Zakir Gul, Ph.D. - American Society of Criminology


Zakir Gul, Ph.D. - American Society of Criminology
Zakir Gul, Ph.D.
PhD Degree—Political Science Department
Kent State University, Ohio, United States
MA Degree—Criminal Justice Department
Kent State University, Ohio, United States
BA Degree—Faculty of Security Sciences
Turkish National Police Academy (University), Ankara, Turkey
OTHER: In-service Training Courses
 Police Leadership Training and Ethical Leadership Training (Georgetown University,
Washington DC, USA)
 Crime Prevention Basic Training (40 hours) (Virginia Crime Prevention Association, Virginia,
 Intelligence Analysis Course (Notre Dame University, Ohio, USA)
 Intelligence-Led Policing Seminar (by Jerry Ratcliffe)
2015 – (Took leave of absence)
Associate Professor
Political Science Department, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun
2014 – (Took leave of absence) Research Center for Security Strategies, Ankara
Ph.D., Researcher and Consultant
 Doing research and field study on security strategies, especially on intelligence
 Writing reports on security and intelligence strategies
 Reporting and consulting to the director of the Center on intelligence issues
 Organizing workshops and symposia
Faculty of Security Sciences, Turkish National Police Academy, Ankara
Associate Professor
Courses Taught on Undergraduate Level:
- Counter-Terrorism
- Security Intelligence
- Introduction to Policing
- Professional English
Institute of Security Sciences, Ankara
Ph.D., Founding Director, Coordinator
Taught on Graduate Level:
Strategic Intelligence
International Security and Strategic Intelligence (English)
International Security Policy and Politics (English)
Intelligence-Led Policing (ILP)
Turkey’s Intelligence Policy
Founder and Director of International Security (English) Graduate Program
- Planning curriculum for the program
- Determining recruitment standards, organizing recruitment committee and taking part in the
recruitment process
- Organizing professors according to the courses determined
- Organizing and chairing the meetings with international institutions regarding the applications for
the program
- Assigning consultants for the students
Coordinator of Erasmus Graduate Program
- Organizing and chairing the meetings with the universities of the member countries of Erasmus
- Corresponding with the institutions in the frame of Erasmus program
- Guiding and consulting students
Also Taught:
 Taught “Strategic Assessment Training” to Kosovo Police
 Taught courses on “Ethics, Intelligence, and Undercover Operations” to undercover agent
 Taught courses on “Leadership and Management” to Sudanese police executives
 Taught courses on “Leadership and Problem Solving” to Afghani police cadets
 Taught courses on “Communication and Body Language” to all of the law enforcement officers
working in the Turkish Parliament
 Taught courses on “Communication and Body Language” to community-oriented (COP)
policing officers working in 81 cities of Turkey
 Taught courses on “Ethics, Use of Force and Resolution” to riot police
 Taught “Problem Solving and Stress Management” Course to sergeant cadets at Elmadağ City
Police Training Center
Turkish Journal of Police Studies, Ankara
Deputy Editor-in-Chief
 Taking care of every step of the processes and proceedings of the journal
International Center for Terrorism and Transnational Crime, Ankara
Ph.D., Researcher
 Organizing national and international workshops, symposiums, and conferences on global
terrorism, international and transnational crimes
 Assisting projects on terrorism
 Consulting graduate students on intelligence and terrorism topics
 Reporting to the director of the Center on intelligence issues
 Preparing reports to the Ministry of Interior on intelligence and terrorism topics
Intelligence Studies Research Center, Ankara
Ph.D., Researcher
 Doing Research on Intelligence Studies
 Organizing national and international workshops, symposiums, and conferences on
intelligence, intelligence cooperation, and ethics on intelligence, etc.
 Consulting undergraduate and graduate students on intelligence issues
 Reporting to the executives on intelligence and terrorism issues
Ankara Police College (High School), Ankara
- Recruiting students
- Training and assisting the students
- Couching and consulting students
- Consulting executives
Aydınlar City Police Department, Siirt (Permanent)
Pervari City Police Department, Siirt (Temporary)
Captain, Acting Chief of Police
 Running the police department
 Reporting to and advising the governor
 Consulting board of executives of the city
 Establishing good and trusting relationships with the citizens
 Developing relations, in terms of coordination and cooperation with other divisions and
departments in the city
 Organizing training programs and implementing emergency rehearsals for the officers in the
Training Department of Turkish National Police, Ankara
The only interpreter and translator of the department
The (foreign language) corresponding and consulting officer of the Department Chief
Consulting the Chief of the Department in international meetings
Responsible of organizing the international sports events in the frame of the Association of Balkan
Police Organizations
Organizing in-service training activities
Turkish National Police Academy (University), Ankara
Sergeant, Police Trainer
 Recruiting ranking officer cadets
 Training and assisting the students
 Couching and consulting students
 Other administrative responsibilities in Anittepe Campus
Peer-reviewed Articles
Kule, Ahmet and Gul, Zakir. (2015). How Individuals Join Terrorist Organizations in Turkey: An
Empirical Study of the DHKP-C, PKK and Turkish Hezbollah. The Global: A Journal of Policy
& Security. 1(1): 15-47
Gül, Zakir. (2015). Stratejik İstihbarat ve Genel Yanılgılar (Strategic Intelligence and General Mistakes).
Güvenlik Bilimleri Dergisi (Journal of Security Sciences). 4 (1): 111-132
Gül, Zakir and Kule, Ahmet. (2013). Intelligence - Led Policing: How the Use of Crime Intelligence
Analysis Translates into the Decision-Making. Journal of International Security and Terrorism. 4
(1): 21-40
Gul, Zakir and Ulkemen, Sinan. (2013). Policymaking under the Fire: The US Assault Weapons Ban
Policy. European Scientific Journal. 9 (11): 354-373
Gul, Zakir, Hekim, Hakan, and Terkesli, Ramazan. (2013). Controlling Police Use of (Excessive) Force:
The American Case. International Journal of Human Sciences. 10 (2): 285-303.
Köksal, Tamer and Gül, Zakir. (2013). Application of Transitional Justice Mechanisms: Post Assimilation
Campaign against the Turkish Minority in Bulgaria. Review of International Law and Politics. 9
(34): 119-140.
Gül, Zakir and Gül, Serdar K. (2013). Public Policies from Political Science Perspective:
Epistemological and Ontological Discussions. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences. 12 (46):
Ülkemen, Sinan and Gül, Zakir.(2012). Bureaucratic Redundancy Theory (BRT) and Its Application to
Intelligence Services in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Police Studies. 14 (2): 33-50
Delice, Murat and Gül, Zakir. (2012). The Investigation of Employees’ Perceptions Caused by the
Empowerment: Turkish National Police Example. EKEV Akademic Review. 16 (52): 15-28
Gul, Zakir and Terkesli, Ramazan. (2012). Crime of the Millennium: Cyber Crime. Humanities & Social
Sciences Journal. 7 (1): 18-22
Gül, Zakir and Delice, Murat. (2011). Police job stress and stress reduction/coping programs: The effects
on the relationship with spouses. Turkish Journal of Police Studies. 13 (3):19-38
Delice, Murat and Gül, Zakir. (2011).The Relationship between Traffic Controls and Traffic Accidents.
Turkish Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice. 3 (1): 141-162
Hekim, Hakan ve Gül, Zakir. (2011). The Economics of Crime and Law Enforcement. Turkish Journal of
Police Studies. 13 (2):123-146
Terkeşli, Ramazan and Gül, Zakir. (2011). The Evaluation of Virtual Classroom Applications on
Professional Development: The Case of Turkish National Police. Turkish Journal of Police
Studies. 13 (4): 153-186
Book Chapters
Gül, Zakir. (2015). “İstihbarat Çeşitleri ve Stratejik İstihbarat (Intelligence Strategies and Strategic
Intelligence)”, Güvenlik Sektöründe Temel Stratejiler (Major Strategies in the Security Field) (pp.
83-98), by F.M. Harmancı, M. Gözübenli, and C. Zengin (Eds.), Ankara: Nobel Publishing.
Gül, Zakir and Köksal, Tamer. (2015). “İstihbarat-Destekli Polislik (Intelligence-Led Policing)”, Çağdaş
Kolluk Stratejileri: Teori ve Uygulamalar (Contemporary Policing Strategies) (pp. 253-270) by
E. Muş and M. A. Sözer (Eds.), Ankara: Adalet Publishing
Delice, Murat and Gül, Zakir. (2015). An Experimental Study on Police Professional Ethics: A Police
Training Center in Turkey (forthcoming)
Kuloğlu, Gökhan, Gül, Zakir, and Erçetin, Şule. (2014). “Importance of Counter-Intelligence as a Chaotic
Phenomenon in National Security” in Chaos Theory in World Politics (pp. 171-188) by
S.Banerjee & Ş.Ş.Erçetin & A.Tekin (Eds.) Springer Publishing.
Gül, Zakir. (2013). "Charismatic Leadership, Ethics and Effectiveness in Political Science" in Chaos,
Complexity and Leadership, (pp. 193-198) by Banerjee, S. and Erçetin, Ş.Ş. (Eds.). Springer
Gültekin, Sebahattin, Gül, Zakir and Ünal, Mustafa C. (2013). "Motivasyon (Motivation)". Organizasyon
Teorileri: Klasik ve Modern Perspektifler (Organization Theories: Classical and Modern
Perspectives) (pp. 343-368), Sebahattin Gültekin (Ed.). Seçkin Publishing, Ankara.
Gül, Zakir. (2011). "Kamu Politika Sürecine Teorik Bakış ve Genel bir Değerlendirme (A Theoretical
View and Critical Evaluation of Public Policies)". Kamu Politika Süreci (Public Policy Process)
(pp. 245-246). Alican Kaptı (Ed.) Seçkin Publishing, Ankara.
Gül, Zakir. (2011). "Kamu Politikalarında Kurumsallık (Institutionalism) Teorisi (Institutionalism in
Public Policy Process)". Kamu Politika Süreci (Public Policy Process)(pp. 71-83). Alican Kaptı
(Ed.) Seçkin Publishing, Ankara.
Gül, Serdar Kenan and Gül, Zakir. (2012). "Norveç Polis Eğitimi (Norwegian Police Organization)".
Polis Eğitim Sistemleri (International Police Education Systems) (pp. 345-364), Alican Kaptı
and Sebahattin Gültekin (Eds). Polis Akademisi Publishing, Ankara.
Encyclopedia Entries
Gül, Zakir. (2015). Stratejik İstihbarat (Strategic Intelligence) S. Özeren, M. Sever ve O. Başıbüyük
(Eds.) (chapter in Security Terminologies Encyclopedia in Social Sciences, forthcoming)
Gül, Zakir. (2015). El-Muhaberat (Al-Mukhabarat) S. Özeren, M. Sever ve O. Başıbüyük (Eds.) (chapter
in Security Terminologies Encyclopedia in Social Sciences, forthcoming)
Gül, Zakir. (2015). Hizbullah Terör Örgütü (Lebanese Hezbollah Terrorist Organization) S. Özeren, M.
Sever ve O. Başıbüyük (Eds.) (chapter in Security Terminologies Encyclopedia in Social
Sciences, forthcoming)
Kuloğlu, Gökhan and Gül, Zakir. (2015). Taktik İstihbarat (Tactical Intelligence) S. Özeren, M. Sever ve
O. Başıbüyük (Eds.) (chapter in Security Terminologies Encyclopedia in Social Sciences,
Gül, Zakir and Öner, Mutlu. (2015). İstihbaratta Psikolojik Engeller (Psychological Biases in
Intelligence). S. Özeren, M. Sever ve O. Başıbüyük (Eds.) (chapter in Security Terminologies
Encyclopedia in Social Sciences, forthcoming)
Other publications
Gül, Zakir. (2010). Book Review: Measuring Crime (Suçun Ölçümü). Turkish Journal of Police Studies.
12 (4): 123-125
Academic Presentations
The Intelligence-Led Policing: Can it be a solution? at International Intelligence Symposium,
“Governance of Intelligence in Democratic Countries: Problems and Solutions”, Istanbul (24-26
June, 2010)
International Event Data Workshop, "Quantifying Security Studies and Foreign Policy Analysis in
Turkey and the Greater Middle East", Istanbul, (1-4 December, 2011)
Panel Chair: Crime Prevention and the Need for Information at TAIEX International Workshop,
“Democratic Values, Intelligence Practices, and Scientific Study of Intelligence”, Ankara, (16 - 17
November, 2011)
Panel Chair: Chaos, Complexity and Emergence: Lessons for Life - II Session at "International
Symposium of Chaos, Complexity, and Leadership", Ankara (20-22 December, 2012)
Professional Service
Security Sciences Faculty Selection Committee Member
Graduate Student Selection Committee Member
International Security Graduate (English) Program Selection Committee Member
Intelligence Studies Graduate Program Selection Committee Member
Skills & Abilities
 Communication:
 Expert on Verbal and Body Language
 Linguistics:
- Advanced English
- German (spoken better than written)
 Computer: 10-Finger Typewriting (PC Keyboard), Power Point and Word Programs, and Internet
Playing Turkish Guitar (Bağlama)
Table Tennis
Playing Chess
Watching Movies