Philip K. Dick Le temps désarticulé


Philip K. Dick Le temps désarticulé
Philip K. Dick
Le temps désarticulé
Title: Le temps désarticulé
Author: Philip K. Dick
Language: French
Pages: 256
Publisher: Calmann-Lévy, 183919880
ISBN: 270210004X
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 9.5 MB
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Il vit dans les tranquilles annés 50. Il participe au concours du quotidien local de sa tranquille
localité. Il vit au milieu du Livre du Mois, de James Dean, des tubes à la mode, des
Volkswagen, des supermarchés.
Il se nomme Ragle Gunn. Et il est inquiet. Sur les annuaires, les noms ne correspondent plus
aux abonnés. Et dans un fragment de vieux journal, il vient d'apprendre que Marilyn Monroe est
Quel est donc ce complot ? Où est le passé ? Où est l'avenir ? Et qui a donc piégé le présent ?
Insightful reviews
Charles Dee Mitchell: Throughout the 1950's, Philip K. Dick continued to write mainstream
novels involving working class characters and realistic situations. His agents were never able to
place any of these titles with publishers, at least not until several years after Dick's death when
the Dickian industry began in earnest and publishers were scrounging for new material. Dick
never looked down on his sf output, but he continued to have faith in these realist novels into
the 1960's.
Time out of Joint, published in 1959, is a science fiction story that reads, for much of the time,
as one of Dick's mainstream efforts. The characters are middle management types, one
manages the produce department of a local grocery store, another works for the water
department. They live in a new suburb of modest homes and are somewhat civically active. One
couple, Vic and Margo, share their home with Margo's brother, Raigle, a war veteran who
makes a comfortable living by answering a daily newspaper quiz, Where Will the Little Green
Man Land Next. He is always right and has become something of a celebrity.
The first odd moment arrives when Vic looks through a newly arrived brochure from the Book-ofthe-Month Club and wonders who Harriet Beecher Stowe might be. It's possible he wouldn't
know, but later Raigle sees a layout in Life Magazine and marvels that the featured starlet's
breast can maintain the tile they have in the photographs. Since this is a Philip K. Dick novel, all
three characters analyze the breasts in some detail but then also wonder among themselves
just who Marilyn Monroe could be that she would merit so much attention.
The next day, while Raigle contemplates adultery with the neighbor's wife, he takes her to the
municipal swimming pool, and when he goes to the refreshment stand for cokes, the stand and
its manager fade from sight leaving behind only a piece of paper with the printed words SOFTDRINK STAND. Raigle puts the note into a box he keeps in his pocket where similar messages
We are now in Dickian territory, where few people are who they claim to be, and a trip past the
city limits is a trip to another world. Dick earns his standing as the connoisseur of American
paranoia with this one. Early on Raigle has the insight that he may be the most important
person in the world. He's no dummy.
Bob Fingerman: Philip K. Dick -- not nearly loved enough when he was alive (except maybe by
the French) and now rightly revered for his genius -- wrote scads of books, but this title seldom
makes it to his pantheon (which would include The Man in the High Castle; The Three Stigmata
of Palmer Eldritch; Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep; and Ubik, all chosen recently by
Jonathan Lethem for Dick's entry in the prestigious The Library of America edition).
Maybe it's not trippy enough. Dick certainly laid on the "who am I/what am I/where am I/why am
I?" plenty in his more famed novels, and Time Out of Joint delves into those waters a bit, but
less psychedelically. The tale of Ragle Gumm, a seeming deadbeat who lives with his sister and
brother-in-law, and does nothing much besides lie around solving a puzzle called "Where Will
the Little Green Man be Next?" in the daily paper, T.O.O.J. plies its Dickian sleight of hand. I
don't want to spoil anything, but when slips of paper begin replacing everyday items, look out.
I dust it off and reread it every few years, so clearly it works for me.
Hertzan Chimera: Time Out of Joint comes from that golden era of Dick output that contained
such ‘classics’ as Eye in the Sky, The Man Who Japed and, (my favourite) Solar Lottery.
These early works, stripped of the drug abuse elements of the author’s final books and
copyrighted from the late 1950s onwards, remind one of more innocent times after the second
world war. Tinged with Cold War paranoia - there’s a real touch of the early shorts of Kurt
Vonnegut in their structure and use of language and domestic situation.
Ragel Gumm earns a living playing the Where Will The Little Green Man Be Next contest in the
national newspaper. He plays every day, deciphering the cryptic clue and honing his pattern
finding skills to a fine art. He has won every day for the last two years. As you can imagine, he
has become something of a celebrity. He starts to suspect that his perfect world where winning
is all the keeps the world happy is under threat, he sees things no human should as the very
fabric of space and time starts to tatter around the edges giving him glimpses of other past-lives,
other universes, other times.
Philip K Dick’s, Gumm finds artefacts from times no longer about places that never were. With
the help of his brother-in-law, Victor Nielson, Ragel Gumm hatches a brilliant plot to find out the
truth about his quaint little 1950s’ town but what he discovers is beyond his most twisted
dreams - a place where sanity itself is stretched to snapping point.
Reminding one ever so much of The Truman Show (and you can imagine there was a whole lot
of inspiration from Dick’s cold war novel reformatted for family viewing) this is a great pageturner.
Eddie: there is a delicate spot in my mind for this early novel by means of P ok Dick, most likely
his first complete remedy of ersatz fact paranoia and the psychological instability able to seeing
it for what it is. It jogs my memory of the motion picture The Truman express (which I enjoyed)
yet is 6 to eight occasions extra related to and interesting.One beauty of the publication is the
lovingly particular 1950's heart type local environment (less the entire counterculture drugginess
of his later books). i do not brain medicinal drugs or drugginess, however the loss of them the
following truly heightens the paranoia and metaphysical terror as "reality" peals away.
Darwin8u: A publication which may have encouraged either Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow
(anticipation of anticipation of rockets) and the Truman exhibit (community arrange round one
man). whereas I supply it issues for awaiting a pair generations early the narcissism of the
twenty first century, the absurdity of yankee Exceptionalism, the shallow falseness of
neighborhood on FB, etc., it was once in any case simply too rattling slow. lots of the narrative
used to be underwater. there has been no rush. there have been no prose daisies to select as I
picked in the course of the pages. It was once stable simply no longer great. It was once PKD,
simply no longer nice PKD.
Kaan: "Ragle kurtulmas? gerekti?ini biliyordu. Ama... bindi?i taksi ?ehrin s?n?rlar?n?
geçemiyordu... her nas?lsa otobüs bileti kuyru?u hiç azalm?yordu... ve asl?nda o otobüs
gerçekten var m?yd??Umutsuz bir hareketle kasabadan ayr?lm??t? ve yabanc? bir eve
s???nm??t?. Belki burada bir anda muazzam bir entrikan?n öznesi haline gelmi? oldu?u
yan?lsamas?n? alt edebilirdi...Sonra televizyonu açt?. Bir e?itim filmi vard?. Kendisinin nas?l
te?his edilece?i hakk?ndayd?..."Philip K. Dick okunmaya de?er bir adam gerçekten de. ?u
?ekilde bir kitaba giri? yap?yorsan?z, gerçekten de iyisinizdir. Askerdeyken okudu?um bu kitab?
gerçekten de ilgiye de?er. Kitap, paranoyan?n ve entrikan?n bilimkurguya yedirilmesiyle
olu?mu? güzel bir eser. Ba??ndan beri uyand?rd??? merak unsurunu kitab?n sonuna kadar
ta??yan ve dahas? ba?lad??? yerle de belli bir oranda tatmin sa?layan bir konuya sahip."KüçükYe?il-Adam bir sonraki ad?mda nerede olacak?" adl? gazete yar??mas?n?n tart??mas?z gelmi?
geçmi? en iyi oyuncusu Ragle Gumm'?n bir gün kazand??? paralara ra?men oyundan ç?kmak
istemesiyle geli?en olaylar? anlat?yor. Bir ?ekilde ba?ka bir geçim kayna?? olmayan, k?z
karde?i ve kay?nbiraderiyle ya?ayan, tüm enerjisi bu oyuna yönlendirilmi? ünlü Ragle Gumm
önce hafiften, sonra ?iddetle tekrar oyunun içine çekilmeye çal???yor. "Küçük Ye?il Adam bir
sonraki ad?mda nerede olacak?" yar??mas? bir tahmin ve öngörü yar??mas? ve anla??lan
birilerine göre Ragle Gumm bu oyunun içinde kalmak zorunda! 1950'lilerin Amerikas? hakk?nda
gündelik tespitlerini de roman?n?n içine yediren Philip K. Dick her kitab?nda oldu?u gibi favori
temalar?ndan "gerçeklik sorgulamas?" ve "zaman alg?s?n?" bu kitapta da i?liyor. Ragle kaçma
ve neden bu kadar önemli oldu?unu bulma çabas?nda. Pe?indeki her kimse o da, onu
b?rakmama ve elinde tutma çabas?nda. Olay?n sonunda ise "evet, bunun ipuçlar? vard?"
diyece?iniz sat?rlar? yakalaman?z gerek. Tabi Ragle'?n dünyas? farkl? bir 50'ler Amerikas?.
Gördü?ü bir posterdeki Marlyn Monroe'nun ünsüz oldu?u, radyolar?n olmad??? sadece
televizyonlar?n tek kanal olarak varl???n? sürdürdü?ü, sert içkilerin sat?lmad??? bir Amerika.
Paranoya, gerçek, ?izofreni ve halüsinasyon seçenekleri kitab?n sonuna kadar akl?n?zda yer
ediyor. Okudu?um bir makalede "Küçük Ye?il Adam bir sonraki ad?mda nerede olacak?"
yar??mas?n?n isminin bilimkurgu yazarlar? için bir metafor oldu?u iddias? vard?. Hulk'un
patlad??? y?llar oldu?unu dü?ünürsek, gayet mant?kl? da. Sadece bilimkurgu yazar? o
zamanlar küçüktü. Hulk kadar büyük olmam??lard?. Onun garipli?inde, ondan küçüktüler. Kitap
ilk ç?kt???nda bilimkurgu raflar?nda yerini almam??, bunun yerine yay?nc? ucuz edebiyat
raf?nda yay?nlam??. Fazla da satmam??. PKD bu roman için sadece 750 dolar alm??. (O
zamanlar için dahi çok kötü rakam) Zaten 80'lere gelene dek, Philip K. Dick yazd??? onlarca
romandan fazla para kazanmad???n? da söyleyebiliriz. ?imdi ise movie piyasas? sayesinde
?öhretin tad?n? alamad??? doruklar?nda. Blade Runner, Paycheck, overall Recall, The
Adjusment Bureau, Minortiy Report, Next, A Scanner Darkly, The Confessions of a Crap Artist
(bilimkurgu olmayan tek uyarlamas?), Impostor ve Screamers gibi filmler PKD hikâyeleri veya
romanlar?ndan uyarlanma. Çeviri dili ise zaman zaman zorlay?c?. ?ki kere okudu?um yerler
oldu. Dahas? chips'i cips diye çevirmi? çevirmen bir yerde poker masas? sahnesi varken. Oil
fields'? ya? tarlalar? diye çevirmi? halbuki daha ?ngilizcesine bakmadan petrol sahas? olarak
kullan?ld???n? anlam??t?m. "So long" elveda yerine, "çok uzun" denmi? falan. Oturma koltuklu
arabalar gibi Türkçe'den uzak lâflar var.Yine de kurgusuyla okunmay? hak eden tipik bir Philip
K. Dick, paranoid-bilimkurgusu.kanyak:
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