Hello from the English Department!


Hello from the English Department!
Istek Kemal Atatürk Kindergarten
4 years English Language Newsletter
18 November 2011
Hello from the English Department!
This week we read the Oxford Reading Tree Book “The Street Fair”. We
reviewed our colours and practice putting colours with objects in phrases.
Ex:a red balloon, a blue bird, a green apple.
Our new words were: street fair, clown, candy, juggle, face paint.
street fair
face paint
We sang the song “BINGO”.
There was a man who had a dog and Bingo was his name:
B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, And Bingo was his name, oh.
Bu hafta Oxford ReadingTree Kitabından "Street Fair" adlı bölümü
okuduk. Öğrendiğimiz renkleri tekrar ettik. Nesne ve renk eşleştirmeli kelime
çalışmaları yaptık. Örneğin; Kırmızı balon, mavi kuş, yeşil elma.
Yeni kelimeler: Street fair - sokak fuarı, clown - palyaço, candy - şeker,
juggle - topları havaya atıp tutarak dengeleme, face paint - yüz boyama.
BINGO” Şarkısını söyledik.
This week in our 4 year old Cheeky Monkey 1 class we completed unit 2
“Baby is sad”.
The focus of our unit is family. The concept happy and sad was introduced.
The students loved the story "Baby is Sad". It is bedtime and the baby is crying,
every member in the family sings a bedtime song but only Cheeky‘s singing puts
the baby to sleep.
Our song for the week has been:
Hush baby don’t cry,
baby baby go to sleep
Daddy is here,
mommy is here,
sister is here
brother is here
Cheeky is here,
Cheeky is here
close your eyes and go to sleep
baby is sad
baby is happy
family :
mommy, daddy, brother, sister, baby
baby is sleeping baby is happy
Bu hafta Cheeky Monkey 1 dersinde 2. üniteyi tamamladık "Bebek üzgün".
Aile konusu bu ünitemizin odak noktası. Mutlu ve üzgün kavramlarını kullanmaya
başladık. Öğrencilere hikaye "Bebek is Sad" hikayesini çok beğendiler. Hikayede
uyku saati geldiğinde bebek ağlamaya başar. Bütün aile üyeleri, bebeğe uyuması
için şarkı söylerler ancak sadece Cheeky’nin şarkısı bebeğin uyumasına yardımcı
olur. Hikaye ile ilgili şarkı söyledik.