Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide and rheumatoid factor in patients with


Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide and rheumatoid factor in patients with
DOI: 10.5152/eurjrheum.2015.0101
Original Investigation
Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide and rheumatoid factor
in patients with chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis
B carriers
Ediz Dalkılıç, Mustafa Ferhat Öksüz, Ayşe Nur Tufan, Aysun Özbek, Ali Nizamoğlu, Mürside Esra Dolarslan,
Belkıs Nihan Coşkun, Yavuz Pehlivan
Objective: Rheumatoid factor (RF) positivity that may occur in a number of patients with hepatitis B (HBV) infection poses challenges in
terms of differential diagnosis with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). On the other hand, antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) may
prove to be an important marker for differential diagnosis of the two conditions. This study aimed to assess anti-CCP and RF positivity
among patients with hepatitis B and rheumatoid arthritis.
Material and Methods: Anti-CCP and RF seropositivity was assessed in 61 patients with HBV infection (32 patients with chronic hepatitis,
29 patients with inactive HBV carrier status) and 40 patients with RA as the control group.
Results: RF positivity was found in 18.7% and 34.4% of the patients with chronic hepatitis B and inactive HBV carrier status, respectively.
On the other hand, only one patient with chronic HBV had low positive anti-CCP. RF was positive in 24 (60%) and anti-CCP was positive in
26 (65%) patients among the 40 patients with RA.
Conclusion: Anti-CCP may be helpful in the differential diagnosis between RA and chronic HBV infection or inactive HBV carrier status.
Keywords: Hepatitis B, anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide, rheumatoid factor, rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology associated with synovitis and joint destruction. Chronic Hepatitis B (HBV) infections may also present with articular findings,
sometimes requiring a differential diagnostic work-up for rheumatic diseases diseases and mainly for RA.
Similar to hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections, several autoantibodies including rheumatoid factor (RF) and
anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) may be detected in the sera of patients with HBV infection (1, 2). RF positivity
may occur in HCV and HBV infections and pose further challenges in the simultaneous presence of articular
findings in terms of differential diagnosis with RA. In addition, there is some evidence suggesting a pathophysiological link between HBV infection and RA (3).
Antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide (Anti-CCP) show a high specificity (91%-97%) for RA, although its
sensitivity is lower (64%-75%) and similar to that of RF. The RF-positive cases (80%-90%) also show CCP antibodies (4-6). CCP antibody positivity has been shown many years before the manifestation of the disease (7).
Department of Rheumatology,
School of Medicine, University of
Uludağ, Bursa, Turkey
Address for Correspondence:
Mustafa Ferhat Öksüz, Department of
Rheumatology, School of Medicine,
University of Uludag, Bursa, Turkey
Submitted: 26.10.2014
Accepted: 05.10.2014
Available Online Date: 31.03.2015
Copyright 2015 © Medical Research and
Education Association
Although an increased occurrence of RF positivity is a well-established phenomenon in patients with HBV
infections, there is a lack of information on the presence of CCP antibodies in these patients, which possess
a higher specificity for RA. Therefore, we examined the occurrence RF and anti-CCP positivity in patients
with chronic HBV infection or inactive HBV carrier status based on the assumption that anti-CCP may prove
to be an important marker for the differential diagnosis of HBV infections with RF positivity. In addition, the
incidence of RF and anti-CCP positivity was compared between patients with chronic HBV infection and
HBV carrier status.
Material and Methods
A total of 32 consecutive patients with chronic HBV infection (mean age 47±13 years, 19 male and 13
female) and 29 patients with inactive HBV carrier status (mean age 47±12 years, 20 male and nine fe-
Eur J Rheumatol 2015; 2: 62-5
Dalkılıç. Anti-CCP in chronic/inactive hepatitis B
Table 1. Distribution of RF and anti-CCP among patients with inactive carriers and chronic disease by articular findings
RF (+)
Anti-CCP (+)
Articular findings present
Articular findings absent
Articular findings present
Articular findings absent
Inactive HBV carriers (n=29)
Chronic hepatitis B (n=32)
Rheumatoid arthritis (n=40) 24
All articular findings were arthralgia.
RF: rheumatoid factor; HBV: hepatitis B; RA: rheumatoid arthritis; anti-CCP: antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide
male) attending to the outpatient facility of
the Department of Gastroenterology, Medical
Faculty of Uludag University were included in
this study. The control group included 40 patients (mean age 50±12 years, five male and 35
female) who were diagnosed with RA based on
the 1987 American College of Rheumatology
(ACR) or 2010 ACR/European League Against
Rheumatism (EULAR) RA diagnostic criteria
for RA (8, 9). In all subjects, the presence of anti-CCP as well as RF positivity was determined.
The study protocol was approved by the local
ethics committee, and the study procedures
were conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Informed consent was obtained from each patient, and patient anonymity was preserved.
Chronic HBV infection was defined as follows:
presence of HBV in addition to >6 months of
necroinflammatory activity in the liver [HBsAg(+) and HBc IgM(-) >6 months; HBV DNA
>104 copies/mL; persistent or intermittent elevation of serum transaminases; and necroinflammatory activity±fibrosis on liver biopsy].
Inactive HBV carrier status was defined as follows: negligible virus replication despite ongoing HBV infection [HBsAg(+) and HBc IgM(-) >6
months, HBeAg(-), anti-HBe(+), and Serum HBV
DNA <2000 IU/mL] and persistent normal serum transaminases.
Anti-CCP and RF assays
RF was assayed with a quantitative immunonephelometry test (Siemens N Latex RF Kit,
Germany). RF was considered positive when
the concentration was higher than the cut-off
value of the kit (15 IU/mL).
Anti-CCP was determined using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
method. For the semi-quantitative determination of CCP-specific IgG autoantibodies, a flexible test protocol referred to as the Chemiflex
System (Architec System i2000 SR, USA) was
used in conjunction with CMIA technology
and automatic sample preparation. The sam-
ples were pre-diluted with washing buffer. The
pre-diluted samples were mixed with CCP-covered paramagnetic microparticles and sample
diluents. Anti-CCP antibodies present in the
sample were attached to the CCP-covered microparticles, and a conjugate labeled with anti-human IgG acridinium was added following a
washing step. Following another washing step,
pre-tigger and tigger solutions were added into
the reaction mixture. The resultant chemiluminescence reaction was measured using relative
light units. Anti-CCP antibodies were considered positive when the absorbance was higher
than the cut-off value of the kit (5 U/mL).
Statistical analysis
SPSS statistical package version 13.0 (SPSS, Inc,
Chicago, IL, USA) was used for data analysis.
The results are expressed in frequencies and
percentages. Patients with chronic HBV infection and inactive HBV carrier status were compared using Fisher’s chi-square test for the frequency of RF and anti-CCP positivity. A p value
<0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Among 61 patients with HBV infection, RF positivity occurred in 16 patients (26.2%), with only
one patient (1.63%) showing weak positivity
for anti-CCP. Of the 32 patients with chronic
HBV infection, six (18.7%) were positive for RF,
and the only anti-CCP positive patient was in
this group. The latter patient had an anti-CCP
value of 7 U/mL (normal range: 0-5 U/mL), tested negative for RF, was not a smoker, and did
not meet the 1987 ACR or 2010 ACR/EULAR RA
diagnostic criteria for RA despite having articular signs. Ten out of the 29 patients (34.4%)
with inactive HBV infection were positive for
RF, with no cases testing positive for anti-CCP.
Although RF positivity was more frequent
among inactive HBV infection patients compared with that in the patients with chronic
HBV, the difference did not reveal a statistical
significance (p=0.244). On the other hand, RF
was positive in 24 patients (60%) and anti-CCP
was positive in 26 patients (65%) among the 40
patients with RA. Table 1 shows the distribution
of RF and anti-CCP positivity among patients
with inactive carriers and chronic disease by
articular findings. Among RF-positive patients,
the frequency of articular findings were similar
in inactive carriers and in patients with chronic
hepatitis (p=1.0).
The common occurrence of positivity for certain serologic tests in patients with HBV or
HBC infection may result in some diagnostic
difficulties. This is particularly true for patients
with HBV infection who have been shown to
have an increased incidence of RF positivity
compared to that of the general population
(2). Furthermore, articular signs that may occur
in some patients with HBV infection may also
mimic RA closely. If such a patient is tested positive for RF, differential diagnosis may be even
more complicated.
Anti-CCP, a relatively novel antibody, is
among an antibody family against several citrullinated peptides, and of these, CCP is the
most frequently used antigen for laboratory procedures (10, 11). After a period of 5-6
years, with a number of studies conducted
on its role for the diagnosis of RA, it has been
included in the latest ACR/EULAR 2010 diagnostic criteria for RA. Despite having a similar
sensitivity with RF, it demonstrates significant
superiority in terms of specificity for the disease. In addition, anti-CCP positivity has been
associated with a more erosive course in early
RA (12, 13).
Chronic infections such as streptococcus,
hepatitis B, tuberculosis, and autoimmune
thyroid diseases can produce elevated levels
of RF and anti-CCP (14). Singh U et al. (14) examined 33 cases of undifferentiated arthritis
(UA) in which features of RA were not present;
however, anti-CCP antibody was positive. Out
of the 33 cases of UA, 19 had well-known diseases such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroid-
Dalkılıç. Anti-CCP in chronic/inactive hepatitis B
Eur J Rheumatol 2015; 2: 62-5
ism, tubercular arthritis, traumatic arthritis,
pneumonia with arthritis, varicose vein with
pain in legs, and cervical spondylitis . All 33
cases were positive for anti-CCP and approximately 62.5% cases showed RF positivity. Lee
et al. (15) examined 176 patients with chronic HBV infection who had no articular signs
and found a high percentage of RF positivity
(42.7%, 75 patients) while detecting only one
patient (0.4%) with anti-CCP positivity. In addition, Lim et al. (16) examined 240 patients
with HBV infection to determine whether anti-CCP antibodies could differentiate between
HBV-associated arthropathy and concomitant RA in Korean patients with chronic HBV
infection. Anti-CCP antibodies and RF were
detected in 11 and 28 of 240 patients, respectively. Anti-CCP antibodies were detected in
nine of 10 RA patients (90%) and two of 230
non-RA patients (0.86%). The positive rate for
RF was 90% in RA and 8.3% in non-RA. Eight
of 10 RA patients were positive for both RF
and anti-CCP antibodies. RF was detected
in 11 patients without joint symptoms, four
with arthralgia, and four with oligoarthritis,
whereas anti-CCP antibodies were found
in one patient without joint symptoms and
one with oligoarthritis .Measurement of anti-CCP antibodies seems to be better than
RF detection to discriminate HBV-associated
arthropathy from concomitant RA in patients
with chronic HBV infection. Until now, studies have focused on anti-CCP among patients
with chronic HCV infection rather than HBV
infection. For example, Lienesch et al. (17) and
Orge et al. (18) found no increase in anti-CCP
in non-arthritic patients with chronic HCV infection. Similarly Bombardieri et al. (19) examined RF and anti-CCP in patients with chronic
HCV infection and found RF positivity in 37%
of the patients vs. no patients with anti-CCP
the finding that only 1.63% of these patients
show weak positivity for anti-CCP suggests
that this test can be used for the differential
diagnosis in RF-positive HBV infections. The
control group did not get to participate in
our study because of the low presence of anti-CCP in our country (20). Higher incidence
of RF compared to that of anti-CCP suggests
that B cell activity due to HBV is responsible
for RF positivity while pointing out to a possible non-B cell dependent mechanism for the
emergence of anti-CCP.
In our study, RF positivity occurred in 26.2%
of the 61 patients with chronic HBV infection,
and anti-CCP was weak positive in only one
case, which tested negative for RF, did not exhibit clinical features supporting a diagnosis
of RA, and was not a smoker. Although RF is
commonly used for the diagnosis of RA, its
diagnostic value is diminished in HBV carriers and patients with chronic HBV infection.
As shown in our study, absence or low incidence of anti-CCP positivity in such patients
may prove to be a more reliable indicator
for the differential diagnosis between HBV
infection and RA. Although the number of
the patients in the group seems to be low,
Financial Disclosure: The author declared that this
study has received no financial support.
Most agents used for the treatment of RA,
including methotrexate, have hepatotoxic
effects that require close monitoring of the
liver function tests. An increased presence of
RF positivity in HBV infections may result in
misdiagnoses, leading to unnecessary use of
hepatotoxic agents, particularly in patients
with articular signs. This further reinforces the
importance of a reliable indicator such as anti-CCP in HBV infections.
In conclusion, anti-CCP appears to be a reliable
and important marker that can be used for
differential diagnosis in RF-positive HBV infections.
Ethics committee approval: The study protocol was
approved by the local ethics committee and the
study procedures were conducted in accordance
with Declaration of Helsinki.
Informed Consent: Written informed consent was
obtained from the patients who participated in this
Peer-review: Externally peer-reviewed.
Author Contributions: Concept - E.D., M.F.O.; Design E.D., Y.P.; Supervision - E.D., YP.; Materials - B.N.C., A.N.T.;
Data Collection and/or Processing - A.Ö., A.N., M.E.D.;
Analysis and/or Interpretation - M.F.O.; Literature Review M.F.O.; Writer - E.D., M.F.O.; Critical Review - E.D.,YP.
Conflict of Interest: No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
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