Civil Engineering Department - İnşaat Mühendisliği


Civil Engineering Department - İnşaat Mühendisliği
Message from the Department Chairman 3
Civil Engineering Department 5
Why to Choose our Department 7
Civil Engineering Department Graduate Degree Programme 10
Recent PhD Theses 13
Recent MSc Theses 15
Structural and Earthquake Engineering Laboratory 16
Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory 17
Construction Materials Laboratory 18
Coastal Engineering Laboratory 19
Faculty 20
Campuses of Boğaziçi: Life and Education 26
Application Requirements 31
South Campus, Faculty of Art and Sciences -Anderson Hall
Message from the Department Chairman
I am pleased to introduce this Brochure inviting successful graduate students from
all over the world to pursue a graduate study at our department. In this brochure you
will find a short introduction to our department and some brief information on the
application procedures. Boğazici University was established 148 years ago and the Civil
Engineering Department, as one of the oldest departments of the University, was
established 99 years ago. Since the very beginning, the University and the Department
aimed to be a center of excellence. As such, it is one of the most prestigious institutes in
its region. Although located in Istanbul Turkey, the curricula is and has always been in
the English language. This gave the University a very strong tie to the rest of the world.
Currently we have 160 graduate students in the Civil Engineering Department and
half of this number are Ph.D. candidates.
The program is highly competent and accepts about 30 students each year. Selected students are awarded scholarships, while others have to support themselves. However the tuition fee is heavily substituted by the Turkish Government and therefore is
extremely low even for international students.
The high quality of our students and faculty will be able to ensure a top quality
education and a top notch research. The faculty has a very strong and diverse background. The combination of experienced and young faculty members who are very
enthusiastic and are bringing the most recent topics to the department provide an
optimum combination.
Along with the high standards in our education, you will also enjoy the flavor of
Istanbul, one of the most historical and economically vibrant cities in the world. Our
picturesque campus is located in the heart of Istanbul.
Please review our brochure and contact us for your questions. Thank you for your
interest in our graduate program.
Prof. Dr. Turan Özturan
Department Chair
A view of Boğaziçi University (former Robert College) during the first years
Gates Hall - first home to civil engineering
Students with Prof. Tubini and department faculty
Civil engineering students on topographic studies (1922)
Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department
The Institution
Civil Engineering Department of Boğaziçi University was founded in 1912 as a part
of Robert College, which was established in 1863 as the first American college outside
the United States. The Department bestowed only the undergraduate degree of Bachelor
of Science in Civil Engineering until 1958, after which graduate study was introduced
as well.
In 1971, Robert College transformed into Boğaziçi University and became a
Turkish State University. Yet it kept its character, continued and developed along its initial path. The language of instruction is English and the curriculum is equivalent to
those of North American universities. Our undergraduate program has been the top
rated civil engineering department in Turkey based on the results of the National
University Entrance Examination. On average, the Department admits students from
the first 0.3% of more than 1.5 million college-bound candidates each year.
Furthermore, the undergraduate program is evaluated by ABET as “substantially
equivalent” to accredited programs in the United States. There are no nationwide
statistics for graduate admissions; however, more than 80% of our graduate students
originate from the top three undergraduate programs in the country.
Education Philosophy
Civil engineering is a profession that has delivered most useful services to increase
the quality of life throughout history. Our graduates should realize the importance of
their profession for serving civilization, and choose improving and expanding the borders of this mission as the basic goal of their study. With our lectures, quality of instructors and way of guidance, we hope to provide an atmosphere that encourages a broad
outlook at real life problems, creativity, and use of interdisciplinary methods.
Our graduate program is based on the idea of research as a continuous process,
integrated with technology, production, and marketing. The curriculum is built upon a
strong fundamental education supported with computational and experimental courses.
We advocate an open minded and confidence building education with a variety of
electives, not only from civil engineering but also from other areas of engineering,
natural, social and administrative sciences. Peripheral centers of excellence including
the Earthquake Research Institute and the Institute of Environmental Sciences offer
additional courses and opportunities for research collaboration to our graduate
Life and Education
Why to Choose our Department
Alexandros Dimoutsis “Being amongst the best was the best way to treat
myself at this age and time...
A real challenge! Continuous development that will allow competition at
the highest level not to mention the unique beauties of the campus and
Arshiya Abadkon With its warm and friendly environment, experienced
academic staff , modernised laboratories and efficient educational system
Boğaziçi University looked as the best choice for continuing my studies and
doing creative research in the field of civil engineering. On the basis of my
previous search I contact with the advisor of the department and with helpful guidances of him I started my graduate program. I am very glad and
honored to be a Ph.D student at Boğaziçi University.
Sharmin Reza Chowdury Turkey is one of the advanced developing countries in the world. Most of the advanced research works on Civil
Engineering (especially on structural engineering) in extensive way are
normally being conducted in developing countries. When I was working as
a faculty in one of the Private Universities of Bangladesh, our head of the
department advised me to go to Boğaziçi University for pursuing higher
degree after receiving a brochure from Boğaziçi University. Having his
advise I also came to know that Boğaziçi University is not only one of the
best Universities in Turkey but also due to its world class research group
(most of Faculties have PhD from top Universities of the world) could
provide me with vigorous academic platform to further
my studies
towards a PhD.
Pelin Boyacıoğlu Being one of the most highly regarded universities in Turkey with its history and popularity, Boğaziçi University has always been
my goal during my undergraduate studies. After arriving here, I saw that
my initial ideas weren't wrong. Within the Department, Civil Engineering
faculty hosts a highly experienced academic staff and a program that has
been perfected throughout time.
Emin Çiftçi I am studying as a graduate student in Boğaziçi University
being one of the leading research universities in our country. The reason of
my choice lies behind the fact that this university enables us to improve
our engineering as well as research skills with the guidance of talented,
experienced and caring instructors. Furthermore, having many different
social clubs together with its perfect location, our university provides us
opportunities to involve in social activities.
Hakkı Oral Özhan I chose Boğaziçi University Civil Engineering Department
for my graduate education because of various reasons. Boğaziçi University
has a worldwide reputation with its qualified and experienced academic
staff, international and innovative education in English. In Boğaziçi University Civil Engineering Department, every graduate student has the
chance to get in contact with the academic staff easily. The academic staff
has the enthusiasm to teach the lectures not only theoretically but also
practically in the laboratories. There are enough test equipment and personnel in the laboratories which makes it easy for a graduate student to
study or perform an experiment. Besides the research facilities, presentations and discussions about a related engineering topic in lectures push a
graduate student to be more innovative and self-confident. Finally, Boğaziçi University campus, located in a very beautiful area, with a magnificent
panoramic view of the Boshporus, with many historical buildings and
green areas, attracts every student who really wants to have a perfect
graduate education.
İrem Şanal A real milestone in my life was the decision to further my
studies towards a PhD. Besides gaining lots of experience from best
teachers and researchers in their field, I have greatly enjoyed both my
undergraduate and graduate years at Boğaziçi University. Therefore, I
decided to direct my studies towards a PhD again in the Civil Engineering
Department. Up to the present, both as a graduate student and teaching
assistant, choosing Boğaziçi University, the top ranked civil engineering
program in Turkey, was one the most fulfilling decisions I have made.
Tevfik Terzioğlu After graduating from the Civil Engineering BS program at
Boğaziçi University, I decided to pursue my career as an academician and
intended to choose the best possible root for achieving my career goal. As
a Boğaziçi Alumni I knew that Boğaziçi University has pioneering civil
engineering program in Turkey. With its internationally oriented faculty,
research opportunities and excellent academic tradition, Boğaziçi
University is one of the best possible routes towards accomplishing my
career dream. In addition to its academic excellence Boğaziçi University
has a wonderful campus that sees the Bosporus and is close to the central
places of Istanbul. Boğaziçi University has almost every facility to create a
cultural and intellectual environment for the student.
Current Home of Civil Engineering Department- Perkins Hall
Civil Engineering Department
Graduate Degree Programme
The Department offers Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philophy (PhD) degrees.
Both degrees require a coursework and a thesis. Average duration of study is two years
for MS and four years for PhD degrees.
Students have the possibility of using laboratories in their research. Structures
laboratory has full-scale capability for testing structural components and seismic rehabilitation. Geotecnics Laboratory, where Karl Terzaghi started his pioneering work in
soil mechanics, is named after its founder. Materials Laboratory is specialied in
concrete tecnology. Experiments in hydraulics and coastal engineering are conducted
both in the laboratory and in the field. Computer Laboratory is used for numerical
modeling of nonlinear dynamic systems and graphical simulation.
Fields of Study and Partial List of Courses Offered
Construction Materials
— Theory & Design for Measurement in Structural Engineering
— Plain Concrete
— Advanced Material Science
— Rheology of Cement-Based Materials
Environmental Engineering
— Water Pollution Control & Treatment
— Eutrophication Process in Lakes
Geotechnical Engineering
— Advanced Geotechnical Engineering Lab.
— Soil Improvement Techniques
— Environmental Geotechnics
— Advanced Soil Mechanics
— Soil Dynamics
— Critical State Soil Mechanics Theory
— Designing with Geosynthetics
— Slope Stabilisation &Stabilization Methods
— Retaining Structures
Hydraulics & Coastal Engineering
— Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
— The Boundary Element Method
— Coastal Hydrodynamics
— Applied Stochastic Analysis & Modeling
— Coastal Sediment Transport
— Coastal Structures
Project Management
— Innovation Management in Construction
— Performance Management in Construction
Structural Engineering
— Structural Design
— Theory of Structural Stability
— Advanced Reinforced Concrete
— Non-linear Structural Analysis
— Theory of Plates & Shells
— Advanced Mechanics of Materials
— Behaviour and Design of Reinforced Concrete
— Nonlinear Problems in Reinforced Concrete
— Earthquake Engineering
— Structural Health Monitoring
— Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis
— Finite Elements
— Prestressed and Prefabricated Systems
— Structural Dynamics
— Structural Reliability
Transportation Engineering
— Transportation Planning & Modeling
— Methods of Analysis for Planners and Researchers
— Advanced Traffic Flow Theory & Control
— Advanced Highway Geometric Design
— Advanced Traffic Engineering
— Intelligent Transportation Systems
— Advanced Transportation Economics
Structural and Earthquake Engineering Laboratory , North CampusTEarransportation Engineering
Recent PhD Theses
— Nutrient Export Coefficient Modeling of the Melen Watershed Using Estimated
Retention in Waterbody, Atilla Akkoyunlu
— Analysis of Storage Tanks Under Earthquake Loading by Variational
Principles, Gülay Altay
— Supply Optimization Modeling for a Steel Structure Project-Multiple
Souchastic Delivery Times, Gülay Altay
— Analytical and Experimental Study for Moment Connections of Cold-Formed
Steel Members, Gülay Altay
— Hybrid Active Control by Tuned Mass Dampers, Gülay Altay
— Influence of Particle Crushing on the Pile-soil-Interface, Gökhan Baykal
— A New Method for Embankment Construction in Cold Regions, Gökhan Baykal
— Computation of Tsunami Parameters Using RBF in the Shallow Water and
Inundation Zones, Osman Börekçi
— 3D Radial Basis Function Model of Navier-Stokes Equations for Water Waves,
Osman Börekçi
— Seismic Design Considerations for Use of Lightweight Materials in Highway
Construction, Ayşe Edinçliler / Gökhan Baykal
— Signal Coordination Under Saturated Conditions, Gökmen Ergün
— Extension of Diameter of Tunnel Construction Using TBM Equipment, Erol Güler
— Parameters Affecting the Permeability of Bentonite-Granular Soil Mixtures,
Erol Güler
— Trenchless Technology, Pipejacking and Microtunneling, Erol Güler
— Earthquake Behavior of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Retaining Structures, Erol Güler
— Implementation of One and Two Dimensional Linear Finite Element
Programs With Java Language, Cengiz Karakoç
— Analytical Modeling of Shear-Flexure Interaction and Bond Slip Responses
In Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls and Columns, Kutay Orakçal
— A Total Quality Management Model for Ready Mixed Concrete Industry,
Turan Özturan / Nilüfer Özyurt
— Effects of Cyclic Compressive Loading and Self-Healing on the Mechanical and
Permeability Properties of Concrete, Turan Özturan
— Effects Lightweight of Fly Ash Aggregate Properties on the Performance of
Lightweight Concretes, Turan Özturan
— Development of Seismic Design Guidelines for Upgrading R.C.
Beam Column Joint With Composite Materials, Cem Yalçın / Sami And Kılıç
— Seismic Retrofitting of RC Beam Column Joints Using Composite Materials,
Cem Yalçın
Studying at leisure, South Campus
Recent MSc Theses
— Water Quality Management, Atilla Akkoyunlu
— Fire Resistant Design of Steel Structures and Progressive Collapse Analysis,
Gülay Altay
— Nonlinear Response Analysis and Retrofitting Study of Special Building,
Gülay Altay
— Characterization of Aquifer Parameters Conditioning on Hydraulic Head and
Tracer Test Data, Cem Avcı
— Free Product Simulation Recovery in Unconfined Aquifer, Cem Avcı
— Soil-Concrete Interaction Behavior Tests, Gökhan Baykal
— Transformation of Waves Over Submerged Break Waters, Osman Börekçi
— A Combined Method for Evaluation of Slope Instability, Özer Çinicioğlu
— Determination of Seismic Behavior On Lightweight Materials,
Ayşe Edinçliler / Gökhan Baykal
— Development of an Expert System for Traffic Signal System Design, Gökmen Ergün
— Use of Geosynthetics in Pavements, Erol Güler
— Friction Proportion of Geosynthetics Reinforcement and Facing Elements,
Erol Güler
— Effect of Soil Type on Reinforced Soil Retaining Structures, Erol Güler
— Performance Based Design of Buildings for Structural Fire Safety, Cengiz Karakoç
— Aerodynamic Stability of Cable-Stayed Bridges, Kutay Orakçal
— Investigation of Effectiveness of Base Isolators, Hilmi Luş
— Nobleman Dynamic Analysis of Structures With Degrading Materials Models,
Hilmi Luş
— Optimum Positioning of Emergency Response Stations for Maritime Accidents,
Emre Otay
— Sediment Transportation, Emre Otay
— Effect of Fiber Type on the Mechanical Properties and Durability of
Concrete, Turan Özturan / Tayfun Altuğ Söylev
— Comparison and Analysis of Different Construction Materials Insulation &
Solution Properties in the Fields of Civil Engineering Works, Nilüfer Özyurt
— Seismic Retrofitting of R/C Beam-Column Joint With FRP Sheets, Cem Yalçın
— Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Frames Using Out-of-Plane Buckling of Steel
Cross-Bracing, Cem Yalçın
Structural and Earthquake Engineering Laboratory
The Structural and Earthquake Engineering Laboratory encompasses a 500-square-meter
indoor area, and encloses 15-meters of overhead space for operating a ceiling-mounted
civil engineering laboratories
crane. The Laboratory accommodates a strong floor, a 2000kN reaction wall, loading
frames, hydraulic power units, static and dynamic loading actuators with capacities
ranging from 200kN to 1500kN, state-of-the-art control and data acquisition systems, as
well as a wide collection of displacement and load sensors; all of which are actively used
for testing of large-scale structural components and systems under simulated earthquake effects. The Laboratory also hosts dynamic field-testing equipment including an
eccentric mass shaker, an impact generator and accelerometers; and houses offices for
graduate student researchers. The externally funded research projects conducted in the
Laboratory aim to merge the outcomes of innovative scientific research with the latest
developments in engineering practice.
Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory
The Soil Mechanics Laboratory at Bogazici University has roots dating back to the time
when Karl Terzaghi, the founder of Soil Mechanics, began conducting his studies at
Robert College (later Boğaziçi University).
It is located on the North Campus, which is in walking distance to South Campus,
and has a 300m2 closed-area which consists of three large halls, a basement, a depot,
and an office space for the research assistants.
Besides classical soil mechanics laboratory experiments, graduate students with
experimental thesis studies have the opportunity to perform a wide range of specialized
experiments using the equipments such as Residual Strength Torsion Shear Cylinder,
the large-scale Direct Shear Box, large size Consolidation Permeameter, Triaxial
Permeameter, Instructional Centrifuge, Cyclic Triaxial Test, Fly-Ash Pelet Drum.
Construction Materials Laboratory
Construction Materials Laboratory is located in the North Campus which is in a walking
distance to South Campus. It has a closed-area of 300 m and involves all the testing
civil engineering laboratories
equipment needed to carry out tests on fresh and hardened cement-based materials/
civil engineering materials. The laboratory is furnished with 2000 kN and 3000 kN compression and 100 kN flexure testing machines, 400 kN load controlled and 100 kN
deformation controlled universal testing machines, freeze-thaw testing cabinet, humidity
cabinet, curing room, corrosion measuring devices, non destructive testing devices and
state-of-the-art control and data acquisition systems. The subjects that are studied in
Construction Materials Laboratory are as follows: rheology of cement-based materials,
strength and durability of cement-based materials, fiber-reinforcement, control of fiber
dispersion features, performance based-design of fiber reinforced cementitious materials,
crack/corrosion resistance and durability of fiber-reinforced concrete, lightweight fly
ash aggregate production, strength and durability of lightweight fly ash aggregate
Coastal Engineering Laboratory
The Coastal Engineering Laboratory is located at Kilyos Sarıtepe Campus 30 km North
of the Main Campus, sits at the Black Sea coast of Istanbul. The main focus of the
Coastal Engineering Laboratory is to utilize the state-of-the-art equipment in field
research projects and maintain strong relations with the industry to attract resources to
conduct applied research. The laboratory is equipped with a research boat, topographic and bathymetric survey systems, an acoustic Doppler profiler with surface wave
tracking, and a digital water quality sampler.
Department of Civil Engineering Faculty
Atilla Akkoyunlu (PhD. Ist. Tech. Univ. Environmental Engineering)
Dr. Akkoyunlu is involved in research of lake pollution, eutrophication
process, and watershed management. Atilla Akkoyunlu conducted
research for some of these watersheds in terms of their current pollution
by point and nonpoint (diffuse) sources. The research covers the present pollution level, determination of the future pollution level by mathematical models, suggestions for watershed management. He has led and contributed to the projects prepared for the Ministry of Environment and
Forestry of Turkey.
Gülay Altay (PhD. Ist. Tech. Univ. Structural Engineering)
Dr. Altay’s area of research include earthquake structural engineering,
repair and strengthening of buildings, passive and active control, behaviour and design of steel structures, thin walled members, structural
stability, structural connections, plates, intelligent structural materials and systems, dynamical
behavior, coupled fields. She actively participated in projects COST-C1 “Structural connections”
and COST-C26 “Urban habitat under catastrophic events”, and was partner country leader for the
FP-7 project entitled “Protection of historical structures with reversible mixed technologies” and
conducted experimental and analytical research on rehabilitation techniques.
Cem Avcı (PhD. Purdue Univ. Groundwater Hydrology)
Dr. Avcı’s areas of research include groundwater hydrology, numerical
modeling for contaminant transport, landfill impact assessment as well
as energy efficiency in buildings. His recent research includes pumping
test assessments, numerical modeling for flow and solute transport using Radial Basis Functions,
risk based assessment of preventative measures for soil and ground water contamination, quantification of environmental impact assessment evaluation of landfills. Prof. Avcı’s work in energy
efficiency in buildings is concentrated on optimization of rehabilitation measures for energy
efficiency in existing buildings
Gökhan Baykal (PhD. Louisiana State Univ. Geotechnical Engineering)
Dr. Baykal’s areas of research mainly concentrate on micromorphology,
microstructure and micromechanics of geomaterials. His particular
interest focuses on the interface behavior of soil and concrete; steel;
wood; geosynthetics etc. His work concentrates on the assessment of the interface and improvement of the interface properties. Ongoing research includes dynamic behavior at the interface. His
main research areas may be summarized as: waste utilization especially fly ash, slag, sludge and
waste tires, environmental geotechnics mainly composite clay liners and hydrocarbon contamination, soil improvement techniques mainly chemical stabilization and inclusions, offshore
geotechnics, pelletization of fine granular material, production of artificial calibration sand,
crushing behavior of granular material.
Osman Börekçi (PhD. Univ. Of Delaware Coastal Engineering)
Dr Börekçi’s current research interest is in numerical modeling using
meshless methods. On going studies are concerned with the application
of the radial basis function collocation method in modeling coastal
hydrodynamics (waves, currents, etc.), coastal pollution transport and sloshing in tanks subjected
to earthquake forcing.
Özer Çiniçioğlu (PhD. Univ. of Colarado Geotechnical Engineering)
Dr. Çinicioğlu specializes in the areas of soil mechanics and foundation
engineering. His research interests include soil behavior, soil dynamics,
constitutive relationships, in-situ testing systems, centrifuge and physical
modeling, ground improvement technologies, and terramechanics problems. He is particularly
interested in anchored shoring systems, piled foundations and suction anchors. His current research
focuses on the effects of lateral deformations on the excavation walls in overconsolidated soils.
Turan Durgunoğlu (PhD. UC Berkeley Geotechnical Engineering)
Dr. Durgunoglu’s interest areas in geotechnical engineering includes
soil modelling using insitu measurement techniques, earthquake geotechnical engineering with a specific emphasis on dynamic soil properties,
soil liquefaction, cyclic mobility of fine grained soils under earthquake loadings, observational
methods in foundation engineering, instrumentation and monitoring and related case studies. He
is also contributed greatly to the design of flexible earth retaining structures such as reinforced
earth, soil nailing and terranail systems.
Gökmen Ergün (PhD. Northwestern Univ. Transportation Engineering)
Dr. Ergün specializes in the areas of transportation planning, traffic
engineering, highway design and highway safety engineering with
particular, and recent emphasis, on the safety analysis and design of new
roadside barriers which takes into account accidents with motorcycles. His research interests
include the transportation planning models, and in particular, the disaggregate behavioral models,
sustainable transportation, congestion mitigation, arterial optimization and the effects of highway
design on the safety. He acted as a consultant to recently finished (2009)Transportation Master
Plan of Istanbul and helping, in consulting capacity, other cities in solving transportation related
problems. He is a member of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (Washington D.C.), the
American Society of Civil Engineers, and Turkish Society of Civil Engineers.
Uğur Ersoy (PhD. Univ. of Texas, Austin Reinforce Concrete)
Dr. Ersoy’s research areas include behavior of reinforced concrete and
precast members and structures under seismic action. Seismic rehabilitation of reinforced and precast concrete structures. Development of
new methods for the repair and strengthening of such structures. Emphasis is on experimental
research. These new methods are applied in the field and are observed and monitored.
Erol Güler (PhD. Ist. Tech. Univ. Geotechnical Engineering)
Dr. Güler’s expertise include foundation design, slope stabilization and
soil improvement. He has also performed research and professional
projects in the field of environmental geotechnics. He has successfully
implemented his research studies to practical problems. He is particularly well known for his
geosynthetic applications within the geotechnical engineering community. In the last 15 years his
research was devoted to geosynthetic reinforced soil walls. He introduced the technology to
Turkey and also has become an internationally known researcher on the use of marginal soils in
the construction of such walls. He is the Convener of International Standards Organization (ISO)
Technical Committee on geosynthetics (TC/221 WG2). He is also an international member of the
Geosynthetics Committee (AFS70) of the Transportation Research Board of USA (TRB).
Cengiz Karakoç (PhD. Ist. Tech. Univ. Reinforced Concrete)
Dr. Karakoç’s areas of research include structural engineering, reinforced concrete, analysis and design of earthquake resistant structures
and buildings with a focus on applications in Turkey. Ongoing research
includes fiber reinforced concretes, damage and fracture mechanics for brittle materials, with
particular emphasis on constitutive modeling of cracked concrete media. Masonry structures is
also a very relevant area of research concerning his interests as far as it involves applications of
damage and fracture mechanics and constitutive modeling of cracked media.
Sami And Kılıç (PhD. Stanford Univ. Structural Engineering)
Dr. Kılıç’s interests are Structural Engineering, non-linear response of
reinforced concrete and steel structures, finite element modeling and
simulation of complex engineering structures using multi-disciplinary
approaches, mesh generation techniques, Earthquake Engineering, fluid-structure interaction,
response of structures to short-duration loadings such as impact and blast.
Hilmi Luş (PhD. Columbia Univ. Structural Mechanics)
Dr. Luş specializes in the areas of structural dynamics and earthquake
engineering. His current research interests include system identification,
structural health monitoring, and reliability analysis. His recent projects
and publications focus on the inverse vibration problem and its applications for damage detection,
static and dynamic testing of existing structures, and reliability analysis of large-scale networks
with particular emphasis on infrastructure networks. He is the co-author of an award winning
textbook (in Turkish) on structural dynamics.
Kutay Orakçal (PhD. UC Los Angeles Structural & Earthquake
Dr. Orakçal’s research interests lie in the areas of structural and earthquake engineering, with an emphasis on the seismic performance of
reinforced concrete structures. Current research topics include behavior
assessment for reinforced concrete columns with deficient anchorage conditions, frames with
detailing deficiencies, and structural walls with shear-dominated responses. Related studies involve
conceptual modeling, numerical simulation, and laboratory testing. Laboratory studies include
testing of large-scale specimens under simulated earthquake actions. The primary objective of these
studies is to provide design engineers improved analytical capabilities to model the earthquake
behavior of structures, which is important in the development of performance-based seismic
design provisions.
Emre Otay (PhD. Univ. of Florida Coastal Engineering)
Dr. Otay specializes in coastal and ocean engineering with particular
emphasis on wave mechanics, coastal hydrodynamics, transport of sediments and pollutants in coastal waters. For his research, he employs
both experimental and theoretical methods including field measurements and numerical modeling
with a special focus on stochastic analysis and modeling. Application areas of his research include
beach nourishment, offshore dredging, stochastic modeling of maritime.
Beliz Ozorhon (PhD. Middle East Technical University Construction
Dr. Ozorhon’s areas of research include organizational learning, knowledge management, project management, strategic decision making,
international construction, joint ventures, performance management,
and innovation management. Her recent project focuses on the analysis and measurement of
innovation in construction adopting a project life-cycle approach. This is a part of a large project
at the University of Salford that investigates the innovative processes in the wider built environment.
Turan Özturan (Chair) (PhD. Ist. Tech. Univ. Construction Materials)
Dr. Özturan’s research interests include the investigation of the mechanical propeties and durability of cement based composites and concretes.
He is especially interested on the use of cement replacement materials
for improving the strength and durability of concrete. He worked experimentally on durability of
concrete covering the freeze-thaw resistance, sulphate resistance, salt scaling, chloride ion permeability and corrosion of reinforcement in concrete. Inclusion of steel, glass and polymeric fibers
are also considered in his research work. Recently, he worked on the properties of lightweight fly
ash aggregates produced by cold bonding and sintering the pellets of fly ash binder mixtures. Lightweight concretes produced by using these aggregates are also studied for their strength and
Nilüfer Özyurt (PhD. Ist. Tech. Univ. Construction Materials)
Dr. Özyurt’s current research interests focus on cementitious materials.
She mainly works on fresh state properties (rheology) of cement-based
materials, effects of material rheology and mould/sample variables on
flow characteristics, fiber dispersion features and consequently resulting mechanical performance
of tailor-made materials. Another subject she is studying is optimization of cement-based mixtures
for control and prevention of static and dynamic segregation of fibers. Main objective of the
research she does is to contribute to the performance based design studies of fiber-reinforced
cement-based materials.
Serdar Soyöz (PhD. UC Irvine Structural Mechanics)
Dr. Soyöz’s research interests cover structural health monitoring, structural reliability assessment, earthquake engineering, structural dynamics and structural control. He is experienced in the development and
experimental verification of vibration-based damage detection methodologies; development and
implementation of hardware and software systems for structural health monitoring applications;
structural reliability estimation methodologies based on system identification results; modeling
and implementation of adaptive base isolation technologies; reliability-based code development of
offshore wind turbines; assessment and health monitoring of offshore platforms; regional and
facility-based seismic risk assessment; soil-structure interaction analysis.
Semih Tezcan (PhD. Ist. Tech. Univ. Structural Engineering)
Dr. Tezcan’s basic teaching experience includes the following courses;
Engineering Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics), Strength of Materials,
Advanced Strength of Materials, Theory of Elasticity, Theory of Plasticity, Plates and Shells, Matrix Theory of Structures, Nonlinear Analysis of Structures, Earthquake
Engineering. Research areas are; Matrix Theory of Structures, Finite Element Analyses, Stability
of structures, Soil Dynamics, Geotechnical Engineering, Earthquake Assessment of Structures,
Rapid Scoring techniques, Aseismic Design of Structures, Interdisciplinary research and application projects including urban transportation and environmental issues. Cable Stayed and Suspension Bridges.
Cem Yalçın (PhD.Univ. of Ottowa Reinforced Concrete, Experimental
Dr. Yalçın has worked extensively in the area of experimental methods
of reinforced concrete structures with particular emphasis on seismic
retrofitting using post-tensioning and composites. He is also involved in
analytical research such as quick seismic assessment methods and energy-based analysis and
design of reinforced concrete structures. His current research interests include energy-based
seismic hazard mapping, rehabilitation of historic structures, development of bridge management
systems and networked structures with the application of graph theory. He is a member of the
Association of Professional Engineers in Ontario, Canada.
Ilgın Gökaşar (PhD. Rutgers Univ. Transportation Engineering)
Dr. Yaşar specializes in the areas of Intelligent Transportation Systems
and Traffic Engineering. Her areas of research include real-time traffic
control, freeway ramp metering, large scale simulation models, incident
management and traffic safety, congestion pricing, and economic evaluation of Intelligent
Transportation Systems. Ongoing projects include macroscopic (MATLAB) and microscopic
(PARAMICS) modeling and evaluation of incident detection algorithms for Istanbul freeways,
PARAMICS modeling and evaluation of other Intelligent Transportation Systems implementations
in Istanbul.
A view of Bebek Bay from South Campus
Campuses of Boğaziçi: Life and Education
Boğaziçi University is located on the hills of Bosphorus Strait and just on the upper
corner of historic Rumelihisarı (Fortress of Rumeli) which is built by Mehmet the
Conquerer in 1453. The University consists of six campuses:
— South Campus: Includes most of the academic and management departments
hosted in historic buildings. Civil Engineering Department is also located here.
— North Campus: Includes some of the academic departments, laboratories and
the university library.
— Hisar Campus: Includes some of the institutions and a closed semi-olympic
swimming pool.
— Uçaksavar Campus: Includes sport facilities and dormitories.
— Kandilli Campus: Includes some research centers and Kandilli Earthquake
Observation & Research Center.
— Kilyos Sarıtepe Campus: Includes language preparation school and beach
facilities in the Karadeniz sea-shore. Coastal Engineering laboratory is also located here.
The first four campuses are within walking distance to each other whereas there is
a scheduled transportation service to the other two campuses.
Student Clubs
Campus life at Boğaziçi University is a unique experience for multiple reasons. It
is one of the liveliest among the Turkish Universities. It offers, encourages and fosters a
wide range of activities. In this way, the object of maintaining an environment in which
our students can fulfill their individualism and creativity while having a top-quality
education can be realized.
There are many festivals organized by Student Clubs each year at the University.
ICAMES, organized by Engineering Club and attended also by students from abroad,
Taşoda Concerts hosted by Music Club, Dance Festival by Dance Club, and Art Festival
by various Art Clubs are the main attractions in our campus during the year.
The following is the list which consists of some the most active Student Clubs:
— Computer Engineering Club
— Aviation Club
— Theatre Company Club
— Arts Club
— Bridge Club
— Cave Expedition Club
— Mountaineering Club
— Engineering Society
— Dance Club
— Music Club
— Literature Club
— Radio Club
— Electro-Technology Club
— Chess Club
— Photography Club
— Film Club
— Scuba Diving Club
— Speleology Club
— Construction Club
Indoor sports: Volleyball at Dodge Gymnasium
Aviation Club and University Swimming Pool (below)
Albert Long Hall and Abdullah Kuran Library (below)
Natuk Birkan Building
Construction Club
Founded in 1987, Construction Club is operated fully by the Civil Engineering
students. The Club is active in organization of seminars, technical trips to well-known
construction sites, building-cultural sites, and career days. They maintain contacts with
the Construction Industry through their activities and seminars given by the prominent
figures of the Industry. A special aspect of their activities is the Design & Construct
Competition. The competition consists of each team designing and building a model
bridge on a designated area in Campus. Around 15 teams from universities all over
Turkey participate in this competition.
A wide-range of sports opportunities can be found at Boğaziçi University. Soccer,
basketball, volleyball, tennis, and rowing are among the most popular sports attended
by the students. A selection of athletism, gymnastics, table tennis, water polo, american
football, aikido, judo, karate, taekwondo, swimming and sailing are also offered. One of
the most traditional activities of the University is Sports Festival. Each year at spring,
university students from all over the world come together in a manner true to the spirit
of sports to compete and to establish friendships. Under the observation and support of
the relevant federations, there are competitions in 14 different branches.
Albert Long Hall Concerts
Started in 1996 by the renowed music critic Evin Ilyasoğlu and continued by the
traditional support of the Rector, Albert Long Hall Classical Music Concerts composed
of 10 concerts in each semester. Taking place each Wednesday, they become a cornerstone in cultural map of Istanbul.
Taşoda Concerts
Taşoda is essentially a room belong to Music Club, and equipped with electronic
music equipment and certain music instruments, acts like a stage for the music groups
at the University. Those groups work their rehearsals in this room as well. The concerts
in Taşoda are sought after by students from different universities through out the year.
Mithat Alam Film Center
A Boğaziçi University (former Robert College) alumni, Mithat Alam donated the
funds to establish Mithat Alam Film Center with the goal of supporting students who
are interested in the art of film, and providing an easy access to a 2.000 film archive for
everyone at the University. Every month, there are screenings of selected films, interviews
with influential figures from the film world, and conferences about the subject. Turkish
or international film magazines are also provided.
Established in 1863 and with a collection of 576,253 items, Boğaziçi University
Library is an academic library of 10,000 sqm of closed-area at the North Campus.
Seating capacity is 1,450 and it is organized as an open-shelf system. Users can access
to internet through the wireless connection. The Library provides access to approximately 1,500 electronic journals.
Hülya Bozkurt Art Studio
Construction Club at a site visit and students at Aladağlar (below)
Men‘s Dormitory - Hamlin Hall
Scuba Club activities
Life at North Campus
Application Requirements
— Minimum GRE/Quantitative scores of 610
(for MS)
PhD). for PhD.
— Minimum TOEFL scores for 213/4.5 (computer-based), 550/4.5 (paper-based), 79/24
(internet-based), or score of 7 on IELTS.
— GPA requirements; for MS applications, BS degree with a minimum GPA of 2.5 (out
of 4.0), for PhD applications, MS degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (out of 4.0).
— Two reference letters
— Application fee of 50 USD (please check with
— All application documents must be received by the University Registrar’s Office;
for exact dates please see the web page. However early applications are encouraged.
— Please state your intention for dormitory applications.
— Diploma is not required at the time of application (it will be requested at registration)
— For further information you may visit the following web sites:
Admission Requirements:
Admission Forms:
Tuition for an international student in Civil Engineering is approximately 1400 USD.
This fee covers both Fall and Spring terms.
Financial Aid
Assistantships are available for international graduate students. Students who wish to
apply for financial aid should send a Statement of Purpose directly to the Graduate
Advisor before the application deadline.
Financial Aid applications will be processed and answered within four weeks after the
application deadline.
Students who start the program without financial aid may reapply after completing.
For further information about the Department, financial aid and assistantships,
please contact:
Dr. Nilüfer Özyurt Civil Engineering Graduate Advisor
For questions regarding the visas, living expenses, campus life, and the community,
please contact:
Ms. Nilufer Kırıcı International Student Office
Voice: +90 212 359 6708 - +90 212 359 7092
Mailing address for registration forms:
Boğaziçi University Registrar’s Office 34342 Bebek, Istanbul - TURKEY
Voice: +90 (212) 359 7088
Fax: +90 (212) 287 2457
Boğaziçi Universitesi
Copyright ©2011
Boğaziçi University Cataloging -in-Publication Data
Boğaziçi University, Graduate Studies in Civil Egineering, G32p. : ill. ; 28.5 cm.
I. Boğaziçi University - Curricula.
LF5222.C8 B64
Design: İnci Batuk
Color Separation: Studio Tel: +90 212 283 90 12
Printing: Stil printing House, İbrahimkaraoğlanoğlu Cad. Yayıncılar Sok. Stil Binası,
Seyrantepe, No: 5 Levent/İstanbul/TÜRKİYE
First Printing: 2011
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü, 34342 Bebek/İstanbul
Tel: +90 212 359 7039