
Araştırma Temelli Entelektüel Varlıklar Yönetim Platformu
Eğitim dili İngilizcedir ve
katılım 30 kişi ile sınırlıdır
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ARTEV Eğitimleri gerek üniversite gerekse işletmeler açısından entelektüel varlıkların yönetimi ve
ekonomik faydaya dönüştürülme sürecinde dört öncelikli konuyu ele alacaktır.
Söz konusu eğitimler ile daha kısıtlı bir topluluğa doğrudan vaka üzerinde çalışma imkânı sağlanması
ve daha derinlemesine bilgi edinme, deneyimlerin paylaşımı ve ortak bilgi üretme ortamını
desteklenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Yararlanıcıların proaktif katılımları ile mevcut sorunlarına ilişkin
örneklerin konu edileceği eğitimlerin pratik bilginin üretimi için verimli bir ortam sunacağına
Detaylarını paylaştığımız konu başlıkları, bir yandan asgari bilgi düzeyinin gerekliliklerini
tanımlamakta diğer yandan bu alanda aktif olan profesyonellerin birbirleri ve yurt dışındaki
meslektaşları ile etkileşimlerinde ortak bir dil kullanmaları için gereken alt yapıyı oluşturmakta etkili
bir başlangıç noktası olacaktır.
Kevin Nachtrab tarafından verilecek “IP Mapping and Intelligence” başlıklı ilk eğitim 4-5 Mayıs
tarihlerinde Sabancı Üniversitesi Karaköy İletişim Merkezinde gerçekleştirilecektir.
Eğitim dili İngilizcedir ve 30 kişi ile sınırlıdır. Katılımcılara katılım sertifikası verilecektir.
Eğitim Başlığı
IP Mapping and Intelligence
Kevin Nachtrab*
Technology Transfer and Commercialization Jim O’Connell*
Technology Valuation
Roy D’Souza*
Strategic IA Management
Ada Nielsen*
May 4-5
May 11-12
Karaköy İletişim
May 18-19
May 25-26
*Kevin Nachtrab, Intellectual property attorney with over 28 years of experience in the biotechnology,
pharmaceuticals and chemicals fields in international settings. Background includes direct representation
of parties before both the European and United States patent offices, responsibility for the drafting and
negotiation of IP and technology agreements (particularly, licensing, technology transfer and
collaboration agreements), co-ordination and management of global IP litigation, responsibility for global
IP strategy and intellectual asset management. This experience has been obtained working for both large
and small companies in the United States and Europe. Specialties; intellectual asset management and
valorization, IP strategy, patent preparation and prosecution, international licensing and litigation.
*Jim O’Connell, Associate Director, New Business Formation, Office of Technology Transfer, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Jim has large company medical device experience from Stryker Instruments, as
well as local Ann Arbor startup experience from Xoran Technologies and Sensicore. In his more than 12
years of industry experience, Jim's roles have always focused on commercialization of new medical
devices and manufacturing, with both operations and engineering responsibilities. Jim has helped
commercialize over 30 different products including biomaterials, RF Ablation devices, infusion pumps,
surgical power tools, high volume sterile disposables, CT Scanners, surgical navigation systems,
resorbable plates and screws, and amperometric electrochemical sensors. As Coulter Project Director,
Jim promotes translational research within the university, with the intent of getting cutting edge
research out of the lab and into doctors' hands so they can impact patients lives more quickly. Mr.
O'Connell has a BS in Aeronautical Engineering from Rensselaer and an MS in Engineering Management
from the University of Maryland.
*Roy P. D’Souza is a Managing Director responsible for leading Ocean Tomo’s Valuation practice. Mr.
D’Souza’s work has focused on valuations of intangible and tangible assets for financial reporting, tax
matters, merger and acquisition planning, litigations, financing and general business planning. Mr.
D’Souza also has experience performing overall business valuations and debt and equity valuations.
Industries in which he has experience include numerous segments in light and heavy manufacturing (e.g.,
pulp/paper, automotive, plastics), energy/utilities (power generation, electric and natural gas
transmission and distribution), and computer software and hardware. Mr. D’Souza is a Certified Member
of the Institute for Professionals in Taxation and has successfully completed Machinery & Technical
Specialties coursework (MTS 201 – 203) through the American Society of Appraisers. He is a Graduate of
DePaul University, with a BS in Finance, Minor in Accounting.
*Ada Nielsen is a Board Member of at Chicago Chapter Association for Corporate Growth. She was a
Director of Intellectual Asset Strategy and Management in E&P Technology at BP America and she
worked on patents, trademarks, copyright, trade secrets and know how that creates a sustainable
competitive advantage and value for all businesses. Specialties; commercialization of improvements to
existing products and services, ideas, inventions, disruptive Technologies, creating high-performance
teams, volunteering for non-profit boards that reward innovation.