Examining The Level of Humanitarian Values of Physical Education


Examining The Level of Humanitarian Values of Physical Education
Examining The Level of Humanitarian Values of Physical Education And Sports Teaching
Department Students from Different Variables
Dilek Yalız Solmaz1
Anadolu University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Eskişehir, Turkey
Human values are a basic element of human psychology. Thus human values are key to the
understanding of both individuals and social groups (Mayton, Ball-Rokeach, & Loges, 1994). Since
educating individuals that internalize main humanitarian values is among the accountabilities of the
society, the education system and the family (Ekşi, 2003), physical education and sport teacher
candidates have a significant mission. For this reason, the purposes of this article was aimed to
investigate the level of humanitarian values of Physical Education and Sports Teaching Department
students at Anadolu University in terms of gender and grade level.
The research group consists of 139 (71 male, 68 female) physical education and sports teacher
candidates. “Values Scale” developed by Dilmaç ve Arıcak (2012) is used as the data collection tool in
the study. Values scale consists of 39 items and 9 subscales. Subscales are as follows: social values
(helpfulness, modesty, social peace, courtesy, respect, right to life, responsibility, consistency,
tolerance, self-discipline), career (quality, career, reputation, education, external discipline),
intellectual (physical health, mental health, information, working, success, personal improvement),
spirituality (worship, religion, ideology, quietude), materialistic (money, property, status), human
dignity (honor, pride, fairness), romantic values (love, spouse/valentine, pleasure), freedom
(freedom/independence, culture, labor), fütüvvet (bravery) (generosity, courage). Values scale is
graded between 0 and 9 points range: 0. “not important at all”, 9. “very important”. In this study,
consequence of repeated analysis of the reliability of the scale is determined ".92", respectively. In
the data analysis, “arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test and ANOVA” were used. The
significance level is accepted as .05 during the statistical analysis.
A significant difference is not found between male and female students’ social values (p=.10), human
dignity (p=.11), romantic values (p=.72), freedom (p=.75), fütüvvet (bravery) (p=.80) score means
[p>.05]. But a significant difference is found between male and female students’ career values
(p=.03), intellectual values (p=.01), spirituality (p=.02) and materialistic values (p=.00) score means
[p<.05]. And no significant difference is found between humanitarian values levels and students’
grades [p>.05].
After the research it can be told that social values, human dignity, romantic values, freedom,
fütüvvet (bravery) levels of students does not differ in terms of gender, in other words social values,
human dignity, romantic values, freedom, fütüvvet (bravery) levels between male and female
students are at similar. According to the research made by Yılmaz (2011) have reached the same
result. But, the research concluded that women are more inclined towards having humanitarian
values in the fields of career, intellectual, spirituality and materialistic. These results obtained from
this study are similar to the results of various studies. In most research which were evaluated the
gender according to the humanitarian values of students by Eser (2012) has been observed that
women are more inclined towards having human values than men. Also, students’ humanitarian
levels do not differ in terms of student grades.
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İlişki. Yayınlanmamış̧ Yüksek Lisan Tezi. Yeditepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Üniversitesi: İstanbul.
Mayton, D. M., Ball-Rokeach, S. J., & Loges, W. E. (1994). Human values and social issues: An
introduction. Journal of Social Issues, 50(4), 1–8.
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