LISIANTHUS by Rosemary (Romi) Hill


LISIANTHUS by Rosemary (Romi) Hill
photo: © 2011 rosemary hill
LISIANTHUS by Rosemary (Romi) Hill
designs by romi .
MEASUREMENTS Width (tip to tip): 64 inches
Length: 31 inches
MATERIALS Approximately 1,100 yards of lace weight yarn.
(Shown: String Theory Seri Lace [100% tussah silk; 1120
yds/100 grams]; Larkspur; 1 skein)
1 - set each US 3/3.25mm dpns and US 4/3.5mm,
short variety for socks and gloves - used for beginning
Note: beginning may also be worked using two small
circular needles
US 4/3.5mm circular knitting needles
2.25 mm steel crochet hook
Stitch Markers
Tapestry Needle
Approximately 220 T-pins for blocking
GAUGE blocked: 24 sts/28 rows = 4"/10cm on US 4 needles in
stockinette stitch
Every knitter's gauge is different; please check gauge!
Exact gauge is not important. However, a looser gauge
will result in the use of more yardage.
NOTE: This shawl is begun in the round and then worked from side to side.
Lisianthus by Rosemary {Romi} Hill
Delightful April in wine country brings
an abundance of lovely blossoms and
fragrances to tempt the winter weary.
Shades of purples, blues, pinks, oranges,
and yellows seem to burst forth overnight
and color the very air.
This month’s club shawl is a tribute to
the beauty surrounding us all at this
special time of year, as we shake off the
winter and emerge from our cocoons. I
hope you enjoy it as much as I!
BO: bind off
cdd: slip 2 sts tog knitwise, k1, psso
Ch: Chain - crochet
c{x}tog: crochet {x} number of sts tog by
inserting hook through sts and pulling yarn
loop through sts
CO: cast on
k: knit
k2tog: knit 2 stitches together
k2tog tbl: (left leaning decrease) knit 2
stitches together tbl
k4tog: knit 4 stitches together
k5tog: knit 5 stitches together
kfb: make 1 st by knitting into front and
back of st
k tbl: knit through back loop to twist stitch
M: make stitch
nupp7: [k1, YO] 3 times k1 into st: 7 sts
from one
p: purl
p7tog: purl 7 nupp sts together
pm: place marker
psso: pass st over
pssso: pass sts over
RS: right side
ssk: slip 1 stitch knitwise, slip 1 stitch
knitwise, slip both stitches back onto left
needle, knit stitches together without
s4k: [slip 1 stitch knitwise] 4 times, slip all
stitches back onto left needle, knit stitches
together without twisting
sk2p: sl as if to knit, k2tog, psso
sl m: slip marker
st(s): stitch(es)
WS: wrong side
YO: yarn over
all text and images, except those explicitly omitted, © 2011 rosemary hill - this pattern may not be reproduced or knit for resale
Lisianthus by Rosemary (Romi) Hill - page 2 .
Note that shawl begins in the round. Though there are many
ways of starting in the round, my favorite is a “belly button”
start. You can find a tutorial for it on my blog, @Romi’s Studio:
Lisianthus: finished shape
Using smaller needles, CO 8 sts in the round. Place marker at
beginning of round.
Work Chart A in the round.
alternate Chart A written instructions:
Rounds 1-3, 5-7, 9-13, 15, 17, 19, 21: knit.
Round 4: [k1 tbl, YO] 8 times.
Round 8: [k1 tbl, YO] 16 times.
Round 14: [k8, YO] 4 times.
Round 16: [YO, k8, YO, k1 tbl] 4 times.
Round 18: [k1, YO, k8, YO, k2] 4 times.
Round 20: [k2, YO, k8, YO, k3] 4 times.
Round 22: [YO, k3, YO, sk2p, k2, k3tog, YO, k3, YO, k1 tbl]
3 times, YO, k3, YO, sk2p, k2, k3tog, YO, k3, YO, kfb: 61 sts.
Row 23: Knit to last st; prepare to work flat, leaving last st
unworked to be used as first stitch of Chart B.
61 stitches.
Change to larger needles and work Chart B. Note that charts
are no longer worked in the round. Change to circular needles
when comfortable.
alternate Chart B written instructions:
Row 1 (RS): [sk2p, YO] 2 times, sl1 k3tog psso, YO, [k2, YO, k1
tbl, YO] 3 times, k2, [YO, sl1 k3tog psso, YO, (k2, YO, k1 tbl,
YO) 3 times, k2] 2 times, YO, sl1 k3tog psso, [YO, k3tog] 2 times
Row 2 (WS) and all even numbered rows: k1 tbl, k3, purl to
last 4 sts, k3, k1 tbl
Row 3: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, YO, k3, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k3,
YO, cdd, YO, k3, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k3, [(YO, k1 tbl) 3 times,
YO, k3, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k3, YO, cdd, YO, k3, YO, k1 tbl,
YO, k3] 2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 5: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, k4, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k4, YO,
cdd, YO, k4, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k4, [YO, k1 tbl, YO, k5, YO, k1
tbl, YO, k4, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k4, YO, cdd, YO, k4, YO, k1 tbl,
YO, k4] 2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 7: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, k5, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k5, YO,
cdd, YO, k5, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k5, [YO, k1 tbl, YO, k2tog tbl,
YO, k5, YO, k2tog, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k5, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k5, YO,
cdd, YO, k5, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k5] 2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 9: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, ssk, k9, k2tog, YO, k3, YO,
ssk, k9, k2tog, [YO, k1, k1 tbl, k1, YO, k2tog tbl, YO, k5, YO,
k2tog, YO, k1, k1 tbl, k1, YO, ssk, k9, k2tog, YO, k3, YO,
ssk, k9, k2tog] 2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 11: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, YO, ssk, k7, k2tog, YO, k5,
YO, ssk, k7, k2tog, [(YO, k1 tbl) 2 times, k2, YO, k3, YO, ssk,
k1, k2tog, YO, k3, YO, k2, (k1 tbl, YO) 2 times, ssk, k7, k2tog,
YO, k5, YO, ssk, k7, k2tog] 2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 13: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, ssk, k5, k2tog, YO, ssk, k3,
k2tog, YO, ssk, k5, k2tog [(YO, k1 tbl) 3 times, (YO, sk2p, YO,
k1 tbl) 5 times, (YO, k1 tbl) 2 times, YO, ssk, k5, k2tog, YO,
ssk, k3, k2tog, YO, ssk, k5, k2tog] 2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 15: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, ssk, k3, k2tog, YO, k3, YO,
k1 tbl, YO, k3, YO, ssk, k3, k2tog, [YO, k1 tbl, (k1, YO, cdd,
YO, (k1, k1 tbl) 2 times) 3 times, k1, YO, cdd, YO, k1, k1 tbl,
YO, ssk, k3, k2tog, YO, k3, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k3, YO, ssk, k3,
k2tog] 2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 17: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, ssk, k1, k2tog, YO, k2, [YO,
k1 tbl, YO, k2] 3 times, YO, ssk, k1, k2tog, [YO, k1 tbl, k2,
(YO, cdd, YO, k5) 3 times, YO, cdd, YO, k2, k1 tbl, YO, ssk,
k1, k2tog, (YO, k2, YO, k1 tbl) 3 times, YO, k2, YO, ssk, k1,
k2tog] 2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 19: [k2tog tbl, YO] 2 times, k5tog, YO, k2tog, k2, YO,
k1 tbl, YO, k3, YO, cdd, YO, k3, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k2, ssk,
[YO, sk2p, YO, k1 tbl, k3, (YO, cdd, YO, k5) 3 times, YO,
cdd, YO, k3, k1 tbl, YO, k3tog, YO, k2tog, k2, YO, k1 tbl,
YO, k3, YO, cdd, YO, k3, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k2, ssk] 2 times,
YO, (k3tog tbl, k2tog, pass first st over 2nd for quadruple
decrease), [YO, k2tog] 2 times
157 stitches.
all text and images, except those explicitly omitted, © 2011 rosemary hill - this pattern may not be reproduced or knit for resale .
Work Chart C a total of four times. Note that numbers for
subsequent repeats of Chart C are presented in {}s.
alternate Chart C written instructions:
Row 1: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, k4, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k4, YO,
cdd, YO, k4, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k4, [YO, cdd, YO, k1 (k1,
k2tog, YO, k3, YO, ssk) 4 {8, 12, 16} times, k2, YO, cdd, YO,
k4, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k4, YO, cdd, YO, k4, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k4]
2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 2 and all even numbered rows: k1 tbl, k3, purl to last 4
sts, k3, k1 tbl
Row 3: [k2tog tbl, YO] 2 times, k1 tbl, YO, k2tog, k4, YO, k1
tbl, YO, k5, YO, cdd, YO, k5, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k4, ssk, [(YO,
k1 tbl) 2 times, YO, (sk2p, YO, k1 tbl, YO) 8 {16, 24, 32}
times, sk2p, (YO, k1 tbl) 2 times, YO, k2tog, k4, YO, k1 tbl,
YO, k5, YO, cdd, YO, k5, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k4, ssk] 2 times,
YO, k1 tbl, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 5: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, k6, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k6, YO,
cdd, YO, k6, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k6 [YO, cdd, YO, k1, k1 tbl,
[k1, k1 tbl, k1, YO, cdd, YO, k1, k1 tbl] 4 {8, 12, 16} times,
k1, k1 tbl, k1, YO, cdd, YO, k6, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k6, YO, cdd,
YO, k6, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k6, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 7: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, ssk, k11, k2tog, YO, k3, YO,
ssk, k11, k2tog, [(YO, k1 tbl) 2 times, YO, k2tog, k1 (k3, YO,
cdd, YO, k2) 4 {8, 12, 16} times, k2, ssk, (YO, k1 tbl) 2 times,
YO, ssk, k11, k2tog, YO, k3, YO, ssk, k11, k2tog] 2 times,
[YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 9: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, ssk, k9, k2tog, YO, k5, YO,
ssk, k9, k2tog, [YO, k1 tbl, k1, (k1 tbl, YO) 2 times, k2tog, k1
(k3, YO, cdd, YO, k2) 4 {8, 12, 16} times, k2, ssk, (YO, k1
tbl) 2 times, k1, k1 tbl, YO, ssk, k9, k2tog, YO, k5, YO, ssk,
k9, k2tog] 2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 11: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, ssk, k7, k2tog, YO, ssk, k3,
k2tog, YO, ssk, k7, k2tog, [YO, k1 tbl, YO, (k3, YO) 2 times,
ssk, (k1, k2tog, YO, k3, YO, ssk) 4 {8, 12, 16} times, k1,
k2tog, (YO, k3) 2 times, YO, k1 tbl, YO, ssk, k7, k2tog, YO,
ssk, k3, k2tog, YO, ssk, k7, k2tog] 2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3
Row 13: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, ssk, k5, k2tog, YO, k3, YO,
k1 tbl, YO, k3, YO, ssk, k5, k2tog, [(YO, k1 tbl) 3 times, YO,
(sk2p, YO, k1 tbl, YO) 13 {17, 21, 25} times, sk2p, YO, (k1
tbl, YO) 3 times, k1, ssk, k5, k2tog, YO, k3, YO, k1 tbl, YO,
k3, YO, ssk, k5, k2tog] 2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 15: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, ssk, k3, k2tog, YO, k3, ssk,
YO, k1 tbl, YO, k2tog, k3, YO, ssk, k3, k2tog, [YO, k1 tbl, k1,
(k1 tbl, YO) 2 times, k2tog, (k1 tbl, k1) 2 times, YO, cdd, YO,
k1, k1 tbl, (k1, k1 tbl, k1, YO, cdd, YO, k1, k1 tbl) 5, {9, 13,
17} times, k1, k1 tbl, ssk, (YO, k1 tbl) 2 times, k1, k1 tbl, YO,
ssk, k3, k2tog, YO, k3, ssk, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k2tog, k3, YO,
ssk, k3, k2tog] 2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Lisianthus by Rosemary (Romi) Hill - page 3
Row 17: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, ssk, k1, k2tog, YO, k2, YO,
k1 tbl, YO, k2, YO, cdd, YO, k2, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k2, YO, ssk,
k1, k2tog, [YO, k2tog, k2, (YO, cdd, YO, k5) 7, {11, 15, 19}
times, YO, cdd, YO, k2, ssk, YO, ssk, k1, k2tog, YO, k2, YO,
k1 tbl, YO, k2, YO, cdd, YO, k2, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k2, YO, ssk,
k1, k2tog, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 19: [k2tog tbl, YO] 2 times, k5tog, YO, k2tog, k2, YO,
k1 tbl, YO, k3, YO, cdd, YO, k3, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k2, ssk,
[YO, sk2p, YO, k1 tbl, k3, (YO, cdd, YO, k5) 7 {11, 15, 19}
times, YO, cdd, YO, k3, k1 tbl, YO, k3tog, YO, k2tog, k2,
YO, k1 tbl, YO, k3, YO, cdd, YO, k3, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k2, ssk,
YO,(k3tog tbl, k2tog, pass first st over 2nd for quadruple
decrease), [YO, k2tog] 2 times
221, {285, 349, 413} stitches.
Work Chart D a total of one time.
alternate Chart D written instructions:
Row 1: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, k4, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k4, YO,
cdd, YO, k4, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k4, [YO, cdd, YO, k2, (k2tog,
YO, k3, YO, ssk, k1] 20 times, k1, YO, cdd, YO, k4, YO, k1
tbl, YO, k4, YO, cdd, YO, k4, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k4] 2 times,
[YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 2 and all even numbered rows: k1 tbl, k3, purl to last 4
sts, k3, k1 tbl
Row 3: [k2tog tbl, YO] 2 times, k1 tbl, YO, k2tog, k4, YO, k1
tbl, YO, k5, YO, cdd, YO, k5, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k4, ssk, [YO,
(k1 tbl, YO) 2 times, sk2p, (YO, k1 tbl, YO, sk2p) 40 times,
(YO, k1 tbl) 2 times, YO, k2tog, k4, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k5, YO,
cdd, YO, k5, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k4, ssk, YO, k1 tbl] 2 times,
[YO, k2tog] 2 times
Row 5: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, k6, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k6, YO,
cdd, YO, k6, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k6, [YO, cdd, YO, k1 tbl, YO,
cdd, (YO, k1 tbl, YO, cdd) 40 times, YO, k1 tbl, YO, cdd, YO,
k6, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k6, YO, cdd, YO, k6, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k6]
2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 7: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, ssk, k11, k2tog, YO, k3, YO,
ssk, k11, k2tog, [YO, k1 tbl, YO, k2tog tbl, YO, k1 tbl, YO,
cdd, (YO, k1 tbl, YO, cdd) 40 times, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k2tog,
YO, k1 tbl, YO, ssk, k11, k2tog, YO, k3, YO, ssk, k11, k2tog]
2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 9: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, ssk, k9, k2tog, YO, k5, YO,
ssk, k9, k2tog, [(YO, k1 tbl) 2 times, YO, cdd, YO, k2tog, YO,
k1, (YO, ssk, YO, cdd, YO, k2tog, YO, k1) 20 times, YO, ssk,
YO, cdd, (YO, k1 tbl) 2 times, YO, ssk, k9, k2tog, YO, k5,
YO, ssk, k9, k2tog] 2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
457 stitches after row 10.
all text and images, except those explicitly omitted, © 2011 rosemary hill - this pattern may not be reproduced or knit for resale
Lisianthus by Rosemary (Romi) Hill - page 4 .
Work Chart E a total of one time.
alternate Chart E written instructions:
Row 1: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, ssk, k7, k2tog, YO, ssk, k3,
k2tog, YO, ssk, k7, k2tog, [(YO, cdd, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k4tog,
YO, k3, YO, s4k, YO, k1 tbl, YO, cdd, YO, k1 tbl) 8 times,
YO, cdd, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k4tog, YO, k3, YO, s4k, YO, k1 tbl,
YO, cdd, YO, ssk, k7, k2tog, YO, ssk, k3, k2tog, YO, ssk, k7,
k2tog] 2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 2: k1 tbl, purl to last 4 sts, k3, k1 tbl
Row 3: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, ssk, k5, k2tog, YO, k3, YO, k1
tbl, YO, k3, YO, ssk, k5, k2tog, [(YO, cdd, YO, k1 tbl, YO,
k2tog, YO, k2, nupp7, k2, YO, ssk, YO, k1 tbl, YO, cdd, YO,
k1 tbl) 8 times, YO, cdd, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k2tog, YO, k2,
nupp7, k2, YO, ssk, YO, k1 tbl, YO, cdd, YO, ssk, k5, k2tog,
YO, k3, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k3, YO, ssk, k5, k2tog] 2 times, [YO,
k2tog] 3 times
Row 4: k1 tbl, k3, p2 [p34, p7tog, p9, (p10, p7tog, p9) 8
times] 2 times, purl to last 4 sts, k3, k1 tbl
Row 5: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, ssk, k3, k2tog, YO, k3, ssk,
YO, k1 tbl, YO, k2tog, k3, YO, ssk, k3, k2tog, [(YO, ssk, YO,
k4tog, YO, k2, nupp7, k1, nupp7, k2, YO, s4k, YO, k2tog,
YO, k1 tbl) 8 times, YO, ssk, YO, k4tog, YO, k2, nupp7, k1,
nupp7, k2, YO, s4k, YO, k2tog, YO, ssk, k3, k2tog, YO, k3,
ssk, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k2tog, k3, YO, ssk, k3, k2tog] 2 times,
[YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 6: k1 tbl, k3, p2, [p31, p7tog, p1, p7tog, p8, (p9, p7tog,
p1, p7tog, p8) 8 times] 2 times, purl to last 4 sts, k3, k1 tbl
Row 7: [k2tog tbl] 3 times, ssk, k1, k2tog, YO, k2, YO, k1 tbl,
YO, k2, YO, cdd, YO, k2, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k2, YO, ssk, k1,
k2tog, [(YO, k2, YO, ssk, YO, k2, nupp7, k3, nupp7, k2, YO,
k2tog, YO, k2, YO, k1 tbl) 8 times, YO, k2, YO, ssk, YO, k2,
nupp7, k3, nupp7, k2, YO, k2tog, YO, k2, YO, ssk, k1,
k2tog, YO, k2, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k2, YO, cdd, YO, k2, YO, k1
tbl, YO, k2, YO, ssk, k1, k2tog] 2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 8: k1 tbl, k3, p2, [p33, p7tog, p3, p7tog, p8, (p9, p7tog,
p3, p7tog, p8) 8 times] 2 times purl to last 4 sts, k3, k1 tbl
Row 9: [k2tog tbl, YO] 2 times, k5tog, YO, k2tog, k2, YO, k1
tbl, YO, k3, YO, cdd, YO, k3, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k2, ssk, [YO,
s4k, (YO, k3, YO, ssk, k1, nupp7, k5, nupp7, k1, k2tog, YO,
k3, YO, cdd) 8 times, YO, k3, YO, ssk, k1, nupp7, k5, nupp7,
k1, k2tog, YO, k3, YO, k4tog, YO, k2tog, k2, YO, k1 tbl, YO,
k3, YO, cdd, YO, k3, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k2, ssk] 2 times, YO,
(k3tog tbl, k2tog, pass first st over 2nd for quadruple
decrease), [YO, k2tog] 2 times
Row 10: k1 tbl, k3, p2, [p30, p7tog, p5, p7tog, p7 (p8,
p7tog, p5, p7tog, p7) 8 times, p2] 2 times, purl to last 4 sts,
k3, k1 tbl
Row 11: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, k4, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k4, YO,
cdd, YO, k4, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k4, [YO, cdd, (YO, k4, ssk, k7,
k2tog, k4, YO, cdd) 8 times, YO, k4, ssk, k7, k2tog, k4, YO,
cdd, YO, k4, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k4, YO, cdd, YO, k4, YO, k1
tbl, YO, k4] 2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 12: k1 tbl, k3, p2, [p27, YO, p1, YO, p4, p2tog, p5,
p2tog tbl, p4, YO, p1, YO, (p1, YO, p1, YO, p4, p2tog, p5,
p2tog tbl, p4, YO, p1, YO) 8 times, p2] 2 times, purl to last 4
sts, k3, k1 tbl
Row 13: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, k5, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k5, YO,
cdd, YO, k5, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k5, [YO, cdd, (YO, k2, YO, k4,
ssk, k3, k2tog, k4, YO, k2, YO, cdd) 8 times, YO, k2, YO, k4,
ssk, k3, k2tog, k4, YO, k2, YO, cdd, YO, k5, YO, k1 tbl, YO,
k5, YO, cdd, YO, k5, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k5] 2 times, [YO, k2tog]
3 times
Row 14: k1 tbl, k3, p2, [p35, YO, p4, p2tog, p1, p2tog tbl,
p4, YO, p4, [p5, YO, p4, p2tog, p1, p2tog tbl, p4, YO, p4) 8
times, p2] 2 times, purl to last 4 sts, k3, k1 tbl
Row 15: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, k6, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k6, YO,
cdd, YO, k6, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k6, [YO, cdd, (YO, k4, YO, ssk,
k1, k2tog, YO, k1 tbl, YO, ssk, k1, k2tog, YO, k4, YO, cdd) 8
times, YO, k4, YO, ssk, k1, k2tog, YO, k1 tbl, YO, ssk, k1,
k2tog, YO, k4, YO, cdd, YO, k6, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k6, YO,
cdd, YO, k6, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k6] 2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 16: k1 tbl, purl to last 4 sts, k3, k1 tbl
513 stitches.
all text and images, except those explicitly omitted, © 2011 rosemary hill - this pattern may not be reproduced or knit for resale .
Work Chart F a total of one time.
alternate Chart F written instructions:
Row 1: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, ssk, k11, k2tog, YO, kfb 2
times, k1, YO, ssk, k11, k2tog, [YO, cdd, (YO, k5, YO, k3tog,
YO, kfb 2 times, k1, YO, sk2p, YO, k5, YO, cdd) 9 times, YO,
ssk, k11, k2tog, YO, kfb 2 times, k1, YO, ssk, k11, k2tog] 2
times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 2 and all even numbered rows: k1 tbl, k3, purl to last 4
sts, k3, k1 tbl
Row 3: [k2tog tbl, YO] 2 times, k1 tbl, YO, cdd, k9, k2tog,
YO, k7, YO, ssk, k9, cdd, [YO, k1 tbl, (YO, k1 tbl, YO, ssk,
k3, k2tog, YO, k7, YO, ssk, k3, k2tog, (YO, k1 tbl) 2 times) 9
times, YO, cdd, k9, k2tog, YO, k7, YO, ssk, k9, cdd] 2 times,
YO, k1 tbl, [YO, k2tog] 2 times
Row 5: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, ssk, k7, k2tog, YO, k4, YO, k1
tbl, YO, k4, YO, ssk, k7, k2tog, [YO, cdd, (YO, k2, YO, ssk,
k1, k2tog, YO, k4, YO, k1 tbl, YO, k4, YO, ssk, k1, k2tog,
YO, k2, YO, cdd) 9 times, YO, ssk, k7, k2tog, YO, k4, YO, k1
tbl, YO, k4, YO, ssk, k7, k2tog] 2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 7: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, ssk, k5, k2tog, YO, k5, YO,
Lisianthus by Rosemary (Romi) Hill - page 5
k3, YO, k5, YO, ssk, k5, k2tog, [YO, cdd, (YO, k3, YO,
k3tog, YO, k5, YO, k3, YO, k5, YO, sk2p, YO, k3, YO, cdd)
9 times, YO, ssk, k5, k2tog, YO, k5, YO, k3, YO, k5, YO, ssk,
k5, k2tog] 2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 9: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, ssk, k3, k2tog, YO, k6, YO,
k5, YO, k6, YO, ssk, k3, k2tog, [YO, cdd, (YO, k3, k2tog,
YO, k6, YO, k5, YO, k6, YO, ssk, k3, YO, cdd) 9 times, YO,
ssk, k3, k2tog, YO, k6, YO, k5, YO, k6, YO, ssk, k3, k2tog] 2
times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 11: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, ssk, k1, k2tog, YO, k3, YO,
k1 tbl, [YO, k3] 2 times, YO, k1 tbl, YO, [k3, YO] 2 times, k1
tbl, YO, k3, YO, ssk, k1, k2tog, [YO, cdd, (YO, k2, k2tog,
YO, k3, YO, k1 tbl, (YO, k3) 2 times, YO, k1 tbl, YO, (k3, YO)
2 times, k1 tbl, YO, k3, YO, ssk, k2, YO, cdd) 9 times, YO,
ssk, k1, k2tog, YO, k3, YO, k1 tbl, (YO, k3) 2 times, YO, k1
tbl, YO, (k3, YO) 2 times, k1 tbl, YO, k3, YO, ssk, k1, k2tog]
2 times, [YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 13: [k2tog tbl, YO] 3 times, k3tog, YO, k2tog, k2, [YO,
k3] 2 times, YO, k2tog, k2, YO, k3, YO, k2, ssk, YO, [k3, YO]
2 times, k2, ssk, YO, sk2p, [YO, cdd, (YO, k3tog, YO, k2tog,
k2, (YO, k3) 2 times, YO, k2tog, k2, YO, k3, YO, k2, ssk, YO,
(k3, YO) 2 times, k2, ssk, YO, sk2p, YO, cdd) 9 times, YO,
k3tog, YO, k2tog, k2, (YO, k3) 2 times, YO, k2tog, k2, YO,
k3, YO, k2, ssk, YO, (k3, YO) 2 times, k2, ssk, YO, sk2p,
[YO, k2tog] 3 times
Row 15: [k2tog tbl, YO] 2 times, k3tog, YO, k2tog, k2, YO,
k5, YO, k3, YO, k2tog, k2, YO, k5, YO, k2, ssk, YO, k3, YO,
k5, YO, k2, ssk, [YO, ssk, k1, (k2tog, YO, k2tog, k2, YO, k5,
YO, k3, YO, k2tog, k2, YO, k5, YO, k2, ssk, YO, k3, YO, k5,
YO, k2, ssk, YO, ssk, k1) 9 times, k2tog, YO, k2tog, k2, YO,
k5, YO, k3, YO, k2tog, k2, YO, k5, YO, k2, ssk, YO, k3, YO,
k5, YO, k2, ssk] 2 times, YO, k3tog, [YO, k2tog] 2 times
Stitch count after row 16: 973.
Bind off with crochet hook: Ch5, c4tog, Ch7, [(c5tog, Ch7) 3
times, c4tog, Ch7, c5tog, Ch7, c4tog, (Ch7, c5tog) 3 times, Ch5,
c3tog, Ch5] 20 times, [c5tog, Ch7] 3 times, c4tog, Ch7, c5tog,
Ch7, c4tog, [Ch7, c5tog] 3 times, Ch7, c4tog, Ch5, fasten off to
last st.
Weave in ends and wash using wool wash. Remove excess water
from shawl and block using T-pins. Stretch shawl tight, and pin out
both sides of border leaves - the side will be scalloped. Pin each
loop of crochet chain bind off separately. To assist the shawl in
keeping its shape, add a small amount of dissolved corn starch
(approximately one half teaspoon of powder per quart of water) to
spray bottle and lightly spray pinned shawl. When thoroughly dry,
unpin and enjoy!
all text and images, except those explicitly omitted, © 2011 rosemary hill - this pattern may not be reproduced or knit for resale
Lisianthus by Rosemary (Romi) Hill - page 6 .
Note that shawl begins in the round. Although thtere are
many ways of starting in the round, my favorite is a “belly
button” start. You can find a tutorial for it on my blog,
@Romi’s Studio:
Work Chart E a total of one times. 513 stitches.
Work Chart F a total of one time. 973 stitches.
Bind off with crochet hook: Ch5, c4tog, Ch7, [(c5tog, Ch7) 3
times, c4tog, Ch7, c5tog, Ch7, c4tog, (Ch7, c5tog) 3 times,
Ch5, c3tog, Ch5] 20 times, [c5tog, Ch7] 3 times, c4tog,
Ch7, c5tog, Ch7, c4tog, [Ch7, c5tog] 3 times, Ch7, c4tog,
Ch5, fasten off to last st.
Using smaller needles, CO 8 sts in the round. Place marker
at beginning of round.
Work Chart A in the round. Note that the M symbol at end
of row 22 is worked by knitting into the back loop of the
previous st. Row 23 leaves 1 st unworked at end which will
serve as first st of Chart B. 61 stitches.
Weave in ends and wash using wool wash. Remove excess
water from shawl and block using T-pins. Stretch shawl tight,
and pin out both sides of border leaves - the side will be
scalloped. Pin each loop of crochet chain bind off separately.
To assist the shawl in keeping its shape, add a small amount
of dissolved corn starch (approximately one half teaspoon of
powder per quart of water) to spray bottle and lightly spray
pinned shawl. When thoroughly dry, unpin and enjoy!
Change to larger needles and work Chart B. Note that
charts are no longer worked in the round. Change to
circular needles where comfortable. 157 stitches.
Work Chart C a total of four times. 221, {285, 349, 413}
Work Chart D a total of one times. 457 stitches.
repeat 4 times
Chart A
NOTE: The M symbol in row 22 is worked by
knitting into the back loop of the previous st.
Row 23 leaves 1 st unworked at end.
no stitch
k2tog tbl
k tbl
k3 tog
k3tog tbl;
k2 tog; pass 1st
stitch over 2nd
k5 tog
k4 tog
p2tog tbl
sl 1, k3tog, pso
make 1 st by
knitting into
back loop of
previous st
symbol does not denote actual stitch;
do not work; last stitch in round will
serve as first stitch of next chart
all text and images, except those explicitly omitted, © 2011 rosemary hill - this pattern may not be reproduced or knit for resale
Chart C
NOTE: Work Chart C a total of 4 times. Chart contains a “repeat within a repeat.”
Note that there are quadruple decreases included in row 19.
repeat 2 times
4x, 8x,
12x, 16x
Chart B
Note that there are quadruple decreases included in rows 1 and 19.
repeat 2 times
all text and images, except those explicitly omitted, © 2011 rosemary hill - this pattern may not be reproduced or knit for resale .
Lisianthus by Rosemary (Romi) Hill - page 7
repeat 2 times
repeat 2 times
Chart D
all text and images, except those explicitly omitted, © 2011 rosemary hill - this pattern may not be reproduced or knit for resale
Chart E
Note special symbols in rows 1, 5 and 9. Please check key.
Chart E is shown in two parts. .
Lisianthus by Rosemary (Romi) Hill - page 8
Chart F
Note that Chart F is shown in two parts.
After completing Chart F, bind off using crochet BO,
chaining number of sts indicated and crocheting number of
sts tog as indicated by arcs above row 16.
repeat 2 times
all text and images, except those explicitly omitted, © 2011 rosemary hill - this pattern may not be reproduced or knit for resale
5 .
Lisianthus by Rosemary (Romi) Hill - page 9

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