12 word maximum, calibri 12 punto


12 word maximum, calibri 12 punto
Eğitim ve Öğretim Araştırmaları Dergisi
Journal of Research in Education and Teaching
Mayıs, Haziran, Temmuz 2012 Cilt 1 Sayı 2 ISNN: 2146-9199
Açıklama [a1]: Başlık 12
Unvan, İsim Soyisim, Kurum, E. Posta
Unvan, İsim Soyisim, Kurum, E. Posta
Unvan, İsim Soyisim, Kurum, E. Posta
Makale Türkçe yazılmışsa; makalenin başında Türkçe ve İngilizce özet bulunmalıdır. Özet, 10 punto
büyüklüğünde, iki yana yaslı ve 150 sözcüğü geçmeyecek şekilde yazılmalıdır. Eğer bildiri İngilizce yazılmışsa
sadece İngilizce özet bulunmalıdır. Özet, 10 punto büyüklüğünde, iki yana yaslı ve 150 sözcüğü geçmeyecek
şekilde yazılmalıdır.
Açıklama [a2]: 10 punto
Açıklama [a3]: Özet 10 punto,
150 sözcük
Anahtar Sözcükler: anahtar sözcükler küçük harflerle yazılmalı ve 3–5 anahtar sözcük bulunmalıdır.
You need to insert an English abstract into this section by taking into account exactly the same format. The
abstract should not exceed the 150-word limitation. If your translation does exceed the given limitation, you
should arrange your wording to keep within the 150-word limit. Thanks a lot! You need to insert an English
abstract into this section by taking the word limit into account. You need to insert an English abstract into this
section by taking into account exactly the same format. The abstract should not exceed the 150-word
limitation. If your translation does exceed the given limitation, you should arrange your wording to keep within
the 150-word limit. Thanks a lot! You need to insert an English abstract into this section by taking the word
limit into account.
Açıklama [a4]: Abstract 10
punto, 150 sözcük
Key Words: key word 1, key word 2, key word 3 (key words should not exceed 3- 5 words)
Bölüm başlıkları büyük harfle yazılmalıdır. Bildirilerde problem giriş bölümü içinde açıkça belirtilmelidir. Giriş
bölümünü sırasıyla yöntem, bulgular, tartışma ve sonuç bölümleri izlemelidir.
Bundan sonraki bütün kısımlar, burada olduğu gibi, 10 punto ve tek satır aralıklı olarak, biçimlendirme
bozulmadan yazılmalıdır. Makalenin uzunluğu, kaynakça kısmı dâhil olmak üzere 12 sayfayı geçmemelidir.
Alt Başlık Baş Harfleri Büyük ve Koyu Yazılmalıdır
Alt başlıklar küçük harfle ve yukarıdaki formata uygun yazılmalıdır. Burada olduğu gibi alt bölümlerde bu
formata dikkat edilmelidir.
Makale içindeki tablolar, biçimsel olarak aşağıda verilen örneğe benzer şekilde ve kendi içeriğinin gerektirdiği
biçimde oluşturulmalıdır. Tablolarda dikey çizgi bulunmamalı ve sadece üç yatay çizgi kullanılmalıdır.
Açıklama [a5]: Ana başlıklar
ortalı , ilk harf büyük olarak
Eğitim ve Öğretim Araştırmaları Dergisi
Journal of Research in Education and Teaching
Mayıs, Haziran, Temmuz 2012 Cilt 1 Sayı 2 ISNN: 2146-9199
Açıklama [a6]: Tablo başlığı
Tablo 1: Tablo Adındaki Her Sözcüğün İlk Harfi Büyük Olmalıdır
Buraya yöntem kısmı eklenilmelidir. Yöntem kısmında araştırmanın türü, evren ve örneklem veya çalışma
grubu, veri toplama araçları ve verilerin analizi gibi alt başlıklara yer verilmelidir.
Evren ve Örneklem
Alt başlıklar sadece ilk harfleri büyük ve koyu yazılmalıdır. Burada olduğu gibi alt bölümlerde de bu formata
dikkat edilmelidir.
Buraya bulgular kısmı eklenilmeli ve yukarıdaki önerilere dikkat edilmelidir. Yazı, Giriş, Yöntem, Bulgular,
Tartışma ve Sonuç, Kaynakça ana başlıklarından oluşmalıdır.
Alt Başlık Baş Harfleri Büyük Yazılmalıdır
Alt başlıklar küçük harfle ve yukarıdaki formata uygun yazılmalıdır. Burada olduğu gibi alt bölümlerde de bu
formata dikkat edilmelidir. Bu kısmı silip kendi yazınızı formata uygun olarak buraya yapıştırabilirsiniz.
Buraya yorum/tartışma kısmı eklenilmeli ve yukarıda verilen önerilere dikkat edilmelidir.
Alt Başlık Baş Harfleri Büyük Yazılmalıdır
Alt başlıklar küçük harfle ve yukarıdaki formata uygun yazılmalıdır. Burada olduğu gibi alt bölümlerde de bu
formata dikkat edilmelidir. Bu kısmı silip kendi yazınızı formata uygun olarak buraya yapıştırabilirsiniz.
(1) Kitap veya makale (Metin içinde)
(Demirel, 2010) ya da Demirel (2010)
Açıklama [a7]: Tek yazarlı
Eğitim ve Öğretim Araştırmaları Dergisi
Journal of Research in Education and Teaching
Mayıs, Haziran, Temmuz 2012 Cilt 1 Sayı 2 ISNN: 2146-9199
(Şimşek ve Yıldırım, 2005) ya da Şimşek ve Yıldırım (2005)
Açıklama [a8]: İki yazarlı
(Meyer, Tuncer ve Spencer, 1997 )
Açıklama [a9]: Üç-beş yazarlı
metin içinde ilk atıf
(Meyer ve diğ., 1997)
Açıklama [a10]: Daha
sonraki atıflar
(Blumenfeld ve diğ., 1991)
Açıklama [a11]: Altı ve daha
fazla yazarlı, ilk atıf dahil
olmak üzere
(Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı [MEB], 2004)
(MEB, 2004)
Açıklama [a12]: İsimsiz ilk
Doğrudan alıntı:
Açıklama [a13]: İsimsiz daha
(Demirel, 2010: 42)
(Şimşek ve Yıldırım, 2005: 45)
(2) Kitap (Kaynakçada)
Özçelik, D.A.(1992). Eğitim programları ve öğretim (Genel öğretim yöntemleri). Ankara: ÖSYM Yayınları.
Açıklama [a14]: Tek yazarlı
Demirel, Ö. (2010). Eğitimde program geliştirme (14.baskı). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
Fidan, N. ve Erden, M. (1986). Eğitim bilimine giriş. Ankara: Kadıoğlu Matbaası.
Açıklama [a15]: İki yazarlı
Krathwohl, D. R, Bloom, B. S., & Masia, B. B. (1964). Taxonomy of educational objectives. The classification of
educational goals handbook II. Affective domain. New York: David Mc Kay Company.
Beck, D. A., Sales, B. S., Walter, M. D., Heynes, A. P., Jones, C., Adams, N., et.al. (2002). Managing student
behavior, Washington, DC: New Age Printing.
Demirel, Ö. ve Kaya, Z. (Ed.). (2008). Eğitim bilimine giriş. Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
Açıklama [a16]: Üç-beş
Açıklama [a17]: Altı ve daha
fazla yazarlı
Açıklama [a18]: Editörlü
Tertemiz, N. (2009). Sınıf yönetimi ve disiplin modelleri. Bulunduğu eser: Küçükahmet, L. (Ed.) Sınıf yönetim
(ss.109-133 ). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
Açıklama [a19]: Editörlü
kitapta bölüm
OECD (2004). Thematic review on adult learning: Austria country note. Paris: OECD.
Açıklama [a20]: Kurum
yazarlığı olan kitap
Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı. (2005). İlköğretim matematik dersi (1-5.sınıflar) öğretim programı. Ankara: Devlet
Kitapları Müdürlüğü Basımevi.
(3) Makale (Kaynakçada)
Demirel, M. ve Arslan Turan, B. (2010). Probleme dayalı öğrenmenin başarıya, tutuma, bilişötesi farkındalık ve
güdü düzeyine etkisi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 38, 55-66.
Meyer, D. K., Turner, J.C., & Spencer, C.A. (1997). Challenge in a mathematics classroom: Student’s motivation
and strategies in project based learning. The Elementary School Journal, 97(5), 501-522.
Dansereau, D. F., Collins, K. W., McDonald, B. A., Holley, C. D., Garland, J. C., Diekhoff, G., et.al. (1979).
Development and evaluation of a learning strategy program. Journal of Educational Psychology, 71, 64-73.
Açıklama [a21]: Altı
yazardan fazla ise, altı yazarın
da soyadı ve adının baş harfi
yazılır, daha sonraki yazarlar
için Türkçe ise “ve diğerleri”,
İngilizce ise “et al.” ifadesi
Eğitim ve Öğretim Araştırmaları Dergisi
Journal of Research in Education and Teaching
Mayıs, Haziran, Temmuz 2012 Cilt 1 Sayı 2 ISNN: 2146-9199
(4) Gazete
Senemoğlu, N. (2008, 18 Nisan). Akıllı Tahtanın Akılsız Kullanıcıları. Cumhuriyet.
(5) Ansiklopedi
Ana Britannica Genel Kültür Ansiklopedisi (1987). Lüksemburg eğitim sistemi (Cilt 15, s. 48-49). İstanbul: Ana
Yayıncılık ve Sanat Ürünleri.
(6) Rapor
Gelbal, S. (1995). Hava harp okulu 1 inci sınıf öğrencilerinin lise kaynaklarına göre başarı durumlarının
incelenmesi. (Teknik Rapor. No: 4). Yeşilyurt, İstanbul: Hava Harp Okulu.
(12) Tez
Özçelik, D. A. (1974). Student involvement in the learning process. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The
University of Chicago, Chicago.
Tuncel (Ayvaz), Z. (2009). Bütünleştirilmiş program uygulamasının ilköğretim 4. sınıf öğrencilerinin sosyal
becerilerine etkisi. Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
(13) Sadece internette yayımlanan dergi
Yazar Soyadı, A. B., Yazar Soyadı, C. D., & Yazar Soyadı, E. F. (2000, 7 Mart). Makale İsmi.
Dergi ya da yayın ismi, Varsa sayı no, Varsa sayfa no. XX.XXX tarihinde http://www.aaaaaaaa.com adresinden
Cooke, S. (2001, July). Collaborative learning and learning to learn. ımproving schools, 4, 36. 15.02.2011
tarihinde http://imp.sagepub.com/content/4/2/36 adresinden alınmıştır.
(14) İnternet sayfası-Türkçe
Yazar Soyadı, A. B. (Web sayfasının yayımlandığı ya da düzenlendiği tarih). Başlık. XX.XX.XXXX tarihinde
http://www.aaaaaaaa.com adresinden alınmıştır.
Demirel, Ö. ve Arslan A. (2007). İlköğretim 5. sınıf sosyal bilgiler dersi programının değerlendirilmesi. 10.02.2011
tarihinde http://yayim.meb.gov.tr/dergiler/175/12.pdf adresinden alınmıştır.
(15) İnternet sayfası- İngilizce
Yazar Soyadı, A. B. (Web sayfasının yayımlandığı ya da düzenlendiği tarih). Başlık. Retrieved February 22, 2006,
from http://www.aaaaaaaa.com.
Agnew, N. C., Slate, J. R., Jones, C. H. & Agnew, D. M. (1993). Academic behaviors as a function of academic
achievement, locus of control, and motivational orientation. Retrieved April 22, 2008, from
(16) Bildiri kitabında basılan konferans, sempozyum, kongre bildirisi
Demirel, M. ve Akkoyunlu, B. (2010). Öğretmen adaylarının yaşam boyu öğrenme eğilimleri ve bilgi
okuryazarlığı öz-yeterlik algıları. 10th. International Educational Technology Conference Proceedings Book, 2 (ss.
Eğitim ve Öğretim Araştırmaları Dergisi
Journal of Research in Education and Teaching
Mayıs, Haziran, Temmuz 2012 Cilt 1 Sayı 2 ISNN: 2146-9199
Deci, E.L., & Ryan, R.M. M. (1991). A motivational approach to self: Integration in personality. In R. Dienstbier
(Ed), Nebraska Symposium on Motivasion: Vol. 38. Perspectives on motivation (pp. 237-288). Lincoln: University
of Nebraka Pres.
(17) Bildiri kitabı olmayan sözlü olarak yapılan konferans sunumu
Erdem, M., Yılmaz, A. & Akkoyunlu, B. (2008). Öğretmen adaylarının bilgi okuryazarlık özyeterlik inançlari ve
epistemolojik inançları üzerine bir çalışma. Uluslararası Eğitim Teknolojileri Konferansında (IETC) sözlü olarak
sunulmuştur. Eskişehir, Anadolu Üniversitesi.
(18) ERIC Belgesi
Kalchic, S. & Oertle, K. M. (2010). The theory and application of contextualized teaching and learning in relation
to programs of study and career pathways. Illinois: Office of Community College Research and Leadership.
(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED513494)
(19) Bir makalenin veritabanından alınan elektronik kopyası
Mayo, S. & Larke, P. J. (2011). Multicultural education transformation in higher education: Getting faculty to
‘buy in’. Journal of Case Studies in Education, 1, 1-9. Retrieved February 14, 2011, from ProQuest database.
(20) Elektronik bir veri tabanından elde edilen özet
Towell, R. & Tomlinson, P. (1999). Language curriculum development research at university level. Language
Teaching Research, 3, 1, 1-32. Abstract retrieved February 14, 2011, from Sagepub database.
Kaynaklarla İlgili Notlar
• Kaynaklar 10 punto ve tek aralıklı olarak yazar soyadlarına göre dikkatlice sıraya konularak yazılmalı, APA 5
(American Psychological Association) standartlarına uygun olarak verilmelidir. Türkçe kaynaklar birden
fazla yazarlı ise son yazarın soyadından önce ‘ve’ yazılmalıdır. Yabancı kaynaklar birden fazla yazarlı ise son
yazarın soyadından önce ‘, &’ yazılmalıdır.
• Elektronik referanslarla ilgili daha fazla bilgi için http://www.apastyle.org/elecsource.html adresine
• Genel anlamda tüm APA 5 kuralları için http://library.uww.edu/GUIDES/APACITE.htm#eric adresine
Papers must be formatted to fit an A4 page (custom size: 19.5 x 27.5 mm) The paper text must be written in
the form of a single column as plain text. While preparing the page setup, there must be 2,5 cm margin from
top and right and 2.5 cm margin from bottom and left. The manuscript must be written in "Calibri"; font size
10; justified; single line spacing in Microsoft Word. There must be two line spaces between titles. Tables must
be prepared in font size 10 and References must be in font size 10. Articles must 10 pages, excluding the
indicative abstract.
I. Title
The title of the paper must be written in font size 12. The title should be in uppercase and must be centered.
The title must be short and relevant to the topic. The title must not exceed 12 words in the language in which
the papers is published.
Titles and work places of author(s) and, if any, the email address and name of the university, laboratory or
institution where the research was conducted.
II. Abstract
The abstract must be written in font size 10 and the text should be justified. The abstract must not exceed 150
words. Immediately after the abstract, provide a minimum of 3-5 keywords. Keywords must be in lower case
and should be written in Turkish and English.
III. Chapters and Subchapters
Chapter titles must be written in bold uppercase, and subchapter titles must be written in bold lowercase.
Main chapters must be numbered successively as INTRODUCTION, METHOD, FINDINGS, DISCUSSION AND
IV. Figures
Diagrams and graphics must be drawn in such a way that they can be printed on white paper. The maximum
size for illustrations is 13 x 18 centimeters. Each figure must have a number and subtitle. If any source was
used, it must be stated in parenthesis below the figure. Figures must indented 2,5 cm from the left text margin,
should be placed appropriately within the text and should have no text to the left or right. Pictures that do not
fit into the end of a page must be placed on the following page or should be included after the References, as
V. Tables
The table caption and table number must be given above the table (right aligned). The content of the table
must be expressed in the title, next to the table number. The first letter of each word in the table caption must
be in uppercase. Nothing must be written to the left or right side of tables. Tables must be formed using the
"Table" menu in Microsoft Word. Table contents must be written in font size 10 and must be arranged in such a
way that no space is left before or after the lines. Lines used in the tables must be 1, 5 pt at most and there
must be no line between rows and columns except for in categorizations on row and column headings.
VI. References
References must be given in accordance with APA 5 (American Psychological Association) standards. 'Ve'
must be written before surname of the last author in Turkish sources with more than one author; and '&' must
be written before the surname of the last author in foreign sources.
Documenting Sources
APA requires the use of in-text parenthetical citations, not footnotes. These in-text citations lead readers to complete
bibliographic information included in the alphabetical list of references at the end of the paper. In-text citations can be
handled in different ways.
If you use the author's name in the sentence, simply include within parentheses the date of publication after the author's
Barrow (1974) found . . . .
However, if you do not incorporate the author's name into the sentence, include the author's last name and publication date
within parentheses:
. . . (Barrow, 1974).
Either approach may be used regardless of the number of authors.
If a source has two authors, cite both names every time the reference appears in the text.
. . . (Dewdney & Ross, 1994).
Dewdney and Ross (1994) found. . . .
For a source with three, four, or five authors, cite all of the authors the first time a reference occurs. For any subsequent
occurrences of the same reference, use the first author’s name with “et al.” signifying the other authors. Follow this with the
date of the publication. Omit the year from each subsequent occurrence of the same reference falling within the same
(Smith, Rubick, Jones, & Malcolm, 1995)
Smith et al. (1995) argue that. . . .
(Smith et al., 1995)
For a source with six or more authors, include only the first author's name followed by "et al."
Peffer et al. (1997) contend. . . .
(Peffer et al., 1997)
If a source has a group (corporation, government agency, association, etc.) as an author, the name is usually spelled out in
every text citation. However, if the name is long and the abbreviation is easily recognizable or understandable, spell it out for
the first text citation and abbreviate for subsequent citations.
First text citation:
(Association of College and Research Libraries [ACRL], 1996)
Second or subsequent citations:
(ACRL, 1996)
ACRL (1996) found that. . . .
In citing a specific part of a source, indicate the page, chapter, figure, table, etc. after the publication year. Abbreviate page or
Gallati (1988, p.38) observed...
(Gallati, 1998, p.38)
(Plotnik, 1982, chap. 2)
When citing information from a Web page that doesn’t provide page numbers, use the paragraph symbol (¶) or the
abbreviation (para.) to indicate the paragraph being cited. If the Web page doesn’t have page or paragraph numbers, cite the
heading and the number of the paragraph following it.
(Myers, 2000, ¶5)
(Lehman, 2001, Recommendation section, para. 2)
Reference List
General Guidelines for Organizing APA-style References Lists
In APA style, the alphabetical list of works cited is called "References." As you prepare your list of references, follow these
Alphabetize the list of sources by the author 's (or editor's) last name; if there is no author or editor, alphabetize by the first
word of the title other than a, an, or the. Use initials for an author's first and middle names. For two or more works by an
author, arrange the works by date, oldest work first.
Use one space after periods, colons, semi-colons, and commas.
With two or more authors, use all authors' names rather than "et al" unless there are seven or more authors. Again, start
with the last name and use initials for the first and middle names for all authors. Instead of the word "and," use an
ampersand (&) and separate the names with commas.
The publication date should appear in parentheses directly after the last author's name; put a period after the final
parenthesis. For books, list year only. For magazines, newsletters, and newspapers give the year followed by the exact
date on the publication (2000, November 10). If you list two works by the same author published in the same year,
alphabetize by title, unless they are part of a series.
Put the title after the year of publication. Book titles and subtitles should be italicized. Capitalize only the first word and
proper nouns in a title or subtitle.
Don't put titles of articles in quotation marks or italics, and, as with a book, only the first word of the title and subtitle and
any proper nouns are capitalized. Periodical titles are capitalized just as you would normally, and italicize the name of the
periodical and the volume number.
Include the city and official state abbreviation as well as the publisher in book citations. If the city is well known, omit the
state abbreviation. The publisher's name may be shortened, as long as it is easy to recognize, as in this example: New
York: Harper.
Use p. (pp. for plurals) only before page numbers of newspaper articles and chapters in edited books, not in references
to articles from magazines and journals. In contrast, parenthetical references in the text of a paper leading to specific
pages always include p. or pp.—no matter what type of source.
Double space each entry and use hanging indentation (the first line of an entry isn't indented, but every subsequent line
in the entry is indented five spaces).
10. Retrieval information must be given for electronic sources. The statement should provide the date the information was
retrieved along with the name and/or address of the source. If the information is from an aggregated database (i.e.
Periodical Abstracts), provide the name of the database (no address needed).
For more detailed information, consult APA's Publication Manual, which is available at the Information/Reference Desk.
Books, Reference Books, Government Publications
Rovin, J. (1979). The fantasy almanac. New York: Dutton.
Wilson, C., & Grant, J. (Eds.). (1981). The directory of possibilities. New
York: Rutledge Press.
Chapter in an Edited Book
Berry, V. (1994). Redeeming the rap music experience. In J. S. Epstein (Ed.),
Adolescents and their music: If it's too loud, you're too old (pp. 165188).
New York: Garland.
Reference Books
If there is no byline (author), begin with entry title and publication date.
Dober, R. P. (1988). Campus planning. In Encyclopedia of architecture: Design,
engineering, & construction (Vol. 1, pp. 527-539). New York: John Wiley &
Government Publications
U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (1987). Can herbs really heal?
(HHS Publication No. FDA 87-1140). Rockville, MD: Author.
Periodicals (Scholarly Journals, Magazines, Newspapers)
Articles in Scholarly Journals Paginated by Volume
Dewdney, P., & Ross, C. S. (1994). Flying a light aircraft: Reference service
evaluation from a user’s viewpoint. RQ, 34, 217-230.
Date must be the date shown on publication (day and month for weeklies and month for monthlies).
Add the volume number after the title.
Armstrong, L., Yang, D. J., & Cuneo, A. (1994, February 28). The learning
revolution: Technology is reshaping education--at home and at school.
Business Week, 3360, 80-88.
Page numbers must be preceded with p. or pp.
Adande, J. A. (1995, December 10). By George, Buckeye wins Heisman Trophy.
Washington Post, p. D1.
Electronic Resources
The general rule to follow for citing all Internet sources, is to direct readers as closely as possible to the information being
cited – whenever possible, reference specific documents rather than home or menu pages. Also, when required to provide a
Web address, be sure that the URL works!
Full-Text Articles from Databases (Ex: Lexis-Nexis Academic, Academic Search Premier, OhioLINK EJC, etc.)
When citing articles (or other material) retrieved from a database, cite the article as appropriate to the format of the item (i.e.
journal or newspaper) and then give the date of retrieval and name of database.
Barone, M. (2003, June 9). Next stop, Medicare?
U.S. News & World Report, 134, 24. Retrieved
October 24, 2003, from Academic Search Premier database.
Internet Articles Based on a Print Source: (Ex: Business Week Online, New York Times on the Web, etc.)
If you have accessed an article on an Internet website (not via a database) that is a duplicate of the print version, and you have
only viewed the article in the electronic form, cite the article as appropriate to the format of the item (i.e. journal or newspaper),
and then add [Electronic version] after the article title.
Sadeh, A., Raviv, A., & Gruber, R. (2001).
Sleep patterns and sleep disruptions in
school-age children [Electronic version]. Developmental Psychology, 36, 291-301.
Articles from an Internet-only Journal (Article does not appear in print journal or magazine)
Matthews, J. & Wiggins, R. (2001, December 3).
September 11.
Libraries, the Internet and
First Monday, 6(12). Retrieved January 15, 2002, from
Nonperiodical Documents on the Internet
At a minimum, a reference to an Internet source should provide a document title, date (publication date or date of retrieval),
and a Web address. Use n.d. (no date) when a publication date is not known. Use chapter or paragraph identifiers in place of
page numbers if available. If a document is part of a large Web site, such as a university, identify the organization before
giving the URL for the document itself.
Schwartz, B. Lyme Disease. (n.d.) Retrieved December 2, 2001, from the Johns Hopkins
Arthritis Web site: http://www.hopkins-arthritis.com/other/lyme.html
Information literacy competency standards for higher education. (2001, April 17).
Retrieved January 10, 2002, from the Association of College and Research Libraries Web site:
Benton Foundation. (1998, July 7). Barriers to closing the gap.
In Losing ground
bit by bit: Low-income communities in the information age (chap. 2). Retrieved
August 18, 2001, from http://www.benton.org/Library/Low-Income/two.html
American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
L. Rich
Rev. 4/05
Documenting Sources
APA requires the use of in-text parenthetical citations, not footnotes. These in-text citations lead readers to complete
bibliographic information included in the alphabetical list of references at the end of the paper. In-text citations can be
handled in different ways.
If you use the author's name in the sentence, simply include within parentheses the date of publication after the author's
Barrow (1974) found . . . .
However, if you do not incorporate the author's name into the sentence, include the author's last name and publication date
within parentheses:
. . . (Barrow, 1974).
Either approach may be used regardless of the number of authors.
If a source has two authors, cite both names every time the reference appears in the text.
. . . (Dewdney & Ross, 1994).
Dewdney and Ross (1994) found. . . .
For a source with three, four, or five authors, cite all of the authors the first time a reference occurs. For any subsequent
occurrences of the same reference, use the first author’s name with “et al.” signifying the other authors. Follow this with the
date of the publication. Omit the year from each subsequent occurrence of the same reference falling within the same
(Smith, Rubick, Jones, & Malcolm, 1995)
Smith et al. (1995) argue that. . . .
(Smith et al., 1995)
For a source with six or more authors, include only the first author's name followed by "et al."
Peffer et al. (1997) contend. . . .
(Peffer et al., 1997)
If a source has a group (corporation, government agency, association, etc.) as an author, the name is usually spelled out in
every text citation. However, if the name is long and the abbreviation is easily recognizable or understandable, spell it out for
the first text citation and abbreviate for subsequent citations.
First text citation:
(Association of College and Research Libraries [ACRL], 1996)
Second or subsequent citations:
(ACRL, 1996)
ACRL (1996) found that. . . .
In citing a specific part of a source, indicate the page, chapter, figure, table, etc. after the publication year. Abbreviate page or
Gallati (1988, p.38) observed...
(Gallati, 1998, p.38)
(Plotnik, 1982, chap. 2)
When citing information from a Web page that doesn’t provide page numbers, use the paragraph symbol (¶) or the
abbreviation (para.) to indicate the paragraph being cited. If the Web page doesn’t have page or paragraph numbers, cite the
heading and the number of the paragraph following it.
(Myers, 2000, ¶5)
(Lehman, 2001, Recommendation section, para. 2)
Reference List
General Guidelines for Organizing APA-style References Lists
In APA style, the alphabetical list of works cited is called "References." As you prepare your list of references, follow these
Alphabetize the list of sources by the author 's (or editor's) last name; if there is no author or editor, alphabetize by the first
word of the title other than a, an, or the. Use initials for an author's first and middle names. For two or more works by an
author, arrange the works by date, oldest work first.
Use one space after periods, colons, semi-colons, and commas.
With two or more authors, use all authors' names rather than "et al" unless there are seven or more authors. Again, start
with the last name and use initials for the first and middle names for all authors. Instead of the word "and," use an
ampersand (&) and separate the names with commas.
The publication date should appear in parentheses directly after the last author's name; put a period after the final
parenthesis. For books, list year only. For magazines, newsletters, and newspapers give the year followed by the exact
date on the publication (2000, November 10). If you list two works by the same author published in the same year,
alphabetize by title, unless they are part of a series.
Put the title after the year of publication. Book titles and subtitles should be italicized. Capitalize only the first word and
proper nouns in a title or subtitle.
Don't put titles of articles in quotation marks or italics, and, as with a book, only the first word of the title and subtitle and
any proper nouns are capitalized. Periodical titles are capitalized just as you would normally, and italicize the name of the
periodical and the volume number.
Include the city and official state abbreviation as well as the publisher in book citations. If the city is well known, omit the
state abbreviation. The publisher's name may be shortened, as long as it is easy to recognize, as in this example: New
York: Harper.
Use p. (pp. for plurals) only before page numbers of newspaper articles and chapters in edited books, not in references
to articles from magazines and journals. In contrast, parenthetical references in the text of a paper leading to specific
pages always include p. or pp.—no matter what type of source.
Double space each entry and use hanging indentation (the first line of an entry isn't indented, but every subsequent line
in the entry is indented five spaces).
10. Retrieval information must be given for electronic sources. The statement should provide the date the information was
retrieved along with the name and/or address of the source. If the information is from an aggregated database (i.e.
Periodical Abstracts), provide the name of the database (no address needed).
For more detailed information, consult APA's Publication Manual, which is available at the Information/Reference Desk.
Books, Reference Books, Government Publications
Rovin, J. (1979). The fantasy almanac. New York: Dutton.
Wilson, C., & Grant, J. (Eds.). (1981). The directory of possibilities. New
York: Rutledge Press.
Chapter in an Edited Book
Berry, V. (1994). Redeeming the rap music experience. In J. S. Epstein (Ed.),
Adolescents and their music: If it's too loud, you're too old (pp. 165188).
New York: Garland.
Reference Books
If there is no byline (author), begin with entry title and publication date.
Dober, R. P. (1988). Campus planning. In Encyclopedia of architecture: Design,
engineering, & construction (Vol. 1, pp. 527-539). New York: John Wiley &
Government Publications
U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (1987). Can herbs really heal?
(HHS Publication No. FDA 87-1140). Rockville, MD: Author.
Periodicals (Scholarly Journals, Magazines, Newspapers)
Articles in Scholarly Journals Paginated by Volume
Dewdney, P., & Ross, C. S. (1994). Flying a light aircraft: Reference service
evaluation from a user’s viewpoint. RQ, 34, 217-230.
Date must be the date shown on publication (day and month for weeklies and month for monthlies).
Add the volume number after the title.
Armstrong, L., Yang, D. J., & Cuneo, A. (1994, February 28). The learning
revolution: Technology is reshaping education--at home and at school.
Business Week, 3360, 80-88.
Page numbers must be preceded with p. or pp.
Adande, J. A. (1995, December 10). By George, Buckeye wins Heisman Trophy.
Washington Post, p. D1.
Electronic Resources
The general rule to follow for citing all Internet sources, is to direct readers as closely as possible to the information being
cited – whenever possible, reference specific documents rather than home or menu pages. Also, when required to provide a
Web address, be sure that the URL works!
Full-Text Articles from Databases (Ex: Lexis-Nexis Academic, Academic Search Premier, OhioLINK EJC, etc.)
When citing articles (or other material) retrieved from a database, cite the article as appropriate to the format of the item (i.e.
journal or newspaper) and then give the date of retrieval and name of database.
Barone, M. (2003, June 9). Next stop, Medicare?
U.S. News & World Report, 134, 24. Retrieved
October 24, 2003, from Academic Search Premier database.
Internet Articles Based on a Print Source: (Ex: Business Week Online, New York Times on the Web, etc.)
If you have accessed an article on an Internet website (not via a database) that is a duplicate of the print version, and you have
only viewed the article in the electronic form, cite the article as appropriate to the format of the item (i.e. journal or newspaper),
and then add [Electronic version] after the article title.
Sadeh, A., Raviv, A., & Gruber, R. (2001).
Sleep patterns and sleep disruptions in
school-age children [Electronic version]. Developmental Psychology, 36, 291-301.
Articles from an Internet-only Journal (Article does not appear in print journal or magazine)
Matthews, J. & Wiggins, R. (2001, December 3).
September 11.
Libraries, the Internet and
First Monday, 6(12). Retrieved January 15, 2002, from
Nonperiodical Documents on the Internet
At a minimum, a reference to an Internet source should provide a document title, date (publication date or date of retrieval),
and a Web address. Use n.d. (no date) when a publication date is not known. Use chapter or paragraph identifiers in place of
page numbers if available. If a document is part of a large Web site, such as a university, identify the organization before
giving the URL for the document itself.
Schwartz, B. Lyme Disease. (n.d.) Retrieved December 2, 2001, from the Johns Hopkins
Arthritis Web site: http://www.hopkins-arthritis.com/other/lyme.html
Information literacy competency standards for higher education. (2001, April 17).
Retrieved January 10, 2002, from the Association of College and Research Libraries Web site:
Benton Foundation. (1998, July 7). Barriers to closing the gap.
In Losing ground
bit by bit: Low-income communities in the information age (chap. 2). Retrieved
August 18, 2001, from http://www.benton.org/Library/Low-Income/two.html
American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
L. Rich
Rev. 4/05