Lotus maritimus


Lotus maritimus
Lotus maritimus
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Range description 1,2
This species occurs in west, central and southern Europe, Crimea, Caucasia, North Africa and Turkey. It
is widespread in Turkey as follows: stanbul: Kkekmece; Bolu: Abant Lake, 1,400m;Yozgat: 14 miles from
ekerek to Alaca, 900 m;Sivas/Erzincan: Suehri to Refahiye;Ktahya: Murat Mountain, 1,750 m;Ankara:
Beynam, 1,200 m; Kayseri: Pnarba;Erzincan: Tayran Mountain (Mercan Mountains), 1,400 m;Isparta: Ac
Lake (ardak to Burdur), 800 m;Antalya: Elmal (Davis 1965-1985); Bolu:Abant Lake; Konya: Ak Lake;
Ankara/Konya/Aksaray: Tuz Lake; Kayseri: Sultansazl; Kayseri: Pnarba Altkesek Regulator; Afyon/Denizli:
Ac Lake (Bamak Lake) (Semen and Leblebici 1997);Kahramanmara: Gksun, 3 km west of Knkkoz village,
pasture, 1,500-1,700 m (Yldz 2001); west of the Abant Lake, 1,340 m (Trker and Gner 2003); and Afyon:
Sincanl, Yrkmezar village, Karapnar district, wet places, 1,650 m (Kargolu 2003).
Habitat and ecology 1,2
Hab i tat an d Ecol ogy
The species inhabits marshy grounds (often saline) and around stagnant pools.
Statistics of barcoding coverage: tetragonolobus maritimus 3
Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLDS) Stats
Public Records: 0
Specimens with Barcodes: 1
Species With Barcodes: 1
Iucn red list assessment 1,2
R ed Li st Category
Least Concern
R ed Li st Cri teri a
Versi on
Year Assessed
Kavak, S.
R evi ewer/s
Lansdown, R.V.
Con tri b u tor/s
Ju sti fi cati on
This species is classed as Least Concern as it is widespread with stable populations and does not face
any major threats.
Population 1,2
Pop u l ati on
There is no information available on population trends in this species.
Pop u l ati on Tren d
Threats 1,2
M aj or Th reats
There are no known significant past, ongoing or future threats to this species.
Conservation actions 1,2
Con servati on Acti on s
There are no conservation measures in place and none needed.
1. Kavak, S. 2014. Tetragonolobus maritimus. In: IUCN 2014 . IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
Version 2014.1 . <www.iucnredlist.org>
2. © International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, some rights reserved
3. © Barcode of Life Data Systems, some rights reserved