Curriculum Vitae - Kocaeli Üniversitesi


Curriculum Vitae - Kocaeli Üniversitesi
Curriculum Vitae
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif KACAR
: Kocaeli University, Science and Art Faculty
Department of Physics,
Umuttepe Campus, 41380 / KOCAELİ
: +90 262 303 2071
1999-2004 Kocaeli University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences PhD in Physics
Title: Calculation of the Spectra Emitted from Ne-Like and F-Like Ions belong to
Elements with Atomic Number 18 and 40.
1996-1999 Kocaeli University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Master in Physics
Title: Modeling of the X-Ray Laser Media
1990-1996 Istanbul University, Faculty of Science - Physics
Academically Experience
2009 – Present: Associate Professor - Kocaeli University, Science and Art Faculty
Department of Physics
2011 – Present: Lecturer – Kocaeli University, Natural and Applied Sciences, Electro Optics
System Engineering
2005 – 2009: Assistant Professor - Kocaeli University, Science and Art Faculty Department
of Physics
1998 – 2005: Research Assistant - Kocaeli University, Graduate School of Natural and
Applied Sciences
Management Experience
2011 – Present: Laser Technologies Research and Application Center – Head
2005 – 2011: Laser Technologies Research and Application Center – Member of
Management Board
2004 – 2005: Laser Technologies Research and Application Unit – Member of Founding
Research Area
X – Ray, UV, Visible Spectroscopy; Laser Material Processing; Modeling of Spectra Emitted
Laser Produced Plasmas, Nanoparticles, X-ray Lasers
Project Experience
1. “HeartSEN: Surface Engineered Coatings on Mechanical Heart Valves: Diagnostics of
Thrombosis”, New INDIGO – ERA NET project, supported by The Scientific & Technological
Research Council of Turkey (2234), Project Manager, 2011-2012.
2. “Nano4Stent: Kadiyovasküler Stentler için Mikro ve Nano Islenmis Yüzeyler” KORANET
– ERA NET project, supported by The Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey
(2234), Researcher, 2011-2012.
3. “Investigation of long term effects of pulsed laser treated surfaces on human umbilical
veins endothelial cells (HUVEC) and smooth muscle cells (HUVSMC) via high-throughput
technologies: Micoarray an 2D based proteomics”, The Scientific & Technological Research
Council of Turkey - International Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
of Germany (TÜBİTAK-BMBF) Scientific and Technological Cooperation (STC) Project,
110M760, Researcher, 2011-2013.
4. “National Medical Electro-Optic Systems (MEOS) Centre of Excellence (COE)” Turkish
State Planning Organization Project, 2011K133800, Researcher, 2011-2014.
5. “Laser Drilling on Composite Polymers, University of Kocaeli Research Found under
contract 2008/27, Researcher, 2008–2010.
6. SOCRATES PROGRAMME (ERASMUS), University of York – Kocaeli University (Staff
Training) February 2008.
7. Micro-machining of Materials Using Nanosecond Laser, The Scientific & Technological
Research Council of Turkey, 107T566, Project Manager, 2007-2009.
8. To Produce Plasma by Nd -YAG Laser and to Develop Simulation Codes of Hydrodynamic
and Collisional-Radiative, University of Kocaeli Research Found under contract 2007/34,
Manager, 2007-2008.
9. Building of Inter Disciplinary Research Centre -IDEAL, Turkish Republic Prime Ministry,
State Planning Organization Project, 2003K120790, Researcher, 2007-2011.
10. Design and manufacturing of the spectrometers which has an ability of measurement the
electromagnetic spectra between X-ray and IR, The Scientific & Technological Research
Council of Turkey, Carrier project under contract 104T158, Researcher, 2005-2008.
11. Design and manufacturing of X-ray laser for nuclear fusion and industrial applications,
Turkish Republic Prime Ministry, State Planning Organization, Project No: 2004-K120710,
Researcher, 2004 - 2008.
12. Calculation of the Spectra Emitted from Ne-Like and F-Like Ions, Kocaeli Research
found under contract 2002/41, Researcher, 2002-2004.
Teaching Experience
Physics I (Mechanic) and Physics II (Electricity) - Undergraduate
Electromagnetic Theory - Undergraduate
Laser Physics - Undergraduate
Introduction to Plasma Physics - Undergraduate
Plasma Physics – Graduate
Classical Electrodynamics - Graduate
Laser Physics and Applications – Graduate
Optics – Graduate
Thesis Adviser
“Hydrodynamic Modeling of the Laser –Matter Interaction and Produced Plasma”, Demir
Pınar, PhD Thesis, Kocaeli University, Present.
“Theoretical Investigation and Design for X- Ray Lasers and Their Lithographic
Application”, Demir Pinar, PhD Thesis (co-adviser), Middle East Technical University, 2008.
“Hydrodynamic Modeling of X-Ray Laser Media”, Demir Pinar, Master Thesis, Kocaeli
University, 2006.
Organizing Experience
1. “6th Euro – Mediterranean Symposium on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy”,
Izmir Institute of Technology, Member of Local Organizing Committee, IzmirTURKEY, 2011.
“Topical workshop: Research for Life-Long Health, Korean scientific cooperation
network with the European Research Area”, Kocaeli University, Laser Technologies
and Application Center, Member of Organizing Committee, Kocaeli-TURKEY,
“Topical workshop: Laser Plasma Welding - CLAIM Project” Kocaeli University,
Laser Technologies and Application Center, Member of Organizing Committee,
Kocaeli- TURKEY, 2011.
“17th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies ALT09” Laser
Technologies and Application Center, Member of Local Organizing Committee,
Antalya-TURKEY, 2009.
“1st National Workshop on Application of Laser Technologies in Dentistry” Laser
Technologies and Application Center, Member of Organizing Committee, KocaeliTURKEY, 2009.
6. “10th National Workshop on Optics, Electro-optics and Photonic” Laser Technologies
and Application Center, Member of Organizing Committee, Kocaeli-TURKEY,
1. E. Akman, B. Genc Oztoprak, M. Gunes, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Effect of femtosecond
Ti:Sapphire laser wavelengths on plasmonic behaviour and size evolution of silver
nanoparticles, Photonics and Nanostructures – Fundamentals and Applications,
doi:10.1016/j.photonics.2011.05.004 (2011).
2. E. Kacar, M. Mutlu, E. Akman, A. Demir, L. Candan, T. Canel, V. Gunay, T.
Sınmazcelik, Characterization of the drilling alumina ceramic using Nd:YAG pulsed
laser, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 209, 4, 2008-2014 (2009).
3. M. Mutlu, E. Kacar, E. Akman, C. K. Akkan, P. Demir, A. Demir, Effects of The
Laser Wavelength on Drilling Process of Ceramic Using Nd:YAG Laser, JLMNJournal of Laser Micro/ Nanoengineering, 4, 84-88 (2009).
4. S. Sipahioglu, B. Genc, E. Akman, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Analytical and Experimental
Investigation of Emission Emitted During the Laser Ablation, Balkan Physics Letters,
15, 1, 151048 (2009).
5. C. K. Akkan, P. Demir, M. Mutlu, E. Akman, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Drilling Process of
Ceramic Using Nanosecond Nd: YAG Laser, Balkan Physics Letters, 16, 161083
6. P. Demir, P. Demir, E. Kacar, S. K. Bilimken and A. Demir, Conversion efficiency
calculations for soft x-rays emitted from tin plasma for lithography applications,
Springer Proceedings in Physics, 130, 281-287, (2009).
7. H. . Goktas, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Spectroscopic Investigation of a Double Discharge
Pulsed Electron Beam Generator, Spectroscopy Letters, 41, 4, 189-192, (2008).
8. E. Kacar, P. Demir, Simulations of Grazing-Incidence Pumped Ni-Like Sn X-Ray
Laser at 11.9 nm, Optics Communications, 281, 4, 718-724 (2008).
9. H. Goktas, A. Demir, E. Kacar, H. Hegazy, R. Turan, G. Oke, A. Seyhan,
Spectroscopic Measurements of Electron Temperature and Electron Density in
Electron Beam Plasma Generator Based on Collisional Radiative Model, Spectroscopy
Letters, 40, 1, 183-192 (2007).
10. P. P. Demir, E. Kacar, E. Akman, S.K. Bilikmen, A. Demir, Theoretical and
Experimental Investigation of Soft X-Rays Emitted From TIN Plasmas for
Lithographic Application, Ultrafast X-Ray Sources and Detectors, 6703, B7030B7030 (2007)
11. S. Kurnali, A. Demir, E. Kacar, Modelling of Ni-Like Molybdenum X-Ray
Laser,Ultrafast Optics V, Springer Series in Optical Sciences, 132, 187-191 (2007).
12. A. Demir, E. Akman, S. Bilikmen, P. Demir, S. Ince, E. Kacar, E. Yurdanur, S.
Yaltkaya, Longitudinally Pumped Ne-Like Titanium X-Ray Laser Simulation with a
Post-Processor Code Coupled to Ehybrid, X-Ray Lasers 2006, Springer Proceedings
in Physics,115, 341-346 (2007).
13. E. Kacar, P. Demir, P. Demir, A. Demir, S. Yaltkaya, Simulation Of Longitudinally
Pumped Ni-Like Molybdenum X-Ray Laser Medium using Post-Processor Code
Coupled to Ehybrid, X-Ray Lasers 2006, Springer Proceedings in Physics, 115, 347351 (2007).
14. P. Demir, E. Kacar and A. Demir, Effects of Double Pulse Configuration on
Absorption of Driving Laser Energy for Laser Produced Iron Plasmas, AIP
Conference Proceedings, 899, 341-342 (2007).
15. E. Akman, B. Atalay, L. Candan, T. Canel, A. Demir, P. Demir, S. Erturk, B. Genc, E.
Kacar, N. Kenar, E. Koymen, M. Mutlu, T. Sinmazcelik, and O. Urhan, Progresses on
the Theoretical and Experimental Studies in Laser Technologies Research and
Application Center in Kocaeli, AIP Conference Proceedings, 899, 331-332 (2007).
16. B. Genc, E. Kacar, E. Akman, and A. Demir, Monitoring of Laser Material Welding
Process using UV-Visible Spectrometer, AIP Conference Proceedings, 899, 319-320
17. E. Kacar, A. Demir, G. J. Tallents, Modelling of the Ni-Like and Co-Like Line
Emission from Ni-Like Silver X-Ray Laser Media, Journal of Plasma Physics, 72, 6,
1263-1267 (2006).
18. B. Atalay, R. Aydın, A. Demir, N. Kenar, E. Kacar, Simulation of Ni-Like and CoLike X-Rays Emitted from Laser Produced Tin Plasmas, Czechoslovak Journal of
Physics, 56, B430-B435 Part3 Suppl. B (2006).
19. E. Hajiyev (Kacar), A. Demir, A Collisional-Radiative Model for Simulation of NeLike and F-Like Resonance Lines Emitted from Laser Produced Plasmas, Computer
Physics Communications, 164, 86-90 (2004).
1. P. Demir, E. Kacar, Lazerle Oluşturulan Plazmanın Sayısal Modellemesi, 13. Ulusal
Optik, Elektro-Optik ve Fotonik Toplantısı, Bilkent Üniversitesi, Turkiye (2011).
2. E. Akman, B.Genc Oztoprak, M. Gunes, E. Kacar, O. Gundogdu, A.Demir, Ti:Safir
Lazeri Kullanılarak Altın Nanoparçacıkların Sıvı Ortamında Üretimi ve Parçalanması,
13. Ulusal Optik, Elektro-Optik ve Fotonik Toplantısı, Bilkent Üniversitesi, Turkiye
3. B. B. Genc Oztoprak, E. Akman, M. Gunes, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Kalsiyumlu
Dokuların Analizi için Lazerle Oluşturulan Plazma Spektroskopi Sistemi (LIBS)
Geliştirme, 13. Ulusal Optik, Elektro-Optik ve Fotonik Toplantısı, Bilkent
Üniversitesi, Turkiye (2011).
4. P. Demir, E. Kacar, A.Demir, Numerical modeling of laser induced plasma formation,
6th Euro-Mediterranean Symposium on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy,
Izmir, Turkey (2011).
5. A. Demir, B. Genc Oztoprak, T. Gülecen, E. Akman, M. Gunes, E. Kacar, N. Mutlu,
Development of Time and Space Resolved LIBS Technique and Application in
Medical Research, 6th Euro-Mediterranean Symposium on Laser-Induced Breakdown
Spectroscopy, Izmir, Turkey (2011).
6. B. Genc Oztoprak, T. Gülecen, E. Akman, M. Gunes, E. Kacar, N. Mutlu, A. Demir,
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy System Development for Analysis of Kidney
Stones, 6th Euro-Mediterranean Symposium on Laser-Induced Breakdown
Spectroscopy, Izmir, Turkey (2011).
7. E. Kacar, Structuring of Titanium Surfaces for Biological Application, KORANET
Workshop on Research for Life-Long Health, Kocaeli, Turkey (2011).
8. E. Kacar, Laser Modification of Surfaces, New INDIGO Workshop on Nanomaterials
in Medicine, Homburg, Germany (2011).
9. E. Kacar, Studies on Laser Material Interaction, KORANET Workshop on Research
for Life-Long Health, Chungnam, Korea (2011).
10. E. Kacar, Structuring of Titanium surfaces for Bio application, KORANET Workshop
on Research for Life-Long Health, Kocaeli, Turkey (2011).
11. E. Akman, B. Genc Oztoprak, M. Gunes, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Production and Size
Reduction of Gold Nanoparticles Using Ultrafast Femtoseconds Laser, 7th
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, Istanbul, Turkey (2011).
12. M. Mutlu Sanli, E. Akman, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Characteristics of TiO2 Thin Films
Produced by Using the Pulsed Laser Deposition Method, 6th Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology Conference, Izmir, Turkey (2010).
13. E. Akman, C.K.Akkan, O.C. Aktas, B.Genc, E.Kacar, A.Demir, Characterization of
Gold Nanoparticles Produced by Femtosecond Laser, 6th Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology Conference, Izmir, Turkey (2010).
14. B. Genc, E. Akman,O. C. Aktas, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Spectroscopic Investigation of
Gold and Silver Nanoparticles Produced Using Femtosecond Laser Pulses, 6th
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, Izmir, Turkey (2010).
15. P. Demir, E. Akman, M. Mutlu, S. Babur, E. Suvaci, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Pulsed
Nd:YAG Laser Drilling Process of Alumina Ceramic for Printed Circuit Board, 17th
International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies ALT09, Abstract Book,
Antalya, Turkey (2009).
16. M. Mutlu, E. Kacar, E. Suvaci, A. Demir, E. Akman, Laser Surface Treatment of
Ceramic Material, 17th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies
ALT09, Abstract Book, Antalya, Turkey (2009).
17. B. Genc, S. Sipahioglu, E. Akman, P. Demir, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Spectroscopic
Measurements and Modelling of the Spectrum Emitted from Laser-Induced Argon
Plasma, 17th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies ALT09,
Abstract Book, Antalya, Turkey (2009).
18. E. Akman, L. Candan, M. Zeren, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Laser pulse shape effects on the
hardness of steel, 17th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies
ALT09, Abstract Book, Antalya, Turkey (2009).
19. E. Akman, L. Candan, T. Canel, A. Demir, E. Kacar, The effect of the vacuum with
different pressure on laser drilled PC, LPM2008, Quebec, Canada (2008).
20. E. Kacar, M. Mutlu, E. Akman, C. K. Akkan, P. Demir, A. Demir, Effects of The
Laser Wavelength on Drilling Process of Ceramic Using Nd:YAG Laser, Quebec,
Canada (2008).
21. B. Genc, E. Akman, P. Demir, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Spectroscopic Measurements and
Modelling of the Spectrum Emitted from Laser-Induced Titanium Plasma, 5th
International Conference on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Berlin,
Germany (2008).
22. A. Demir, E. Akman, E. Kacar, B. Genc, P. Demir, L. Candan, M. Mutlu, Laser
Micromachining, ALT08, Budapest, Hungary (2008).
23. P. Demir, P. Demir, E. Kacar, S. K. Bilikmen and A. Demir, Conversion Efficiency
Calculations for Soft X-Rays Emitted from Tin Plasma for Lithography
Applications,11th International Conference on X-ray Lasers, book of abstracts Belfast,
Northen Ireland (2008).
24. K. Akkan, E. Akman, M. Mutlu, P. Demir, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Effects of vacuum on
the ceramic drilled using Nd:YAG Laser, Türk Fizik Derneği 25. Uluslararası Fizik
Kongresi, Bodrum, Turkey (2008).
25. L. Candan, T. Canel, E. Akman, A. Demir, E. Kacar, ‘The effect of the laser
wavelength on PC drilled by using Nd:YAG Laser’, Türk Fizik Derneği 25.
Uluslararası Fizik Kongresi, Bodrum, Turkey (2008).
26. S. Sipahioglu, B. Genc, E. Akman, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Analytical and Experimental
Investigation of Emission Emitted During the Laser Ablation, Türk Fizik Derneği 25.
Uluslararası Fizik Kongresi, Bodrum, Turkey (2008).
27. E. Kacar, Lazerle Üretilen Plazma Ortamlarından Yayılan Işınların Spektroskopisi,
OSA-ODTU Optik Fotonik Yaz Okulu, Ankara, Turkiye (2008).
28. M. Mutlu, E. Akman, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Thin Film Deposition For Solar Cell Using
Pulsed Laser Deposition Technique, Book of Abstract, International Workshop on
Advanced Materials and Devices for Photovoltaic Applications, NANOMAT Ankara,
Turkey (2008).
29. P. Demir, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Lazer Teknolojileri Araştırma Ve Uygulama
Merkezinde Gerçekleştirilen Modelleme Çalışmaları, 10. Ulusal Optik, Elektro-Optik
ve Fotonik Toplantısı Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Turkiye (2008).
30. E. Akman, L. Candan, M. Mutlu, S. Babur, B. Genc, C. K. Akkan, S. Sipahioglu, P.
Demir, T. Canel, E. Kaçar, A. Demir, Lazer Teknolojileri Araştırma ve Uygulama
Merkezinde Gerçekleştirilen Nanosaniye Milisaniye ve Femtosaniye Nd:YAG
Lazerler ile Malzeme İşleme Çalışmaları, 10. Ulusal Optik, Elektro-Optik ve Fotonik
Toplantısı, Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Turkiye (2008).
31. S. Sipahioglu, B. Genc, E. Akman, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Lazerle Malzeme Aşındırması
Sırasında Yayılan Işımanın Analitik ve Deneysel İncelenmesi, 10. Ulusal Optik,
Elektro-Optik ve Fotonik Toplantısı Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Türkiye (2008).
32. B. Genc, E. Akman, L. Candan, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Ti ve Mg Alaşımların Lazer
Etkileşimli Plazma Spektroskopisi ile Analizi, SAVTEK2008 Değerlendirme
Bildirileri, 4. Savunma Teknolojileri Kongresi II, 49-57, (2008).
33. E. Kacar, P. Demir, P.Demir, Collisional Radiative Code Coupled With
Hydrodynamic Code For Simulation Ni-Like, Co-Like Resonance Lines And Excited
Levels Emitted From Laser Produced Plasmas, 20th International Conference on
Numerical Simulation of Plasma-ICNSP, Austin, USA (2007).
34. P. Demir, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Modelling Of Silver Plasma To Produce Grazing
Incidence Pumped Ni-Like Ag X-Ray Laser, 20th International Conference on
Numerical Simulation of Plasma-ICNSP, Austin, USA (2007).
35. E. Kacar, E. Akman, L. Candan, T. Canel, A. Demir, M. Mutlu T. Sinmazcelik,
Micro-Drilling Of Ceramic Using Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser, The 8th International
Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication-LPM2007 Book of Abstract, Vienna,
Austria (2007).
36. E. Akman, A. Demir, E. Kacar, S. Karabay, M. Mutlu And T. Sinmazcelik, Precision
Drilling Of Ti6Al4V Titanium Alloy Using Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser, The 8th
International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication-LPM2007 Book of
Abstract, Vienna, Austria (2007).
37. P. Demir, E. Kacar, E. Akman, S.K. Bilikmen, A. Demir, Theoretical and
Experimental Investigation of Soft X-Rays Emitted from TIN Plasmas for
Lithographic Application, Soft X-Ray Lasers and Applications VII, 2007, San Diego,
USA (2007).
38. C. K. Akkan, B. Genc, E. Akman, E.Kacar, A.Demir, Information about Laser
Scanning Confocal Microscopy and Development of a 10x Magnifier Objective,
Balkan Physics Conference, Bodrum, Turkey (2007).
39. P. Demir, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Açılı Geliş ile Pompalanan Ni-Benzeri Ag X-Işını
Lazeri Üretmek için Gümüş Plazmanın Modellenmesi, 9. Ulusal Fotonik Çalıştayı,
Aselsan Özet Kitabı, 65, Ankara, Turkiye (2007).
40. C. K. Akkan, E. Akman, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Lazer Taramalı Eş Odaklı Mikroskop
için Objektif Tasarımı, 9. Ulusal Fotonik Çalıştayı, Aselsan Özet Kitabı, 26, Ankara,
Turkiye (2007).
41. E. Akman, A. Demir, E. Kacar, S. Karabay, M. Mutlu, T. Sınmazcelik, Ti6Al4V
Titanyum Alaşımlarının Atımlı Nd: YAG Lazeri ile Delinmesi, 9. Ulusal Fotonik
Çalıştayı, Aselsan Özet Kitabı, 31, Ankara, Turkiye (2007).
42. A. Demir, E. Akman, B. Genc, M. Mutlu, E. Kacar, P. Demir, P.Demir, C. K. Akkan,
T. Canel, L. Candan, T. Sinmazcelik, O. Urhan, Lazer Teknolojileri Araştırma Ve
Uygulama Merkezinde 2006-2007 Döneminde Gerçekleştirilen Deneysel ve Teorik
Çalışmalar, 9. Ulusal Fotonik Çalıştayı, Aselsan Özet Kitabı, 24, Ankara, Turkiye
43. M. Mutlu, E. Kacar, E. Akman, A. Demir, L. Candan, T. Canel, V. Gunay, T.
Sinmazcelik, Atımlı Nd:Yag Lazeri Kullanılarak Alümina Seramik Delme, 9. Ulusal
Fotonik Çalıştayı, Aselsan Özet Kitabı, 53, Ankara, Turkiye (2007).
44. E. Kacar, P. Demır, P. Demır, A. Demır, S. Yaltkaya, Simulation of Longutidunally
Pumped Ni-Like Molybdenum X-Ray Laser Medium Using Post-Processor Code
Coupled to EHYBRID, 10th ICXRL Conference, Berlin, Germany (2006).
45. A. Demir, E. Akman, S. Bılıkmen, P. Demır, S. Ince, E. Kacar, E. Yurdanur, S.
Yaltkaya, Longitudinally Pumped Ne-like Titanium X-ray Laser Simulation with a
Post-Processor Code Coupled to EHYBRID, 10th ICXRL Conference, Berlin,
Germany (2006).
46. B. Atalay, R. Aydin, A. Demir, N. Kenar, E. Kacar, Simulation Of Ni-Like And CoLike X-Rays Emitted From Laser Produced Tin Plasmas, 22th Symposium on Plasma
Physics and Technology Book of Abstract, Prague-Czech Republic (2006).
47. T. Canel, E. Akman, B. Atalay, L. Candan, A. Demir, P. Demir, S. Erturk, B. Genc, E.
Kacar, N. Kenar, E. Koymen, M. Mutlu, T. Sinmazcelik, O. Urhan, Progresses on the
Theoretical and Experimental Studies in Laser Technologies Research and Application
Center in Kocaeli, Balkan Physics Conference, Istanbul, Turkey (2006).
48. P. Demir, E. Kacar, A. Demir, Effects of Double Pulse Configuration on Absorption
of Driving Laser Energy for Laser Produced Iron Plasmas, Balkan Physics
Conference, Istanbul, Turkey (2006).
49. B. Genc, E. Kacar, E. Akman, A. Demir, Monitoring of Laser Material Welding
Process Using UV-Visible Spectrometer, Balkan Physics Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
50. C.K. Akkan, S. Babur, E. Kaçar, E. Akman, Optical Calculations And General
Informations For Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy, Balkan Physics Conference,
Bodrum, Turkey (2006).
51. E. Kacar, A. Demir, S. Bilimken, E. Akman, P. Demir, P. Demir, S. Ince, E. Yurdanur,
X-Işını Lazer Araştırmalarındaki Gelişmeler, 8. Ulusal Fotonik Çalıştayı, Koç
Üniversitesi Özet Kitabı, 24, Istanbul, Türkiye (2006).
52. B. Genc, E. Kacar, E. Akman, A. Demir, Lazer ile Malzeme Kaynak İşleminin UVNIR Spektrometre Kullanılarak Görüntülenmesi, 8. Ulusal Fotonik Çalıştayı, Koç
Üniversitesi Özet Kitabı,22, İstanbul, Türkiye (2006).
53. E. Kacar, A. Demir, G. J. Tallents, Modelling Of The Ni-Like And Co-Like Line
Emission From Ni-Like Silver X-Ray Laser Media, 20th International Conference on
Numerical Simulation of Plasma ICNSP Book of Abstract, Nara, Japan (2005).
54. S. Kurnali, A. Demir, E. Kacar, Modelling of Ni-like Molybdenum X-Ray Laser
Driven by 1.2 ps Short Pulse and 280 ps Pre-Pulse Configuration, UFO-HFSW, Nara,
Japan (2005).
55. E. Kacar, A. Demir, NeF: Collisional Radiative Code for Simulation F-Like and NeLike Resonance Lines and Excited Levels Emitted from Laser Produced Plasmas,
Turkish Physical Society, 23th International Physics Congress, Book of Abstracts, 102,
Mugla Turkey (2005).
56. B.Genc, E. Kacar, O. Urhan, A. Demir, Design of Crystal Spectrometer for KeV X-ray
Emission, Turkish Physical Society, 23th International Physics Congress Book of
Abstracts, 97, Mugla Turkey (2005).
57. A. Demir, B. Genc, E. Kacar, N. Kenar, X-Işını Lazer Ortamlarından Yayılan
Fotonların Spektroskopisi, 7. Ulusal Optik, Elektro-Optik ve Fotonik Çalışma
Toplantısı, Bilkent Üniversitesi, 44, Ankara, Türkiye (2005).
58. B. Genc, E. Kacar, O. Urhan, A. Demir, X-Işını Işıma Çalışmaları için Grating
Spektrometre Tasarımı, 7. Ulusal Optik, Elektro-Optik ve Fotonik Çalışma Toplantısı,
Bilkent Üniversitesi, 44, Ankara, Türkiye (2005).
59. E. Hajiyev, A. Demir, G. J. Tallents, Collisional Radiative Modelling of The Ne-Like
And F-Like Line Emission from Ne-Like Silver X-Ray Laser, 9th International
Conference on X-Ray Lasers, Beijing, China (2004).
60. E. Hajiyev, A. Demir, G. J. Tallents, Collisional Radiative Modelling of the Ne-Like
and F-Like Line Emission arom Ne-Like Argon X-Ray Laser, 9th International
Conference on X-Ray Lasers, Beijing, China (2004).
61. E. Hajiyev, A. Demir, and G. J. Tallents, Collisional Radiative Modelling of the Nelike and F-Like Line Emission from Ne-Like Titanium X-Ray Laser, 9th International
Conference on X-Ray Lasers, Beijing, China (2004).
62. A. Demir, E. Hajiyev, H. Goktas and G. J. Tallents, Modelling of the Ni-like Tin XRay Laser Driven by 1.2 ps Short Pulse and 280 ps Background Pulse Configuration,
9th International Conference on X-Ray Lasers, Beijing, China (2004).
63. E. Hajiyev, A. Demir, A Collisional-Radiative Model for Simulation of Ne-Like and
F-Like Resonance Lines Emitted from Laser Produced Plasmas, 18th International
Conference on Numerical Simulation of Plasmas, Cape Down, USA (2003).
64. E. Hajiyev (Kacar), A. Demir, The Calculations Of Ne-Like And F-Like Resonance
Lines Emitted From Germanium Plasma, Third International Workshop and SchoolPlasma Physics, Diagnostics and Plasma Related Technologies, Book of Abstracts,
Kudowa, Poland (2003).
65. H. Goktas, A. Demir, E. Hajiyev, Turan R., Seyhan A., Oke G., Measurements and
Modelling of Neutral Helium Spectral Lines Emitted from Electron Beam Generator,
International Conference Plasma2003-Research and Applications of Plasmas, Book of
Abstracts, Warsaw, Poland (2003).
66. A. Demir, E. Hajiyev, E. Kayahan, H. Goktas, R. Turan, A. Seyhan, The Comparison
of Experimental and Simulated ArI and ArII Spectral Lines Emitted from Electron
Beam Generator, International Conference Plasma2003-Research and Applications of
Plasmas, Book of Abstracts, Warsaw, Poland (2003).
67. E. Hajiyev, A. Demir, A Time-Dependent Model for Simulation of Ne-Like and FLike Resonance Lines Emitted from Laser Produced Plasmas, 10. Statistical Physics
Days, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey (2003).
68. E. Kacar, A. Demir, E. Can Baran, Effects of Double Pulse on the Li-Like Ti
Recombination Laser, First Hellenic-Turkish International Physics Conference, Book
of Abstracts, 46, Bodrum-Turkey and Kos-Greece (2001).
69. A. Demir, G. J. Tallents, Y. Bektore, E. E. Fill, E. Kacar, M. Nantel, G. J. Pert, B.
Rus, P. Zetioun, A Comparison of Simulated and Experimental Li-Like and Be-Like
Ti Resonance Line Spectra Emitted From X-Ray Laser Media, 6th International
Conference on X-Ray Lasers, Book of Abstracts, Kyoto-Japan (1998).
70. A. Demir, G. J. Tallents, Y. Bektore, E. Kacar, X-Işını Lazerleri, Turkish Physics
Society, 17. Physics Congress, Book of Abstracts 70, Alanya, Turkey (1998).

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