

A Keleti Gyűjtemény új beszerzésű külföldi könyvei
2016/4. szám
A listában minden könyvet csak egy tudományterülethez soroltunk be,
ezért a határterületek irodalmát több helyen is érdemes böngészni.
Irodalomtudomány, irodalomtörténet
Wallin, Georg August (1811-1852): Skrifter. Helsingfors : Svenska Litteratursällskapet i Finland ; [Stockholm] :
Atlantis, 2010-2015. 6 db ; 23 cm
6. Bd., Resan hem via London 1849-1850 / utgivna av Kaj Öhrnberg, Patricia Berg och Kira Pihlflyckt. - 2015. 393 p. : ill.,. - Bibliogr.: p. 371-393.. - (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Litteratursaellskapet i Finland ; 730:6.)
Gárdonyi, Géza (1863-1922): Ai ge er zhi xing = Eclipse of the crescent moon. Taibei : He zhong Wenhua Shiye,
Minguo 105 [2016]. 731 p. ; 23 cm
"Daurugo shii" Moko bungo sakuin : tsuketari Manshu bungo sakuin. Sendai : Tohoku Daigaku Tohoku Ajia
Kenkyu Senta, 2011. 300 p. ; 26 cm
Alhawary, Mohammad T.: Modern standard Arabic grammar : a learner's guide. Malden : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
XXIV, 392 p. : ill. ; 25 cm
Buddruss, Georg (1929-): Materialien zur Prasun-Sprache des afghanischen Hindukusch : Texte und Glossar.
Cambridge (Mass.) : Department of South Asian Studies, Harvard University, 2016. 933 p., [13] t. : ill., térkép,
fotográfia, táblázat ; 26 cm
Güner Dilek, Figen: Güney Sibirya Altay Türkçesi ağızları Altay kişi, Telengit kişi, Çalkandı kişi, Kumandı kişi,
Tuba kişi. Karşılaştırmalı sesbilgisi. Ankara : Türk Dil Kurumu, 2015. 548 p. : ill., táblázat ; 24 cm
Baytop, Turhan (1920-2002): Türkçe bitki adları sözlüğü. Ankara : Türk Dil Kurumu, 2015. 548 p. : ill., színes ; 25
Caferoğlu, Ahmet (1899-1975): Eski Uygur Türkçesi sözlüğü. Ankara : Türk Dil Kurumu, 2015. XV, 320 p. ; 25 cm
Contemporary research in turkology and Eurasian studies : a festschrift in honor of Professor Tasin Gemil on the
occasion of his 70th birthday. Cluj-Kolozsvár : Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2013. LXXVIII, 1056 p. : ill., ; 24 cm
İlaç ve eczacılık terimleri sözlüğü. Ankara : Türk Dil Kurumu, 2015. 1032 p. : ill., táblázat ; 25 cm
Ancient and Middle Iranian Studies : proceedings of the 6th European Conference of Iranian Studies, held in
Vienna, 18-22 September 2007. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2010. X, 278 p. ; 20 cm
Persian Origins : Early Judaeo-Persian and the emergence of New Persian : collected papers of the Symposium,
Göttingen 1999. Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2003. VIII, 283 p. ; 20 cm
Uriarte, Carmen: Diccionario turco-español = İspanyolca-Türkçe sözlük. Madrid : Akal, 2010. 1088 p. ; 30 cm
Yildiz, Efrem: Gramática de arameo moderno : Suret. Córdoba : UCOPress, 2015. 231 p. ; 25 cm
Tibetan texts from Khara-khoto in the Stein Collection of the British Library. Tokyo : The Toyo Bunko, Heishei 28
= 2016. 561 p. : ill, térképek, fakszimilék ; 26 cm
Moscoso García, Francisco (1970-): Diccionario de árabe marroquí. Gijón : Ediciones Trea, 2015. 637 p. ; 24 cm
Berlinches, Carmen: El dialecto árabe de Damasco (Siria) : estudio gramatical y textos. Zaragoza : Prensas de la
Universidad de Zaragoza, 2016. 505 p. ; 24 cm
Aperçu grammatical du faisceau dialectal arabe andalou : perspectives synchroniques, diachroniques et
panchroniques. Berlin ; Boston : Walter de Gruyter, 2015. XXIV, 272 p. ; 25 cm
Történettudomány, művelődéstörténet, régészet
Sibgatullina, Alʹfina Tagirovna: İki imparatorluk arasında : Rusyalı müslüman Türkler. İstanbul : Doğu Kütüphanesi,
2014. XIII, 474 p. ; 21 cm
Bayrak, Şaban: Anadolu'da eşkıyalık olayları : (XVIII. yüzyılın ilk yarısı 1700-1750). İstanbul : IQ Kültür Sanat
Yayımcılık, 2015. 352 p. ; 21 cm
The Aga Khan historic cities programme : strategies for urban regeneration. Munich ; London ; New York : Prestel,
2011. 339 p. : ill., tervrajz, térkép, fotográfia ; 29 cm
Heritage of the Mughal world : the Aga Khan Historic Cities Programme. Munich ; New York ; London : Prestel,
2015. 296 p. : ill., fotográfia, tervrajz, térkép ; 29 cm
Kātib Hazārah, Fayż Muḥammad (1862-1931): The history of Afghanistan : Fayż Muḥammad Kātib Hazārah's
Sirāj al-tawārīkh. Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2013. 6 db ; 24 cm
1. vol., The Sadūzā'i Era, 1747-1843. - CXXVI, 370 p.
2. vol., The Muḥammadzā'i Era, 1843–1880. - XIX, 380 p.
3. vol., The Reign of Amīr `Abd al-Raḥmān Khān, 1880-1901. - 4 db ([XLVI], 2232 p.). - A 3. kötet 4 darabból áll:
1880-1889, 1889-1893, 1893-1896; a 4. rész címe: Appendices, glossaries, index and bibliography
Xavier, Ângela Barreto (1968-): Catholic orientalism : Portuguese empire, Indian knowledge (16th-18th centuries).
New Delhi : Oxford University Press, 2015. XXXVI, 386 p. : ill., ; 23 cm
Sobers-Khan, Nur: Slaves without shackles forced labour and manumission in the Galata court registers, 15601572. Berlin : Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 2015. 384 p. : ill., fakszimile, táblázat ; 25 cm
Emecen, Feridun Mustafa (1958-): Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun kuruluş ve yükseliş tarihi : (1300-1600). İstanbul :
Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2015. XIII, 474 p. ; 23 cm
Gücüm, Kuntay: İmparatorluğun "liberal" yılları (1856-1870). İstanbul : Tarih Vakfı, 2015. XII, 316 p. ; 21 cm
The Ottoman Orient in Renaissance culture : papers from the international conference at the National Museum in
Krakow, June 26-27, 2015. Kraków : Muzeum Narodowe, 2015. 255, [1] p. : ill., térkép, portré ; 24 cm
Central Asia and Iran : Greeks, Parthians, Kushans and Sasanians. Kraków : Jagiellonian University Press, 2015.
256 p. : ill., részben színes, részben térk. ; 25 cm
Vámbéry : (tanulmánykötet). Dunaszerdahely : Vámbéry Polgári Társulás : Lilium Aurum, 2015. 527 p. : ill., ; 21
Hidāyatī Ḫumaynī, `Abbās: Zindagīnāma-i siyāsī wa iǧtimā`ī-i `Alā' al-Salṭana : Prins Muḥammad `Alī Ḫān. Tihrān :
Ṭahūrī, [2011] = 1390 [h.š.].. 395 p. ; 25 cm
Frantz, Eva Anne: Gewalt und Koexistenz : Muslime und Christen im spätosmanischen Kosovo, 1870-1913.
München : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, [2016]. 430 p., [2] t.fol. : ill., részben térk. ; 25 cm
Filozófia, vallás
Hatiboğlu, İbrahim (1966-): Çağdaşlaşma ve hadis tartışmaları : Hint alt kıtası, Mısır ve Türkiye'de hadis
tartışmaları. İstanbul : İz Yayıncılık, 2015. 399 p. ; 21 cm
Veda. Atharvaveda. Paippalādasaṃhitā: The Paippalāda-samhitā of the Atharvaveda : critically edited from
palmleaf manuscripts in the Oriya script discovered by Durgamohan Bhattacharyya and one Śaradā manuscript.
Kolkata : The Asiatic Society, 2008-2016. 2 db ; 22 cm
1. vol., Consisting of the first fifteen Kāṇḍas. - LVII, 840 p. - (Bibliotheca Indica ; 319.)
Henshke, David: Mah ništanah : lêl ha-pesah be-talmudam šel ḥaḵamim = Mah nishtannah : the Passover night in
the sages' discourse. Yerûšalayim : Magnes, 2016. 626 p. : ill. ; 25 cm
Gölpınarlı, Abdülbaki (1900-1982): Melâmîlik ve melâmîler. İstanbul : Kapı Yayınları, 2015. 381 p, [22] t. : ill., kotta,
térkép ; 24 cm
763.341 (vol. 2.)
Abegg, Martin G. (1950-): The Dead Sea scrolls concordance. Leiden [etc.] : Brill, 2003-2016. 3 db ; 32 cm
Vol. 2., The non-Qumran documents and texts. - 2016. - XV, 269 p.. - Héber nyelven. - Angol nyelvű bev.
Habel, Norman Charles (1932-): The birth, the curse and the greening of Earth : an ecological reading of Genesis
1-11. Sheffield : Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2011. X, 140 p. ; 24 cm
Sklar, Jay: Sin, impurity, sacrifice, atonement : the priestly conceptions. Sheffield : Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2015.
XI, 212 p. ; 24 cm
A Question of sex? gender and difference in the Hebrew Bible and beyond. Sheffield : Sheffield Phoenix Press,
2009. X, 184 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
The constitution of India : ( as on 9th November, 2015). New Delhi : Government of India, 2015. XIX, 467 p. ; 25
Gür, A. Refik (1907-1986): Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda kadılık müessesesi : ek: A. Refik Gür ve kanunların
anayasaya uygunluğu. İstanbul : Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2015. XVII, 345 p., [16] t. : ill. ; 24 cm
Kishigami, Nobuhiro (1958-): Kankitataiheiyō chiiki no senjūmin bunka = Indigenous cultures in the North Pacific
Rim. Suita-shi : Ningen Bunka Kenkyu Kiko Kokuritsu Minzokugaku Hakubutsukan, Heisei 27 [2015]. 269 p. : ill., ;
26 cm
Naranggerel (1966-): Umesao Tadao no Uchi Mongoru chōsa o kenshō suru = Umesao Tadao's observations on
Inner Mongolia. Suita-shi : Ningen Bunka Kenkyū Kikō Kokuritsu Minzokugaku Hakubutsukan, Heisei 27 [2015].
172 p. : ill. ; 26 cm
Cuno, Kenneth M. (1950-): Modernizing marriage : family, ideology, and law in nineteenth and early twentieth
century Egypt. New York : Syracuse University Press, 2015. XXI, 305 p. ; 24 cm
Alkalmazott tudomány
Ibn al-Ğazzār, Abū Ğa`far Aḥmad ibn Ibrāhīm (megh. 980): Ibn al-Jazzār's Zād al-musāfir wa-qūt al-ḥāḍir,
Provisions for the traveller and nourishment for the sedentary, Book 7 (7-30) : critical edition of the Arabic text
with English translation, and critical edition of Moses ibn Tibbon's Hebrew translation (Ṣedat ha-Derakhim).
Leiden : Brill, 2015. XI, 307 p. ; 24 cm
Könyvtári katalógus
779.247 (vol. 8.)
Toyo Bunko (Tokyo). Iwasaki Bunko: Iwasaki Bunko kichosho shoshi kaidai. Tokyo : Toyo Bunko, Heisei 2-16.
[1990-2004]. 7 db ; 26 cm
8. - 2016. - 473 p., [8] t. : ill.
4th Simone Assemani Symposium : Trieste, 26-27 September 2014. Trieste : Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2015.
XIII, 336 p. : ill., táblázat ; 24 cm
Saito, Reiko: Kanada senjūmin geijutsu no rekishiteki tenkai to gendaiteki kadai : Kokuritsu Minzokugaku
Hakubutsukan shozō no inuitto oyobi hokusei kaigan senjūmin no hanga korekushon o tōshite = Historical
Development and Current Issues of Canadian Indigenous Art : the results of research on the Inuit and northwest
coast peoples prints collection at the National Museum of Ethnology. Suita-shi : Ningen Bunka Kenkyū Kikō
Kokuritsu Minzokugaku Hakubutsukan, Heisei 27 [2015]. 344 p. : ill., ; 26 cm