Öğünç 1 Res. Assist. Ömer ÖĞÜNÇ E


Öğünç 1 Res. Assist. Ömer ÖĞÜNÇ E
Öğünç 1
Res. Assist. Ömer ÖĞÜNÇ
E-Mail: omer_ika@hacettepe.edu.tr
Academic Titles
Research Assistant: 2008-…, English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
Academic Degrees
Ph.D. (Joint) : 2008-…, English Language and Literature, Hacettepe University
: 2007, Western Languages and Literatures, Boğaziçi University
Book Chapters
1. Öğünç, Ömer. “Postwar Trauma: ‘A Game of Chess’ in T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land.”
Is This a Culture of Trauma?: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Eds. Jessica Lavrijsen
and Michael Bick. Oxford: Interdisciplinary Press, 2013. (E-book)
2. Öğünç, Ömer. “Puritan Ideology Against The Individual in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The
Scarlet Letter.” Batı Edebiyatında İdeoloji (Ideology in Western Literature). Eds.
Mehmet Ali Çelikel, et al. Denizli: Pamukkale University Press, 2012. 303-310.
3. Öğünç, Ömer. “A Complicated Matter of Villainy: Mr. Hyde in R. L. Stevenson’s The
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.” Villains: Global Perspectives on Villains and
Villainy Today. Eds. Burcu Genç and Corinna Lenhardt. Oxford: Interdisciplinary Press,
2011. 31-38. (E-book)
4. Öğünç, Ömer. “Heroism in Sumerian Epic Gilgamesh.” Batı Edebiyatında Kahraman.
Eds. Ertuğrul İşler, et al. Denizli: Pamukkale University Press, 2010. 327–333.
1. Öğünç, Ömer. “Globalization and Journalism: Social and Political Criticism in Howard
Brenton and David Hare’s Pravda.” Studies in English: Proceedings from the 6th
International IDEA Conference. 13-15 April 2011. Ed. Patrick Hart. İstanbul: İstanbul
Kültür University, 2012. 230-240.
Öğünç 2
2. Öğünç, Ömer. “The Notion of Social Class and Criticism in Jane Austen’s Pride and
Prejudice.” Jane Austen and Her Work: Proceedings of the 18th METU British Novelists
Conference. 16-17 December 2010. Eds. Margaret Sönmez, et. al. Ankara: METU,
2011. 120-130.
1. Aşiretler ve İktidar: Ortadoğu’da Etnisite ve Milliyetçilik. İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
Yayınları. İstanbul, 2013. (Translation of Tribes and Power by Faleh A. Jabar ve
Hosham Dawod)
2. San Francisco’dan Tahran’a Bisikletle Dünya Turu. Pozitif Yayınları. İstanbul, 2009.
(Translation of the novel Around The World on a Bicycle by Thomas Stevens)
Conference Papers
1. Öğünç, Ömer. “The Rewriting of a Biblical Story: Jim Crace’s Quarantine from a
Postmodern Perspective.” 3rd International Symposium of Western Cultural and Literary
Studies, Gaziantep University, Gaziantep/Turkey, 9-11 Oct. 2013.
2. Öğünç, Ömer. “The Late Victorian Melancholy in Thomas Hardy’s Jude the Obscure.”
Melancholy Minds and Painful Bodies: Genealogy, Geography and Pathogeny
Conference, University of Liverpool, Liverpool/UK, 9-11 July 2013.
3. Öğünç, Ömer. “Who is the convict in Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders?” Annual
Multidisciplinary Conference in Vienna by International Journal of Arts and Sciences,
Vienna/Austria, 14-18 Apr. 2013.
4. Öğünç, Ömer. “Postwar Trauma: ‘A Game of Chess’ in T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land.”
2nd Global Conference Trauma: Theory and Practice, Prague/Czech Republic, 21-24
Mar. 2012.
5. Öğünç, Ömer. “Puritan Ideology Against The Individual in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The
Scarlet Letter.” 2nd International Symposium of Western Cultural and Literary Studies,
Pamukkale University, Denizli/Turkey, 5-7 Oct. 2011.
6. Öğünç, Ömer. “Globalization and Journalism: Social and Political Criticism in Howard
Brenton and David Hare’s Pravda.” Studies in English: The 6th International IDEA
Conference, İstanbul Kültür University, İstanbul/Turkey, 13-15 Apr. 2011.
7. Öğünç, Ömer. “The Notion of Social Class and Criticism in Jane Austen’s Pride and
Prejudice.” Jane Austen and Her Work: The 18th METU British Novelists Conference,
METU, Ankara/Turkey, 16–17 Dec. 2010.
8. Öğünç, Ömer. “Heroism in Sumerian Epic Gilgamesh.” International Symposium of
Western Cultural and Literary Studies, Pamukkale University, Denizli/Turkey, 7–9 Oct.
Öğünç 3
9. Öğünç, Ömer. “A Complicated Matter of Villainy: Mr. Hyde in R. L. Stevenson’s The
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.” 2nd Global Conference: Villain and Villainy,
Oxford University, Oxford/UK, 14–16 Sep. 2010.

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