M. Aykut Y˙I˘G˙ITEL


M. Aykut Y˙I˘G˙ITEL
Computer Networks Research Laboratory, Netlab
Information Department of Computer Engineering, ETA 46
Bogazici University
34342, Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey
(+90) 212 3597125
GSM: (+90) 506 3540762
E-mail: aykut.yigitel@boun.edu.tr
Website: www.cmpe.boun.edu.tr/∼yigitel
Green networking, Heterogeneous and small cell networks, Smartgrid communications, Green cloud systems, Wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, MAC and network layer protocol design in sensor networks,
Performance evaluation of computer networks, QoS provisioning in wireless multimedia sensor networks,
Coverage and service differentiation in sensor networks, Error control and correction mechanisms in sensor networks, Constructive simulations, Modeling and simulation interoperability, HLA, LCV simulation
integration, Participatory sensing with smart phones and Crowdsourcing.
Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
PhD, Computer Engineering, (July 2010 - Present)
• PhD Thesis: Green Networking: From Conventional to Next Generation Multi-tier Cellular Networks
• Advisor: Professor Cem Ersoy
• Co-Advisor: Assistant Professor Ozlem Durmaz Incel
• GPA: 3.7/4.00
Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
MS, Computer Engineering, (February 2007 - February 2010)
• MS Thesis: QoS-Aware MAC Protocol Design for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
• Advisor: Professor Cem Ersoy
• GPA: 3.69/4.00
Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
BS, Computer Engineering, (September 2001 - June 2005)
• Emphasis on Data Communications and Computer Networks
• GPA: 3.09/4.00 (11th out of 73)
Kuleli Military High School, Istanbul, Turkey
High School Diploma (September 1997 - June 2001)
• Emphasis on Mathematics and Science
• GPA: 8.11/10.00 (14th out of 342)
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• M. Aykut Yigitel, Ozlem Durmaz Incel and Cem Ersoy, QoS vs. Energy: A Traffic-aware Topology Management Scheme for Green Heterogeneous Networks, (accepted for publication in Computer
Networks (Elsevier)), 2015.DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2014.10.030.
• M. Aykut Yigitel, Ozlem Durmaz Incel and Cem Ersoy, Dynamic Base Station Planning with Power
Adaptation for Green Wireless Cellular Access Networks, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2014, no. 77 , May 2014. DOI: 10.1186/1687-1499-2014-77.
• M. Aykut Yigitel, Ozlem Durmaz Incel and Cem Ersoy, Design and Implementation of a QoS-aware
MAC Protocol for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, Computer Communications (Elsevier), vol.
34, no. 16, pp. 1991-2001, October 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.comcom.2011.06.006.
• M. Aykut Yigitel, Ozlem Durmaz Incel and Cem Ersoy, QoS-Aware MAC Protocols for Wireless
Sensor Networks: A Survey, Computer Networks (Elsevier), vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 1982-2004, June
2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2011.02.007.
International Conferences
• M. Aykut Yigitel, H. Birkan Yilmaz, and Tuna Tugcu, A Routing Protocol with Service Differentiation for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks, Proceedings of the International Workshop
on Multi-Sensor Systems and Networks for Fire Detection and Management, Antalya, Turkey, 8-9
November 2012.
• M. Aykut Yigitel, Ozlem Durmaz Incel, Cem Ersoy, Diff-MAC: A QoS-Aware MAC Protocol with
differentiated services and hybrid prioritization for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, Proceedings
of the 6th ACM Symposium on Quality of Service and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks
(Q2SWinet’10), pp. 62-69, Bodrum, Turkey, 17-21 October 2010. DOI: 10.1145/1868630.1868642.
• M. Aykut Yigitel, Tolga Tolgay, Cem Ersoy, On-Demand Coverage Problem in Wireless Video Sensor
Networks, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium On Computer Networks (ISCN’08), pp.
170-176, Istanbul, Turkey, 18-20 June 2008.
Local Conferences
• M. Aykut Yigitel, Ozlem Durmaz Incel ve Cem Ersoy, Yesil Hucresel Aglara Hizli Bir Bakis: Baz
Istasyonlarinin Enerji Tasarrufundaki Onemi, Akademik Bilisim’13, Antalya, Turkey, 23-25 January
2013, (in Turkish).
• M. Aykut Yigitel, Tolga Tolgay, Cem Ersoy, Kablosuz Algilayici Aglarda Devingen Kapsama Sorunu
Icin Evrimsel Algoritma, Akademik Bilisim’08, Canakkale, Turkey, January 2008, (in Turkish).
MS Thesis: QoS-Aware MAC Protocol Design for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
• Proposed a novel QoS-aware MAC protocol named “Diff-MAC” with differentiated services and
hybrid prioritization for wireless multimedia sensor networks which aims to increase the utilization
of the channel with effective service differentiation mechanisms while providing fair and fast data
• Implemented Diff-MAC on OPNET Modeler and made its comparative performance evaluation with
other MAC protocols.
• A realistic link layer model adopted for modeling the underlying wireless channel characteristics.
Teaching Assistant
Department of Computer Engineering, Bogazici University (February 2013 - present)
• Serving as a teaching assistant for 3 courses:
- CmpE 477, Wireless and Mobile Networks
- CmpE 523, Performance Evaluation of Computer Networks
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- CmpE 524, Computer Network Design
• Experience on defining, proposal writing and managing research and development projects. Participated in 2 EU funded FP7 projects, 1 ICT COST Action project, 4 governmental projects and
1 private sector project.
Wargaming System Manager
Turkish War Colleges Command
Joint Doctrine Development, Experimentation and Training Center
Modeling and Simulation Branch (June 2008 - present)
• Participated in more than 30 national/international/NATO exercises ranging from tactical level
single service to strategic level major/joint operations as System and Network Administrator,
CAX Specialist, Database Administrator, IKM Manager, Technical Team Leader and CIS Coordinator.
• Certified Joint Theater Level Simulation (JTLS) and Joint Conflict and Tactical Simulation
(JCATS) system manager, database administrator and operator with extensive experience.
• Excellent knowledge of Bi-Sc Collective Training and Exercise Directive (75-3) and broad experience in CIS related exercise specification-planning-conduct-analysis lifecycle.
• Expertise in creating CIS architectures, network diagrams, CIS equipment/service matrices and
floor plans for numerous large-scale computer assisted exercises along with their real-life implementation.
• Broad experience in planning, implementation and management of various CIS related services
including WISE, JEMM, JCHAT, JOCWatch, EXMS, C2 systems (MSYS, TACCIS, OMEGA,
ICC), SharePoint, common repository, e-mail clients and Geographical Analysis System (GAS).
• Practical experience on IKM issues (preparation of information flow diagrams and common repository file structure, supervising documentation and content management, administration of SharePoint server, running the WISE page, creating and managing the shared repository) and participation to numerous exercises as IKM Manager.
• Preparation of technical specification documents for technical equipment acquisition and rental
for both national and international exercises as well as other types of major events. Taking
part in numerous technical specification review boards and active contribution to inspection and
acceptance tests of the CIS equipments.
• Expertise in interoperability between simulation models and C2 systems along with HLA, RTI
and Live-Constructive-Virtual simulations integration.
• Experience in technical group (5-10 people) leadership and guidance.
• Oracle database administration.
Network and System Administrator
Turkish War Colleges Command
Ataturk Wargaming and Simulation Center
Modeling and Simulation Branch (November 2005 - June 2008)
• Administration of enterprise simulation network (fibre optic connected 300+ peers, 10+ servers,
40+ backbone and chassis switches, 4+ distribution cabinets, 10+ webcams and VTC devices,
10+ network printers, etc.)
• Administration of heterogeneous simulation/application servers comprising of Windows, Linux
and Solaris operating systems.
• Expertise in creating CIS architectures, network diagrams, CIS equipment matrices and floor plans
for numerous large-scale computer assisted exercises along with their real-life implementation.
• Excellent knowledge of Microsoft domain and active directory management.
• Broad experience in Microsoft Exchange server and e-mail client management.
• Administration and configuration of virtual machines (VMware).
• Expertise in Cisco router management, DNS and DHCP server administration.
• Broad experience as Information Security Officer in numerous exercises.
• Broad experience in web page design for national/international exercises and excellent command
of HTML, PHP and ASP languages.
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Turkish Petroleum Corporation
Head of Research Department (June 2003 - July 2003)
Computer Center (June 2004 - July 2004)
• Designed and developed “ExaWell” for petroleum engineers to facilitate examination of the oil
wells of Turkey by visualizing their scalar information.
• NETAS PhD Project Incentive Program Award (2014 - present)
• TUBITAK industry-university collaboration full PhD scholarship (2013 - present)
• TurkTelekom Collaborative Research Award by the project: ”Green Dynamic Base Station Planning
with Power Adaptation for Wireless Cellular Networks” (2013)
• TUBITAK Incentive Program for International Scientific Publications award for the journal: ”QoSAware MAC Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey” (2011)
• TUBITAK Incentive Program for International Scientific Publications award for the journal: ”Design
and Implementation of a QoS-aware MAC Protocol for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks” (2011)
• Best paper award in the 6th ACM Symposium on Quality of Service and Security for Wireless and
Mobile Networks (Q2SWinet’10) (2010)
• Registration grant award by the European Communitys Seventh Framework Programme under grant
no FP7-ENV-244088 “FIRESENSE” for Q2SWinet’10 (2010)
• Travel and accommodation grant award by the Institute of Graduate Studies in Science and Engineering, Bogazici University, for Q2SWinet’10 (2010)
ITIL Foundation Certificate, Loyalist Certification Services, License 979974, 2014
Beginner Level French Diploma, L’Institut Francais Turquie, 2014
PRINCE2 Foundation Certificate, APMG-International, License P2R/661597, 2013
JCATS Operator, Map Editor and Database Certification, Land Forces Training and Doctrine Command, 2009
• NATO CAX Specialist Certificate, Joint Warfare Centre, 2009
• Digital Cartography and Geographic Information Systems Certification, General Command of Mapping, 2007
• JTLS Specialized Database/Technical Training Certification, Rolands & Associates Corporation,
Technical Skills
• Programming: Excellent: C, C++, Java, PHP and SQL. Good: C#, Pascal and Delphi. Fair: ADA,
Linux Shell Script and Assembly.
• Modeling and Simulation: OPNET, NS-2
• Operating Systems: Almost all Unix and Linux variants, BSD, Solaris, Apple OS X, Microsoft
Windows family, Cisco IOS
• Wireless Sensor Networks: TinyOS, Microsoft .NET Micro Framework
• Applications: Matlab, Mathematica, TEX, PGF & Tik Z, Oracle Database, MS SQL Server,
Eclipse, MS Visual Studio
• Standards: GSM, 3G, LTE, LTE-A, IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.16, Bluetooth, HLA
Language Skills
• English (Advanced), French (Beginner), Turkish (Native)
Available upon request
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