Curriculum Vitae - Department of English Language and Literature


Curriculum Vitae - Department of English Language and Literature
Curriculum Vitae
Aylin Atilla, Assist. Prof. Dr.
Ege University, Faculty of Letters
Department of English Language and Literature
Bornova 35100, İzmir
Phone: +90232 388 4000/45- 5074
E-mail: /
Education, Degrees:
PhD. Ege University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, 2006
M.A. Graduate School of Social Sciences, 2001
B.A. Faculty of Letters, 1990
Ege University, Department of English Language and Literature
“Rethinking History in Postmodern British Novel” (Ph.D.)
“The Ethics of Unseemly Identity: Angela Carter’s Carnivalesque Allegories
of Uncanny Community” (M.A.)
Academic Interests: Contemporary British Fiction, Historiography, Critical
Theories, Drama, Women’s Fiction.
Language Proficiencies: English, German.
Positions Held: Assistant Professor (2007-)
Instructor (2002-2007)
Grant for research: University of Wroclaw-Poland, Sept. 2005- Feb. 2006.
Published Book:
Historiography and the English Novel. Izmir: Ege University Press, Faculty
of Letters Publications No: 142, 2008. ISBN: 978-975-483-765-0.
Proceedings of IDEA, 2009.
Published Articles and Reviews:
12.“Victorian Scripts, Nostalgic Traces and Romance in Michéle Roberts’
Fiction.” Çankaya University, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Nov, 2013 (forthcoming).
11.“Pat Barker’s Double Vision and Life Class: Revisioning Trauma in
Narratives of Romance.” Anglica Wratislabiensia Vol. 50, ISSN: 0239-6661.
10.“Sacred Theatre.” Book Review. Interactions, 17. 1, Spring, 2008. 1.
“Pat Barker’s Double Vision and Life Class: Revisioning Trauma in Narratives
of Romance.” Anglica Wratislabiensia Vol. 50, ISSN: 0239-6661. 2012.
9.“Romance as Gendered History: George Eliot’s Feminist Discourse in
Romola.” ATILIM Social Sciences Journal, Vol.1 /2, ISSN 2146-6181. Nov.,
8."Between the Acts: A Step Beyond the Traditional Historical Novel." Brno
Studies in English. Volume 35/1. Masaryk U P Czech Republic, ISSN: 05246881. 2009.
7.“Gender Dissolved in Narrative: Jeanette Winterson’s Narrative Strategy
in Written on the Body.”Woman 2000. Volume IX/Issue 2. Eastern
Mediterranean U P Cyprus, ISSN: 1302-9916. 2008.
6."The Problem of Reality and the Use of Intertextuality in Shadow Dance."
Ed. D. A. Martinez-Caro. Ankara: Sude, ISBN: 978 99 44 085106, 2008.
5."Dağın Öteki Yüzü: Kuşaklardan Romana." Kuşaklar, Deneyimler,
Tanıklıklar. Ed. Aynur Ilyasoğlu, Gulay Kayacan. Istanbul: Tarih Vakfı
Yayınları, ISBN: 975 8813 358, 2006.
4."Regaining the Lost Memory in Marina Warner's Indigo: Or Mapping the
Waters: A Rewriting of Shakespeare's The Tempest." Interactions, 13.2,
ISSN: 1300-574-X. Fall 2004.
3."Narrativization of History: Graham Swift's Waterland." The Unifying
Aspects of Cultures. Ed. Herbert Artl. Vienna: INST, 2004. 7 April, 2004. 15.htm
2."A Tortenelem Narrativizacioja: Graham Swift Lapvilag Cimu
Regenyeben." Ed. Hima Gabriella. Ami A Kulturakat Osszekoti. Szerzok:
Irodalomtudomanyi Doktori Iskola, ISBN: 963 8392 67 3, Hungary, 2004.
(çevrilmiş makale)
1."Reinterpreting History: Julian Barnes's A History of the World in 10½
Chapters and Flaubert's Parrot." Interactions, 12, ISSN: 1300-574-X. Fall
Conference Papers:
12.“Honing the Edges: Julian Barnes’ Conceptions of Life and Death in
Nothing to be Frightened of and The Sense of an Ending.” ELLSEE 4th
Conference, University of Belgrade, December, 2012.
11.“Victorian Scripts, Nostalgic Traces and Romance in Michele Roberts’
Fiction.”, New Critical Perspectives on the Trace Conrefence, University of
Malaga, Spain, October, 2011.
10.“Healing Power of Art and Romance: Recovering the Traumatic Memory
of the Uncanny Past in Pat Barker’s Double Vision and Life Class.” ESSE 10,
University of Torino, Italy, August, 2010.
9."Romance as Gendered History: George Eliot's Discourse in Romola."
Hidden Histories of Gender, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland, October, 2009.
8."Recovering the Traumatic Memory of the Uncanny Past: Pat Barker's
Double Vision." Facing the Past, Facing the Future: History, Memory,
Literature. Bahçeşehir University, İstanbul, May, 2009.
7.“Between the Acts: A Step Beyond the Modernist Historical Novel.” “The
Novel and its Borders” Conference, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, July
6.“The Problem of Reality and the Use of Intertextuality in Shadow Dance.”
The 15th METU British Novelists Conference: Angela Carter. METU, Ankara,
December 2007.
5.“Degendered Narrative Voice in Written on the Body” International
Graduate Conference, Aristotle University, Thessalonica, Greece, March
4.“Angela Carter’s The Sadeian Woman: An Exercise in Cultural History” 8th
International Literature and Humanities Conference-Inscriptions, Cyprus,
May 2005.
3.“Latife Tekin’in Unutma Bahcesi Romaninda Unutma- Bellek- Kimlik
Baglantisi.” Uluslararasi III. Kultur Arastirmalari Sempozyumu, Kimlik ve
Kultur, Istanbul, June 2005.
2.“Dagin Öteki Yüzü: Kusaklardan Romana,” Türkiye Ekonomik Toplumsal
Tarih Vakfi, “Kusaklar, Deneyimler, Tanikliklar” (Sözlü Tarih Calismalari
Konferansi I), Istanbul, September 2003.
1.“Narrativisation of History: Graham Swift’s Waterland,” The Unifying
Aspects of Cultures, Research Institute for Austrian and International
Literature and Cultural Sciences, Vienna, November 2003.
Courses Taught-Undergraduate/ Graduate
2009-20010 Fall and Spring
Survey of English Literature I/II
Shakespeare and Critical Theory I/II
Post-war British Fiction and Film
History and the Novel
M.A. Studies in Post-war British Fiction I/II
2011-2012 Fall and Spring
ENG 123 Survey of English Literature I/II
ENG 337 Shakespeare and Critical Theory I/II
ENG 439 History of Literary Criticism/ Contemporary Critical Theory
M.A. Studies in Drama I/II
2012-2013 Fall and Spring
ENG 123 Survey of English Literature I/II
ENG 337 Shakespeare and Critical Theory I/II
ENG 439 History of Literary Criticism/ Contemporary Critical Theory
M.A. Studies in Drama I/II
2013-2014 Fall and Spring
ENG 123 Survey of English Literature I/II
ENG 337 Shakespeare and Critical Theory I/II
ENG 439 History of Literary Criticism/ Contemporary Critical Theory
M.A. Studies in Drama I/II
Theses supervised:
1.Kartal, Nursel. “Feminist Elestirinin İşiginda D.H.Lawrence’in
Eserlerinde Kadin Kahramanlarin Konumu: The Rainbow, Women in Love,
Lady Chatterley’s Lover”, 2010.
2.Eryatmaz, Selcuk. “Concept of the Hero in John Milton’s Paradise Lost
and Samson Agonistes”, 2011.
3.Akgun, Saliha. “Family Histories and Hidden Stories: Metafictional Novels
of Graham Swift”, 2012.
Erasmus Staff Exchange: Technische Universitat Chemnitz, Germany.
14-22 June, 2009. / University of Bologna, Italy, 7-12 May, 2012.
Service to the University
*Erasmus Coordinator of the Department, 2009-cont.
*Member of the organizing committee of the conferences:
1. IDEA, International Conference III., Ege University, April 2008.
2. “Women and Culture,” Ege University, June 2006.
3. “When Away Becomes Home: Cultural Consequences of Migration,” 11th
International Cultural Studies Symposium. Ege University, May 2005.
4. “Inside, Outside In: Body, Emotions, and Society,” 10th International
Cultural Studies Symposium. Ege University, May 2003.

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