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this PDF file - annals of agrarian science
ANNALS OF AGRARIAN SCIENCE, vol. 13, no. 1, 2015
Temel Gokturk, Ahmet Mihli
Artvin Coruh University
Seyitler Yerleskesi, Merkez, Artvin, 08000, Turkey;;
Received: 15.12.14; accepted: 22.01.15
This study is based on Scarabaeidae species collected from Artvin during the years of 2008-2013. The beetles
were collected directly by forceps from fresh dung and then transferred into the small plastic container and
subsequently into the laboratory for species identification as well as infectivity to the helminthes. Insect net and
light trap were used in collecting insects. The specimens were killed by using killing jar and pinned according to
taxonomic rules and regulations. The samples were processed with standard methods and added to the collection.
Totally, 35 species of Scarabaeidae are firstly recorded in the research area and also 11 of them are new for Artvin
Province of Eastern Black Sea Region part of Turkey. For each species, the Worldwide and Turkey distributions
are given. This is the first study of Scarabaeidae species occuring in Artvin. Cetonia aeruginosa, Protaetia
(Netocia) ungarica anatolia, Coprimorphus (Aphodius) scrutator, Euheptaulacus sus, Melolontha melolontha,
Anoxia orientalis, Amphimallon solstitiale, Palaeonthophagus fracticornis, Palaeonthophagus similis, Sisyphus
schaefferi, Oryctes nasicornis were new records for Artvin Province and its surroundings. Among those, the
most abundant species are the members of Scarabaeidae with 98 specimens (28 %) of four species. Including
the recorded species, the main four species were with the following numbers as percentage of the total catch:
Cetonia aurata (% 9.8), Colobopterus erraticus (% 7.2), Emoniticellus fulvus (6.9) and Colobopterus brignoli
(% 5.7). The most abundant species is Cetonia aurata with 29 specimens and this species was found in Artvin.
In this study, the most less with 1-2 species are found Coprimorphus (Aphodius) scrutator, Palaeonthophagus
gibbulus, Palaeonthophagus similis, Sisyphus schaefferi and Oryctes nasicornis. It is expected that the number
of scarab species will increase significantly by the future investigations of Turkey Scarabaeidae fauna.
The superfamily Scarabaeoidea comprises worldwide more
than 35.000 species [1]. Scarab beetles under superfamily
Scarabaeoidea, comprise a species rich group and a
conspicuous component of the beetle (Coleoptera) fauna of
the World. The family Scarabaeidae includes about 91% of
all Scarabaeoids and includes about 27,800 species belong
to 2,000 genus worldwide [2]. Currently the superfamily
Scarabaeoidea is divided into 12 families, 43 subfamilies,
118 tribes and 94 subtribes. The scarab beetles of the order
Coleopteran include both useful as well as harmful insects.
Within the Scarabaeidae, the Aphodiinae and Scarabaeinae
include approximately 6,850 species worldwide (about
22% of scarabaeoids and 25% of Scarabaeidae) [3].
In Europe, both species richness and endemism of
Scarabaeidae are concentrated around the Mediterranean
basin [4,5] and one may expect that climate warming could
induce a global northward shift of the distribution of most
of these species. Nevertheless, during the twentieth century,
a significant rarefaction of Scarabaeidae was observed in
Europe [6,7]. This worrying trend should be attributed to
the drastic changes observed in land use and farm practices.
Scarab beetles comprise a species group and are a
conspicuous component of the beetle fauna of the world.
Adults of these beetles are noticeable due to their relatively
large size, bright colors, often elaborate ornamentation, and
interesting life histories. If we analyze the lifecycle we can
observe that they feed in many different ways as on live
plant matter, plant roots or rotting wood, manure, carrion,
fungi, plants, pollen, fruit, compost [8]. Some species
are being used in various countries for the biological
control of important parasites of livestock because they
decrease the availability of sites for reproduction of those
parasitic organisms. The effectiveness of these insects in
removing organic matter makes them essential components
in maintaining and regulating of terrestrial ecosystems
in which they live [9]. Scarab beetles have diversified
into most habitats, and they are fungivores, herbivores,
necrophages, coprophages, saprophages, and carnivores.
Even though they are prominent members of the entomo
This study is based on Scarabaeidae specimens from Artvin
province between 2008-2013. We use pitfall traps, aspirator,
hand, net, and forceps. Pitfall traps consisted of 200 ml cups
buried in the soil in such a way that the lip of the trap fits with
ground level. They were half filled with ethylene glycol and
water mixture at 1:1 ratio. The beetles were collected and the
traps were cleared in two weeks intervals from the beginning
of April to the end of October in 2008 and 2013.The samples
were killed with 70% ethyl alcohol.
The beetles were collected directly by forceps from
fresh dung and then transferred into the small plastic
container and subsequently into the laboratory for species
identification as well as infectivity to the helminthes.
Insect samples were collected during May- October 20082013. Insect net and light trap were used in collecting
insects. The specimens were killed by using killing jar
and pinned according to taxonomic rules and regulations.
The samples were processed with standard methods and
added to the collection. Lodos [11] resources were used for
determination of insects.
Several morphological characteristics such as antennal
segmentation, head shape, horn, ventral sclerites of the
abdomen, elytra, claws of tarsi, body shape, middle and
posterior tibiae, mesotibia, pygidium, were used for
species identification [20, 21]. Identification, classification
and distribution of Scarabaeidae suggested by Lobl and
Smetana [10] Lodos et al. [11], Dellacasa and Kirgiz [14],
Rozner and Rozner [15], Borror et al. [20], Booth et al.
[21], Baraud [22], Dellacasa et al. [23], Kabakov [24],
Senyuz and Sahin [25], Senyuz [26] have been followed in
this study.The specimens are deposited in the Department
of Forest Entomology and Protection, Faculty of Forestry,
Artvin Coruh University, Artvin-Turkey.
fauna, they are still poorly known taxonomically.
In Turkey, 522 Scarabaeoidea species in 86 genus and 141
species Scarabeidae in 44 genus are represented [2,10].
Taxonomic and ecological studies about Scarabaeidae
species of Turkey are considerably insufficient besides
there has been no research about Scarabaeidae species
of the Artvin until now. Some important studies on the
Scarabaeidae of study area have been established by Lodos
et al. [11], Carpaneto [12], Ziani and Sama [13], Dellacasa
and Kirgiz [14], Rozner and Rozner [15].
The main aim of this study is to contribute to the knowledge
of the Scarabaeidae Fauna of Artvin Province in Turkey.
This is the first checklist devoted exclusively to the all the
scarab beetles of Artvin.
Turkey, the central of Asia, Europe and Africa continents,
is located between 26° and 45° East Meridians according to
Greenwich, between 36° and 42° North parallel according to
Equator. Some parts of the country belong to Asia continent
(Anatolia Peninsula), and the other belongs to Europe
continent (Trakya Region). Also, the country is related to
Africa continent according to these features, Turkey has
three different bio-geographical regions, called as EuroSiberian, Mediterranean and Iran-Turan. So, the country is
a small continent according to its biodiversity [16]. Artvin
is located in the northeastern side of the Anatolia, bordering
with Georgia to the North. Artvin includes Camili Biosphere
Reserve, known as the first biosphere site of Turkey, is one
of the 507 sites in 102 countries worldwide. Artvin has
one of the cradles of much younger postglacial forests of
Central Europe and one of the few well-known refuges for
tertiary flora in the Colchic region. Deciduous temperate
forests are in uninterrupted existence in this region since
“tertiary”. The largest natural forest ecosystems of Europe
and Mid-Asia are found in this region. The main ecosystem
types are boreal coniferous forest and temperate deciduous
forest [17, 18]. The study area is not only located within
the Caucasus Hotspot, one of the 25 World Biodiversity
Hotpots identified by the Conservation International, but
also within the Caucasus-Anatolian-Hyrcanian Temperate
Forests classified as one of the 200 Global Ecoregions
[17]. Moreover, it lies within the North-eastern Anatolia
Centre of Plant Diversity (SWA No.19) and covers the
Karcal Mountains, Yalnizcam Mountains, Coruh Valley
and East Black Sea Mountains. The dendroflora of the
Artvin district is represented by 171 taxa, 119 species, 33
subspecies, and 19 varieties belonging to 81genera and 42
families. Gymnosperms and Angiosperms comprised 8
and 163 taxa, respectively. Pseudomacchie, forest, alpine,
subalpine, rocky, and hydrophytic are the main vegetation
types in Artvin. Forest vegetation is the most widespread in
the study area [19].
Totally, 35 species of Scarabaeidae are recorded from the
study area between April-October 2008-2013. Species list,
Turkey and World distribution are given below;
Family SCARABAEIDAE Latreille. 1802
Subfamily: Cetoniinae Leach. 1815
Tribe : Cetoniini Leach. 1815
Cetonia aurata (Linnaeus, 1761)
Material examined: 17.V.2008, 29 specimens; 11.VI.2008,
5 specimens; 19.VI.2009, 5 specimens; 29.VI.2010,
7 specimens; 04.VII.2011, 1 specimen; 08.VI.2013, 6
Records of Turkey: Adana, Artvin, Bartin, Bolu, Gaziantep,
Karaman, Kutahya, Mugla, Sinop [25,26,27].
Records of World: Albania, Austria, Belarus, Belgium,
Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Channel Is., Corsica,
Croatia, Cyclades Is., Czech Republic, Danish mainland,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great
Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kaliningrad region,
Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia,
Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia:
Central European Territory, Russia: North European
Territory, Russia: South European Territory, Sardinia,
Sicily, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey, Ukraine, Yugoslavia. Asia: Iran, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia: East Siberia, Russia: West
Siberia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Xinjiang [10].
Cetonia aeruginosa (Linneaeus, 1758)
Material examined: 22.VI.2008, 3 specimens; 17.V.2009,
3 specimens; 30.VI.2010, 2 specimens; 11.VI.2012, 2
specimens; 13.VI.2014, 2 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Adiyaman [28].
Records of World: Europe, Asia, Czechoslovakia,
Yugoslavia, Bosnia [29].
Oxythyrea funesta (Poda, 1761)
Material examined: 13.VI.2010, 3 specimens; 17.VII.20012,
2 specimens; 19.VI.20014, 3 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Adana, Afyon, Aksaray, Amasya,
Ankara, Artvin, Burdur, Denizli, Diyarbakir, Erzincan,
Erzurum, Gumushane, Hatay, Isparta, Izmit, Kars, Kayseri,
Kayseri, Konya, Malatya, Mus, Nevsehir, Nigde, Sivas,
Tokat, Tunceli, Van, Yozgat [30].
Records of World: Europe: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia.
Asia: Iran, Syria, Turkey, Turkmenistan [10].
Protaetia (Netocia) ungarica armeniaca (Menetries, 1832)
Material examined: 10.VI.2009, 3 specimens; 25.V.20012,
5 specimens; 11.VI.20012, 4 specimens; 09.VI.2013, 2
specimens; 19.VI.2013, 2 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Adana, Afyon, Aksaray, Amasya,
Ankara, Artvin, Burdur, Denizli, Diyarbakir, Erzincan,
Erzurum, Gumushane, Hatay, Isparta, Izmit, Kars, Kayseri,
Kayseri, Konya, Malatya, Mus, Nevsehir, Nigde, Sivas,
Tokat, Tunceli, Van, Yozgat [30].
Records of World: Europe: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia.
Asia: Iran, Syria, Turkey, Turkmenistan [10].
Protaetia (Netocia) ungarica anatolia (Medvedev, 1947)
Material examined: 10.VI.2009, 2 specimens; 25.V.20012,
1 specimen; 11.VI.20012, 3 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Amasya, Ankara, Bolu, Bursa, Cankiri,
Corum, Eskisehir, Isparta, Istanbul, Izmir, Konya, Kutahya,
Nevsehir, Trabzon, Yozgat [30].
Records of World: Europe: Azerbaijan, Turkey. Asia: Iran,
Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Turkey [10].
Subfamily: Aphodiinae Leach, 1815
Tribe: Aphodiini Leach, 1815
Acrossus depressus (Kugelann, 1792)
Material examined: 26.VI.2010, 3 specimens; 21.VII.2012,
4 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Adana, Artvin, Corum, Ordu, Sakarya
Records of World: Europe: Serbia, Spain. Asia [15,32].
Acrossus luridus (Fabricius, 1775)
Material examined: 01.VII.2009, 3 specimens; 19.VII.2011,
2 specimens; 17.VII.2013, 3 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Adana, Adiyaman, Afyon, Agri,
Ankara, Antalya, Artvin, Bartin, Bitlis, Bolu, Burdur,
Corum, Denizli, Diyarbakir, Erzurum, Eskisehir,
Gaziantep, Gumushane, Izmir, Kahramanmaras, Kars,
Kutahya, Manisa, Ordu, Osmaniye, Rize, Siirt, Sivas,
Tarsus [11,15,25,31,33].
Records of World: Palearctic species. Europe: Albania,
Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Russia: Central European
Territory, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Great
Britain, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Irland, Italy,
Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Netherlands,
Norway, Russia: Northern European Territory, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Russia:
South European Territory, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey,
Ukraine, Yugoslavia, North Africa: Morocco, Tunisia.
Asia: China, Cyprus, Russia: East Siberia, Russia: Far East,
Iran, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Syria, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, Turkey, Russia: West Siberia [10,15].
Amidorus cribrarius (Brulle, 1836)
Material examined: 12.VII.2008, 2 specimens; 18.VII.2011;
5 specimens; 19.VIL2012, 3 specimens; 21.VII.2012, 11
specimens; 15.VII.20130, 5 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Artvin, Erzincan, Erzurum, Giresun,
Mersin, Rize, Samsun, Sivas, Tarsus, Trabzon [11,15,31].
Records of World: Pontomediterranean species. Greece,
Yugoslavia, Albania, Turkey, Bulgaria [15].
Amidorus obscurus (Fabricius, 1792)
Material examined: 19.VII.2009, 2 specimens;14.VII.2011,
3 specimens; 24.VII.20110, 3 specimens; 15.VII.2013, 2
Records of Turkey: Adana, Artvin, Bartin, Erzincan,
Erzurum, Kastamonu, Osmaniye, Mersin, Rize, Samsun,
Trabzon [11,15,31].
Records of World: Europe: Serbia, Anatolia [15,32].
Aphodius fimetarius (Linnaeus, 1758)
Material examined: 13.VII.2008, 1 specimen; 09.VII.2010,
2 specimens; 13.VII.2011, 3 specimens; 11.VII.2012, 4
specimens; 19.VII.2012, 2 specimens; 09.VII.2013, 2
specimens; 25.VII.2013, 2 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Adana, Afyon, Amasya, Ankara,
Antalya, Artvin, Balikesir, Bartin, Bolu, Burdur,
Bursa, Cankiri, Corum, Denizli, Edirne Erzurum,
Gaziantep, Giresun, Gumushane, Hatay, Isparta, Izmir,
Kahramanmaras, Kastamonu, Kayseri, Kirklareli, Kirsehir,
Kutahya, Manisa, Mersin, Nigde, Ordu, Osmaniye, Rize,
Samsun, Zonguldak [11,14,15,25,31,33].
Records of World: Palearctic species. Europe: Albania,
Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Russia: Central
European Territory, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Great Britain, Germany, Georgia, Greece,
Hungary, Irland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Macedonia, Netherlands, Norway,
Russia: Northern European Territory, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Russia: South
European Territory, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine,
Yugoslavia. North Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco,
Madeira Island, Tunisia. Asia: Cyprus, Russia: East Siberia,
Russia: Far East, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Kashmir, Kyrgyzstan,
Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Syria, Tajikistan,
Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, West Siberia, Xinjiang,
Australian Region, Neoarctic Region, Neotropical Region,
Oriental Region. North America: British Columbia,
Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New
Brunswich, Nova Scotia, Labrador, Newfoundland [10,15].
Colobopterus brignolii (Carpenato, 1973)
Material examined: 23.VII.2011, 2 specimens; 09.VII.2012,
4 specimens; 17.VII.2012, 4 specimens; 19.VII.2013, 4
specimens; 30.VII.2013, 6 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Artvin, Giresun, Rize, Samsun, Trabzon [31].
Records of World: Caucasian species [15].
Colobopterus erraticus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Material examined: 13.VII.2009, 3 specimens; 09.VII.2010,
5 specimens; 15.VII.2010, 3 specimens; , 22.VII.2011,
8 specimens; 18.VII.2012, 3 specimens; 21.VII.2012, 2
specimens; 23.VII.2013, 5 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Adana, Adiyaman, Afyon, Amasya,
Ankara, Antalya, Artvin, Aydin, Balikesir, Bartin, Bolu,
Burdur, Corum, Edirne, Erzincan, Erzurum, Eskisehir,
Gaziantep, Giresun, Gumushane, Hatay, Isparta, Istanbul,
Izmir, Kahramanmaras, Karaman, Kars, Kastamonu,
Kayseri, Kirklareli, Kirsehir, Konya, Kutahya, Manisa,
Mersin, Mugla, Nevsehir, Nigde, Ordu, Osmaniye, Rize,
Sakarya, Samsun, Siirt, Sinop, Sivas, Tekirdag, Tokat,
Trabzon, Zonguldak [11,14,15,25,31,33].
Records of World: Palearctic species. Europe: Albania,
Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Russia: Central European
Territory, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Great Britian, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary,
Irland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia,
Netherlands, Norway, Russia: Northern European Territory,
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Russia: South European Territory, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey, Ukraine, Yugoslavia. North Africa: Algeria,
Morocco, Tunisia. Asia: Afghanistan, China, Cyprus,
Russia: East Siberia, Russia: Far East, Iran, Iraq, Israel,
Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Mongolia, Pakistan,
Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, West
Siberia, Tibet, Neoarctic Region, Oriental Region [10,15].
Coprimorphus (Aphodius) scrutator (Herbst, 1789)
Material examined: 17.VII.2014, 1 specimen.
Records of Turkey: Edirne, Giresun, Kirklareli, Kutahya,
Rize [14,15,25,31].
Records of World: Iran, Central and South Europe [15,34].
Euheptaulacus sus (Herbst, 1783)
Material examined:22.VII.2012, 4 specimens; 05.VII.2014,
3 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Ankara, Cankiri, Corum, Erzincan,
Eskisehir, Kastamonu, Kayseri, Kirsehir, Nigde [11,15].
Records of World: Central Europe and Surrounding North
and South Europe, Caucasus, Asia minor, Iran, Transcaspia
[29]. .
Eupleurus subterraneus subterraneus (Linnaeus, 1758).
Material examined: 12.VII.2010, 3 specimens; 24.VII.2013,
4 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Afyon, Amasya, Ankara, Antalya,
Artvin, Bolu, Burdur, Corum, Erzincan, Eskisehir,
Kahramanmaras, Karaman, Kirsehir, Kutahya, Mersin,
Nevsehir, Nigde, Ordu, Sakarya, Sivas, Usak [11,15,25,31].
Records of World: Holarctic species. Europe: Azerbaijan,
Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Russia: Central European
Territory, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Great Britain, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy,
Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway,
Russia: Northern European Territory, Poland, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Russia: South European Territory, Sweden,
Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Yugoslavia. North Africa:
Algeria, Morocco. Asia: Russia: East Siberia, Kyrgyzstan,
Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey,
Uzbekistan, West Siberia, Tibet, Neoarctic Region [10,15].
Otophorus haemorrhoidalis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Material examined: 14.VII.2009, 3 specimens; 19.VII.2010,
3 specimens; 16.VII.2011, 4 specimens;, 16.VII.2012, 3
Records of Turkey:Amasya, Artvin, Balikesir, Bartin,
Bolu, Corum, Edirne, Hatay, Kahramanmaras, Kastamonu,
Kayseri, Kirklareli, Kutahya, Mersin, Ordu, Osmaniye,
Rize, Sakarya, Samsun, Sinop, Tekirdag, Zonguldak
Records of World: Palearctic species. Europe: Albania,
Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Russia: Central European
Territory, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Great
Britain, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy,
Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands,
Norway, Russia: Northern European Territory, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Russia:
South European Territory, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey,
Ukraine, Yugoslavia. North Africa: Algeria, Morocco. Asia:
East Siberia, Far East, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan,
Mongolia, North Korea, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan,
West Siberia, Xinjiang, Tibet, Neoarctic Region,
Neotropical Region [10,15].
Teuchestes fossor (Linnaeus, 1758)
Material examined: 12.VII.2011, 5 specimens; 21.VII.2012,
3 specimens; 10.VII.2013, 2 specimens; 25.VII.2013, 4
Records of Turkey: Artvin, Balikesir, Giresun, Rize,
Trabzon [15,31].
Records of World: Holarctic species. Serbia [15,32].
Subfamily: Melolonthinae Samouelle, 1819
Tribe: Melolonthini Samouelle, 1819
Polyphylla fullo fullo (Linnaeus, 1758)
Material examined: 16.VII.2011, 3 specimens; 19.VII.2012,
2 specimens; 21.VII.2013, 3 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Adana, Artvin, Balikesir, Bartin,
Cankiri, Izmir, Kayseri, Kirklareli, Kutahya, Mugla, Ordu,
Tekirdag, Zonguldak [11,26,31].
Records of World: Serbia [32].
Melolontha melolontha (Linnaeus, 1758)
Material examined: 23.VII.2008, 2 specimens; 30.VI.2012,
1 specimen; 17.VIII.2012, 2 specimens; 12.VIII.2013, 3
Records of Turkey: Antalya, Bolu, Erzincan, Eskisehir,
Istanbul, Izmit, Trabzon [35].
Records of World: Europe, Northern Asia, Mediterranean
Basin, United Kingdom [29].
Anoxia orientalis (Krynicky, 1832)
Material examined: 17.VII.2009, 2 specimens; 30.VII.2012,
1 specimen.
Records of Turkey: Antalya, Bursa, Izmit [35].
Records of World: European-Caucasian species [15].
Tribe: Rhizotrogini Burmeister, 1855
Amphimallon solstitiale (Linneaeus, 1758)
Material examined: 15.VI.2008, 4 specimens; 03.VII.2012,
2 specimens; 20.VII.2013, 3 specimens; 06.VIII.2013, 2
Records of Turkey: Giresun [15].
Records of World: European species. Asia [15].
Subfamily: Scarabaeinae Latreille, 1802
Tribe: Oniticellini H.J. Kolbe, 1905
Euoniticellus fulvus (Goeze, 1977)
Material examined: 14.VII.2009, 3 specimens; 13.VII.2010,
4 specimens; 19.VII.2010, 2 specimens; 13.VII.2011,
3 specimens; 06.VII.2012, 3 specimens; 19.VII.2012, 2
specimens; 09.VII.2013, 4 specimens; 22.VII.2013, 2
Records of Turkey: Adana, Afyon, Amasya, Ankara,
Antalya, Artvin, Aydin, Balikesir, Bartin, Bolu, Burdur,
Bursa, Cankiri,
Corum, Denizli, Edirne, Eskisehir,
Gaziantep, Giresun, Gumushane, Isparta, Karabuk,
Karaman, Kastamonu, Kayseri, Kirklareli, Kirsehir,
Konya, Kutahya, Manisa, Mersin, Mugla, Nevsehir, Nigde,
Ordu, Osmaniye, Rize, Sakarya, Samsun, Tekirdag, Usak,
Zonguldak [11,15,31,33].
Records of World: West-Palearctic species. Europe:
Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Czech Republic,
France, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy,
Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland,
Turkey, Ukraine, Yugoslavia. North Africa: Algeria, Egypt,
Libya, Morocco, Tunisia. Asia: Afghanistan, Cyprus, Iran,
Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Mongolia, Syria,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Xinjiang,
Australian Region [10,15].
Tribe: Onthophagini Burmeister, 1846
Caccobius schreberi (Linnaeus, 1767)
Material examined: 09.VII.2009, 2 specimens; 26.VII.2009,
2 specimens; 19.VII.2010, 3 specimens; 15.VII.2011, 2
specimens; 25.VII.2013, 4 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Adana, Adiyaman, Agri, Amasya,
Ankara, Antalya, Artvin, Aydin, Bolu, Burdur, Bursa,
Corum, Denizli, Erzincan, Eskisehir, Gaziantep, Giresun,
Gumushane, Hatay, Isparta, Izmir, Kahramanmaras,
Karaman, Kastamonu, Kayseri, Kirsehir, Konya, Manisa,
Mersin, Nigde, Ordu, Osmaniye, Rize, Sakarya, Siirt,
Sivas, Usak, Yozgat, Zonguldak [11,15,31,33].
Records of World: European-Turanian species. Europe:
Azerbaijan, Albania, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Belarus, Croatia, Russia:
Central European Territory, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Estonia, France, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Hungary,
Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Russia: South European Territory, Switzerland, Turkey,
Ukraine, Yugoslavia. North Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Libya,
Morocco, Tunisia. Asia: Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Israel,
Kazakhstan, Syria, Turkey [10,15].
Euonthophagus gibbosus (Scriba, 1790)
Material examined: 14.VII.2011, 2 specimens; 19.VII.2012,
3 specimens; 22.VII.2013, 2 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Adana, Adiyaman, Ankara, Antalya,
Artvin, Burdur, Bursa, Corum, Erzincan, Eskisehir,
Gaziantep, Hatay, Kahramanmaras, Kastamonu, Kayseri,
Kirklareli, Kirsehir, Mersin, Nevsehir, Nigde, Osmaniye,
Rize, Siirt, Sivas, Tokat [11,15,31,36].
Records of World: Eurasian species. Turkey, Israel,
Palestine, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Serbia [15,32].
Furconthophagus furcatus (Fabricius, 1781)
Material examined: 14.VII.2011, 1 specimen; 16.VII.2013,
2 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Adana, Adiyaman, Afyon, Agri,
Ankara, Antalya, Artvin, Aydin, Balikesir, Bartin, Bolu,
Burdur, Bursa, Canakkale, Cankiri, Corum, Denizli,
Edirne, Eskisehir, Gaziantep, Giresun, Gumushane, Hatay,
Izmir, Kahramanmaras, Karabuk, Karaman, Kastamonu,
Kayseri, Kirikkale, Kirsehir, Kutahya, Manisa, Mersin,
Mugla, Nevsehir, Nigde, Osmaniye, Rize, Samsun, Siirt,
Sinop, Sivas, Tarsus, Tokat, Usak, Van, Yozgat, Zonguldak
Records of World: West-Palearctic species. Serbia [15,32].
Onthophagus illyricus (Scopoli, 1763)
Material examined: 14.VII.2009, 2 specimens; 20.VII.2011,
3 specimens; 16.VII.2012, 4 specimens; 23.VII.2012, 2
specimens; 16.VII.2013, 4 specimens; 23.VII.2013, 3
Records of Turkey: Adana, Antalya, Artvin, Aydin, Bartin,
Corum, Gaziantep, Hakkari, Hatay, Isparta, Kahramanmaras, Karaman, Kastamonu, Kayseri, Kirsehir, Konya,
Kutahya, Manisa, Mersin, Mugla, Nigde, Ordu, Osmaniye,
Rize, Samsun, Tokat, Usak, Zonguldak [11,15,31,33,36].
Records of World: European-Anatolian species. Europe:
Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azores, Belgium, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Belarus, Croatia, Russia: Central European
Territory, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, France, Germany,
Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Russia:
South European Territory, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine,
Yugoslavia Asia: Afghanistan, Cyprus, Iran, Iraq, Israel,
Syria, Turkey [10,15].
Onthophagus taurus (Schreiber, 1759)
Material examined: 26.VII.2009, 1 specimens; 13.VII.2010, 2
specimens; 27.VII.2010, 1 specimen; 09.VII.2011,2 specimens;
19.VII.2012, 2 specimens; 21.VII.2013, 3 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Adana, Afyon, Ankara, Antalya,
Artvin, Aydin, Balikesir, Bartin, Bilecik, Bursa, Corum,
Diyarbakir, Edirne, Erzincan, Gaziantep, Giresun, Hatay,
Isparta, Istanbul, Kahramanmaras, Karaman, Kastamonu,
Kayseri, Kirklareli, Kirsehir, Konya, Kutahya, Manisa,
Mersin, Mugla, Nigde, Ordu, Osmaniye, Rize, Sakarya,
Sivas, Tekirdag, Usak, Zonguldak [11,15,31,33,36,37].
Records of World: Palearctic species. Italy, North Carolina,
Western Australia, Serbia [15,32].
Palaeonthophagus (Onthophagus) ceonobita (Herbst, 1783)
Material examined: 08.VII.2009, 1 specimen; 27.VII.2012,
4 specimens; 19.VII.2013, 2 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Erzurum, Artvin, Ordu, Rize [15,31].
Records of World: Central and South Europe, Transcaucasia,
Asia minor, Transcaspia, Turkestan [29].
Palaeonthophagus fissicornis (Steven, 1809)
Material examined: 18.VII.2012, 2 specimens; 30.VII.2013,
2 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Adana, Adiyaman, Afyon, Ankara,
Antalya, Artvin, Balikesir, Burdur, Bursa, Canakkale,
Denizli, Diyarbakir, Edirne, Eskisehir, Gaziantep,
Gumushane, Hatay, Isparta, Izmir, Kahramanmaras,
Kars, Kastamonu, Kayseri, Kirsehir Konya, Kutahya,
Mersin, Nigde, Osmaniye, Sivas, Tarsus, Tekirdag, Usak
Records of World: East-Mediterranean species. Europe:
Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Greece,
Macedonia, Romania, Russia: South European Territory,
Turkey, Ukraine, Yugoslavia. Asia: Iran, Iraq, Israel, Syria,
Turkmenistan, Turkey [10,15].
Palaeonthophagus fracticornis (Preyssler, 1790)
Material examined: 15.VII.2009, 2 specimens; 20.VII.2011,
2 specimens; 17.VII.2013, 3 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Adana, Afyon, Ankara, Antalya,
Balikesir, Denizli, Erzincan, Eskisehir, Gaziantep, Hatay,
Isparta, Kahramanmaras, Kars, Manisa, Mersin, Mugla,
Ordu, Osmaniye, Rize [11,15,31,33,36].
Records of World: West-Palearctic species. Serbia [15,32].
Palaeonthophagus gibbulus (Pallas, 1781)
Material examined:17.VII.2012, 2 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Artvin, Giresun [15,31].
Records of World: Eurasian species. Serbia [15,32].
Palaeonthophagus similis (Scriba, 1790)
Material examined: 18.VII.2013, 1 specimen.
Records of Turkey: Adana, Antalya, Denizli, Gaziantep,
Hatay, Kahramanmaras, Mersin [15,36].
Records of World: Bulgaria, Macedonia, Poland [15].
Tribe: Sisyphini (Mulsant, 1842)
Sisyphus schaefferi (Linnaeus, 1758)
Material examined:21.VI.2012, 2 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Adiyaman, Ankara, Antalya, Balikesir,
Bilecik, Burdur, Corum, Edirne, Erzurum, Eskisehir,
Gumushane, Hatay, Isparta, Izmir, Kahramanmaras, Kars,
Kirklareli, Kutahya, Manisa, Mersin, Mugla, Osmaniye,
Samsun, Sivas, Tekirdag, Usak, Van [11,15,33,37].
Records of World: Europe, Asia, Mongolia, Korea, North
Africa [29].
Subfamily: Dynastinae MacLeay, 1819
Tribe: Oryctini (Mulsant, 1842)
Oryctes nasicornis (Minck 1914)
Material examined: 14.VII.2012, 2 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Corum, Ordu [11,33].
Records of World: Baluchistan, India, Macedonia, South
West Asia, South and South East Europe [15,38].
Subfamily: Sericinae (Kirby, 1837)
Tribe: Sericini (Hope, 1837)
Omaloplia spireae (Pallas, 1776)
Material examined: 24.VI.2011, 1 specimen; 14.VII.2012,
2 specimens.
Records of Turkey: Ankara, Aksaray, Amasya, Antalya,
Artvin, Aydin, Bolu, Bursa, Cankiri, Eskisehir, Erzincan,
Erzurum, Gumushane, Isparta, Izmir, Kastamonu, Kayseri,
Konya, Malatya, Mersin, Mugla, Nevsehir, Nigde, Sinop,
Sivas, Tokat, Trabzon [11,39].
Records of World: Armenia, Austria, Bulgaria, Czech
Republic, Georgia, Greece, Hungary,
Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Turkey, and Ukraine [39].
Scarab beetles have is represented by 141 species and 4
subspecies according to 44 genus [10] in Turkey. In this
study, a total of 35 species were identified. In total, 347
dung beetles were collected, belonging to 6 subfamily,
9 tribes and 35 species. This is the first study for Artvin
Province and its surroundings of Eastern Black Sea Region
part of Turkey. Cetonia aeruginosa, Protaetia (Netocia)
ungarica anatolia, Coprimorphus (Aphodius) scrutator,
Euheptaulacus sus, Melolontha melolontha, Anoxia
orientalis, Amphimallon solstitiale, Palaeonthophagus
fracticornis, Palaeonthophagus similis, Sisyphus schaefferi,
Oryctes nasicornis were new records for Artvin Province
and its surroundings.
Among those, the most abundant species are the members
of Scarabaeidae with 98 specimens (28 %) of four species.
Including the recorded species, the main four species were
with the following numbers as percentage of the total
catch: Cetonia aurata (% 9.8), Colobopterus erraticus (%
7.2), Emoniticellus fulvus (6.9) ans Colobopterus brignoli
(% 5.7). The most abundant species is Cetonia aurata with
29 specimens and this species was found in Artvin. In
this study, the most less species are found Coprimorphus
(Aphodius) scrutator, Palaeonthophagus gibbulus,
Palaeonthophagus similis, Sisyphus schaefferi, Oryctes
nasicornis (1-2 species).
Dung beetles are taxonomically as well as functionally very
important component of terrestrial ecosystem [40]. Dung
beetles are of high ecological and economic importance
due to the many ecosystem services that they provide.
The burial or removal of animal waste reduces micro- and
macro-invertebrate parasites, facilitates nutrient cycling,
contributes to soil conditioning and aeration and aids seed
dispersal [41].
It is expected that the number of scarab species will
increase significantly by the future investigations of Turkey
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Темел Гоктурк, Ахмет Михли
Данное исследование основано на исследовании видов Scarabaeidae, собранных в Артвине 2008-2013 годы. Жуки
непосредственно были собраны пинцетом и перенесены в небольшой пластиковый контейнер, а затем в лабораторию
для идентификации видов и для инфекции. Для сбора насекомых были использованы ловушки. Образцы были убиты
с помощью морилки и удержаны в соответствии с таксономическими нормами и правилами. Всего было выявлено 35
вида Scarabaeidae, из них 11 (Cetonia aeruginosa, Protaetia (Netocia) ungaricaanatolia, Coprimorphus (Aphodius) scrutator,
Euheptaulacussus, Melolonthamelolontha, Anoxia orientalis, Amphimallon solstitiale, Palaeonthophagus fracticornis,
Palaeonthophagus similis, Sisyphus schaefferi, Oryctes nas icornis) являются новыми для Восточного Черноморского
региона Артвинской провинции. В статье предоставлено их распределения по всему миру и в Турции. Это первое
в Артвине исследование видов Scarabaeidae. Среди них наиболее распространенными видами являются члены
Scarabaeidae с 98 образцов (28%) из четырех видов (Cetonia aurata (% 9,8), Colobopterus erraticus (% 7,2), Emoniticellus
fulvus (6.9) and Colobopterus brignoli (% 5,7)). Наиболее распространенным видом является Cetonia aurata с 29
образцами, и этот вид был найден в Артвине. Меньше всех были найдены следующие виды: Coprimorphus (Aphodius)
scrutator, Palaeonthopha gusgibbulus, Palaeonthophagussimilis, Sisyphus schaefferi и Oryctesnas icornis. Ожидается, что
число видов Scarabaeidae значительно возрастет в результате будущих исследований.