Euronaut Issue 29 (January 2011)


Euronaut Issue 29 (January 2011)
Newsletter for European Sea Scouts
Issue 29 • January 2011
Inside this Issue
Interview with the new Odysseus Group
Sea Scout Am bassadors
The Most Recent 20 Years of Turkish Sea
New s from Denm ark
HM S Sea Scout
Future events
Next issue
On the web
Interview with the new Odysseus Group
Euronaut interviewed the new Odysseus
Group team after their election at Eurosea
10 in Plzeò, Czech Republic. The Odysseus
Group is the planning committee for the
Eurosea summits.
The Odysseus G roup (courtesy of C zech hosting team)
from le ft to right: Sjoerd Heeringa, M orton Haugstad, Satu
Raudasoja, W iktor W roblew ski and Brian G aule
The new Odysseus Group Chair is Satu
Raudasoja from Finland. Satu is 27 years
young and is the first female Odysseus
Group Chair, as well as being the youngest
Chair ever. She is a university student
majoring in user-focused product
development at Aalto University, as well as
serving on the Finnish national wom en
rugby team .
What are your ambitions, Satu?
There are quite a few things we should be
working on. I am particularly concerned
that we should communicate more
effectively. It currently seems that there is
very little happening between Eurosea
conferences. I think that the Ambassador
initiative (with representatives from our user
community) will help to improve
communication between Euroseas.
What would you like to achieve with the
Odysseus Group?
I'd like the group to work effectively as a
team. I would also like to see to it that the
next Eurosea event in Copenhagen is really
well organized and very useful for all
We next spoke with Sjoerd Heeringa from
the Netherlands. Sjoerd is 59 and serves as
Odysseus Vice Chair, a project manager,
and senior member of the Odysseus Group.
Outside of Scouting he is the chair of an art
movie house.
What are your ambitions, Sjoerd?
Thanks to enthusiastic people like Ron
Brown and Luc van Nevel, Eurosea is well
known by many in European Sea Scouting.
It's now the time for a younger generation
to take over and sail Odysseus and Eurosea
one port further on the wild seas. I am
happy to help and coach the team, doing
whatever is needed. A personal priority is to
improve on board safety while underway.
Morton Haugstad from Norway is 37 years
old. He works in technical wholesales and is
an experienced group leader and captain
of an old Colin Archer sailboat. He is a
tough Viking who likes rough outdoor
activities. As an athlete, he is more of a
quick and sharp thinker then a talker.
Morton, what are your ambitions?
I firmly believe in the concept of "learning
Euronaut / Issue 29 / January 2011 / p age 1 of 8
by doing." This is central to my
understanding of both the means and
purpose of the Scouting movement. I am
looking forward to being very involved in
Armada 2011. This prom ises to be a
rewarding activity for all. The course ahead
for European Sea Scouts should be focused
on activities for scouts from many countries.
Wiktor Wroblewski from Poland is 32. In his
worklife he is an architect, is very creative,
and is also an experienced group leader
and sailor. For those who know Wictor, he is
analytical, but measured with what he says.
Wictor, what are your ambitions?
I would like us to do a better job staying in
touch between sem inars. It's very important
that we provide opportunities for leaders to
share their thoughts about local problems
and best practice ideas.
What would you like to achieve with the
Odysseus Group?
The Odysseus Group should help create a
sense of pan-european Scouting. One way
to do this is to develop a short description
or publication about Sea Scouting for
European National Scouting Organizations
(NCOs). The publication should explain
what Sea Scouting is, our traditions and
activities. I would also like to establish a
social network using online media tools like
We were unfortunately unable to catch up
with Brian Gaule of Ireland, who is very busy
with his logistics business. We will talk with
him at a later date.
The Odysseus Group accomplishes some of
its work through working groups and
volunteers on special assignment.
Sea Scout Ambassadors
Who are they - Where do they come from What are they doing and why - How to be
Luc Van Nevel, FOS Open Scouting,
Belgium; Ambassador Anchorman
On several occasions while organizing the
2010 Eurosea seminar, the Odysseus Group,
which is responsible for the coordinating
European Sea Scout events, was faced
with communication and information
problems. The problem is so serious that Sea
Scouts in several countries were not
informed in time about important European
Sea Scout events such as Eurosea seminars.
The Odysseus Group is always looking for
ways to improve communication,
information exchange, and coordination of
European Sea Scouting. Already in place
are the following:
• European Sea Scout website:
• Scouts Marins en Europe website:
• Euronaut:
• Euronaut (Bulletin):
Luc van Nevel from Belgium serves as our
Anchorman or coordinator of the
Ambassador initiative. More on this
elsewhere in this issue of Euronaut. As Satu
noted, the Ambassadors are our contacts
with local Sea Scouting, Sea Scout groups,
and NSOs.
Bruce Johnson from the Boy Scouts of
America serves as European Sea Scouting
Webmaster. He and Eoghan Lavelle
(Scouting Ireland) also co-edit Euronaut,
the newsletter of European Sea Scouting.
Seascout-Europe-Net (discussion list):
Seascout-Europe-Net (liste de diffusion):
These communication streams work well
and are freely accessible to all. They fill an
important niche by providing visibility for
our program so that we are not unknown or
unloved. Unfortunately, except for Euronaut
articles, this communication is exclusively
one-way. By all appearances we are not
able to reach the right people to quickly
Euronaut / Issue 29 / January 2011 / p age 2 of 8
gather information. So we need to try
something else.
we began
looking for a
better way to
on that is fast
and reliable.
Luc Van Nevel, Anchorman
means for making this happen was to
establish an Ambassador initiative that
identifies the right man/woman in the right
place. The Odysseus Group proposed the
Ambassador initiative to the European
Scout Office as an informal network.
Sea Scout Ambassadors operate within
their own countries, norm ally with their
NSO's endorsement, but are coordinated
by the Odysseus Group through an
Anchorman. He will try to make the network
operational and to extend it in a second
stage. All of this perfectly integrated in the
existing official structures.
Where the idea did came from ? The ideas
of Ambassador and Anchorman were
suggested the first time at an Odysseus
Group meeting at the end of 2006 and
then officially approved at Eurosea 9 in
2008. The initial recruiting round,
unfortunately was not a smashing success.
The Ambassadors Circle concept was
discussed further at Eurosea 10 in Plzeò . The
rather ambitious goals for the Ambassadors
were closely inspected and corrected, and
a second recruiting round was held.
Representatives from sixteen countries
stepped forward.
In the spirit of BP who appointed his brother
to be the International Sea Scouting
Com missioner, a goal is to establish a sort of
international Sea Scouting commissioner
(who is called Sea Scout Ambassador to
avoid confusion with the IC) in every
European country. This enables us to
quickly contact the right person in every
country, and later in every NSO where there
is more than one in the country.
We are still are looking for candidates to
join the Ambassador Circle from about 20
countries. Candidates should be well
known and accepted within their
respective Sea Scout community. They also
must speak/write English reasonably well
and have access to the internet.
Q: Is the job difficult? What exactly do
Ambassadors do?
A: Being an Ambassador is fairly simple.
Starting Ambassadors are asked to respond
to their email. Messages come from the
Anchorman and are limited to perhaps 2-3
a year. Once a stable network is
established, we will tackle bigger tasks such
as promoting Sea Scouting, sharing
information about national Sea Scouting
events, facilitating Sea Scout contacts
between throughout Europe and the world,
and reporting on Sea Scouting to improve
the coordination of the European Sea
Scout activities. Later, we will explore
further actions. Our initial goal is
communication - Let's communicate with
one another a few times a year.
In sum mary, this is a friendly call to action: If
you live in a country that has no Sea Scout
Ambassador and are interested in
becoming a vital link to this European Sea
Scout network, contact Luc Van Nevel,
Anchorman, at
Stick out your neck and join the
Ambassadors Circle. If you know someone
in your area who would be a better choice
for this purpose, please show him this article
soon and push his/her. The Odysseus Group
and the European Sea Scout community
need you.
The Most Recent 20 Years of Turkish Sea
Ü. Savaº Baran, Scouting and Guiding
Federation of Turkey
2010 marked the twentieth anniversary of
the one of the main event in Turkish Sea
Scouting history – a 1990 training seminar.
Before 1990 there was an active troop
founded by leader-trainer Omer Kubilay
Solen who was an active Sea Scout leader
Euronaut / Issue 29 / January 2011 / p age 3 of 8
in Ýskenderun, Turkey during the sixties. There
were a few other troops in places like izmir
and Ýstanbul.
Mr. Solen
the 1990
Sea Scout
seminar at
Turkey for
29 young
leaders. Dr. Eoghan La velle at Ýskederun sem inar
Lavelle (Scouting Ireland) was on the
planning team. The sem inar begin on June
8 at the Iskenderun Youth and Scouting
facility with the support of the local naval
base commander. After the camp several
follow-up meetings were held, and several
Sea Scout groups were soon organized
around Turkey: Kemal Reis and Büyük Kolej
Sea Scout Troop at Ankara; Anadolu Liseum
at Sakarya; Pirireis in Mersin; TED at K. Eregli;
O. Solen at Hatay; Yeni Asýr at Ýzmir; Yavuz
at Sam sun; and Bulancak at Giresun.
the first
camp was
at the
The youngest Sea Scout is an excellent
Youth and
m odel-m aker
facility at Cesme Ýzmir. This camp continued
for 6 years with Mr. Solen as the Camp
Chief, I was responsible for training. The
Turkish Navy helped to us in many ways.
They provided truckloads of Optimists and
supplies. Scouts would generally have
about ten workshops during the 10-day
camp, as well as sailing, ship modelmaking, swimming instruction, rowing,
diving, music, marine arts and crafts,
marine ecology, maritime communication,
and Sea Scout advanced leadership
Çanakkale becoming the more recent
venue. Leader trainers, assistant leader
traininers, and Scout leaders included
Recep Kýzýlýrmak, Turkay Özay Ü. Savas
Baran, Yavuz Durmus Fatma Durmuº, Semir
Olmez, Atakan Atlý, Ali Ayvaz Ustun, Alper
doðmaz, Derya S. Yarkýn, Salih Sývgýn,
Mustafa Kösker. In more recent years
competitions like the Ancient Mariner Sea
Scout Regatta in San Francisco, California
have been held. Additionally, every year
som e 300 Sea Scouts and Guides
participate in a sea training experience
with a Coast Guard cutter.
Sea Scouts
e to many
al and
events like
al coastal
Sea Scout exhibits in school about
climate change
al Year of Ocean and Seas, the National
Maritime Day, and the International
Maritime Day. Sea Scouts also regularly
participate in scout programs and and
observances of UN days, years, and
decades. Turkish Scouts have received
several honors like “Best Presentation of
UN” for the 50 th anniversary to Scouts in Italy
and Senegal, a certificate from UNHCR for
actions on Bosnia and Kosovar crises for
helping to refugee children in the GOP
refugee Center, and best practicing
country on International day of peace and
first European Council Active citizenship
Sail training in K.Eregli city Black Sea
These camps have continued nearly every
year at Cesme and Kus adasý, with
Euronaut / Issue 29 / January 2011 / p age 4 of 8
In Turkey there
is a license
given by the
Ministry for
One of our
scout groups
is authorized
to run this exam ination in Canakkale. The
Eregli and Canaklae groups provide Able
Seaman certificate training for all. This
certificate allows them to function on boats
as the skipper, though not in a professional
capacity. Another group in Istanbul has
developed a program to visit museums with
games, puzzles, and handouts.
in the
Sea Scout
Seminar in
where I ran a
The author at Eurosea 3
session on
Ship modelmaking as an educational tool for learning
ships and their rigging. We enjoyed
excellent hospitality from the host
committee. Nevertheless, a sail trainer from
the Guide Association commented after
our sailing session that they didn’t believe
that I was a skipper on a boat and a Navy
Captain was my crew.
Our Sea Scouts participate in nationwide
maritime organization activities. An
example is the International Maritime
Festival, where scouts met with team
Jacques Cousteau. The Scouts made
European-wide “Lands of Adventure”
projects. Apparently European Sea Scouts
must be focus of this excellent educational
program. (See ) Our Sea
Scout troops have made projects such as
semaphore instruction, rowing, and fish
recycling (Istanbul seafood factories take
fish by-products to a place on the Golden
Horn at the same time every day where sea
gulls eat the whole mess in less than 15
The TED Sea Scout Group represented
Turkish Sea Scouting at the 1995 World
Scout Jamboree in Dronten, Holland. After
the Jamboree they visited tall ships in
Amsterdam. They had a great time
watching the huge number of ships of
various types.
Over the years the Turkish Navy has
supported our Sea Scout camps. Several
years they organized the annual Sea Scout
camp at the Naval Academy. Local
groups in several coastline cities like
Çanakkale, Golcuk, Eregli, Mersin
Ýskenderun, Marmaris, and Mersin meet at
naval bases, benefiting from Navy help.
The Kemal
Reis troop
makes a
trip along
the south
coast of
Rigging competition on Marmaris
and fishing
boats. My scouts have trained there for
their Able Seam anship qualification.
Training has expanded on recent years,
and an advanced Scout leadership course
for Sea Scout leaders is run with the
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University.
The national
Sea Scout
camp in
in March
was very
impressive. A
tall ship
Opening at Çanakkale National
regatta was
Sea Scout camp
a global
event where
Çanakkale and Istanbul Scouts closely
watched, and brownies and cubs saluted
the big sailing ships. Sea Culture week was
held in the summer. A Sea Scout from the
Cousteau team and I participated in the
sea culture panel. A good number of
Scouts and children benefited from
workshops on fishing, knots, games, and
cruising on lifeboats and tugs.
The Sea Scout Groups at K. Eregli and Bursa
have acquired sailboats, but most groups
continue to work with local sailing clubs.
Sail training is regularly conducted in
Çanakkale and K. Eregli. One of the
Çanakkale girls is on the winners’ list of
recent national competitions. Miss Deniz
Euronaut / Issue 29 / January 2011 / p age 5 of 8
Aydýn was the best sailor of 2010 and will
probably be the first Turkish Koch Cup
participant in coming years. She is about to
move to larger boats like Lasers and 420s.
HMS Sea Scout
from “Mariner”, newsletter from Dockland
Scout Project
HMS Sea Scout was an S class submarine of
the Royal Navy, and part of the Third Group
built of that class. She was built by Cammell
Laird and launched on March 24, 1944. So
far she has been the only ship of the Royal
Navy to bear the name Sea Scout. Her
motto was ‘Be Prepared’!
Sea Guide wÝnners of the European
LOA Day award
News from Denmark
Ron Brown, Det Danske Spejderkorps
At the
Danish Sea
meeting it
that the
profits from
the bar
would be
donated to
fund. Over
the weekend Dkr. 595,00 (82 euros) was
raised. There were the 58 leaders from
Denmark, as well as guests from Norway
and Sweden present.
Time was also spent planning for the World
Jamboree Arm ada that will be starting in
Copenhagen on 21 July 2011. It was a long,
hard weekend because there were many
details to be agreed on concerning the
2012 Sea Scout 100 th anniversary in
Denmark. The week of 20 - 29 July, 2012 is
now reserved for that celebration.
She spent
most of her
career in the
Far East,
where she
twelve sailing
vessels, two
coasters, two
vessels, a sampan, a patrol vessel and a
tug with five barges. She survived the
Second World War, and was sold.
After the
war she
returned to
where she
from active
HMS Sea Scout
list to
reserve list
and between 1948 and 1953 she was taken
out of service for 3 re-fits. During the
following years she was took part in number
of exercises until 1962 when she was
prepared for disposal being de-equipped
in 1963 ready for sale. Finally in December
1965 HMS Sea Scout was disposed of and
sold as scrap. She arrived at Swansea,
Wales on Decem ber 14, 1965 for breaking
Euronaut / Issue 29 / January 2011 / p age 6 of 8
30 June/3 July - In Waterford (Ireland)
3 /9 July – Race 1
Waterford to Greenock (Scotland)
9/12 July – In Greenock
12/21 July – Cruise in Company
Greenock to Lerwick (Shetland)
21/24 July – In Lerwick
24 /28 July – Race 2
Lerwick to Stavangar (Norway)
28 /31 July – In Stavangar
31July/5 Aug – Race 3
Stavangar to Halmstad (Sweden)
5 /8 August – In Halmstad
See –
11/21 Aug – In Klaipeda, Lithuania
21/26 Aug – Race 1
We have managed to get together
another issue of Euronaut, and we must
thank Savas Baran for sending us a copy of
a Turkish Sea Scout Newsletter which we
have incorporated into Euronaut. This
includes a number of excellent
photographs of Sea Scout activities. We are
particularly grateful to our Turkish friends,
and we would like to ask Sea Scouts from
other countries in the European Region to
Next issue
Euronaut is the newsletter of the European Sea
Scouting Netw ork. It is published quarterly and
distributed via the Internet. The next issue is
scheduled for April 2011.
Klaipeda to Turku
26/28 Aug – in Turku
28Aug/2Sept – Race 2
1 Oct 2011
5/8 July – in Saint Malo (France)
8/19 July – Race 1
St Malo to Lisbon
19/22 July – in Lisbon (Portugal)
22/26 July – Race 2
Lisbon to Cadiz
26/29 July – in Cadiz (Spain)
29July/10Aug – Cruise in Company
10/13 Aug – La Coruna, Spain
13/23 Aug – Race 3
La Coruna to Dublin
23 /26 Aug – in Dublin (Ireland)
See –
send us som e more pictures in the future.
We have published a number of pictures in
earlier issues of Euronaut but sometimes the
newsletter has not had many illustrations.
We would like to increase the number of
illustrations, and we invite pictures for
Euronaut, hopefully with articles, even if
they are quite short! There is an old saying
that "a picture is worth a thousand words".
The Editors
To subscribe to Euronaut, go to and follow the
On the web
i European Sea Scouts:
W e need your help. Please send your articles or
event notices to Eoghan Lavelle (Scouting
Ireland) and Bruce
Johnson (BSA) com m by 1
March 2011. English and French are preferred.
European Scout Region:
Seascout-Europe-Net (discussion list):
Euronaut / Issue 29 / January 2011 / p age 7 of 8
Euronaut / Issue 29 / January 2011 / p age 8 of 8
Aralık 2010
Bu sayıdaki başlıklar
Warington Vakfı haberleri
Deniz izcileri için SOLAS 5
Kuzey Adriatikte deniz izciliği
Dublin Deniz izcilerinin İsle of Mann adasına seyri
Gelecek sayı
Warington Vakfı haberleri
Oddysseus Grubu Resmi olmayan bilgilenme ve bilgilendirme üzerine çalışan bu
grup Avrupa Deniz izciliğinin gelişmesi için çalışmakta ve Avrupa Deniz izcileri
birliği diyebileceğimiz Eurosea Toplantılarına göre yararlı çalışmalar
yapmaktadırlar. Bundan evvel yapyılan toplantılarda Dünya deniz izciliğinin
yaklaşması nedeniyle bir deniz izci armasının yapılması kararlaştırılmış ve geliri ile
deniz izciliğinin kurallarını hazırlayan ve uygulayan Warrington Baden Powell’ın
anısına bir yapıt yapılmasına karar verilmiştir.
Bu karara gmre bon toplantıda arma satışlarından 1270 Euro toplandığı Çalışmaları
yürüren Ron Brown Tarafından belirtilmektedir. Avustralya en fazla arma alan ülke
olmuş ve 550 arma satın almıştır. Bunun yanında deniz izci dostluğu için kendi
kurallarını uygulamıştır. Halen Avustralya izcileri Dünya Deniz izcileri sitesinde 150
kadar izci grubu ile temsil edilmektedir.
Avustralyayı Danimarka, Norveç, Birleşik Krallık ve Fransa izlemiştir. Hollanda
ulusal kampında bin kadar kendi deniz izci 100 yıl armasını satmış ve 250 Euro
katkıda bulunmuştur. Finlandiya 200 arma yaparak katılmıştır. Belçika da kendi
tasarımını izcilerine birer adet vermiştir. Eurosea 11 toplantısında katılanların oyları
ile bir bronz rolyef yapılmasına karar verilmiştir. Plakanın lateksten kalıbı
çoğaltılacak ve deniz iciliğinin yapıldığı yerlerde kullanılabilecektir. Halen armalar
Avrupa Deniz izciliği web sayfasından sipariş edilebilir.
Deniz izcileri için SOLAS 5
Solas kararları ve deniz izcileri ile ilişkisi üzerinde Oddyseus grubu Başkan
yardımcısı Sjoerd Heeringa Tarafından kıs bir yazı ile verilmiştir. Yazıda Deniz
güvenliği üzerinde Eurosea 10 çalımaları hatırlatılmış ve International Convention
for theSafety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) kurallarının gezi tekneleri ile ilgili kuralları dile
getirilmiştir. Seyir planlanması
Hava durumunun saptanması
Var ise med cezir şartlarının incelenmesi
Tekne teçhiztı yakıt güvenlik malzemelerinin kontrolu
Mürettebatın yeterliliği fiziki durumları ve yeterliliğinin görülmesi
Seyir sahasındaki Seyir işaretleri ve seyir tehlikeleri
Pilot book ve duyuruların incelenmesi
Açil durum planlarının gözden geçirilmesi konuları üzerinde durulmuştur
Bu amaçla hazırlanmış resmi broşürler vurgulanmıştır. Bu konuda Türkiye’de
Denizciler Dayanışma Derneğinin yayınlarını hatırlatmak isterim.
Yazıda ise Birleşik Krallık broşürleri kaynak olarka verilmiş.
(e.g.,, ).
Can Kurtaran yelekleri yazıda geniş bir şekilde incelenmiştir.Teknede can
yeleklerinin sayısı yanında yeleklerin kullanacakların yapılarına ve ağırlıklarına
uyumlu olması önemli olduğu belirtilmiş 150 Newton yerine 275 newtonluk yelekler
önerilmiştir. Yeleklerin yaşam süresi de unutulmamalıdır. Bu süre genelde 15 yıl
olmakla beraber izcileri için 10 yıl olarak alınmaktadır.
Bu arada pek bilinmeyen kaldırma kuvveti birimi Newtonun da bir açıklaması
İzciler için can yeleği konusunda genel bilgiler verilmiş 15 kilograma kadar olan
çocuklarda şişme yeleklerin yetersiz olacağı belirtilmiş yazı da karşılaştırmaları
yapılmıştır. Yüzme yardımcıları can yeleklerinin bakımları maliyeti üzerinde
Kuzey Adriatikte deniz izciliği
Konu İtalyan izcilerinin bu bölgede yaptıkları çalışmaların anlatımıdır Sizde düenli
deniz izciliği faaliyeti yapıyorsanız bunları Euronaut Deniz izci dergisine
gönderebilir dergiyi internetten indirerek okuyabilirsiniz.
15 Mayıs 2005 yılında Rimini İtalya da bir araya gelen liderler bölgede Deniz
izciliğinin geliştirilmesi için çalışmalara başlamış ve grubun adı İtalyancadan SEA –
Scout Educatori Altoadriatico. Adı ile bir kuruluş kurulmuştur. Amaç Adriyatik
denizinin kuzeyinde AGESCI üyelerinin denizcilikte eğitimidir. Halen teşkilat Sahil
yelken seyir eğitiminin Altura 33 tekneleri ile verilmesi
Rimini yakınlarındaki Base Nautica Edo Biasoli adlı deniz izci merkezinin
Bu merkeze adı verilen Edo Biasoli 1970-1983 yıllarında İtalyan EGESCI Deniz
izciliğinin başkanlığını yapmış kişidir.
Dublin Deniz izcilerinin Isle of Man adasına seyri
Dublin limanında çalışan Néala grubu bir seyir düzenleyerek izle of Man adasında
yıllık grup kamplarını yapmışlar. 16 izci bir Feribotla adaya giderken üç yelkenli ve
bir motoryatta diğer izcileri götürmüş Seyir halindeki yelkenlilerde izciler hemen
hemen tüm tayfa görevleri yapmışlar. Peel limanına yaklaşırken yoğun sis onlara
güzei bir eğitim olanağı vermiş. Deniz kenarındaki Glen Wyllin kamp alanında 8
gün kamp yapılmış her gün kano seyirleri, yürüyüşler Sneafel kasabasına iki günlük
gezi ile kamp tamamlanmış ve dönüş seyrinde rota Belfast’a çevrilmiştir.
Ardglass.da ibr gece başladıktan sonra güzel bir seyirle Dublin limanına
dönülmüştür. ( Resmi verilen bu seyrin kaç mil olduğunu ilk hesaplayacak izciye bir
arma var ilk on başvurudan en soğru olan iki arma diğerleri birer arma alacaklardır.
Gezide izcileri teknelerine kabul eden kaptanlar Padraic Somers (Annie Bannie),
Robert Murphy (Gisselle), Skipper Boyle (On the Rocks). Ve Eamon Mc Gratten (
Mandown) tabii teşekkürleri hak etmişler
1985 yılında Yunan izci hareketi teşkilatının davetini abul eden Avrupa Deniz izci
liderleri ilk Deniz izci seminerini Selanikteki Deniz izci tesislerinde yaptılar.
IBu başarılı olaydan sonra istek üzerine bu seminerlere 2-3 yılda bir değişik
ülkelerde devama karar verildi.
Eurosea adı ilk olarak 4. Londra seminerinde kullanıldı. Banları raporlardan izledik.
Son seminer denizi olmamasına rağmen güçlü bir deniz izci teşkilatı olan Çek
cumhuriyetinde yapıldı. 1996 yılında Oddysseus grubu kuruldu.
Halen gruba seçilen ve gelecek Eurosea yi planlayacak kişiler
Sjoerd Heeringa (Hollanda)
Morten Haugstad (Norveç)
Satu Raudasoja (Finlandiya)
Wiktor Wroblewski (Polanya)
Brian Gaule (Irlanda)
Gelecek sayı
Euronaut Avrupa deniz izcilerinin yayın organı Sık Sık yazılarımız be dergide
yayınlandı. Gelecek sayısı ocak 2011 de internette olacak ve yılda dört sayı ile
sizlere hizmete devam edecek Deniz izci ünitelerimiz 2010 yılında deniz izciliği ile
ilgili yaptıkları etkinlikleri ( elinizin tuzlu suya değdiği etkinlikler) ve bu etkinlikler
paralelinde yaptığınız diğer izcilik etkinliklerini bir iki resim ile bildirdiğiniz taktirde
bana yeni bir yazı hazırlama olanağı verirsiniz. Bu Benim için Büyük bir Mutluluktur
Yazılarınızın çevirisini de bu olanağı bana verdiğinizde zevkle yaparım.
Şu anda ocak sayısı için zaman geçti ama bu hafta sonuna kadar gelecekleri belki
kabul edeceklerdir. Ondan sonra hedef 1 Nisanda çıkacak sayı için 1 Mart
Yazıları Türkiye’de Deniz izciliğini Ömer K. Şölen ile birlikte başlatan Eoghan
Lavelle (Scouting Ireland) ve Bruce Johnson (BSA) by İngilizce ve Fransızca olarak kabul etmektedir. Bu ii
en geç ocak ayında halledelim. Gelecek haberlerle DENİZ İZCİLİĞİMİZ 2010 adlı
bir CD de Hazırlanabilir
Bu bltene abone olmak için adresine gidip
talimatları uygulayınız veya
i European Sea Scouts:
i Scouts Marins en Europe:
i European Scout Region:
i Euronaut:
i Euronaut (Bulletin):
i Seascout-Europe-Net (discussion list)
i Seascout-Europe-Net (Liste de diffusion):
Gelecek sayımızda sizlere Eurosea 2010 haberlerini vereceğiz
Bu arada daha evvel sizlere bildirdiğim gibi Dünya Deniz izciliği 100 yıl armasınıda
Avrupa deniz izciliği sayfasına girerek temin edebilirsiniz. Bunun en önemli şartı Bir
Avrupa Deniz izci ünitesi ile birlikte bir çalışma yapmak idi. Bununda en kolayı
birlikte bir kamp yapmaya artık zama n olmadığı için bunu niternet üzerinden
Benze aşağıdaki konular bir faaliyet ssyılabilir
1 Bir Avrupa deniz izci ünitesinin gruba tanıtımı ve bunun bir sergi ile EURdoor
veya EUR hopping Macera ülkeleri projesi şeklinde yapılması Yapan ilk ( 11-16 yaş
izcileri olan en fazla 8 kişilik obanın armaları benden
EUR door için bir Avrupa ülkesinin izciliğini deniz izciliğinde yaptıklarını bir sergi
olarak hazırlamaya karar vererek başvuru formunu gönderecek bu işi
tamamladıktan sonra serginizin tanıtımını ppt veya yazı olarak elektronik ortamda
bana göndereceksiniz ve sonuç raporunu tamamlayacaksınız
EUR hopping de ise bu işi bir Avrupa Deniz izci ünitesi ile detaylı internet üzerinden
görüşerek yapacaksınız
Kocaeli Dwniz Tıldızı Deniz İzci ünitesi
İzmirYakamoz İzci Grubu
1 Temmuz Kampı Sahil Denizİzci Grubu
Yakamoz Denizde
Marmaris Deniz izcileri
Çanakkale 18 Mart Deniz izcileri
Çanakkale Boylu Boslu Gemilere 3. Denz Kültürü Şenliği
İzci Parkı (Scout Park)
Deniz yıldızları İstanbul
Fener projesi
Bu resimleri bulabildiğim sitelerden aldım
Sizleri kutluyor eminim elinizde olan daha tuzu resimleri
Bu saydalar ancak sizin katkılarınızla güçlenebilir
Ü. Savaş Baran