Personel Resume


Personel Resume
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Details and Contact Information
Address: Adana Science and Technology University
Faculty of Business, Department of Management Information System
Ziyapaşa Campus Seyhan / Adana / Turkey
Office phone :+90 322 455 00 00 (2233)
Date of Birth / Place : 08.12.1988 / Adana
Marital Status: Single
Educational Information
Master’s Degree:
Çukurova University ( 09.2011-Present )
Institute of Social Sciences, Business Administration
Degree not completed, GPA: 3.80 / 4.00
Master’s thesis is about ‘ Product Placement and Consumer
Behaviors ’
Bachelor of Science : Çukurova University ( 09.2007- 05.2011 )
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,
Department of Business Administration GPA: 3.54 / 4.00
Lazarski School of Commerce and Law (09.02.200929.06.2009) Faculty of Economics and Management
Department of Business Administration
2008-2009 Spring Term Erasmus programme (Erasmus
Exchange Student), Warsaw, Poland
English Prep School: Çukurova University ( 2006 - 2007)
High School
: Seyhan Rotary Anatolian High School (09.2002 - 06.2006)
Academic Experience
Research Assistant :Adana Science and Technology University
Faculty of Business, Department of Management Information
System - Adana, Turkey
( September 2013 - Present )
Work Experiences
Denny’s Restaurant ( Seattle-USA) : 06.2010-10.2010 (Work and Travel Programme)
Sector-Department: Restaurant-Cashier, Server
Bossa Adana 16.06.2008-11.07.2008 ( 4 weeks summer internship )
Sector-Department: Textile- Import and Domestıc Purchase
Alternatif Bank A.Ş. ( A Bank ) – Adana Branch: 03.08.2009- 31.08.2009 ( 4 weeks
summer internship )
Sector- Department : Finance - Operation
Seminars, Trainings and Courses
»Management Seminars – Investment for Youngs, Investment for Future
Çukurova Young Businessman Association (ÇUGİAD ) 03.03.2011- 05.05.2011
»Strategic and International Management Seminar
Çukurova University by Prof. Jörgen Ljung 19.04.2010 -22.04.2010
»Marketing Seminars
Koç University- Marketing Club 2010 Marketing Camp 02.04.2010-05.04.2010
»English Course – 4 month English Trainee
Turkish American Association 07.09.2009-04.01.2010
»Leadership Seminars
Young Guru Academy (YGA) - 2009
»Interview Techniques and Career Planning Seminar
Aiesec Adana Branch and Coca Cola 24.10.2008
»Russian Course – Russian Beginning Level
Kökdil School of Languages Russian Certificate 01.07.2008-30.09.2008
»Management Seminars - Career Week 2008
Aiesec Adana Branch ( Novartis, Finansbank, AvivaSa, Arzum, PBG, Dentaş, Sütaş,
Hsbc ) 14.04.2008-18.04.2008
»Microsoft Office 2003 Trainee
Platon Information Academy- Microsoft Office 2003 certificate
Çukurova University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,
Department of Business Administration
High Honor Certificate : 2010-2011 Spring and Fall Term
2007-2008 Spring and Fall Term
Honor Certificate
: 2009-2010 Spring Term
2009-2010 Fall Term
2008-2009 Fall Term
Foreign Languages
English : Upper Intermediate
Russian : Beginning
: Beginning
Computer Skills
Microsoft Office: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Fields of Interest
Marketing, Consumer Behaviors, Brand, Advertisements

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currıculum vıtae

currıculum vıtae Ziyapaşa Campus Seyhan / Adana / Turkey E-mail: Office phone :+90 322 455 00 00 (2233) Date of Birth / Place : 08.12.1988 / Adana
