For her excellent diary writing this week. It`s great to see you


For her excellent diary writing this week. It`s great to see you
Selafina - For her excellent diary writing this week. It's great to see you
sounding out words and forming your letters correctly. Excellent effort
Selafina, keep it up!
Roman - For always trying to use his manners and behave well in class.
Fantastic effort Roman!
Natalin - Welcome to Dandenong North Primary School You're a wonderful
addition to 1M!
Pinky - Welcome to Dandenong North Primary School. You're a wonderful
addition to 1M!
Kitty - Welcome to Dandenong North Primary. You have settled in so well
and made many friends already.
Zawad - Welcome to Dandenong North Primary School. You have settled in
well, Zawad. 1W is lucky to have you!
Elijah - For doing a fantastic and believable Grandmother voice when we
read Little Red Riding Hood. You will make a great actor one day!
1/2HS Medhi - For displaying strong leadership skills in class, being a great role
model to his peers and always listening carefully and setting the right
example. You are a star and Mrs Saunders and Miss Hubert feel very lucky
to have you in our grade. Keep up the good work!
E-Sha - Welcome to Dandenong North Primary School. You are working
hard to improve your skills and are a valued member of grade 1/2HS.
Major - For putting effort into the presentation of his work and his
handwriting. Well Done Major!
Verona - For always trying her hardest and using the 4 C's at all times.
Great work Verona!
Farwa - For taking pride in the presentation of her work, with neat writing
and beautiful illustrations. Keep it up!
Chanilka - For coming back from holidays and settling into a new school
routine beautifully and confidently. Welcome back.
Waghma - For being Miss Pomponio's super little helper, what would I
have done without you.
Stephanie - Stephanie is an absolute dream student. Stephanie always
follows the 4c’s, she works hard and helps everyone, especially me! Steph
you’re the best!!!!
Alanna - For being voted onto the SRC by her peers. Alanna wrote a great
persuasive text that detailed and convinced everyone she was right for the
Teariki- For being such a caring and thoughtful member of our class. You
are the best!
Conan - For always trying his hardest and putting lots of effort into his
learning tasks, even when things get tough. Keep up the hard work, Conan!
Hussein for always being there to lend a helping hand to whoever needs it.
Your thoughtfulness is appreciated by all in 5S.
Nikita - For an amazing achievement of reaching her Accelerated Reader
goal for Term 1, well done!
Junior - For being a prime numbers whiz! Keep up the hard work Junior!
Josiah - for your amazing work output. Mrs Hilton could not be prouder of
your efforts. Great job Super Star!!
Michelle - A quiet achiever who steadily goes about improving her
educational abilities through hard work and persistence.
5\6M Tyra for your valuable contributions to class discussions this week. You’ve
willingly shared your ideas and given other students in the class some
fantastic ideas and useful information about our topics. Well done!
Juliette for a great attitude to the start of 2013. You have applied yourself
very well to your work and you are always ready to listen. Great effort,
Hafsa for being so dedicated to revising your times tables for homework so
that you can be confident in your work during class time. Keep up the hard
work, Hafsa.
Omnia. Congratulations on doing so well with your DNPS Spelling words.
Keep up the good work!
Kylie for demonstrating such beautiful handwriting and presentation skills.
You consistently take care and show pride in your work. Well done.
ICT Hans (6L) for an OUTSTANDING mini ICT Project PowerPoint. Your
Sharon information was accurate, and your presentation blew me away! What a
Janine (6M) for her excellent mini ICT Project PowerPoint. You obviously
spent a lot of time researching, and presented your work very clearly. Well