
*1Aydan ENER SU
“1900-1928 Yılları Arasında Türkiye’de Yayınlanan Mizah Gazetelerinde Fıkra” adlı bu
çalışmada, bu tarih aralığında yayınlanan mizah gazete ve dergileri işledikleri konuları bakımından
incelendi ve fıkra türü ile ilgili olanlar değerlendirildi. Türk edebiyatındaki fıkraların mizah gazetelerine
yansıması ele alındı. Bu çalışma 1900-1928 yılları arasındaki mizah süreli yayınlarında işlenen konuları
saptamak, modern mizah kuramlarından yola çıkarak mizah süreli yayınlarında mizahın oluşturulma
yöntemlerini belirlemek, bu dönemin dergilerinde yazan mizah şair ve yazarlarının mizah yaratma
tekniklerini ortaya koymak amacıyla yapıldı.
Bu çalışma ile Türkiye’de dönemin mizah anlayışının nasıl olduğunu, mizah-edebiyat anlayışını ortaya
çıkarmaya çalışacağız.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Mizah, fıkra, Türk edebiyatı, mizah gazete ve dergileri, mizah kuramları
An Investigation About Jokes at Humor Magazines Published in Turkey Between 1900-1928
In this paper named “An Investigation About Turkish Literature Jokes at Humor Magazines
Published in Turkey Between 1900-1928”, humor newspapers and magazines published in this date
range have been examined in terms of the issues they handle and which were evaluated on genres of
jokes. The jokes in Turkish literature was discussed reflected the humor newspaper. The purpose of this
study was to determine issues handled in humor periodicals between 1900-1928 years, to determine the
method of creating humor based on the theory of modern humor, to determine the literary writing and
poetry of humor periodicals, be the humor magazine writer and poet of this period was to demonstrate
the technique of creating humor.
This study is how the term the Turkish sense of humor, I will try to reveal the humor, literature and
Keywords: Humor, jokes, Turkish literature, humor magazines and newspapers, theory of humor
Tanzimat Period (1860-1896) has began to Westernized of Turkish literature in the modern sense
of first period from the second half of the 19th century. During this period its started to give the first
example of the many species in the modern sense, Ali Reşat and Filip Efendi who have a weekly
supplement of the newspaper of the same name Terakki (23.10.1870) that they have Turkish humor
magazine first published the Arabic alphabet (Apaydın, 2006, s.328). Terakki that do not have
carricature on its pages changes name as Terakki Eğlencesi at 1870. (Çeviker 1986, s.21). Here's a visual
element of humor in writing, that the entrance to the magazine as a comic cartoon seen.
Arş. Gör., Turkey, Hacettepe Üniversitesi – Turkish Language and Literature.
An Investigation About Jokes at Humor Magazines Published in Turkey Between 1900-1928
Diyojen is the first humor newspaper published in the Ottoman Empire at the end of 1870 and this
newspaper was published by Teodor Kasap. Diyojen is a turning point for Turkish humor magazine. Ali
Bey, Namik Kemal, Teodor Kasap and important thinkers of the period were written in the humor
Twenty Ottoman humor magazine published between 1870-1877 years; however Delegation of
Deputies forbid the humor magazines at May 8, 1877. The content of humor magazines purposes only
entertainment before these magazines will begin to find their humorous identity; to engage in political
and social life and prepared the ground for the magazine dealt with a critical attitude.
The humor magazines or newspapers weren’t seen 1879-1908 period of time. Humorous
magazines began to be published abroad because of the cencor. Hayal at Paris as the same name Hayal
at London, Dolap at England in anywhere published, Bebe Ruhi and Tokmak at Cenevre, Pinti
Abdülhamit Curcuna Deccal and Hasbihal at Kahire have important humor magazines. Şarivari that
means when raids for adultery people hitting the tin and hooting the guilty was 5 numbers published.
(Özünlü, 1999: s. 64)
Constitutional Period is an extremely efficient and colorful period in terms of humor magazines.
The enthusiasm created by the II. Constitutional, the end of censorship in the press, the end of the 30year period of autocracy and the victory accros from II. Abdülhamit, the silence of the large and long time
it will use humor with all the means. The address of opposition that it has cencored since 1878 is still
print media. (Yazıcı, 2011, s. 1301)
We have detected 133 humor newspapers and magazines are available between the years 19001928 so far. Some of them are long-term will continue for years and some of them are closed after 1015 numbers or 1-2 numbers.
In this study we will investigate over four jokes in humor newspaper which names Kahkaha, Eşek
and Malum published between the years 1900-1928.
There are various opinions about the definition of joke that is one of the products of oral culture.
Dursun Yıldırım defined the jopke as follows: “Joke, relationship with real life and events, a fully idea,
social and human aspects we encounter distortions in our daily lives, ridiculous situations, contrasts, old
/ new conflicts of a subtle humor, philosophical conversation, a sharp irony and a strong criticism
understanding in a style with, strong dramatic elements around the story roof, usually only one type
connected to tell, created the prose language small volumes of oral literature, the name given to each of
the compositions, we can say” (Yıldırım 1992:333). Short but an impressive expression are possible.
One of the products of oral culture and when say humor then comes firstly to mind as well as laughing
function suggest, making fun of or have criticizing function. There are various types of personal
characteristics in jokes. Joke types the most comprehensive classification was by the Dursun Yıldırım
again. This classification consists of seven groups. (Yıldırım 1992: 24-32)
In this study we will investigate over four jokes in humor newspaper which names Kahkaha, Eşek
and Malum published between the years 1900-1928. Firstly jokes will investigate by joke types and then
hemeneutics by humor theories.
The first joke is Yapraktan Bir Takvim that founds in the name of Malum humor newspaper in
the number of 4 page 2. This is a Nasreddin Hoca joke.
Yapraktan Bir Takvim
Geçen gün gazetelerin kapatılması münasebetiyle meclis-i mebusanda istizah takriri verilmiş olduğunu gören
bir zat anlatıyordu:
Aydan Ener Su
Nasreddin Hoca merhum bir gün eşeğine bir miktar zahiye yükleterek yola revan olmuş. Epey gittikten sonra
yorulunca eşeği durdurmuş; kendisi de binmiş; fakat eşek zayıf, dayanamamış, yere çöküvermiş. Hoca bakmış ki
olmuyor. Tutmuş yükü indirmiş, eşeğe kendisi binmiş. Eşek hiç zahmet çekmeyince hoca “Hah!...” diyerek ve
sevinerek tekrar inmiş, bu sefer yükü kendi arkasına alarak eşeğe öylece binmiş, biner binmez eşek yine çökmüş. Hoca
bu sefer kemal-i hiddetle: Oğlum demiş, yükü ben kendi arkama aldım, sana ne oluyor?...
Teşbihte hata olmaz ya, muhterem mebuslarımız da galiba bu hikâyeyi hatırlamış olacaklar ki mecliste:
Canım gazeteleri kapatan idare-i örfiyedir. Hükümet değildir, bundan hükümete ne var?... diyorlar…
At Nalı
At Nalı. (19 Kanun-ı Evvel 1326- 01 Ocak 1911). Yapraktan Bir Takvim. Malum. N. 4, s. 2.
We can classificate this joke like Dursun Yıldırım’s the ability to represent the common
personality getting types. The main person is Nasrettin Hoca who is a within the geographical area where
Turkish is spoken and the types are considered famous in the world. The event be around the Nasrettin
Hoca. Hoca as alone as a human all the jokes he speaks his ass that sembolizing meek. Nasrettin Hoca
personalizes his ass.
When we consider the paragraph in terms of superiority theory Nasrettin Hoca finds a remedy.
Reader or hearer thinks that is a stupidly remedy. Nasrettin Hoca falls into funny situations and then
reader or hearer thinks that will not do the same mistake and he feels superior, feels relief. In this case,
he feel enjoy and then laugh.
We examine the same joke in terms of dissonance theory, when Nasreddin hoca gets off the
donkey, reader or hearer thinks that Nasreddin Hoca will continue the road. But reader or hearer
surprizes this situation. Because, Nasreddin Hoca rides on donkey again and taking goods his own back.
The amount of weight on the back of the donkey does not change. The only thing that is changing goods
don’t touch the donkey's back.
The second joke is Yapraktan Bir Takvim that finds in the name of Eşek humor newspaper in the
number of 2 page 2. This is a joke that make reference to Nasreddin Hoca joke.
Yapraktan Bir Takvim
Hoş hamiyetli bir zât mecliste anlatıyordu:
-Allah rahmet eylesin bir turşucu var imiş. Her gün turşusunu eşeğinin arkasına yükletir mahalle mahalle dolaşırmış. Fakat
mahalle ortasında turşucu tam “turşu” diye bağırmak isterken eşeği başlarmış anırmaya… Bir gün böyle. Beş gün böyle; zavallı adam
mahallede hiç bağıramıyormuş. Bir gün yine bir mahallede turşu… diye bağırmaya başlayacakken yine eşek başlamış: ai ai…Ai..
Herif fena halde kızmış, eşeğe: Be eşek, turşuyu sen mi satacaksın ben mi satacağım?...
Acaba şimdi maarif nazırı da dese ki: Maarif nezaretini ben mi idare edeceğim, yoksa gazeteler mi idare edecek?.. O vakit
Mahmut Sadık Bey biraderimiz! Ne cevap verir acaba?...
?. (16 Teşrin-i Sani 1326- 30 Kasım 1910). Yapraktan Bir Takvim. Eşek. N. 1, s. 2.
We can classificate this joke, arts and professions representing types in daily types. Pickle is the
main person in this joke. The people who sell pickle, speaks with his donkey. Donkey is the deputy of
pickle seller. Although there isn’t the name of Nasreddin Hoca this joke are known to belong to him,
and the joke is tell pickle seller instead of Pickle Seller Nasreddin Hoca.
When we examined the joke with Coupling Theory, events in opposition and logical problems
are possible. Humorous fiction feature stems from the clause in the joke. When the pickle seller sell his
pickle, his donkey began to braying. This situation causes conflict. The changing role of the speaker in
paragraph / interference that led to this situation creates wit of joke. And this situation causes no
inference to conform to reality. He thinks that his donkey will sell his pickle. Unexpected, logical
inference is problematic that this would be ridiculous.
An Investigation About Jokes at Humor Magazines Published in Turkey Between 1900-1928
The third joke is Parmak İzi that finds in the name of Malum humor newspaper in the number of
2 page 3. This is a Nasreddin Hoca joke.
Parmak İzi
Bir gün Nasreddin Hoca evinde otururken komşularından biri gelmiş, demiş ki:
-Hoca Efendi bu gün oduna gideceğim, senin eşeği bana verir misin?...
Hocanın besbelli işine elvermemiş olmalı ki cevaben:
-Merkep evde değil, demiş…
Fakat tam bu sırada eşek aşağıdan anırmaya başlamasın mı?...
Komşu:-Canım, işte sesi geliyor!
Hoca:-Amma yaptın a… Ak sakalımla benim “merkep evde değil” dediğime inanmıyorsun da merkebin anırtısına
inanıyorsun değil mi?...
Acaba biz de muhaliflere memleketimizin inzibatı yolunda gidiyor desek bize mi inanırlar yoksa yankesici ve hırsız güruhi
birkaç herifin parmak izlerine mi?....
?. (10 Kanun-ı evvel 1326- 23 Aralık 1910). Parmak İzi. Malum. N. 2, s. 3.
We can classificate this joke the ability to represent the common personality getting types. The
main person is Nasrettin Hoca who is a within the geographical area where Turkish is spoken and the
types are considered famous in the world. Nasreddin Hoca is with his neighbor and his donkey in this
joke. Hoca is the most contacts with his neighbors. In this joke, the neigbor who tries to take his need to
from Nasreddin Hoca. The neigbour is a manipulative neighbor type. Nasreddin Hoca don’t want to give
his donkey to his neigbor so, he says a lie and says the donkey isn’t home. At that time the donkey
braying and Hoca’s lie revealed. The neigbour think that Hoca will give his donkey but Hoca is a clever
person. Hoca produce a pratical solution and provides superior to his neigbors. And he accusing his
When we examined the joke with Incompatibilities Theory, the donkey braying and Hoca’s lie
revealed. Reader/listener thinks that Hoca will give his donkey but Hoca is a clever person. Hoca
produce a pratical solution and not expected. Moreover and he accusing his neigbor. On reader / listener
creates a shock. The result in this case outside the expected causes of humor.
The fourth joke is Hizmetçi İşte Böyle Olmalıdır! that find in the name of Kahkaha humor
newspaper in the number of 2 page 4.
Hizmetçi İşte Böyle Olmalıdır!
Bir gün madamın biri evi için bir erkek hizmetçi arar. Bunu haber alanlardan biri bu hizmetkârlığa talib olur. Fakat madama
müracaat etmeden evvel esasen diğer bir evde hizmetçilik eden bir arkadaşına giderek ev hizmetçiliğine dair tafsilat ister. Arkadaşı
bu müracaatı memnuniyetle kabul eder. Ve bu hususta ne biliyorsa hepsini bir kâğıda yazarak eline verir:
-Al azizim, işte bu pusulanın içinde mükemmel bir ev hizmetçisi olmak için ne lazımsa hepsi yazılıdır. Buradan okur ona
göre ev hizmetlerini, madamın işlerini yaparsın, der.
Delikanlı pusulayı alır ve doğru madamın evine koşar, kapıyı çalar, madam bahçeye iner, kapıyı açtırır ve onu içeriye alır.
Avluda şu muhavere başlar.
Madam – Ne istiyorsun?
Delikanlı – İşittim ki madam bir ev hizmetçisi arıyorsunuz. Bu hizmete ben talibim.
-Sen evvelce hizmetçilik yaptın mı, bu işin ehli misin?
-(İki eli de pantolonun ceplerinde, aldığı pusula ise sol elinin avucunda olduğu hâlde) madam, evvelce hizmetçilik
Aydan Ener Su
Fakat bugün pantolonumda size her cehle nafi’ olabilecek vesaitim var.
(Mahçup). (30 Kanun-ı Evvel 1338- 30 Aralık 1922). Hizmetçi İşte Böyle Olmalıdır!. 2. Kahkaha. N. 2, s.4.
We can evaluate Arts and professions representing types of daily types in this joke. There are 3
people in this joke. A young man representing the profession servants, friend of the boy's servant and
madan who needs a servant. The young man doesn’t work before who who will apply for a job as a
servant boy. The young man asks for help from friend who works as a servant. His friend writes at a
paper all the things how can he work like servant. When young man goes to job interwiev, madam asks
a question. The young man doesn’t answers the question clearly, because of, It causes ambiguity. This
connotation repressed feelings and talk to the community which is a shame reveals a funny situation
because it is a shame about sexuality.
When we examined the joke with Incompatibilities Theory, job seekers are expected to fulfill the
conditions required before a person's job application. The lad helps from his friend who work as maid
about how to be a maid. His friend writes all information about maid and give the mad. Reader/listener
thinks that the mad read the paper and so he will give answer from there. The lady who is seeking men
maid doesn’t know anything about paper. So answers given by the young man, thought to come from a
different meaning because it creates confusion. Incompatibility confusion caused by the recognized
causes laughter.
In this paper named “An Investigation About Turkish Literature Jokes at Humor Magazines
Published in Turkey Between 1900-1928”, humor newspapers and magazines published in this date
range have been examined in terms of the issues they handle and which were evaluated on genres of
jokes. To was chosen Kahkaha, Eşek ve Malum the humor newspapers published between specified in
and firstly, the jokes which terms of in this newspaper over article were classified in types and then it
tried to be interpreted in terms of theories of humor. The article discussed the results of these comments
were generally seen to be based on contrasts and contradictions. And from this contradiction consists of
contrast was seen laughing place of action. The jokes which many of humor that can be explained by
the theory of where clause, to were seen that to examined in terms of incompatibility and superiority
theory were more convenient, usually.
The jokes of Nasreddin Hoca studying in newspapers, generally was seen to be those associated
with donkey. The names of newspapers are effective that situation. One of the humor newspaper’s name
is Eşek, and another’s name is Malum which was the new version of Eşek. It was came out after Eşek
was closed.
The life of press was brighten up with Constitutional Monarchy, situation of freedom. Forced to
shut for a long time, the suppression of intellectuals and journalists when was free, they began to write
and they spew their anger with humor elements. So they want to get rid of the pain of the past.
During this period, most of the humor in the newspaper joke section located under different
headings. While some jokes provide only laugh function, some of them can also be used with some
suggesting and criticizing function not only laugh function. When is any subject to criticism, First is tell
a joke appropriate to the subject and when the joke finish, a question asks about subject to critism or
comment, later the jokes part is completed. The journalists who want to show the truth, ıt appeared to
benefit from its joke part for open the eyes of the people. Some of them was encountered for the first
An Investigation About Jokes at Humor Magazines Published in Turkey Between 1900-1928
time which jokes in the newspapers and others known by the world for centuries that associated with
Nasreddin Hoca.
Jokes are short, but the depth of the text which can be varied by the reader means via connotations.
So here examined jokes, when viewed from the perspective of different readers in different ways with
different theories different comments and results can come up.
Apaydın, Mustafa. “Tanzimat’tan Sonra Mizah ve Hiciv”. Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi.(c. 3, s. 327342) Ankara: Kültür Bakanlığı Yayınları. 2006.
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Özünlü, Ünsal. Gülmecenin Dilleri. Ankara: Doruk Yayınları. 1999.
Yazıcı, Nermin. “Yazılı Türk Mizahının Gelişim Sürecinde Batılı Anlamda İlk Mizah Dergisi:
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Yıldırım, Dursun. Türk Edebiyatında Bektaşi Fıkraları. Ankara: Akçağ Yayınları. 1999.
Yıldırım, Dursun. “Fıkra”, Türk Dünyası El Kitabı, 3. c., 2. B., Ankara: Türk Kültürünü
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At Nalı. (19 Kanun-ı Evvel 1326- 01 Ocak 1911). Yapraktan Bir Takvim. Malum. N. 4, s. 2.
?. (16 Teşrin-i Sani 1326- 30 Kasım 1910). Yapraktan Bir Takvim. Eşek. N. 1, s. 2.
?. (10 Kanun-ı evvel 1326- 23 Aralık 1910). Parmak İzi. Malum. N. 2, s. 3.
(Mahçup). (30 Kanun-ı Evvel 1338- 30 Aralık 1922). Hizmetçi İşte Böyle Olmalıdır!. 2. Kahkaha. N. 2,
Aydan Ener Su: She has been working as a research assistant in the Department of Modern
Turkish Literature in Hacettepe University. “An Investigation About Humor Magazines
Between 1900-1928” has continue her PhD thesis.