san sebastian - santiago de compostela


san sebastian - santiago de compostela
8 Days/7 Nights
 First day, Saturday / San Sebastian Villasana de Mena
Meeting point: Hotel Londres in San Sebastian at 12:00. Welcome reception followed by lunch. After lunch we
will tour the city followed by a coach trip to Bilbao, where we will board the train. Reception and welcome on
board. We will have dinner and spend the night in Villasana de Mena.
 Second day, Sunday / Villasana de Mena Santander
Whilst enjoying breakfast, we will arrive in Bilbao. There will be a trip around the city and a visit to the
Guggenheim Museum. We will have lunch whilst en route to Santander, and once there we will take a trip
around the city followed by free time. We will have dinner and spend the night in Santander.
 Third day, Monday / Santander Cabezon de la Sal
Whilst enjoying breakfast, we will arrive into Unquera. We will travel by coach through the Hermida Gorge to
Potes and the Monetary of Santo Toribio de Liébana. We will have lunch followed by some free time. Later the
train will take us to Cabezon de La Sal, where we will have dinner and spend the night.
 Fourth day, Tuesday / Cabezon de la Sal Santillana del Mar Arriondas
After breakfast, we will set out from Cabezon to Santillana del Mar. We will visit the Altamira Neocave and
the medieval town. We will have lunch and travel by train to Ribadesella and Arriondas. We will have dinner
and spend the night in Arriondas.
 Fifth day, Wednesday / Arriondas Candas
After breakfast we will travel to the Picos de Europa National Park, the Lakes of Covadonga and the
Covadonga Sanctuary. We will visit Cangas de Onis followed by lunch whilst en route to Oviedo. We will
take a trip around the city and have lunch there. Overnight in Candas.
 Sixth day, Thursday / Candas Luarca
After breakfast, we will travel by coach from Candas to Aviles, We will then take a trip around Gijon, a
city that opens up onto the sea, where we will have lunch. In the afternoon, we will go by train to Luarca.
Once there we will take a trip around the city and have the chance to spend some free time. Later, we will
have dinner and spend the night in Luarca.
 Seventh day, Friday / Luarca Viveiro
Whilst having breakfast, we will arrive in Ribadeo. We will go by coach to the Playa de Las Catedrales, take a
trip around Ribadeo, have some free time and then lunch. In the afternoon, we will go by train to Viveiro,
where we will have dinner and spend the night.
 Eighth day, Saturday / Viveiro Santiago de Compostela
Whilst having breakfast, we will arrive in Ferrol. We will travel by coach to Santiago de Compostela,
followed by a trip around the city. Our journey will end at 14:00 at the PN Reyes Católicos.