Additional country-specific material Turkey


Additional country-specific material Turkey
Career pathways for working with children and other
training opportunities in Turkey
There is no spesific training in the subject area of “Play” in Turkey for the volunteers.
The number of non-formal training courses is larger, but still very few, mostly they are
about specific methods and not about letting the children play. Play is just a module in
the child-care related course programs.
Non-formal training programmes are mainly conducted with UNICEF and The Mother
Child Education The Mother Child Education Foundation (ACEV). UNICEF supported “My
family”(16 sessions) and “Core Training Programme for Families” (6 sessions) aimed at
reaching parents having children aged 0-6 through pre-school teachers who have been
trained by international experts on effective parenting. Until now approximately 5000
families participated in programmes provided by 200 pre-school teachers in pilot
provinces. 6 weeks training includes the following subjects:
1. Listening and learning together
2. Understanding Emotions and Self Expression
3. Understanding Child‟s Behaviour
4. Positive Discipline
5. The Effect of Play on Child‟s Development
6. What should we do for future?
The Mother Child Education Foundation (AÇEV) runs the programme titled “Mother Child
Education Programme” (MOCEP), being 10 to 15 week Mother Support Programme, aims
to strengthen the relationship between mothers and their children aged 3-9. In addition,
AÇEV developed a Pre-school Parent-Child Programme (OVCEP), providing 28 weeks of
daily activities to reinforce 6 year-olds‟ learning at pre-school, particularly in relation to
literacy skills.
Additionally, with the cooperation of “Public Education Centers “ 14 week Family
Education Program is given to the project groups for 3-6 age children. Public Education
centers in Turkey actually presents lots of childcare or child development related long
term courses but most of the modules are inactive as they depend most of the times of
available trainers and interested beneficiaries.
There are also certified module programs provided by Public Education Centers or
Vocational Education Centers under MONE General Directorate of Apprenticeship and
Non-Formal Education. „Play‟ or „Play Activities‟ or‟ Play Album‟ are the modules given in
these programs. These programs are: Early Childhood Education Assistant (2800/1416
hour) ; Child Care Person (2040/936 hours); Child Care at home (880/432 hours);
Children Activities for the age 0-3 (680/440 hours); Children Activities for age 3-6
(720/464 hours);Child Care and Play Room Activities for age 3-6( 160/120 hours). After
completion one of these courses, person can be employed at early childhood education
sector (kindergartens, nurseries, creches, etc.) as assistant to teachers.
Playworkers can work for toy libraries, play centres at shopping malls, after schools
children clubs or they can do babysitting for parents….
Further reading in Turkish
Çocuk Oyunları, ali Sincer,2009
Oyun, E.Ç. Öncü ve E. Özbay, 2005, Kök yayıncılık, Ankara
Oyun ve Öğrenme, Hülya Pehlivan, Ankara, Anı Yayıncılık, 2005
0-6 Yaş Oyunlarla Çocuk Eğitimi Seti( Daha İyi Gelişmem İçin Her Şeyi Bilen
Anne Baba istiyorum; Daha iyi Gelişmem İçin Benimle Oyun oynayan Anne Baba
istiyorum), Zühre Çelen
Okul Öncesi Dönemde Oyun ve Oyuncak, Hatice Poyraz, Ankara, anı Yayıncılık
Çocuk ve Oyun Dünyası, Ruhi Sel
İlköğretim ve Ortaöğretimde Geleneksel Çocuk Oyunları, Çetin acar, Ali Serdar
Yücel, Cemal Gündoğdu, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
Çocuk Oyunları, Mine Aşçı, Serpil Civelek, Özgür Ummahan Çavdar, İlker selimoğlu,
Milli eğitim Bakanlığı.
Online links:
Türkiye’de Oynanan Geleneksel Çocuk oyunları:
Geleneksel Çocuk Oyunları:
Health and safety when playing in Turkey
There is no specific training in the subject area of “Play” in Turkey for the volunteers.
Teachers employed by Ministry of National Education (MoNE) are required to have a 4
year university degree from educational faculties in preschool teaching. MoNE also
employs graduates of two-year vocational schools as temporary teachers only on
contract bases. In formal childcare settings regulations insist on qualified staff.
Naturally, the need for volunteers is minimal in formal childcare settings. In informal
child care settings, there is not special kind of exam or certification that staff or
volunteers must pass in order to work children. But employer prefers certificated
person when deciding to employ.
In terms of health and safety:
In Turkey persons working with children (at private creshe, day care and after school
clubs) need to fulfill specific requirements that are foreseen by national legislation. Such
requirements vary according to the specific professional profile that a person working
with children has.
In general, educators (including directors, teachers and child care person) need to:
- be in full possession of their civil rights;
- not have been sentenced for crimes against public administration, the legal system,
public faith, or crimes such as murder, theft, extortion, fraud, and others;
- present their criminal record to employers to demonstrate that they haven’t been
sentenced to any kind of crimes.
-present health records to employers to demonstrate that they do not have contagious
disease or any kind of disease which disables them to work with children.
-present the document showing education backround to the employer.
Moreover, persons working with children are normally expected to carry out a training
related to child development or child care or have competences in:
- hygiene elements;
- nutrition;
- safety and pediatric first aid.
-the day care facilities or after school clubs are supposed to have health care section
fulfilled with first aid equipment.
Learners are not obliged to take a first-aid course.
Outdoor play spaces in Turkey
Almost every neighbourhood has playground in Turkey but most of these play grounds
do not fullfill specific requirements that are foreseen by national regulations.
The best outdoor play spaces or playgrounds in Turkey can be listed as follows:
Özgürlük Parkı (İstanbul)
Moda Parkı (İstanbul)
Miniatürk Çocuk Parkı (iatanbul)
Evcil Hayvanlar Parkı (Ankara)
Engelli Çocuklar parkı (adana)
Oyuncakistan Parkı (Ankara)
Emirgan Korusu Parkı (Ankaral)
Bostanlı Rekreasyon Alanı Parkı (İzmir)
Baby park (Antalya)
Röne Park (İstanbul)
Sazova Bilim, sanat ve Kültür Parkı (Eskişehir)
Kent Park (Eskişehir)
Altın Park (Ankara)
Bebek Parkı (İstanbul)
Cadde Bostan Park (İstanbul)
Fenerbahçe Parkı (İstanbul)