Akin Kocak - Ryerson University


Akin Kocak - Ryerson University
AKIN KOÇAK (Ph.D) Ankara University koçak@politics.ankara.edu.tr ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF MARKETING AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION Ph.D, (1997) ‐ Ankara University, Institute of Social Science, Department of Business Administration, M. A. (1991) ‐ Ankara University, Institute of Social Science, Department of Business Administration B.Sc (1986) ‐ Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Business Administration ACADEMIC POSITIONS Associate Professor (2008) ‐ Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Production Management and Marketing, Marketing Science Assistant Professor (1999‐2008) ‐ Ankara University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Production Management and Marketing, Marketing Science ARTICLES 
Uner, M. M., A. Koçak, E. Cavusgil,, and S. T. Cavusgil (2013) "Do barriers to export vary for born globals and across stages of internationalization? An empirical inquiry in the emerging market of Turkey", International Business Review. Koçak, A., A. T. Phan, and V. Edwards (2013) "Role of social capital and self–efficacy in opportunity recognition of female entrepreneurs: insights from Turkey and Vietnam", International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 18(2), 211‐228. Ozdemir M. and A. Koçak (2012), "Brand Loyalty Formation in the Context of Relationship Marketing and A Model Proposal", Ankara Universiyesi, SBF Dergisi, 67(2), 127‐156 (In Turkish). Ciftci S. and A. Koçak (2012), The Impact of Brand Positivity on the Relationship Between Corporate Image and Consumers ’ Attitudes Toward Brand Extension in Service Businesses", Corporate Reputation Review, 15(2), 105‐118. Ciftci, S., A. Özer ve A. Koçak (2011), “The Effect of Mall Environment on Mall Image: The Mediating Role of Customer Emotions and Perceived Quality", Marmara Üniversitesi SBE Öneri Dergisi, 36(9), 29‐38 (In Turkish). Buttar H. and A. Koçak (2011), "The relationship between entrepreneurial orientation dynamic capabilities and firm performance: an exploratory study of small Turkish firms", International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 7(3), 351‐366. Aktepe, C., M. Uner, and A. Koçak (2011), “The antecedents of born global firms: A qualitative research on information technology intensive firms in Turkey”, İktisat İşletme ve Finans Dergisi, 26(301), 21‐43. (In Turkish). Koçak, A., M. Morris, H. Buttar, and S. Cifci, (2010), “Entrepreneurial Exit and Re‐Entry of Entrepreneurs: An Exploratory Study of Turkish Entrepreneurs”, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 15 (4), 439‐459. Cifci, S. and A. Koçak, (2009), “Active‐Passive Word‐of‐ Mouth and The Study of Factors Affecting Active Word‐of‐Mount”, Journal of The Faculty of Political Science, 64(4), 101‐
116, (In Turkish). 1
Koçak, A. and T. Abimbola, (2009) “The effects of entrepreneurial marketing on born global performance”, International Marketing Review, 26 (4/5), 439‐452.  Schindehute, M., M. Morris and A. Koçak, (2008), “Understanding Market‐Driving Behavior: The Role of Entrepreneurship”, Journal of Small Business Management, 48(1), 4‐26.  Abimbola, T. and A. Koçak, (2007), “Brand, Organization Identity and Reputation: SME as Expressive Organizations: A Resources Based Perspective”, Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 10(4), 416‐430.  Morris, M., A. Koçak and A. Özer, (2007), “Coopetition as a Small Business Strategy: Implications for Performance”, Journal of Small Business Strategy, 18(1), 35‐55.  Koçak, A., T. Abimbola and A. Özer, (2007), “Consumer Brand Equity in a Cross‐Cultural Replication: An Evaluation of a Scale”, Journal of Marketing Management, 23, 157‐173.  Balıkçıoğlu B., A. Koçak ve A. Özer, (2007), “Process of Indirect Consumer Boycott as a non Violence Movement and Evaluation For Turkey, SBF Review, 62(3), (In Turkish).  Özer, A., A. Koçak and O. Çelik, (2006) “Determinants of Market Orientation in Accounting Firms”, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 24 (6), 591‐607.  Koçak, A., A. Özer ve E. Gürel, (2005), “Resource Based View and Marketing Capabilities”, Journal of Economic and Administrative Science, 23(1), (In Turkish).  Koçak, A. ve A. Özer, (2005), “How Do Small Businesses Approach to Marketing” Pazarlama ve İletişim Kültürü Dergisi, Vol: 4, No: 5, (In Turkish)  Koçak, A. and V. Edwards, (2005), “Independence And Cooperation Among Small Business: The Case of The Turkish Shotgun Industry in a Period of Recession”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship Behavior and Research, 11(3), 186‐200.  Özer, A. ve A. Koçak, (2004) “Timing of Product Introduction and Product Line Extension” Pazarlama ve İletişim Kültürü Dergisi, Vol: 3, No: 7, 2004 (In Turkish)  Koçak, A. (2003), “Marketing and Entrepreneurship Interface‐Entrepreneurial Marketing”, Pazarlama ve İletişim Kültürü Dergisi, Vol: 2, No:5, (In Turkish)  Koçak, A. (2002), “Green Marketing: Critical View”, Pazarlama ve İletişim Kültürü Dergisi, Vol: 1, No: 3, (In Turkish)  Edwards, V., A. Koçak and G. Lee (1999), “The Challenge of New Markets‐ Some Experiences of British, Canadian and Turkish Entrepreneurs in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union”, Journal of Euromarketing, 8(2), 1‐26.  Koçak, A. (1999), “Determining The Behavior of Small and Medium Sized Business Attended International Trade Shows”, Journal of Foreign Trade, October, (In Turkish).  Koçak, A. (1997), “Experimentation of export decision process model for Turkish firms”, The Faculty of Political Science Review, Vol: 52, No: 1‐4, (In Turkish)  Koçak, A. (1991), “A Small Business Model In Turkey: Huglu”, Dünya newspapers, (In Turkish) PROCEEDINGS 
Koçak, A. and H. Buttar, “Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Orientation Dynamic Capabilities and Firm Performance: An Exploratory Study of Small Turkish Firms”, International Conference on Innovation And Entrepreneurship, İzmir, Turkey, November 11‐12, 2010 Koçak, A., A. Phan, and V. Edwards, “Role of Social Capital and Self‐Efficacy in Opportunity Recognition of Female Entrepreneurs: Insight from Turkey and Vietnam, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Lausanne, Switzerland, June 9‐12, 2010 Balıkcıoğlu, B, C. Yükselen and A. Koçak, “The Impact of Religious Orientation, Cultural Openness, Nationalism and Patriotism on Consumer Ethnocentrism”, EMAC 38th Conference‐Nantes, France, 2009 2
Koçak, A. and T. Abimbola, “Born Global SMEs at the Interface between Marketing and Entrepreneurship”, Proc. 22. University of Illinois at Chicago Research Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Stocholm, Sweden, 2009  Yükselen, C., A. Koçak, and S. Oflazoğlu, “New Approaches in Market Orientation: Entrepreneurial Perspectives”, 13. National Marketing Conference, Nevşehir, 25‐29 October 2008. (In Turkish)  Cifci, S. and A. Koçak, “Measurement of Socially responsible consumption”, 13. National Marketing Conference, Nevşehir, 25‐29 October 2008. (In Turkish)  Çalbudak, H. and A. Koçak (2008), “The Impact of Strategic Orientation on Innovation and Firm Performance”, VII. Anatolian Business Conference, Çorum.08‐10 May 2008. (In Turkish)  Koçak, A. and T. Abimbola “Sustaining Competitive Advantages: Conceptualising and Measuring the Impact of Market Orientation and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Innovation”, RENT XX ‐ Research In Entrepreneurship And Small Business, Brussels, Belgium, November 23‐24, 2006.  Koçak, A., A. Özer and M. Morris “Developing and Validating a Coopetition Scale for Turkish Small Business”, 2nd Workshop on Coopetition Strategy” , Milan‐Italy 14‐15 September 2006.  Schindehute, M., M. Morris ve A. Koçak, “Entrepreneurship as a Factor in a Firm’s Approach to the Market: A Trajectories Perspective”, 2nd Annual Office Depot Small Business Research Forum, Florida, USA, 18th of March, 2006,.  Koçak, A., T. Abimbola and A. Ozer, “Determinants of Brand Equity Scale”, First International Annual Brand Colloquium: ’Critical Issues in Brand Management’, Birmingham. UK, April 11 2005.  Koçak, A, “The interaction effects of marketing capability and entrepreneurial orientations on small firms performance” Academy of Marketing Special Interest Group on Entrepreneurial and Small Business Marketing 10th Annual Research Symposium, Southampton, UK, 5‐7 January 2005.  Ulaş, D., A. Özer ve A. Koçak, “Competitive Analysis for Turkish Textile Industry”, 10th National Marketing Conference, Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimagosa, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 16‐19 December 2005 (In Turkish)  Koçak, A. ve A. Özer, “Determination of Brand Equity Scale”, 9th National Marketing Conference, Ankara, Turkey, 7‐8 October 2004, , (In Turkish)  Koçak, A, “An Evaluation of a Consumer‐Based Brand Equity Scale”, 38th Academy of Marketing Conference, Cheltenham, UK, 6‐9 July 2004,  Koçak, A, “Developing and Validating a Scale for Entrepreneurial Marketing”, University of Chicago at Illinois Research Symposium, Metz, France, 30 June‐2 July 2004.  Collyer, J., A. Koçak, D. Ariton, G. Lee and V. Edwards “E‐business in Emerging Economies: A Comparison of Turkish and Romanian Multimedia Companies", The E‐Business and E‐
Work Conference, Venice, Italy, 17‐19 October 2001.  Lee, G., V. Edwards, A. Koçak, Collyer, J. ve D. Ariton, “Competitive Strategies of Turkish and Romanian multimedia companies”, GREEB Conference, Buchinghamshire, UK, 17‐18 September 2001.  Koçak, A., “Determining the Differences between Exporter and Non‐exporter Small and Medium Sized Business”, Paper submitted at 6. National Business Congress in Antalya, Turkey, 12‐14 November 1998 (In Turkish) BOOKS  Koçak, A. and A. Ozer, Entrepreneurship and Proactive Market Orientation, Siyasal Publicaiton, 2008, Ankara (In Turkish)  Bayazitli, E. and A. Koçak, Marketing for Turkish CPA, TESMER publication, no: 45, October 2002, Ankara (In Turkish) 3
Devrez G. and A. Koçak, Calculation Methods for Commercial Activities, Turhan Publications, September 1999, Ankara (In Turkish) RESEARCH  Reorganizing the Business Education Program under the UK Experience, EU‐Grand under the Promotion of Civil Society Dialogue between EU and Turkey, Coordinator, 2008‐2009  The Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development, the Science and Technological Research Council of Turkey, TUBITAK‐ Coordinator. 2008  Distance and E‐learning For Turkish Certificated Accountant, 2004‐2006  “The Role of Local Government for Increasing Small and Medium Sized Business's Competitive Advantages”, Foundation of Turkish Municipal Employee, 1998 (with Ömer Gücelioğlu and Bülent Duru) (Unpublished research)  “Financial Problems of Turkish SMEs and Suggestions for Solutions”, KOSGEB Research Project, KOSGEB Publications, 1993, Ankara, (with Prof. Dr. Oktay Alpugan, Prof. Dr. Nejat Erk, Dr. Rüştü Bozkurt, Ömer Gücelioğlu, Arif Şimşek) (Published Research) COURSES THOUGHT Marketing Principles Marketing Management Small Business and Entrepreneurship Marketing Research Marketing Management Small Business and Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Theory Strategic Marketing Management
Undergraduate Undergraduate Undergraduate Undergraduate Graduate Graduate Ph.D Ph.D PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Acting as a deputy chair of Business Administration Department (2001‐2011) AWARDS FULBRIGHT‐ International Exchange of Scholars (2005) SASAKAWA‐ Young Leaders Fellowship (1994) Runner up in the article competition of Dünya Newspaper (1991) SPECIAL INTERESTS Marketing and Entrepreneurial Orientation, Marketing/Entrepreneurship Interface, Entrepreneurail Marketing, Female Entrepreneurship, Family Business. OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES  Visiting Scholar at Ryerson University, Ted Rogers School of Management (July 2011 ‐ July 2012)  Giving a Seminar on Structural Equation Modeling‐LISREL at the 14. National Marketing Congress (October 14, 2009)  Visiting Fulbright Scholar at Syracuse University on the interface between marketing and entrepreneurship (08/05‐04/06) 4
Studying at the Buckinghamshire University College (England), on the MA in Export Marketing Management (1994) as a visiting research student (Advisor: Prof. Vince Edwards) Attending a Seminar at the International Academy for Development in Freedom in Portugal (1992) 5

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DAE-2012 - Awer

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