Research Interests


Research Interests
(2009-2010 Fall)
İzmir Institute of Technology, School of Architecture/ Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning; +90-232-750-769; İzmir Yüks.Tekn.Ensitüsü, Mim.Fak. E-Blok B-08
Gülbahçe Köyü URLA/ 35431 İzmir/ TÜRKİYE
Research Interests
— Urban Theory
— Gender and Urban Planning
— Political Participation and Neighborhoods
— Theories of Urban Design
— Urban “Risks” and Urban Design Policies
Academic Background
School of Policy, Development, and Planning (SPPD). University of
Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, USA. (2004 Dec.)
Ph.D.Thesis: “Differences in the Development of Citizenship:
Residents’ motivations and capacities for participating in
neighborhood associations in Los Angeles.”
Department of City and Regional Planning. Graduate School of Fine
Arts. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA. (1998)
Undergraduate :
Middle East Technical University. Faculty of Architecture,
Department of City and Regional Planning, Ankara, Turkey (1994).
Employment Background
Assistant Professor. Jan. 2007 - Present. Department of City and Regional Planning, İzmir
Institute of Technology, Turkey.
Research Assistant. Aug.2004 – Dec. 2006. Department of Architecture, Eskisehir Osmangazi
University, Turkey.
Teaching Assistant. May.2003 - May 2004. School of Policy, Planning and Development.
University of Southern California, USA.
Academic Coordinator. Sept.2002-May 2004. Joint Educational Project (a service learning
center); College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, University of Southern California, USA.
Coordinator . Fall 2002. A Community Place (a community service center), United Ministry,
University of Southern California, USA.
— Women running for neighborhood offices in a Turkish city: Motivations and resources for
electoral candidacy. Political Geography 28 (2009) pp.362–372. DOI information:
— Mobilizing women for participating in local governance: A case study in Eskisehir, Turkey.
Women and Environments International Magazine: Special Issue on Gender and Sustainability.
70/71 (2006) pp.47-49.
— “İnekler Geçidi,” Budapeşte: Küreselleşen kent pazarlama tekniklerine bir örnek. (“Cow
Parade,” Budapest: An example for the globalizing tools of urban marketing) YAPI: Mimarlık,
CV. Fatma Şenol, 2009-2010 Fall
Kültür, Sanat Dergisi. 308 (2007) pp.56-60.
— Günlük pratikler ve mekanlar: Almanya’daki Türk kadınlarının farklılaşan mekanları. (Daily
practices and spaces: Differing spaces of Turkish women in Germany) DOXA: Mekan,
Tasarım, Eleştiri Dergisi. 3 (2006) pp.78-85.
— “Korunan” Kent ve Değişen Kent İmgeleri: Fas-Medina Ornegi. (“Preserved” City and
Changing City Images: Fas-Medina) YAPI: Mimarlik, Kültür, Sanat Dergisi. 298 (2006)
Conference Proceedings:
— “Who can build and maintain their neighborhood association (NA)?: External resources for
NAs’ development.” Urban Affairs Conference, Washington, D.C. 1-3 March 2004.
— “How do homeowners as neighborhood association members define community issues?”
Association of Pacific Rim Universities Doctoral Students Conference, Mexico City (Mexico),
Aug.24-29, 2003.
— “Who (can) participate in neighborhood associations?: A gender perspective to a case study in a
diverse neighborhood of Los Angeles City.” Joint Conference of ACSP and AESOP, Leuven
(Belgium), July 8-12, 2003.
— “Women negotiating color lines through community organizing: A case study of women leaders
in neighborhood associations in a multi-racial urban area of Los Angeles City.” Association of
Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference (ACSP), Baltimore (USA), Nov. 21-24, 2002.
Duties as a Referee
At Peer Reviewed Journals:
— European Planning Studies (4 articles).
Scientific Committee Member:
— 32. Türkiye Dünya Şehircilik Günü Kolokyumu Bilim Kurulu Üyesi (2008 Agustos)
— 33. Türkiye Dünya Şehircilik Günü Kolokyumu Bilim Kurulu Üyesi (2009 Temmuz)
Jury Member:
— Türkiye Şehir Plancıları Odası, Şehir Planlama 4. Sınıf Öğrencileri Bitirme Projesi Yarışması
Technical Reports
—Karşıyaka Belediyesi (İzmir) için ilçe belediye sınırlarının belirlenmesine yönelik teknik
rapor. Mayıs 2008. (Semahat Özdemir, Doç.Dr.; Yavuz Duvarcı, Yard.Doç.Dr.; Fatma Şenol,
Grants and Scholarships
Research Grants:
— “Very local” powers, voluntary initiatives: The reasons and resources for the current
neighborhood associations in Izmir ( “En yerel” güçler, gönüllü girişimler: İzmir’deki mevcut
mahalle derneklerinin oluşum nedenleri ve kaynakları). Funded by the Izmir Institute of
Technology, Project No: 2009İYTE41. (2009 Spring-present).
— Differences between men and women in participating in urban governance: The case of muhtars
in Izmir. (Kent yönetimine katılımda kadın ve erkekler arası farklılıklar). Funded by the Izmir
Institute of Technology, Project No: 2007İYTE22. (2007-2009).
— Odunpazarı’nın geçmiş mahalle yaşamları (Past neighborhood lives of Odunpazari). Funded by
Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Project no: 200515025. (2005 -2007).
CV. Fatma Şenol, 2009-2010 Fall
— Ph.D. Thesis funded by the Religion and Civic Center, University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, USA. (2003-2004).
Education and Training Grants/ Scholarships
—Student participant at the workshop of “the Market and the City: Commercialization and Urban
Restructuring.” Central European University (CEU), Summer University Program (Budapest,
Hungary). (12-27 July 2006).
— Student participant at the ACSP Ph.D. Workshop, Chicago, USA. Funded by Association of
Collegiate Schools of Planning. (3-8 July 2000).
— Student participant at the Internationale Frauen Universitaete / “City and Gender”.
(Kassel/Germany). Funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). (12 July-10
Oct 2000).
— Scholarship holder for studying master and Ph.D. degrees in urban planning in the United States
of America. Funded by T.C. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı. (1996-2001).
Conference Grants
—Association of Pacific Rim Universities Doctoral Students Conference (Mexico City/
Mexico). Funded by the Provost Office of the University Southern California. (2003).
— ACSP Conference (Baltimore/ USA). Funded by the Fannie Mae Foundation (2002).
Courses Taught
CP 708 Urban Theory
CP 766 Transformation of Public Space
AR 101 Introduction to Design I
AR 102 Introduction to Design II
AR 201 Architectural Design
CP 232 History and Built Environment I
CP 381 Issues of Urban Development and Planning
CP 471 Urban Housing
CP 592/UD 691 Seminar
Administrative Duties
— Vice Chair, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, School of Architecture,
İzmir Institute of Technology (Aug.2008-present).
— Representative of Assistant Professors at the School of Architecture, İzmir Institute of
Technology (May.2007-present).
— Representative of İzmir Institute of Technology at the Urla Urban Forum (Kent
Konseyi) (Jun. 2009-present).
CV. Fatma Şenol, 2009-2010 Fall

Benzer belgeler

CV ()

CV () National: — “İnekler Geçidi,” Budapeşte: Küreselleşen kent pazarlama tekniklerine bir örnek. (“Cow Parade,” Budapest: An example for the globalizing tools of urban marketing) YAPI: Mimarlık, Kültür...


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özgeçmiş - Gedik Üniversitesi

özgeçmiş - Gedik Üniversitesi Optimization Approach With The Regional and Local Planning Process, NP, T7, Proceedings of The XI World Forestry Congress, 13-22 October 1997, Antalya. - Cengiz, H., (2000) The Global and Regional ...


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