
Emeritus Professor of Development Studies
Department of Development Studies
School of Oriental and African Studies,
University of London,
Thornhaugh St., London WC1H OXG
Tel: 207-898 8844
10 Ashmount Road, London
N19 3BH; Tel: 0207 272 0721
PERSONAL : Born in Istanbul,Turkey. Married.
Dual British and Turkish nationality.
Ph.D., London School of Economics and Political Science, University of
M.Sc. in Social Psychology, London School of Economics and Political
Science, University of London (awarded with distinction).
License de Psychologie (BA), University of Paris, Sorbonne (awarded
with distinction).
Lycee Notre Dame de Sion, Istanbul. French Baccalaureat.
English High School for Girls, Istanbul.
Languages :
French (all levels of communication)
Turkish (all levels of communication)
Spanish (fairly proficient)
Greek (conversational)
Italian (understand and read)
Russian (beginner)
Uzbek (conversational)
Emeritus Professor of Development Studies
Chair, Centre of Contemporary Central Asia and the Caucasus
Professor of Development Studies
2001- 2004
Chair, Centre of Contemporary Central Asia and the Caucasus
Reader, Department of Development Studies
School of Oriental and African Studies
Senior Lecturer, Department of Development Studies
School of Oriental and African Studies
1994- 1995
Senior Lecturer, Acting Director, Centre for Development Studies
School of Oriental and African Studies
1992- 1993
Lecturer, Department of Anthropology and Sociology,
School of Oriental and African Studies
1990 - 1992
Senior Lecturer and Convener, Department of Social Sciences,
Richmond College.
1988 - 1989
Division Chair, Division of Social Sciences, Richmond College.
1987- 1988
Simon Fellow, University of Manchester, Sociology Department
(Spring term).
Visiting Fellow, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex
(Autumn term).
1984- 1987
Senior Lecturer, Social Sciences Division, Richmond College.
1981- 1984
Lecturer, Social Sciences Division, Richmond College, Surrey, England.
1980- 1981
Visiting Scholar, London School of Economics and Political Science.
1978- 1980
Associate Professor, Social Sciences Department, Bogazici University,
Istanbul, Turkey.
1974- 1978
Assistant Professor, Social Sciences Department, Bogazici University,
Istanbul, Turkey.
Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Graduate
Programme in Housing Design.(Spring term ).
Visiting Professor, Sociology Department and Middle East Institute,
Columbia University, New York, USA.( Autumn term ).
1973- 1974
Director of Research, B.M. Architecture, Planning and Consultancy
Association ,Istanbul, Turkey.
Assistant Professor, Social Sciences Department, Middle East Technical
University, Ankara, Turkey.
Lecturer, Enfield College of Technology, Middlesex, England
(now Middlesex University).
Book :
Concubines, Sisters and Citizens: Identities and Social Transformation , Istanbul: Metis
Yayinlari, 1997 ( in Turkish ), p.221.
Edited books:
Fragments of culture : The everyday of modern Turkey (with Ayse Saktanber)
London: I.B. Tauris , 2002 (Introduction, pp. 1-24, Ch. 12 pp. 277-293).
Gendering the Middle East (editor), London: I.B. Tauris, 1996. ( Introduction, pp. 1-28).
Women, Islam and the State (editor), London: Macmillan 1991. (Introduction, pp. 1-21,
Ch1 pp. 22-47 ).
UN Monographs:
Women in Rural Production Systems: Problems and Policies Paris: UNESCO 1985.
Translated into Spanish as La Mujer en los Sistemas de Produccion Rural Barcelona :
Serbal/UNESCO, 1986, pp.120.
Agrarian Reform, Gender and Land Rights in Uzbekistan , Geneva: UNRISD, 2002.
Post-Soviet Institutional Design, NGOs and Rural Livelihoods in Uzbekistan, Civil
Society and Social Movements Programme Paper 11, Geneva: UNRISD, 2004.
The Politics of Gender and Reconstruction in Afghanistan, Geneva: UNRISD, 2005.
Chapters in books:
“Türkiyede Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Kadın Çalışmaları: Gelecek için geçmişe bakış”
Sancar, Serpil (ed..) Birkaç Arpa Boyu..21. yüzyıla girereken Türkiyede Feminist
Çalışmalar Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2012.
“Islam, Gender and Citizenship: Uneasy Encounters in Europe” in Hakan Yilmaz and
Cagla Aykac (eds.) Perceptions of Islam in Europe: Culture, Identity and the Muslim
‘Other’ I.B. Tauris, London and New York, 2012.
‘ Islam, Modernity and the Politics of Gender’ in Muhammed Khalid Masud, Armano
Salvatore and Martin van Bruinessen (eds) Islam and Modernity: Key Issues and
Debates Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2009.
‘The Politics of Gender and Reconstruction in Afghanistan’ in Donna Pankhurst (ed.)
Gendered peace: women’s struggles for post-war justice and reconciliation New
York, London: Routledge, 2008.
‘Political fiction meets gender myth: post-conflict reconstruction, ‘democratisation’
and women’s rights’ in A. Cornwall, E. Harrison and A. Whitehead Feminisms in
Development: Contradictions, Contestations and Challenges London: Zed Books,
2007, pp. 191-201.
“Introduction” to Germaine Tillion My Cousin, My Husband: Clans and Kinship in
Mediterranean Societies London: Saqi Books, 2007, pp. 9-17.
“Pathways of Farm Restructuring in Uzbekistan: Pressures and Outcomes” in M.
Spoor (ed.) Transition, Institutions and the Rural Sector Lanham, Maryland and
Oxford: Lexington Books, 2003: pp. 143-162.
“The Cry for Land: Agrarian Reform, Gender and Land Rights in Uzbekistan” in S.
Razavi (ed.) Agrarian Change, Gender and Land Rights , Oxford: Blackwell, 2003,
pp. 225-256.
“How far do analyses of postsocialism travel? The case of Central Asia” in C. Hann (ed.)
Postsocialism: ideals, ideologies and practices in Eurasia , London: Routledge ,2002,
pp. 238- 257.
“The Politics of Gender and the Conundrums of Citizenship” in S. Joseph and S.
Slymovics (eds.) Women and Power in the Middle East, Penn.: University of
Pennsylvania Press, 2001, pp.52-58.
“Foreword” to S. Joseph (ed.) Gender and Citizenship in the Middle East , New York:
Syracuse University Press, 2000, pp. xiii-xv.
“ The Citizenship Debate, the Crisis of the Post-Colonial State and Women’s Rights in
the Middle East” in W. Mubarak, A. Massarra and S. Joseph (eds.) The Construction of
Citizenship in Lebanon , Beirut: Lebanese American University Press, 1999, pp.43-55
(in Arabic)
"Gender, Power and Contestation: Rethinking ' Bargaining with Patriarchy' " in C.
Jackson and R.Pearson (eds) Feminist Visions of Development, London: Routledge,
1998, pp. 135-151.
“ Some Awkward Questions on Women and Modernity in Turkey” in L. Abu-Lughod
(ed.) Remaking Women: Feminism and Modernity in the Middle East New Jersey:
Princeton University Press, 1998, pp. 270-87.
“ Gendering the Modern: On missing dimensions in the study of Turkish modernity” in
S. Bozdogan and R.Kasaba (eds) Rethinking Modernity and National Identity in Turkey
Seattle: Washington University Press, 1997,pp. 113-132.
"Beyond Beijing: Obstacles and Prospects for the Middle East" in A. Afkhami and E.
Loeffler (eds) Muslim Women and the Politics of Participation, Syracuse: Syracuse
University Press, 1997,pp. 3-11.
"Women and Social Policy" in K. Griffin (ed.) Social Policy and Economic
Transformation in Uzbekistan , Turin: UNDP/ILO, 1996, pp. 129-147.
"Reflections on the Politics of Gender in Muslim Societies: From Nairobi to Beijing", in
M. Afkami (ed.) Faith and Freedom, London: I.B. Tauris, 1995,pp. 19-32.
“Patterns of Patriarchy: Notes for an Analysis of Male Dominance in Turkish Society"
in Women in Modern Turkish Society ed. S. Tekeli, London: Zed Books,1995, pp. 306318.
"The paradoxes of masculinity : some thoughts on segregated societies", in Dislocating
Masculinity: Comparative Ethnographies, eds. A. Cornwall and N.Lindisfarne, London:
Routledge, 1994, pp.197-213.
"Women, Islam and the State : A Comparative Approach", in Comparing Muslim
Societies, ed. J.R. Cole, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1992, pp.237-260.
“End of Empire: Islam, Nationalism and Women in Turkey” in D. Kandiyoti (ed.)
Women, Islam and the State , London: Macmillan 1991, pp. 22-47 (reprinted in R.
Lewis and S. Mills (eds) Feminist Postcolonial Theory: A Reader Edinburgh: Edinburgh
University Press, 2003, pp. 263-284).
"Islam and Patriarchy: A comparative perspective", in Women in Middle Eastern
History, eds. N. Keddie and B. Baron, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991, pp. 2342.
"Patriarchalische Muster: Notizen zu einer Analyse der Mannerherrschaft in der
turkischen Gessellschaft" in Aufstand im Haus der Frauen, A. Neusel, S. Tekeli and M.
Akkent (eds.), Berlin: Orlanda Frauenverlag, 1991,pp. 315-331.
"Women and Household Production: The Impact of Rural Transformation in Turkey", in
The Rural Middle East, eds. K. and P. Glavanis, London : Zed Press, 1989, pp. 183-194.
"Women as Metaphor: The Turkish Novel from the Tanzimat to the Republic", in The
State, Urban Crisis and Social Movements in the Middle East and North Africa, ed. K.
Brown et. al. Paris: L'Harmattan 1989, pp. 52-68.
"Women and the Turkish State : Political Actors or Symbolic Pawns?", in WomanNation-State, eds. N. Yuval-Davis and F. Anthias, London: Macmillan, 1989, pp. 126149.
"From Empire to Nation State: Transformations of the Woman Question in Turkey", in
Retrieving Women's History, ed. J. Klineberg, Oxford: Berg/UNESCO, 1988,pp. 219140.
"Rural Women as Objects of Development Policies", in Peasants and Peasant Societies,
ed. T. Shanin, Oxford: Blackwell, 1987, 2nd. edition, pp.444-48.
"Continuity and Change in Family Structure: A Comparative Analysis", in Family in
Turkish Society, ed. T. Erder, Turkish Social Sciences Association, Ankara, 1985,pp. 2341.
"Rural Transformation in Turkey and its Implications for Women's Status", in Women on
the Move: Contemporary Changes in Family and Society, Paris: UNESCO, 1984, pp.
"Urban Change and Women's Roles : An Overview and Evaluation", in Sex Roles,
Family and Community in Turkey, ed. C. Kagitcibasi, Indiana University Press, 1982,pp.
"Dimensions of Psycho-Social Change in Women: An Intergenerational Comparison", in
Women in Turkish Society, ed. N. Abadan-Unat with the collaboration of Deniz
Kandiyoti and Mubeccel Kiray, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1981, pp. 233-58.
"Social Change and Family Structure in a Turkish Village", in Mediterranean Kinship,
ed. J. Peristiany, American Universities Field Staff Inc., Rome, 1976, pp. 61-72.
Articles in journals:
“The travails of the secular: puzzle and paradox in Turkey” Economy and Society Vol.
41, No.4, 2012, pp.513-531.
“Gender and Women’s Studies in Turkey: a moment for reflection?” New
Perspectives on Turkey No. 43, Fall 2010 pp.165-176.
“The Politics of Gender and the Soviet Paradox: Neither Colonized nor Modern?”
Central Asian Survey Vol. 26, No. 4, 2007, pp. 601-624.
“Post-Soviet institutional design and the paradoxes of the ‘Uzbek path’” Central
Asian Survey Vol. 26, No. 1, 2007. 2007, pp. 31-48.
“Between the Hammer and the Anvil: Post-conflict reconstruction, Islam and
Women’s Rights” Third World Quarterly Vol. 28 , No. 3, 2007, pp. 503-517.
“Old Dilemmas or New Challenges? The Politics of Gender and Reconstruction in
Afghanistan” Development and Change Vol. 38, no. 2, 2007, pp. 169-199.
“Reflections” Development and Change 37(6) 2006,pp: 1347–1354
“Uzbekistan: beyond survival” Le Monde diplomatique June 2005, p. 5
“The communal and the sacred: women’s world of ritual in Uzbekistan” The Journal of
the Royal Anthropological Institute Vol. 10, No.2, 2004 pp. 327-349.
“The Cry for Land: Agrarian Reform, Gender and Land Rights in Uzbekistan”
Journal of Agrarian Change , Vol. 3, No. 1 and 2, 2003: pp. 225-256.
“Nationalism and the Colonial Legacy in the Middle East and Central Asia:
Introduction” (with Juan Cole) International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol.34,
No.2, 2002: 189-203.
“Postcolonialism Compared: Potentials and Limitations in the Middle East and Central
Asia” International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol.34, No.2, 2002,pp. 279-297.
“The awkward relationship: gender and nationalism” Guest Editor’s introduction,
Special issue on ‘Gender and Nationalism’ Nations and Nationalism, Vol. 6, No.4,
“Poverty in Transition: An Ethnographic Critique of Household Surveys in Post-Soviet
Central Asia” Development and Change Vol 30, No.3, 1999,pp.499-524.
“ Rural Livelihoods and Social Networks in Uzbekistan: Perspectives from Andijan”,
special issue on ‘Market Reforms, Social Dislocations and Survival in Post-Soviet
Central Asia ‘Central Asian Survey, Vol. 17, No.4, 1998, pp. 561-578.
"Modernization without the market? The case of the 'Soviet East'" Economy and Society
Vol.25,No.4, 1996, pp. 529-42 (reprinted in A. Arce and N. Long (eds.) Anthropology,
Development and Modernities , London: Routledge,2000,pp. 52-64.)
"Identity and Its Discontents: Women and the Nation", Millenium, Vol.20, No.3, 1991,
pp. 429-443 ( reprinted in Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory eds. L.
Chisman and P. Williams , Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1993 ).
"Women, Islam and the State", Middle East Report, Vol.21, No.6, 1991, 185-194
( reprinted in Political Islam eds. J. Beinin and J. Stork, Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1997 ).
"Women and Rural Development Policies: The Changing Agenda", Development and
Change, Vol. 21, 1990, pp. 5-22 ( reprinted in The Political Economy of Development
and Underdevelopment, K. Jameson et. al. (eds.), McGraw-Hill, 5th and 6th editions ).
"Slavegirls, Temptresses and Comrades: Images of Women in the Turkish Novel",
Feminist Issues, Vol.8, No.1, 1988,pp. 35-50 ( reprinted in Persian in Nimeye-Digar,
no.9, Spring 1989.)
"Bargaining with Patriarchy", Gender & Society, Vol 2, No. 3, 1988, pp. 274-290. (
reprinted in The Social Construction of Gender, eds. J. Lorber and S.A. Farell, Newbury
Park, Calif: Sage, 1990 ; in eds. Visvanathan et. al. Reader in Women, Gender and
Development , London: Zed, 1997; in ed. N. Holmstrom The Socialist Feminist Project:
A Contemporary Reader in Theory and Politics, New York: Monthly Review Press,
2002, pp. 137-151 ; in ed. C. R.McCann and S. Kim Feminist Theory Reader New York
and London, Routledge, 2013, pp.98-106).
"Emancipated but Unliberated? Reflections on the Turkish Case", Feminist Studies, Vol.
13, No. 2, 1987, pp. 317-338.
"Economie Monetaire et Roles des Sexes: Le cas de la Turquie", Current Sociology (
Sociologie Contemporaine), Vol. 31, No.1 Spring 1983, pp. 213-229 ( reprinted in
Femmes et Developpement, ed. M. Eliou, EADI: Tilburg, 1983.)
"Islam e politiche nationali: Rifflessioni sulla Turchia", Nuova Donna, Woman, Femme,
No. 22, 1982, pp.33-54.
"Social Change and Women's Place", Bogazici University Journal, Vols. 4-5, 197677,pp.49-61.
"Characteristics of Industrial Workers in the Istanbul-Izmit Complex", Turkiye ve Orta
Dogu Amme Idaresi Enstitusu Dergisi, Vol. 10, No. 1, March 1977, pp. 83-97 ( in
"Some Implications of Social Change for Housing Design : A Case Study from Turkey",
M.E.T.U Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, Vol.3, No.1, Spring 1977, pp. 101-116.
"Sex Roles and Social Change: A Comparative Appraisal of Turkey's Women", Signs,
Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring 1977,pp. 57-73 ( reprinted in Women and National Development;
The Complexities of Change, ed. Wellesley Editorial Committee, Chicago University
Press, 1977.)
"Social Change and Social Stratification in a Turkish Village", Journal of Peasant
Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1974,pp. 209-219, pp. 209-219.
"Some Social-Psychological Dimensions of Social Change in a Turkish Village", British
Journal of Sociology, Vol. 25, No. 1, March 1974, pp. 47-62.
"Social-Psychological Dimensions of Social Change in a Turkish Village", M.E.T.U
Studies in Development, No. 4, 1972, pp.34-48.
Main Review articles :
Hemment, Julie. Empowering Women in Russia: Activism, Aid and NGOs.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press, Russian Review(forthcoming).
Afsaneh Najmabadi Women with Mustaches and Men Without Beards: Gender and
Sexual Anxieties of Iranian Modernity, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of
California Press, 2005 reviewed in Social History, Vol. 31, No.2, May 2006:226-27.
James C. Scott, Seeing Like a State :How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human
Condition Have Failed, New Haven, CT and London: Yale University Press, 1998,
reviewed in Journal of Peasant Studies , Vol. 27, No. 4, 2000:179-182.
J. Falkingham, Household Welfare in Central Asia , London: Macmillan, 1997
reviewed in Central Asian Survey , Vol. 16, No.4, 1997:627-28.
M. Tokhtahodjaeva, Between the Slogans of Communism and the Laws of Islam Lahore:
Shirkat Gah, 1995, reviewed in Central Asian Survey, Vol. 16, No.4, 1997:624-26.
A. Duben and C. Behar, Istanbul Households : Marriage family and fertility, 1880-1940,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991, Gender and History, Vol.5, No.3, 1993:
L.Ahmed, Women and Gender in Islam, New Haven : Yale University Press, 1992, in
Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 22, No. 5, 1993 : 688-89.
L. Beneria and M. Roldan, The Crossroads of Class and Gender Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1987; S.P. Joekes, Women in the World Economy Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1987; G. Sen and C. Grown, Development, Crises and Alternative
Visions New York: Monthly Review Press, 1987. Reviewed in Signs Summer 1989.
B. Agarwal ed., Structures of Patriarchy : The State, The Community and the Household
London: Zed Books, 1988; reviewed in The Journal of Peasant Studies, July 1990.
M. Mies, Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale, London: Zed Books, 1986;
reviewed in Work Employment & Society, Spring 1987.
L. Beck and N. Keddie eds., Women in the Muslim World, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1978; reviewed in Sociology and Social Research, vol. 64, 1979.
Service on professional boards and associations
Chair-Elect, RC 32 on Women in Society, International Sociological Association, (19801982).
Chair, Research Committee 32 on Women in Society, International Sociological
Association (1982-1986).
Executive Committee and Research Co-ordinating Council of the International
Sociological Association (1986 - 1990).
Programme Committee, International Sociological Association ( 1994-1998 ).
Joint Committee on the Comparative Study of Muslim Societies, Social Science
Research Council ( 1991-1993 ).
Joint Committee on the Near and Middle East, Social Science Research Council
( 1993- 1996).
Middle East Regional Advisory Panel, Social Science Research Council,
( 1996- 1999).
Board member, Eurasian Comittee, OSI
Editorial board membership:
Guest editor, Open Democracy, Gender Politics Religion (current)
Editor-in-chief, Central Asian Survey (current)
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society (1975-1993).
International Advisory Editor, Gender and Society ( current )
Associate Editor, International Sociology ( current )
Cambridge Middle East Library, Cambridge University Press ( 1993-1997 )
International Journal of Middle East Studies (1997-2005 )
Central Asian Survey ( 1998-2006 )
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East ( current )
Feminist Economics ( 2001-2006 )
Nations and Nationalism ( current )
Middle East Report
ISIM Book series on Contemporary Muslim Societies (2007-2008).
Journal of Peasant Studies (current)
Member of Advisory Group for UNRISD project on “ Religion, Politics and Gender
Equality”, UNRISD, 2007-2009.
Advisor and peer reviewer on Political Economy Study entitled ‘Understanding
Afghanistan’, DFID, April-May, 2008.
International consultant, UNIFEM, Kabul “Socio-economic needs assessment of women
in Afghanistan” August 2002- December 2003.
Social Development Research and Capacity project, Department for International
Development, joint SOAS/ CDS Swansea team, consultant for Uzbekistan , 1998-2001.
Consultant to UNESCO, “Women, Intangible Heritage and Development”, JuneOctober, 2001.
Main consultant, ‘Women in Public Life’ Regional Consultation for Central Asia,
OSCE/ODIHR and RBEC/UNDP, Tashkent, June 16-18, 1998.
British Council sponsored Higher Education Link project with the Middle East
Technical University, Ankara, and Baku State University and UNDP, GID unit in
Azerbaijan for the development of curricular materials and exchange in gender studies
( 1996-98).
Consultant to UNDP, Tashkent, on evaluation and upgrading of data sources for Gender
and Development, November, 1996.
Consultant to UNESCO, World Commission on Culture and Development, March 1995.
Member of the UNDP/ILO Social Policy Review mission to Uzbekistan, 25 March- 22
April, 1995.
International Research Consultant appointed by the British Council to the Directorate
General for the Status and Problems of Women, Turkey, Women's Employment
Promotion Project, World Bank ( 1994--98 ).
Principal Evaluator and author of Impact Evaluation ( Category III Evaluation) of
Study and Research Programmes on the Status of Women (Sub-programme VI.4.4 :
Research, training and international co-operation concerning the status of women)Paris:
UNESCO, July 1987.
UNESCO Population Division, October-December 1980
Report: A Review and Evaluation of Thirteen Country Studies conducted within the
framework of the Programme on Socio-Demographic Trends in Relation to
Development (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Bangladesh, Republic of
Korea, Thailand, Greece, Romania, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia).
Consultant, Smithsonian Institution, Interdisciplinary Communication Program,
Washington, D.C. (1976). Editor of report on Impact of Planned Urbanisation on
Population Dynamics: The Case of East Marmara Region.
Consultant to the Municipality of Izmit on low- cost housing project (1974-1975):
Co-ordinator of participatory planning project involving the BM research team. Author
of Izmit New Settlements Feasibility Report.
Director of Research and Consultant for BM Planning, Architecture and Consultancy
Association, Istanbul (1973-74 ).
Responsible for large scale social survey on housing needs of blue-collar workers in the
greater Istanbul area. Co-odinator of feasibility study on low-cost urban housing
involving a team of architects, planners, civil engineers, economists and statisticians.
Research grants:
MEAwards of the Population Council (Ford Foundation supported grant to carry out a
research project in collaboration with H. Bolak, University of California in Santa Cruz,
‘Rural Domestic Economy and Female Labour Supply in Uzbekistan ‘DFID, ESCOR
grant no. R6978 ( October 1997- March 1999 ).
‘Agrarian reform, gender and Land Rights in Uzbekistan’ UNRISD grant ( March 2000August 2001)
‘Islam and the politics of gender: state, society and modernity in Central Asia and
Afghanistan’ Leverhulme Fellowship (September 2006-August 2007).
Selected Invited Lectures and Honours:
1980 Summer term, Distinguished Visitor of Year, Centre of Near and Middle East,
University of Berkeley in California (invited lectures at U.C. Berkeley, Los Angeles and
Davis ).
1984, October, Distinguished Scholar, Brown University, Pembroke Centre for
Teaching and Research on Women ( public lectures at Berkeley, Oregon and Oregon
State Universities ).
1990, October, Public lecture at the University of California, Davis ( co-sponsored by
the Centre for Comparative Research in History Society and Culture, Women’s Studies
and the Critical Theory Program )
1993 Visiting Scholar of the Middle East Studies Association
( Keynote address at the 1993 Annual Meeting, followed by lectures at Harvard, Tufts
and Columbia Universities ).
1996 Award of title of Distinguished Scientist, Turkish Academy of Science
1998 ,February, Lecture at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, ( co-sponsored by
the Centre for Russian and East European Studies,Centre for Middle Eastern and North
African Studies and the Department of Anthropology ).
1999 Campagna-Kerven lecture on modern Turkey , University of Boston
2001, April, Distinguished Visiting Professor, American University in Cairo.
2002, June, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Public debate keynote; “Whither
Gender Beyond Development?”
2006 March , Institute of Development Studies ‘Icons and Iconoclasts’
2006 April Distinguished Visiting Professor, American University in Cairo
2010 June Carl Heinrich Becker lecture, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
2011 Turmoil in the Arab World: Is the Genie of Democracy out of the bottle?
Intelligence Squared February 15th, 2011
2013 Women and Power in the Middle East, 30 April, Chatham House, London,

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Bibliography Kakınç, Tarık Dursun. Gün Döndü. İstanbul: Köprü Yayınları, 1974. Kandiyoti, Deniz. “Slave Girls, Temptresses and Comrades: Images of Women in the Turkish Novel.”, Feminist Issues 8, no. 1 (...


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