cırrıculum vıtae


cırrıculum vıtae
Osman UZUN
Work Address:
Düzce University Faculty of Forestry
Department of Landscape Architecture
81620, Düzce/TURKEY
(90) 380 542 11 36
Mobil :
(90) 536 3515620
(90) 380 542 11 36
E-mail Address:
Present Position:
Associate Profesor Dr. (Head of Department)
Düzce University Faculty of Forestry
Department of Landscape Architecture Düzce/TURKEY
Ph.D. Landscape Arcitecture.2003. Department of Landscape Architecture. Ankara University Graduate
School of Natural and Applied Sciences Dissertation title: Landscape Assessment
and Development of Management Model for Düzce Asarsuyu Watershed (in
Postgraduate Thesis.2001. (with AFANA,A., AZENFAR,A.,ELFKIH,S., GARCIA ALVERO, L.,
MARQUEZ DIAZ, J.A., UZUN, O.) IAMZ-CIHEAM Mediterranean Agronomic
Institute of Zaragoza. Conflictos y competencias en el Valle de Tena: Propuestas
para la compatibilidad entre el desarrollo socioeconomico y la conservacion de los
recursos naturales. (Competition and conflict in the Tena Valley: Proposals for
compatibility between the socio-economic development and the preservation of
natural resources). Zaragoza. Spain. 2001.
M.Sc. Thesis.1999. Department of Landscape Architecture. Abant İzzet Baysal University Graduate
School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Thesis title: Evaluation of the Land – Use
Potential of Asarsuyu River Valley in Terms of the Management of Water
Resources in the Development of Düzce Town. (in Turkish)
B. Sc. Thesis.1995.
: Department of Landscape Architecture. Faculty of Agiculture, Universiy of
Ankara. Thesis title: A Research on the Environmental Management in Mogan and
Eymir Lake Wetland System., Ankara (in Turkish).
2.International Experience
Ecological Status of Surface Waters: Monitoring and Management Strategies in rivers) 8-19 Mayıs 2000.
Short Course. International Centre For Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies
(CIHEAM). Zaragoza, Spain.
Rural Planning in Relation to the Environment (2000-2001). Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of
Zaragoza of the International Centre For Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies
(CIHEAM). Zaragoza, Spain (1 year)
3.Courses Taught
Undergraduate Courses:
Landscape Planning
Landscape Planning Studio
Landscape reclamation
Landscape ecology
Environmental Impact Assesment
Geographical Information System
Postgraduate Courses
Problem Areas of Landscape Restoration
Ecological Approaches for Watershed Planning
Landscape Ecology-Based Planning
Use of Geographic Information Systems in Landscape Architecture
Landscape Planning and Management Studio
4.Graduate Students
Position and Current
Landscape Architecture
Düzce University
2012- Present
Landscape Architecture
Nazmiye ÖZTAŞ
2013- Present
Landscape Architecture
2013- Present
İnönü University
5.Some Publications
5.1.Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Akıncı, G.K., H. Müderrisoğlu, O. Uzun, H. Karaca, Ş. Özkan, K. Ak, E. Eroğlu, S. Uzun. Residents’
Saticfaction on Re-Urbanization After Earthquake Disaster in Düzce, Turkey. Journal
of Applied Sciences 6(2): 303-310 (2006). ISSN 1812-5654.
Dilek, F.E., O. Uzun. Düzce Asarsuyu Watershed Landscape Change Ecology Journal. 17 (65): 36-44
(2007). ISSN: 1300 -1361.
Uzun, O., O. Yılmaz, 2009. Landscape Assessment and Development of Management Model for Duzce,
Asarsuyu Watershed. Journal of Agricultural Sciences Ankara 15(1), 79-87 (2009).
Uzun, O., P. Gültekin, “Process analysis in landscape planning, the example of Sakarya/Kocaali,
Turkey”, Scientific Research and Essays (SRE), 6(2), 313-331 (2011) ISSN 19922248.
Uzun, O., F. Dilek, G. Çetinkaya, F. Erduran ve S. Açiksöz, “National and Regional Landscape
Classification and Mapping of Turkey: Konya Closed Basin, SuğLa Lake and its
Surrounding Area ”, International Journal of the Physical Sciences (IJPS), 6(3), 550565 (2011) ISSN:1992-1950.
Uzun, O. H. Müderrisoğlu. “Visual landscape quality in landscape planning: Examples of Kars and
Ardahan cities in Turkey”, African Journal of Agricultural Research (AJAR), 6(6),
1627-1638 (2011) ISSN 1991- 637X.
“Aksoy, N., O. Uzun. Distribution and conservation significance of endemic plants in the Düzce
province” International Journal of the Physical Sciences (IJPS), 6(8), 2143-2151
(2011) ISSN:1992-1950.
Uzun, O., G. Çetinkaya, F. Dilek, S. Açiksöz, F. Erduran, Evaluation of habitat and bio-diversity in
landscape planning process: Example of Suğla Lake and its surrounding area, Konya,
Turkey. African Journal of Biotechnology , 10(29), 5620-5634 (2011).
Gültekin, P., O. Uzun. Determination of Eco-tourism potential of DüzceUgursuyu and Aksu Basins and
Landscape Management. African Journal of Business Management, 6 (9), 3428-3437
(2012). (Social Science Citation Index).
Müderrisoğlu, H., O. Uzun. During the sustainable physical planning processes, the visual landscape
quality of Turkish provinces (Ağrı and Iğdır). International Journal of the Physical
Sciences (IJPS), 7(13), 2124-2135 (2012) ISSN:1992-1950. (Fen SCI, B grubu)
Erduran, F., O. Uzun, G. Çetinkaya, F. Dilek, S. Açiksöz. Determination of the cultural landscape values
of Lake Suğla in Turkey. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 10 (2): 949955 (2012)( SCI Expanded, Fen SCI, C grubu)
6.Some Presentations at Conferences
6.1.International and Contributed
Şahin, Ş., O. Uzun, L. Turan, G. Akay, “River Corridors Landscape Survey Within The Framework of
Catchment Management: Zir Brook/Ankara-Turkey”. Ecology of River’s Basins. The Second
International Scientific Conference, 27-31. Vladimir. October 2002.
Uzun, O., Yılmaz, O. “Ecological Land Classification Approach to River Basin Management”.
International River Basin Management Congress, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Energy and
Natural Resources General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works. Kozan Ofset.Volume 1:
704-719. Antalya- Turkey. March 2007.
Müderrisoğlu, H., Z. Demir, O. Uzun, Ş.Aydın, 2007. A Comparation About Management Frameworks
on Protected Area. (Poster Presentation). Bootlenecks, Solutions, and Priorities in The
Context of Functions of Forest Resources. İstanbul, Turkey.
Demir, Z., O. Uzun, H. Müderrisoğlu, “Use of Security Aspects in Tourism Service Management and
Marketing”. The 4th World Conference for Graduate Research in Tourism, Hospitality and
Leisure, 739-748. Antalya, Turkey. 22-27 April 2008.
Uzun, O. , Yılmaz, O., Karadağ, A. A. 2009. Usage of The Watershed Boundries in Administrative
Structuring and Local Munıcipalities; Case Of Büyük Melen And Asarsuyu Watersheds in
Düzce. International Davraz Congres. Süleyman Demirel University. Isparta.
Karadağ, A.A., O. Uzun, 2009. Watershed Management and Its Effects On Turkey’s Transboundary
Water Policies. International Davraz Congres Süleyman Demirel University. Isparta.
Gültekin P, O. Uzun,. “Cultural Landscape Network and Eco-Tourism in Duzce Uğursuyu and Aksu
Watersheds”. 27 th. Eclas Conference, Cultural Landscape, 105-114,
İstanbul. 29
September-02.October 2010
H. Müderrisoğlu,
Z. Demir, O. Uzun 2010. “Bölgesel Rekreasyonel Planlamada
Rekreasyonel Olanak Dağılımı (Rod) Yöntemi ile İdeal Yönetim Planı Oluşturulması”.
Uluslararası Bölgesel Kalkınma Sempozyumu. Bozok Üniversitesi, 89-96. Yozgat. 7-9 Ekim
Uzun, O., P. G. Gültekin, S. Özdede. Landscape Management and Landscape Planning in Increasing the
Life Comfort. Green Age Symposium, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Faculty of
Architecture, 1-12. Istanbul, Turkey 27-28 April 2012.
Uzun, O., P. G. Gültekin, G.A. Kesim. Landscape Quality In Planning Of Coastal Areas, Example Of
Düzce Efteni Lake. Bena 2012 Istanbul Conference Sustainable Landscape Planning And
Safe Environment, 3-12. İstanbul. 21-24 June 2012.
Uzun, O., P. G. Gültekin, G.A. Kesim. Interaction Between Landscape Change and Landscape Quality:
Example of Turkey, Düzce Aksu and Uğursuyu Basins. Eclas 2012 Conference, The Power
of Landscape, 386-391. Warsaw, Poland. 19-22 September 2012.
Uzun, O., Bollukcu P. 2009. Assesment Of Surface Mining Areas in Bartın Central County in Terms Of
Biological Landscape Reclamation 1. Black sea Forestry Congress, Bartın University. Bartın
7. Some Research Projects
Uzun, O., Akıncı, G. K., Girti, P. 2008. Efteni Wetland Landscape Management Plan. Düzce University
Scientific Research Project. Düzce (Project Manager)
Uzun, O., F. Dilek, G. Çetinkaya, F. Erduran ve S. Açiksöz, 2008-2012. Landscape Management,
Protection and Planning Project in Konya Statement, Seydişehir, Bozkır-Ahırlı-Yalıhüyük..
Ministry of Enviromental and Forestry, Directorate Of Nature Conservation And National
Parks Konya. Turkey (Project Coordinator).
Şahin, Ş., Perçin H., Kurum, E., Uzun, O., Bilgili, BC., Çiçek, İ.,H. Yiğitbaşıoğlu, Tezcan, L.,Müftüoğlu,
V., Çorbacı, ÖL. Sütünç, S., Doğan, D., Ateş, E., Tarım, B., Koç, Ö.,Kurtoğlu,G.,Namal, E.,
Gökmenoğlu,HV., Arıcı, YK. 2013. Landscape Character Analysis And Its Assesment For
Tourism/Recreation. The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. (as a
Research Assistant)
8. Books or Books Chapters:
Balode, A., G. Senka, O.Uzun, H. Müderrisoğlu, Z. Demir, A. Tsıola, R. Righi, A. Trupovniece, K.
Gitendorfa, G. Mcdonogh, E. Leitis, B. Dubkevica, C. Georgiades, A. Dagiantas, 2005-2007.
Security of Tourism. Improvements in Tourism Education and Practices of Business.
“Training tool: Development of Secure Tourism Services”. The project of EC Leonardo da
Vinci program 2005-LV/05/B/F/PP-172.004. Latvia Culture College, Latvian Country
Tourism Association Lauku Celotajs, Amitie Acharnes Culture Organization Kokkinos
Mylos, Association of Latvian Travel Agents, Abant Izzet Baysal University. (142
Balode, A., G. Senka, O.Uzun, H. Müderrisoğlu, Z. Demir, A. Tsıola, R. Righi, A. Trupovniece, K.
Gitendorfa, G. Mcdonogh, E. Leitis, B. Dubkevica, C. Georgiades, A. Dagiantas, 2005-2007.
Security of Tourism. Improvements in Tourism Education and Practices of Business. “Use of
Security Aspects in Tourism Service Management and Marketing”. The project of EC
Leonardo da Vinci program 2005-LV/05/B/F/PP-172.004. Latvia Culture College, Latvian
Country Tourism Association Lauku Celotajs, Amitie Acharnes Culture Organization
Kokkinos Mylos, Association of Latvian Travel Agents, Abant Izzet Baysal University. (75
page). 2007.
Yavuzşefik, Y., O. Uzun, 2005. “Landscape Reclamation Tecnics”, Abant İzzet Baysal University,
Forestry Faculty Düzce. (183 pag).
9. Service to Refereed Journals
Enviromental Monitoring and Assesment
Environmental Geology
African journal of Agricultural Research
International Journal of Phytoremediation
Journal of Geography and Regional Planning
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
International Journal of Physical Sciences
World Applied Sciences Journal (WASJ)
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal
African Journal of Business Management

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Participants details

Participants details Participants details Date: 27/01/2014


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