pınar ıpek - PINAR IPEK


pınar ıpek - PINAR IPEK
PINAR IPEK - office: +90-312-290 1463 -
Assistant Professor
(YOK Associate Professorship in 2012)
Department of International Relations
Bilkent University
FEASS, A Building Room: A325
Bilkent, Ankara 06800 Turkey
PhD, University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
MBA, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Eberly College of Business,
BA, Ankara University, School of Political Science, Dept. of Int’l Relations
Energy policy of the EU: socialization and the case of internal energy market of the EU
State and business in Turkish political economy: Changing regional trade and Turkish foreign policy
(1001 research project submitted to TUBITAK for funding)
Energy security in the global political economy
Constructivism and agency-structure debate
Political economy of oil and gas in the Central Asian and Caspian countries
Political economy of oil and gas in the Middle East
Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations
Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
2006 - Present
Visiting Fellow and Fulbright Scholar, Center for Transatlantic Relations
Johns Hopkins University, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)
Washington, DC
September 2012- June 2013
Instructor, Department of International Relations
Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey
August 2004 –2006
Adjunct Faculty, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
January – May 2004
Lecturer and Trainer, Open Society Institute
Almaty, Kazakhstan and Tashkent, Uzbekistan
February - June 2002
Instructor, Department of Political Science
American University in Kyrgyzstan Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Academy of Labor and Social Sciences, Almaty, Kazakhstan
August 2001 - June 2002
PINAR IPEK - office: +90-312-290 1463 -
Instructor, College of General Studies
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
January - May 2000
Research Assistant, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
August 1997 – May 2001
Chapters in Books
(2017) “The Role of Energy Security in Turkish Foreign Policy (2004-2016)” forthcoming
in Turkish Foreign Policy: International Relations, Legality and Global Reach, Pinar Gozen (ed.)
Palgrave Macmillan US.
(2012) "Enerji Güvenliğinin Ekonomi Politiği ve Türk Dış Politikası (Political Economy of Energy
Security and Turkish Foreign Policy)"
in Dış Politika Teorileri Bağlamında Türk Dış Politikasının Analizi Cilt I (Theoretical Analysis of Turkish
Foreign Policy Vol. 1) Ertan Efegil ve Ridvan Kalayci (eds.) Ankara: Nobel Yayincilik, p. 225-249.
(2008) "Azerbaijan: Oil Boom and Challenges"
in Turkey's Neighborhood, Mustafa Kibaroglu (ed.) Ankara: Foreign Policy Institute, p. 111-141.
Articles in refereed journals listed by SSCI Citation Indices
(2017) “Oil and Intra-State Conflict in Iraq and Syria: Sub-State Actors and Challenges for Turkey’s
Energy Security”
Middle Eastern Studies forthcoming.
(2015) “Ideas and Change in Foreign Policy Instruments: Soft Power and the Case of the Turkish
International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA)"
Foreign Policy Analysis 11 (2): 173-193.
(2010) “Firms' Strategic Preferences, National Institutions and the European Union’s Internal Energy
Market: A Challenge to European Integration” with Paul A. Williams,
European Integration online Papers (EIoP) 14, article no.15: 1-34.
(2009) "Azerbaijan's Foreign Policy and Challenges for Energy Security"
Middle East Journal 63 (2): 227-239.
(2007) "The Role of Oil and Gas in Kazakhstan's Foreign Policy: Looking East or West?"
Europe-Asia Studies 59 (7): 1179-1199.
(2007) “Challenges for Democratization in Central Asia: What Can the US Do?”
Middle East Policy 14 (1): 95-106.
PINAR IPEK - office: +90-312-290 1463 -
Articles in other refereed journals
(2014) "“Ataerkil Kapitalizm” ve Biz %99: Thomas Piketty’nin 21. Yuzyilda Sermaye adli kitabinin bir
degerlendirmesi ("Patriarchal Capitalism" and we are 99%: Book review of Thomas Piketty's the
Capital in the 21st Century)"
SBF Dergisi 69 (3): 653-662
(2013) "Hegemony and Crisis in Global Political Economy: The Importance of Legitimacy"
Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs 18 (4): 29-45.
(2011) "İşgal Sonrası Irak’ta Devletleşme Sorunlarının Kuramsal İncelemesi ve Petrol Zenginliğinin
Etkileri (A Theoretical Analysis of State-Building in Post-invasion Iraq and the Impact of Oil Wealth)",
Ortadoğu Etütleri 3 (1): 61-90.
(2006) “The Aftermath of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline: Challenges Ahead for Turkey”
Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs 11(1): 1-17.
(2005) “A Fair Election or a Gradual Democratization Process under the Authoritarian Leadership in
Insight Turkey 7(3): 129-135.
Published Conference Proceedings
(2008) "Post-conflict development and challenges for state-building"
Peace Support Operations: The Past and the Future, Papers of the Ankara Seminar, Contributions to
Joint Bilkent University and Centre for European Security Studies (CESS), University of Groningen
Conference, Ankara (12-13 November), Groningen: The CESS, p. 71-78.
(2006) “New Trade Routes and New Traders of Energy Resources in Central Asia and the Caspian
Sea Region”
Traders and Trade Routes of Central and Inner Asia: The 'Silk Road', Then and Now, Toronto Studies
in Central and Inner Asia No.8, Toronto: Asian Institute, University of Toronto, p. 255-272.
Reports and Opinion Pieces
(2013) Enerji Guvenliginde Ortadogu Bolgesi'nin Jeopolitigi ve Enerji Piyasalarinda "Muglak" Bir
Devrimin Yansimalari (Geopolitics of the Middle East in Energy Security and Repercussions of an
“Ambiguous” Revolution in Energy Markets)
Ortadoğu Analiz, 5 (50), February, p. 10-24.
(2011). Co-editor. “Critical Energy Infrastructure Security: An Assessment of International Models and
the Case of Turkey (Kritik Enerji Altyapı Güvenliği: Uluslararası Modeller Çerçevesinde Türkiye
Örneğinin Değerlendirilmesi)”
commissioned by the International Strategic Research Organization (USAK), Ankara, Turkey.
(2010) "Oil and Politics in Post-election Iraq"
Euroasia Critic, June, p. 16-19.
PINAR IPEK - office: +90-312-290 1463 -
(2009) “Irak’ta 2010 seçimleri öncesi petrol kaynaklarının önemi” (The importance of oil resources in
pre-2010 elections in Iraq)
Ortadoğu Analiz, 1 (11), November, p. 58-66.
“Shift in Global Power Relations and the Struggle of Social Forces against Inequalities in Energy
Security” BISA 40th Anniversary Conference, London, June 16-19, 2015.
“Resurrection and Reconstitution of Energy Supply Security in the EU: Socialization in the Integration
Process of the Internal Energy Market” 21st International Conference of Europeanists, Washington,
D.C., March 14-16, 2014.
“Küresel Politik Ekonomi ve Hegemonya: Kapitalizm-Hegemonya Çelişkisi ve Hegemonya Karşıtı
Normlar” Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi 4. Uluslararası İlişkiler Çalışmaları ve Eğitimi Kongresi, Ilgaz,
19-22 Mayıs 2011.
“Türkiye'de Uluslararası İlişkiler ve Küresel Politik Ekonomi” presented at Uluslararasi İlişkiler
Çalışmaları ve Eğitimi Kongresi – III: “Dünyada ve Türkiye’de alt-disiplinlerde tanım ve sınır(sız)lıklar,
”Trabzon, 28-31 Mayıs 2009.
"The role of oil and gas resources in the dynamics of political integration in the post-crisis state
transformation of Iraq" presented at European Science Foundation Research Conference on Postcrisis States Transformation, Linkoping, Sweden, May 1-5, 2009.
"Divergence in EU Member-State Energy Policies: A challenge to the EU’s common energy policy and
a trans-Atlantic partnership in human security" presented at the German Marshall Fund of the United
States Policy Research Conference on Energy Security, University of Trento, Italy, April 18-19, 2008.
“Post-conflict Development and Challenges for State-building,” Conference on Peace Support
Operations: the Past and the Future, (Bilkent University and Center for European Security Studies,
Netherlands), Ankara, Turkey, November 12-13, 2007.
"Oil and Development in Iraq: Implications for State-building and Energy Security," 6th Pan-European
International Relations Conference (SGIR, ECPR) Turin, Italy, September 12-15, 2007.
“States and Multinational Corporations in the Regional Integration of Caspian Sea Countries via
Energy Projects,” First Global International Studies Conference (WISC), Bilgi University, Istanbul,
August 24-27, 2005.
“New Trade Routes and New Traders of Energy Resources in Central Asia,” Central and Inner Asia
Seminar (CIAS) 11th Annual Conference, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, May 12-14, 2005.
“Azerbaijan Government’s Policy on Multinational Oil Corporations and Change of Power in
Azerbaijan,” Central Eurasian Studies Society Fifth Annual Conference, Bloomington, Indiana, USA,
October 14-17, 2004.
PINAR IPEK - office: +90-312-290 1463 -
“Latest Developments, current state of play and way forward – Oil and Gas in the East Mediterranean”
Expert Workshop by PRIO Cyprus Centre and the Cyprus, Jordan and Lebanon offices of FriedrichEbert-Stiftung (FES), Athens, Greece, 31 May-1 June 2016.
“Ideas and Material Interests in Turkish Foreign Policy,” in “What is 'New' in Turkish Foreign Policy?”
Research Turkey Public Event, Center for Policy and Research on Turkey, King’s College, London,
June 18, 2015.
“Political Economy of Interdependence in Globalized Politics: The role of ideas and material interests in
Turkish Foreign Policy,” London School of Economics (LSE), European Institute, Research on South
Eastern Europe & Contemporary Turkish Studies Workshop on “World Society and Turkey”, LSE,
London, June 15, 2015.
“Energy Security, Politics and Conflict: Challenges and Opportunities for Europe and its
Neighborhood,” PRIO Cyprus Centre Annual Conference, UN Chateau Status, Nicosia, Cyprus,
November 28-29, 2014.
“Oil and Gas in the Eastern Mediterranean- The Regional Challenges Ahead,” PRIO Cyprus Centre
and the Cyprus and Lebanon offices of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) International Conference on Oil
and Gas in the Eastern Mediterranean – The Regional Challenges Ahead, UN Chateau Status,
Nicosia, Cyprus, November 17-18, 2014.
“Enerji Güvenliğinin Ekonomi Politiği ve Dış Politika,” Ankara Üniversitesi, Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi,
Ankara, 6 Kasım 2014.
“From Cooperation to Complex Interdependence in Energy Security: How can Turkey and the EU
work together?” European Forum Alpbach, Alpbach, Austria, August 25, 2014.
“Energy Security and Arab Awakening: Where does the transatlantic relationship stand for?” School of
Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC, December 5,
“Energy Security and Pipeline Politics,” Azerbaijan’s Energy Diplomacy and Western Competition over
Caspian Gas, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome, Italy, November 2, 2011.
“Beyond Turkey- the EU’s Energy Policy and the Fourth Corridor” organized by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
and German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Berlin, June 14, 2010.
“Küresel Ekonomi Politik Çalışmalarında Farklı Epistemolojiler” Uluslararası İlişkiler Teorileri Çalıştayı,
İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi, 13-14 Mayıs 2010.
“Energy Security and Turkey-Middle East Relations” Netherlands Institute for Higher Education Fall
2009 Workshop: “Enerji Perspektifinden Kapsamlı bir Dış Politikaya Doğru,” Ankara, September 29,
“Türkiye’nin Komşu Bölgelerindeki Dış Politika: AB ile ortak güvenlik konsepti oluşturma olasılıkları
nelerdir? Kafkasya Örneği,” Uluslarararası Güvenlik ve Dış Politika Çalıştayı, Konrad Adenauer
Stiftung-TESEV, Dedeman Oteli, İstanbul, 10 Kasım 2007.
PINAR IPEK - office: +90-312-290 1463 -
“Ekonomik İlgi, Enerji Tedarikçisi ve Transit Ülke arasındaki Kafkasya: Bakü-Tiblis-Ceyhan Boru
Hattının Ardından,” Uluslararası Çalıştay: Kafkasya’da Beklentiler ve Olanaklar – Bölgesel Güç ve
Garanti Etkeni olarak Türkiye’nin Rolü, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung- ASAM, Bilkent Oteli, Ankara,
9 Temmuz 2007.
“Three scenarios for regional cooperation in the Caspian” Energy Security in the Euro-Atlantic AreaNATO International School in Azerbaijan, Quba, Azerbaijan, January 4-6, 2006.
Turkish Fulbright Commission, Fulbright scholarship for faculty, September 2012- February 2013.
Richard Cottom Memorial Prize, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of
Pittsburgh, dissertation field research grant, 2002-2003.
Open Society Institute, Civic Education Project Fellowship, visiting scholar in Krgyzstan and
Kazakhstan, 2001-2002.
Alumni fellowship, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh,20002001.
Research grants, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh, 19992000 and 2000-2001.
Scholarship and assistantship, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of
Pittsburgh, 1997-1999.
Scholarship and assistantship, Eberly College of Business, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 19951997.
Fulbright Faculty Scholarship Referee and Fulbright Student Scholarships Selection Committee
Member, October 2011-present.
University Services
Department Vice Chair, Department of International Relations, FEASS, Bilkent University, July 2007July 2009
Master and Doctoral Students Admission Committee, Department of International Relations, FEASS,
Bilkent University, June 2007, June 2009, June 2014.
New Faculty Recruitment Committee, Department of International Relations, FEASS, Bilkent
University, January-June 2009 and Fall 2014-Spring 2015, Fall 2015-Spring 2016.
PINAR IPEK - office: +90-312-290 1463 -
Board member of the Bilkent University Seminar Series: Polity, Society and the World, January 2009
– present.
Editorial and Refereeing for Scholarly Journals
Editor, All-Azimuth, The Center for Foreign Policy and Peace Research, İhsan Doğramacı Peace
Foundation, Bilkent University, February 2011- present.
Refereed for Review of International Studies, Foreign Policy Analysis, Turkish Studies, Perceptions:
Journal of International Affairs, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Journal of International Trade and Development.
Courses Taught at Bilkent University
IR 101 Introduction to International Relations (undergraduate must course)
IR 227 Research Methods in International Relations (undergraduate must course)
IR 338 Politics of International Economy (undergraduate must course)
IR 353 Energy Security and Foreign Policy (undergraduate elective course)
IR 4109 Issues for Turkey in Global Political Economy (undergraduate elective course)
IR 621 Current Debates in International Relations Theory (graduate must course co-taught with
other professors at the department)
IR 5101 Issues for Turkey in Global Political Economy (graduate elective course)
IR 664 Security and Development (graduate elective course)
EEPS 506 Energy Security and Foreign Policy (Energy Economics, Policy and Security – EEPS
Master Program must course)
Energy Security and Foreign Policy (graduate elective course), Defense Sciences Institute, Turkish
Military Academy, Ankara, Spring 2015, Fall 2015 semesters.

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