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IAF - Accredia
International Accreditation Forum, Inc. (IAF)
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Minutes of the IAF Nineteenth Annual General Assembly
Langham Hotel,
Auckland, New Zealand
Saturday 17 and Monday 19 September 2005
Welcome and Convening of Meeting.
1.1.1. On behalf of the hosts, International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ), the IAF
Chairman, Dr Thomas Facklam, welcomed all delegates to New Zealand and declared the
Nineteenth Annual General Assembly (GA) Meeting open. The Chairman said that it was a
long way to travel to New Zealand, but as our colleagues from IANZ had to make the same
journey every time they attended a General Assembly meeting, it was only right that
members returned the favour and did the same.
1.1.2. The Chairman called for a roll call and referred to the proxies which had been
received prior to the meeting. The list of proxies as read by the Secretary was accepted.
1.1.3. The Chairman declared a quorum.
1.1.4. The Chairman reminded delegates of the availability of the official Member List and
of the fact that only the nominated Member Representatives were authorised to speak and
vote on behalf of the Member they represented.
2.1.1. Members adopted the following resolution:
IAF Resolution 2005-01 – (Agenda Item 2) Acceptance of Apologies and
Proxies – The General Assembly received and accepted the list of apologies for
non-attendance and accepted the notifications of proxies by members.
Approval of Agenda
3.1.1. The draft agenda was adopted. It was noted that 6.3 Report of the Development
Support Committee and 8.1 Report from ISO/IEC would be given at the meeting of the Joint
IAF-ILAC General Assemblies (JGA). It was agreed that 5.2 Report from the Treasurer
would be presented following the international liaison reports. Members adopted the
following resolution:
IAF Resolution 2005-02 – (Agenda Item 3) Approval of the Agenda – The
General Assembly adopted the draft agenda (ref IAF–AM–05-001).
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Minutes of the Eighteenth General Assembly Meeting of IAF
4.1. Adoption of Minutes
4.1.1. The draft minutes were approved. Members adopted the following resolution:
IAF Resolution 2005-03 – (Agenda Item 4) Minutes of the Eighteenth Meeting The General Assembly approved the draft Minutes as a true record of the
Eighteenth Annual Meeting, held in Cape Town, South Africa, on 9 and 11 October,
2004 (ref IAF–AM–05-008) as circulated.
4.2. Matters Arising from the Minutes
4.2.1. There were no matters arising from the minutes that were not already included in the
agenda for this meeting.
5.1. Report by the Chairman
5.1.1. The Chairman presented his report, noting that it was pleasing to see the increase in
IAF membership continuing. IAF now had a total of 69 members, these being 46
Accreditation Body Members, 14 Association Members (9 certification/registration body
associations and 5 industry/user associations), 4 Regional Groups with special recognition,
2 Partner Members and 3 Observer Members. During the year the licensing arrangements
for the IAF MLA Mark had been extended to cover the EMS and Product MLAs and the
response to this had been very supportive. A request had been received to clarify which
programs the Mark could be used with and this will be addressed by the IAF Executive.
The registration and protection of the Mark was being undertaken on behalf of Members by
IAF and was ongoing with an allocation of US $30,000 in the budget for this activity. The
IAF Code of Conduct had now been adopted by 45 Accreditation Body Members, with only
one member still to sign. This was very encouraging. The relationship with ILAC had
strengthened considerably over the last 12 months, with three new Joint Working Groups
(JWG) being formed. An Agreement for Closer Cooperation with ILAC had been developed
and it was proposed that this would be signed at the Joint General Assemblies on the
following day. In 2002 the IAF Executive had held a special Strategic Directions meeting
and the opportunity would be taken this November to review progress on the IAF Scorecard
and to plan future strategies. The Chairman invited members to forward their suggestions
concerning IAF future directions to the Secretary. A further Customer Satisfaction Survey
had recently been completed with an overall increase in the satisfaction of the service
provided by Accreditation Bodies (ABs). However the competence of ABs and their
assessors needed to be focused on.
The Chairman referred to the Chairman’s Advisory Group on Promotion which had been
formed at the Berlin GA. This group had consisted primarily of only one person, with
occasional help from a few others. While it had been possible to successfully develop the
IAF Newsletter, it was now necessary to provide more support to this area and it was
proposed that a proper committee should be formed.
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If this was agreed to by the GA draft Terms of Reference would be circulated for comment
and ballot approval. With regard to finance, due to a greater than 30 % decrease in the
value of the US $ against the Euro over the last few years, it had been necessary to budget
for a 10 % increase in membership fees for this year. Many members had in fact been
paying lower membership fees in real terms than they had in 2003 due to changes in
currency exchange rates. The Chairman concluded by covering the main elements of the
Cross Frontier Accreditation Policy and the experience gained in establishing networks of
ABs and the definition of critical locations. Members adopted the following resolution:
IAF Resolution 2005-04 – (Agenda Item 5.1) Report by the Chairman - The
General Assembly received with appreciation the report of the Chairman as
5.1.2. Mr Anthony Craven, Convener of the Chairman’s Advisory Group (CAG) on
Promotions, referred to the first edition of the IAF Newsletter which had been published in
February this year. The second edition was planned to be issued in October and would be
Web based. A corporate brochure was being developed which would cover information
about IAF and the benefits of accreditation, a possible case study and the full IAF
membership list. It was anticipated that this would be available in October/November. Mr
Craven said that following the comments received at last year’s GA he had met with
representatives of the ILAC and Regional Accreditation Group (the Regions)
communication committees to discuss mutual objectives, the pooling of resources to raise
awareness and to promote the international mutual recognition framework. There were a
number of advantages in doing so, including avoiding duplication of effort, providing a
united message and minimising any confusion between accreditation "products". Mr
Craven proposed that a joint committee should be formed with ILAC and the Regions to
undertake joint promotional activities. The time had also come to establish a formal
committee within IAF to deal with the increasingly important areas of promotion and
communications. It could no longer be undertaken by only one person.
5.1.3. In response to Mr Craven’s presentation it was suggested that the emphasis should
be on communications rather than promotion. It was felt that there was a critical need to
communicate with stakeholders and it was important to ensure that the Terms of Reference
clearly identified what was expected from such a committee. Members felt that greater use
of the Web to support the MLA and interaction with ILAC and the Regions would be of
value. Members adopted the following resolutions:
IAF Resolution 2005-05 – (Agenda Item 5.1.2) Report of Chairman’s Advisory
Group on Promotions – The General Assembly received with appreciation the
report of the Convener of the Chairman’s Advisory Group on Promotions as
IAF Resolution 2005-06 – (Agenda Item 5.1.2) Formation of Communications and
Marketing Committee – The General Assembly resolved to establish a
Communications and Marketing Committee and directs the Board to circulate to all
IAF Members draft Terms of Reference for 60 day comment and subsequent
approval by 30 day ballot and to seek nominations for the chairmanship.
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IAF Resolution 2005-07 – (Agenda Item 5.1.2) Joint Working Group on
Communications – The General Assembly resolved to establish a Joint Working
Group with ILAC for communications and marketing of issues of common interest. It
was further resolved that the respective Chairs of the IAF and ILAC Communications
and Marketing Committees, together with those from the Regional Accreditation
Groups and a member representing unaffiliated bodies, should prepare draft Terms of
Reference and a proposed constitution to be considered by the Executive Committee
at its first meeting in 2006.
5.2. Report by the Treasurer
Report considered following item 8 of the agenda.
5.3. Secretary’s Report
5.3.1. The Secretary referred to the official Member List, listing the names of Member
Bodies and the authorised Member Representatives, which was available in the meeting
room in accordance with the requirements of the Bylaws. Members adopted the following
resolution –
IAF Resolution 2005-08 – (Agenda Item 5.3.1) Current Membership - The General
Assembly received the report by the Secretary on the current IAF membership as at
September 2005 (ref IAF-AM-05-002 Rev1).
5.3.2. The Secretary reported that all members had paid their membership fees for 2005
as of the end of April.
5.3.3. The Secretary reported on the transfer of INN (Chile) from an Association Member
to an Accreditation Body Member and the addition of two new Observer Members, WFSO
and EASC, since the IAF 18 General Assembly Meeting. Since his report had been
circulated, two ballots concerning the application for membership by OLAS and IPC had
closed and members had voted in support of their joining IAF. At the start of the year, Mr
Dale Misczynski, IAF Director representing the Industry and User Association Members had
resigned, along with ITIC, the organisation he had represented. Members adopted the
following resolutions:
IAF Resolution 2005-09 – (Agenda Item 5.3.3) New Members - The General
Assembly received the Secretary’s report (ref IAF GA19 Item 5.3) on the admission to
membership since the 2004 Annual Meeting of the National Institute for
Standardization (INN), Chile as an Accreditation Body Member having transferred
from Association Body membership, and two new Observer Members (WFSO - World
Food Safety Organisation and EASC – the Euro-Asian Council for Standardization,
Metrology and Certification for a 12 month period). The General Assembly also noted
the resignation since the 2004 Annual Meeting of ITIC, the Information Technology
Industry Council (USA).
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IAF Resolution 2005-10 – (Agenda Item 5.3.4) Admission of OLAS and IPC - The
General Assembly, noting the information provided to it, voted to an extend invitation
to OLAS, the Luxembourg Office of Accreditation and Surveillance to become an
Accreditation Body Member and IPC, the International Personnel Certification
Association, to become an Association Body Member.
Note: OLAS (Luxembourg) and IPC (Worldwide) signed the IAF MoU at a ceremony
during the IAF-ILAC Gala Dinner on 17 September 2005.
5.3.4. The GA noted that further information was being awaited to support membership
applications received from the Foundation Sammarinese for Accreditation of Inspection
Body (ESAOCI), IOAS and NISM Kyrgz. A recent membership application had been
received from the Hellenic Accreditation System (ESYD) and it had been agreed by the
Executive that this should be circulated to all members for ballot.
5.3.5. The Secretary reported that a total of 18 formal complaints had been received by
IAF since September 2002. Of these, 16 had been successfully resolved and only two
were currently open and in course of investigation.
Committee Reports
6.1. Report of the Technical Committee
6.1.1. Mr Randy Dougherty (ANAB), Chairman of the Technical Committee (TC), reported
that the committee had met for two days during the week following meetings of associated
groups including the Auditing Practices Group (APG), the Accreditation Auditing Practices
Group (AAPG), the JWG developing guidance on ISO/IEC 17011 and the Task Force on
Advanced Surveillance and Reassessment Procedures/Computer Assisted Audit
Techniques (ASRP/CAAT). At the TC it had been agreed to establish a new task force to
maintain a log of key TC decisions and to include a standing agenda item covering liaison
reports from the Regions. It was also agreed to form a new working group on PEFC for the
exchange of information between ABs and industry involved with forest management and
chain of custody issues. The TC had decided to suspend further development of the White
Paper on auditing regulatory compliance as there were wide regional differences and it was
felt it would be unlikely to be able to gain consensus. Some work was being undertaken in
the UK which might overcome the need for this project. The TC had discussed the various
proposals concerning future Annual Meetings and there had been general support to
moving the main meeting to that held in February/March and the second meeting for the
year immediately after the GA. It was very difficult to finalise reports and obtain approval
for the TC resolutions in just one day before the GA. During the year the IAF TC had
successfully balloted a revision to IAF GD 2 for temporary sites and ASRP/CAAT for QMS.
These would be published in the near future and would become effective 12 months later.
The approved amendments for temporary sites for IAF GD 6 would be held until the
amendments for ASRP/CAAT had been finalised and approved. The full work program had
been reviewed and it had been agreed to continue five existing projects and to commence
five new ones. The TC had also proposed a resolution following discussion on the
accreditation of training course providers and whether or not it conformed with ISO/IEC
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Members adopted the following resolutions:
IAF Resolution 2005-11 – (Agenda Item 6.1) Report from the Chairman of the
Technical Committee - The General Assembly received with appreciation the report
from the Chairman of the Technical Committee (ref IAF 19 – Item 6.1) and approved
the Technical Committee Program.
IAF Resolution 2005-12 – (Agenda Item 6.1) Cross Frontier Accreditation Policy The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the Technical Committee
resolved that the principles of the IAF Cross Frontier Accreditation Policy apply to all
fields of accredited certification offered under IAF membership.
IAF Resolution 2005-13 – (Agenda Item 6.2) JWG for Guidance to ISO/IEC 17011
– The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the Technical Committee,
the Executive Committee and the JCCC, endorsed the draft Terms of Reference of
the Joint Working Group (JWG) for Guidance to ISO/IEC 17011.
IAF Resolution 2005-14 – (Agenda Item 6.2) Accreditation of Training Course
Providers – Given that a training course provider is not a conformity assessment
body and so by definition assessment and approval of a training course provider is
not accreditation;
and given that as ISO/IEC 17011:2004, clause 4.3.6.a, states that an accreditation
body will not provide any service that affects its impartiality such as those conformity
assessment services that Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) perform, such as
the certification of service providers based on ISO/IEC Guide 65,
the General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the Technical Committee,
resolved that accreditation of training course providers is not in conformance with
ISO/IEC 17011:2004.
6.1.2. Dr Nigel Croft, the ISO 9001 Advisory Group (IAG) Co-chair representing ISO/TC
176, presented the IAG report to the meeting. He explained that the IAG was a multilateral
group focusing on issues affecting the credibility of the ISO 9001 standard and had
membership from IAF Accreditation Bodies (ABs) and Certification/Registration Body
(CRBs) association members, IAF industry members, ISO/TC 176 representatives,
ISO/CASCO members, and IPC (formerly IATCA) members. The IAG had recommended
the extension of the auditing practices guidance to cover accreditation which had resulted in
the formation of the Accreditation Auditing Practices Group (AAPG). The IAG had
published a brochure titled "ISO 9001 in the supply chain" which was available from both
the ISO and IAF websites. Dr Croft encourage members to provide a link from their own
websites to this document. In closing, Dr Croft said that the IAG had been reviewing how to
deal with customer complaints and had formed a small subgroup to study this. He referred
to the ANAB website which he felt covered complaints very well and recommended
members consider providing similar portals on their own websites.
6.1.3. Dr Thione (SINCERT), the IAF Co-convener of the Auditing Practices Group (APG),
provided background to the formation of the APG, and more recently the AAPG. The two
groups had met together for two days earlier in the week.
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The APG had revised two existing papers and drafted a further five papers, some of which
were already in their final stage of development. The AAPG had been equally productive
and had prepared drafts for four new papers. The Chairman said that the two groups had
produced a lot of work in a very short time and recommended that consideration be given to
using their outputs in IAF marketing activities. Mr Dougherty commended the groups on
their excellent work and very quick production rate. He informed the meeting that
translations of the APG documents into Spanish, Japanese and Chinese were now being
6.2. Report of the MLA Committee
6.2.1. Ms Elva Nilsen (SCC), the IAF Vice Chair, informed the meeting that Mr Xiao
Jianhua (CNAB), the Chairman of the MLA Committee, had unfortunately been unable to
attend the Annual Meetings and she had chaired the meeting of the MLA Committee
instead. The Committee had reviewed its Strategic Directions responsibilities and had
noted that good progress had been made during the year with respect to items A5 and A6.
The MLA Management Committee (MLA MC) had met in June in Frankfurt and again during
the week under the acting chairmanship of Mr Jean-Pierre Jaunin (SAS). The MLA MC had
recommended to the MLA Group that OAA (Argentina) should be admitted to the IAF QMS,
EMS and Product MLAs. PCA (Poland) had been accepted for membership of the three
MLAs earlier in the year via its EA MLA membership. As a result of the acceptance of OAA
and PCA into the IAF MLAs, the number of signatories would now be 36 ABs and 2 regional
groups for the IAF QMS MLA, 29 ABs and 2 regional groups for the IAF EMS MLA and 23
ABs and 2 regional groups for the IAF Product MLA. Ms Nilsen congratulated the new MLA
members. Members adopted the following resolutions:–
IAF Resolution 2005-15 – (Agenda Item 6.2) Report from the Chairman of the
MLA Committee - The General Assembly received with appreciation the report from
IAF Vice Chair on behalf of the Chairman of the MLA Committee (ref IAF 19 – Item
IAF Resolution 2005-16 – (Agenda Item 6.2) New IAF MLA Signatory – The
General Assembly noted that the IAF MLA Group, on the recommendation of the MLA
MC, agreed that OAA (Argentina) should be admitted to the IAF QMS, EMS and
Product MLAs. It was also noted that as a consequence of EA MLA membership,
PCA (Poland, EA) had been accepted for membership in the IAF MLAs for QMS,
EMS and Product earlier in the year.
Note: OAA signed the IAF QMS, EMS and Product MLA at a ceremony during the
IAF-ILAC Gala Dinner on 17 September 2005. PCA signed the MLAs in February
6.2.2. The transition to ISO/IEC 17011 was continuing with MLA members being required
to demonstrate their compliance to this standard by 1 January 2006. Peer evaluations were
currently being conducted against ISO/IEC 17011. A joint IAF-ILAC training workshop for
peer evaluators had been held for two days immediately prior to the Annual Meetings. The
main topics were the review of ISO/IEC 17011, the A-series documents, good auditing
practices and methodologies.
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6.2.3. The MLA Committee had received proposed terms of reference for the JWG for the
Training of Peer Evaluators and the JWG for the Maintenance of the A-Series and had
recommended these be approved by the GA. With respect to the IAF MLA Mark, the Mark
Licensing Agreement had been revised during the year to allow for licensing of both the
EMS and Product MLAs as well as the QMS MLA. There had been a number of queries
regarding the use of the MLA Mark for different programs and scopes and the MLA
Committee had requested that these be clarified by the IAF Executive Committee. The
MLA Committee had recommended that the A-Series documents be updated to crossreference ISO/IEC 17011, for implementation by 1 January 2006. The draft document for
the IAF P&P issue 4 had been circulated for 60 day comment and during the week the
Procedures Subcommittee had reviewed the comments received. The draft had been
updated and it was now recommended that it be circulated for 30 day ballot. The draft
document for annual operating costs of the IAF MLAs had been revised following comment
and would now be circulated to members for information. Members adopted the following
IAF Resolution 2005-17 – (Agenda Item 6.2) JWG for Training of Peer Evaluators
- The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the MLA Committee, the
Executive Committee and the JCCC, endorsed the draft Terms of Reference of the
Joint Working Group (JWG) for Training of Peer Evaluators, the proposed
composition of the JWG, the disbanding of the existing IAF Training Sub-Committee
and the transfer of the existing membership to the JWG.
IAF Resolution 2005-18 – (Agenda Item 6.2) JWG for Maintenance of the A-Series
Documents – The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the MLA
Committee, the Executive Committee and the JCCC, endorsed the draft Terms of
Reference of the Joint Working Group (JWG) for Maintenance of the A-Series
Documents and the composition of the JWG.
IAF Resolution 2005-19 – (Agenda Item 6.2) Acceptance of IAF MLAs and Use of
IAF MLA Mark - The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the MLA
Committee, resolved to recommend that the IAF Executive Committee establish a
Task Group for the consideration of the open questions regarding the use of the IAF
MLA Mark for different programs and scopes and provide clear guidelines for use of
the IAF MLA Mark.
IAF Resolution 2005-20 – (Agenda Item 6.2) A-series Cross-references - The
General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the MLA Committee, resolved
that the A-series documents (A1, A2 and A3) be updated to reference ISO/IEC
17011, for implementation by 1 January 2006.
IAF Resolution 2005-21 – (Agenda Item 6.2) IAF P&P Issue 4 – The General
Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the MLA Committee, resolved that the
“IAF Policies and Procedures for a Multilateral Recognition Arrangement on the Level
of Accreditation Bodies and on the Level of Regional Groups (Issue 4, version 1)” be
circulated to all IAF Members for approval by 30 day ballot.
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6.2.4. At the 2004 GA a resolution had been passed that the MLA MC would monitor the
implementation of the Cross Frontier Accreditation policy by each MLA signatory. In April
and May of this year, the MLA MC in cooperation with the regional MLA Groups, had
conducted a survey to determine the implementation status. The results of this survey,
together with input from the MLA MC and the MLA Group, had been reviewed by the MLA
Committee which had proposed that a date be confirmed by which all foreign critical
locations were assessed on-site. Members adopted the following resolution:
IAF Resolution 2005-22 - (Agenda item 6.2) Implementation of the Cross Frontier
Accreditation Policy The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the
MLA Committee, accepted the report of the Cross Frontier Accreditation Practices
Task Group and urged that action be taken to confirm a date by which all foreign
critical locations are assessed on-site with results to be reported by the MLA
Committee at the 2006 General Assembly.
6.2.5. At the MLA Group meeting earlier in the week the final terms of reference had been
agreed. This had followed an extensive period of consultation and these had now been
accepted by the MLA Committee. Members adopted the following resolution:
IAF Resolution 2005-23 - (Agenda item 6.2) MLA Group Terms of Reference - The
General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the MLA Committee, endorsed
the draft Terms of Reference of the MLA Group.
6.2.6. Ms Nilsen informed the meeting that the IAF MLA MC and the ILAC AMC had been
working together for some time to conduct joint evaluations of Regional Accreditation
Groups and ABs. At the 2004 GA a resolution had been agreed that this arrangement
should be formalised and that the Executives of both IAF and ILAC should consider the
establishment of a common structure for the management of the IAF MLAs and ILAC MRA.
The MLA Committee had supported a recommendation by the MLA MC which would enable
joint meetings to be held with the ILAC AMC to consider evaluations for inspection body
accreditations, and joint meetings of the MLA Group and the ILAC Arrangement Council for
decisions on approvals for the MLMRA on inspection body accreditation, when this program
had become active. Members adopted the following resolution:
IAF Resolution 2005-24 – (Agenda Item 6.2) Joint Management of the MLA-MRA The General Assembly resolved
- to recommend to ILAC to hold joint meetings of the IAF MLA MC and ILAC AMC,
with support by the Secretariats of both the IAF MLA MC and ILAC AMC, to consider
evaluations with regard to regional MLA/MRA groups/non-affiliated ABs for the
MLMRA on inspection body accreditation (once operational) and to develop a single
recommendation for the IAF MLA Group and the ILAC Arrangement Council for
inspection body accreditation signatories;
- to recommend to ILAC to hold joint meetings of the IAF MLA Group and ILAC
Arrangement Council for decisions by the IAF MLA Group and the ILAC Arrangement
Council on signatories for the MLMRA on inspection body accreditation (once
operational) and non-affiliated ABs;
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- to recommend to ILAC to hold joint meetings of the IAF MLA MC and ILAC AMC,
for the organization and planning of peer evaluations (regional and non-affiliated ABs)
for accreditation of other CABs where there are common activities, and to jointly
consider common elements of evaluation reports from such evaluations.
6.2.7. Mr Andersen (DANAK) queried the situation with regard to the Multilateral
Cooperative Accreditation Arrangement (MCAA). Ms Nilsen said that the MLA Committee
had discussed this a year ago and it had been agreed that it would endeavour to identify
the benefits of the MCAA. To assist with this task Members had been invited to provide
copies of their own arrangements to the IAF Secretary for posting onto the Members-only
side of the website. The MLA Group had also discussed the MCAA and it had been agreed
that all agreements would be analysed and feedback provided on the benefits and
drawbacks of these. This would be overviewed by the MLA MC. Mr Sutherland (IIOC)
commented that if it was to be reviewed by the MLA MC, then this was a closed committee.
Ms Nilsen indicated that the MLA MC did have a CRB and an industry representative, but it
was likely that a separate task group would be formed with membership being unrestricted.
6.3. Report of the Development Support Committee
6.3.1. The GA noted that the report of the Development Support Committee (DSC) would
be presented to the Joint General Assemblies by Ms Verónica Garcia de Solórzano on
behalf of Mrs Beatrice Mutabazi, the IAF Co-Chair of the Joint Development Support
Committee (JDSC), who had been unable to attend the meeting. Members adopted the
following resolutions:
IAF Resolution 2005-25 - (Agenda item 6.3) Development Support Committee The General Assembly received with appreciation the report from the acting Co-Chair
of the Joint Development Support Committee (JDSC), noted the request of the JDSC,
and recommended that the results of future surveys conducted by the Cross Frontier
Accreditation Practices Task Group be presented to clearly indicate data from
developed and developing countries.
IAF Resolution 2005-26 - (Agenda item 6.3) Development Support Committee The General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the JDSC, requests that the
MLA Committee be aware that the Cross Frontier Accreditation Policy can also be
used for the purpose of training personnel from Accreditation Bodies in developing
countries which are not MLA signatories.
IAF Open Forum Presentations/Discussions
7.1. IAF Strategic Directions
7.1.1. Mr Dougherty (ANAB) reported that as the IAF Co-convener of ISO CASCO WG 21
which was currently developing ISO 17021, he believed that this was fulfilling the charter for
close interaction between IAF and ISO. In a number of instances he had responded to
inquiries concerning this work that this could only really be done on the basis of a personal
view. If an official IAF position was required then it was necessary to submit a discussion
paper to the TC. While traditional IAF guidance took some time to prepare and produced a
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normative document, a new tool was now available via the APG being able to produce
documents which were informative and educational.
7.1.2. It was agreed that each of the main committee Chairs had covered how they
intended to meet the objectives of the Strategic Directions in their respective committee
7.2. Customer Satisfaction Task Group (CSTG) Update
7.2.1. The Convener of the Task Group, Mr Robert King (ANAB), provided a presentation
covering the second customer satisfaction survey carried out during the year, the research
goals confirmed by the GA at last year's meeting and the research design which had been
used to reduce the cost from US$52,000 down to US$10,000. This survey had been
carried out in conjunction with the Regional Accreditation Groups which had distributed the
questionnaire to CRBs via their own member ABs. A total of 148 replies had been received
compared with 99 in the 2003 survey. Some key results had been that the number of
accreditations held by CRBs had dropped since the first survey, CRB satisfaction with their
AB had seemed to improve and that dissatisfaction levels had been significantly reduced.
There had been a reduction from 90% to 78% in the perceived value of an IAF accreditation
mark recognised worldwide. There had been improvement in CRBs’ overall satisfaction
with the progress of ABs in achieving mutual recognition using the IAF MLA. Mr King said
that in conclusion the survey indicated that IAF and its members had made progress in a
number of areas, with CRBs being more satisfied in general with the IAF and their ABs.
7.2.2. Mr Sallé (IAAR) commented that members should not lose sight that some 35% of
responses were still dissatisfied. There might also be some regional anomalies but he was
not sure if this was the case. It was also difficult to compare results with those obtained in
2003. Several members felt that it was important to report back to the respondents on the
results of the survey and the discussion at the GA. Dr Croft (ISO/TC 176) proposed that
the ISO 9000 Advisory Group (IAG) should work with the CSTG to determine ways of
getting closer to the customers. The Chairman said that all ABs would be doing something
to measure their customers’ satisfaction and it might be helpful if the data obtained from
CRBs could be analysed. Mr Shaw (UKAS) informed the meeting that the TC had heard
that a number of major purchasers were not happy with ISO 9001 accredited certification.
He felt that if it was not possible to resolve the problem at the root cause level then there
was no point in doing further surveys. If it was possible to get this right then purchasers
would market accreditation for the ABs. Mr Sutherland (IIOC) said he shared Mr Shaw's
views and that the problem with the survey was that it was not looking at the final customer.
There was a need for an enhanced reputation in the marketplace for accredited certification
and unfortunately it seemed to be gaining a diminished reputation. There was a need to
know if the accredited aspect was adding to the attractiveness to the final customer. Mr
Venkataraman (NABCB) concurred and said that he had made inquiries with customers
and industries and had found many had reported no significant difference in product quality
before and after ISO 9001 certification. Dr Croft said that it was crucial that some feedback
loop be put in place to ensure that customers were being listened to. Five years ago the
automotive industry had expressed concerns with the results of ISO 9001 certification and
because not enough was done to rectify this it had walked away from IAF accreditation. He
had now heard similar rumblings from the telecommunications industry.
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7.2.3. A number of members felt that it was not of any real benefit to continue conducting
this type of survey. Mr Pina (ENAC) suggested that IAF could provide various questions to
the Regional Accreditation Groups on how IAF should enhance its performance and ask
them to include these in their own surveys. IAF itself should survey its members as to the
service it was providing to them. In response to a proposal to prepare an action plan and
communicate this to customers, Mr Craven (JAS-ANZ) stressed that all members made up
what IAF was, and everybody needed to be involved in working to overcome these
problems. He pointed out that not one comment had been received from members on the
Strategic Directions prepared by the IAF Executive. Mr Sallé (IAAR) said that there was a
need to invest in exploring the benefits of accreditation; unfortunately nothing had been
invested in determining this to date. Mr Béland (CEA) said that he was a real client of IAF
who used ISO 9001 accredited certification and he himself was not particularly happy with
the results being produced. This was why he had become involved in the Auditing
Practices Group. He felt that the ABs needed to get more feedback information from the
CRBs and their direct clients. He offered to be involved with a small group to help clarify
the problem and propose some actions. The Chairman thanked Mr Béland and it was
agreed to form a small group to focus on the concerns expressed and report to the final
session of the GA. It was agreed that this group would consist of 2 industry
representatives, 2 ABs, 2 CRBs and Dr Croft from ISO/TC 176.
7.3. Transition for ISO/IEC 17011
7.3.1. It was agreed that this had been covered in Agenda Item 6.3 and by Resolution
7.4. Cross Frontier Accreditation Policy Implementation
7.4.1. The GA discussed concerns associated with bilateral agreements and
disenchantment by some members with being subcontracted to foreign ABs. It was
suggested that what was needed instead was a spirit of cooperation which was not always
evident. The Chairman indicated that it had been felt experience should be gained with the
different types of arrangements which could be made before making any definite proposals.
He suggested that perhaps in the next year or so consideration might be given to including
the necessary arrangements in the MLA itself, which would then confirm that all MLA
signatories were equal. Mr Dougherty (ANAB) indicated that his organisation did not have
the resources to immediately visit the 350 to 400 critical locations which had been
identified. These were being prioritised but some in effect would not be getting any
oversight at all. If he had to rely on bilateral arrangements he had calculated that it would
require something in the order of 2025 agreements. The Chairman said that as he had
indicated in his report to the GA there was a need to reach agreement on the amount of
witness audits and the definition of auditor competence.
7.5. Status of MLA Mark Registration and Application
7.5.1. Mr Tom Arnold (IAAR), the Chairman of the Procedures Subcommittee, handed out
IAF lapel badges showing the shape and the letters IAF, as an example of the entity being
registered as the IAF logo/MLA Mark. It was intended that by not including words in the
surround this would provide greater flexibility in its application. Registration applications
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had been made in some 57 countries, primarily using the Madrid and CTM systems
(European Community trademark system). Forty-three countries had issued public
notification of the registration, while 14 more were still pending. Mr Arnold said that while
the process was slow very good progress was being made. The Chairman thanked Mr
Arnold for his excellent work in protecting the Mark.
7.6. Future Annual Meetings
7.6.1. The Chairman explained that the IAF-ILAC Joint Committee for Closer Cooperation
(JCCC) had been considering the annual meeting schedule and whether this could be
improved to provide greater participation and better opportunities for involvement by more
members. The discussion would be taken at the Joint General Assemblies on the following
day. A survey had been conducted of all IAF and ILAC members to determine their views.
The results had indicated that there was no support for separating the IAF and ILAC Annual
Meetings (option 1), some support for holding the GAs and the JGA together with “core”
meetings (option 2) and some support for the retention of the existing meeting program but
with the GAs and JGA held prior to other meetings (option 3). Ms Nilsen (SCC) said that
the options had been identified by the JCCC and these had been referred to the respective
main committee chairs for feedback. The intention of option 3 was that there would not be
any committee meetings held immediately prior to the GA which would produce resolutions.
Resolutions would be based on decisions made at prior meetings held separately.
Whatever was decided it was not planned that any new meeting structure would be
implemented prior to 2007. The IAF and ILAC Secretariats would be preparing a paper on
the rotation of Annual Meetings and arrangements to be provided by host countries. IAF
would be involved in taking some of the risk of hosting future meetings and in this respect
would be able to better influence such factors as registration fees and the cost of social
7.7. Issues for discussion at the Joint General Assemblies
7.7.1. The Chairman said that the JCCC had proposed that IAF and ILAC should jointly
proceed to develop a global Multilateral Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MLMRA) for
inspection. The JWG on Inspection had prepared a draft of the appropriate text which
would be circulated to both IAF and ILAC members for 60 day comment. The JCCC had
also accepted a basis for the fee structure for inspection bodies which would be introduced
into the IAF and ILAC budgets for the year following the decision to start the implementation
of the MLMRA for inspection. Members adopted the following resolutions:
IAF Resolution 2005-27 - (Agenda item 7) Inspection MLMRA - The General
Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the JCCC, resolved to proceed with a
global Multilateral Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MLMRA) for inspection jointly
with ILAC.
IAF Resolution 2005-28 - (Agenda item 7) Inspection MLMRA - The General
Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the JCCC, resolved to encourage the
JWG for Inspection to reach consensus on the technical issues under debate and
looks forward to a resolution of these matters at the Cancun meeting, November
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IAF Resolution 2005-29 - (Agenda item 7) Inspection MLMRA - The General
Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the JCCC, resolved that the draft of the
IAF-ILAC MLMRA Inspection text, be circulated to all IAF Members for 60 day
IAF Resolution 2005-30 - (Agenda item 7) Inspection Body Fees - The General
Assembly, acting on the recommendation of the JCCC, resolved that the fee structure
for accreditation of Inspection bodies would be introduced into the budgets of IAF and
ILAC for the calendar year following the formal decision to start the process of
implementing the IAF-ILAC MLMRA for Inspection.
IAF Resolution 2005-31 – (Agenda Item 7) IAF Open Forum – The General
Assembly received with appreciation the presentations and status reports provided by
Committee Chairmen and Conveners on the IAF Strategic Directions, Customer
Satisfaction Task Group, transition for ISO/IEC 17011, Cross Frontier Accreditation
Policy implementation, status of the IAF MLA Mark registration and applications and
Future Annual meetings.
Meeting adjourned at 5.15 PM.
Meeting reconvened at 8.30 AM, Monday, 19 September 2005.
7.8. The “Big Issue”
7.8.1. Mr Gilles Béland (CEA) gave a brief presentation on some of the initial thoughts
which had come from the Task Group formed at the GA Open Forum session on customer
satisfaction. He indicated that the group felt that the major problem was not customer
satisfaction within the IAF/AB/CRB chain, it was the satisfaction of collective customers or
purchasers. ISO 9001 certification was not delivering. Four key topics had been identified
which were accountability to end users, focus on outcome, creating the environment and
the infrastructure to make it happen and demonstrating that it worked. The Task Group
would prepare a discussion paper for the IAF Strategic Planning meeting in November.
The Chairman thanked the Task Group for its very useful input and welcomed further
proposals. He invited other Members to provide input and comment to the Task Group and
to the IAF Executive for the November meeting.
International Liaisons
8.1.1. As the ISO report was relevant to both IAF and ILAC it had been presented by the
ISO/CASCO Secretary, Mr Dennehy, to the Joint IAF-ILAC General Assemblies (JGA)
meeting on 18 September.
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8.1.2. The Chairman referred to the presentation which had been made at the JGA by the
Chairman of the IEC Conformity Assessment Board (IEC CAB) in which it had been
indicated the IEC CAB welcomed the opportunity to initiate cooperation with IAF and to
explore how the two organisations could work together. In response to a comment that IEC
did not meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 17011, the Chairman said he could not explain
the IEC position exactly at this stage, but it should be possible to look at producing a
common technical understanding. He stressed that IAF would remain an organisation of
third party ABs.
8.1.3. Dr Nigel Croft, the ISO/TC 176 liaison representative to IAF, presented the ISO/TC
176 report on behalf of the ISO/TC 176 Committee. He explained that ISO was a
decentralised organisation, basically being a Federation of 148 national standards bodies.
ISO/TC 176 was ISO's largest committee with ISO 9001 being ISO's flagship standard.
ISO/TC 176 was participating in the work of IAF as it had a commitment to ensure that the
credibility of the standard was maintained. Key activities being undertaken by ISO/TC 176
were the implementation of a strategic plan to adopt a process approach for the
development of standards, working closely with ISO/TC 207 on the alignment of ISO 9001
and ISO 14001 and the preparation of interpretations to ISO 9001, with over fifty having
been completed to date. ISO/TC 176 consisted of three subcommittees. SC 1 had recently
produced a new edition of ISO 9000. SC 2 was starting an amendment to ISO 9001 and a
revision of ISO 9004. It was hoped that the new ISO 9004 might be used as a stepping
stone to help organisations to go beyond conformity assessment towards business
excellence. SC 3 had recently considered a new work item on managing people aspects in
quality management and was also working on a guidance document on customer service.
8.1.4. The report on CASCO activities had been presented by the CASCO Secretary, Mr
Dennehy, to the Joint IAF-ILAC General Assemblies meeting.
8.2. International Personnel Certification Association (IPC)
8.2.1. Mr Iain Muir, the Vice Chairman of IPC, presented a report on recent developments
and future directions for IPC. At the end of December 2004 IATCA had ceased to exist
being replaced by the International Personnel Certification Association (IPC), with its
Secretariat in Greece. Full membership of IPC would only be personnel Certification
Bodies (CBs) as per ISO 17024. Membership would not be limited to management system
auditor CBs. MLA members would be only those member bodies accredited by an IAF
member to ISO 17024 and an IPC approved scheme. Associate members would be those
organisations concerned with personnel certification and training. IPC had been granted
category A liaison status by ISO/TC 176. All full members of IPC would have to be
accredited by an IAF member by September 2006 and new competency-based criteria had
been approved early in 2005, with a three-year transition period. Mr Muir said that IPC had
been very pleased to receive the news in August that it had been accepted for membership
of IAF and was looking forward to being an active member and contributing to IAF’s work.
The first IPC Congress would be held in Athens in August 2006 and IAF members would be
most welcome. The Chairman congratulated IPC on the successful transfer to its new
structure and to achieving membership of IAF.
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8.3. Telecommunications Industry, QuEST Forum
8.3.1. The report on the QuEST Forum activities, which was circulated prior to the meeting
as GA19_83, was received with appreciation by the General Assembly.
8.4. Aerospace Industry
8.4.1. Mr Norbert Borzek (TGA), the IAF liaison representative to the International
Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) gave an overview of the IAQG formation, its structure and
operations. The IAQG presently had nine recognised ABs covering three regions, with 3
ABs in the Americas, 1 AB in Asia and 5 ABs in Europe. The exchange of experience of
ABs dealt with impartiality, differences in national approach, frequently arising problems
and frequently asked questions. The AB meetings had resulted in an harmonised approach
for the aerospace accreditation scheme and an agreed summary of discussions. The next
meeting would take place in Canada in October. In response to a query it was confirmed
that there were no plans at this stage to prepare an international standard for management
systems in the aerospace industry. Mr Dougherty (ANAB) said that the aerospace industry
did currently refer to the IAF guidance and then added additional requirements of its own.
Some discussion had taken place regarding membership of IAF but nothing firm had
resulted at this stage.
8.5. Food Industry
8.5.1. No report was received from the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative).
8.6. Accreditation in other Industry Sectors
8.6.1. No further reports on accreditation in other industry sectors were presented to the
General Assembly.
8.7. Other Liaisons
8.7.1. No further liaison reports were presented to the General Assembly. Members
adopted the following resolution:
IAF Resolution 2005-32 – (Agenda Item 8) Liaison Reports to IAF – The General
Assembly received with appreciation the following liaison reports:
- ISO/TC 176 report presented on behalf of the Chairman of ISO/TC 176 (ref IAF 19
- Item 8.1.1);
- ISO CASCO report presented on behalf of the Chairman of ISO CASCO (ref IAF
19 - Item 8.1.2);
- IPC report presented on behalf of the Chairman of IPC (ref IAF 19 – Item 8.2);
- QuEST Forum liaison report as received (ref IAF 19 - Item 8.3); and
- IAQG liaison report as presented (ref IAF 19 – Item 8.4).
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Report by the Treasurer (deferred from earlier in the agenda)
5.2.1 The Treasurer, Mr Robert King, introduced the audited financial statement for the
IAF Year 2004 Accounts. He informed the meeting that the financial auditor had not
identified any irregularities. The meeting noted the independent auditor’s management
letter to the IAF Board of Directors and IAF Accounts for 2004. Members adopted the
following resolution:
IAF Resolution 2005-33 – (Agenda Item 5.2.1) Treasurer’s Report on the
Financial Operations of IAF in 2004 - The General Assembly received with
appreciation the report by the Treasurer on the Financial Affairs of IAF and the Report
of the Financial Auditor on the Financial Operations of IAF, December 31, 2004 as
circulated and presented.
5.2.2 Mr Pierre Sallé (IAAR), the Chairman of the Finance Oversight Committee (FOC)
informed the GA that as he had been elected as the new Director representing
Certification/Registration/Inspection Body Association Members he would be stepping down
as Chairman of the FOC in order to ensure its independence. Mr Sallé said that the 2004
expenditure had exceeded the budget by approximately US $25,000 or around 8% of the
budget. In referring to the documents for the Structure of IAF (IAF-GM-02-019) and Rules for
IAF Membership Fees (IAF PL 4:2004) he indicated that the rules did not presently allow the
Board to approve excess expenditure. The main reason for this occurring was due to the
appreciation of the US dollar against the Australian dollar and the consequent exchange rate
cost increase. He suggested that the Board should have rules for dealing with situations
such as this. He felt that the 8% variance was a reasonable result. The Chairman thanked
the FOC for its review and Mr Sallé for his work as Chairman. Mr Andersen (DANAK) had
agreed to accept the chairmanship of the FOC and Mr Béland (CEA) had agreed to become
a member of the Committee. Mr Iguchi (JAB) had indicated his willingness to continue as a
member of the FOC. Members adopted the following resolutions:
IAF Resolution 2005-34 – (Agenda Item 5.2.3) Report of the Financial Oversight
Committee - The General Assembly received with appreciation the report of the
Financial Oversight Committee (ref IAF 19–Item 5.2.2), as circulated and endorsed
the recommendation that the 2004 financial accounts be accepted.
IAF Resolution 2005-35 – (Agenda Item 5.2.3) Membership of the Financial
Oversight Committee - The Annual Meeting resolved to appoint Mr Vagn Andersen
(DANAK), Mr Shinichi Iguchi (JAB) and Mr Gilles Béland (CEA) to be members of the
Financial Oversight Committee for the complete years of 2006 and 2007.
5.2.3 The Treasurer introduced the report on the financial accounts for the period 1 January
to 31 July 2005. Members adopted the following resolution:
IAF Resolution 2005-36 – (Agenda Item 5.2.4) Treasurer’s Report on the
Financial Operations of IAF in 2005 - The General Assembly received with
appreciation the report by the Treasurer on the financial affairs of IAF for the period 1
January to 31 July 2005 as circulated and presented.
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5.2.4 The Treasurer explained that the original deficit budgeted for 2006 had been US
$82,000. Over the last three years many members, particularly those in Europe, had
experienced a considerable reduction in the real cost of their membership fees due to
significant increases in the value of their currencies against the US dollar. In some
instances this had been as high as 52%. Similarly the cost of converting US dollars into
Australian dollars had also increased significantly. The Treasurer said that rather than
attempt to increase fees to recoup the deficit of US $82,000 in one year, the Board had felt
it would not be unreasonable to propose an increase in membership fees of 10%. Mr Van
der Poel (RvA) suggested that if members paid their fees to IAF in Australian dollars then
this might help reduce the currency costs being experienced. Other members queried
whether this year's budget would include a levy for inspection accreditations, but the
Chairman advised that this would not be implemented until the year after the inspection
MLA had become operational (refer to Resolution 2005-30). Some members felt that the
description "other" in the budget was not particularly clear and it was suggested it might be
better to refer to it as "currency differentials". The Board was requested to consider
whether operating in Australian dollars might overcome some of the exchange rate
difficulties, and if not, to investigate whether there might be other means, such as
"hedging", which could be utilised. Members adopted the following resolution:
IAF Resolution 2005-37 – (Agenda Item 5.2.4) IAF Budget for 2006 - The General
Assembly, approved the IAF Budget for 2006 as submitted and modified by the
Treasurer, directed the Board to send invoices for membership fees for 2006 based
upon the revised budget amount, in accordance with the Membership Fees Rules (ref
IAF PL4:2004 Issue 3), and requested the Treasurer to explore means for protecting
IAF against currency exchange risks.
9 Election of Directors
9.1 The Chairman informed the meeting that Mr Dale Misczynski, Director representing the
Industry and User Association Members, had resigned at the beginning of 2005 due to
business commitments. The Board had appointed Mr Guenther Beer (BDI) as Mr
Misczynski’s replacement for the period until the next GA. In accordance with the IAF
Bylaws nominations had been sought for this position with Mr Beer indicating he would
be prepared to serve for a full term. No other nominations had been received and it
gave him great pleasure to announce that Mr Beer had been elected unopposed as
Director representing the Industry and User Association Members for a three-year
period. The Chairman explained that the term of office of Mr Sandy Sutherland (IIOC),
Director representing Certification/ Registration/Inspection Body Association Members,
had concluded at this General Assembly. The Secretary informed the meeting that
nominations for this position had been requested with three nominations being
received. In accordance with the IAF Bylaws an election had been held. Mr Pierre
Sallé (IAAR) had been the successful candidate. Members adopted the following
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IAF Resolution 2005-38 – (Agenda Item 9) Election of Directors - The General
Assembly congratulated the following Directors on their election:
Mr Guenther Beer (BDI) elected unopposed as Director representing the Industry and
User Association Members, for a three year term ending at the 2008 Annual Meeting.
Mr Pierre Sallé (IAAR) elected as Director representing Certification/Registration/
Inspection Body Association Members, for a three year term ending at the 2008
Annual Meeting.
1. Dr Thomas Facklam (DAR) will complete his term as Chairman at the 2006 Annual
2. Ms Elva Nilsen (SCC) will complete her term as Vice Chair at the 2007 Annual
3. Mr Anthony Craven (JAS-ANZ) will complete his term as Director representing
Accreditation Body Members located in a high income economy, as designated by the
World Bank, at the 2006 Annual Meeting.
4. Mr Girdhar Gyani (NABCB) will complete his term as Director representing
Accreditation Body Members located in a low and medium income economy, as
designated by the World Bank, at the 2007 Annual Meeting.
Presentations were made to Mr Sutherland for his contribution to IAF in serving two terms
of office as the Director representing Certification/ Registration/Inspection Body Association
and to Ms Verónica Garcia de Solórzano (ema), the former Director representing
Accreditation Body Members located in low and medium income economies, whose term of
office had concluded at the 2004 General Assembly.
10 Other Business
10.1 The Secretary reported that there had been no submissions received from Members
and no other matters for discussion had been raised.
11 Review of Resolutions
11.1 Confirmation of the text of Resolutions
11.1.1 The draft Resolutions were reviewed by the meeting. Comments were expressed
with regard to draft Resolutions 2005-07, 2005-14 and 2005-22. As a result of discussions
these were amended to the satisfaction of the members present and approved.
Secretarial Note: The resolutions recorded in these minutes are the final approved
11.1.2 The Chairman confirmed with the Secretary that a draft Communiqué would be
prepared and circulated to members for information as soon as possible after the meeting.
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Annual Meetings
12.1 Future Annual Meetings
12.1.1 The Chairman referred to the discussion which had taken place at the JGA
concerning the proposed changes to the meeting program of future IAF-ILAC Annual
Meetings. While there had been a significant number of complaints expressed over the
years about the length of time of the Annual Meetings and that the GA and JGA agendas
could be amended to produce a better use of time, in the end it had been found that there
were conflicting requirements and the majority of members had felt it would be better to stay
with the existing meeting schedule. The JGA had proposed that this should be retained in
its present form for a period of approximately five years. The document covering the basis
for determining future meeting locations and hosting requirements would still be prepared
and would be reviewed by the JCCC at its June meeting. Dr Croft queried whether it might
be possible to select a specific timeslot for the IAF-ILAC Annual Meetings which could be
used each year. This would enable better planning by other groups which interacted with
IAF. The Chairman thanked Dr Croft for this suggestion but indicated it was not always
possible to do this as the exact timing of meetings depended upon arrangements made by
the host member, possibly based upon availability of hotels as well as other events in that
country. In setting the date for the 2006 Annual Meetings notice had already been taken of
the proposed dates for the 2006 ISO General Assembly and the 2006 CASCO Plenary.
12.1 2005 Annual Meeting, Auckland, New Zealand
12.1.1 On behalf of IAF, the Chairman thanked International Accreditation New Zealand
(IANZ) the host for the 2005 Annual Meeting. The meeting facilities, the staff support and
the hospitality had all been excellent and he was sure that all members had very much
enjoyed their stay in Auckland. Members adopted the following resolution:
IAF Resolution 2005-39 – (Agenda Item 12) 2005 Annual Meetings – The General
Assembly expressed its appreciation for the excellent arrangements and support
provided by IANZ as host of the IAF Nineteenth Annual Meetings, from 12 to 19
September 2005, in Auckland, New Zealand.
12.2 2006 Annual Meeting
12.2.1 The Chairman reminded members of the agreement made at the 2004 General
Assembly to accept the invitation from ema to host the joint IAF-ILAC Annual Meetings in
2006. The Chairman thanked ema for its kind invitation. At the JGA agreement had also
been reached to accept the invitation from JAS-ANZ and NATA to host the 2007 joint
Annual Meetings in Australia. The members adopted the following resolution –
IAF Resolution 2005-41 – (Agenda Item 12.2) Invitation for the 2006 Annual
Meetings - The General Assembly accepted with appreciation the invitation by ema
to host the 2006 Annual Meetings in Cancun, Mexico, from 6 to 14 November, 2006,
in association with the ILAC General Assembly.
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IAF Resolution 2005-42 – (Agenda Item 12.3) Invitation for the 2007 Annual
Meetings - The General Assembly accepted with appreciation the invitation by JASANZ and NATA to host the 2007 Annual Meetings in Australia.
13 Close
13.1.1 The Chairman, thanked all delegates for their efforts during the week and for their
contributions in making this a very successful meeting.
The Chairman wished all delegates a safe journey home and closed the meeting.
End of minutes of IAF 19 – September 2005
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List of Participants
Annex 1
List of Participants
Beatriz Garcia
OAA (Argentina)
Ignacio Guerreiro
OAA (Argentina)
Anthony Craven
JAS-ANZ (Australia)
Gunter Friers
BMWA (Austria)
Norbert Mueller
BMWA (Austria)
Elizabeth Cavalcanti
INMETRO (Brazil)
Gilles Béland
CEA (Canada)
Joan Brough-Kerrebyn
SCC (Canada)
Elva Nilsen
SCC (Canada) and IAF Vice
Liu Xiaohong
CNAB (China)
Zhang Wei
CNAB (China)
Martina Bednarova
CAI (Czech Republic)
Jiri Ruzicka
CAI (Czech Republic)
Vagn Andersen
DANAK (Denmark)
Jasper Hoy
DANAK (Denmark)
Varpu Rantanen
FINAS (Finland)
Leena Tikkanen
FINAS (Finland)
Daniel Pierre
COFRAC (France) and ILAC
Patrick Reposeur
COFRAC (France)
Guenther Beer
BDI (Germany)
Monika Wloka
DAR (Germany)
Norbert Borzek
DAR/TGA (Germany)
Thomas Facklam
DAR/TGA (Germany) and IAF
Hans-Ulrich Mittmann
DAR (Germany)
Tommy Fung
HKAS (Hong Kong, China)
KAN (Indonesia)
KAN (Indonesia)
Venkataram Balakrishnan
NABCB (India)
Girdhar Gyani
QCI (India)
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List of Participants
Annex 1
Mehdi Hadavi
IAS (Iran)
Behrooz Riahy
IAS (Iran)
Tom Dempsey
NAB (Ireland)
Lorenzo Thione
Shinichi Iguchi
JAB (Japan)
Yuichiro Isu
JAB (Japan)
Tetsuro Kawaberi
JAB (Japan)
Tetsuo Terabe
JAB (Japan)
Takeo Iwamoto
JACB (Japan)
Takao Ogawa
JACB (Japan)
Haru Uchida
JACB (Japan)
Yoshiniro Fuchigami
JASC (Japan)
Daimon Sugawara
JASC (Japan)
Sammy Milgo
KENAS (Kenya)
Soon Young Hur
KAB (Korea)
Dong Hee Kwak
KAB (Korea)
Jean-Marie Reiff
OLAS (Luxembourg)
Mah Lok Abdullah
DSM (Malaysia)
Ridzwan Kasim
DSM (Malaysia)
Shaharul Sadri Alwi
DSM (Malaysia)
Maribel Lopez
ema (Mexico)
Veronica Garcia de Solorzano
ema (Mexico)
Jan Van der Poel
RvA (Netherlands)
Kwang Ho Rl
NAA (North Korea)
Jongthae Im
NAA (North Korea)
Gro Rodland
NA (Norway)
Hauge Torleif
NA (Norway)
Karol Hauptmann
PCA (Poland)
Kwei Fern Chang
SAC (Singapore)
Kim Chua Phua
SAC (Singapore)
Karol Richtor
SNAS (Slovakia)
Marian Weidlich
SNAS (Slovakia)
Bostjan Godec
SA (Slovenia)
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List of Participants
Annex 1
Notende Mgudlwa
SADCA (Southern Africa)
Sean MacCurtain
SANAS (South Africa)
Anna-Marie Lotter
Department of Trade and Industry
(South Africa)
Ignacio Pina
ENAC (Spain)
Beatriz Rivera
ENAC (Spain)
Hans-Eric Holmqvist
SWEDAC (Sweden)
Peter Kronvall
SWEDAC (Sweden)
Hanspeter Ischi
SAS (Switzerland)
Jean-Pierre Jaunin
SAS (Switzerland)
Pu-Hsien Li
TAF (Chinese Taipei)
Chen Meng Tsung
TAF (Chinese Taipei)
Lin Neng-Tong
TAF (Chinese Taipei)
Y Chaiyong Krittapholchai
NAC (Thailand)
Y Prasong Prayongpetch
NAC (Thailand)
Philip Shaw
UKAS (United Kingdom)
Paul Stennett
UKAS (United Kingdom)
Graham Talbot
UKAS (United Kingdom)
Randy Dougherty
Lane Hallenbeck
Robert King
Scott Richter
Reinaldo Figueiredo
Roy Swift
Tom Arnold
Pierre Sallé
Terry Borboige
Sandy Sutherland
IIOC (World)
Simon Feary
IPC (World)
Iain Muir
IPC (World)
Peter Dennehy
ISO (World)
Nigel Croft
ISO/TC 176
Martine Simon-Blum
EA Secretariat
Belinda Mort
PAC Secretary
IAF GA 19_ Minutes Rev1
IAF.19.General Assembly
IAF–AM–05-010 Rev1
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List of Participants
Annex 1
John Owen
IAF Secretary
Apologies –
Ana Maria Coro
INN (Chile)
Xiao Jianhua
CNAB (China) and MLA Committee
Terence Chan
HKAS (Hong Kong, China)
Mariani Mohammad
DSM (Malaysia)
Jos Leferink
RvA (Netherlands)
Tristan. Loveres
BPS (Philippines)
Beatriz Mutabazi
SADCA Chair (Southern Africa)
Roger Brockway
IFIA (World)
Hans Buser
Alex Ezrakhovich
IQNet (World)
Kai-Uwe Barani Schmidt
IAF GA 19_ Minutes Rev1