one writing from i̇brahim temo about thermal springs of bursa and


one writing from i̇brahim temo about thermal springs of bursa and
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 6 (51) - 2009
Series 6: Medical Sciences
Supplement – Proceeding of The IVth Balkan Congress of History of Medicine
Dr. Đbrahim Temo (1865-1945) one of the founders of The Committee of
Union and Progress (Đttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti) was born in Struga as an
Ottoman citizen with Albanian origin. He graduated from Gülhane Military
Medical School in 1892. He began his ophthalmology education in Istanbul
but finished in Romania, because he had to escape from dictatorship of II.
Abdülhamid. He opened a lot of bureaus of Committee in Bulgaria and
Romania. Temo returned to Đstanbul in 1908 but didn’t get on with his
Committee. He founded Osmanlı Demokrat Partisi (Ottoman Democratic
Party). In 1911 he returned to Romania because of pressures and threats.
Temo was not only a doctor and a politician. He was also an author. He
always wrote. He sent writings from Romania to Türkish journals especially
the Đçtihad of Abdullah Cevdet who was also one of the founders of The
Committee. It is reported that achieve of Temo is in Tiran. In his writing in
the Đçtihat of 01 February 1925, he notices first the importance and misery of
the Bursa thermal springs. Later he introduced some important thermal
springs and hospitals of Romania. He gives communications about the
attaining, prices and medical utilities of these organizations. According to
this important writing about history of thermal medicine of Türkiye and
Romania, thermal springs of Romania were in better condition than Bursa
thermal springs in 1925
Key words: Ibrahim Temo, Romania, Thermal Spring, Bursa, Türkiye
In 1920’s hydrotherapy, balneotherapy,
spa centres and sanitarium therapy were
more popular treatment modalities than
today’s modern medicine and physical
therapies. There are a few articles focusing
on thermal therapies of those times.
An interesting and comparative article
was written by Dr. Đbrahim Temo (3). He,
in his article, compared Turkish and
Pomanian thermal therapy centres from
medical history point of view. Temo’s
article provides important information on
thermal therapies of 1920’s.
Dr. Đbrahim Temo (1865-1945), one of
the founders of the Committee of Union
and Progress (Đttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti),
was born in Struga as an Ottoman citizen
of Albenian origin (See Figure 1).
After graduated from Gülhane Military
Medical School in 1892, he started studing
ophtalmology in Istanbul. Since he had to
escape from the dictatorship
Abdülhamid II, he completes his training
period in Romania. He opened a lot of
Trakya University, Medical Faculty Departments of Physiology, Edirne - Turkye
Trakya University, Medical Faculty Departments of History of Medicine - Edirne - Turkye
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 6 (51) - 2009 • Series VI
bureaus of the Committee in Bulgaria and
Romania. Temo returned back to Đstanbul
in 1908 but didn’t get along with his
Demokrat Partisi (Ottoman Democratic
Party). Because of the pressures and
threats, he returned to Romania in 1911
[10, 11].
Hatrıratım (Foundation of the Committee
of Union and Progress and my Memories
of the national Revolution and Services to
the Motherland; 1939 Medgidia, 1987
Đstanbul), Usul-ü Mükaleme (Method of
Conversation) [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11].
It is reported that achieve of Temo is in
Tiran [1-2].
He submitted his articles from Romania
to Turkish journals, especially to the
Đçtihad of Abdullah Cevdet, who was
another founder of the Committee (See
Figure 2).
Figure 2: Đctihad journal
Figure 1: Dr. Đbrahim Temo as Red Cross
physician in Đstanbul, 1913.
Temo was not only a doctor or a
politician, but also an author. Before and
later from his second migration to
Romania, he wrote a lot of articles and
several books. Some of his books are Aile
Hekimi (Family Practitoner), Tagaddi ve
Devam-ı Hayat (Nutrition and Life),
Mükaleme (Turkish-Romanian Conversation), Tababet-i avam Dersleri (Lessons
in Public Health), Hareket (Motion; coauthered by Ali Şefik), Atatrürk’ü Niçin
Severim (Why I Admire Atatürk; 1937Medgidia, 2001 Prizen), Đttihat ve Terakki
Cemiyeti’nin Teşekkülü ve Hidemat-ı
Vataniye ve Đnkılab-ı Milliye Dair
His article published in the February
1925 issue of the Đçtihat on the subject of
the thermal springs of Bursa and Romania
(See Figure 3).
Figure 3: The title of Temo’s article
M. YAPRAK et al: One Writing from Đbrahim Temo about Thermal Springs of Bursa and Romania
Temo made several journeys to Vienna
(1901), Paris (1902, 1918), Egypt (1907),
Türkiye (1913, 1923, 1930), Albania
(1914) and two migration to Romania
(1895, 1912). These expressions must be
related with his first visit to Türkiye after
the foundation of Republic [10-11].
The article begins with the expression
of Temo about Bursa thermal springs.
According to Temo the baths are
miserable. They need reanimation, medical
servants, water analysis and legal
regulation. There isn’t any hotel and
restaurant around the Bursa thermal
springs [3].
In the second part of article, the thermal
springs in Romania are introduced. He
gave information about the transportation
options, prices and medical utilities of
these facilities [3].
According to the article, the important
thermal springs of Romania are Episkubus
or Krian (Baile 1 Mai), Feliks (Baile
Felix), Moneasa (Moneasa), Gorgiya
(Geoagiu), Dobruca
Kovana (Covasna Spa), Mangalya
Techirghiol), Lagülsarat (Salt Lake),
Govora (Baile Govora), Herculane (Baile
Herculane), Mohad (Mehadia), Moldovya
(Slanic Moldova) Bijular, Siriya, and Vace
In the study, Kasalata (CalimanestiCaciulata), Pani (in Bukovina) and
Devrnavanr mineral waters are praised.
Some promanade like as Agpaya, Azoga,
Bireza, Berabu, Berazova, Buztin Geçine,
Kimpolonoa, Aliyeşte, Çaba, Komurniki,
Nemçen, Puya, Naçavluj, Brodevud,
Grillet, Marillan, Nemçu, Payanaçabuluji,
Borodeal, Rugfer, Sinaya, Suvi, Suzana,
Tirguavgana, Tizmana, Valenda, Mevneta
and Veratik are also praised in the writing
Temo gives some information about
important health centers of Romania like
as Antuvaniyu, Diyaguneselur, Jeravta,
Naturaliyust, Alberabeta, Alanaherakayede
(Sabtane) Gayllart, Tekirgölü sanitariums;
Kulçe, Brankuvenasa, Eforiya, Markoca,
Bantalemun, Manernimate, Kuluj (Cluj)
University and Çernaviçe hospitals and
dentistry college [3].
The names in the writing need to be
critized by an expert. It may be said that
the study has some smell of advertising of
thermal springs and other medical centres
of Romania.
[1]. Kutlay N: Đttihat Terakki ve Kürtler.
Beybun, Ankara, 1992
[2]. Polat A: Arnavutluk Devlet Arşivleri
Genel Müdürü Prof. Dr. Shaban
Sinani ile mülakat. Türk Kültürü ve
Hacı Bektaş Veli Araştırma Dergisi.
Sayı: 33, 2005.
[3]. Temo Đ: Romanya’nın sanatoryumları,
kaplıcaları, hava almaya ve tedaviye
mahsus mevsim istasyonları. Đctihat,
February 1925, Year: 20, Nu: 174,
pp: 3498-3501.
[4]. Temo
Cemiyeti'nin Teşekkülü ve Hidemât-i
Vataniyye ve Đnkılâb-ı Millîye Dair
Hatıratım. Medgidia, 1939.
[5]. Temo Đ: Đbrahim Temo'nun Đttihad ve
Terakki Anıları. Arba, Đstanbul,
[6]. Temo Đ: Atatürk'ü Niçin Severim,
Medgidia, 1937.
[7]. Temo Đ: Atatürk'ü Niçin Severim,
BAL-TAM Yayınları, Prizen, 2002.
[8]. Uygur S: Đbrahim Temo’nun Bilinmeyen Bir Eseri: Usûl-i Mükâleme.
Dergisi, 5/2:65-73, 2008.
[9]. Ülgen E, Aksu A: Mektep ve Aile
Mecmuası (1915-1916). Constanta,
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 6 (51) - 2009 • Series VI
[10]. Ünver S: Doktor Đbrahim Temo. CTF
Tıp Tarihi ve Dontoloji Arşivi (Cilt
1). Đstanbul, 1935.
[11]. Yaprak M, Gökçe N: Dr. Đbrahim
Temo. Proceedings of the 38th
International congress on the History
of Medicine. Đstanbul, 1-6 September