Standardizing The Recipes Mainly Used In The Menus Of


Standardizing The Recipes Mainly Used In The Menus Of
Beslenm e ve D iyet D ergisi / J N utr and D iet 36(1-2):47-58/2008
D r. Ayhan D AĞ*, Prof. D r. Türkan Kutluay MERD OL**
T his research was carried out at Bilk ent U niversity cafeterias to standardize the recipes that are not available for
specific dishes which are m ainly used by com m ercially
operating m ass feeding institutions. T hroughout the
st u d y , 75 f o o d recip es classif ied u n d er 9 cat ego ries
(soups, m eat, chick en, fish, vegetables cook ed with m eat,
cold vegetable dishes cook ed with olive oil, pastries,
salads and desserts) were standardized for 100 portions
and written to the form s redeveloped by the researchers.
A ll of the dishes were prepared, cook ed and served by
the cook s work ing at Bilk ent U niversity m ain k itchen.
R ecipe base line inform ation was created by com bining
the data collected both from the well experienced cook s
and fam ous cook book s. T he organoleptic evaluation of
the recipes to be standardized were m ade by using a 5
points scale evaluation form which was based on 5 criteria (colour-shape, general appearance, flavour-taste, texture-consistency, portion size) and graded by the panelists com posed of dietitians, university students, university staff and cook s. Fifty nine of these recipes were standardized following their initial, 9 after their second, and
7 after their third trial of production. T he recipes which
were perceived to be average and/or below by the panelists were produced again considering their shortcom ings
until the desired points were achieved. Energy and nutrient content of the recipes were calculated using BEBİS
(com puterized program giving the energy and nutrient
values of given food and recipes that are specific for
T urk ish dishes) program . T he cost of the recipes was calculated as food cost and the total cost. T he food cost was
calculated by the ingredients’ cost indexed to the value of
A m erican D ollar due to its consistent rate com pared to
T urk ish L iras. T otal cost was achieved by the factors
affecting the cost of the dish such as the cost of em ployee
and other technical costs. T otal cost was calculated to
determ ine the sale price of the dishes. Energy and nutrient content and the total cost of the dishes were shown
on the standardized recipe form s. It was found that the
percentages of the food, labour and the operational cost
of the total cost were 33.3 %, 29.9 % and 26.4% of the
total cost respectively.
T icari K urum M enülerind e Y er A lan Y em ek lerin
Standartlaştırılması Besin D eğerleri ve M aliyet A nalizi
K ey W ords: Standardized recipes, cost evaluation, food
cost, nutritional values.
* Director of the Food Service at Bilkent University
** Professor and Former Director of the Department of Nutrition
and Dietetics at Hacettepe University
Bu araştırm a Bilk ent Üniversitesi k afeteryalarında toplu
beslenm e yapılan k urum lar iç in gerek sinim duyulan ve
standart tarifesi bulunm ayan yem ek tarifelerinin standartlaştırılm ası, besin değerlerinin hesaplanm ası ve m aliyet analizlerinin yapılm ası am acıyla yürütülm üştür.
Ç alışm ada 9 grup (ç orbalar, et, tavuk , balık , etli sebze
yem ek leri, zeytinyağlı yem ek ler, bö rek ham ur işleri, salatalar, tatlılar) altında toplanan ve ö zellik le ticari işletm e
m ö nülerinde yer alan yem ek lerden seç ilen 75 adet yem ek
tarifesi standartlaştırılm ıştır. Y em ek ler Bilk ent Üniversitesi m erk ez m utfağında deneyim li aşç ılar tarafından
yapılm ış ve değerlendirilm eleri diyetisyen, ö ğrenci, üniversite personeli ve aşç ıdan oluşan bir panel grubu tarafından 5 değerlendirm e k riterinin (renk -şek il, lezzet, porsiyon yeterliliği, tek stür-k ıvam , genel gö rünüm ) esas
alın d ığı p u an lam a t est i k u llan ılarak y ap ılm ışt ır.
T arifeleri denenen yem ek lerden 59 tanesi birinci, 9 tanesi
ik inci, 7 tanesi ise üç üncü üretim leri sonunda standartlaştırılm ıştır. D eğerlendirm e k riterlerinin herhangi birine
gö re vasat sınıfına giren yem ek lerin tespit edilen ek sik lik leri dik k ate alınarak üretim leri tek rarlanm ış ve üretim
tek rarlarında yem ek lerin puanlarındak i artışlar istenen
düzeye gelenler standartlaştırılm ıştır. Standartlaştırılan
tarifelerin bir porsiyonlarının besin değerleri BEBİS
program ı k ullanılarak hesaplanm ış ve tarifelere yazılm ıştır. T arifelerin ayrıca m aliyetleri de dolara endek sli olarak hesaplanm ıştır. M aliyet hesabında yem eğin iç ine
giren besinlerin m aliyeti yanında em ek ve işletm e m aliyeti de dik k ate alınm ıştır. Buna gö re yiyecek m aliyeti %
33.3, em ek m aliyeti % 29.9, işletm e m aliyeti ise % 26.4
olarak bulunm uştur.
A nahtar Sö zcükler: Standartlaştırılm ış tarifeler, m aliyet
hesabı, yiyecek m aliyeti, besin değeri.