Extra-curricular materials


Extra-curricular materials
Extracurricular Materials
for CBI
Gülden TÜM
Çukurova University
17-18 March, 2012
Portland State University
Definition of Extra-curricular
•  Extra-curricular materials are texts
performed to use outside the realm of the
curriculum in education and exist at all
levels of education. In this respect, it might
be considered to complement the
Definition of Content Based
Instruction (CBI)
CBI is an umbrella term referring instructional
approaches that make a dual, though not
necessarily equal, commitment to language and
content-learning objectives (Stoller 2008).
Stoller describes challenges:
•  the selection of sequencing of language items,
•  the alignments of content with language
structures and functions that emerge from the
subject matter (p.65)
Although CBI is not new, there has been an
increased interest in it, where teachers
discover that students are excited to learn
language and content at the same time.
Briefly, CBI is an effective way of combining
language and content learning.
Theoretical framework
•  Theoretical framework is based on
theories of components of reading, on the
impact of family background including
language and reading as a general skill
over and above specific reading texts
(Wolff, 2010).
•  Self-directed/autonomous learner
•  Motivated learner
•  Critical learner
•  culturally-literate learner
How the reader works
daily life
Teaching Turkish through CBI poses the
question of the dearth of textbooks that focus
on content-based themes rather than
language patterns. While various disciplines
have their textbooks for native speakers of
Turkish, students for whom Turkish is a
foreign language require pathways into
•  Even though extra-curricular materials play a
significant role for students to learn a foreign
language, unfortunately, in teaching Turkish
this is the field neglected not only by the
institutions and administrators but also by
teachers. Therefore, this field should be
investigated and contributed more.
•  This talk will introduce a sketch of the Turkish
reader designed as a pathway into Turkish.
Types of readers
•  Texts written by the author
•  Texts translated into Turkish form different
reading books
•  Texts written by foreign students
•  Authentic texts
Why different varieties of texts?
•  Many authentic texts are open to easy
criticism for bleeding cuts, free style,
clumsy reductions, unfair, and unhelpful.
Therefore, learners might have trouble to
grasp meaning throughout authentic
•  Graded readers are also open to criticism
for their restricted language that is not
authentic and so it is a poormodel for
In order to eliminate the criticism
•  The Turkish reader includes both graded
and authentic materials.
The readers include texts written for
learners of Turkish using limited lexis and
syntax, determined by frequency and
usefulness of the most frequently used
words in simplicity. Texts increase the
permitted lexis and syntax in stages from
beginning to advanced, with each stage
presenting a more demanding reading task,
also authentic texts.
•  The Turkish reader is prepared in order
to raise an awareness on the
importance of extracurricular materials,
their implications in the curriculum, and
to embolden learners in a natural way
during their learning process.
•  All the themes are chosen considering
basic needs of learners (A1-A2-B1):
1. daily life
2. cultural points in the target
Daily life
My family and I
My surrounding
My country
At the movie, hair-dresser, railway station etc.
Birthday party
Seasons I like
Shopping on the weekend
What I eat everyday
How I met my wife etc. (60 texts)
Cultural items in the target language
Religious Festivals
The evil eye
Mevlana, Nasreddin Hodja, Yunus Emre etc.
Henna night
Giving gift
Turkish Bath, handcraft
Turkish proverbs, sayings, jokes, handy
phrases etc. (about 20 texts)
•  All reading texts include three language
skills (A1-A2-B1):
•  Reading
•  Speaking
•  Writing
•  All these language skills are introduced in:
Vocabulary exercises,
Comprehension questions,
Multiple choices,
Matching phrases,
Fill in the blanks (words/suffixes/markers),
T/F sentences,
etc. (considering different learning
strategies of learners)
•  No doubt, all the texts provide students a rich
base of content for learning.
•  A base content is provided by the reader,
with the option for foreign learners of Turkish
to extend beyond what they practice in class,
to work at their own level, and to extend their
learning to the level of their own capability by
realizing the linguistic patterns and cultural
hints hidden.
•  Consequently, as Day (2011) emphasizes,
the readers are significant, and they are
incorporated into the classroom as graded
readers, class readers, libraries and
reading circles. In light of this,
extracurricular materials should be
considered as the core of learning a
foreign language and implemented in the
Two samples from the Turkish
Reader as follows:
Benim adım Jindra. Belçikalıyım. 1987 yılında Brüksel’de doğdum. Ben 21 yaşındayım. Uzun boylu ve
mavi gözlüyüm. Şimdi İstanbul’da bir üniversitede öğrenciyim. Benim ailem Belçika’da yaşıyor. Babam bir bankada
müdür. Onun adı Marc. Babam 47 yaşında. Babam uzun boylu ve zayıf. Onun gözleri mavi. Annem bir okulda
öğretmen. Annemin adı Marta. Annem 44 yaşında. Annem kumral ve annemin gözleri kahverengi. Onun saçları da
kahverengi. Annem de uzun boylu. Kız kardeşim Maria ise ilkokulda öğrenci. O henüz 8 yaşında. O çok güzel bir
kız. Onun saçları uzun ve gözleri yeşil. Benim bir köpeğim var. Onun adı Lukas. Lukas çok güzel bir köpek. 9
yaşında ve çok hareketli. Kız kardeşimin de kedisi var. O beyaz bir kedi. Onun adı Pretty. Henüz çok küçük. Pretty 1
yaşında. Evde herkes onu çok seviyor.
Yeni kelimeler:
müdür: director, manager
okul: school
Tabloyu doldurunuz.
: teacher
: to be born
a) bulunuz.
b) mühendis
Aşağıdaki cümlelerin doğru seçeneğii
1. Annem
a) öğrenci
b) öğretmen
2. Babam
uzun boylu
Kaç yaşında?
Göz ve saç rengi ne?
HEDİYE (Armağan)
Marc ve Marcella 28 Haziran 1973 te evlendi. Her 28 Haziran da Marc eşine sürpriz yapmayı sever. Bu evlilik
yıl dönümünde de Marcella için bir sürpriz yapmayı planladı. Tabii Marcella da eşi için bir sürpriz düşünüyordu.
Marcella eşine evlilik yıldönümünde onun en çok sevdiği cep saatine bir zincir alıp hediye olarak vermek istedi.
Ancak bunun için yeterli parası olmadığından kuaföre gidip saçlarını kestirip satmak ve aldığı parayla da gümüş
bir zincir almak istedi. Aceleyle evden çıktıktan sonra ilk önce bir kuaföre gitti. ……………………………………..
Yeni kelimeler:
evlilik: marriage
yıl dönümü: annivarsery
zincir: chain
eş: spouse (husband/wife)
Metni iki kez okuyun.
Aşağıdaki sorulara cevap verin.
1. Kimin evlilik yıldönümüydü?
2. Kadın neden/niçin saçlarını kestirdi?
3. Adam neden/niçin antikacıya gitti?
Aşağıdaki boşluklara kelimeleri yerleştiriniz.
cep saati
bir süre
saç tokası
yıl dönümü
bekleme salonu
Marcella saçını kestirdi. Bu yüzden …………………… onun için önemli değildi.
……………………………………… çok kalabalıktı.
Antikacı …………………………… için 1250 Lira verdi.
Allan, R. (2009). Can a Graded Reader Corpus Provide ‘Authentic’ Input?. ELT
Journal: English Language Teachers Journal, 63(1), 23-32.
Day, R, Bassett, J, Bowler, B., Parminter,S.,Bullard,N.,Furr,M.,Prentice,N.,
Mahmood,M.Stewart, D.,Robb, T. (Ed. Woo) (2011). Bringing Extensive Reading
into the Classroom. New York: Oxford University Press.
Hill, D. R. (2008). Graded readers in English. ELT Journal: English Language
Teachers Journal, 62(2), 184-204.
Poole, D. (2008). Interactional Differentiation in the Mixed-Ability Group: A Situated
View of Two Struggling Readers. Reading Research Quarterly, 43(3), 228-250.
Stoller, F. L. (2008). Content-based instruction. In N. Van Deusen-Scholl & N. H.
Hornberger (Eds.),Encyclopedia of Language and Education (2nd ed.,
Vol. 4: Second and Foreign Language Education;pp. 59–70. New York: Springer
Science/Business Media.105
Wolff, U. (2010). Subgrouping of readers based on performance measures: a latent
profile analysis. Reading And Writing, 23(2), 209-238.
Wan-a-rom, U. (2010). Self-assessment of word knowledge with graded readers: A
preliminary study. Reading In A Foreign Language, 22(2), 323-338.