
Sınavı Yönergesi ve İçeriği
Yeterlik sınavından 70 ve üzeri not alan öğrenciler bölümde okumaya hak kazanır. 70
puanın altında alması durumunda, öğrencinin seviye tespit sınavına girmesi gerekmektedir.
Seviye tespit sınavına girmeyen öğrenciler temel seviyeden başlarlar.
1. Öğrenci sınavdan 30 dakika önce binada bulunmalıdır.
2. Kimlikler sıranın üzerinde hazır bulundurulmalıdır.
3. Yeterlik sınavının ilk bölümü dinlemeden oluştuğu için geç gelen öğrenci hiçbir
şekilde ilk 1 saat sınava alınamaz. Ancak dinleme bölümü bittikten sonra sınava
4. Sınav başlamadan önce sınav kitapçığını baştan sonuna kadar kontrol edilmelidir.
5. Sınavda sözlük, cep telefonu ya da elektronik hiçbir cihaz kullanılmamalıdır.
6. Sınavda kopya çekme veya kopyaya teşebbüs durumunda öğrencinin sınavı iptal
7. Öğrencilerin sınava silgi, kalem, açacak gibi malzemeleri getirmeleri
gerekmektedir. Sınav esnasında bu tarzda bir alışveriş kesinlikle yasaktır.
8. Sınav düzenini bozacak sesli konuşma, kendi kendine sesli konuşma, yiyecek
içecek getirme gibi davranışlarda bulunan öğrencilerin sınavı iptal edilir.
9. Sınav esnasında öğrencilerin dikkatlerinin yoğun olması önem arz ettiği için tam
teçhizatlı gelmeleri ve sınav esnasında dikkati dağıtacak hareketlerde
bulunmamaları önemle rica olunur.
10. Sınavınız bittikten sonra gözetmen kontrolünde sessizce çıkılabilir.
11. Sınav esnasında aşırı kaygının oluşmaması için sınavın başlama ve bitiş saati ile
soruların sayısı dikkatle incelenmelidir.
12. Sınav esnasında imza atma kesinlikle unutulmamalıdır.
Tüm öğrencilerimize başarılar diliyoruz.
Sınav ile ilgili sorularınız için adresine e-mail göndererek
iletişime geçebilirsiniz.
1. Yeterlik sınavı dinleme, yazma ve okuma bölümlerinden oluşmaktadır.
2. Sınav iki oturumda yapılmaktadır. Sabah oturumu : 09.30- 12.00, öğleden sonra
oturumu : 13.30 - 16.00 saatleri arasında yapılacaktır.
3. Sınavdaki tüm sorular çoktan seçmelidir. Sınavda toplam 90 soru vardır.
4. Dinleme bölümündeki her bir parça iki defa dinletilecektir.
5. Yeterlik sınavından 70 alan öğrenciler, bölüme geçmeye hak kazanır.
6. Yeterlik sınavından 70’in altında not alan öğrencilerin seviye tespit sınavına girmesi
gerekmektedir. Seviye tespit sınavı yapıldıktan sonra öğrenciler aldıkları notlara göre
sınıflara yerleştirilirler.
7. Seviye tespit sınavına girmeyenler temel seviyeden başlar.
Yeterlik Sınavı İçeriği
Sınav Süresi : 5 saattir.
Genel Sınav İçeriği
Dinleme Bölümü
Bu bölüm gündelik yaşamdan iki diyalog ve bir akademik dinlemeden
oluşmaktadır. Soruların hepsi çoktan seçmelidir. Her bir bölüm sınavda iki kez
Örnek Diyalog :
What is wrong Eric?
I’m really nervous. I’m always this way on the first day of school.
You’re not the only one. It’s hard for me, too. I’m glad we are taking this class
Do you know anything about the teacher?
Uh-huh, a little. Someone told me she gives a lot of homework, and you have
to talk a lot in class.
Oh no! I’m afraid of talking in front of a lot of people.
Oh, don’t worry. Everyone is afraid at the beginning, but after you get to know
the people and make friends…
It doesn’t get better for me. I’m shy. I have trouble looking at people when I
talk, and my hands shake.
Look… the teacher’s here. Let’s talk after class.
Örnek sorular :
1. Eric is a person who ……………………..
a. wants to present a topic in the class
b. wants to make friends with Andrea
c. is nervous before the class.
d. İs very generous
2. Andrea says that ……………………………..
a. It is Ok to be anxious before the class
b. Eric should see a doctor
c. She has a lot to do
d. Eric must study harder.
Örnek Akademik Dinleme Metni :
The United Kingdom is a large island located in Europe. It also includes part of
the island of Ireland. It is made up of four nations: England, Scotland, Wales, and
Northern Ireland. Over 60 million people live in the United Kingdom. The vast
majority of the population, however, lives in England. The government of the United
Kingdom is considered a constitutional monarchy. A constitutional monarchy is a
government in which the monarch (king or queen) is head of state. Queen Elizabeth II
is the monarch of the United Kingdom. In reality, however, she exercises very little
political power.
The history of the United Kindgom is full of wars, invasions, revolutions, and
interesting rulers. Numerous castles, fortifications, old cathedrals, and ruins are
evidence of the kingdom's past. The "UK," as it is often called, was once the world's
most powerful nation. Canada, Australia, India, Pakistan, and even the United States
are among nations that used to be controlled by the United Kingdom. It is also the
birthplace of the English language.
There are many remarkable landmarks to see in the United Kingdom such as
the Tower of London, Big Ben, Oxford University and the mysterious Stonehenge.
Oxford University, founded sometime in the 12th century, is the oldest university in
the English speaking world. Many of the United Kingdom's former prime ministers
attended Oxford. Stonehenge, located near Salisbury, England, is a group of giant
standing stones arranged in a circular formation. Archaeologists believe the formations
are over 4,500 years old. No one knows exactly what Stonehenge is meant to
Örnek sorular :
1. Queen Elizabeth …………………………………
a. runs all the political parties effectively
b. has zero interest in politics
c. wants to establish a new political party
d. does not deal with political issues much in practise
2. Stonehenge is composed of huge stones ………………………
a. that were brought together for scientific purposes
b. which represent nothing
c. about which not much is known
d. that have been recently discovered.
Dil Bilgisi ve Sözcük Bölümü
Bu bölümde temel ve orta düzey İngilizce dil bilgisi ve sözcük bilgisi ölçülür.
Sınavda toplamda 50 soru bulunmaktadır.
Örnek sorular :
1- From its description in the paper, the job sounds fantastic, but I won't get too excited
until I've had the interview and found out exactly what it will ........ .
A) qualify
B) respond C) contain
D) involve
E) represent
2- Susan left her briefcase on the bus, so she's gone down to the Lost Property Office in
order to try to ......... it.
A) absorb
B) recover
C) explore
D) require
E) discover
3- The police arrested a woman who was shoplifting, but unfortunately, they were
unable to catch her .......... who managed to run out of the shop with the goods they
had stolen.
A) accomplice B) criminal
C) witness
D) casualty
E) victim
4- Melissa needs to work harder. She .......... passed the midterm exam, and I doubt
she'll pass the final at all.
A) vastly
B) frankly
C) barely
D) sparsely
E) utterly
5- She dressed ......... for the hike, wearing good, strong walking boots and long trousers
to protect her legs.
A) competently B) entirely
C) glamorously
D) shabbily
E) sensibly
6- I wish she would stop boasting and telling everybody how marvelous she is! She's the
most........ person I've ever met.
A) cheerful
B) spiteful
C) confident
D) conceited
E) reckless
7- ........ the first day, when it rained, we had really lovely weather while we were on
A) In addition to
B) Such as
C) Rather than
D) Apart from
E) During
8- Would you mind if we stayed at home tonight, ......... going out to the party?
A) besides
B) whether C) instead of
D) owing to
E) despite
9- ........ she hadn't received the letter, she had no idea that she had won the prize.
A) In spite of
B) Since
C) For
D) Although
E) While
10- The man was accused ........ being involved ........ a plot to overthrow the government.
A) with/to
B) for/from C) about/with
D) of/in
E) from/at
11- Tom's usually the first person to show up ......... work in the morning and he's always
......... the last to leave.
A) at/among
B) in/with
C) to/from
D) for/out of
E) about/with
12- In order to ......... the company, they had to take out a loan for £5,000.
A) give up
B) put aside C) see off
D) work out
E) set up
13- I'd like to spend our holiday at the resort ........ Dave was talking about the other day.
A) whom
B) which
C) whose
D) what
E) where
14- Do you agree with ......... Tim has just said about the new government?
A) how much
B) what
C) whom
D) how
E) which
15- John saw the bus hit the cyclist because he was out on the balcony at the time, ......... .
A) and I didn't either
B) however, we did
C) but I didn't
D) we were, though
E) and neither was I
16- If the rain gets ........... we'll all be swimming to work.
A) the heaviest
B) heavy enough
C) too heavily
D) so heavily
E)any heavier
17- There weren't ........ people to make up two complete teams, so we played football
with nine players on ....... side.
A) any/all
B) enough/each
C) many/every D) such/any
E) no/both
18- Although as deputy chairman it was ......... job to argue in favor of the company's
policy, he really didn't agree with it......... .
A) theirs/itself
B) him/them
C) his/himself
D) your/yourselves
19- From ......... house we hired for the summer in the Green Mountains, in the northeastern USA, you can see all the way to ......... Canadian border.
A) the/the
B) the/—
C) a/a
D) — I—
20- Since we ........ the earliest bus, only people with their own cars ........ before us.
A) would take/are arriving
B) are taking/will arrive
C)will take/arrive
D) had taken/have arrived
E) have taken/arrived
21- My television .......... when a fire broke out at the service centre, so once the insurance
claim is processed, I ......... a new one.
A) has been repairing/have given
B) had been repaired/will have given
C) was being repaired/will be given
D) had been repairing/was given
E) has been repaired/was being given
22- Tom told us he ........ at 7.00. but it's already 8.OO, and he still ........ .
A) will have come/doesn't arrive
B) had come/didn't arrive
C) would be coming/hasn't arrived
D) was going to come/won't arrive
E) will be coming/hadn't arrived
23- If the new computer system .......... to us properly, we ......... so many mistakes on it
A) has been explained/don't make
B) is going to explain/won't have made
C) has been explaining/wouldn't have made
D) had been explained/wouldn't be making
E) is explained/aren't making
24- These plants ........ on a daily basis; if they're not, they probably ........ very long.
A) is watering/haven't lived
B) must have watered/wouldn't be living
C) have been watered/aren't living
D) had to be watered/didn't live
E) should be watered/won't live
25- While the average Lada ........ very long, Tom's ........ 300,000 km by the end of the
A) hasn't lasted/would have done
B) isn't lasting/is going to do
C) won't last/had been doing
D) doesn't last/will have done
E) didn't last/was doing
26- Before going to Africa to teach English, ....... .
A) Tom lives in Singapore with his four children
B) Dennis had been an employee of the British government for 30 years
C) Scott would have been better off staying in France, serving diners
D) the rest of Joe's family thought he should have become a lawyer
E) Steve has discovered that he can make much more money by selling cars
27- ......... you must subtract 32, multiply by 5 and divide by 9.
A) Though you may not be too keen on mathematics
B) A person's weight can be recorded in either pounds or kilos
C) In order to convert Fahrenheit temperatures to Celsius
D) The metric system has all but replaced the old imperial one
E) The weather report said that today's average would be 86°F
28- Though the Dutch Reformed Church is the largest religious group in Holland, ...... .
A) Roman Catholicism has been losing popularity in France
B) who follow a belief established by a former king of the Netherlands
C) the majority of the population are Shiite Muslims
D) the fact that there are very few of them in America
E) there are more atheists than followers of this religion there
29- ....... I'll let you know the minute I find out anything.
A) If I had been told what we were supposed to do
B) Since you’ll probably find out before I do
C) Where we're going to meet is up to you
D) Although now I have no idea when the party is
E) As I've known about the examination for ages
30- Upon overhearing the name of the new manager mentioned, ........ .
A) I think "Kylie" is a really dreadful name
B) it was a group of employees from the sales department
C) he was, obviously, not well-liked among the staff
D) I became curious about what they were talking about
E) l don't think they should have promoted him really
31- ........ but in the past few years, he's developed a taste for it.
A) I don't know what they use to make spaghetti
B) Steve's always loved the flavour of Coca-Cola
C) Lance used to think that ayran was repulsive
D) While Karl can't stand his own mother's cooking
E) Bill will never get used to eating olives at breakfast
32-35.sorularda cümleye anlamca en yakın olan seçeneği bulunuz.
32- Whatever the phone call was about, it was distressing enough to make her cry.
A) She seems to burst into tears every time she talks on the phone.
B) She was in tears, so the phone call was obviously upsetting.
C) She was crying so much that she wasn't able to answer the phone.
D) What I was calling about was the reason why she was crying so much.
E) Hearing her crying on the phone for whatever reason was very upsetting.
33- She stared at me blankly as if she didn't know what I was talking about.
A) As she didn't understand what I was talking about, she just ignored me totally.
B) I don't think she realized that I was talking about her outlook on life.
C) From the look on her face it appeared she didn't understand what I was saying.
D) What I said was that she looked like someone who wasn't very knowledgeable.
E) If she had known about it, she wouldn't have looked at me so blankly.
34- The film has been banned on the grounds that it could cause offense.
A) People don't like the film in that place, so it has been banned.
B) As the film might make people behave aggressively, they've banned it.
C) The film attacks certain places, so it has been banned in those areas.
D) The film has been banned in the places where it is likely to upset people.
E) The reason they've banned the film is that it may offend some people.
35- Until we've discussed it with him, we won't be able to address the problem.
A) We couldn't have solved the problem without talking to him first.
B) After having discussed the problem with him, we were still unable to solve it.
C) If we can't decide how to solve the problem, we should discuss it with him.
D) Before we can start sorting out the problem, we'll have to talk to him about it.
E) I'm sure we'll find a solution to the problem after we've talked to him.
Okuma Bölümü
Bu bölümde size 3 orta seviyede okuma parçası verilecektir. Okuma parçaları
genelde güncel ya da yarı–akademik konulardan seçilmektedir. Toplamda 20 çoktan
seçmeli soru vardır.
Örnek Okuma Parçası
A Success Story
"Katty" Murray is an American inspirational speaker who is best known for her
incredible story of being homeless in her youth, and then overcoming her hardships to
achieve success. This is her story.
Born in 1980 in the Bronx, New York, Katty’s earliest memories are of her parents
spending their welfare payment to buy drugs, while she and her sister went hungry. The girls
survived on ice cubes—sometimes even having to eat toothpaste to satisfy their hunger. Katty
was often bullied by other kids at school for being smelly and looking unclean, and was
eventually forced to drop out of school.
Katty’s mother always told her that ‘one day life is going to be better.’ However, still
repeating those words, she died of complications from AIDS when Katty was just 15 years
old. When Katty’s father could no longer take care of himself and moved into a homeless
shelter, Katty and her sister were out on the streets. Her sister managed to find shelter on a
friend’s sofa, but Katty slept on New York City’s 24-hour underground trains, or on park
With the words of her mother still ringing in her ears—‘one day life is going to be
better’—Katty had an epiphany. Katty decided that she had to make her own life better now,
or maybe it never would be. She had nowhere to live and had not attended school regularly
for several years, but Katty pledged to become a straight-A student and complete her highschool education by the time she was 19 years old.
Katty attended day and night classes. Studying in a friend’s hallway, she completed a
year’s work in one term. Katty’s dedication caught the eye of one of her teachers, and he
agreed to mentor her. A year later when he took 10 of his top students on a visit to Harvard
University, Katty just stood outside the university, admiring its beauty. Her mentor decided
then and there that Katty might just have what it takes to make it into Harvard. That’s when
Katty heard that the New York Times gave scholarships.
Katty graduated from high school in just two years. She was awarded the New York
Times scholarship for needy students and was accepted to Harvard University in 2000.
Although she was forced to leave in 2001 to take care of her sick father, Katty returned to
Harvard in 2006 and graduated in 2009. Despite all the hardships, Katty never stopped loving
her parents and never doubted that they loved her. She says that they were highly intelligent
people who allowed drug dependence and eventually poverty to take over their lives. Katty
now spends her time and effort making sure that this situation does not happen to others.
Since her graduation from Harvard, Katty has continued her education while
publishing a book of her memoirs. She has met Oprah Winfrey and Bill Clinton. She has
spoken alongside the Dalai Lama, Tony Blair, and Mikhail Gorbachev. She is the founder and
director of Manifest Living, a company that provides a series of workshops that empowers
adults to create the extraordinary in their lives.
Katty talks to teenagers about resisting the temptations of drugs and gangs. She also
urges them not to use childhood hardship as an excuse not to take opportunities. Katty doesn’t
want her Harvard education and clean appearance now to overshadow her story.
“Remember,” she says, “I was one of those people on the streets you walk away from.”
1. According to the story, Katty was bullied by other children because …………………
A. she had to eat ice cubes and toothpaste.
B. she smelled badly and looked dirty.
C. she and her family were homeless.
D. she had to take care of her sick mother.
2. The word “bullied” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ……………………………
A. depressed
B. fought
C. failed
D. harassed
3. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 3?
A. Katty’s sister didn’t want to take Katty to sleep at her friend’s house.
B. Katty’s father was in a hospital before going to the homeless shelter.
C. Katty didn’t have any friends’ homes she could go to for shelter.
D. Katty found it easy to get shelter in New York City.
4. The following statements are true about Katty’s decision to return to school EXCEPT
A. she wanted to be a straight-A student.
B. she was 19 when she returned to school.
C. it took her two years to finish her high school work.
D. she had not been in school for several years when she returned.
5. What is the main use of the word “pledged” mentioned in paragraph 4?
A. honored
B. promised
C. worked
D. considered
6. All of the following are true about Katty’s return to high school EXCEPT ……………
A. she got a part-time job at the New York Times to help save for university.
B. she studied in a friend’s hallway.
C. she took both day and night classes.
D. she finished one year’s work in just one school term.
7. When Katty first saw Harvard University, she …………………………….
A. was studying there on a New York Times scholarship.
B. was taken by her mentor, who taught at the university.
C. was unable to go inside and look at the campus.
D. just stood there and thought about how beautiful it was.
8. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 6?
A. Katty never blamed her parents for the problems she had growing up.
B. Katty also had to fight drug dependence of her own while in school.
C. Katty regretted having to leave Harvard to take care of her father.
D. Katty was never really sure about her parents’ feelings for her.
Yazma Bölümü
Bu bölümde katılımcılara 3 farklı güncel konu verilir ve katılımcılar bu
konulardan sadece birini seçerek 250 sözcükten oluşan bir kompozisyon yazar. Süre ise
60 dakikadır.
Örnek sorular:
1. Countries such as China, India and Japan have unsustainable population growth. In fact
many experts are of the opinion that the population ‘explosion’ which is now a very worrying
concern, is the most serious threat to life on this planet.
Give some suggestions to address this problem.
2. Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on your children.
Do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.
3. It has been said, “Not everything that is learned is contained in books.” Compare and
contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your
opinion, which source is more important? Why?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.