Customer magazine "Contact". 2012


Customer magazine "Contact". 2012
2012 — A year full of highlights
Exciting tasks await the newly formed
management team.
Bar code readers — make no
compromises when it comes
to modularity
The BCL 300i modular bar code reader
sets new standards in flexibility
and cost effectiveness.
Edition No. 08
Page 02
The year 2012 and the change in
company management
In the public perception, the turmoil of the sovereign debt crisis
drowns out reporting of positive developments on the consumer
and capital goods markets. The mechanical engineering markets
in the USA have picked up steam; in China and India the demand
for mechanical engineering components continues to grow. In
Germany, the mechanical engineering sector has made a brilliant
recovery from a serious crisis and has nearly returned to its old
market volume. This unbridled growth calmed somewhat in the
second half of 2011, giving companies time to catch their breath.
From today’s perspective, we expect that this “rest phase” will
end by the middle of 2012 and that growth will resume.
04 Bar code readers—make no compromises
when it comes to modularity
The BCL 300ii series of bar code readers
05 Detection tasks efficiently solved
Mr. Karsten Just, my colleague on the management team,
led our management organization and expanded it significantly.
Mr. Just has left our company and will be assuming an executive
position with a large, well-known automation specialist in the
second quarter. All of us at Leuze electronic thank him for his
outstanding work and wish him much success in his new role.
LPS, LES and LRS Light Section Sensors
06 Smart installation of photoelectric sensors
The new 318B Series
07 Set in place, connect—done!
Modular muting system solutions
08 Sensor solutions for your applications
Product highlights
10 Mega logisitics at high speed
Gigantic luggage logistics at the fastest
hub airport in the world
12 Safely switched vehicle assembly
Safety sensors on PROFIsafe basis at
MAGNA STEYR Fahrzeugtechnik in Graz
14 Error rate nearly zero
Automated screw logistics at Reyher
We succeeded in recruiting Dr. Matthias Kirchherr as the successor to Mr. Just. Dr. Kirchherr has many years of experience in
business management in the automation technology industry.
With his extensive market- and methodology knowledge in the
development and leadership of sales organizations, he was an
ideal choice for us. The entire Leuze team is pleased to have him
on board and wishes him every success in his new duties.
The year 2012 will be a “logistics” year. With the BCL 300i bar
code reader and the AMS 300i laser distance measurement
system, we have positioned new highlight products on the
market in which we have integrated the user knowledge of our
customers and service staff. Both offer functions not available
in any device on the market that can be so quickly and easily
integrated in a machine structure. Just as you would expect from
the “sensor people”.
16 Gentle and efficient handling of thirst
Mineral water being transported from filling
to palletizing with Schaefer systems
18 Welcome to Brazil!
Interview with Mr. Edimilson Mario, Managing
Director of our subsidiary in São Paulo, Brazil
Dr. Harald Grübel
Managing Director
Page 03
“Working together as an
international team”
A discussion with
Dr. Matthias Kirchherr, the
new managing director of
Leuze electronic GmbH & Co. KG.
. contact Dr. Kirchherr, You
have been the managing director
of Leuze electronic since
mid-February 2012. What are
your first impressions of the
“sensor people”?
. I have long been
aware of Leuze electronic as an
agile and customer-oriented
company that possesses good
technology know-how. These
impressions have been confirmed.
I am very impressed with what has
been achieved up to now and with
Leuze electronic’s successes of the
past years.
Dr. Kirchherr
. contact So, you have been
involved with Leuze electronic in
the past?
. Yes, I actually
did have contact with customers
from our target industries of
conveyor and storage systems,
packaging technology, and
mounting and handling technology.
Dr. Kirchherr
Manufacturing Engineering and Automation. I then gathered
experiences in various
sales and management
functions in drive and
automation technology.
Particularly exciting
for me was working
together with international project
teams, especially when it involved
supporting larger customers.
. contact Are you able to utilize
your collected experiences in your
new duties at Leuze electronic in a
special way?
. In the coming
years, Leuze electronic will, above
all, orient itself more internationally,
more intensively support know-how
transfer, and win and support large
customers in a more targeted
manner. This can only succeed if
we work together as an international team. I would like to make my
contribution in these areas.
Dr. Kirchherr
. contact What do you see as
your goals and the joint goals in
the company?
. We have good
prospects for the future and are
pursuing a clear strategy. This
certainly includes focusing on
industries, offering more solutions
and international expansion—particularly in the growth markets of
India and China—but also winning
more international customers. Of
course, this also includes a
Dr. Kirchherr
. contact When you speak of
prior duties: where were your
areas of focus?
. After completing
my mechanical engineering studies
in Stuttgart in 1987, I initially
worked as a research assistant at
the Fraunhofer Institute for
Dr. Kirchherr
continued expansion of our product
portfolio and the penetration of key
. contact What characteristics of
the ‘sensor people’ will contribute
most significantly to the realization
of these ambitious goals?
. Above all, a
good understanding of our
customers’ problems, from the
technology to the processes and
their challenges. But also a close
cooperation between all areas of
the company with the common goal
of winning satisfied and successful
customers. Team spirit and
dynamism are the characteristics
of our employees that we need.
Dr. Kirchherr
. contact How do you spend your
free time?
. Having grown up
in the same area where I now live
with my wife and two daughters,
aged 14 and 16, I am closely linked
to nature. Thus, you are likely to
find me running, bicycle riding or
Dr. Kirchherr
Thank you for the interview.
Page 04
Bar code readers — make no compromises
when it comes to modularity
m o d u la r
or so lut ion s
ind ivid ua l se ns
The bar code readers of the BCL 300i series
set new standards in equipment options.
Pallet ID
Container identification with variable heights
The modular concept of the new
BCL 300i bar code readers enables
users to select optimally-suited
equipment features, thereby
making use of highly flexible and
economical solutions.
The compact design of the
BCL 300i allows the device to be
placed close to the transport
system. Four optionally heatable
optics (high, medium, low and ultra
low density) with high depth of field
and large opening angles guarantee
reliable detection, especially for
wide transport systems. Deflection
mirror and oscillating mirror models
as well as full code reconstruction
technology (full CRT) for reading
damaged or soiled codes also
increase flexibility. The connection
technology does not leave anything
to be desired—terminals are even
available in the device hood if
required. The devices can be used
as Ethernet switches. Configuration
is done in the fieldbus directly via
the control or outside the fieldbus
through the integrated webConfig
via USB or Ethernet.
Tray identification
Optics / read fields
Container identification
High Density (N)
Medium Density (M)
Low Density (F)
Ultra Low Density (L)
Display elements
Graphical display
LED display
Oscillating mirror
Deflection mirror
Front scanner
Line scanner
Raster scanner
Container identification from the side
Mounting systems
Container identification with autoReflAct
Connection technology
Modular connector hood
Modular terminal hood
Modular terminal box
Connection cable
Ethernet TCP/IP
RS 232 / 422 / 485
Page 05
Detection tasks efficiently solved
New LES 36 light section sensor for simultaneously
capturing geometry and position data
With the LES 36, Leuze electronic
now makes possible the simultaneous measurement of an object’s
height, width and position with just
one sensor.
Previously, two sensor pairs and
complex software programming
were typically necessary to accomplish this. Now, just a single LES 36
Line Edge Sensor suffices. This
sensor does not operate using
individual light spots. Instead, it
projects a light beam by means of
laser line lighting. Both the laser as
well as the receiver are housed in a
compact, easy-to-install unit. With
the LES 36, the user has in his or
her hands a balanced system for
object measurement in the millimeter range. It offers an exceptionally
large measurement range extending
up to 800 mm in depth and up to
600 mm in width. Four measurement windows and 16, predefined,
freely configurable inspection tasks
facilitate flexible customization to applications
without complicated
programming. The
measurement values
are output directly in
millimeters via
Ethernet, PROFIBUS
or analog interface.
Our LPS, LES and LRS light section sensor family—
unrivaled in cost-effectiveness!
Discover new, economical solutions for your application needs with proven light section
sensor technology. Everywhere objects must be measured in three dimensions or detected
in a larger area, our light section sensors offer a cost-effective alternative to complex
multi-sensor systems.
At home in all dimensions.
This wide, this tall.
Present or not present.
LPS Line Profile Sensor
LES Line Edge Sensor
LRS Line Range Sensor
Position, contour and volume
Determination of the position of
Scanning object detection on
measurement of moving or static
objects via their edges
a laser line, e.g. for multiple track
Determination of width, height and
Creation of 3D data via encoder
Presence and absence monitoring
connection, independent of speed
Web edge control
in up to 16 windows
Measurement range: 200 – 800 mm
Measurement range: 200 – 800 mm
Detection area: 200 – 800 mm
Resolution: 1 – 3 mm
Resolution: 2 – 5 mm
Resolution: 2 – 10 mm
Minimum object size: 2 – 6 mm
Page 06
Smart installation of photoelectric sensors
The new 318B series is the economical alternative
when you simply need a photoelectric sensor.
With the “omni-mount” from Leuze
electronic, photoelectric sensors
can be mounted and adjusted
quicker and more easily.
The new 318B series is not only the
easiest and most economical
alternative when you need a
photoelectric sensor for your
application. It will also win you over
with its patented “omni-mount”
fastening concept. Thanks to its
specially-developed mounting nuts,
it is a clever mounting concept
and an easy fine adjustment
feature in one—and it doesn’t
cost a cent more.
One device—many
Robust plastic housing in IP 67 for use
in difficult industrial conditions.
2 complementary switching outputs
for light/dark switching operation.
Highly visible yellow/green status
displays for operation, signal and
performance reserve.
h mo
Patented, flexible omni-mount fastening
concept for easy mounting and
A2LS active suppression of extraneous
light for low susceptibility to ambient
and stray light.
Easy alignment with the highly visible
brightVision® light spot.
Large operating temperature range
from –40 °C to +60 °C.
Standard mounting
Object detection
Fine adjustment
Wood plate detection
Page 07
Set in place, connect — done!
m o d u la r
or so lut ion s
ind ivid ua l se ns
Flexibly choose modular muting system solutions
and mount them quickly and easily
System manufacturers wishing
to implement access guarding
with muting are often confronted
with the problem that numerous
individual components need to be
selected, ordered, installed and
matched to one another. All this is
much quicker and easier with the
versatile, pre-mounted Light Beam
Safety Device systems from the
Leuze electronic modular system
access guarding with muting: the
modular system set. An MLD type
Multiple Light Beam Safety Device
with integrated muting function
was used as the central element in
a new UDC Device Column. Great
importance was attached to high
availability and freedom from interference, meaning adjustment of the
system to the safety technology is
not necessary.
With its spring-mounted foot, the
UDC Device Column enables easy
and free-standing mounting with
automatic resetting after mechanical impacts. All cables are
protected under neutral-colored
covers and laid so they are not
visible. The Light Beam Safety
Device Sets therefore fulfill the
requirements for a modern, appealing and robust system design.
All in one
Access guarding with
optical protective
devices with muting
function consists of numerous
components that must be electrically and mechanically harmonized
with one another to guarantee both
safety and availability.
Problem areas
With such protective devices, this is
accomplished by ordering various
components—in some cases, even
from different suppliers—and then,
with great effort, connecting them
to create a safety system. That’s
why it can be difficult to select the
right components as early as in the
planning phase of a system. In
addition, it is often not until work
begins at the setup site that the
installation, alignment and commissioning of a muting system are
determined to be critical.
All of this prompted us to develop
an improved universal concept for
With the new MLDSET Light
Beam Safety Device Sets,
Leuze electronic provides wellthought-through solutions that
incorporate these requirements.
With MLDSET, access guarding
based on 2- or 3-beam transceiver
systems with 2- and 4-sensor
muting can be implemented more
quickly, easily and consequently
more cost-effectively. Alongside the
Multiple Light Beam Safety Device
with integrated muting indicator,
they also contain the Deflecting
Mirror and the new UDC Device
Column which the pre-aligned
Muting Sensor Sets can be screwed
on in any way or connected easily
to the MLD Light Beam Safety
Device via an internal local
connection box. These
Muting Sensor Sets are
lateral, pre-mounted and
aligned mounting arms
that have been equipped with
muting Light Beam Devices from
the Leuze electronic 25B series.
The Light Beam Safety Device Set
with all its components can be
ordered by specifying just a single
part no.—instead of many individual
items. This simplifies the ordering
process and everything needed
arrives on the same day—premounted and ready for use. If
desired, all components contained
in the modular system can be
combined in any way. This means
a flexible and individual solution
can be found for nearly any
Page 08
Sensor solutions
for your applications
Muting Sensor Sets
Photoelectric Sensors
5 Series
Sets with pre-mounted sensors for quick
and simple muting installation
Powerful and sturdy photoelectric sensor
for restricted installation situations
Set variants for 2 and 4 sensor muting
(parallel, sequential)
Pre-mounted and aligned muting sensors
with complete configuration
Ready-to-use design facilitates
Immediately ready for operation through optimal
mechanical and electrical calibration
High performance reserve enables reliable
detection even in extreme situations and
reduces the risk of a system standstill
Simple alignment by means of optimized beam
Transmitter deactivation for testing and networking
Simple mounting by means of metal threaded sleeves
integrated in the housing
UHF read/write systems
Bar Code Reader
BCL 5xxi
RFID solutions for an economically attractive,
practical solution in industrial environments
Simple handling and wide variety of integrated
fieldbus interfaces
Time-optimized writing to the transponder
while moving past through pre-transmission of the data to the write unit
Integrated fieldbus and Industrial Ethernet
connectivity: PROFIBUS, ProfiNet,
Ethernet and multiNet
Maximum connectivity with all common
interfaces and fieldbus systems
Code-Fragment-Technologie (CRT):
enables identification of soiled or
damaged codes
Depending on the system requirements,
systems with different ranges
and frequencies can be chosen from
High depth of field and large opening angle:
For wide transport systems
Page 09
Sensor solutions
for your applications
Smart Camera Family
LSIS 400i
Programmable Safety Controllers
MSI 200
Flexible, high-performance and easy-to-operate
smart camera for many applications
Simple and convenient monitoring of
up to 140 safe inputs
Safe object detection—test for presence,
completeness, type, position and
Up to 10 safe connectable
MSI-EM I/O extensions modules
Omnidirectional reading of printed and
directly marked 1D- and 2D-codes
Transfers diagnostic data to the
PLC via optional MSI-FB fieldbus
Compact device with electronic focus adjustment
and integrated illumination (white, infrared or color)
Screw terminal blocks or springcage terminal blocks, freely interchangeable
Flexible C-mount models by free choice of lens focal
length and external illumination
Forked Sensors
(I)GSU 14C
Mounting solutions for sensors
Intelligent fastening concepts
Precise detection of labels or
reliable detection of splices
Installation systems and protective covers—
Install quickly and protect reliably
Detection of paper, transparent and metallic labels at conveyor speeds of up to 4 m/s
Simple adjustment via teach-in by pressing
a button or remote calibration
Detection of splices in paper
or plastic webs at conveyor speeds of
up to 40 m/s
Universal sensor fastening on rods
Precisely align sensor in all three
planes and secure
Sturdy metal cover protects the
Sensor is aligned and secured
independent of the protective cover
(easily accessed)
Page 10
Mega logisitics at high speed
Gigantic luggage logistics at the fastest hub airport in the world
have been equipped with Leuze electronic sensors
The luggage logistics for check-in
and transfer luggage at the Frankfurt Airport is a highly complex
system that spans the airport.
Readers from Leuze electronic
on the branches of the transport
systems contribute significantly to
the passengers’ luggage reaching
its destination quickly and reliably.
The luggage conveyor system (LCS)
is at the heart of luggage handling
at the Frankfurt
Airport. Fraport AG,
the operating company of the Frankfurt
Airport international
air traffic hub, guarantees connection
times of a minimum
of 45 minutes in
which the transfer
luggage is unloaded,
sorted, transported
and reloaded. In
this time span,
multi-stage automatic
luggage screening
is performed. With
the short connecting
times for passengers
and luggage, the gigantic Frankfurt
Airport (FRA) is one of the fastest
hub airports in the world. When
you consider that an arriving flight
contains passengers for up to
85 connecting flights, it really is a
one-of-a-kind logistical achievement to uphold the minimum connection time for all simultaneous
connections spread throughout the
entire airport (Figure 1).
High reliability with
Leuze electronic sensors
The highly complex logistic system
is a high-speed sorting center which
manages up to 120,000 pieces of
luggage a day at peak times—even
with all the security regulations.
“Thousands of sensors control the
branches of the currently over
77 kilometer-long transport system
to bring suitcases and bags
between Terminal 1 and 2 as well
as the airport ramp station to their
destinations,” reports Regner,
Graduate Engineer at Fraport AG.
With the newest version of
the KA 973 readers from Leuze
electronic (Figures 2+3), he works
on optimizing the reliability rate
which, with an impressive 99.83%,
has already almost reached 100%.
The readers are part of a sophisticated container recognition system
and consist of three PRK 3B
Reflection Light Beam Devices with
polarization filters and an additional
HRTR 3B reflection light scanner
with background suppression.
Reading binary code at
high speeds
Figure 1: Fail-safe container detection with Leuze electronic sensors in
the high-speed logistics system at the Frankfurt Airport.
With their technical specifications,
such as the switching frequency
or required light-spot size, the
retro-reflective photoelectric
sensors from Leuze electronic meet
the requirements for high-speed
container recognition.
A total of 18,000 containers are
constantly in circulation. Affixed
to the side of each container is
an encoding strip which contains
a binary code over a length of
Page 11
Figure 3: Read stations
from Leuze electronic
regulate the branches in
the conveyor paths of the
luggage conveyor system
at the Frankfurt Airport.
Figure 2: On the back of the read stations, operating
states such as voltage supply, warning signal, pre-clock
signal, clock signal, and info signal are displayed via LED.
780 mm. Their reflection fields are
20 mm (high signal) and the dark
fields (low signal) in-between are
Figure 4: In some areas, containers move at speeds of up to 10 m/s.
18 mm wide. If these are put into
the context of the conveyor speeds
(Figure 4), immense reading
Leuze electronic is 1,000 Hz—this
even when damage or soiling is
frequencies result.
requirement is therefore fulfilled.
present. “The new readers with
“In some areas, such as through
Even in regard to the required
polarization filter Light Beam
long, straight tunnel paths, the
light-spot size as well as the
Devices and light scanners from
containers move at speeds of 5 m/s, compact design, the PRK 3B is
Leuze electronic contribute
sometimes even at 10 m/s test
optimal. Franz Regner specified
significantly to that fact that we
speeds,” states Regner. Because
a size of 5 to 6 mm so that the
can successfully manage the most
the speeds are reduced for changes respective contact surface is
intensive hub luggage handling
in direction due to the enormous
covered to the greatest possible
system worldwide,” sums up
centrifugal forces, the reading locaextent to ensure reliable detection
Franz Regner.
tions with the Leuze
electronic sensors are
designed for 5 m/s.
Extensive sensor competence for you
4 milliseconds
remain for reading
ROD 4plus
LPS 36
a bit at 5 m/s. The
Area scanning
light section sensors
switching frequendistance sensor
cy of the PRK 3B
Reflection Light
Beam Devices from
MSPi systems
Modular scanner portals
Page 12
Safely switched vehicle assembly
Safety sensors on PROFIsafe basis
at MAGNA STEYR Fahrzeugtechnik in Graz
The flexible, advanced production
systems at MAGNA STEYR in Graz
are characterized by robots in
assembly cells which practically
work hand in hand with their
human colleagues. Safety at work
is the top priority here. System
manufacturer EBZ has created a
perfect safety concept based on
PROFIsafe with safety sensors
from Leuze electronic for the
construction of Peugeot RCZ
vehicle bodies.
MAGNA STEYR Fahrzeugtechnik
AG & Co KG, located in Graz, with
its Engineering and Vehicle Contract
Manufacturing divisions, belongs to
the MAGNA STEYR Group and
thereby to one of the largest and
most highly diversified automotive
suppliers in the world. OEMs
(Original Equipment Manufacturers)
and VMs (Vehicle Manufacturers)
provide solutions for a wide range
Figure 1: Insertion of vehicle body parts into the
holders of the robot cells is done manually. This is
why the access area has to be reliably protected in
both vertical and horizontal directions. To the left,
the COMPACTplus Safety Light Curtain from
Leuze electronic.
Figure 2: During rear floor
assembly of the RCZ, the robot
cell with movable carriage is
protected by the COMPACTplus
Safety Light Curtain on the sides
and ROTOSCAN RS4 Safety Laser
Scanners from Leuze electronic on
the floor horizontally and vertically
from above.
of services with highly-flexible
development and manufacturing
strategies—from sub-systems such
as door modules, tank or roof
systems to the entire vehicle, from
small series to peak load coverage
and high-volume production.
The flexible production lines allow
MAGNA STEYR to manufacture
several different types of vehicles in
one line. This not only requires that
personal, but also robots and tools,
are highly adaptable. The combination of manual activities with automated processes creates a spatially
close working area for humans and
machines which demands a very
sophisticated safety concept
(Figure 1). A typical area in which
robots work almost hand in hand
with their human colleagues in
assembly cells is the manufacture
of vehicle bodies, or more specifically, the construction of the
Peugeot RCZ sport coupé. “The
Peugeot RCZ is the first entire
vehicle that PSA Peugeot Citroën
has assigned to MAGNA STEYR,”
explains Raimund Linortner from
the System Project Management
department in Graz.
Page 13
Figure 3: Side wall assembly of
the Peugeot RCZ sport coupé
at MAGNA STEYR, during which
the left and right car wings
are placed at the ready by an
employee, makes the need for a
safe access system very clear.
Safety in the assembly cell
feeding-in area
In total, there are 23
industrial robots linked to
one another in this
production section. They
handle in a highly dynamic
manner vehicle body parts
and welding tools. There
are also 16 insertion points
where employees enter the
robot working areas in
order to place new
components into the
system. In each of these
points, it must be ensured
that no person or object
can enter the area while
the robots are working.
“In addition, no one can be
in one of these areas when,
after new components have
been fed in, the assembly
cell has been re-enabled,”
adds Josef Kollmann from
EBZ SysTec GmbH,
Ravensburg. The project
leader responsible for the
electronics of the assembly
system belongs to the EBZ
Group team which, as a
service provider in the vehicle body
construction sector, executes all
work from the development of
components to the commissioning
and optimization of the system.
Both requirements set are
fulfilled by the combination of
COMPACTplus Safety Light
Curtains and ROTOSCAN RS4
Safety Laser Scanners from
Leuze electronic (Figure 2). While
the COMPACTplus Light Curtains
protect the vertical access area,
meaning disabling the respective
system when the Safety Light
Curtain is crossed, the
ROTOSCAN RS4 Laser Scanners
guard the so-called steppingbehind area. The Safety Laser
Scanners are area scanners. This
type 3 electro-sensitive protective
equipment reliably detects bodies,
legs, arms or hands in protected
field contours which can be configured in any dimensions (Figure 3).
PROFIsafe in connection
Curtains and the ROTOSCAN RS4
Safety Laser Scanners feature an
integrated PROFIBUS DP connector
unit. The functional extension
of PROFIsafe enables the entire
operation of non-safe standard
automation devices and safety
devices on the PROFIBUS DP.
“We do not need separate
terminal boxes for the Leuze
electronic safety sensors. They are
directly connected to the bus,”
Kollmann is happy to say. The
PROFIsafe sensors do not require
any modifications in the existing
hardware components and can be
integrated easily into existing
systems. The PROFIsafe communication standard presents a considerable potential for savings due to
wiring and the diversity of parts;
furthermore, it offers the advantage
of retrofitability, which then helps
create the flexibility demanded at
This may be interesting
to you as well
Safety Light
MSI 100/200
Safety Controllers
What Kollmann particularly emphasizes is the application profile. Both
the COMPACTplus Safety Light
MLD 500
Multiple Light Beam
Safety Devices
Page 14
Error rate nearly zero
Sensors for error-free, automated screw logistics at Reyher
Figure 1: Warehousing and removal in one
of three high-bay warehouses for pallets.
Reyher is one of the largest
trading firms for innovative
connecting components and
mounting technology. Klaus
Mundt, head of technology at
Reyher, has for many years now
consistently utilized sensors
from Leuze electronic in Reyher’s
highly-automated logistics. This
is also true of their newest project
at present, that is again being
carried out in cooperation with
plant automation firm
U.C.S Industrieelektronik.
“Automation makes our processes
more efficient and error-free,”
stresses Klaus Mundt, who gauges
performance of automated screw
logistics with regard to material
handling based on quickness,
delivery flexibility, delivery quality
and the absence of errors.
With regard to the
issue of absence of
errors, Klaus Mundt also
explains why he prefers
the sensors from Leuze
electronic in the various
storage and logistics areas
(Figures 1+2): “Delivering
more than 15,000 different products each day
means moving over 15,000
containers, boxes or pallets—often many times.
To identify these, we work
with roughly 100 bar code
readers. Manufacturers
usually offer such devices
with a very high error resistance. Yet, even with an
error rate that appears to
be quite low—two percent,
for instance—this means
that there would still be
several hundred faulty packages
in transit each day. With bar code
readers from Leuze electronic,
our rate of erroneous readings is
nearly zero”.
These devices are stationary
installed bar code readers
(e.g., BCL 34, Figure 3) and
bar code positioning systems
(BPS). “We use the latter along
with other systems from Leuze
electronic; for example, AMS laser
distance measurement systems,
for the precise positioning of
high-bay storage devices,” adds
Thomas Ludwig, the responsible
project manager from U.C.S.
Industrieelektronik GmbH. The
innovative partner for system
control and automation, located
in Wedel/Holstein, Germany,
implements the warehouse and
logistics automation for Reyher.
Optimized compressor workplaces
Throughout the entire Reyher
logistics center, the picking of the
customer orders is handled based
on 60,000 pallets and 120,000
container locations in three storage
areas (Figure 4). Here, customer
orders, possibly with multiple
containers from different storage
areas, are merged into so-called
sorters. From there, the collected
containers go to “compressor
workplaces” where the products are
manually repacked into their final
shipment packaging.
During the course of the capacity
expansion in hall 12, with a workspace of 7,500 m2, the section of
Figure 2: Container handling technology
in the package shipping area.
Page 15
the shipping area performed with
Kanban containers was separated
and recreated. What is essential
in conjunction with this is that
the empty Kanban containers are
supplied automatically and at
the right time to the compressor
workplaces via three respective
pallet storage spaces. Provision of
fully-automatic Kanban containers
from the shelves is handled by two
high-bay storage devices. They
travel over a 60 meter long track—
equipped with a bar code positioning system from Leuze electronic.
AMS laser distance measurement
systems from Leuze electronic
are used for the exact positioning
Figure 3: Bar code reading with BCL 34 and
contour inspections with photoelectric sensor
of the 46 series in goods receiving.
Figure 4: Workplace in the container picking area.
of high-bay storage devices and
optical, high-performance data
transmission systems (DDLS) from
Leuze are employed for flexible
data transmission from the moving
Matched safety components
within a set
As the pallets with the empty
Kanban containers are supplied
directly to the compressor workplaces, and therefore moving
components automatically arrive
directly in the workplaces, these
must be protected with the appropriate safety devices. With the
muting function, the pallets with the
containers can travel out of the
areas protected by light barriers
without triggering a switching signal
when traversing a light barrier
protected field. “Together with all
of the sensor tasks in logistics
automation, at Reyher we have also
implemented the muting applications quickly, simply and economically in this way, with CPSET Light
Beam Safety Device Sets and
top-quality and reliable optoelectronics from Leuze electronic—
ergo everything from a single
source,” notes U.C.S. project
manager Thomas Ludwig with
You have the application—we have the right sensor
IT 1300g
Hand-held readers
for bar codes
Diffuse reflection light scanner
with background suppression
MLD 500
Multiple Light Beam Safety Devices
with integrated muting
Page 16
Gentle and efficient handling of
thirst quenchers
Mineral water being transported from filling to palletizing with
Schaefer systems and Leuze electronic sensors
BUQ is one of the leading
producers of mineral water in
Germany and primarily supplies
discount stores. In several filling
systems for mineral water and soft
drinks, containers are transported,
grouped and palletized in a
particularly economic manner with
Schaefer systems in Baruth
(Figure 1). Extraordinary mechanics, also regarding the Schaefer
pallet transport system, is complemented by the excellent sensor
systems from Leuze electronic.
Schaefer has trusted the reliability
of Leuze electronic products for
many years. A particular advantage for the installation in Baruth
was that everything needed was
found in the
product range
of the “sensor
people” from
Water from Baruth
In 1994, a spring was drilled in
scanners (in
Baruth, south of Berlin, and a
filling system was built. Since this
housing) to
system was started up, mineral
water has bubbled out of the
light barriers
spring which is not only sold as
and complete
such, but is also used in carbonsystems as well
ated soft drinks. Back then,
as sensors with
disposable glass bottles were
special funcfilled; starting at the beginning
of 2000, Brandenburger
tions, e.g. senUrstromquelle (BUQ) GmbH
sitivity adjustchanged to PET bottles. These are
ment and quick
predominantly sold by German,
alignment. The
but also Austrian and French,
high functional
discount stores under different
brand names, for example as
reliability of
Brandenburger Urstromquelle or
sensors for
Baruther Johannesbrunnen.
media is an
additional benefit; after all, seethrough PET bottles, clear liquids
and transparent foils are part of
Figure 1: Schaefer system with Light Beam Device Sets.
everyday operations. Leuze
electronic sensors fulfill these
requirements easily (Figure 2).
A special feature in the area of
safety at work are the new MLD
complete systems with Multiple
Light Beam Safety Devices from the
MLD 500 series. They allow access
guarding systems with muting to be
built in the shortest possible time.
An MLD complete system contains
a safety sensor with muting indicator in addition to Device Columns,
Deflecting Mirrors, Muting Mounting Systems, muting Light Beam
Devices, reflectors, terminal boxes,
cabling accessories and the
MSI-RM2 Safety Relay—all in one
set, pre-mounted in accordance
with requirements (Figure 3). Thanks
to the industry-standard M12 plug
and pre-configuration, the components can nearly be installed completely via Plug & Play. This allows
optimal fulfillment of the demands
on short start-up times, simplifies
mounting and reduces costs.
Figure 2: Sensors during pallet transfer.
The conveyor systems from
Schaefer begin after the filling
system and the following shrink
packer with the so-called handle
applicator—the device that applies
the practical carrying straps to the
Page 17
containers wrapped in foil. Thomas
Weber, head of control technology
at Schaefer, highlights the importance of the sensor systems used:
“Both in the container transport and
distortion monitoring systems, the
Leuze electronic sensor systems
have proven themselves without
a doubt.” This is why the sensors
from this manufacturer are found
throughout the entire system to fulfill detection, measuring, positioning
and safety at work tasks (Figure 4).
All scanners and Reflection Light
Beam Devices in the conveyor line
ensure that the signals necessary
for a smooth material flow which
can be set reliably are created.
State-oriented, Profibus-based
control technology guarantees
Still more sensor
solutions for you
LPS 36
light section sensors
LSIS 4xxi
Smart Camera
Vario B
Measuring and switching
light curtains
optimal operation, i.e. impactfree transport and gentle
buffering with the highest
possible product and transport
stability. In addition, the
layer formation process is
becoming increasingly
dynamic, yet it remains
just as precise. Therefore,
the sensors that are used
must meet these requirements. At Schaefer, the
functionality and reliability of the products from
Leuze electronic have
proven themselves time
and time again.
PatternBUILDER and
RoboTURN together with
the MultiROB highS palletizing robot create a logical
concept for palletizing
with simple interfaces to foreign
systems. As soon as the containers
enter the RoboTURN machine
area, parallel process steps are
performed in MultiROB highS.
A special handling device, the
so-called cardboard swivel
machine, supplies stacked cartons
in the machine for the surface and
intermediate layers in a manner
optimal for the required processes
and stacks them in layers.
Michael Koch, head of construction at Schaefer, had this to say
about the complete solution:
“We achieve high performance with
our systems in a small amount of
space, meaning we provide high
performance density at good energy
efficiency. A few years ago, two
machines were necessary to
manage this performance requirement. Now this performance is
accomplished with just one
machine. This means that customers have more valuable space
Figure 3: Complete systems contain all
components—including displays and control
units with reset buttons (on fence).
Figure 4: Pallets before driving to the rotary table.
available to them.” The equipment
of the Baruth system with sensors
from Leuze electronic is the
guarantee for high system
availability since the combination
of the robust machine construction from Schaefer and
the sensor technology from
Leuze electronic creates the
optimum technical solution.
Page 18
Welcome to Bra zil!
Edimilson Mario is managing director of our subsidiary in Brazil.
Born in São Paulo and with many years of experience in the
electronics industry, he knows the rapidly growing machine
market back to front. Naturally, he can also best tell us what
we can’t miss on our next visit to Brazil.
. contact Could you please
briefly introduce yourself to our
readers and tell us how you came
to Leuze electronic?
. Bom dia! I was born in
São Paulo in 1965 and earned my
degree in electronics engineering
at the FEI engineering school in the
city of São Bernardo do Campo in
1987. I completed my practical
training in the Passive Components
division of Siemens Brazil. In 1995
I decided to try my luck with a new
start outside of the electronics
industry and joined Norton, an
abrasives manufacturer which
belongs to Saint-Gobain Abrasives,
as a marketing manager. This
turned out to be a very good
decision, as I was able to learn a
great deal there about sales,
marketing and distribution strategies. In 1997 “home sickness”
drove me back to the electronics
industry to the newly founded
Brazilian subsidiary of the German
company HARTING. For me, this
was an opportunity to be involved
with the establishment of a
company right from the start. In
2009 I switched to Leuze electronic
Brazil, where I have since felt quite
at home.
. contact How has Leuze
electronic developed in Brazil
until now?
. Leuze electronic Brazil
was established in 1994. From
São Paulo, we, along with the
regional managers in Porto Alegre
and Campinas, support an evergrowing distribution network that
covers even distant places such as
Manaus or the rain forest region at
the border to Argentina in southern
South America. We have established a very efficient supply chain
with the advantage of very short
delivery times. At the same time,
our location in São Paulo is also a
hub for know-how: from here, our
Igua zú wa terfa
team of engineers distributes to
the entire organization the information gleaned in regular training
courses in Germany as well as new
applications that we discover in our
. contact Do you also produce
safety sensor systems locally for
the South American market?
. Yes, we have been installing safety light curtains since 2000.
As a result, we are able to offer
products with short delivery times
at competitive prices. Our production site is subject to periodic
quality audits as we must satisfy
the exact same quality standards as our parent company.
Because we install systems
M an au s, Am
C ar neva l co
st ume,
Page 19
S ão Pau lo
on-site, we can also perform maintenance work on our safety light
curtains on very short notice.
. contact What are the most
important industries for your
. The automotive indus-
try is, without a doubt, of great
importance—here, Brazil has a
production volume approaching
4 million units per year. Our
success in this industry is based
on our international presence, our
range of products and our team’s
excellent qualifications.
The food and beverages industry
is also an important sector if one
considers the 194 million residents
alone. In addition to this, Brazilian
companies are among the heavyweights of the food industry on an
international level as well.
. contact Brazil is considered to
be South America’s growth engine.
How do you asses the economic
development of the country in the
coming years?
. In the
past, the general
consensus was that
Brazil is the country
of the future. Then—during the
difficult times of the 80s—hopelessness became widespread
among the populace and almost
no one believed that the situation
would again improve. Today, Brazil
offers an interesting combination of
a giant domestic market, a massive
food production industry, large
energy resources, social peace and
a stable democracy. As a result,
Brazil was able to develop into one
of the five largest economies.
. contact Since the start of 2011,
new regulations have been in place
for safety products in Brazil. What
special services do you offer your
. We realized that it is not
enough to simply offer products
in order to effectively support our
customers. We are, therefore,
also active as safety consultants
who assess the current state of
machines with respect to safety
and prepare reports with the steps
that must be taken to satisfy the
relevant safety standards. Our
networked distributors and system
integrators are able to install all
necessary equipment and can
thereby ensure that all safety
inspections are passed.
Welcome to
Sightseeing in downtown São Paulo.
Why? Normally, people come to São
Paulo for meetings and are always in a
hurry. As a result, they completely forget
that the city also has a great deal to
offer from a touristic point of view.
São Paulo was founded 457 years ago
by the Jesuits, and you can still visit the
place where everything began, the Pátio
do Colégio. Located just a short distance
away is the Dom Catedral da Sé, an impressive building that is certainly worthy
of an extended
visit. Afterward,
you should take
a stroll along
Rua Direita,
which leads to
Vale do Anhagabaú, and then
on to Rua Barão
de Itapetininga
to the República
Plaza. A market
is held here
on Sundays at
which arts and
crafts are sold.
The entire sightseeing trip lasts
two hours. And,
if you then are hungry for a hearty meat
dish, you are certain to satisfy your craving
with a “churrascaria”.
Bom apetite!
R io de Ja ne
ir o
P o n ta N e
ra b e ach
, N a ta l
Balluff-Leuze Ltd
12 Burton Court, Bayswater
VIC 3153
Phone +61 3 9720 4100
Fax +61 3 9738 2677
Leuze electronic Sarl.
Z.I. Nord de Torcy, B.P. 62-BAT 3
FR-77202 Marne la Vallée Cedex 1
Phone +33 1 6005 1220
Fax +33 1 6005 0365
Leuze electronic S.r.l.
Via Soperga 54
IT-20127 Milano
Phone +39 02 26110643
Fax +39 02 26110640
Leuze electronic nv/sa
Steenweg Buda 50
BE-1830 Machelen
Phone +32 2 253 1600
Fax +32 2 253 1536
Leuze electronic Ltd.
Sensor House
Phoenix Business Park
St. Neots
Cambridgeshire, PE19 8EP
Phone +44 14 80 408 500
Fax +44 14 80 403 808
Balluff-Leuze Pty. Ltd.
105 Morin Road Panmure
P.O. Box 204002 HighBrook
3591 Auckland
Phone +64 9 2501460
Fax +64 9 2501462
Leuze electronic Ltda.
Av. Leonardo da Vinci, 1190
Vila Guarani
04313-001 São Paulo – SP
Phone +55 11 5180-6130
Fax +55 11 5181-6141
Leuze electronic Trading
(Shenzhen) Co. Ltd., Headquarters,
Room 501-510, Xihaimingzhu
Plaza No.1, Taoyuan Rd.,
Nanshan District Shenzhen
Postcode: 518059
Phone +86 755 862 64909
Fax +86 755 862 64901
Leuze electronic Scandinavia ApS
Gydevang 33
DK-3450 Alleroed
Phone +45 48173200
Leuze electronic Ltd.
Room 501-510, Xihaimingzhu
Plaza No.1, Taoyuan Rd.
Nanshan District Shenzhen
P.R. China
Phone +86 755 862 64909
Fax +86 755 862 64901
Leuze electronic Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No. 52, Udyog Vihar Phase-VI,
Gurgaon - 122001, Haryana India
Phone +91 124 412 1600
Fax +91 124 412 1611
Leuze electronic B.V.
Ringweistraat 6
NL-4181CM Waardenburg
Phone +31 418 65 35 44
Fax +31 418 65 38 08
Leuze electronic S.A.U.
C/ Joan Güell, 32 bajos
ES-08028 Barcelona
Phone +34 93 409 79 00
Fax +34 93 490 35 15
17 distribution companies
42 distributors
Leuze electronic Co., Ltd.
405 Anyang Geonseol Tower
Bisan-dong 1112-1, Dongan-gu
Anyang-si Gyeonggi-do
Korea P.O. 431-050
Phone +82 31 3 82 82 28
Fax +82 31 3 82 85 22
Leuze electronic Tic.Ltd.Sti.
Barajyolu caddesi, Burak Sokak,
Darende is Merkezi, Kat:4 Daire 9,
Atas¸ ehir
TR-34779 Ümraniye-Istanbul
Phone +90 216 456 6704
Fax +90 216 456 3650
Leuze electronic, Inc.
55395 Lyon Industrial Drive
New Hudson, MI 48165
Phone +1 248 486 4466
Fax +1 248 486 6699
Leuze electronic AG
Rothusstrasse 5b
CH-6331 Hünenberg
Phone +41 41 784 56 56
Fax +41 41 784 56 57
Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG
Marketing and Communication
Postfach 11 11
D-73277 Owen
+49-7021-573 - 0
+49-7021-573 - 199
Volker Aschenbrenner (responsible editor)
Thomas Röhrle
Matthias May
en 01-2012/04 50115199

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