yurtdişi yatirimlar i̇ş konseyi̇ outbound investments


yurtdişi yatirimlar i̇ş konseyi̇ outbound investments
Yurtdışı Yatırımların Mevzuat ve Finansmanı
Regulation & Finance of Outbound Investments
Kayıt/ Registration
Açılış / Opening Session
Volkan Kara İş Konseyi Başkanı, Chairman of Business Council
Aisha Williams ,IFC Ülke Müdürü , IFC Country Manager
Contractual Risk Mitigation: Energy & Infrastructure Investments in Africa
Kontrat Bazlı Risklerin Yönetimi: Afrika Enerji ve Taahhüt Yatırımları
Tim Scales, Partner Allen&Overy LLP, Head of Africa Group
Kahve Arası / Cofee Break
10:45-11:45 IFC Finansman Politikaları & Prosedürleri / IFC Financing Policies&Procedures
İmalat Sektörü / Manufacturing Sector
Dilara Culhuk, IFC Principal Investment Officer
Altyapı ve Taahhüt Sektörü / Infrastructure Sector
Sevgi Seçkiner , IFC Principal Investment Officer,
Sofya Babinskaya, IFC Associate Investment Officer
21 Ocak (January) 2016
@Taksim, Ceylan
Intercontinental Hotel
LCV: Barış Sazak,
Yeni Sermaye İhraç Mevzuatı ve Dış Yatırımların Kamu Projeksiyonu
New Capital Export Regulation & Public Sector Projection of Outbound FDI
Cengiz Gürsel, Genel Müdür Yardımcısı-Ekonomi Bakanlığı
Deputy General Manager-Ministry of Economy
İngilizce-Türkçe tercüme sağlanacaktır
English-Turkish translation will be provided
Konuşmacılar / Speakers
Aisha Williams
IFC Country Manager |
Volkan Kara
Chairman |
DEIK Outbound
Investments Business
Cengiz Gürsel
Ekonomi Bakanlığı,
Serbest Bölgeler,
Yurtdışı Yatırım ve
Hizmetler Genel Müdür
Yardımcısı | Ankara
Dilara Culhuk
IFC Principal
Investment Officer |
Copyright © 2015 by DEIK. All rights reserved.
Mrs Williams oversees IFC’s program in Turkey and manages the day-to-day operations for the Istanbul Operations
Center, IFC’s hub for the EMENA region and the corporation’s largest office outside of Washington, DC. Mrs Williams
joined the IFC in 2005 as an investment officer in the Telecom, Media and Technology Department, where she led
several landmark transactions including IFC largest infrastructure investment in Iraq, Afghanistan and East Africa. In
2010, she relocated to Istanbul. As Special Assistant to the VP for EMENA, her portfolio included contributing to the
design and implementation of the Istanbul Operations Center and supporting the development of IFC’s corporate and
EMENA regional strategies. Prior to joining IFC, she worked in McKinsey & Co Chicago Office, specializing in financial
institutions. She holds an MSc in Development Economics from Oxford University, an MBA from Kellogg School of
Management and a B.A. from Princeton University. Aisha is a dual citizen of the United States and Trinidad & Tobago.
Volkan Kara graduated from Robert College and holds BS degree from Istanbul Technical University Mechanical
Engineering Department. He has MBA degree from North Carolina University Kenan-Flagler Business School in USA.
He worked in Dell Computers, A.T. Kearney and SAB Miller in USA. After joining Sabanci Holding in 2008; he worked as
the Director of Strategy & Business Development Department and senior executive roles in Energy, Insurance and Retail
Groups in addition to board memberships in several Sabanci Holding companies till 2015. He is now working in Bain&Co
Istanbul Office as partner. Mr. Kara has been the Chairman of DEIK Outbound Investments Business Council since
Mr. Gürsel was born in Ankara in 1969. He graduated from Faculty of Political Science in Ankara University in 1991, and
got M.A degree from same faculty in 1995. In 1994, Mr Gürsel joined Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Undersecretary
of Foreign Trade. He worked at General Directorate of Agreements and Imports. In 2005, Mr Gürsel was appointed as
Commercial Counselor of Tblisi, Georgia. Between 2008-2010 he worked in executive roles Finance Department and EU
Department in the Undersecretary. He has been working as Deputy General Manager of Free Zones, Overseas
Investments and Services Directorate till 2011. Mr Gürsel is married with two children.
Dilara Cuhruk Eliguzeloglu is a Principal Investment Officer with IFC’s Manufacturing, Agribusiness and Services
Department in EMENA (Europe, Middle East and North Africa) based in Istanbul, Turkey. Her primary focus has been
the manufacturing sector and IFC’s portfolio in Turkey. Prior to joining IFC, Dilara worked as a credit and equity research
professional at Kocbank and Koc Securities. She holds a B.Sc. Degree in Economics from the Middle East Technical
University and a Master’s degree in Finance from the University of Chicago.
Konuşmacılar / Speakers
Sevgi Seçkiner
IFC Principal
Investment Officer |
Sofya Babinskaya
IFC Associate
Investment Officer |
Tim Scales
Partner, Allen&Overy
LLP, Head of Africa
| London
Copyright © 2015 by DEIK. All rights reserved.
Sevgi Seckiner is currently a Principal Investment Officer in the Infrastructure EMENA department of the IFC, leading
the power and renewables sector in the region. Mrs. Seckiner joined the IFC in 2006, and has been involved in several
power and renewables transactions in Southern Europe, Caucasus, North Africa and Latin America. Mrs. Seckiner has
over 16 years of banking experience in debt capital markets, project finance and equity investments, including financing
of infrastructure projects in several countries for the past 8 years. Mrs. Seckiner holds a Bachelor of Science degree in
Civil Engineering with a specialization in Water Resources from Middle East Technical University and an MBA from
Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey. Prior to joining IFC, she was at ABN AMRO, where she held several positions in
the corporate banking and debt capital markets departments for 8 years.
Sofya Babinskaya is an Associate Investment Officer in the Infrastructure department, IFC. Sofya joined IFC in 2010 and
has been working across various infrastructure sectors including power, municipal infrastructure, utilities and
transportation in Russia, Georgia, Turkey, Balkans and Central Asia. Prior to IFC Sofya worked in a railway company
and commercial banking. Sofya holds Master degree in finance from Moscow State University.
Tim Scales heads Allen & Overy’s Africa Group and has been working day-to-day on projects in Africa for nearly two
decades. He has extensive experience of project development and finance in the power (including renewables), oil &
gas, petrochemical, telecoms, mining and other industrial sectors and particular experience of multi-lateral, development
finance institution and export credit agency backed financings. Tim is recognised as a leading lawyer in the field of
African Energy & Projects, recommended by both Chambers and IFLR1000. Partner since 2003, Tim has relocated to
London after spending a number of years in A&O’s Paris office.
Paydaşlar / Partners
Outbound Investments Business Council
was established in 2011 under the umbrella
of DEİK as a working group which included
major Turkish investor companies worldwide.
The working group was transformed into a
Business Council and started its activity
officially in January 2013. The Business
Council’s vision is to understand dynamics,
expectations and needs of the Turkish
private sector in conducting its foreign
investment policy and to provide effective
coordination with public and private
Dış Ekonomik İlişkiler Kurulu (DEİK)
River Plaza, Büyükdere Caddesi, Bahar Sk
No: 13, Kat 10 34394, Levent
Telefon: (+90) (212) 339 50 00
Fax : (+90) (212) 270 30 92
E-mail: sim@deik.org.tr
Allen & Overy is a multinational law firm
headquartered in London. A member of the UK's
Magic Circle of leading law firms, Allen & Overy is
widely considered to be one of the world's elite
law firms, advising national and multinational
corporations, financial institutions, and
governments. Since its founding in 1930, Allen &
Overy has grown to become one of the largest
law firms in the world, both by number of lawyers
and revenue. With approximately over 5,000 staff
including over 500 partners in 46 offices
worldwide, the firm provides legal advice in
Europe, the Americas, Asia, Australia, Africa and
the Middle East. Istanbul office is led by banking
and projects partner Charles Lindsay who is
supported by banking and projects senior
associate Joe Clinton, and banking associate
George Chrysospathis. Through our association
with local law firm Gedik & Eraksoy, we also
provide our domestic and international clients
with Turkish law advice across the full range of
Telephone:+ 90 212 371 2900
Mail: Allen&Overy-TR@AllenOvery.com
Address: River Plaza, Floor 17
Büyükdere Caddesi, Bahar Sokak No. 13
TR-34394 Levent,Istanbul, Turkey
Copyright © 2015 by DEIK. All rights reserved.
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is
the largest global development institution focused
exclusively on the private sector. IFC helps
developing countries achieve sustainable growth by
financing investment, mobilizing capital in
international financial markets, and providing
advisory services to businesses and governments.
IFC is a member of the World Bank Group (WBG)
which aims to end extreme poverty by 2030 and to
boost shared prosperity for the bottom 40 percent in
developing countries. Established in 1956, IFC is
headquartered in Washington, D.C. Working with
more than 2,000 businesses worldwide, IFC uses its
capital, expertise, and influence, to create
opportunity where it’s needed most. In Fiscal Year
2015, IFC’s long-term investments in developing
countries rose to nearly $18 billion, helping the
private sector play an essential role in the global
effort to end extreme poverty and boost shared
prosperity. For more information, visit
Büyükdere Cad. No: 185, Kanyon Ofis Bloğu Kat
Levent, 34394 Istanbul
Tel.: (90-212) 385-3000
Fax: (90-212) 385-3001
Dış Ekonomik İlişkiler Kurulu (DEİK)
River Plaza Büyükdere Caddesi, Bahar Sokak
No: 13/9-10, 34394 Levent/ İstanbul-Türkiye
Telefon :+90 212 339 50 00
:+90 212 270 30 92
: info@deik.org.tr
Dış Ekonomik İlişkiler Kurulu (DEİK) 637 sayılı Ekonomi Bakanlığı’nın Teşkilat ve Görevleri Hakkında Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamenin 36. maddesinin 2.
fıkrası (12 Eylül 2014) kapsamında 1986 yılından beri Türk özel sektörünün küresel ekonomiye yüksek katma değerli entegrasyonuna ilişkin faaliyetlerini
sürdüren bir iş dünyası kuruluşudur. Bu çalışma ile ilgili olan/olmayan her türlü resmi yazışma için adres yukarıdaki gibidir.