INTRODUCTIO The Turkish Technical U Historical He Conference o


INTRODUCTIO The Turkish Technical U Historical He Conference o
ON The Turkish Foundation for A
Architecture (MIV) and a
Yildiz Technical University Research Centre for Preserrvation of be organizing the Intternational Historical Heritage (TA‐MIR) will b
on Re‐evaluating Conttemporary Designs in
n Historical Conference o
Context (RE‐C
ConD’15) on the 22‐‐24 July 2015 in Istaanbul. The Conference w
will be hosted by SEW
WC Turkey. The historicall environments that w
were forgotten in the beginning of modernizaation period, regained
d importance in 1970
0s with the studies on relationship between th
he old and the new and started to be consideered not only as a building stock, but also aas a whole with their culltural, social, econom
mic and legal aspects. W
Within the global markeet during 1990s, the historical environm
ments once again experienced intense chan
nges and transform
mations. In creating a plaace and revealing ideentity of a city, it is understood that the historical environm
ments deserve mo
ore than conservation actions. As a result, iinnovative designs an
nd projects have becomee a current issue. In this regarrd the conference iis seeking to re‐evaaluate the attitudes to
o existing environments via discusssing new architectural,, structural and urban
n projects built or to be built in natural and/o
or cultural and/ or h
historical contexts, the way to participate to
o the space and haarmonize the new projects p
in existing elem
ments and resources and meet the conttemporary requirementss. The conferrence will provid
de an internatio
onal and interdisciplinaary meeting for ressearchers and practitioners to present and discuss the necessity, concept and criteria c
of designing/con
nstructing new structures/buildinggs and settlements in historical contexts and their environmeents. It will ogether historians, art historians, archaaeologists, also bring to
architects, eengineers, scientistss, building surveyors, urban planners, and other specialists to exchange their analytical, experimentall, historical and co
onstructional experieences and studies in preeservation of urban or rural context. IMPORTANT DATES  Submissio
on of Abstracts  Preliminaary Acceptance of absstracts  Full paper submission  Final Acceeptance of Full paperrs  Final Submission of Revised Paapers & Copyrightt agreement  Last Datee for Early Registration
n  Submissio
on of Presentations  Conference Presentations Januaryy 23, 2015 Februaryy 23, 2015 March 16, 2015 April 20, 2015 Mayy 04, 2015 Mayy 04, 2015 Julyy 10, 2015 July 22‐‐24, 2015 C
CONFERENCE TOPICSS A‐ Legal‐ Adminisstrative‐ Professional Responsibilities Basic p
principles and data/na
ational and internaational doctrines and notions Heritagge management plan,, conservation policies Implem
mentation oriented prroject descriptions Legal/aadministrative views
Ethical and professional resp
ponsibilities B‐ General Princip
ples: New Structures and Historic Environment R
Relationship Urban
n, archaeological, rura
al, coastal areas and settlem
ments Culturral Landscape Buildin
ng scale Sustainability C‐ The Problems Affecting the Historicc Environment Ageingg and destruction (terrrorism, wars, etc.) Densitty pressure Functiional changes (tourism
m, cultural) Infrasttructure projects Globalization (global marke
et, global issues, omic dynamics) econo
Expresssion of cultural identtity D‐ Factors Affectiing New Design in Hisstoric Environments
ng factors (location, sense of place, identity, silhouette, mass and scale, style, façade ortion, colour, materia
al and structure etc.)
n principles (adaptatio
on, recall, interp
pretation, contrast, ne
eutralization) Accesssibility E‐ Construction m
methods and materia
als Traditional or contemporarry construction materrial Compatibility of constructio
on material/contrastss Structural compatibility F‐ Education and TTraining Formaal & informal studies
INVITED SSPEAKERS Leading experts in chosen topics will be inviteed to deliver keynote sspeeches. PRESENTA
ATIONS The officcial language of the Conference is Englissh. All papers should be b written and pre
esented in English. Simultaneous translatio
on will be provided on
nly into Turkish. EEXHIBITION EExhibition facilities related to the Conferen
nce are planned at th
he C
Conference venue. This offers opportu
unity for consultantss, ccontractors, systems manufacturers and other o
organizations to t
illustrate projects, pro
ocesses, componentss, materials, hardwaree, ssoftware and literatu
ure. Please contact to
o Conference websitte ffor details. Both orall and poster presentations will take placee. Proceedings will be avvailable at the registraation desk. SUBMISSSION Papers sh
hould focus on the ne
ecessity, concept and criteria of the new design in heritage conte
exts, on the topics ou
utlined above. 00 words with no tables and figures The abstrract not exceeding 30
should bee structured in three main sections:  Introd
duction  Developments  Remaarks and Conclusion The abstrract should be clear, aaiming at giving a gen
neral overview of the paper. Submissions willl be peer reviewed byy the Scientific Committeee of the Conference. REGISTRA
ATION FEE Conference fee for participaants will include Pro
oceedings and c
breaks, participattion in all technical sessions, lunches, coffee reception
n and Conference gala dinner. For accompanying person, the fee will include paarticipation in all tech
hnical sessions, lunches, ccoffee breaks, recepttion, and gala dinner.. Following are the estim
mated registration fees. May 04, 2015 Until U
Affter Participan
nts 450 Euro 4
00 Euro Accompanying 250 Euro 2
00 Euro 200 Euro 2
50 Euro Student VENUE Conference rooms of Turkish FFoundation for Archittecture (MIV) Karaköy K
Kemankeş Caddesi No
o:31/4, Beyoğlu 34425 İstanbul SCIENTIFIC CO
OR PAPERS Zeynep Ahunbaay, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey Fevziye Aköz, YYıldız Technical Universitty, Turkey Marie‐Theres A
Albert, UNESCO Chair off Heritage Studies Germaany Füsun Alioğlu, Kadir Has University, Tu
urkey Pınar Arabacıoğğlu, Yıldız Technical Univversity, Turkey Kari Avellan, KA
AREG Consulting Engineers, Finland Işık Aydemir, Isstanbul Commerce University, Turkey Zeynep Aygen, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Turkey Ömür Barkul, YYıldız Technical Universitty, Turkey Orestes M. del Castillo del Prado, ICOM
MOS Cuba Guido Cimadom
mo, Universidad de Malaga, Spain Irene G.I. Curullli, TU/e Eindhoven Univversity of Technology, NL Zeynep Eres, Isstanbul Technical Univerrsity, Turkey Aslı Sungur Erggenoğlu, Yıldız Technical University, Turkey Maria Gravari‐Barbas, Paris 1‐ Sorbonn
ne University Pedro Hurtado Valdez, Ricardo Palma University Lima‐Peru President, ICOMOS‐ Indiia Rohit Jigyasu, P
Steve Kelley, W
WJE Engineers & Architeccts, USA Tatiana Kirova,, Politecnico di Torino, Ittaly Debra Laefer, U
UCD College of Engineerring, Ireland Cristiano Lucheetti, Sharjah American U
Uni.‐Dubai, UAE Deniz Mazlum, Istanbul Technical Univversity, Turkey n Olimpia Niglio, Kyoto University, Japan
Rabia Özakın, YYıldız Technical Universitty, Turkey Çiğdem Polatoğğlu, Yıldız Technical Univversity, Turkey Anna Pereira R
Roders, Eindhoven Univ. of Technology, NL Leo. Schmidt, B
Brandenburg University of Technical Cottbus, Germany Nadide Seckin, Istanbul Kültür University, Turkey M. M. Segarra‐‐Laguna, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Rome, Italy Enzo Siviero, University Luav of Venicee, Italy Gül Ünal, Yıldızz Technical University, Tu
urkey Zekiye Yenen, YYıldız Technical University, Turkey RE‐C
CAL CONTEXT 22 – 24 July 201
15, Istanbul, Turkey SUPPORTED by International Association for Shell and Spattial Structures (IASS)
WG17 Historic Spatial Strructures ICOM
MOS International Scientific Committee on R
Risk Preparedness (ICO
G COMMITTEE Görün Arun (Ch
hair) Çiğdem Polatoğğlu, Yıldız Technical Univversity Pınar Arabacıoğğlu, Yıldız Technical Univversity Serhat Başdoğaan, Yıldız Technical Univversity Eser Yağcı, Mim
mar Sinan Fine Arts Univversity Deniz Mazlum, Istanbul Technical Univversity Zeynep Eres, Isstanbul Technical Univerrsity Ali Rüzgar, Turkkish Foundation for Arch
hitecture CONTACT recond15@sew
wc‐ mber of Architects off İstanbul, Turkey Cham
International Council on Monuments and Sitess (ICOMOS) – Turkey
MOS International Scientific Committee for A
Analysis and Restoration of Structures of A
Architectural Heritage (ISCARSAH) Structural Engineering W
Worldwide Congress Yıldıız Technical Universityy, Istanbul, Turkey a, Italy Univversita Iuav di Venezia
anized by TU
WORLDWIDE CONGRESS ‐ TURKEY http://recond15.sewc‐