Indonesian Section 27


Indonesian Section 27
Languages Online - Answers and Translations
Indonesian Section 27 - Online activitites
No. 01
No. 02
Tanggal berapa hari ini?
Tanggal berapa hari ini?
Hari ini tanggal 18 Januari
What's today's date?
What's today's date?
Today is the 18th January.
Tanggal berapa hari ini?
Hari ini tanggal 21 April
What's today's date?
Today is the 21st April.
Tanggal berapa hari ini?
Hari ini tanggal 1 Juli
What's today's date?
Today is the 1st of July.
Tanggal berapa hari ini?
Hari ini tanggal 8 Nopember
What's today's date?
Today is the 8th of November.
Kapan ulang tahun Joko?
Tanggal 4 September
When is Joko's birthday?
It's on the 4th of September.
Kapan ulang tahun Ida?
Tanggal 30 Agustus
When is Ida's birthday?
It's on the 30th of August.
Kapan kita main sepak bola?
Tanggal 11 Juni
When do we play soccer?
It's on the 11th of June.
Kapan hari Nyepi?
Tanggal 24 Mei
When is Nyepi?
It's on the 24th of May.
Pemainan daya ingat
satu Maret
sebelas Maret
tiga Mei
delapan belas Juni
dua puluh delapan Juli
lima belas Agustus
lima April
delapan Februari
lima belas Februari
lima Oktober
dua puluh lima September
satu Januari
tiga puluh satu Juli
tiga puluh Nopember
dua puluh satu Juli
satu Juli
tiga Nopember
Memory game
1st March
11th March
3rd May
18th June
28th July
15th August
5th April
8th February
15th February
5th October
25th September
1st January
31st July
30th November
21st July
1st July
3rd November
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Languages Online - Answers and Translations
Indonesian Section 27 - Online activitites
No. 03
Tanggal berapa?
Tanggal berapa hari ini?
Kapan ulang tahun Sari?
Kapan kita main sepak bola?
Hari ini tanggal 3 Februari.
Tanggal berapa hari ini?
Kapan ulang tahun Ali?
Tanggal 17 Maret.
Tanggal berapa hari ini?
Idul Fitri tahun ini jatuh pada tanggal berapa?
Kapan konser Dewa?
Quiz: what's the right date?
What is today's date?
When is Sari's birthday?
When do we play soccer?
Today is the 3rd of February.
What is today's date?
When is Ali's birthday?
It's on the 17th of March.
What is today's date?
When is Idul Fitri this year?
When is Dewa's concert?
No. 04
Dengarkan tanggalnya
Ulang tahun ibu tanggal 21 Januari.
Nyepi jatuh pada tanggal 9 Maret.
Ulang tahun ayah tanggal 1 April.
Ulang tahun Yanti tanggal 21 Juni
Ujian pada tanggal 6 Juli.
Final sepak bola pada tanggal 9 Agustus.
Konser sekolah pada tanggal 14 September.
Kami akan berenang di pantai pada tanggal 14 Oktober.
Listen to the date
The 21st january is mum's birthday.
The 9th March is Nyepi
My grandmother's birthday is on the 1st of April.
Yanti's birthday is on the 21st of June.
The exam is on the 6th July.
The football final is on the 9th August.
The school concert is on the 14th of September.
We will go to the beach on the 14th October.
No. 05
Cari tanggalnya
Pada tanggal 1 Februari kami akan berkemah.
Nyepi jatuh pada tanggal 12 Maret.
Pada tanggal 8 April, kita libur.
Kita main sepak bola pada tanggal 15 Mei.
Kapan hari Waisak? Tanggal 24 Mei.
Kapan ada ujian matematika? Tanggal 18 Juni.
Sekolah mulai pada tanggal 2 Juli.
Ada pertandingan bola voli pada tanggal 15 Agustus.
Tes bahasa Indonesia pada tanggal 2 September.
Konser Dewa tanggal 13 Oktober, ya? Bukan, tanggal 3
Find the date
On the 1st of February we go camping.
Nyepi is on the 11th of March.
On the 8th of April, we have a free day.
We play soccer on the 15th of May.
When is Waisak? It's on the 24th of May.
When is the maths exam? It's on the 18th of June.
School begins on the 2nd of July.
There is a badminton match on the 15th of August.
The Indonesian test is on the 2nd of September.
Dewa's concert is on the 13th of October, isn't it? No, it's
Pada tanggal 4 Nopember, Idul Fitri.
Kapan kita pergi ke museum? Tanggal 27 Nopember.
the 3rd of October!
On the 4th of November, we have a free day.
When are we going to the museum? It's on the 27th of
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Indonesian Section 27 - Online activitites
No. 06
Pilih kata yang benar!
Tanggal berapa hari ini?
Hari ini tanggal 22 Januari.
Catch the words
What's today's date?
Today is the 22nd of January.
Kapan ada tes matematika?
Tanggal 8 Juni.
When is the maths test?
It's on the 8th of June.
Kapan ada konser?
Tanggal 21 Oktober.
When is the concert?
It's on the 21st ofOctober.
Kapan ulang tahun Guntur?
Tanggal 1 Agustus.
When is Guntur's birthday?
It's on the 1st of August.
Hari ini tanggal 13 Juni.
Tanggal berapa hari ini?
Today is the 13th of June.
What is today's date?
Tanggal 13 Desember.
Kapan ulang tahun Lastri?
It's on the 13th of December.
When is Lastri's brthday?
No. 07
Carilah tanggal yang benar.
Hari ini tanggal satu Oktober.
Hari ini tanggal tiga Maret.
Ulang tahun Mara tanggal tujuh Juni.
Hari ini tanggal dua belas Desember.
Ulang tahun saya tanggal delapan Desember.
Ulang tahun saya tanggal dua September.
Ulang tahun ibu tanggal dua puluh empat Desember.
Hari ini tanggal tiga puluh satu Agustus.
Ulang tahun Joko tanggal sembilan belas Juli.
Hari Senin tanggal dua puluh delapan Nopember.
Where's the right date?
Today is 1/10
Today is 3/3
Mara's birthday is on 7/6
Today is 12/12
My birthday is on 8/12
My birthday is on 2/9
Mum's birthday is on 24/12
Today is 31/8
Joko's birthday is 19/7
Monday is 28/11
No. 08
Main ski
Tanggal berapa hari ini?
Tanggal berapa hari ini?
Hari ini tanggal 1 Maret.
Hari ini tanggal 13 Juli.
Hari Natal jatuh pada tanggal 25 Desember.
Pada tanggal delapan belas Juni ada tes matematika.
Ulang tahun saya tanggal tiga puluh September.
Paskah tahun ini jatuh pada tanggal enam April.
Ada pertandingan bola voli pada tanggal 15 Agustus.
Pada tanggal 4 Nopember, Idul Fitri.
Ski Game
What's today's date?
What's today's date?
Today is the first of March.
Today is the 13th of July.
Christmas is on the 25th of December.
On the 18th of June we have a test.
My birthday is on the 30th of September.
Easter this year is on the 6th of April.
The volleyball tournament is on the 15th of August.
Idul Fitri is on the 4th of November.
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Indonesian Section 27 - Online activitites
No. 09
Surat dari sahabat pena
28 Juni, 2005
Susan yang baik,
Hai, ini sahabat penamu! Apa kabar? Aku baik-baik saja.
Tanggal 2 Juni yang lalu ulang tahunku. Orangtuaku
memberi aku sepeda baru. Aku senang sekali!
Di sini ada dua foto. Yang satu, foto perkawinan sepupuku
di Ubud. Yang lain, fotoku waktu berlibur di Sanur.
Keluargaku berlibur di sana pada tanggal 16 Juni.
Kapan hari ulang tahunmu? Aku mau kirim kartu.
Salam hangat, Lastri.
Pen pal letters
June 28,2005
Dear Susan,
Hi, your penpal here! How are you? I'm very well.
It was my birthday on the 2nd of June. My parents gave
me a new bike. I love it!
Here are two photos. One is of my cousin's wedding here
in Ubud. The other photo is of me on holiday at Sanur. My
family went on holiday there on 16th of June.
When is your birthday? I'll send you a card.
2 Juni
16 Juni
20 Februari
June 2nd
16th June
February 20
31 Mei, 2005
Hai Thomas, ini sahabat penamu, Santoso! Apa kabar?
Di Palembang sekarang hujan.
Sekolah hampir selesai dan ulang tahunku tanggal 4
September. Pada tanggal 30 Juni kami akan ke rumah
nenek di Bengkulu. Asyik!
Trims untuk foto liburan Paskahmu. Aku suka hari raya
Waisak. Ini foto Waisak tahun ini di Borobudur.
Cepat balas ya, kirim foto lagi.
May 31,2005
Hi Thomas, it's your pen pal Santoso here! How are you?
Here in Plembang it's raining.
School will finish soon, and it will be my birthday on July
9th. On June 30 we will go to my grandma's in Bengkulu.
Thanks for the photo of your Easter holiday. My favourite
festival is Waisak. Here is a photo of this year's Waisak at
Reply soon, and please send more photos.
30 Juni
24 Mei
Hai, ini temanmu Guntur! Aku harap kamu baik-baik saja.
Kami baik-baik di Yogya.
Ulang tahunku tanggal 14 Oktober. Ada pesta dengan
teman-teman dan keluarga. Kapan ulang tahunmu?
Lebaran baru selesai. Lebaran tahun ini jatuh pada
tanggal 20 November. Lebaran adalah hari raya
kesukaanku. Kami mengunjungi teman-teman.
Pada tanggal 8 Desember kami mau ke Merbabu untuk
berlibur. Kami mau naik gunung.
Cepat balas ya,
14 Oktober
8 Desember
20 November
September 4
June 30
24th May
Hi, your pen pal Guntur here! Hope you're well. We are all
fine here in Yogya.
My birthday was on the 14th of October. I had a party with
my friends and family. When is your birthday?
We have just finished Lebaran and I really enjoyed Idul
Fitri, on the 20th of November. Idul Fitri is my favourite
festival. We visit all our friends.
On the 8th of December we are going to Merbabu for a
holiday. We will go mountain climbing.
Reply soon,
October 14
8th December
20 November
Idul Fitri
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