25 June , Wednesday - METU | International Relations


25 June , Wednesday - METU | International Relations
JUNE 25-27, 2014
25 June , Wednesday
14.30 – 16.00
Plenary Session
“Multiple Paradigms in IR: Chinese, English and
Turkish Perspectives”
Chair: Nuri Yurdusev, METU
Barry Buzan, London School of Economics and
Political Science
ErselAydınlı, Bilkent University
Yongjin Zhang, University of Bristol
16.30 -18.00
Session 1
The Nature and Dynamics of Public Opinion in
and on Turkey
Stefano Braghiroli, University of Tartu
“Measuring Rome's Support for Ankara's EU Bid: Growing Disconnections
between Elites and Public Opinion”
Ali Çarkoğlu, Koç University
Yusuf Mağiya, Koç University
“Explaining Ethnic Voting: Reflections of Ethnic Cleavages in Turkey”
Çiğdem Kentmen, İzmir University of Economics
Zeynep Taydaş, Clemson University
“What Explains Attitudes Towards Candidates' Entries? Comparing European
Attitudes towards Turkey and Other Non-Member States”
Ebru Canan Sokullu, Bahçeşehir University
Pierangelo Isernia, University of Siena
“FuorituttigliImmigrati? GöçmenlerEvinize? Comparative Study of Italian and
Turkish Public Opinion on Immigration”
Özgehan Şenyuva, METU
“Turkish Foreign Policy and Public Opinion: The Case of NATO”
Session 2
Crisis in Ukraine: Impact of Actors and Limits of
International Law
Evanthia Balla, University of Lisbon
“Ukraine: The conflict, the interests, the lessons”
Helin Sarı Ertem, Yıldız Teknik University
Berivan Gökçenay,Yıldız Teknik University
“Crimean Pendulum and The Limits of the International Law”
Alter Kahraman, METU
“Ukraine crisis: Lessons to the European Union”
Session 3
Critical Perspectives in IR
Birgül Demirtaş, TOBB ETU
“How far could the Constructivists Deconstruct Global Politics? Constructivism
and Its Limits”
Yelda Erçandırlı, METU
“Bringing a Green Approach to Turkish Foreign Policy”
Elem Eyrice, Yaşar University
“Is it ‘Post’ or Still ‘Colonial?’ Looking at the World through Postcolonial
Ion Josan, Babes-Bolyai University
“Culture and power – Politics as “possibility”
Cem Savaş, Galatasaray University
“Geopolitics and Postcolonial Studies: the case of French School of
Session 4
New Conceptualizations in the Discipline of IR
Murat Ağdemir, Ministry of National Defense
“Neoclassical Realism: A New or a Degenerative Approach?”
Derrick Frazier, University of Alabama
Robert Stewart-Ingersoll, NESA and the UAE National Defense College
“Beyond Globalization, Hegemony, and Power Transitions: Order in a
Hierarchical Multi-Systemic Context”
Erdem Özlük, Selçuk University
Duygu Özlük, Selçuk University
“What Kind of IR Do you Prefer? Anarchical, Hierarchical, Heteronomic,
Gülriz Şen, METU
“Historical Sociology and International Relations: Of Bridges and
26 June , Thursday
09.00 – 10.30
Session 1
Humanitarian Issues and Humanitarian Law in
the Middle East and Africa
Uzay Yaşar Aysev, The Special Tribunal for Lebanon
“Tailoring the Court’s Jurisdiction: Palestine and the International Criminal
Aşkın İnci Sökmen, İstanbul Esenyurt University
“Military Responses to Refugee Disasters and Syria case”
Sevim Varlıklar,
“Turkish Development Aid in Somalia: A Humanitarian Showcase of a MiddlePower”
Şafak Beren Yıldırım, EskişehirOsmangazi University
“Enforcement of ICC in Current Syrian Conflict”
Session 2
Turkey – US Relations within the Trans-Atlantic
Kubilay Arın
“The US, the EU and Turkey, a New "Special Relationship"
Özgür Çalışkan, Ankara University;
Halit Harput, METU
“Tripping over T-TIP: Some Reflections of Turkey’s Awkward Position on USEU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) Negotiations”
Mark Meirowitz, SUNY Maritime College, U.S.
“Turkey and the US: Predictability and Consistency in Diplomacy and Foreign
Session 3
Non-Western Approaches to IR I
Dinmukhammed Ametbek, METU
“Turkic perspective on International Relations”
Mehmet Zeki Günay, METU
“IR Studies in Post-Soviet Russia”
Mohammad Hassan Khani, Imam Sadiq University
“Limitations and Challenges of New Alternative Paradigms in International
Relations: A Case study of Islamic Mode”
Session 4
Theoretical Approaches to European Integration
Sedef Eylemer, Izmir Katip Çelebi University
“Reinvigorating the Theoretical Debates on Model of Integration for the PostCrisis Europe: Towards a Political Union or More Differentiation?”
Burcu Kaleoğlu, METU
“Can European identity be an alternative to national identity in Europe?”
Ozlem Okuyucu, Ministery of EU Affairs & METU
“Flexibility in the European Union: Implications for Future”
Gözde Yılmaz, Atılım University
“The End of Europeanization Studies? A Critical Evaluation of the Literature”
11.00 – 12.30
Session 1
Turkey and European Union Relations
Nihal Kırkpınar, İzmir Katip Celebi University
“The Analysis of Turkish Integration within the EU in the Framework of Social
Constructivist Theory”
Elvan Eda Karaismailoğlu, London School of Economics
“The Effect of the Issue of Illegal Migration on the Process of Turkey’s
Accession to the European Union”
Hikmet Kırık, Istanbul University
Pelin Sönmez
“Turkish-EU Readmission Agreement under the Terms of External
Governance and Human Security”
Metin Koca
“Revisiting the Role of Culture in the Expansion of International Society:
Turkey and the EU as Norm-diffusers in the Middle East”
Miguel Santos Neves, Autonoma University
“Water in EU-Turkey Relations: Challenges and Opportunities”
Session 2
Central Asia & Caucasia: Global Actors, Regional
Kursad Aslan, Eskişehir Osmangazi University
“Evaluation of Uzbekistan’s Political Economy after the Soviet Union”
Bambang Cipto, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
“China and the Muslim World: The Case of Central Asia”
Seymur Huseynli, DokuzEylül University
“Otherness as a Domestic Policy Tool in Azerbaijan and Armenia: Conflict over
Samara Orujova, Eskişehir Osmangazi University
Kursad Aslan, Eskişehir Osmangazi University
“Rentier States in post-Soviet Turkic world: Is there a significant difference
among these countries?”
Yasar Sarı, Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University,
“Dichotomy of Collective Identity and Conflict in Osh”
Session 3
English School: From Anarchical Society to World
Cemal Alpgiray Bölücek, Adnan Menderes University
“U.S. - U.K. "Special Relationship" through Hedley Bull's Concept of the
Anarchical Society”
Murat Demirel, METU
“Analyzing Bilateral State Relations through Hedley Bull's Institutions”
Ali Onur Tepeciklioğlu, Ege University
“World Society. Modern or Pre Modern?”
Session 4
Historical Materialism and IR I
Chair: Faruk Yalvaç, METU
Çağlar Oyman, METU
“Capitalist Geopolitics or Geopolitical Capitalism?”
Çağdaş Özeniş, METU
“UCD: Is it an Alternative to Balance of Power?”
Emre Soran, Hacettepe University
“Securitized Materialism or Materialized Security : What is the difference?”
Engin Sune, Hacettepe University
“Is IR Nothing but Imperialism?”
Session 5
International Relations of Islamic Republicof Iran
Mahtab Dadarsefatmahboob, Hamburg & Akdeniz University
“EU as a Normative Power or a Realist Player? The Case of Human Rights
Policies in Iran-EU Relation”
Bayram Sinkaya, Yıldırım Beyazıt University
“Iran and International Relations of the Middle East after the Arab Spring:
Challenges Ahead for the Rouhani Administration”
Saeed Shokoohi, Allameh Tabataba’yee University,
“Iran-centrism: An Iranian Approach to International Relations”
14.00 – 15.30
Keynote Speech
Chair: Faruk Yalvaç, METU
Andrew Linklater, Aberystwyth University
Social Standards of Self-Restraint in International
Society: Reflections on the ‘Civilizing Process’ and
World Politics”
16.00 -17.30
Session 1
International Politics of Asia
Gürol Baba, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University
“Is it enough to be in disguise? Understanding Australia’s successful
interactions in the “Asian International System”
Imran Iqbal, University of Leeds
Faisal Majeed, University of Leeds
“The Future of South Asian Geopolitics: What New-Regionalists have to Say?”
Nabarun Roy, South Asian University,
“India and SEATO’s Failure: Why Non-Great Powers Matter in ‘High Politics’
Session 2
Critical Security Studies
Başar Baysal, Bilkent University
“Coercion by Fear; Securitization of Iraq Prior to 2003 War”
Uluç Karakaş, Bilkent University
“Reconstructive Critique of Human Security toward a New Human Security
Bakri Mat, Universiti Kebangsaan
Zarina Othman, Universiti Kebangsaan
Rashila Ramli,Universiti Kebangsaan
“In Search of a New Paradigm: From IR Theory to Human Security”
Burcu Togral, Eskişehir Osmangazi University
“The Securitization Practices: The Border between the EU/Spain and North
Session 3
Continuity and Change in American Foreign
Chen Jie, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
“An Analysis of the U.S. First Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development
Burak Küntay, Bahçeşehir University
“2016 Presidential Election and American Foreign Policy: Continuity or
Lenore Martin,
“Obama Administration Policy towards the Middle East”
Gürhan Ünal, Eskişehir Osmangazi University
“US Foreign Policy under Obama Administration: What Type of
Multilateralismon Global Governance?”
Session 4
Warfare and Conflict Resolution
Gökhan Akşemsettinoğlu, Çankaya University
“Reviewing Conflicts and Conflict Resolutions in Multipolarity”
Betül Özyılmaz, Gazi University
“War, Peace and Security inthe Classical Islamic Thought: A Comparative
Necla Tschirgi, University of San Diego
“International Relations and Peacebuilding: Converging or Diverging
Itır Toksöz, Doğuş University
“Violence and Nonviolence in Turkey: From the Lens of Peace Studies and
Evolutionary Theory”
Conference Dinner
27 June , Friday
09.00 – 10.30
Session 1
Turkish Foreign Policy towards Middle East
Selen Akan, Istanbul Bilgi University
“Nusayris of Hatay Beyond the Syrian Foreign Policy of Turkey”
Alessia Chiriatti, University for Foreigners of Perugia
Federico Donelli, University of Genoa, Italy
“Realists(ism) or Idealists(ism)? Turkish Approach in Syria and Somalia”
Ibrahim Natil, Society Voice Foundation
“Turkish NGOs and the Arab Spring”
Emel Parlar Dal, Marmara University
“The Rise of Cosmopolitanist Discourse in Turkish Foreign Policy in the Arab
spring Era”
Session 2
Historical Materialism and IR II
Chair: Faruk Yalvaç, METU
Burak Erdinç, METU
Gender or Class?
Gürsan Şenalp, Atılım University
“Social Classes: From Classical to Global Political Economy”
Veysel Tekdal, Eskişehir Osmangazi University
Neo-Gramscianism - Did it fail as a Project?
Hasan Yükselen, METU
Complexity Theory: Is it Dialectical?
Session 3
Ethnic Violence, Terrorism & Sub-state Conflicts
Ini Dele-Adedeji, SOAS
“Iterations of the Shari’a ideal within Islamist movements in Northern
Yiğit Anıl Güzelipek, ÇankırıKaratekin University
“20 Years after Rwanda Genocide”
JafarHaghpanah, Tehran University
“Omnibalancing:An Analitical Pattern For Explianing The Role
Of Ethnicity in Foreign Policy”
Çağla Kılıç, Durhem University
Kenan Alper Lök, Kings College
“Ethnic Terrorism in Sri Lanka”
Session 4
Not So Great Powers
Ikboljon Qoraboyev, TurgutÖzal University
“Regionalism and Grand Strategy of Rising Powers: China and Russia in Global
Normative Rivalry”
Jeffrey Robertson, KDI School of Public Policy and Management
“What’s in a definition? The never-ending problem of defining middlepowers”
Abdullah Yuvacı, Melikşah University
“Small States and Foreign Policy”
11.00 – 12.30
Session 1
Paradigmatic Debates in IR Theory
Kemal Ciftci, UfukUniversity
“Construction of International Politics Upon "Second Nature"
Mehmet Akif Kumral, Gaziosmanpaşa University
“Intra-Paradigmatic Discursive Divisions in IR: Reexamining Reasons and
Ahmed Ali Salem, Institute for Islamic World Studies, Zayed University, UAE
“What Is Constructivist About Realism?: Constructivist Critiquing of the Realist
Paradigm in International Relations”
Buğra Sarı,Gazi University
“The Significance of the Argument "Theory is always for Someone and for
some Purpose" for the Study of International Relations”
Session 2
Energy Factor in Turkey-Iran Relations
Omid Shokri Kalehsar, Yalova University
“Energy factor in Iran-Turkey Relations”
Mahmood Monshipouri, San Francisco State University, USA
“Potential for the Expansion of Iranian Natural Gas Exports: Exploring Some
Implications for Iran-Turkey Relations”
Eren Alper Yılmaz, Dokuz Eylül University
Orhan Irk, Dokuz Eylül University
“New Boundaries Drawn by Oil: An Analysis on Turkey-Iraq and Iran
Session 3
The Debate over the Actor’s Impact and the Role
in the International Relations Theories
Chair: Çınar Özen, Ankara University
Ekrem Akçay, Ankara University
“The Effect of Liberal Intergovernmentalism: Pattern of the Privileged
Tamer Kaşıkçı, Ankara University
“The Role of the United Nations as an International Organization within the
International System”
Mustafa Yetim, Eskişehir Osmangazi University
“The Impact of Hezbollah as a Violent Non-State Actor over the Middle East
After Arab Spring: Limitations and Prospects”
Session 4
Non-Western approaches to IR II
Nurzhanat Ametbek, Ankara University
“China's Search for International Relations Theory”
Zeynep Gulsah Capan, University of Erfurt
“Whose Non-West?”
Asena Demirer, Yeditepe University
“From One dimensional to Multidimensional IRT: A Comparison between
Chineese, Ottoman and American Image of World Orders”
Abdul Gaffar, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
“The Case of the 'Other India' and Indian IR Scholarship”
14.00 – 15.30
Session 1
Islamic Perspectives on Theory in International
Waleed Ali, GTZ DGIZ
Karim Khashaba, Cairo University
“Islam and Democracy are they Compatible?”
Abdalhadi M. Alijla, State University of Milan
“Islam and International Relations: A Comparative Study on Sovereignty”
Mohibul Haque, Aligarh Muslim University
“Beyond the Paradigm of Nation-State System: Perspectives on Islam and
International Relations”
Yusuf Sayın, Selçuk University
“Foreign Policy Analysis in Islam and International Relations”
Tareq Sharawi, Alliance of Civilizations Institute
“Comparative Analogy of War between Classical Islamists and Headley Bull”
Session 2
Issues in Turkish Foreign Policy
Berna Aksoy Özcan, Nişantaşı University
“The Principle of National Security in Turkish Foreign Policy at the Era of
Ataturk "Peace at Home, Peace in the World"
Shatlyk Amanov, Melikşah University
“Multilateralism in Turkish Foreign Policy under AK Party Rule: A Bid for
Regional Leadership without Any Outreach?”
Fırat Bayar, Office of the Chief Foreign Policy Advisor to the President
“Cyprus Issue in Turkish Foreign Policy (TFP): A Global Governance
Ertan Beşe, Turkish National Police Academy
Merve Seren, Turkish National Police Academy
“Examining the Evolving Role of Think Tanks in the Making of Turkey’s
Security Policy and Their Influence on Strategic Decision-Making Processes”
Session 3
Security Analysis
Veysel Atalay, Kara Harp Okulu Akademik Gelişim ve Değerlendirme
Enes Avcu, Kara Harp Okulu Akademik Gelişim ve Değerlendirme
Naim Civan, Kara Harp Okulu Dumlupınar Taburu
Talha Istanbullu, Kara Harp Okulu Dumlupınar Taburu
“From an Evolutionary Perspective the Concept of War and Power:
Multiple Paradigms Multiple Downfalls”
Ersin İçöz, Marmara University
Okan Gülbak, Istanbul Commerce University
Tuncer Beyribey, Marmara University
“Just One Click Away: Searching for the Enemy through National Security
Agency Surveillance System”
Şebnem Udum, Hacettepe University
“Nuclear Security: The Changing Nature of Nuclear Threat and Response”
Session 4
International Political Economy in Practice
Erman Aksüt, London School of Economics & METU
“The International Political Economy of Central Bank Independence in Turkey”
Ume Laila, KDI School of Public Policy and Management
Asif Zaheer Shaikh, KDI School of Public Policy and Management
“Impact Of Foreign Direct Investment Over Economıc Growth Of Pakistan”
Gonca Oğuz Gök, Marmara University
Emel Parlar Dal, Marmara University
“Understanding Turkey's Emerging "Civilian" Foreign Policy Role in the African
Region through Development Cooperation”
Mihriban Tağ, Ministry of Development
“Macroeconomics of Security”
16.00 – 17.30
Session 1
Islamic Perspectives on Praxis in IR
Chair: Nassef Manabilang Adiong, METU
Benjamin Maiangwa, United Nations University
“Between Political Islam and Religious Radicalization: Towards a Nuanced
Understanding of Boko Haram Terrorism in Nigeria”
Mehmet Ali Mert, Hacettepe University
Cenay Babaoğlu, Hacettepe University
“The Impact of Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) to Turkish Foreign
Policy as an International Political Actor”
Setareh Sadeqi Mohammadi, Islamic Azad University of Shahreza, Iran
“Revival of Muslim Identity, Key to More Unity and Stability in the Middle
Fadi Zatari, Alliance of Civilizations Institute
“The Utilization of 'Jihad' and 'Hudna' as Tools of Foreign Policy by Hamas
towards Israel”
Session 2
International Dimensions of Socio-Political Issues
Elif Davutoğlu, Erzincan University
“Relationship between Development and Culture from the Perspective of
Dependency and Modernization Theories”
Elçin Doruk, Ege University
“Migration Fact and Border Management in Turkey”
Can Zeyrek, University of Marburg
“Consequences of Co-optation of Modern Neofundamentalism in Democratic
Parliamentary Systems - Obstacles to Democratic Consolidation in Turkey”
Session 3
Energy Security
Farkhad Alimukhamedov, Turgut Özal University
“Waterstress as a Source of Political Conflict in Contemporary Central Asia”
Rupakjyoti Borah, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University,
“India-China Relations and the Struggle for Energy Resources: Can It Lead to
Fadıl Ersözer, University of Manchester
George Kyris, University of Warwick,
Tomas Maltby, University of Manchester
“Energy and Conflict Resolution: The Case of Cyprus”
Zehra Wellman, University of Tübingen
“Securitization of Energy and the Securtization of climate change - Competing
and complementing discourses in Germany and Turkey”
Session 4
Multiple Approaches in Multifaceted Foreign
Policy of Turkey
Oktay Aksoy, Foreign Policy Institute
“Basics of Turkey's Evolving Policy towards Russia”
Onur Erpul, Florida International University
“Evolution of Turkey's Security Policy Before, During and at the End of the
Cold War”
Numan Hazar, Foreign Policy Institute
“The Opening towards Africa and Latin America”
Seyfi Taşhan, Foreign Policy Institute
“Shifts and Stability Factors in Turkey's Relations with the West”