

Glutenfree Instant Soup
Celiac disease (CD) is one of the most common diseases , resulting from environmental and genetic factors. The prevalence of CD has been estimated to approximate 0.5%-1% worldwide, this prevalence is even higher in Turkey. Celiac patients
have to follow a lifelong gluten free diet . People with CD have difficulties in finding suitable and safe food products that are gluten free and compatible with healthy diet. The formulated instant soup is not only gluten free but it also has a low
glycemic index(GI), high protein content and clean label. Most of the soup formulations are starch based and contain flavor enhancers such as monosodium glutamate, yeast extract or hydrolyzed vegetable protein. Besides, gluten free instant
soup is not present on Turkish market yet. Our gluten free instant soup was formulated on the grounds of traditional roasted chickpea (leblebi) production process. The patent is pending with application number 2015/15234.
Çölyak çevresel ve genetik faktörlerden etkilenerek ortaya çıkan en yaygın hastalıklardan biridir. Çölyak hastalığının dünyada görülme sıklığı %0.5- %1 arasında değişmekte olup, Türkiye ‘de daha yüksektir. Çölyak hastalarının yaşam boyu
glutensiz diyet takip etmeleri gerekmektedir. Çölyak olan kişiler glutensiz ve sağlıklı bir diyet ile uyumlu ürünler bulmakta zorlanmaktadırlar. Geliştirilen instant çorba, glutensiz olmasının yanı sıra, düşük glisemik indeksli, yüksek protein içerikli ve
temiz etiket özelliklerine sahiptir. Çoğu çorba formülasyonu nişasta bazlı olup, monosodyum glutamat, maya ekstraktı veya hidrolize sebze proteini gibi lezzet arttırıcılar içermektedir. Halihazırda Türkiye pazarından glutensiz instant çorba
bulunmamaktadır. Formülize edilen instant çorba geleneksel leblebi üretim prosesi temel alınarak geliştirilmiştir. Ürünümüzün patentlenme süreci devam etmekte olup, patent numarası 2015/15234’dur.
Within the project gluten free instant soup base with natural savory flavor was developed.
• Glutenfree (GF)
• Low Glycemic index
• High protein
• No artificial flavor enhancers
• Competitive cost
• Suitable for celiac patients but also by diabetic patients and health concious consumers
The ready to cook soup market in Turkey is estimated to be 184.000.000 TL. Unfortunately these instant soup formulations are not
suitable for celiac patients and other special consumer groups ( diabetes patients). In Turkey , it is difficult to keep the gluten free diet in
social life due to lack of knowledge on celiac disease. It is not uncommon that even products with glutenfree nature get contaminated
with gluten by misusage of kitchenware.
Legumes are suitable for celiacs and contain high protein, therefore legumes are good candidates for GF soups. Roasted chickpea
flour was selected as raw material since it is readily avaliable byproduct of roasted chickpea.
Roasted chickpea flour has natural savory flavor and superior thickening properties .
Work Package 1: Development of base soup formulation
Production of legume powder with suitable consistency
Determination of effective water /powder ratio
Determination of solubility in water
Determination of phase separation
Viscosity analysis
Viscosity / time ratio
Gluten analysis
Sensory analysis
Work Package 2: Soup production
Determination of phase separation ratio
Viscosity analysis
Viscosity / time ratio
Gluten analysis
Sensory analysis
16,18 g/100g
Protein Content
Total Fat
Work Package 3: Dissemination of results
Dietary Fiber
Pilot scale instant soup production
Consumer tests
Patent pending: 2015/15234
6,26 g/100g
18,23 g/100g
5,76 g/100g
<5 ppm