Online Help: Program Management 8


Online Help: Program Management 8
Online Help: Program Management
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Page 2
Table Of Contents
What's New? ...................................................................................................................1
System Administration.....................................................................................................3
Background and Theory ................................................................................................13
Workflow, LifeCycle, and Project ...............................................................................13
Project Management..................................................................................................16
PolyItem ....................................................................................................................19
Single Item .............................................................................................................19
Poly Item ................................................................................................................19
PM Data Model .............................................................................................................25
Scheduling ....................................................................................................................27
Program Management Items .........................................................................................41
Expand TOC ..........................................................................................................41
Project .......................................................................................................................48
Create a Project .....................................................................................................61
Activity Completion Worksheet ..................................................................................74
Expand TOC..............................................................................................................80
Expand TOC..............................................................................................................82
Expand TOC..............................................................................................................84
Daily Update ..............................................................................................................85
Tailoring and Customizing .............................................................................................89
Index ...........................................................................................................................105
What's New?
What's new in 7.2?
1. Project Grid Layout Preferences enable tailoring of Project Plan in Project
2. Project Status Color Map Preferences enable tailoring of Activity status colors
3. Email notification for Project Activities
4. Filtering of Project Activities in Project Plan
5. Business Calendar enables holidays to be excluded from schedule calculation
Online Help: Program Management 8.1
What's new in 8.1?
1. Multiple Assignments for Activities
2. InBasket enables completion of both Activity and Assignments
3. Customizable business rules for Project Update and Scheduling calculation by
4. Customizable business rules for Activity and Assignment Completion
5. Tailorable Activity Completion Dialog Worksheet Forms and Grids
6. Scheduling supports 4 precedence types and lead time
7. Target dates for activities and management of planned dates within float
8. Filtering of Project Activities in Project Template
System Administration
Roles are used in Project Templates to designate what type of personnel would be
responsible for a specific task. For example, a Design Engineer may be responsible for
designing a DFMEA for a particular part. So, for that activity the responsible role may be
Design. Later, when the Project is created from the template, the Project creator will fill
in the specific design engineer who will be responsible for this task.
Roles are stored in the Project Role list. This list is then used as the data source for the
Role property in the project template. The System Administrator may also need to see
this list when setting up identities, in order to add a description field to each identity (see
Setting Up Identities).
To create the Project Role list:
1. From TOC, Administration, select Lists.
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2. Search for and open the Project Role list for edit.
3. Click on the New Item icon
and add entries as required.
4. Save, Unlock, and Close the list.
System Administration
When a new project is created, its project number is automatically generated by a
sequence. If required, the format of this sequence can be changed.
To change the sequence format:
1. From TOC, Administration, Sequences, search for Project Number sequence.
2. Open the sequence for edit, and the following dialog will display:
3. Here is a list of the properties and their contribution to the sequence
a. Name - the name of the sequence item. This name is referenced by the
ItemType definition when specifying a data source of sequence for the project
number property.
b. Prefix - the alpha-numeric prefix of the generated number. For example, if you
were to specify the prefix of "Project-", the next Project number would look like
this: Project-1348
c. Suffix - similar to Prefix, except added to the end of the number. For example, if
you were to specify a suffix of -GTX, the Project number would look like: Project1348-GTX.
d. Pad With - specify the character to fill in the required number of spaces
e. Pad To - the total number of characters for the number, excluding the prefix and
the suffix. For example, if the Pad To is set to 8, and the Pad With = x, the
Project Number would look like this: Project-xxxx1348-GTX.
Step - the increment by which the number differs from the previous and next, 1
by default.
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System Administration
Setting Up Identities
Setting up the identities is similar to building a company organization chart. Here is a list
of steps to make this process easier.
1. Create identities for the top level department headings, for example: Engineering,
Sales, and Marketing.
2. For each top level heading, create subordinate departments. For example,
Engineering might have: Development, Support, and QA. Support, in turn, might
further consist of: Customer Support, Documentation, and Training. Make sure
you add the subordinate departments as members to their respective group
3. Once the departmental structure is in place, create individual users and add their
identities to their respective departments. In Innovator, one user identity can
belong to more than one group.
There are two basic Identities used in Program Management - Project Management and
Quality Engineering. Once the user identities are set up as shown above, they can be
added to the Program Management and Quality Engineering Identities. Add the highest
level department possible to avoid repetition and promote ease of maintenance.
When creating Identities, we suggest you use the description field to label each identity
with a role label. In Roles we talked about how the templates will use roles as opposed
to identities to designate the responsible personnel. When creating a project from the
template, the actual identities have to be substituted for the roles. If the identities have a
description that corresponds to their role, the searching for the appropriate personnel will
be much easier. Here is an example of a search dialog, where the user is searching for
all identities whose description corresponds to the "Design" role.
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In order for the Project Management team, and the Quality Engineering team to have the
correct permissions, both of these identities must be added to All Employees. This will
ensure that all personnel that have a permission to create and edit a project, can also
add parts and deliverables to that project. Please follow the steps in Setting Up Identities
first, before adding them to All Employees.
If you create new Item Types to be used as Deliverables, make sure that you set the
permissions on these items such that the Identities that add and view the Deliverables
have "get" permissions on all items that are the Poly Sources of Deliverables.
For example, let's create a new Item Type, called ExampleDeliverable, and give it a new
1. From TOC, Administration, Permissions, create a new Permission.
2. Name it CanGet.
3. Add the following Identities to the permission, and give them the CanGet access:
Project Management, and All Employees.
4. Save, Unlock and Exit the Permission.
5. From TOC, Administration, ItemTypes, create a new ItemType.
6. Name it ExampleDeliverable.
System Administration
7. Click on the Permissions tab, and add the new permission as the default.
8. Add other properties and settings as required.
9. Save, Unlock and Exit the new Item Type.
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PolyItem Setup
In Program Management, the Deliverable Item is defined as a PolyItem. It is up to the
system administrator to determine which Item Types can be a Deliverable.
To set up the Deliverable Item Type:
1. From TOC, Administration, ItemTypes search for and open Deliverable for
2. Select the Poly Sources tab.
3. In the Actions, select Pick Related.
4. Click the New Item icon . A search dialog will be displayed. Select any Item
Types that will serve as deliverables.
5. Make certain that the individual Item Types selected have correct permissions
set up, i.e. that Project Management and All Employees have "get" access to
each of these Item Types.
6. Save, Unlock and Exit from the Deliverable Item Type.
System Administration
Daily Update Setup
Daily Update is a method that should run once per day to update all the active projects.
For more information on what this method does, see About Daily Update. Should you
need to run this method automatically on a daily basis, say every day just after midnight,
there is a way to configure this through the Innovator Service utility.
The Innovator Service is a Windows Executable that runs as a Windows Service. For
more information on Innovator Service, please refer to the Innovator Service Usage
Instructions manual, found on your Innovator Installation CD. The Innovator Service
executes according to a configuration file which can specify what methods to run, for
which database, on which server, when, and how often. Here is an example of this
configuration file which requests the method dailyUpdate to be run on the
InnovatorSolutions71 database, once per day at midnight.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
Online Help: Program Management 8.1
Please refer to the Innovator Service Usage Instructions manual for a more complete
explanation of the configuration file, as well as instructions on how to install and run this
Background and Theory
Workflow, LifeCycle, and Project
All of these three items - Workflow, LifeCycle, and Project - are designed to model and
execute a process. Because of their differences, however, each one is suited better for a
specific type of process. Knowing these differences will allow the user to judge more
clearly which type of item should be used to represent a specific process. Let's look at
the definitions:
LifeCycle - a set of mutually exclusive states that some thing may be in, often
representing a stage of a process. For example, all parts or manufactured items have a
The specific states may be called: design, review, released, in-change, superseded, and
so forth. It is clear how a part that is in the design state, cannot also be in the
superseded state. Usually there is a specific flow through these states, which may
branch out or feed back in loops.
Workflow - a finite set of activities necessary to carry out a process. For example, a
workflow for a PR (problem report) might look like this:
In the above diagram, specific activities are shown for each PR that may enter the
system. These activities must be performed in the order specified. Each activity might
further contain lists of action items for the responsible personnel assigned to the activity.
Project - A progressively elaborated series of steps and actions to achieve a unique
result. A project manages the issues of scope, time, and cost to achieve this result.
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Background and Theory
Comparison of Functionality
A question may arise as to which concept is more suitable to model a given process.
Here is a brief comparison of functionality between the LifeCycle, the Workflow, and the
Keep in mind that a result of a project action, called Activity2, maybe an item that has its
own workflow and lifecycle. For example, you might have a project that requires a
completion of an ECN as one of its activities. So, basically a Project can incorporate all
of the other planning concepts, except for another project.
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Project Management
Components of Project Management
The PMI (Project Management Institute) suggests that the following knowledge areas
comprise Project Manager:
 Project Integration
 Scope Management
 Time Management
 Cost Management
 Quality Management
 Human Resource Management
 Communication Management
 Risk Management
 Procurement Management
Aras Program Management (PM) addresses the issues of Project Integration, Scope
Management, and Time Management. Other Innovator BRSs, such as Quality Planning,
address Quality and Risk Management, while Product Engineering addresses
Procurement and Cost Management.
Background and Theory
Project Process Groups
There are basic project phases that each well planned project should go through.
According to PMI, these phases are:
Each phase can then be broken down into more concrete activities. For example, in the
Planning phase, the following steps are necessary:
PMI advises all project managers to put as much work as necessary into the planning of
the project in order to produce the result as quickly and as efficiently as possible. The
more unknowns exist in the system when the project begins, the less is the likelihood of
success of the project. Remember that the goal of any project is to effectively manage
time, scope, and resources.
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Innovator PM Phases and Steps
The following is a list of steps that a project manager might wish to execute prior to
sitting down in front of a computer. Just like a successful programmer will first develop
the algorithm and the data model, before writing code, the project manager must lay out
the project first. The following is a suggested list of steps.
To Initiate the Project:
1. Select the Project
2. Define the result
3. Select the Project Manager
4. Select target start and finish dates
5. Document the purpose of the project in Project Charter.
Planning the Project:
1. Define the scope
2. Break scope down into intermediate results
3. List the activities, the work to achieve results
4. List the resources to do the work
5. Take account of risks
6. List work to be done
7. Decide the order of activities
8. Determine the duration of activities
9. Estimate the amount of work for activities
10. Assign who will do the activities
11. From all of the above, create, review and communicate the project plan.
To Execute the Project:
1. Assignees: complete and add deliverables, complete activities
To Control the Project:
1. Review Project and Activity status, make changes as required
To Close the Project
1. Close or Cancel the Project.
Background and Theory
Implementation Types
An ItemType can be defined with two different implementations. Single Item and Poly
Single Item
The Single Item type is the most common implementation approach. In Single Item,
each ItemType represents an individual business object, and is represented in a
relational database as a single table. Examples of a Single Item type include definitions
of Part, Document, Project, DFMEA, etc.
Poly Item
A Poly Item implementation type represents a polymorphic class of ItemType. A Poly
Item ItemType can represent a collection of other ItemTypes. A polymorphic (Poly Item)
ItemType is typically used when a property of some other item can reference more than
one possible type of Item - a project Deliverable, for example. The type of deliverable
can be one of many possible types if Item. The deliverable may be a Document, a Part,
a Control plan, etc.
The Poly Item type has a somewhat limited set of compatible relationships that are
applicable in the ItemType definition. Only those Tabs that remain active in the
ItemType form are supported in a Poly Item type.
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Background and Theory
Creating a Poly Item Item Type
To create a Poly Item type ItemType:
1. From TOC, Administration, select Item Type. Create a New ItemType
2. Enter data for the header properties of your new Item Type, selecting Poly Item
for the implementation type.
You will receive the following warning.
Select Ok.
5. Note the many of the relationship tabs are disabled when selecting the Poly Item
6. Select the “Poly Sources” relationship tab
7. Select existing ItemTypes that the Poly Item will support. For example, the
following could be a list for the Deliverable Item Type.
8. Select the Properties tab. Enter any common property names that you would like
to display in selection search item browser grids. If a property name is added
that does not exist in all the Poly Sources, then an error will be thrown when
saving the ItemType.
Save the ItemType
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Searching Poly Items
A Poly Item can be a property data source of another item (such as the Deliverable
property of a Project Activity2) or a Related Item. When selecting existing Items, the
Search Browser dialog will display an additional pull down list of the Poly Sources. You
can search across all the Poly Source Items at once as shown below.
Or, you can select a specific Poly Source from the pull down list to confine the search to
a single type. In the example below, Parts was chosen as one of the possible
Background and Theory
Creating a new Item via a Poly Item
When a Related Item uses a Poly Item as its source, a user will see an additional dialog
when creating a new Related Item. When creating a new Related, you must first select
which of the Poly Source types you wish to create. For example, if you are creating a
new Deliverable for a specific line item in Project, here is the first dialog that would
Select the Type of Item, and the rest of the process of Item creation should be familiar.
PM Data Model
The PM Data Model
The diagram below shows the simplified Program Management data model.
The Project is the center, or the main focus of the data model. A program may contain
several projects. A project consists of WBS elements that in turn consist of activities.
Each activity consists of tasks and is assigned to a specific individual (the assignment
identity). An activity may also contain a list of predecessors, which is a list of other
activities that need to complete before the tasks of this activity can be started. An activity
may contain deliverables to be attached as the activity completes. An activity may also
contain comments and a time record, indicating who did which task and how long it took.
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Back at the project level, if the project is created from a template, then the Team tab will
contain the roles that are assigned to activities in the project. The project manager will
then assign an Identity to each role in the team. The project may also have Documents
attached. The documents may actually be any deliverable that is associated with the
project as a whole. Usually, though, these documents are input documents, perhaps
specs or customer requirements, which govern the whole project. Finally, the project
may be associated with a Part that needs to be approved by the client. Usually the
purpose of the project is to receive production approval on a particular Part. In those
cases, it would make sense to have the part associated with the project.
This data model is a bird's eye view of the Program Management components. Later
sections will go into detail in describing each of the components and their relationship to
each other.
About Scheduling
There are three types of scheduling available for any given project - Forward, Backward,
and Milestone. The Forward scheduling is based on the target start date, the
precedence of the activities, and the duration of the activities. The Backward scheduling
is based on the target finish date of the whole project, the precedence and the duration
of the tasks. And finally, Milestone scheduling is based on the target finish date of each
phase of the project, which is represented by a specific type of milestone, as well as the
precedence of activities within each phase, and the duration of the activities within each
phase. All of the scheduling types are based on the Critical Path method, with certain
additions and modifications for each specific type. To understand how scheduling works,
it's best first to learn the Critical Path method, and then to identify the modifications for
each scheduling type. Here is a good path through the information:
1. Critical Path method
2. Forward Scheduling
3. Backward Scheduling
4. Custom Scheduling
It is important to understand what happens to the scheduling algorithm when the
Planned dates are changed by the Project Manager. For example, if activity B and C
depend on activity A, and the Planned Start on activity A is moved forward by 5 days,
this will affect the start dates for activities B and C. The new planned start for activities B
and C will be calculated, but if it still falls between the early and late start of B and C, as
calculated previously, the planned start dates for B and C will not be changed. This is
true for all types of scheduling.
In release 8.1 scheduling is executed on the server only, the scheduling method can be
selected by Project and can be configured to run when a choice of events occur. In prior
releases scheduling was executed on the client only.
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Critical Path Method
The critical path method represents each activity as a box with several properties:
Notice that the two center properties, the Task ID and the Task Duration, are marked in
blue. This is because, unlike the other properties, these two can be changed by the
Project Manager. The other properties, the four dates, are calculated by the scheduling
algorithm and cannot be changed manually.
The easiest way to understand the Critical Path method is to look at a diagram of a given
project, where each activity is represented as above. Here is an example:
In the above project, activity B is the predecessor of activities C, D, and E, which are in
turn predecessors of activity F. The Target Start Date is the implied predecessor of A
and B, while the Target Finish Date is the implied successor of F and A.
The following are the general steps of the Critical Path method:
1. Start with the target start date, which is 0, and enter this date into the Early Start
of each activity that does not have a predecessor. Hence, there is a 0 for the
Early Start of activities A and B.
2. For each activity that now has an Early Start, we add the duration and get an
Early Finish date. Looking at activities A and B, we have 5 and 9 for the Early
Finish dates respectively.
3. If the activities whose Early Finish dates are already calculated have successors,
these successor activities are calculated next. For each successor activity (such
as C, D, or E), look at all of the predecessor activities (which here is just B), and
enter the latest of the predecessor activities' Early Finish dates into its
successor's Early Start date. Here the only activity where the early dates have
been calculated, and which has successors, is B. B is also the only predecessor
of C, D, and E. So, enter B's Early Finish, which is 9, as the Early Start of C, D,
and E. Notice that C, D, and E all have 9 in the top left corner, which is their Early
Start date.
4. For all activities that have an Early Start date, use their duration to calculate an
Early Finish date. So, for C, D, and E, take the Early Start date, which is 9, and
add the individual durations to get their individual Early Finish dates. Because C
is a milestone, and has 0 duration, its Early Finish will equal its Early Start. Both
D and E have a duration of 5, so their Early Finish will equal 9+5=14.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 recursively until all successors have Early Finish dates. In
this example, F would be next. F's Early Start would be the latest of the Early
Finish dates of all its predecessors, which are C, D, and E. The latest Early
Finish of those three activities is 14. So, 14 would be the Early Start for F. Then,
to calculate F's Early Finish date, add the duration to its Early Start date.
6. Once all activities have early dates, the calculated Early Finish date for the whole
project can be determined. This date is the latest of all Early Finish dates of all
activities that do not have a successor. In this example, the calculated Early
Finish date for the project is 14. This completes the forward pass of the Critical
Path method.
7. Next is the backward pass through the same diagram of the project. We start
with the target finish date, which is 20. Copy this target finish date to the Late
Finish of all activities that have no successors. In this example, these are A and
8. Calculate the Late Start of all activities where the Late Start date has been
determined. The Late Start date = Late Finish - duration. So, for A and F, the
Late Start dates would be 15 and 20 respectively.
9. Identify all the predecessors of the activities that have Late Start dates
calculated. For each predecessor, find the earliest Late Start date of all of its
successors, which then becomes that predecessor's Late Finish date. In this
example, A and F have been calculated. A does not have predecessors, but F
does - C, D, and E. For all these three activities the only successor is F, so it's
F's Late Start that becomes their Late Finish. Hence, C, D, and E all have 20 for
their Late Finish.
10. For all activities that have a Late Finish date, calculate their Late Start date,
using their individual durations. In this example, we calculate the Late Start for C,
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D, and E by subtracting their duration from the Late Finish date. The results are
20, 15, and 15 respectively.
11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 recursively until all predecessors have Late Start dates. In
this example, we would now calculate the Late Start for B. B has 3 successors C, D, and E - where 15 is the earliest Late Start date. So, B would now have the
15 as the Late Finish, and 6 as the Late Start.
12. Take the earliest of the Late Start dates of the activities with no predecessors,
and that becomes the calculated Late Start date for the whole project. That
completes the backward pass through the diagram, as well as the Critical Path
method itself.
The Project Manager has the freedom to determine the actual start date for each activity,
as long as it lies in the interval between the calculated Early and Late Start dates.
However, those activities where the Early and Late Start are equal are defined as being
on the Critical Path, since they allow no leeway if the schedule is to be kept.
Forward Scheduling
Forward Scheduling is based on the Critical Path method of calculating the four dates Early Start, Late Start, Early Finish, and Late Finish - for each activity in the project. If
you have not done so yet, please read through the Critical Path Method explanation first,
as we build upon it in this section.
Let's take an example project as shown below. This is the same example as used in the
Critical Path Method explanation.
The Forward Scheduling method follows these steps:
1. Start with the target start date for the project, which becomes the Scheduled
Start date for the project.
2. Based on the Scheduled Start date, calculate a Critical Path Method forward
pass to determine the early dates for all activities in the project.
3. Calculate the Scheduled Finish date for the project which is the latest date of the
following: the Target Finish date and the Early Finish date of all activities that
have no successors. This step is necessary to ensure that the Scheduled Finish
date of the project is after all the activities complete. Quite often the Target Finish
date, which is specified by the Project Manager in the Initial Form of the project,
ends up being too early. But remember that for Forward Scheduling, the Target
Finish is NOT a delimiter, where as the Target Start is.
4. Use the Critical Path method to calculate a backward pass through the activities,
using the Scheduled Finish date as the final finish date. This will calculate the
Late dates for each activity.
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5. The early dates (Early Start and Early Finish) are then copied to the Plan Start
and Plan Finish dates for each activity. Here is a view of the whole project:
6. The Project Manager can then go through each activity and change the Plan
Start date to any date between the Early Start and Late Start dates for that
activity. Here is a view of Activity D inside a project:
Note that the calculated dates are in the System Managed area, and these
cannot be changed manually. Since this project is using Forward Scheduling, the
Project Manager only needs to change the Plan Start. The Plan Finish is
automatically calculated.
Backward Scheduling
Backward Scheduling is based on the Critical Path method of calculating the four dates Early Start, Late Start, Early Finish, and Late Finish - for each activity in the project. If
you have not done so yet, please read through the Critical Path Method explanation first,
as we build upon it in this section.
Let's take an example project as shown below. This is the same example as used in the
Critical Path Method explanation.
The Backward Scheduling method follows these steps:
1. Start with the target finish date for the project, which becomes the Scheduled
Finish date for the project.
2. Based on the Scheduled Finish date, calculate a Critical Path Method backward
pass to determine the late dates for all activities in the project.
3. Calculate the Scheduled Start date for the project which is the earliest date of the
following: the Target Start date and the Late Start date of all activities that have
no predecessors. This step is necessary to ensure that the Scheduled Start date
of the project is before the latest possible start of all activities. Quite often the
Target Start date, which is specified by the Project Manager in the Initial Form of
the project, ends up being too late. But remember that for Backward Scheduling,
the Target Start is NOT a delimiter, where as the Target Finish is. The only
difficulty that may arise here is that the Scheduled Start may end up earlier than
today. In that case, the Project Manager has to either change the duration of the
tasks, or precedence, or the Target Finish date.
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4. Use the Critical Path method to calculate a forward pass through the activities,
using the Scheduled Start date as the Start date. This will calculate the Early
dates for each activity.
5. The late dates (Late Start and Late Finish) are then copied to the Plan Start and
Plan Finish dates for each activity. Here is the view of the project with calculated
If you compare these dates to the dates in Forward Scheduling, you will see that
they are different. Again, this is because the plan dates in Backward Scheduling
are the Late dates, where as in Forward Scheduling they are the Early dates.
6. The Project Manager can then go through each activity and change the Plan
Finish date to any date between the Early Finish and Late Finish dates for that
activity. Here is a view of Activity D inside a project:
Note that the calculated dates are in the System Managed area, and these
cannot be changed manually. Since this project is using Backward Scheduling,
the Project Manager only needs to change the Plan Finish. The Plan Start is
automatically calculated.
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Precedence types and lead time
Where A is a predecessor of B as shown in the diagram above, note the direction of the
Finish to Start means B cannot start before A has finished. This is the most
common precedence type and is the default value, if no precedence type is
specified then Finish to Start will be assumed. In the Predecessors column in the
Project Pan only the row number # will be shown without a suffix
Start to Start means B cannot start before A has started, shown as #SS in the
Predecessors column
Finish to Finish means B cannot finish before A has finished, shown as #FF in
the Predecessor column
Start to Finish means B cannot Finish before A has started, shown as #SF in
the Predecessor column
Lead and lag time is measured in working days. Where the number is positive it
means wait time
If A is the predecessor of B with SS precedence and +1 day lead time then B
cannot start until waiting 1 day after A has started, shown as #SS+1 in the
Predecessor Column
Custom Scheduling
Custom scheduling methods can be provided as a customization where standard
forward or backward scheduling do not meet business needs.
Milestone Scheduling has been discontinued in release 8.1; users preferred the explicit
precedence provided by forward or backward scheduling rather than the 'implied'
precedence' of milestone scheduling.
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Activity Target Dates
Forward Scheduling
1. For each Activity the Critical Path Method calculates the earliest and latest dates.
In the example below the earliest is Monday the 4th and the latest is Friday the
2. However in the example there is a predecessor which has a planned date one
day after its earliest date, the predecessors planned date pushes the start date of
this activity one day later too.
3. The project manager has selected and Activity Target date of Wednesday the
6th, it will be adopted if possible. In this case it is possible, otherwise the closest
available date to the target date would be adopted.
4. If there were no Target date then the prior planned date, or the closest available
date to the prior planned date would be adopted.
5. If there were no Target date and no prior planned date the earliest available date
would be adopted.
Forward Scheduling
1. For each Activity the Critical Path Method calculates the earliest and latest dates.
In the example below the earliest is Monday the 4th and the latest is Friday the
2. However in the example there is a successor which has a planned date one day
before its latest date, the successors planned date pushes the finish date of this
activity one day earlier too.
3. The project manager has selected and Activity Target date of Wednesday the
6th, it will be adopted if possible. In this case it is possible, otherwise the closest
available date to the target date would be adopted.
4. If there were no Target date then the prior planned date, or the closest available
date to the prior planned date would be adopted.
5. If there were no Target date and no prior planned date the earliest available date
would be adopted.
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Business Calendars
Business Calendars are used by Program Management scheduling methods for
scheduling calculations
They may be edited by members of the Administrators Identity
They indicate which days are not normal workdays
All Users and Projects in the same database share the same calendars
By default Saturday and Sunday or not normal workdays but they can optionally
be selected as workdays for calendar years
Other holidays can be set as non-workdays as required
Years for which there is no Business Calendar will be treated the same as the
default, Saturday and Sunday will not be work days all other days are.
To add a Business Calendar
1. Select the Calendars Item from the Administration category in the TOC
2. Select the Add New toolbar button or Menu Item or context menu item
3. Enter a four digit year number
4. Uncheck Weekend Days Off checkbox if Saturday and Sunday are workdays
5. In the Relationships tab click to add a new holiday date
6. Note that the Day Off checbox may be edited in the grid, if required
7. Exceptions which are not calendar days in the selected year will be ignored
8. When all the holidays for a year have been added, click Save, Unlock and Close
To edit a Business Calendar
1. Select the Calendars Item from the Administration category in the TOC
2. Select a year and open it for editing
3. Edit as required
4. Save, Unlock and Close
Program Management Items
Create a Template
Expand TOC
Project templates allow the company to facilitate project creation more easily and
smoothly. Templates help to standardize processes, as well as provide a reusable
structure for similar projects. Templates can also include best practices and lessons
learned from past history. Templates do not include any kind of scheduling or status
A Project template may look like this:
The properties and columns of the template are:
1. Name - A unique project template name
2. Description - the description of the template; this field is not copied into the
actual project, so it should be used to describe the particular attributes of this
template, helping the Project Manager to identify the appropriate template for a
new project.
3. The Project Plan tab - the columns of the grid on this tab are:
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a. N - the activity or milestone number. Used to identify the activity as a
predecessor for another activity. For example, Activity 1 above has an N of 1. It is
defined as the predecessor of Activity 2.
b. Project Tree - shows the tree element, its place in the tree, and the element's
c. Predecessor - a comma separated list of predecessors for this tree element. A
predecessor is an activity or a milestone that has to complete before the
successor activity can start. In milestone scheduling, each phase must have at
least one milestone with no successor, and most likely the rest of the items of the
phase as its predecessors. The date of this milestone will be the end date of the
d. Plan Duration - the planned number of working days the activity should take
h. Plan Hours - man hours required to complete the activity. This entry is not
related to duration, but is for planning purposes only. The 8/80 rule should be
used here - if the activity is less than 8 hours, it probably does not merit its own
activity; if activity is more than 80 hours, it should probably be broken down into
more manageable pieces.
Attach Required - if checked, then a deliverable must be attached for the activity
to be complete.
Attach Type - from the drop down box, specify the deliverable type; this property
is not required to have a value.
k. Role - personnel responsible for this activity; in a template, a precise assignment
of a specific identity cannot be made. Therefore, a role is used to designate the
personnel responsible. The role list is controlled by the system administrator in
Required - if checked, this is a required activity. The assignee has to specifically
check if off on their Activity Completion Form, and perhaps sign off on it, that this
particular activity is completed.
4. The Project Plan tab - the icons are:
- Add new WBS Element - adds a new WBS element to the tree structure,
below the selected tree element.
- Add new activity - adds a new activity to the tree structure, below the
selected tree element.
- Add new milestone - adds a new milestone to the tree structure, below the
selected tree element.
- View/Edit selected Item - opens the detail dialog for the selected tree
Program Management Items
- Delete selected Item - deletes the selected (highlighted) tree element
- Indent item - Indents the selected item, applies only to WBSs.
- Outdent item - Outdents the selected item, applies only to WBSs.
- Cut - Cut the selected item (stores it to a clipboard)
- Paste - pastes the selection to selected area; available only when the
clipboard contains information.
- Expand all - expands all the nodes on the project tree.
- Collapse all - collapses all nodes on the project tree.
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Approve a Template
Once a template is created, it does not automatically appear in the list of available
templates for creation of a project. The reason for this is the Template life cycle. Let's
take a look at it.
As you can see from the life cycle above, a template has two states - Pending and
Approved. When the template is created, it is in the Pending state. Any member of the
Project Management identity has the permission to promote a template to an Approved
state. So, upon a review of the template, the Project Manager needs to promote the
template in order to make it available for project creation.
To promote an item to the next state:
1. From TOC, Templates, Project Templates, select the template that you would
like to promote.
2. Select the Promote Icon
pop-up menu.
, or the Promote menu choice from the right-click
Program Management Items
3. A list of available state for promotion will be displayed. In this case, there is only
one state available.
4. Select Approved, and hit the green check icon
The same process can be used to promote the template back to the pending state, if for
some reason the project management team decides that the template is inadequate.
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Create Project from Template
A project can be created from any approved template. When the project is created this
way, it will automatically inherit the work structure of the template. Some activities may
be optional and may be modified or even deleted by the project manager. However,
some activities, marked as required on the template, cannot be deleted from the project
once it is created. This structure is enforced in order to preserve the company required
structure and best practices.
The following is a list of steps that are different if the project is created from a template
rather than from scratch. To get the complete list of all steps and a full description of all
properties, follow the Create a Project page flow.
To create a project from a template:
1. From TOC, Portfolio, Projects, create a new Project. The initial form will appear:
2. Fill in the required properties, making sure that the correct template is selected
for the Project Template property. If the required template does not seem to
appear in the drop down list, make sure that the template is in the right life cycle
state, see Approve a Template. For more information on initial form properties,
see Create a Project.
3. Hit the green check button
to start the project creation process.
4. Once the project is created, the project manager needs to assign the actual
identities instead of roles. To do this:
Go to the Team tab of the new project. All the roles that were created on the
template, will appear in the list here.
Program Management Items
To assign a specific identity to each role:
i.Select the role to be replaced.
ii.Click on the Pick/Replace Selected Item icon
. A search dialog with all identities will
appear. If your system administrator crated descriptions for each identity, corresponding
to the role list, you can search directly by the description field:
iii.Select the identity to fulfill all Design responsibilities (or whatever role that you are
working on), and hit the green check mark
to complete the selection.
iv.Notice that back in the Project, under the Team tab, the selected identity has replaced
the previous relationship to null.
v.Continue to replace all related items, until all roles have an identity associated with it.
On returning to the Project Plan, there may be 1 or more dialog boxes indicating
that Assignments and Leaders have been added.
Online Help: Program Management 8.1
About Projects
An Innovator Project is a tool that allows the Project Manager to control the scope and
time of a project, using a specific structure of other items, such as WBSs, Activities, and
Deliverables. The Project Manager creates and organizes the structure. Then, the
assignees are given the responsibility for specific activities in the project. When the
assignees complete these activities, they update their worksheets, which in turn update
the Project, allowing the Project Manager to track the progress of the project. Let's take
a closer look at each of these items separately, and then together as they fit into the
whole structure.
 Activity2
 Deliverable
 Project
 Activity Completion Worksheet
The project also has a life cycle associated with it, as shown below:
The project has several states, Pending, Active, Cancelled, or Closed. Only the Owner,
or the Project Manager of the Project has the permission to promote the project from one
state to another. Once the Project is in the Closed state, it is unlockable, or uneditable.
Program Management Items
WBS is defined as Work Breakdown Structure. The WBS is an element directly under
the root in the Project tree, and it contains other elements such as activities, milestones,
and even nested WBSs. The purpose of WBSs is to allow the user to break down the
project into manageable pieces or phases, represented by the WBS, where each one
has a distinct deliverable. In the case of Milestone scheduling, each WBS should be
assigned a phase, with at least one milestone in it. WBSs can also be nested. Here is an
example of what a Project structure could look like:
While the WBS might have deliverables associated with it, its schedule is derived from
the schedule of the activities and milestones that it contains. So, for example, if a WBS
contains one activity whose start date is today and end date is tomorrow, then the WBS
start date is today and the end date would be tomorrow. Its metrics, such as the %
complete, or how close it is to schedule, are rolled up values from the values of
contained activities and milestones.
The WBSs immediately below the root level are represented as phases at Project level.
For example, take a look at the tree structure below. Notice that there are 3 main phases
(plus root) in this Project:
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These three main phases are reflected in the Project header as well, once the project is
promoted to an active state:
Thus, the Project Manager has a good view of the overall progress of each phase just by
glancing at the progress of the WBSs.
Program Management Items
An Activity, or an Activity2 is a basic building block of the Project Plan. An activity has a
list of tasks associated with it, a time period or duration during which these tasks are to
be completed, and a list of deliverables to be submitted. A milestone is an activity,
except with zero duration. Aside from the information appearing in the Project Plan tab of
the project, there is also a detail dialog for each activity. Let's look at a Design Project
and its tree of activities:
Note the highlighted activity, Functional Spec. We will use this activity as an example. To
take a more detailed look at the activity, you can either select View/Edit Selected Item
from the right-mouse-click pop-up menu, or by hitting the View/Edit item icon
. The
Activity2 Detail Dialog is then displayed. Notice that this dialog does not have any of the
typical Save, Exit, or Unlock icons. All information that is changed on this dialog is
automatically saved when the dialog is closed. The information on this dialog is
connected to the information for the activity on Project Plan tab. No matter where the
Online Help: Program Management 8.1
information is changed, it is updated in both places.
Let's take a look at the properties and tabs of this dialog:
1. There are three areas in the header of this dialog:
For Use By Project Manager - all the following properties are to be filled out by
the Project Manager identity of this project
i.Name - the name of the activity
ii.Project Manager - the manager of the project
iii.Date Start Sched - the scheduled start date for the activity. The Project Manager can
select a date between the early start date (Date Es) and late start date (Date Ls) which
are calculated by the scheduler. When these dates are the same date, the Project
Manager has no choice.
iv.Date Due Shed - the scheduled due date for the activity. The Project Manager can
select a date between the early finish date (Date Ef) and the late finish date (Date Lf), as
long as the scheduled start date plus duration will equal Date Due.
v.Expected Duration - the duration of the activity, transferred here from the Project Plan
Program Management Items
vi.Work Est - the estimated number of hours to complete the activity.
vii.Is Required - a boolean to indicate if this activity is required. This applies if the project
was created from a template where an activity can be marked as required. In the case of
a required activity, the check box will be checked, and the property is read only (set by
the template).
viii.Description - the description of the activity
ix.Deliv Type - the Item Type of the Deliverable. This applies only if the activity requires a
deliverable, but even in this case, specifying the type of deliverable is not required..
x.Deliv Required - boolean to indicate if the activity requires a deliverable to be complete.
If checked, the activity cannot be completed until the deliverable is attached by the
responsible assignee.
b. System Managed - these properties are managed by Innovator. The values
shown here are all read only.
State - the state of the activity, could be one of two - active or pending. An active
state is reached when the project is promoted to the active state, and the
scheduled start date for the activity is today or earlier.
Status - the traffic light indicator of the activity, as well as the rolled up %
complete of all the underlying tasks.
 No color - the activity is pending, meaning the scheduled start
date has not been reached
 Green - the activity is active (i.e. the start date is today or earlier),
and the number of days between today and the planned finish
date of the activity is greater than 6.
 Yellow - the activity is active (i.e. the start date is today or earlier),
and the number of days between today and the planned finish
date of the activity is less than or equal to 5, but greater than or
equal to 1.
 Red - the activity is active (i.e. the start date is today or earlier),
and the planned finish date of the activity is today or earlier.
Date Activated - the date this activity was started. It may have been started
earlier than the scheduled date.
Date Due Original - The original due date, which may be used later in tracking
and metrics to indicate the accuracy of planning and predicting project success.
Date Es - the earliest possible start date calculated by the date propagation
Date Ls - the latest possible start date calculated by the date propagation
Date Ef - the earliest possible finish date calculated by the date propagation
Date Lf - the latest possible finish date calculated by the date propagation
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c. For Use By Assignee - properties that are under the control of the identity
assigned to complete the activity. These properties echo the values entered in
the Activity Completion Worksheet. So when an assignee updates the
Worksheet, the new values are reflected here as well.
i.Date Start Act - the actual date that the activity was started.
ii.Date Due Act - the actual date that the activity was completed
iii.Complete - % complete at the point when the assignee chooses to update this
Program Management Items
Assignments tab - this tab is used to list the specific tasks that may be required by the
activity. These may be specified by the template, or by Project Manager, or both.
Whatever tasks are listed here, will also appear on the Activity Completion Worksheet of
the Assignee. Below is a sample list of tasks that might comprise an activity.
To add a task, click on the New Item icon
, which will create a new row in the table.
Fill out the following properties:
Name - This is the Identity of the person assigned, to add or change an assignment use
the Pick/Replace icon
Role - This will be used to populate the Identity from the Project Team
Work Estimate - The number of hour work estimated for this assignment
Percent Load - The percentage of the assignees time the assignment should take
Percent Complete - The percentage complete reported by the assignee using the ACW
Dialog from the InBasket
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Activity Tasks tab - this tab is used to list the specific tasks that may be required by the
activity. These may be specified by the template, or by Project Manager, or both.
Whatever tasks are listed here, will also appear on the Activity Completion Worksheet of
the Assignee. Below is a sample list of tasks that might comprise an activity.
To add a task, click on the New Item icon
, which will create a new row in the table.
Fill out the following properties:
Rqd - required task - if checked this task is required to complete before the activity can
be marked as complete.
Description - the description of the task to be completed
%Compl - % Complete - the degree of completeness of each task. Some assigned
tasks may already be somewhat completed by others before they are assigned, which
would be indicated here. Also this is a good place where the assignee can keep track of
their progress with each task. The % Complete of the individual tasks does not roll up
into the %Complete of the Activity.
Due Date - each task may have its own due date or not. If no value is entered, a
required task of an activity is due on the due date of the activity itself
Program Management Items
Time Records
Activity Time Record Tab - the purpose of this tab is to keep an accurate track record
of the actual amount of work required by this activity, and who performed it. This
information is currently not used anywhere, but could be used later to run statistics and
metrics. Here is a view of what the information in this tab may look like:
To add a new time record, hit the New Item icon
in the table.
, which will create a new line
Fill out the following properties:
i.Who - the identity who completed the work hours described by this line item
ii.Date From - the date on which this work was started
iii.Date To - the date on which this work was completed
iv.Hours - the number of hours spent on the work
v.Notes - notes, and maybe a description of the work done.
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Activity Predecessor Tab - this tab shows the Activities which precede the selected
The same information is presented in condensed form in the Project Plan
Predecessors should be added or edited by the Project Manager by editing the
Predecessor column in the Project Plan.
Program Management Items
A Deliverable is an item that is submitted as a result of a completed task or activity. For
some activities the deliverable may be a specifications document, a design drawing, a
DFMEA, an ECN, or any other type of item that the company may wish to produce. The
personnel responsible for the activity has a choice of attaching a new deliverable, or an
existing one. Again, depending on how many item types can be a deliverable, first the
user is asked to choose the specific item type, and then to select from the instances of it.
Activity Deliverables Tab - holds the deliverables of this activity. The deliverables may
be attached here, or on the Activity Completion Worksheet. Either way, once attached
they will appear in both places.
To attach an existing deliverable, select Pick Related from the Actions drop down box
, click on the New Item icon
, and select the deliverable from
the Search dialog.
To create a new deliverable, select Create Related from the Actions drop down box,
click on the New Item icon, and follow the process of creating a new Deliverable.
To set up different items that can be deliverables, go to PolyItem Setup.
To learn about creating PolyItems and how they work, go to PolyItem.
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Activity Comments Tab - this tab holds any commentary and files that may be
necessary to complete an activity. For example, if a template is necessary to write a
functional specification, it could be included in the comments, along with any other file,
such as a CAD drawing, or an Excel spreadsheet. Here is a view of the information in
this tab:
To add a new comment, click on the New Item icon
added to the table.
, and a new line will be
Fill out the following properties:
i.Created By - the identity responsible for this comment, defaults to who ever is creating
this item
ii.Created On - the date the comment was created, defaults to when the line item is
iii.Comments - the actual comment or description
iv.File Attached - the link to attach a necessary file, if any.
Program Management Items
Create a Project
Create a Project, Initial Form
Expand TOC
The best way to create a project is to do so from a template. Creating from templates
assures that the lessons learned in the past and incorporated into the templates are
duplicated and utilized. To learn how to do this, go to Create Project from Template.
To create a new project from scratch:
1. From TOC, go to Portfolio, Projects, create a new Project.
2. An Add Project dialog will appear.
3. Enter values for the following properties:
Name - the name of the project
Use Template - click No, since we are not creating from a template here.
Start Date - the target start date; required. This date is the basis of the Forward
Scheduling algorithm.
Finish Date - the target finish date; required. This date is the basis of the
Backward Scheduling algorithm.
Scheduling Type - there are three choices available: Forward, Backward, and
Milestone. For more explanation on how each scheduling type works, click on the links.
i.Forward - calculates the Planned Finish Date by using the given tasks duration and
precedence and the target Start Date.
ii.Backward - calculates the Planned Start Date backward from the target Finish Date
accounting for the given tasks durations and precedence.
iii.Milestone - used for projects that are divided into phases, with a hard milestone
completion date in each phase. The Planned Start Date for each phase and activity and
the project itself will be calculated backwards from each milestone, accounting for the
tasks duration and precedence.
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4.Once the information is entered, the green check mark
is enabled. Click the green
check mark to save the information and go on to the Project Form.
Program Management Items
Create a Project, Project Form
Once the initial data screen is filled out and saved, the Project Form is displayed. The
project form is divided into the header at the top of the form, and the tabs at the bottom
of the form.
Let's look at all the header properties of a project:
1. Project Number - read only field; this number is generated automatically; to
change its format, go to Sequences.
2. Project Manager - an individual identity; can be changed by anyone from the
Project Management Identity; defaults to the creator of the project
3. Name - the name of the project
4. PH1, PH2, etc - Once the project is promoted into the Active state, an indicator
for each phase of the project (represented by a WBS element) will be placed on
the form. This indicator displays the status of the phase.
5. From Template - if the project is created from a template, the value of this
property is the name of the template, and a link to the actual template
6. Target Start - the start date entered on the initial form
7. Target Finish - the finish date entered on the initial form
The target dates should not really change throughout the lifecycle of the project.
However, they may be adjusted to reflect the evolving nature of the project.
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8. Scheduling Type - the scheduling type entered on the initial form; forward,
backward, or milestone. Go to Scheduling for more information on these.
9. Scheduled Start - the planned start date for the project. If the Schedule Type is
Forward, this date is the same as the Target Start. For all other values of
Schedule Type, this date is calculated based on the target finish date and the
duration and precedence of activities. See Scheduling.
10. Scheduled Finish - the planned finish date for the project. If the Schedule Type
is Backward, this date is the same as the target finish date. For all other values of
Schedule Type, this date is calculated based on the target start date, or the
milestone dates, and the duration and precedence of the activities. See
11. Description - the description of the project; this property is intended to hold the
project charter - the statement of scope and purpose.
Continue to Create a Project, Project Plan to examine the Project Plan tab of the
Project Item.
Program Management Items
Create a Project, Project Plan
Once the header properties have information, the next step is to fill out the values in the
Project Plan tab. This tab contains the actual structure of the project. The Project Plan
tab has a grid that holds information, and a tool bar with icons that act on the items in the
grid. We will examine the icons separately.
Let's take a look at the columns of the grid first:
1. N - the activity or milestone number. Used to identify the activity as a
predecessor for another activity. For example, Activity 1 above has an N of 1. It is
defined as the predecessor of Activity 2.
2. Project Tree - shows the tree element, its place in the tree, and the element's
3. Predecessor - a comma separated list of predecessors for this tree element. A
predecessor is an activity or a milestone that has to complete before the
successor activity can start. In milestone scheduling, each phase must have at
least one milestone with no successor. The date of this milestone must be the
end date of the phase.
4. Status - this field shows two different concepts - % complete and Status. For
parent nodes, the values are rolled up from the children. The % complete
indicates what percentage of the activity has been completed, and is taken
directly from the Activity Completion Worksheet for each activity, and then rolled
up for the parent nodes. The Status, or the color indicator applies only for
projects which have been promoted to the Active state and works as follows:
No color - the activity is pending, meaning the scheduled start date has not been
Green - the activity is active (i.e. the start date is today or earlier), and the
number of days between today and the planned finish date of the activity is greater than
Yellow - the activity is active (i.e. the start date is today or earlier), and the
number of days between today and the planned finish date of the activity is less than or
equal to 5, but greater than or equal to 1.
Online Help: Program Management 8.1
Red - the activity is active (i.e. the start date is today or earlier), and the planned
finish date of the activity is today or earlier.
Assigned - the individual identity assigned to this activity
Plan Start - The scheduling process generates the 4 dates (Early Start (ES),
Late Start (LS), Early Finish (EF) and Late Finish (LF)) based on the duration and
precedence of all activities, as well as the target dates and the schedule type. The Plan
Start is the date between early start and late start, selected by the Project Manager.
Plan start – plan finish must equal duration. If the 4 calculated dates do not suit, the
Project Manager must change either the target dates, or precedence, or duration.
The four calculated dates are read only properties on the detail dialog of the
activity. They are generated when the project is created, and can be manually forced to
recalculate (if changes in dates occur) by hitting the calendar icon
The Project Manager needs to select either the Plan Start or the Plan Finish
date, depending on the scheduling type. If the scheduling type is Forward, only the Plan
Start needs to be selected. If the scheduling type is Backward, or Milestone, only the
Plan Finish needs to be selected.
For WBS, the plan start is the earliest plan start of all its children.
Plan Finish - The date selected by the Project Manager, between the Early
Finish (EF) and Late Finish (LF) dates calculated for this activity by the scheduling
The four calculated dates are read only properties on the detail dialog of the
activity. They are generated when the project is created and can be manually forced to
recalculate by hitting the calendar icon
The Project Manager needs to select either the Plan Start or the Plan Finish
date, depending on the scheduling type. If the scheduling type is Forward, only the Plan
Start needs to be selected. If the scheduling type is Backward, or Milestone, only the
Plan Finish needs to be selected.
For WBS, the plan finish is the latest plan finish of all its children.
Duration - the number of working days between the plan start and plan finish.
Duration has to be specified precisely for activities. Duration is calculated for WBSs.
Hours - man hours required to complete the activity. This entry is not related to
duration, but is for planning purposes only. The 8/80 rule should be used here - if the
activity is less than 8 hours, it probably does not merit its own activity; if activity is more
than 80 hours, it should probably be broken down into more manageable pieces.
Role - applicable only if the project is created from a template. In a template, the
actual assignments for each activity are not filled out. Instead a role is used, such as
Design, or Engineering. Later, when the project is created from the template, the Project
Manager assigns particular identities, who can perform the specified role, for each
Attach - indicates if there is a deliverable for the specific line item. If there is just
one, the direct link to the deliverable appears in this cell. If there is more than one, the
Program Management Items
word Multiple appears. Clicking the Multiple link, brings up a selection dialog that lists all
the deliverables attached to this item. Select the deliverable of interest, and it will be
opened for display.
To understand how to create new items, recalculate dates, or take any action with the
Project Plan, continue to Project Plan Icons.
Online Help: Program Management 8.1
Create a Project, Project Plan Icons
There is a row of tool bar icons on the Project Plan tab of the Project. Let's take a look at
what each one does.
The tool bar icons are:
- Add new WBS Element - adds a new WBS element to the tree structure,
below the selected tree element.
Important! The element must be in select mode, not edit mode!
- Add new activity - adds a new activity to the tree structure, below the
selected tree element.
- Add new milestone - adds a new milestone to the tree structure, below the
selected tree element.
- Add an existing deliverable - Adds an existing deliverable to the selected
tree element. A search dialog is displayed to find and select any item classified
as a deliverable. Go to Searching Poly Items for further information on how to
search for a particular deliverable. Once the item is selected, the deliverable is
added to the selected tree element.
- Add a new deliverable - displays a dialog to create a new deliverable (see
Creating a New Item for more information of creating Poly Items)attach it to the
selected tree element.
- View/Edit selected Item - opens the detail dialog for the selected tree
- Delete selected Item - deletes the selected (highlighted) tree element
- Execute scheduling - invokes the scheduler to recalculate the early and late
dates for each item. This action must be executed when the Project Manager
changes any planned dates for any of the items.
Program Management Items
- Opens the Activity Completion Worksheet for the selected activity. This form
is described in detail in ACW Form.
- Indent item - Indents the selected item, making it a child of the higher level
tree element, applies only to WBSs.
- Outdent item - Outdents the selected item, making it a sibling of a higher
level tree element, applies only to WBSs.
- Cut - Cut the selected item (stores it to a clipboard)
- Paste - pastes the selection to selected area; available only when the
clipboard contains information.
- Expand all - expands all the nodes on the project tree.
- Collapse all - collapses all nodes on the project tree.
- Show Gantt chart - displays the Gantt chart
- Save and Unlock - saves the project, keeps it unlocked and open for edit
To find out about the other tabs of the Project form, continue to the Project Plan Team
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Create a Project, Project Plan Filter
The Project Plan Grid has a blue Filter bar at top, this also present in the Project
Note: clicking the column headings in the Project Plan grid does not sort the columns;
sorting a mixture of WBS Elements and Activities does not produce meaningful results.
To filter the Project Plan
1. Enter search terms in the blue Filter bar, wildcard characters * and % may be
2. Click the Filter icon in the toolbar
3. Activities which match the filter criteria are displayed in the Project Plan grid with
their parent WBS Elements as shown below
4. If no Activities match the filter criteria the Project Plan grid will be blank
To restore the unfiltered Project Plan
1. Click the Clear filter Icon
Program Management Items
Create a Project, Team
The second tab in the Project form is the Team tab. This tab is useful only if the Project
is being created from a template. When creating a project from a template, there are no
assignments for the activities. Instead, each activity has a role designation. Once the
template is used to create a project, the resultant project will have all the roles listed
under the team tab.
For more information about this tab, go to Create a Project from Template.
Online Help: Program Management 8.1
Create a Project, Documents
The documents tab is designed to hold documents that relate to the whole project,
usually some inputs such as design specs or maybe even meeting notes and
presentations. However, this could be any Deliverable, not just a document. What
exactly is stored here, is typically determined by the company's best practices.
To attach a deliverable (document) to a project:
1. Open the project for edit.
2. Select the Documents tab. Select Pick Related
attaching an existing Deliverable), or Create Related if creating a new document
or Deliverable.
3. Click on the New Item icon . If picking an existent item, a search dialog will
open, listing all of the deliverables.
4. You can search on a particular deliverable type, such as Document, or Part, or
whatever Items are included in the Deliverable Poly Sources.
5. Click on the green check mark
to complete your selection.
6. Save, Unlock, and Close the Project.
Program Management Items
Create a Project, Parts
The Parts tab of a project contains references to parts affected by this project. Usually
the purpose of a project is to prepare parts for the PPAP (Production Part Approval
Process), or for the Part Submission Warrant, so most projects will be referencing
certain parts.
To attach a part to the project:
1. Open a project for edit.
2. Select the Parts tab.
3. If attaching an existent part, make sure that Pick Related is selected in the
Actions, then hit the New Item Icon
4. A search dialog will display with all available parts. Select the required parts and
hit the green check icon
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Activity Completion Worksheet
My InBasket
Once the Project is created, the activities are assigned to individual identities, and the
project is promoted to the Active state, the work on these activities must begin. The
project will send the activities to the InBaskets of the assignees. When the assignee logs
into Innovator, and goes to the InBasket, it may look like this:
To see all the items assigned by the project, make sure that the Project Activities check
box is checked. Also, to see all activities regardless of status (Active or Pending), check
both Status boxes. If you right-mouse-click on any of the project activities, to following
pop-up menu is displayed:
Some of these options are also available from the tool bar. For each menu option, the
equivalent tool bar icon will be shown.
Here are the menu options of the pop-up menu:
1. View Mode - allows the user to choose the view mode of the items in the table.
The options are: Active, Pending, or Both. Alternatively, you can control the view
mode by the Filter by Status buttons from the toolbar:
2. Open Project Plan or this tool bar icon
particular action item was assigned.
- opens the project from which this
Program Management Items
3. View Gantt Chart or this tool bar icon
- displays the Gantt chart of the whole
project, and where this action item fits in. Here is an example of a Gantt chart:
4. Update Activity or this tool bar icon
- displays the Activity Completion
Worksheet from where all the actions of this activity can be completed. See ACW
Form for more detail information on this option.
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ACW Dialog
The Activity Completion Worksheet allows the assignee, activity leader or project
manager to update the progress of the activity while it is being worked, as well as to
mark the activity as complete when it is finished. When this information is saved in the
form, it is automatically updated within the parent project of the activity. So everyone is
always aware of the changes and updates that occur for each of the assigned activities,
and how they roll up and affect the status of the project as a whole. Let's take a look at
the form itself:
Notice that this window has several parts: the tool bar icons, the form with Project and
Activity sections, and four tabs - Assignments, Deliverables, Comments, and Time
Record. The tabs are like those in the Activity Detail window. In this case Alan Andrews
is the logged in User and we are looking at his InBasket, A;am is both an Assignee and
the Activity Leader. Let's look at all of these parts in detail.
The Form properties:
1. The Project Number Section shows information from the Project
2. The Activity section shows information from the Activity, the highlighted areas
show where the user can edit and save data. In this case Alan Andrews can edit
Activity Properties because he is the Activity Leader
3. Note that the Form can be tailored if required, see Activity Completion Worksheet
The tool bar icons:
Program Management Items
Save and Close - saves the changes for Activity and Assignment and closes
the window. If the Assignment is marked as complete, the Assignment will be
Completed. See Standard Activity Completion Rules
Complete - The complete button only appears if the logged in User is
qualified to Complete the entire activity. This will be the Activity Leader or Project
Manager. See Standard Activity Completion Rules
Close - closes the form without saving any changes made during this editing
The Tabs:
1. Assignees - the list of Identities assigned to work on the Activity. The logged in
User can update Actual Start Date and Percent Complete or can mark the
Assignment as Complete
1. Add Deliverable - the list of deliverables that are related to this activity. Some
activities have required deliverables which must be attached before the activity
can be completed. Some activities may have auxiliary deliverables that help the
project, but are not required. Here is a view of what this tab looks like:
- Add an existing deliverable - displays a search dialog to find and select any
item classified as a deliverable. Go to Searching Poly Items for further information on
how to search for a particular deliverable. Once the item is selected, the deliverable is
added to the selected tree element.
- Add a new deliverable - displays a dialog to create a new deliverable (see
Creating a New Item for more information of creating Poly Items). Once the new item is
created, it is automatically attached to the activity.
- Deletes the selected line item (removes it from the attached list of
Comments - the list of comments, along with envelope information for each one.
These are also brought in from the Project, the Activity/Milestone Comments tab of the
detail form, which describes in detail the need for comments, as well as how to add
Online Help: Program Management 8.1
Time Records - the list of records, indicating who worked on the activity and for
how long. This list is also inherited from the project, with the Activity/Milestone Time
Records tab. Please see the linked document for a description of how time records work.
Program Management Items
Standard Activity Completion Rules
The following rules are used in the Standard application. Alternative rules can be
customized see Activity Completion Worksheet
From the InBasket, the Assignee
1. Can update Actual Start and Complete or Percent Complete in the Assignments
2. Only the Save button will be in the Toolbar, clicking the Save button will save the
data for all the tabs to the server
3. If the Assisgnment is not marked Complete the assignment will not be completed
and the Activity will remain in the InBasket
4. If the Assignment is marked Complete the Percent Complete will be set to 100 and
the Assignment will be completed. The Activity will be removed from the InBasket
unless the logged user is the Activity Leader and Leader Signoff is required
From the InBasket, the Leader
1. Can update Actual Start and Complete or Percent Complete in the Assignments
2. Only the Save button will be in the Toolbar, clicking the Save button will save the
data to the server
3. If the Assisgnment is not marked Complete the assignment will not be completed
and the Activity will remain in the InBasket
4. If the Assignment is marked Complete the Percent Complete will be set to 100 and
the Assignment will be completed. The Activity will be removed from the InBasket
unless the logged user is the Activity Leader and Leader Signoff is required
From the Project Plan, the Project Manager
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Expand TOC
A Program is a collection of projects being completed for a specific customer. A program
has a name, a description, a customer reference, and a contained list of projects. Here is
how the Program form looks:
The header attributes are pretty simple and self-explanatory:
1. Name - the name of the program
2. Description - the description of the program
3. Customer - pick the customer from the customer list for whom this program is
being worked
There is only one tab, Projects, and it shows the list of projects contained in the
program. You can either pick existing projects to be included in this program, or you can
create new Projects.
To include an existing Project in the projects list:
1. Select Pick Related from the actions drop down box.
2. Select the New Item
icon. The selection screen will come up. Choose the
project to be included and hit the green check mark
to complete the
Program Management Items
To create a new Project to be added to the Program:
1. Select Create Related from the actions drop down box.
2. Hit the New Item icon, and follow the steps for new Project creation in Create a
To change one added Project to another:
1. Select the project to be changed (select the whole line item).
2. Click on the Pick/Replace Related Item icon, and select another project from the
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Expand TOC
The Customer Form allows all necessary contact information about a customer to be
saved for easy reference. Here is an example of the form:
The properties of this form are:
1. Name - the name of the customer
2. Main Phone - the main phone number of the customer
3. Main Fax - the main fax number of the customer
4. Contact Name - the name of the focal contact
5. Address - the street and number of the customer
6. City - the city of the customer
7. State - the state of the customer
8. Country - the country of the customer
Program Management Items
9. Zip Code - the zip code of the customer
10. Web Site - the web site of the customer
11. Description - the description of the customer
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Part Submission Warrant
Expand TOC
This page is in progress, please come back here soon.
Program Management Items
Daily Update
About Daily Update
Daily Update is an algorithm that should be run routinely, once every 24 hours, to update
all active projects. Because each project contains time sensitive information, this
information potentially changes every day. Therefore, a daily update is necessary. When
initiated, the steps below are taken automatically by Innovator, and require nothing from
the user. This is just an explanation of how the algorithm works.
The internal steps that update the Status and % Complete of all project
1. Select all active and unlocked projects
2. For each active and unlocked project:
Unlock each WBS
For each WBS unlock all activities
Select all pending activities (i.e. whose status is pending)
For each pending activity:
i.If activity scheduled start date is today or later, set activity status to active.
ii.Iterate through all children, update those as well.
e. Select all active activities (i.e. status is active)
Sort all active activities in tree order
Starting from the most nested activity, and traveling up the tree, calculate Status
and % Complete for each node.
For each WBS, sum the information (%Complete and Status) of its children.
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Initiating Daily Update
There are several ways to initiate the Daily Update of a project or projects. Usually, a
System Administrator will set up the Daily Update to run automatically, once per day, on
all databases of interest, see Daily Update Setup.
To initiate the Daily Update manually, there are several choices. The first one is a menu
choice under Actions, available from the Projects list page.
You could also select a number of active, unlocked projects, and execute the Update
Project menu choice on all of them at once.
Another option for individual project Daily Update is to use the right-mouse-click pop-up
menu choice for the project to be updated.
This option is available only for individual projects, provided that the project is Active and
Program Management Items
Tailoring and Customizing
Project Grid Layout
Show/Hide all screenshots
Program Management Project Plan Preferences
In release 7.2 and higher the columns displayed in the Project Grid can be
customized from the standard user interface by members of the Administrators
Identity. The Preferences are applied for the World Identity; all Users share the
same project plan layout.
There are 11 columns which are designated System Properties which cannot be
removed from the Project Plan,
System Properties may have width set to 0 in order to suppress their
Other Properties of WBS Element, Activities and Milestones can be selected for
display, and
the width of the columns and the order of colums can be set.
Each column added can only show Properties for either a WBS Element or an
Activity or a Milestone,
The same column cannot be shared by different Item Types.
To customize Project Plan Preferences
1. In the Administration Category select Preferences Item
2. Open the World Preferences from the main grid for editing, a Preference Item
Window opens,
Click here to hide or show
Online Help: Program Management 8.1
3. Select the Grid Layout tab from the relationships tabbar.
4. The Position, Label and Width of columns may be edited in the grid
5. The before
and after
selected row
6. The delete , cut , copy
be used to edit rows
Icons can be used to insert a row before or below the
and paste
icons in the relationships toolbar can
7. For an added row the ItemType may be selected by clicking on the Item Type cell
and making a selection
Tailoring and Customizing
Click here to hide or show it
8. Double-Click the Property column to display a selection dialog
Click here to hide or show it
9. Click the + or - icons to expand or collapse related items and double click a
Property to select it
10. Save, unlock and close the window to save the new layout
Online Help: Program Management 8.1
Status Color Map
In release 7.2 Administrators can select colors to represent Activity status using a map
associating activity dates and thresholds with colors in a List. The colors for activities are
calculated by the Project update method and rolled up in the WBS Structure. In prior
releases the list of colors and color calculation was fixed.
To make effective use of status color maps, plan the colors, comparisons and
thresholds first
Colors may be added to List named PM_StatusColor, the sort order determines
the relative importance of the color, the higher the number the higher the
One color map should be specified for each Activity state, Pending, Active and
Each color map will compare two dates and have a series of thresholds
associated with a color
To add a color
1. Edit the List named PM_StatusColor
2. In the Relationship Toolbar click Add New
3. Enter a hexadecimal code for the color. Use a color chart such as
to find a code if needed.
4. Select a sort order to determine the relative importance of the color
To edit a Color Map
1. Select Preferences from the Administration category in the TOC
2. Select and open World for editing
3. Select the Project Color Map tab
4. Select the state for which the color map is to apply
5. Click the chain link icon in the Relationship toolbar to open the color map window
6. Lock the Color Map
7. Select the dates to be compared in the Form
8. Edit Colors or thresholds in the relationship grid
9. Or click New Relationship in the Relationship Toolbar to add a colors and
10. Save, Unlock and close the Color Map
11. Save, Unlock and close World preferences
Tailoring and Customizing
Activity and Assignment Profile
Different businesses will use Activities, assignments and sub tasks differently. Multiple
Assignments per Activity with measured work is the profile adopted in the standard
solution but other profiles are supported. Determining what profile will be used is most
important for all implementations both new and upgraded :
Multiple Assignments with measured work
Each Activity can have zero or more assignments and each assignment has
an estimated work. Full or partial completion of each assignment may be
reported, and assignment completion data is rollup up to each activity and
their parent WBS elements. This profile supports the standard Release 8.0
and earlier case where there was a single assignee
Activity manager with measured work
There are no sub Assignments, a single manager is specified for each
Activity. Measured work and the completion is defined at the Activity level.
Completion data is rollup to parent WBS Elements.
Activity manager without measured work
There are no sub Assignments, a single manager is specified for each
Activity but there is no work estimate. Completion is of the Activity may be
estimated and rolled up as a percentage of duration to parent WBS
Other Use Cases
Other profiles can be implemented by customizing the update and activity
completion rules to suit the business process
To implement an Activity and Assignments Profile
1. Determine the business process for Activities and Assignments
2. Determine the business process for Time Reporting
3. Create Project Templates as required
4. Customize the Rollup Calculation for Project Update as required
5. Customize the Activity and Assignment Completion calculation as required
6. Tailor the Activity Completion Worksheet as required
7. Customize the Scheduling Calculation as required
8. Test and validate the selected processes
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Time Reporting
Complete and reliable time records depend on an organized and consistent time
reporting business process
The standard solution provides for Time Records to be collected for each activity
and they are used in the standard rollup calculation.
Customized Items and Forms may be used to implement an existing or new time
reporting system
Tailoring and Customizing
Project Update
The rules to be executed during Project Update may be specified by name for
each individual project
See also Selecting when Project is Updated
The standard rules, named 'individualUpdate', executes the following
Confirm that the Project is ready for update
Unlock all WBS and Activities in the Project
Promote Activities from Pending to Active on their start date
Calculate status of Activities, including status colors, and rollup to WBS
The default Project Update name is 'individual Update'
The names of alternative Project Update rules will be the names of Innovator
Methods which implement them.
Alternate Project Update methods may in turn call an arbitrary sequence of
To select Default Project Update Method
1. Edit the Project ItemType
2. Edit the update_method Property to select the default Method
To enable Alternate Project Update Method for individual Projects
Implement custom behavior using Methods
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Selecting when Project is Updated
In Release 8.1 there are tailorable choices to determine when Projects are
Selection can be made for each individual Project from a List on the Project From
Alternatively all Projects may use a default selection and hiding the List on the
Project Form
The selection choices use the same list as for Selecting when a Project is
Interactively only
Interactively and on Unlock
On Activity Completions
On Activity Updates
Project is
and on Unlock
On Activity
On Activity
Action is
Project is
Activity is
Activity is
To change when an individual Project is Updated
1. On the Project form users may make a selection from the dropdown labelled
Project Update Mode
To use the same selection for all Projects
1. This change can be made by a member of the Administrator Identity
2. Edit the Project ItemType
3. Set the required default value for the update_mode Property
4. Edit the Project Form
Tailoring and Customizing
5. Change the update_mode Field to Visible = unchecked on the 'Field Physical' tab
Online Help: Program Management 8.1
Activity and Assignment Completion
The Activity Completion Worksheet is used to complete and update Activities and
related Assignments for assignees from My InBasket or for the Project Manager
from the Project Plan Toolbar
The Activity Completion Worksheet can be tailored
There are standard rules for completing and updating Activities and
Assignments; the rules may also be customized
All activities share the same validation and update rules, but the rules may be
conditional (ie if this then that)
The name of the validation and update rules are the names of the Innovator
Methods which implement them
The default client validation method is named 'ACW Validation', the
method itself is empty
The default server update method is named 'UpdateActivity2'
The 'UpdateActivity2' method calls the default server validation
method named 'Activity2Update_Validation'
If validation is successful Activity and Assignments will be
promoted according to selected options
The project may be scheduled and updated according to selected
To customize Activity and Assignment Completion rules
1. Determine the business process for Activities and Assignments
2. Make a plan for implementing the processes using Innovator Methods
3. Prepare the required Methods
4. Tailor the Activity Completion Worksheet as required
5. Test and validate the selected processes
Tailoring and Customizing
Activity Completion Worksheet
The Activity Completion Worksheet displays Innovator Forms which can be
tailored using the Standard Form Editor
'Activity Completion Worksheet' Form displaying data about the Activity
'PM_projectPartInACW' Form, nested in the above Form, displaying data
about the Project
A Form Event calls the 'PM_onACWLoad' Method which selects the Grids
to be displayed
A Server Event on the Activity2 Item calls the Method
'PM_setFedCss_ForACW' which selects a color for selected Properties
to highlight them to indicate which fields users may edit
Grid Layout
Grids displayed can be selected by the Form Event mentioned above
In the standard solution the assignments grid is a configurable grid
named 'PM_ACW_Activity2_Assmt' which may be tailored
In the standard solution the Deliverables, Comments and Time Record
are standard relationships grids
To Tailor the Activity Completion Worksheet
1. Determine the changes required by the business process
2. Edit the 'Activity Completion Worksheet' Form to show data about the Activity
3. Edit the 'PM_projectPartInACW' Form to show data about the Project
4. Edit the 'PM_ACW_Activity2_Assmt' Grid to select data about Assignments to
be displayed in the grid
5. Edit the 'PM_onACWLoad' Method to select grids to be displayed
6. Edit the 'PM_setFedCss_ForACW' to select color and fields for highlighting
7. Test the changes made
Online Help: Program Management 8.1
In Release 8.1 scheduling is calculated on the server, in previous releases
scheduling was calculated on the client
The scheduling calculation to be executed may be specified by name for each
individual project
See also Selecting when Project is Scheduled
The standard scheduling calculation, named 'server_update_schedule':
Calculates early and late and start and finish day number for all activities
using the Critical Path Method
Converts day number to calendar date using Innnovator work-day
Calendars and Project scheduling_type and Project Start and Finish
Dates, see About Scheduling
Selects Activity Planned Start and Finish dates see Activity Target Dates
Calculate status of Activities, including status colors, and rollup to WBS
Alternative scheduling calculations can be created using custom Innovator
To select Default Scheduling Method
1. Edit the Project ItemType
2. Edit the schedule_method Property to select the default Method
To enable Alternate Scheduling Method for individual Projects
Implement custom behavior using Methods
Tailoring and Customizing
Selecting when Project is Scheduled
In Release 8.1 there are tailorable choices to determine when Projects are
Selection can be made for each individual Project from a List on the Project From
Alternatively all Projects may use a default selection and hiding the List on the
Project Form
The selection choices use the same list as for Selecting when a Project is
Interactively only
Interactively and on Unlock
On Activity Completions
On Activity Updates
Project is
and on Unlock
On Activity
On Activity
Project is
Project is
Activity is
Activity is
To change when an individual Project is Scheduled
1. On the Project form users may make a selection from the dropdown labelled
Project Scheduling Mode
To use the same selection for all Projects
1. This change can be made by a member of the Administrator Identity
2. Edit the Project ItemType
3. Set the required default value for the scheduling_mode Property
4. Edit the Project Form
Online Help: Program Management 8.1
5. Change the scheduling_mode Field to Visible = unchecked on the 'Field Physical'
ACW: Activity Completion Worksheet
BRS: Business Ready Solution
PM: Aras Program Management
PMI: Project Management Institute
PPAP: Production Part Approval Process
WBS: Work Breakdown Structure
Program 80
Activity 46, 48, 49, 51, 65, 74
Project 3, 5, 17, 41, 46, 48, 49, 51, 61,
63, 65, 68, 71, 72, 73, 74
Comments 51
Customer 82
Daily Update 11, 85, 86
Data Model 25
Deliverable 10, 19, 21, 22, 23, 48, 51,
Project Number 5
Project Phase 49
Project Process Groups 17
Role 3, 7, 41, 46, 65, 71
Scheduling 27, 28, 31, 33
Scheduling Type 61, 63, 65
Identity 7, 8
InBasket 74
Task 51
Template 3, 7, 41, 44, 46, 51, 61, 63,
65, 71
Life Cycle 44
Parts 73, 84
Permission 8, 44
Time Record 51
WBS 49
Poly Item 10, 19, 21, 22, 23

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Aras Corporation permission of Innovator and other Aras product names and logos are trademarks of Aras Corporation. Notice of Liability
