Publications - Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und


Publications - Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und
Dr. iur. Duygu Damar, LL.M. (Istanbul Bilgi)
Senior Research Fellow
Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law
Mittelweg 187, 20148 Hamburg
as of 2 December 2015
Turkey, in: Marc Huybrechts / Eric Van Hooydonk (Eds), International Encyclopaedia of
Laws: Transport Law (looseleaf edition), Kluwer Law International, Alphen aan den Rijn
2013 (jointly with Kerim Atamer) - published also as a monograph “Transport Law in
Turkey”, Wolters Kluwer, Alphen aan den Rijn 2013 (2nd edn forthcoming)
Recent Developments in the Law of the Sea, LIT Verlag, Hamburg 2010, VIII, 244
pages (Assistant editor) (Eds: Rainer Lagoni / Peter Ehlers / Marian Paschke)
Deniz Hukuku Dergisi, yıl: 6-7 (2001-2002), sayı: 1-4 [Maritime Law Journal, Year:
6-7 (2001-2002), Issues: 1-4] (Editorial contribution)
Deniz Hukuku Dergisi, yıl: 8 (2003), sayı: 1-4 [Maritime Law Journal, Year: 8 (2003),
Issues: 1-4] (Editorial contribution)
Hukuki Perspektifler Dergisi, yıl: 2005, sayı: 4 [Legal Perspectives Journal, Year:
2005, Issue: 4] (Editorial contribution)
Wilful Misconduct in International Transport Law (Springer Verlag, Heidelberg,
Hamburg Studies on Maritime Affairs, V. 22, 2011), XXII, 316 pp. (Diss. Hamburg)
o Cited by the Canadian Supreme Court in Peracomo Inc v Telus
Communications Co, 2014 SCC 29
Flag, in: Jürgen Basedow/et al. (Eds), European Encyclopedia of Private International
Law (forthcoming)
Transport Law (Uniform Law), in: Jürgen Basedow/et al. (Eds), European
Encyclopedia of Private International Law (forthcoming)
National Report – Turkey, in: Jürgen Basedow/et al. (Eds), European Encyclopedia of
Private International Law (forthcoming)
Deniz Ticareti Hukuku Bibliyografyası [Bibliography on Maritime Law], in: Kerim
Atamer / Cüneyt Süzel (Eds), Yeni Deniz Ticareti Hukuku’nun Kaynakları [Sources
of the New Maritime Law], V. 1, Istanbul 2013, pp. 765-934 (jointly with Cüneyt
Süzel, M. Barış Günay and Kerim Atamer)
Konişmentolara İlişkin Bazı Kuralların Birleştirilmesine Dair 25 Ağustos 1924 tarihli
Milletlerarası Sözleşme'nin, 23 Şubat 1968 ve 21 Aralık 1979 tarihli Protokoller
Uyarınca Değiştirilmiş Metni - Açıklamalar [Explanatory Notes to the International
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Bills of Lading, 25 August
1924, as amended by the Protocols of 1968 and 1979], in: Kerim Atamer / Cüneyt
Süzel (Eds), Yeni Deniz Ticareti Hukuku’nun Kaynakları [Sources of the New
Maritime Law], V. 1, Istanbul 2013, pp. 206-246 (jointly with Cüneyt Süzel)
Carrier’s Liability for Passengers, Baggage and Cargo, in: Kerim Atamer / Duygu
Damar (Eds), Transport Law in Turkey, Wolters Kluwer, Alphen aan den Rijn 2013,
pp. 149-175
Multimodal Transport, in: Kerim Atamer / Duygu Damar (Eds), Transport Law in
Turkey, Wolters Kluwer, Alphen aan den Rijn 2013, pp. 275-279
Außervertragliche Haftung und Haftungsbeschränkung im Seehandelsrecht - Ein
Vergleich zwischen türkischem Handelsgesetzbuch und deutschem Referentenentwurf
[Tort Liability and Limitation of Liability in Maritime Law – A Comparison between
the Turkish Commercial Code and the German Draft Bill], in: Turkish Maritime Law
Association / Deutscher Verein für Internationales Seerecht (Eds), Recent
Developments in Maritime Law, Istanbul 2012, pp. 33-47 [Extended version of the
presentation held at the conference “Reform des Seehandelsrechts – Der
Referentenentwurf des Bundesministeriums Justiz” (Reform of the Maritime Law –
the Draft Bill of the Ministry of Justice), Hamburg, 25 August 2011]
İpotekli Geminin Mülkiyetinin Devri [Transfer of Title of a Mortgaged Ship], in: Prof.
Dr. Belgin Erdoğmuş’a Armağan [Liber Amicorum Prof. Dr. Belgin Erdoğmuş], Der
Yayınları, Istanbul 2011, pp. 589-626
Gemi Niteliğinde Olmayan Deniz Araçları ve Çatma [Vessels without Ship
Qualification and Liability in Case of a Collision], in: Prof. Dr. Rona Serozan’a
Armağan [Liber Amicorum Prof. Dr. Rona Serozan], XII Levha, Istanbul 2010, pp.
Compulsory Insurance in International Maritime Conventions, in: Peter Ehlers /
Rainer Lagoni (Eds), Responsibility and Liability in the Maritime Context, Hamburg
2009; pp. 107-148; and also in: Journal of International Maritime Law 2009, 151-168
Enforcement of the Law of the Sea Rules in the Context of Port State Control – The
European Approach –, in: Peter Ehlers / Rainer Lagoni (Eds), Enforcement of
International Law and EU Law in Maritime Affairs, Hamburg 2008, pp. 11-45
The CMI/IACS Initiative to Unify Rules on the Liability of Classification Societies,
in: Liber Amicorum Uğur Alacakaptan, V. 2, Istanbul 2008, pp. 71-86 (jointly with
Kerim Atamer)
Milletlerarası Taşıma Hukukunda “Wilful Misconduct” -Kavramın Tarihçesi ve
Tercümesi-, Prof. Dr. Sevin Toluner’e Armağan, Milletlerarası Hukuk ve
Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni, yıl: 24 (2004), S. 1-2, s. 379-393; [“Wilful
Misconduct” in International Transport Law -Historical Background of the Concept
and Proposal for Translation into Turkish-, Issue in Honour of Prof. Dr. Sevin
Toluner, Public and Private International Law Bulletin, Year: 24 (2004), Issues: 1-2,
pp. 379-393]
European and Turkish Private International Law – Background and Methodology,
(2015) 3/1 Kadir Has Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 93-104
Recklessness with Knowledge, CMI Yearbook 2014, pp. 380-383
internationalen Privatrecht [The Rise of Maritime Liens according to Turkish Material and
Private International Law], RdTW 2014, 468-471
Limitation of Liability without Insurance Benefit [Comments on the Peracomo Inc. v.
Telus Communications Co.], [2014] LMCLQ 447-454
Statut dinglicher Sicherheiten nach türkischem internationalen Privatrecht [Applicable
Law to in rem Securities according to Turkish Private International Law], RIW 2014,
Neues türkisches Handels- und Transportrecht [The New Turkish Commercial and
Transport Law], TranspR 2013, 178-191
Reform des Privatrechts in der Türkei [Private Law Reform in Turkey], InfoBrief
DTJV 2012/2, 33
Die „Costa Concordia“ ist auf den Felsen aufgelaufen – auch das Recht auf
Haftungsbeschränkung? [„Costa Concordia“ Hit the Rocks – Also the Right to Limit
Liability?], VuR 2012, 287-294
Zwei Systeme – zwei Begriffe: Kaufmännisches Unternehmen im türkischen und
Handelsgewerbe im deutschen Handelsrecht [Two Systems – Two Notions:
Commercial Enterprise in Turkish and Commercial Business in German Commercial
Law], ZVglRwiss 111 (2012), 191-232
Breaking the Liability Limits in Multimodal Transport, 36 Tul. Mar. L.J. 659-683
Aspekte [German-Turkish Succession Agreement: Aspects regarding Civil Procedure
law and Conflict of Laws], IPRax 2012, 278-281
Türkisches Zivil-, Handels- und Kollisionsrecht im Zeichen der Modernisierung –
Reform- und Systemfragen [Modernisation of Turkish Civil, Commercial and Private
International Law –Reform and System Issues], Zeitschrift für europäisches
Privatrecht 2011, 617-635 (jointly with Hannes Rösler)
Compulsory Insurance in International Maritime Conventions, Journal of International
Maritime Law 2009, 151-168, also in: Peter Ehlers / Rainer Lagoni (Eds.),
Responsibility and Liability in the Maritime Context, Hamburg 2009; pp. 107-148
Konişmentodan Çarter Partiye Atıfla Tahkim Sözleşmesinin Kurulması Meselesi ve
Türk Ticaret Kanunu Tasarısı Hükmünün Değerlendirilmesi, İstanbul Üniversitesi
Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, yıl: 2006, sayı: 2, s. 247-271 [Formation of an Arbitration
Contract by Incorporation Clauses on the Bills of Lading and the Relevant Provision
in the Draft Turkish Commercial Code, Istanbul University Faculty of Law Journal,
year: 2006, issue: 2, pp. 247-271]
Alman Deniz Ticareti Hukukunda Son 50 Yılda Yaşanan Gelişmeler, Hukuki
Perspektifler Dergisi, yıl: 2005, sayı: 4, s. 60-62; [Developments in German Maritime
Law in the Last 50 Years, Legal Perspectives Journal, year: 2005, Issue: 4, pp. 60-62]
Deniz Ticareti Hukuku Bibliyografyası, Deniz Hukuku Dergisi, yıl: 8 (2003), sayı: 14, s. 211-280 (Kerim Atamer, Murat Demirkıran, Yeliz Demir Araz, Işıl Türker ile
birlikte); [Bibliography on Maritime Law, in: Maritime Law Journal, Year: 8 (2003),
Issues: 1-4, pp. 211-280 (jointly with Kerim Atamer, Murat Demirkıran, Yeliz Demir
Araz, Işıl Türker)]
Deniz Ticareti Hukukunda Yasama Çalışmaları (20 Nisan 2004 tarihli Kanun ve 1996
LLMC Protokolü), Deniz Hukuku Dergisi yıl: 6-7 (2001-2002) sayı: 1-4, sayfa 111144; [Legislation on Maritime Law (Act dated 20.04.2004 and LLMC Protocol of
1996), in: Maritime Law Journal, Year: 6-7 (2001-2002), Issues: 1-4, pp. 111-144]
Reiner Schulze (Ed), Non-Discrimination in European Private Law, Tübingen: Mohr
Siebeck 2011, Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht 78
(2014), 692 - 703
Privatrechtsgesellschaften, Jena: Jenaer Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft 2011
[Sonja Haberl, Civil Law Prohibition of Discrimination in National Private Law
Societies], Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht 2013, 433 - 436
Gemi Alacaklısı Haklarına ve Gemi İpoteklerine İlişkin Milletlerarası Sözleşme, 1993
[International Convention on Maritime Liens and Mortgages, 1993], in: Kerim Atamer /
Cüneyt Süzel (Eds), Yeni Deniz Ticareti Hukuku’nun Kaynakları [Sources of the New
Maritime Law], V. 1, Istanbul 2013, pp. 52-78 (jointly with Kerim Atamer and Cüneyt
Konişmentolara İlişkin Bazı Kuralların Birleştirilmesine Dair 25 Ağustos 1924 tarihli
Milletlerarası Sözleşme ve 1968 ile 1979 Tarihli Protokolleri [International Convention
for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Bills of Lading, 25 August 1924, and its
Protocols of 1968 and 1979], in: Kerim Atamer / Cüneyt Süzel (Eds), Yeni Deniz Ticareti
Hukuku’nun Kaynakları [Sources of the New Maritime Law], V. 1, Istanbul 2013, pp.
150-205 (jointly with Samim Ünan, Emine Yazıcıoğlu, Kerim Atamer and Cüneyt Süzel)
Kısmen veya Tamamen Deniz Yoluyla Eşyanın Milletlerarası Taşınmasına İlişkin
Birleşmiş Milletler Sözleşmesi (Rotterdam Kuralları) [United Nations Convention on
Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea (Rotterdam
Rules)], Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Dergisi (Banking and Commercial Law Journal) 2010,
pp. 149-240 (jointly with Cüneyt Süzel)
Congress on Harmonization of European Private Law – Private Law of South Eastern
Europe in the Light of European Integration, Zeitschrift für europäisches Privatrecht
2013, 910-911
First IFLOS Summer Academy at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, on,
short version in: International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 23 (2008), Issue: 2,
pp. 347-348
Comments on the European Commission’s Proposal for a Regulation of the European
Parliament and of the Council on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and
enforcement of decisions and authentic instruments in matters of succession and the
creation of a European Certificate of Succession, RabelsZ 74 (2010), 522 - 720
(jointly with Jürgen Basedow, Anatol Dutta et al.)
Carriage of Goods by Sea, Nippon Foundation – International Tribunal for the Law of
the Sea Training Programme, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Hamburg,
16 September 2015
Carriage of Goods by Sea – From The Hague via Hamburg to Rotterdam, SinoGerman International Conference on the Law of the Sea and Maritime Law (26-27
October 2014) (co-organized by the Shandong University Law School and the Max
Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law), Qingdao/China, 26
October 2014
Carriage of Goods by Sea, Nippon Foundation – International Tribunal for the Law of
the Sea Training Programme, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Hamburg,
30 September 2014
Recklessness with Knowledge, CMI Conference (14-19 June 2014) – Young CMI
Panel, Hamburg/Germany, 17 June 2014
Klas Kuruluşlarının Sözleşmesel Sorumluluğu [Contractual Liability of Classification
Societies], Genç Akademisyenler Sempozyumu – Deniz Ticareti Hukuku Tezleri
[Young Academics Symposium – Maritime Law Theses] (24-25 April 2014),
Istanbul/Turkey, 25 April 2014
Carriage of Goods by Sea, Nippon Foundation – International Tribunal for the Law of
the Sea Training Programme, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Hamburg,
10 September 2013
Personal Wilful Misconduct in International Maritime Law, Bologna University –
School of Law, Colloquium on the Recent Trends in European Port, Maritime,
Transport and Mobility Law, Ravenna/Italy, 7 June 2013
Remarks on the European and Turkish Private International Law, Congress on
Harmonization of European Private Law (28th February – 1st March 2013) (coorganized by the Istanbul University Faculty of Law and the Max Planck Institute for
Comparative and International Private Law), Istanbul/Turkey, 28 February 2013
Anwendbares Recht auf dingliche Sicherheiten nach türkischem IPR-Gesetz
[Applicable Law to in rem Securities according to the Turkish Code of Private
International Law], Deutsch-Türkische Juristenvereinigung – Tagung über „Deutsch-
türkische steuerrechtliche Probleme und deutsches und türkisches Sicherungsrecht“,
Berlin, 27 October 2012
Carriage of Goods by Sea, Nippon Foundation – International Tribunal for the Law of
the Sea Training Programme, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Hamburg,
6 September 2012
Carriage of Goods by Sea – Regime of the International Conventions, Istanbul
University, Faculty of Law, Istanbul, March 2012
Milletlerarası Taşıma Hukuku’nda ve Yeni Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nda “Pervasızca
Hareket” (Wilful Misconduct) Kusuru Semineri (Seminar on the “Fault Degree Wilful
Misconduct in International Transport Law and in the New Turkish Commercial
Code” held jointly with Kübra Yetiş Şamlı), organized by the Turkish Insurance Law
Association and Maritime Law Association, Istanbul, 6 March 2012.
Neues Handels- und Seerecht in der Türkei (New Turkish Commercial and Maritime
Law), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transportrecht - Symposium über „Aktuelle Fragen
zum Transportrecht“, Düsseldorf, 11 November 2011
Breaking the Liability Limits in Multimodal Transport, Oslo-Southampton-Tulane
Colloquium on Maritime Law, Tulane University Law School, New Orleans,
Louisiana, 16 September 2011
Carriage of Goods by Sea, Nippon Foundation – International Tribunal for the Law of
the Sea Training Programme, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Hamburg,
5 September 2011
Außervertragliche Haftung und Haftungsbeschränkung im türkischen Seehandelsrecht
im Vergleich mit dem Referentenentwurf zur Reform des deutschen Seehandelsrechts
[Tort Liability and Limitation of Liability in Turkish Maritime Law – in comparison
with the Ministerial Draft Bill on the Reform of German Maritime Law], Deutscher
Seehandelsrechts – Der Referentenentwurf des Bundesministeriums Justiz“, Hamburg,
25 August 2011
Die Stellung der Ehefrau im türkischen Recht [Status of Married Woman in Turkish
Law], Aktuelle Stunde [Internal Lecture Series at the Institute], Hamburg, 14 July
Liability Regime of the Rotterdam Rules, University of Gdansk, Gdansk, 25 February
2011, Conference “Global Ocean Governance: from Vision to Action” organized by
the European Law Students Association - Gdansk
Passagierbeförderung auf See und Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen [Carriage of
Passengers by Sea and General Terms and Conditions], Academic Council of the
Institute, Hamburg, 15 November 2010
Die rechtliche Ordnung der Weltmeere [Legal Regime of the Oceans], Max Planck
Institute, 3. Hamburger Nacht des Wissens, Hamburg, 7 November 2009
Wilful Misconduct in International Transport Law, International Max Planck Research
School for Maritime Affairs, Hamburg, 16 January 2008
The Efforts of the CMI and IACS on Establishing a Widely Accepted Uniform
Contractual Regime of Liability for Classification Societies (paper presented jointly
with Kerim Atamer), 25 November 2004, Seminar on “Comparative and Community
Law regarding Liability of Classification Societies” organised by the Turkish
Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs
Passagierbeförderung (in englischer Sprache), [Carriage of Passengers (in English)]
Lecture, WiSe 2015/16 at the University of Hamburg, 2 hours per week
Passagierbeförderung (in englischer Sprache), [Carriage of Passengers (in English)]
Lecture (7 weeks), WiSe 2014/15 at the University of Hamburg, 2 hours per week
Einführung in das türkische Recht (in türkischer Sprache), [Introduction to Turkish
Law (in Turkish)], Lecture, WiSe 2007/08, WiSe 2008/09, WiSe 2009/10, WiSe
2010/11, SoSe 2012, SoSe 2013 at the University of Hamburg, 2 hours per week