CV - Çankaya University Graduate School of Social Sciences


CV - Çankaya University Graduate School of Social Sciences
Curriculum Vitae
Mehmet Yazıcı
Çankaya University
Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences
Department of Economics
International Economics
Higher Education Board
& Economics of Development of Turkey
The University of Iowa
Michigan State University
Ankara University
(Faculty of Political Sciences)
Ph.D Dissertation
Title “International Trade Policy and Asymmetric Information”
Dissertation Advisor: Professor Raymond Riezman at the Economics Department of the
University of Iowa
Honors and Awards
Scholarship from Turkish Education Foundation -Türk Eğitim Vakfı (TEV) - (full college
scholarship, 1982-1986)
Scholarship from Turkish Petroleum Corporation –Türkiye Petrolleri A.O.- (full
scholarship for Intensive English and Master’s in the U.S., 1986-1989)
Scholarship from the Graduate College of The University of Iowa (tuition scholarship,
Fall 1993, Spring 1994)
Major Fields of Concentration
International Economics, Microeconomics, Industrial Organization, and Game Theory
Fields of Interest
Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Economics, Industrial Organization,
International Investment, Labor Economics, Money and Banking, Monetary Policy,
Economic Statistics, Math for Economists, Game Theory, Econometrics, Public
International Economics, Applied Microeconomics, Industrial Organization, Open
Economy Macroeconomics, Labor Economics
Teaching Experience
As Associate Professor at Çankaya University (from Fall 2007 to Summer 2013):
Introduction to Game Theory: taught to the fourth year Economics students
Microeconomics: taught to Financial Economics Master’s students
International Economics Theory: taught to the third year Economics and International
Trade students
International Economics Policy: taught to the third year Economics and International
Trade students
Money and Banking: taught to the third year Economics and International Trade students
International Financial Institutions: taught to the third year International Trade students
International Investment: taught to the fourth year International Trade students
International Trade Theory and Policy: taught as a required course to Master’s students
Game Theory: Strategic Trade Policy: taught as an elective course to Master’s students
As Assistant Professor at Çankaya University (from 1999 till Fall 2007):
Introduction to Economics: taught to the first year Management and Economics students
Theory of International Economics: taught to the third year Economics and International
Trade students
International Economics Policy: taught to the third year Economics and International
Trade students
Money and Banking: taught to the third year Economics and International Trade students
Monetary Policy: taught to the third year Economics students
International Financial Institutions: taught to the third year International Trade students
International Investment: taught to the fourth year International Trade students
Financial Markets: taught as an elective course to the fourth year Economics students
International Trade Theory and Policy: taught as a required course to Master’s students
at International Trade and Finance Master’s program
As Lecturer at the University of Iowa:
Math for Economists: taught to the first year Ph.D students of Economics Department
using Alpha C. Chaing’s book
Principles of Macroeconomics: taught to the first year students of Economics Department
As Teaching Assistant at the University of Iowa: (led weekly recitation sessions,
conducted review sessions, graded homework assignments and exams)
Microeconomics (Ph.D level)
International Economics
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Papers Published (In SSCI and SCI Journals)
1) Yazıcı, M., “Exchange Rate and Trade Balances of Turkish Agriculture,
Manufacturing and Mining”, Quality & Quantity: International Journal of
Methodology, 42(1), 45-52 (2008)
2) Yazıcı, M., and Klasra, M.A. “Import-Content of Exports and J-Curve Effect”, Applied
Economics, 42:6, 769-776, March (2010)
3) Yazıcı, M., “Is There a J-Curve Effect in Turkish Services?” Quality & Quantity:
International Journal of Methodology, 44: 164-172 (2010)
4) Yazıcı, M., and Islam, M.Q. “Impact of Exchange Rate and Customs Union on Trade
Balance at Commodity Level of Turkey with EU (15)” Economic Research
Volume: 24 Issue: 3 Pages: 75-85 Published: SEP 2011
5) Islam, M.Q. and Yazıcı, M. “Model Selection Uncertainties and Post Model Selection
Estimates in Autoregressive Time Series Models” Pakistan Journal of Statistics,
28(2), 239-252, April 2012
6) Yazıcı, M. “Turkish Agricultural Import and Export Demand Functions: Estimates
from Bounds Testing Approach”, Economic Research, 25(4), 1005-1016, 2012.
Papers Published (In Internationally Indexed Journals)
1) Yazıcı, M., “Tariff Negotiations in Rubeinstein Bargaining Model”, Metu Studies in
Development, 33(2), 295-310 (2006)
2) Yazıcı, M., “Does the Incomplete Information Matter with Export Quotas?” Journal of
Applied Sciences, 6(9), 1935-1938 (2006)
3) Yazıcı, M., “Is the J-Curve Effect Observable in Turkish Agricultural Sector?”,
Journal of Central European Agriculture, 7(2), 319-322 (2006)
4) Yazıcı, M., “Private Charity and Cooperation vs. Noncooperation”, Journal of Applied
Sciences, 6(4), 860-863 (2006)
5) Yazıcı, M. and Islam, M.Q. “Impact of Exchange Rate and Customs Union on Trade
Balance of Turkey with EU (15)”, International Journal of Business and Social
Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 9, 250-256, May 2011
6) Yazıcı, M. and Islam, M.Q. “Exchange Rate and Turkish Agricultural Trade Balance
with EU (15)” Agricultural Economics Review, Vol. 13 No 2, 35-47 (2012)
7) Yazıcı, M., Temiz, D. and Erdogan, D. “Offset ve Offset Uygulamalari”, TISK
Akademi 8 (15), 156-177 (2013)
Papers Published (In Local Journals)
1) Yazıcı, M., “ Gümrük Birliği Sonrası Türkiyenin AB (15) ile Dış Ticareti Nasıl
Gelişti?”, TİSK, İşveren, Vol.46, P.65-66, (Nisan 2008)
2) Yazıcı, M., “Gümrük Birliği ve Dış Ticarete Etkileri”, Çankaya Üniversitesi Gündem,
Vol.29, P.63-66, (Nisan 2008)
3) Yazıcı, M., “Küresel Kriz ve Türkiye’nin Dış Ticareti”, Çankaya Üniversitesi
Gündem, Vol.36, P.47-51, (Nisan 2010)
Papers Published (In Conference Proceedings)
1) Islam, M.Q., and Yazıcı, M. “Data Anomalies and Model Selection Uncertainties in
Autoregressive Time Series Models” published in Proceedings of The METU BAMuhan Soysal 2010 Business Conference, June 16-19, 2010, pg: 174-186
2) Yazıcı, M., and Islam, M.Q. “Impact of Exchange Rate on Trade Balance of Turkish
Agriculture with EU (15) Countries” published in Proceedings of 11th Econometrics
and Statistics Symposium, held in Sakarya on 28-30 May 2010, pg: 577-580
3) Yazıcı, M. “Determinants of Bilateral Trade Balance of Turkey with Georgia, Iran and
Jordan”, published in Proceedings of 1st International Border Trade Congress, held
in Kilis on November 4-6 2010, pg: 8-9
4) Ebrahim Haghighi, Halil Fidan and Mehmet Yazici, “Türkiye ile Ortadoğu Ülkeleri
Arasında Yumurta Dış Ticareti ve Rekabet Gücü Analizi”, published in Proceedings
of 1st International Border Trade Congress, held in Kilis on November 4-6 2010, pg:
5) Islam, M.Q., and Yazıcı, M. “Intricacies and Pitfalls of Model Selection Strategies
used in Time Series Models”, published in Proceedings of 8th International
Conference on Recent Advances in Statistics: Statistics, Biostatistics and
Econometrics held in Lahore, Pakistan on February 8-9, 2011, pg: 1-8
6) Yazıcı, M., and Islam, M.Q. “Exchange Rate and Trade Balance of Turkish Mining
with EU(15): Bounds Testing Approach”, published in Abstract Book of 12th
International Symposium on Econometrics Statistics and Operations Research held
in Denizli on 26-29 May 2011, pg: 152-152.
Papers under Review
1) “Determinants of Turkish Mining Trade Balance with EU (15): Estimates from
Bounds Testing Approach”, submitted to European Scientific Journal.
2) "Exchange Rate, Customs Union and Manufacturing Trade Balance of Turkey with
EU(15) Countries", submitted to Bulletin of Economic Research.
3) "Exchange Rate and Bilateral Trade of Turkey with EU (15) Countries", submitted
to Journal of Business Economics and Finance.
Citations Received
Yazıcı, M., “Is the J-Curve Effect Observable in Turkish Agricultural Sector?”, Journal
of Central European Agriculture, 7(2), 319-322 (2006)
1) Ka Ming Cheng, Hyeongwoo Kim, Henry Thompson, The Exchange Rate and US
Tourism Balance of Trade, MPRA Paper,, Vol. 1,
P. 1-24, (2009), 1
2) Ka Ming Cheng, Three Essays in Tourism, Trade and Economic Growth,
Dissertation-Tez,, Vol. 1, P. 1-126, (2009), 1
S. Yazdani and S. Shajari, The Impact of Macroeconomic Indicators on Agricultural
Trade Balance of Iran, American Journal of Applied Sciences 6 (8): 1473-1477,
Cláudia Maria Sonaglio, Paulo Roberto Scalco and Antonio Carvalho Campos,
Taxa de Câmbio e a Balança Comercial Brasileira de Manufaturados: Evidências
da J-Curve, Revista EconomiA, v.11, n.3, p.711–734, set/dez 2010,
Omotor Douglason Godwin, Is There a J-Curve in Nigerian Agricultural Sector?,
Agricultura Tropica Et Subtropica, Vol 42(1) 10-14 2009
6) Şaban Nazlıoğlu, Ekrem Erdem, Exchange Rates and Turkish Fresh Fruits and
Vegetables Trade with EU Countries: Bilateral Trade Data Analysis, Journal of
International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, 23:93-109, 2011
7) Houssem Eddine Chebbi and Marcelo Olarreaga, Agricultural trade Balance and
Exchange Rate Depreciation: The Case of Tunisia, Working Paper, Economic
Research Forum, 2011,
8) Ka Ming Cheng, Hyeongwoo Kim, and Henry Thompson, “The US Tourism
Trade Balance and Exchange Rate Shocks”, Auburn University Department of
Economics Working Paper Series, 2012
9) Imad Moosa, US-China Trade Dispute: Facts, Figures and Myths (Book), Edward
Elgar Publishing Limited,, 2012
10) Paulo Roberto ScalcoI; Henrique Duarte CarvalhoII; Antonio Carvalho Campos
“Choques na taxa de vâmbio real e o saldo da balança comercial agropecuária
brasileira: evidências da Curva J entre 1994 e 2007” Rev. Econ. Sociol. Rural
vol.50 no.4 Brasília Oct./Dec. 2012
Yazıcı, M., “Exchange Rate and Trade Balances of Turkish Agriculture, Manufacturing
and Mining”, Quality & Quantity, 42(1), 45-52 (2008)
1) Yonggang Xue, Mingli Zhang, The Effects of Different Components of Exchange
Rate on Trade Balance: A Signal Extraction Approach, International Conference
on Information Engineering and Computer Science, Vol. 1, P. 1-4, (2009), 1
2) Barghandan A., Barghandan K., Golestaneh S, Mirlashari H. “Investigating the
Effect of Real Effective Exchange Rate on the Iranian Pistachio Export”
International Journal of Nuts and Related Sciences 2(4): 25-32, 2011
3) Yazıcı, M. and Islam, M.Q. “Exchange Rate and Turkish Agricultural Trade
Balance with EU (15)” Agricultural Economics Review, Vol. 13 No 2, 35-47
4) Yazıcı, M., and Islam, M.Q. “Impact of Exchange Rate and Customs Union on
Trade Balance at Commodity Level of Turkey with EU (15)” EKONOMSKA
Issue: 3
Pages: 75-
85 Published: SEP 2011
5) Ho, C.S.F. and Karim, N.A. “International trade competitiveness of emerging
ASEAN5+4 countries” Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications
(ISBEIA), 2012 IEEE Symposium, pp. 74 –79, 23-26 Sept. 2012
6) Ho, C.S.F. and Karim, Norzitah Abdul. “Exchange Rate, Macroeconomic
Fundamentals and International Trade” Humanities, Science and Engineering,
2012 IEEE Conference, pp.534-538, 3-4 December 2012
7) Kutlu, Sinem. “Changes in Exchange Rates and the Balance of Trade: A
Literature Survey with Reference to Turkey’s Foreign Trade”, Ataturk
Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi, 27 (2), 121-140, 2013
Yazıcı, M., and Klasra, M.A. “Import-Content of Exports and J-Curve Effect”, Applied
Economics, 42:6, 769-776, March (2010)
1) Okay Esin; Baytar Rana Atabay; Saridogan Ercan “The effects of the exchange
rate changes on the current account balance in the Turkish economy” IKTISAT
ISLETME VE FINANS Volume: 27 Issue: 310 Pages: 79-101 JAN 2012
2) Başak Gümüştekin “ The J Curve at the Industry Level: An Examination of
Bilateral Trade Between Turkey and Germany” A Master’s Thesis, Economics
Department, Middle East Techinical University, June 2012
3) Yazıcı, M., and Islam, M.Q. “Impact of Exchange Rate and Customs Union on
Trade Balance at Commodity Level of Turkey with EU (15)” EKONOMSKA
ISTRAZIVANJA-ECONOMIC RESEARCH Volume: 24 Issue: 3 Pages: 7585 Published: SEP 2011
4) Jon Nadenichek “The S-Curve Revisited: The Terms, Volume and Balance of
Trade over the Business Cycle” International Journal of Applied Economics,
September 2012, 9(2), 39-57
Yazıcı, M. and Islam, M.Q. “Impact of Exchange Rate and Customs Union on Trade
Balance of Turkey with EU (15)”, International Journal of Business and Social Sciences,
Vol. 2, No. 9, 250-256, May 2011
1) Kutlu, Sinem. “Changes in Exchange Rates and the Balance of Trade: A
Literature Survey with Reference to Turkey’s Foreign Trade”, Ataturk
Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi, 27 (2), 121-140, 2013
Papers in Progress
“Job Flows and Productivity Dynamics in Turkish Manufacturing Industries”
“Impact of Customs Union and Real Exchange Rate on Job Flows in Turkish
Manufacturing Industries”
“Multivariate Linear Regression With Elliptically Distributed Errors"
“Agriculture Export and Import Demand Functions, Income and Price Elasticities of EU
(15) Countries”
Participations in Symposium/Conferences/Seminars
Yazıcı, M., and Klasra, M. A., “Import-Content of Exports and J-Curve Effect” Thursday
Seminars of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Cankaya
University, Spring 2006
Yazıcı, M., and Islam, M.Q. “Impact of Exchange Rate Changes and Customs Union on
Trade Balance of Turkey with EU (15) Countries”, Thursday Seminars of Faculty
of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Cankaya University, Spring 2008
Yazıcı, M., and Islam, M.Q. “Impact of Exchange Rate Changes and Customs Union on
Trade Balance of Turkey with EU (15) Countries” 9th Econometrics and Statistics
Symposium in Kusadasi on 28-31 May 2008
Islam, Q. M., and Yazıcı, M., “Lag-Length Selection in Autoregressive Time Series
Models” joint paper delivered by Dr. M. Qamarul Islam during Fall 2008 at
Thursday Seminars of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of
Çankaya University
Yazıcı, M., “Export and Import Demand Functions for Turkish Agriculture: Bounds
Testing Approach” delivered during Fall 2008 at Thursday Seminars of Faculty of
Economics and Administrative Sciences of Çankaya University
Yazıcı, M., and Islam, M.Q. "Impact of Exchange Rate and Customs Union on
Commodity Trade of Turkey with EU (15) Countries" International
Conference on Social Sciences held in Izmir on September 10-11, 2009
Islam, M.Q., and Yazıcı, M. “Lag-Length Selection in Autoregressive Time Series
Models” presented by Dr. M. Qamarul Islam at Conference organized by
Eurasia Business and Economics Society held in Istanbul on June 1-2,
Yazıcı, M., and Islam, M.Q. "Impact of Exchange Rate on Trade Balance of Turkish
Agriculture with EU (15) Countries” Thursday Seminars of Faculty of Economics
and Administrative Sciences of Cankaya University, May 6, 2010
Yazıcı, M., and Islam, M.Q. “Impact of Exchange Rate on Trade Balance of Turkish
Agriculture with EU (15) Countries” 11th Econometrics and Statistics Symposium
in Sakarya on 28-30 May 2010
Islam, M.Q., and Yazıcı, M. “Data Anomalies and Model Selection Uncertainties in
Autoregressive Time Series Models” presented by Dr. Islam at The METU BAMuhan Soysal 2010 Business Conference, June 16-19, 2010.
Islam, M.Q., and Yazıcı, M. “Data Anomalies and Model Selection Uncertainties in
Autoregressive Time Series Models” presented by Dr. Islam at Thursday Seminars
of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Cankaya University, April
6, 2010
Yazıcı, M. “Determinants of Bilateral Trade Balance of Turkey with Georgia, Iran and
Jordan”, 1st International Border Trade Congress, held in Kilis on November 4-6
Ebrahim Haghighi, Halil Fidan and Mehmet Yazici, “Turkey’s Egg Trade with Middle
East Countries and an Analysis of its Competitiveness” 1st International Border
Trade Congress, held in Kilis on November 4-6 2010
Islam, M.Q., and Yazıcı, M. “Intricacies and Pitfalls of Model Selection Strategies used
in Time Series Models”, 8th International Conference on Recent Advances in
Statistics: Statistics, Biostatistics and Econometrics held in Lahore Pakistan on
February 8-9, 2011.
Yazıcı, M., and Islam, M.Q. “Exchange Rate and Trade Balance of Turkish Mining with
EU(15): Bounds Testing Approach”, 12th International Symposium on
Econometrics Statistics and Operations Research held in Denizli on 26-29 May
Ergun Dogan, M. Qamarul Islam and Mehmet Yazici “Real Exchange Rates and Job
Reallocation: Evidence from Turkish Manufacturing” 21st International Business
Research Conference, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, 10-11 June 2013
Chairing Sessions in Conferences
Chairing the session titled “Familiy Business” in “International Conference on
Entrepreneurship, Family Business and Innovation” held by Çankaya University on
October 21-23, 2010
Projects Involved
A Member of Cluster Development Team at Cankaya University since 2010
İŞİM Kümesi Hafif İnşaat Makinaları ve Yedek Parçaları Firmalarının Uluslararası
Rekabet Gücünün Artırılması, Eğitim ve Danışmanlık İhtiyaç Analizi, Çalışma
Türü: Uygulamalı, Yer: OSTİM Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, Başlangış Tarihi: Mart
2011, Bitiş Tarihi: Haziran 2011, Projenin Tahmini Tamamlama Süresi: Mart 2013
İŞİM Kümesi İş Makinaları ve Yedek Parçaları Firmalarının Uluslararası Rekabet
Gücünün Artırılması, Eğitim ve Danışmanlık İhtiyaç Analizi, Çalışma Türü:
Uygulamalı, Yer: OSTİM Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, Başlangış Tarihi: Mart 2011,
Bitiş Tarihi: Haziran 2011, Projenin Tahmini Tamamlama Süresi: Mart 2013
ECON 499 Saha Çalışması Dersi Kapsamında Yapılan Projeler,
1) Firma: KABİNSAN-Araç Üstü Ekipmanlar ve Makina İmalatı, Yer: OSTİM,
Proje Adı: Kabinsan İşletme Analiz Raporu Swot Çalışması ve Yararlanılabilecek
Devlet Destekleri, Ders: ECON 499 Saha Çalışması, Danışman Hoca: Doç. Dr.
Mehmet Yazıcı, Tarih: 2012 Bahar Dönemi
2) Firma: KARKE, Yer: OSTİM, Proje Adı: İş Makinası Üretimi ve Satışı Yeni İş
Takip Sistemi, Ders: ECON 499 Saha Çalışması, Danışman Hoca: Doç. Dr.
Mehmet Yazıcı, Tarih: 2013 Bahar Dönemi
Term Projects of Master Students Supervised
“ Effects of Economic Crisis on Turkish FDI Inflows ” by Nazli Irem Celik, International
Trade and Finance Master’s Program, Fall 2009
“ Global and Turkish Offset Applications in International Trade ” by Duygu Erdogan,
International Trade and Finance Master’s Program, Fall 2009
“ Risk Management with Financial Derivatives and Application of Financial Derivatives
in Turkish Economy “ by Ersin Yanar, International Trade and Finance Master’s
Program, Spring 2010
“ Tourism Sector in Turkey: Its Reactions on Turkish Economy “ by Mehmet Ozdemir,
International Trade and Finance Master’s Program, Spring 2010
“Turkey’s Automotive Production and Trade between 2000-2010” by Ilknur Ibisoglu,
International Trade and Finance Master’s Program, Spring 2011
“ Results of a Survey on Next Generation in Family Business in OSTIM” by Abdullah
Cortu, International Trade and Finance Master’s Program, Spring 2011
Jury Membership
Jury Membership in Master’s Thesis titled “Türkiye’nin Ortadoğu Ülkeleri ile Yumurta
Pazarlaması ve Geliştirme Olanakları“ by Ebrahim Haghighi in Ankara University,
Faculty of Agriculture, 2010
Membership in Scientific Committees
International Conference on Business and Management, 2010
International Conference on Business and Management, 2011
International Conference on Business and Management, 2012
International Conference on Social Sciences, 2010
International Conference on Social Sciences, 2011
International Conference on Social Sciences, 2012
International Conference on Social Sciences, 2013
Istanbul International Conference on Business and Economics, 2012
International Conference on Economics and Finance, 2012
International Conference on European Debt Crisis, 2012
Applied Economics (SSCI)
European Review of Agriculture Economics (SSCI)
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI)
İstatistik Araştırma Dergisi
Economic Systems (December 2010)
Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics (January 2012)
Agricultural Economics Review
Pakistan Journal of Statistics (SCI)
TUBA Book Review (2011) Telif/Çeviri Eser ödülüne 2011 yılı için aday gösterilen
“Merkezdeki Banka: Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası ve Uluslararası bir
Karşılaştırma” adlı eserin değerlendirilmesi
TUBA Book Review (2012) Telif/Çeviri Eser ödülüne 2012 yılı için aday gösterilen
“İktisat Biliminin Temelleri” adlı eserin değerlendirilmesi
Courses Developed and/or First Taught
ECON 207 Microeconomic Theory I, Spring 2012
ECON 208 Microeconomic Theory II, Spring 2012
INTT 405 International Investment
ECON 416 Financial Markets, Spring 2004
ECON 430 Game Theory, Spring 2012
ECON 499 Field Study, Fall 2011
ECON 501 Microeconomics, Fall 2011
INTT 504 International Trade Theory and Policy
INTT 517 Game Theory: Strategic Trade Policy, Fall 2010
Administrative Duties
Acting Director of Graduate School of Social Sciences, Cankaya University, February 14
2013 - current
Chairman of Economics Department of Cankaya University, November 01 2011 –
Acting Chairman of Economics Department of Cankaya University, July 01 2010 October 30 2011
Member of Faculty Council, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,
Cankaya University,
Member of Faculty Administration Council, Faculty of Economics and Administrative
Sciences, Cankaya University,
Member of Graduate School Council, Cankaya University
Other Activities
Appearing on Baskent TV on the behalf of Cankaya University in a program called
“Diplomatik Denge” on an topic about” Loan from IMF, Global Crisis and Turkish
Economy” in March, 2009
Appearing on TRT-ANADOLU in a program (Live, 1-hour program) called “Anadolu’da
Uretim” to talk about ‘Rising Gold Price’ on June 25, 2011
Participation in discussion of new YOK draft law as an Associate Professor
Representative from Cankaya University on November 14, 2012
Participation in Panel titled “University-Industry Cooperation” organized by Ankara
Bilim Sanayi Teknoloji İl Müdürlüğü on April 04, 2013