Carterhatch Junior School


Carterhatch Junior School
Carterhatch Junior School
A weekly newsletter from the Headteacher
Issue 9: 19th January 2012
office email:
Home School Agreement
At Carterhatch Junior School we believe
your child’s success is built upon a
partnership between the school, child and
parents. We look forward to your support,
as listed below.
Home School Agreement - Turkish
Őĝrenci –Veli- Okul Sözleşmesi
Velinin sorumlulukları
· Çocuĝumun her gün okula zamanında,
As the parent/carer – I/We will:
· Make sure my child attends school
regularly, on time and properly equipped
for school.
· Inform school of the reason for absence or
lateness on the same morning.
· Not book holidays during term-time.
· Support the school’s policies and
guidelines for learning and behaviour.
· Support my child with homework and
other home learning opportunities,
including 20 minutes reading each evening
and learning of spellings/times tables.
· Attend Parents Evenings and discussions
about my child’s progress.
· Get to know about my child’s life at
öĝrenmeye hazır, okulun kılık-kıyafet
kurallarına uygun bir şekilde gitmesine
yardımcı olmak
Çocuĝumun okuldaki başarı seviyesini
öĝrenmek için okul- aile birliĝi
toplantılarına katılmak
Çocuĝumun akademik ve sosyal gelişimini
saĝlamak için öĝretmenleriyle ve okul
yönetimiyle işbirliĝi yapmak
Çocuĝumun geç kalması ya da devamsızlık
yapması durumunda okul yönetimine aynı
sabah bildirmek
Okul dönem süresi( okul günleri) boyunca
çocuĝumu tatile götürmemek
Çocuĝumun ev ödevine yardımcı olmak.
Her akşam en az 20 dakika okumasına,
çarpım tablosunu öĝrenmesine ve önemli
kelimeleri öĝrenmesine yardımcı olmak.
Çocuĝumun okuldaki yaşantısı hakkında
bilgi sahibi olmak
Next week we will remind you what you
may expect from the school.
In the Line by Ten to Nine .…… Every Day !
As you are aware, it is very important for your child to attend school every day and on time.
May I remind you of our arrangements for ‘special leave’.
· As from September, 2011, the Governing Body agreed not to accept any applications for
holiday during term-time.
· A request for special leave will only be considered where the parent/carer has applied in
· Your request will be refused if the reason is not considered acceptable for your child to miss
his/her education.
If your request is not authorised, it is important your child attends school on the dates stated
otherwise you will be at risk of receiving a Penalty Notice Warning.
Attendance - last week’s top 3 classes were: 1st place 4R (99.33%), 2nd place 5R (99%)
and joint 3rd place 4E & 6S (98.66%).
Contact Details
Please remember to advise the
school office if any of the contact
details change for your child.
Something to think about …..
Do you use your imagination when
you dream ?
Chinese Theme Day in the Dining Room
On Tuesday 24th January, to celebrate the
Chinese New Year, we will be having a
Chinese menu for lunch.
We hope your child enjoys this
special meal.
Uniform and PE Kit
As we continue to aim for high standards in all areas of school life, we expect high standards
in personal appearance. Please may I remind you that with our Governors approval, we are a
“uniformed” school and thank you for supporting our uniform policy.
Grey or white shirt
Grey trousers
Grey pullover
Green sweatshirt
Grey or white socks
Plain shorts - grey or black
(not athletic)
Black shoes or trainers
White blouse
Grey skirt or pinafore dress or trousers
Grey cardigan
Green sweatshirt
Grey or white socks or tights
Summer dress: plain yellow or green,
or striped or gingham
Grey culottes
Black shoes or trainers
PE Kit (to be kept in a PE bag)
White T- shirt or vest
Plimsolls & trainers
Hair band for longer hair
PE Kit (to be kept in a PE bag)
Skirt / leotard / shorts
White T-shirt or vest
Plimsolls & trainers
Hair band for longer hair
The following are not allowed:
T-shirts with slogans
Beach Wear
High heeled shoes
Track suits, shell suits etc.
Low cut blouses or scanty tops
Cycling shorts
For Health and Safety reasons only stud earrings are allowed as hooped earrings
are dangerous in school.