency
Leroi RAPUTSOANE ………...........................................................................................
The Path-Dependence Bias in Approximating Local Price Levels by CPIs
Konstantin GLUSCHENKO ………………….................................................................. 69
New Result in Consumption Theory: Change in Savings and Income Growth – Nineteen Years Later
Cheng K. WU ………………………………………………………………............................... 77
Micro Enterprise Financing in an Islamic Economic Framework: Bangladesh Perspective
M. A. Mannan CHOWDHURY & A. J. Mohammed FAROOQUE ….............................
The Relationship between Consumption and Income
Tai-Yuen HON………………………………………………………………................... 94
Causal Link between Trade, Political Instability, FDI and Economic Growth: Nigeria Evidence
Luqman O. AFOLABI……………………………………………………….................... 100
The Impact of Capital Expenditure on the Probability of Reelection of Mayors at the District Level in
Jorge Luis GUZMAN…………………………………………………………………….. 111
The Effect of Country Risk on Foreign Direct Investment: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis for
Developing Countries
Mehmet H. TOPAL & Özlem S. GÜL………………………………………………….… 141
Book Review
Marcel Boumans, Science Outside the Laboratory: Measurement in Field Science and Economics.
Attilia RUZZENE …..…..………………………………..……............................................... 156
Conference Notes
IX. European Conference on Social and Behavioral Sciences
Gül YEŞİLÇELEBİ ……………………………………………………………........................ 163
New Economics Books
Editorial………………………………………………………………………... 165
J. Econ. Bib., March 2016, 3(1)

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