
Department of Geography
University of Hull, U.K.
Under natural rain forest conditions in the humid tropics there is a striking contrast
between the great depth of weathered rock materia] and soil, often exceeding 30 metres,
and the very smali concentrations of suspended and dissolved matter carried in stream
waters. The dense forest vegetation which exists in a delicate ecological balance with
îhe soil, exerts a protective effect against mechanical processes such as raindrop splash
and slope wash, but favours the chemical attack on minerals. Variations in the nature
of the vegetation cover affect the rate of erosion under natural conditions. In the highlands where, at an altitude of around 2,000 metres, the vegetation has but a single tree
storey about 7 metres high, the erosive effects of intense rain are more marked. Where
rainforest is replaced by less dense formations in areas of nutrient deficiency soil erosion
is greater.
Once the vegetation is removed the rate of erosion is greatly increased. Comparisons
between rates of erosion determined on headwater streams, where interference is minimal, and at stations further downstream, where considerable human activity affects
river behaviour, are used to illustrate the effects of forestry, grazing, tree crops, cultivation, mining and urban development. A great volume of erosion occurs during the
construction stage when large areas of soil are left exposed to the effects of splash and
surface runoff. These conditions provide very rapid rates of runoff to streams, producing
much higher flood peaks than occur natural conditions with consequent damage to
stream banks and riverine structures.
More permanent are the effects of changes in land use on river regimes and on the
course of erosion. With increasing human occupance of the catchment areas of the
humid tropics, erosion becomes concentrated into short duration flood events which
may cause disruption to river users and flood plain dwellers in the lower parts of the
catchment areas.
Sous foret tropicale humide existe un contraste frappant entre la grande hauteur de
roche altérée, souvent plus de 30 mètres, et les basses concentrations de matières dissoutes et en suspension dans les eaux des cours-d'eau. La dense végétation forestière,
qui existe dans un équilibre écologique délicat avec le sol, joue un rôle protecteur contre
les effets mécaniques du bombardement par les gouttes d'eau et du ruissellement diffus
sur les pentes, mais favorise une forte attaque chimique des minéraux rocheux. Variations dans l'écran végétal causent des changements dans la vitesse d'érosion naturelle.
Dans les montagnes où, au-dessus de 2,000 m, il n'y a qu'un seul étage de végétation,
les effets érosifs des averses violentes sont plus marqués. Quand la forêt humide est
remplacée par des formations végétales moins denses sur les sols moins fertiles, l'érosion est plus efficace.
Dès que la végétation est détruite, la vitesse de l'érosion augmente. La comparaison
entreles vitesses de l'érosion sur les cours-d'eau dans les sections supérieures des bassinsversants et celles sur les grand cours-d'eau plus basses montrent les effets des actions
an t h topiques, forestières, agricoles, et extractives dans les régions d'habitat humain.
Pendant la construction de routes et bâtiments, l'érosion est accélérée puisque des
grands espaces du soi sont exposés aux effets mécaniques de la pluie et du ruissellement.
Dans ces conditions le ruissellement est très rapide, en sorte que l'hauteur des crues est
beaucoup plus grande et cause plus de dommages aux rives et structures riveraines.
Les changements dans l'utilisation du sol produisent des effets plus permanents sur
les régimes fluviaux et la vitesse de l'érosion. L'extention de l'occupation humaine des
bassins-versants tropicaux humides conduit à la concentration de l'érosion dans de
courtes périodes de crue qui peuvent causer des dégâts importants sur les plaines
The deep weathering profiles developed under tropical rain forest demonstrate
that under hot, humid conditions abundant rock material is transformed into a state
suitable for erosion by running water and trasportation by streams. Yet, despite the
intense rainstorms which occur in the humid tropics, the weathered material is not
eroded as rapidly as it becomes available. Thus the characteristic deep weathering
profiles, sometimes more than 30 metres thick, develop. This rotted rock material is
protected by the dense rain forest vegetation, with which it exists in a delicate ecological
balance. The foliage breaks the force of falling raindrops and roots give stability to the
soil. At same time the CO? given off by the vegetation and other acids in the soil
combine with the rainwater in promoting the chemical attack on the rock minerals.
Some erosion takes place under the forest, by suface wash, particularly as a result of
water streaming down the tree trunks during heavy rain, by the splash effects of drips
from leaves, by the movement of water and colloids laterally through the upper layers
of the soil, and by soil creep. Such erosion is however not as rapid as the preparation
of rock material by chemical weathering.
The net results of this type of weathering and denudation is that the streams carry
far less sediment than the soils in their catchment areas would appear to warrant. At
all times the concentrations of suspended sediment in rain forest streams under natural
conditions are low, but the frequency of high stream flows, brought about by short
duration but intense rainstorms, is such that a considerable amount of material is
evacuated per year.
The importance of the vegetation cover in the erosion of humid tropical areas is
demonstrated when the structure of the vegetation is changed by altitude or by nutrient
or moisture deficiency in soils. On the Cameron Highlands and other elevated areas
of West Malaysia, the forest, instead of having a complex canopy reaching up to over
30 metres above the soil, has a single tree storey about 7 metres which is much more
easily penetrated by falling raindrops than the dense lowland canopy. Erosion under
this montane forest is thus more effective than in the lowlands, and the depth of the
weathering profile less than 5 metres, even on the plateau surfaces of the highland area.
River beds contain much coarser sediments than do similar sized, equally steep streams
in catchments with lowland rain forest vegetation.
The effects of nutrient deficiency on vegetation distribution are particuiarly marked
in north-east Queensland, where the area which can truly be defined as humid tropical
is limited to a small mountainous area within 50 km of the east coast. Here outcrop three
major groups of rocks, late Tertiary basalts, Mesozoic granites and metamorphosed
Palaeozoic sediments. The greater nutrient content of the krasnozemic soils developed
on the basalts has enabled rain forest to exist in much drier areas than it would be able
to do so on granite or metamorphic rock-derived soils. There thus occur several
localities where there is an abrupt transition from tropical rain forest to open sclerophyll woodland. A short belt of wet sclerophyll forest exists at the margin of the rain
forest, and has such a dense shrub and ground flora, that this wet sclerophyll forest is as
effective in preventing erosion as the rain forest itself. The open woodland however has
a very different structure, the trees are so widely spaced that their canopies are not
continuous, soils are extremely thin and have a discontinuous grass cover. Thus intense
rain beats on the soil surface with little loss of momentum. Very rapidly all the streams
ia such areas begin to be discoloured by suspended sediment washed from the soil
surface. The very lack of nutrients which causes the relatively sparse vegetation is thus
perpetuated by the erosion of the upper, organic layers of the soil during wet season rain
Thus under natural conditions a very important cycling of nutrients exists between
plants and soils, the losses by erosion are but a very small fraction of the total nutrient
mobility under tropical rain forest (Nye, 1961). The stability of this tropical rain forest
ecosystem is essential for the maintenance of the fertility of the soils, the water
yields of the catchment areas and the prevention of sedimentation in the lower
reaches of the rivers. Once any element in this delicately balanced ecological system
is disturbed, a whole series of complex consequences follow.
Once the vegetation of the tropical rain forest is disturbed, soil deterioration and
erosion set in (Nye and Greenland, 1960). The contrasts between catchments little
affected by man and those with considerable areas of cultivation in the humid tropics
have been discussed by Shallow (1956) in the Cameron Highlands of West Malaysia
and by Van Dijk and Vogelzang (1948) in west Java, Indonesia. Shallow showed that
Fig. Î — Location of the catchments studied in north-east Queensland.
whreas a catchment with 94% of its area under natural vegetation had a sediment yield
of 21.1 m 3 /km 2 /yr, a neighbouring catchment with only 64% of the area covered by
natural forest had a yield of 103.1 m 3 /km 2 /yr. Van Dijk and Vogelzang compared the
sediment yields of the Tjiloetoeng catchment in west Java in the water years 1911-1912
and 1934-35. The total annual rainfall in the two periods was 1797 and 1941 mm respectively, 86% of the total falling in the wet, monsoon season in 1911-1912 and 94% in the
later period. The suspended sediment yields in the two periods were 900 m 3 /km' 3 /yr
and 1,900 m 3 /km 2 /yr respectively. The increased rate of soil erosion in the latter period
is not due to the slight increase in rainfall but in the authors' own woids, " In (he Tjiloetoeng basin the gradually increasing deforestation, reckless cultural methods and
pasturing after 1917 caused a doubled soil erosion".
These comparative observations have been extended by investigations in northeast
Queensland and in Selangor, Malaysia. Four catchments were examined, two stations
on each catchment being selected for observations of streamflow and suspended sediment concentrations. The upper station on each river was chosen so that the catchment
above it had conditions as near natural as possible, while the lower station was chosen
so that the catchment above it would be as homogeneous geologically as possible. The
actual sites of the lower stream gauging stations vvere permanent recording stations
operated by local stream gauging authorities.
Three of the catchments were in northeast Queensland (fig. 1| where there is a
markedly seasonal distribution of rainfall. River regimes are greatly affected by
tropical cyclones, which bring large amounts of rainfall in very short periods, and by
heavy thunderstorm rain during the wet season, which extends from December to April.
The hydrographs of these rivers show rapid rises and falls following major rainstorms.
The rise from base flow to flood peak and back to baseflow may take as little as 10 to
12 hours. The rise to flood peak being particularly abrupt. Most of the work of sediment
transport is done by these sudden flood flows, and therefore a particular effort was made
to obtain frequent observations during flood flows.
The fourth catchment, the Sungei Gombak, is in Selangor, West Malaysia (fig. 2|,
and experiences two seasonal rainfall maxima associated with the south-west and northeast monsoons. Hydrographs show the same rapid rise and fall following heavy rain as
the Queensland rivers.
The characteristics of the catchments studied are summarised in figure 3 and the
results of the observations in figure 4. Despite the steepness of the upper catchment
areas, and their higher rainfalls, all the lower catchments had much greater mean annual
sediment loads than the headwater streams. It would be expected that under natural
conditions higher sediment loads would be recorded in the relatively steep headwater
sections. In the larger catchments there is more opportunity for sediment to be deposited
along the stream channel. The slopes of the regressions of suspended sediment load on
discharge were calculated from individual determinations of instantaneous discharge
and suspended sediment concentration. Each pair of observations was tested by
analysis of variance to see whether the differences between the regression coefficients
and the distance between the regression lines for the upper and lower stations were
significant. These statistical calculations are summarised in figure 5.
Each individual correlation of suspended sediment load with discharge is highly
significant. This is partly to be expected as the suspended sediment load is calculated as
the product of the suspended sediment concentration multiplied by the discharge. It
is apparent from the graphs in figure 4 that there is a wide variation in the suspended
sediment load carried at any given discharge. On all these relatively small catchments
the suspended sediment load carried at any given discharge was much higher on the
rising than on the falling stage of a flood (fig. 6). Nevertheless these regressions based
on observations through several flood events are accurate enough for a preliminary estimate of the annual sediment load in the period during which observations were made.
^ g
1,000 metres
'(//_£ 1 5 0 - 1 . 0 0 0 metres
Sampling stations
Fig. 2 — Location of tlie Gombak in Selangor, Malaysia.
Upper Lower
Upper Lower
Upper Lower
Upper Lower
Mean Annua]
Rainfall mm
Relief m
Annual Total
Water Discharge m^/km 2
Sediment Load
Calendar Years
m 3 /km 3 /yr
Lithology of catchment areas
100% basalt
54% basalt
100% granite
82% granite
86% rhyolite
55% metamorphic
52% granite
42% granite
13% metamorphic
Fig. 3 — Characteristics of the catchments studied.
Only in the case of the Millstream is there a really significant difference between the
regression coefficients for the upper and lower stations on the same river. Nevertheless,
in all cases the difference between the regression lines for upper and lower stations
would be insignificant in less than 0.1 percent of trials. In nearly all cases the sediment
load at the upper station at any given discharge is less than that at the lower station.
The causes of these differences in sediment loads carried past the upper and lower
stations are all related to the activities of man, bin in various ways, best explained by
taking each catchment in turn.
The Barron River Catchment
The head of the Barron River is high in the basalt country of the Atherton Tableland, where the original rain forest vegetation is still intact, except for a few clearings
. y
/ " ' "
oor0 001
0 01
Discharge ( m 3 JkmVsscJ
Discharge (m 3 ^ km^sec )
, ; /
y *
*!> •
/ »
/ 1
0 01
Discharge ( m ^ k m ^ s e c )
0 Ol
Discharge ( m i r k m a t s t z l
Fig. 4 — Results of discharge and suspended sediment observations.—Observations
at the upper stations are represented by closed circles, ihose at the lower stations
by crosses. The regression equations are given onfigure5.
Regression equations of suspended sediment had on discharge
10 y = - 1.016 + 1.283
10 j = - 1.558 + 1.677
10JF = -Q.71S + 1.085
100 y =
0.056+ 1.276
100 v =
0.358 + 1.113
10 y = - 1.513 + 1.687
y = 4.241 + 2.339 log *
y = 4.490 + 1.885 log *
3600 *
Correlation coefficients and their significance
Level of Significance
Levels of significance of differences between upper and lower stations
Difference between
regression coefficients
Distance between
regression lines
N.S. denotes not significant.
Levels of significance are determined from Fisher R. A. and Yates F. (1963) Statistical
tables for biological, agricultural and medical research, Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd,
6th Edition, 146 p.
Fig. 5 — Statistical results of the relationship between suspended sediment load and
for cattle pasture. A few kilometres below the source the river enters the granite outcrop
of the eastern slope of the Herberton Range. The rain forest only survives on the flatter
parts of the granite outcrop, and on the steeper, better drained slopes, gives way to
open sclerophyll woodland, which occupies about 25% of the catchment above the
lower station. The remaining 75% was originally under the same rain forest as that
around the headwaters, but a large proportion of the forest has been cut down in the
last 60 years, and dairy farming is practised on the steeper slopes, with maize, potato
and peanut cultivation on the flatter slopes. This change in land use has introduced
several forms of accelerated erosion. On the very steep slopes where the forest has given
way to pasture grasses, soil creep occurs, and at the base of the slope streams undercut
their banks. The cattle, walking up and down slope between watering points and grazing areas, accelerate this soil creep. The grass cover permits more rapid runoff to streams
RIVER - lower station
0730 - 7/12/64
0730 - 10/12/64
1 -
Discharge ( m 3 /km 2 /s'ec)
Fig. 6 — Relationship between suspended sediment load and discharge at the lower
station on the Barron River during cyclone „ F l o r a " December 1964.
than did the forest cover, causing therefore higher velocities in the streams which
increase bank erosion.
In the cultivated area, despite the excellent contour methods employed by the
Queensland Soil Conservation Branch, the cultivation of maize entails the exposure of
large areas of bare soil at the beginning of the wet season, when the young maize plants
start to grow. If, as happened in November 1964, heavy rainstorms occur unusually
early, soil losses from maize-growing land may be very great. Unfortunately, not all
farmers have accepted the advice of the Soil Conservation Branch, and some instances
of rows of crops planted up and down slope can still be found. Soil erosion on these
fields following storms when the intensity of rainfall is as much as 40 mm in 30 minutes
is very great, and large accumulations of soil are found at the base of every slope planted in this way.
Erosion on t he granite slopes where sclerophyll woodlandoccursis greater than under
natural rain forest, but notas great as in areas where manhas exposed the basalt-derived
soils. In the latter case, present-day erosion is removing part of the soil material accumulated by past weathering, whereas in the sclerophyll woodland, erosion today can
only remove the debris produced by present weathering processes.
The Davies Creek Catchment
This creek is a tributary of the Barron, which enters that river well downstream of
the lower station discussed in the previous paragraphs. Davies Creek rises in rugged, rain
forest covered country of the Lamb Range, west of the town of Cairns. Deep weathering
profiles are found under the rain forest on the granite, with typical unweathered
granite core stones which eventually find their way into the stream bed. About 10 kilometres downstream from the headof the creek, as the western slopes of the Lamb Range
steepen, and the rain shadow area in the lee side of the mountain from the south east
trades is entered, soils become thinner and rain forest gives way to wet sclerophyll
forest which, two or three hundred metres further downstream, grades into dry sclerophyll woodland, with rainforest species forming a gallery forest along the stream channel. The upper station studied here is situated just above the falls where Davies Creek
begins to cascade down the western slopes of the range. Forestry activity is the only
human activity in the catchment above the upper station.
Below Davies Creek Falls the creek reaches the level of the Barron-Mitchell plain,
an old erosion surface, into which it is incised about 15 m through ancient podzolie
soils on metamorphic rocks. This incision may represent the flood channel of flows with
a ten to twenty year recurrence interval, as the road bridge 10 m above the creek bed
is covered with flood waters about once a year. At the lower station Davies Creek has
a minor channel only 10 m wide, but its flood channel is about 100 m wide and is
largely covered with vegetation. Most of the catchment between the upper and lower
stations has only had its sclerophyll woodland vegetation modified by grazing beef cattle.
A few small areas are cultivated, mainly for tabacco.
The forestry activity in the upper part of the catchment involves much disturbance
of the vegetation, not only along the permanent forestry roads, with their cuttings and
embankments, but also along the snigging paths, along which logs are dragged by
tracked vehicles. If a rainstorm strikes when road construction or logging is in progress,
very large quantities of sediment can be washed into streams, as happened during a
thunderstorm on January 8th 1964, when a sediment load of 20.7 m 3 /km 3 /yr was
recorded on a rain forest stream above the upper station. In the lower part of the catchment, little disturbance is required to initiate gully erosion in the ancient podzolie soils.
Once the gully breaks through the hardpan about 1 metre below the soil suface, headward recession of the gully may be very rapid. Very high sediment concentrations occur
in storm runoff waters from these gullies, 1,666 mg/1 being recorded in a gully near the
lower station, when the concentration in the main stream was only l2mg/l.Unsurfaced
roads and tracks may provide conditions under which gullies are initiated, particularly
if they are not maintained. Tobacco crops are harvested before the wet season begins,
and quite often the tobacco land is left freshly ploughed and bare in the wet season.
Although the Barron-Mitchell land surface has but very gentle slopes, the impact of
rainfalls as intense as 25 mm in 30 minutes, may involve considerable loss of soil, and
even gully initiation in the cultivated land.
The Mills/ream
Rising on the rain forest covered western slopes of the Hugh Nelson Range, this
river drains a large area of porphyritic rocks before flowing on to the Atherton Tableland basalts. The upper station is sited at the point where the river begins to flow back
onto porphyry after crossing a narrow strip of basalt. This lithologie change is marked
by a transition from rain forest to wet sclerophyll vegetation. As the rainfall decreases
rapidly west of the Hugh Nelson Range, the rain forest is here near its ecological
limits. Below the upper station, the Miilstream enters drier country, where even the
basalt-derived soils do not support rain forest. These gently sloping basalt soils have
been cleared for cultivation, mainly of potatoes, and erosion of the exposed soil results.
The scanty vegetation of the lower part of the catchment, and the relatively intense grazing by beef and dairy cattle, leave ample opportunities for erosion by surface runoff. The
contrast between the upper and lower stations is well shown by the flood flow of
0.08 m 3 /km 2 sec from cyclone " F l o r a " in December 1964, when a suspended sediment
load of 34 m 3 /km 2 /yr was recorded at the upper station as against 95 m 3 /km a /yr at the
lower station.
The Sungei Gombak Catchment
This stream drains south west ward s from the main divide of West Malaysia into the
Sungei Kelangat Kuala Lumpur. The upper part of the catchment is covered by natural
rain forest, disturbed only by limited forestry activity, and by the main road running
from Kuala Lumpur into Pahang. Running through the headwater area is a band of
partially metamorphosed Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks, which offer a variety of lithologie conditions in contrast to the granite which prevails over the rest of the upper
catchment. Both roadworks and forestry activity can provide masses of suspended
sediment, as occurred in the course of the observations discussed here. A road widening
scheme inevitably resuited in much soil slipping down the steep slopes of the valley,
and producing the very high suspended sediment loads recorded at high flows at the
upper station. The upper part of the Gombak catchment is so steep, that the river rises
in less than an hour from a crystal-clear gentle stream to a raging muddy torrent.
Under these conditions of rapid runoff, exposed soil particles are quickly swept into the
On leaving the granite foothills of the main range, the Gombak flows over the tin
bearing alluvium which covers the Palaeozoic rocks of the Kuala Lumpur district.
This densely populated lowland area is used partly for rice cultivation and partly for
large alluvial tin dredging and sluicing operations. The lower station is within the Kuala
Lumpur urban area, where a whole series of pollutant effluent enters the river (Norris
and Charlton, 1962). This intense human activity, particularly the tin mining, explains
the high suspended sediment yields at low discharges at the lower station. The concentration of suspended sediment rarely falls below 100 mg/I, where as that at the upper
station at low flows is between 1 and 5 mg/1. Much of the solid material entering the
river cannot be evacuated by low Rows, and therefore accumulates on the river bed. It
enters into transport at high flows, and is carried some distance downstream, only to be
deposited again when the river level falls. The net result is a gradual silting up of the
river bed, decreasing the carrying capacity of the channel, so that floods occur at smaller
discharges than previously. The removal of vegetation and increasing urbanisation
further upstream have made runoff more rapid than before, so that flood peaks tend to
be higher. Thus the flood plain dwellers and industrial users find they are faced with
floods of increasing frequency and magnitude. Works on the Sungei Kelang in the
central and southern parts of Kuala Lumpur have improved the effectiveness of the
river channel in the lower parts of the town, and have prevented flooding in the central
area, butin the Gombak district, the combined problem of Hooding and sedimentation
remains serious.
The story of the Sungei Gombak is ail too often repeated in the humid tropicsSingapore draws most of its water supply from catchments in Johore, West Malaysia.
Originally undisturbed rain forest covered catchments, such as those on Gunong Pulai,
were used. However, these, and the three small catchmets on Singapore Island, were
unable to meet the demand and supplies have had to be drawn from larger rivers such
as the Scudai, Tebrau and Johore (Khong Kit Soon, 1963). These three rivers all suffer
from high sediment loads caused by agricultural and other activity upstream of the
water intakes. At the Scudai intake, a mechanical grab regularly removes large quantities of silt from above the intake weir. Suspended sediment concentrations range from
2 to 140 mg/1, values which are not exceptionally high, but when it is realised that the
rainfall over the catchment is about 3,000 mm per year, and the dry weather flow is
about 0.004 m 3 /km 2 /sec, these concentrations involve the movement of a great volume
of silt each year. The multiple use of these catchment areas involves the Singapore
Government in great expense for filter beds and flocculating tanks to remove the silt
from the water supply.
In northeast Queensland, multiple use of the Barron waters involves several problems. Downstream from the lower station described previously, the Barron enters the
Tinarro Reservoir which impounds water for the Mareeba-Dimbulah Irrigation Scheme.
This reservoir has a capacity of 55,450,000 m s . If the suspended sediment load of the
Barron can be applied to the whole catchment area of the dam, the rate of siltation
would be 7,730 m 3 /yr, giving the dam a life of 7,200 years. In fact siltation will be more
rapid than this, as the estimate calculated for the Barron is based on too short a period
of observations to allow for hydrologie events of great magnitude, and bed load will
increase the quantity of sediment by up to 50% of the suspended load.
Below where Davies Creek enters the Cholesy River, and thus the Barron, is the
impounding weir of the Barron Falls Hydroelectric station. Much of the water draining
from both the irrigation scheme and the maize growing area of the northern part of the
Atherton Table land flows into the Barron carrying with it much sediment during storm
runoff. This sediment causes severe problems at the impounding weir, which regularly
has to be flushed clear of silt.
These and countless other example of the hydrologie changes wrought by man
illustrate the scale of the problem of multiple use of catchment areas in the humid
tropics. It is to be hoped that the combined knowledge of all concerned with the factors
affecting river behaviour may be made available readily to those who have to make
decisions on and those responsible for the management of catchment areas.
The investigations in Australia were carried out during the tenure of a Postgraduate
Scholarship at the Australian National University, and those in Malaysia and Singapore
were sponsored by the University of Hull. The help of the Irrigation and Water Supply
Commission, Queensland, the Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology, Australia, the
Drainage and Irrigation Department, Malaysia and the Water Department, Singapore
in providing hydrologie information is most gratefully acknowledged. Laboratory
facilities in Queensland were kindly made available by the Department of Primary
Industries and the C.S.I.R.O. Tobacco Research Institute, and in Malaysia, by the
Department of Geography, University of Malaya. Mr. BahTillah collected most of the
water samples at the upper station on the Sungei Gombak and Mr, Soh Hoo Hong
determined suspended sediment concentrations in Malaysia.
KHONG K I T SOON, (1963). Formulation of a water resources development plan of the
island of Singapore. Water Resources Ser. Bangkok, 23, 149-155.
NoRRiS, R. C. and CHARLTON, J. 1., (1962). A chemical and biological survey of the Sungei
Gombak, Kuala Lumpur, Govt, printer, 57 p.
N Y E , P . H . , (1961). Organic matter and nutrient cycles under moist tropical forest.
Plant and Soil, 13, 333-346.
NYE, P . H . and GREENLAND, D.J., (1960). The soil under shifting cultivation. Tech.
Commun. Commomo. Bur. Soils., 51, 156 p.
SHALLOW, P . G . D . , (1956). River Flow in the Cameron Highlands. Hydro-electric
Technical Memorandum No. 3 of the Central Electricity Board.
VAN DIJK, J . W . and VOGELZANG, W . L . M . . (1948). The influence of improper soil
management on erosion velocity in the Tjiloetoeng Basin (Residency of Cheribon,
West Java). Meded, alg. Proefstn. Landb. Buirenz., 71, 10 p.
Intervention of Mr. M. F. BATY
1, If my memory is correct Mr. Frank Law in his paper on the Hadder Catchment
in North England measured negligible flow down the three trunks.
2. If the closed canopy gives bigger water drops which fall in the same place where
there is no herb layer —hence greater soil erosion, then one would expect less erosion
to take place at the lower stations where the open forest would lead to under-tree,
shrubs and herb layers.
Answers of Mr. DOUGLAS
Two factors may make flow down tree trunks in tropical rain forest different from
that in North England described by Mr. Baty. The first of these factors is the intensity
of rainfall, which is, except for the rare extreme cases in the British Isles, far greater
in the humid tropics. The second factor is the nature of the vegetation. In tropical
rain forest the trees have very straight, smooth barked trunks with no branches for as
much as the first 20 metres from the ground. The intense rainfall is intercepted by the
foliage, from which it either drips or runs down the branches to the trunk off which it
flows with sufficient velocity to clear away accumulated leaf and loose soil debris
for a metre or so on the downslope side of the trunk. The almost ubiquitous occurrence
of these bare patches on steep slopes under tropical rain forest and the dampness of the
downslope side of tree trunks after rain is surely evidence of the importance of stem
flow in tropical rain forest.
Mr. Baty's second question is correct in that in the deep valleys of the eastern slopes
of the New England plateau in northern New South Wales, Australia, where sub-tropical
rain forest and wet scierophyll forest alternate according to minor edaphic variations,
erosion under the wet scierophyll forest, with its dense understorey, is less than under
the adjacent rain forest. However, in the area of North Queensland which I studied,
the transition from tropical rain forest through wet scierophyll forest to open, dry
scierophyll forest and savanna woodland is so rapid that the wet scierophyll forest
with a dense ground cover is limited to a band only a few hundred metres wide. Under
the open forest and woodland which cover the lower part of Davies Creek catchment,
and smali parts of the Barron River and Milfstream catchments, the ground cover is
reduced to sparse grasses, with much bare soil from which there is considerable surface
Intervention of Henry W. ANDERSON
Question; Do you believe that (he Upper and the Lower Basins are sufficiently
similar aside from difference in "use by man" so that they can be compared ?
I notice that in relating suspended sediment to discharge, you use a log-log transformation; 1 notice also that in 3 of the 4 cases the regression constant is smaller where
the regression coefficient is higher. My statistician friends tell me that this is a difficulty
often encountered with double log transformations and ordinary regression. You may
wish to look further into this.
Answer of Mr. DOUGLAS
In reply to Dr. Anderson, catchment area does appear to affect suspended sediment
load. Contrasts in rainfall and steepness of slope in the upper and lower catchments
would favour high suspended loads in the upper catchments. As in fact the suspended
loads at the lower stations are greater, other differences appear minor in comparison
with the effects of man's activity.
1 am very grateful to Dr. Anderson for pointing out the difficulties of the log-log
transformation and will look into them further.
Intervention of Dr. Joseph OUMA (E. Africa, Kenya)
Question: Dr. Douglas, you studied catchments in Malaysia and Singapore and
those in Queensland. There is a difference between rainfall regimes in the two areas.
Did you And that this difference in regimes resulted in a difference in the rates at which
sediment size decreases downstream ?
Answer of Mr. DOUGLAS
The type of analysis mentioned by Dr. Ouma has not yet been carried out, but it is
hoped the work will be done soon.
Intervention of L. L. HARROLD
1. Values on your charts are for individual samples or for storm averages ?
2. For small areas of about 15 km 2 the rate of rise and fall of hydrograph is rapid.
Do you have information to show variability in suspended load on the rise and fall 1
Answers of Mr. DOUGLAS
In reply to Dr. Harrold, my samples are for instantaneous discharges, several
sampîes being taken on both the rising and falling stages of storms.
The variability in suspended sediment load on the rising and falling stage in a
typical tropical storm is shown on figure 6 of the printed paper.