Kütüphane Mimarisi Kaynakçası


Kütüphane Mimarisi Kaynakçası
Bülent Ağaoğlu
İstanbul, 10 Aralık 2012
TARANAN KAYNAKLAR ............................................................................................................................ 3
KİTAPLAR ................................................................................................................................................. 5
TEZLER ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
MAKALELER ............................................................................................................................................. 7
HABERLER .............................................................................................................................................. 17
Ek 1: http://www.worldcat.org/........................................................................................................... 19
EK 2: http://www.worldcat.org/ ........................................................................................................... 22
EK 3: Bazı Yabancı Kaynakçalar .............................................................................................................. 23
EK 4: http://catalog.loc.gov ................................................................................................................... 24
EK 5: "Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts (LISTA)"da yapılan sorgulama (SU
LIBRARY ARCHITECTURE 2011-2012) sonucu: ....................................................................................... 34
EK 6: Türkiye’de Yayınlanmakta Olan Mimarlık Dergilerinin Linkleri .................................................... 51
(200 künye)
Online Kitabevleri
Google: kütüphane site:http://www.mo.org.tr/mimarlikdergisi/
Google: Kütüphane mimarisi, Kütüphane mimarlığı, Kütüphane yapıları, Kütüphane binaları
Ağaoğlu, Bülent: Yapı Dizin, Sayı: 170-193, 1996-1997. İstanbul: Yapı Endüstri Merkezi, 1998. 102s.
Kitap. 1226 Künye.
Ağaoğlu, Bülent: Yapı Dizin, Sayı: 194-217, 1998-1999. İstanbul: Yapı Endüstri Merkezi, 2000. 132s.
Kitap . 1193 yazı + 578 reklam künyesi.
Ağaoğlu, Bülent: Yapı Dizin, Sayı: 218/241, 2000/2001. İstanbul: Yapı Endüstri Merkezi, 2002. 98s.
Kitap . 1318 yazı + 489 reklam künyesi.
Ağaoğlu, Bülent: Yapı Dizin, Sayı: 242/265, 2002/2003. İstanbul: Yapı Endüstri Merkezi, 2003. 1746
künye. + 634 reklam künyesi. 1 cd. [125y.]
Ağaoğlu, Bülent: Yapı Dizin, Sayı: 266-289, 2004-2005. İstanbul: Yapı Yayın, 12.2005. 1848 yazı + 530
reklam künyesi. 1 cd. [ 154y.]
Ağaoğlu, Bülent: Yapı Dizin , Sayı: 290-309, 2006-2007. İstanbul: Yapı Yayın, 2007. 2267 yazı künyesi +
576 reklam künyesi. 1 cd [142y.]
Ağaoğlu, Bülent: Yapı Dizin, Sayı: 314/ 337 2008/2009. İstanbul: 12.2009. (2368 yazı, 767 reklam
künyesi) (Yapı Endüstri Merkezi'nin yayınladığı Yapı dergisi için hazırlanmıştır).
Eğitim yapıları : projeler yapılar 3 : 10 ülkeden, 29 mimari anlayış, 32 eğitim yapısı. Editör
Burçin Yılmaz ; çev. Sercan Altan...[ve başkaları]. İstanbul : Yapı Endüstri Merkezi, 2011. 167 s. :
rnk.res., pln. YEM Yayın ; no.180. ISBN/ISSN 9789944757485
Hamami, Erdal: Kütüphane binaları ve donatımı . Erdal Hamami. [Ankara] Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı
1992 XII,138 s. 24 cm Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı yayınları; 2470. Ders kitapları dizisi; 409.
Jopp, Robert K.: Almanya'da Kütüphane Binalarının Planlanması / Robert K. Jopp. 1. Edisyon
Ankara: Y.Y., 1991. 7 Sayfa `9 Aralık 1991'De Verilen Konferans Metnidir` Kütüphane Binaları x
Küçükcan, Berrin: Üniversitelerde kütüphane binaları kullanım verimliliğinin yapı biyolojisi
açısından incelenmesi . İstanbul : Türk Kütüphaneciler Derneği, 2007 .
Hakkında: http://www.unak.org.tr/BilgiDunyasi/gorusler/2008/cilt9/sayi2/565-566.pdf
Kültür Yapıları ; Müzeler, Kültür Merkezleri, Kütüphaneler, galeriler. İstanbul: Yem Yayın,
1994. 158s. : resim. Yapıdan Seçmeler Dizisi ; 4
Kültür yapıları : müzeler, kültür merkezleri, kütüphaneler, galeriler . İstanbul : Yapı Endüstri
Merkezi Yayınları, 1998
Kütüphanelerde yasal düzenlemeler ve standardlaşma : Komite toplantıları, 23-25 Şubat 1988 /
haz. Sevda Talu, İzzet Özgüç. - Ankara: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, 1988. 116 s.: ek, rnk., res.,
tablo; 24 cm. - (Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Kütüphaneler ve Yayımlar Genel Müdürlüğü
Kütüphanecilik dizisi: 11). ISBN: 975-17-0170-8
Milli Kütüphane binası . Ankara 1968 - 1969: Müsabaka dosyası. Ankara : [yayl.y], 1969. .s. çeşitli
: teksir, 28 sm. Metin dışında plan ve fotoğraflar var. Bibl. Sonda. [TMMOB Mimarlar Odası
ODTÜ Kuzey Kıbrıs Kampusu Kampus Yönetim Binası, Kütüphane, Bilgi İşlem Merkezi Mimari
Proje Yarışması (2003 : Ankara) ODTÜ Kuzey Kıbrıs kampusu kampus yönetim binası, kütüphane,
bilgi işlem merkezi mimari proje yarışması : yarışma kitapları / yayına hazırlayan: Yiğit Adam, N.
Müge Cengizkan, Tuğçe Selin Tağmat. 1. bsk. Ankara : Mimarlar Odası, 2004. 63 s. : res., plan ;
28 cm. ISBN: 975-395-815-3
Teymur, Necdet: Çağdaş halk kütüphaneleri / Necdet Teymur, Mualla Erkılıç. Ankara : [Yayl.y.] ;
1997-98. 68 s. : res., plan, ; 20 X 20 cm. Kütüphane Binaları x Halk Kütüphanesi.
Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Kütüphane - Araştırma Merkezi Arşiv Binası Ve Genel Sekreterlik
Hizmet Binası Yapı Kompleksi İle Ziyaretçi Kabul Binası ulusal Mimari Proje Yarışması - 2006.
Ankara: Mimarlar Odası Yayınları, 2008. 80s.
Yıldız, Nuray: Antikçağ Kütüphaneleri. Nuray Yıldız. İstanbul: Arkeoloji Ve Sanat Yayınları, Ocak
2003. Isbn: 9756561157
Ankara'da üniversite kütüphane binaları / Deniz Acun Sezgen . Danışman: Prof.Dr. Tülin
Sağlamtunç . Yer Bilgisi: Hacettepe Üniversitesi - Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü - Kütüphanecilik
Anabilim Dalı . Konu Başlıkları: Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi . Dizin Terimleri: Kütüphane
binaları=Library buildings - Kütüphane mimarisi=Library architecture -Üniversite
kütüphaneleri=University libraries . Yüksek Lisans. Türkçe. 1992.0109 s.
Bazı örnekleri ile Anadolu'da tarihi Türk kütüphane mimarlığı / Bahtiyar Eroğlu. Danışman:
Prof.Dr. Yılmaz Önge . Yer Bilgisi: Selçuk Üniversitesi - Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü - Mimarlık Anabilim
Dalı . Konu Başlıkları: Mimarlık . Dizin Terimleri: Anadolu=Anatolia - Kütüphane mimarisi=Library
architecture . Yüksek Lisans. Türkçe. 1990. 0161 s.
Bina tasarımında aydınlatma ve renk olgusunun biyoharmoloji ve biyosüreç açısından
incelenmesi [Study of the lightening and color features in construction designs within the
scope of the bioharmology and bioterm aspect] / Hülya Demirci . Danışman: Yrd. Doç. Dr.
Cevdet Emin Ekinci . Yer Bilgisi: Fırat Üniversitesi - Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü - Biyomühendislik
Anabilim Dalı . Konu Başlıkları: Biyomühendislik - Dizin Terimleri: Mimari tasarım=Architectural
design - Aydınlatma=Lighting . Yüksek Lisans. Türkçe. 2008. 175 s. (Özetinde kütüphanelerde de
inceleme yapıldığı belirtilmiş).
Halk kütüphanelerinde iç mimari [Interior architecture in public libraries] / Mehmet Ayhan
Hazırlar . Danışman: Doç.Dr. Bülent Yılmaz . Yer Bilgisi: Hacettepe Üniversitesi - Sosyal Bilimler
Enstitüsü - Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Anabilim Dalı . Konu Başlıkları: Dokümantasyon ve
Enformasyon - Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi . Yüksek Lisans. Türkçe. 2004. 162 s..
Kütüphaneler / Hakan Dölgen . Danışman: Prof.Dr. Mete Ünal . Yer Bilgisi: Mimar Sinan Güzel .
Sanatlar Üniversitesi - Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü . Konu Başlıkları: Mimarlık - Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi .
Dizin Terimleri: Halk kütüphaneleri=Public libraries - Kütüphane binaları=Library buildings - Milli
kütüphaneler=National libraries - Mimari eserler=Architectural works - Okul
kütüphaneleri=School libraries - Üniversite kütüphaneleri=University libraries Kütüphaneler=Libraries . Yüksek Lisans. Türkçe. 1997. 174 s.
Kütüphanelerde aydınlatma ve teknolojik gelişmelerin kütüphane aydınlatmasına etkileri .
Yıldırım, Sibel. 1995 . İTÜ Mimarlık Fak.
Kütüphanelerde doğal aydınlatma sistemi ve tasarım kararlarına etkisi [Daylighting concepts
for library buildings and their effects on design] / Serpil Kanidşer . Danışman: Y.Doç.Dr. Alpin
Yener . Yer Bilgisi: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi - Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü . Konu Başlıkları: Mimarlık
Yüksek Lisans Türkçe 2003 174 s.
Kütüphanelerde okuma salonlarının iç mekan biçimlenmesi ve Ankara eski ve yeni milli
kütüphane örneği [Old and new national libraries in Ankara and basic principles interior
designing of the reading rooms of libraries] / Aydanur Yenel . Danışman: Prof. A.Müge Bozdayı .
Yer Bilgisi: Hacettepe Üniversitesi - Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü - İç Mimarlık ve Çevre Tasarımı
Anabilim Dalı . Konu Başlıkları: İç Mimari ve Dekorasyon . Sanatta Yeterlilik. Türkçe 2007 429 s.
XVII-XIX. yüzyıllarda İç, Batı ve Güneybatı Anadolu'da kütüphane mimarisi [In the Middle, the
West and Southwest Anatolia the library architecture of XVII and XIX] / Bahtiyar Eroğlu .
Danışman: Y.Doç.Dr. O. Nuri Dülgerler . Yer Bilgisi: Selçuk Üniversitesi - Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sanat Tarihi Anabilim Dalı . Konu Başlıkları: Sanat Tarihi . Dizin Terimleri: Kütüphaneler= - 17.
yüzyıl=17. Century - 19. yüzyıl=19. century - Anadolu=Anatolia -Mimari=Architectural - Osmanlı
mimarisi=Ottoman architecture - Tarihi binalar=Historical buildings -Kütüphaneler=Libraries .
Doktora Türkçe 1998 329 s.
Açık Hava Kütüphanesi. KARO Architekten.http://www.mekanar.com/tr/proje-ar%C5%9Fiv2010/k%C3%BCt%C3%BCphane-yapisi/a%C3%A7%C4%B1k-hava-k%C3%BCt%C3%BCphanesikaro-architekten.html
AIA/ALA 2007 Kütüphane Tasarım Ödüllerini Açıkladı. 12.4.2007.
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Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi, (13), 1999, 87-92.ss.
Albert Camus Multımedya Kütüphanesi; Carnoux-Fransa; Atelıer Fernandez & Serres; Yapı,
322/106-110; Proje Tanıtım; 7 Renkli Resim, 5 Çizim.
“Almanya’daki yeni kütüphaneler oturma odası gibi” – Olaf Eigenbrodt ile bir röportaj. 04.2010.
Amsterdam Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi.
4 December 2009. İç mekan tasarımı: Roelof Mulder
& Ira Koers. http://www.mimdap.org/?p=28545
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Antik Çağın Bugüne Dek Ayakta Kalan Tek Kitaplığı Selsüs Kütüphanesi Açılıyor. ARKİTEKT Cilt:
1978 Sayı: 1978-03 (371) Sayfa: 83 . http://dergi.mo.org.tr/search.php
Ark Tower ( Kule-Kütüphane). Rintala Eggertsson Architects. http://www.mekanar.com/tr/projear%C5%9Fiv-2010/k%C3%BCt%C3%BCphane-yapisi/ark-tower-rintala-eggertsson-architects.html
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Atkins’ten İngiliz Kütüphane Binası’na Ek Yapı. Mimarlık, sayı: 351.
Austin’e yeni merkez kütüphane geliyor. 16 December 2008. http://www.mimdap.org/?p=12821
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/Haber : E. Seda Kayım. http://www.mimarizm.com/ilkyapi/Detay.aspx?id=9
Bahçe-Kütüphane. Yoav Meiri. http://www.mekanar.com/tr/proje-ar%C5%9Fiv2011/k%C3%BCt%C3%BCphane-yapisi/bah%C3%A7e-k%C3%BCt%C3%BCphane-yoav-meiri.html
Balanlı, Ayşe: Yapı biyolojisi ve üniversite kütüphanesi kullanıcısı / konuşmacılar: Ayşe Balanlı,
Berrin Küçükcan. - 21. Yüzyılda Üniversite Kütüphanelerimiz Sempozyumu [1998: Edirne]. Edirne: Trakya Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü, 1999. - 105-115.ss.
Bayraktar, M. Sami: Türk kütüphane mimarisi / M. Sami Bayraktar. - Türkler. - Ankara: Yeni
Türkiye Yayınları, 2002. - 388-394.ss. Not: Makale 15. cilttedir.
Beaverton Kent Kütüphanesi. http://mitademo.com/mimarlik/beaverton-kent-kutuphanesi/
Berlin Merkez Kitaplığı Ek Binaları Restorasyonu Ve Donatımı; Almanya-Berlin; Abelmann, Renate;
Vıelaın, Walter; Pock, Clemens; Gür, Şengül Öymen; Yapı, 262/76-78; Eylül 2003; Proje Tanıtım; 7
Renkli Resim, Plan, İngilizce Özet
Bilgi Tapınakları / Temples of Knowledge. http://mitademo.com/mimarlik/bilgitapinaklari/
Bilkent Kütüphanesi Ek Binası. http://v2.arkiv.com.tr/p2570-bilkent-kutuphanesi-ek-binasi.html
Bina ve Kütüphane planlaması komitesi raporu. - Kütüphanelerde yasal düzenlemeler ve
standardlaşma : Komite toplantıları, 23-25 Şubat 1988. - Ankara: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı,
1988. - 85-94. ss.
Bir Halk Kütüphanesi: South Mountain Community Library. 3 January 2012.
Bir I. M.. Pei Yapısı: Wigberto Jimenez Moreno Kütüphanesi. Arredamento Mimarlık (224)
5.2009, 82-85. ss.
Bir Özel Kütüphane; Londra; Tımothy Hatton Architects; Yapı, 332/90-92; Proje Tanıtım; 4 Renkli
Resim, 4 Çizim.
Bir üniversite kütüphanesi : Art and build. Mimarlık Dekorasyon Mimarlık İçmimarlık ve Görsel
Sanatlar Dergisi, (142), Haziran 2005, 69-72.ss.
Bishan Halk Kütüphanesi. http://mitademo.com/mimarlik/bishan-halk-kutuphanesi/
Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Aptullah Kuran Kütüphanesi. http://v2.arkiv.com.tr/p6992-bogaziciuniversitesi-aptullah-kuran-kutuphanesi.html
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Cesar Chavez Kütüphanesi. 4 February 2008. http://www.mimdap.org/?p=3850
Clınton Başkanlık Merkezi. Lıttle Rock, Arkansas - Abd; Polshek Partnershıp Archıtects; Clınton,
Bıll; Yılmaz, Burçin (Derl.); Yapı, 296/57-63; Proje Tanıtım; 1 Fotoğraf, 6 Resim, 5 Plan, 1 Eskiz, 1
Cottbus Üniversite Kütüphanesi. http://mitademo.com/mimarlik/cottbus-universitekutuphanesi/
Çek Cumhuriyeti Ulusal Kütüphanesi Uluslarararası Mimari Tasarım Yarışması Önerisi.
Çetinkaya, H. Sibel. Kütüphane Mimarisinin İki Önemli Eseri: Gebze Çoban Mustafa Paşa Külliyesi
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Çongçing Kütüphanesi. http://mitademo.com/mimarlik/congcing-kutuphanesi/
Delft Teknoloji Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi; Mecanoo Archıtecten B.V.; Yapı, 263/63-71; Ekim 2003;
Proje Tanıtım; 9 Renkli Resim, İngilizce Özet
Demokratik ve organik bir kütüphane. 92-99 s. : renk.res., plan ; 33 sm. Tasarım Dergisi sayı ;
176, Kasım 2007’de
Des Moies Halk Kütüphanesi. http://mitademo.com/mimarlik/des-moies-halk-kutuphanesi/
Dosya : Kütüphane yapıları / Ahmet Tercan...[ve öte.] 37-83 s. : res.(kimi renk.), plan ; 30 sm.
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Dublin Dun Laoghaire kutuphane, idare ve kültür merkezi. 10 April 2008.
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Ege Üniversitesi Kampüs Kütüphane Binası. http://v2.arkiv.com.tr/p5837-ege-universitesikampus-kutuphane-binasi.html
Eldem, Sedad Hakkı. Atatürk Kitaplığı Arkitekt, İstanbul, (374), 00. 00. 1979, 43-46.
Eldem, Sedat Hakkı. Atatürk Kitaplığı, Çevre, İstanbul, (1), 00.01.1979 - 00.02.1979, 27-30.
Endonezya Üniversitesi Merkez Kütüphanesi için gerçekleşen tasarım yarışmasını Denton Corker
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Ersoy, Osman. Kütüphane Binaları Kütüphaneciliğin Sesi, Ankara, (2-3), 00.11.1962, 2-4.
Euster, Joanne R.: Building and renovating for the 21st century = : Experience from a new project
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Eyice, Semavi. Eski Kütüphane Binaları Hakkında . Türk Yurdu, Ankara, (267), 00.04.1957, 728732.
Eyüp Rami İstanbul Kütüphanesi. http://www.akanttasarim.com/projeler/Eyup-Rami-IstanbulKutuphanesi.htm
Farrell, Terry: The cultural and heritage centre in Dubai / Terry Farrell. - Division of Management
and Technology : : 61st IFLA General Conference 20-26 August 1995 İstanbul, Türkiye. İstanbul: IFLA, 1995. - 15-29.ss.
Fellbach'ta Büro, İşyeri, Konut ve Halk Kütüphanesi Yarışma Projesi.
Free Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi; Berlin-Almanya; Foster&Partners; Yapı, 319/70-77; Proje Tanıtım;
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Fütüristik kütüphane. http://fotogaleri.ntvmsnbc.com/futuristik-kutuphane.html?position=0
Gezici kamyon kütüphane. http://www.tasarimdergisi.com/etkinlik.php?id=353
Gladbeck Westfalen'deki Yeni Serbest Kütüphane. Helmut Werneke. ARKİTEKT Cilt: 1954 Sayı:
1954-07-08 (273-274) Sayfa: 121-122 . http://dergi.mo.org.tr/search.php
Granelli, Kjell: Building and planning of university libraries-A case study / konuşmacılar: Kjell
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Edirne]. - Edirne: Trakya Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü, 1999. - p.145.
Halk Kütüphanelerinin hizmet verdiği binaların standartları nelerdir?
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Her Yerde Kitaplar, Kitaplarla Odalar. http://mitademo.com/dekorasyon/kitapkitap/
Hıfzıssıhha Enstitüsü Kimyahane ve Bakteriyoloji Binası’ndan Sağlık Müzesi ve Kütüphanesi’ne.
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İnternet Çağı için Kütüphaneler. Tarih: 12 Ocak 2007 Kaynak: Business Week Yazan: Helen
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4 Plan, 4 Kesit, İngilizce Özet
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Planning library facilities : a selected, annotated bibliography / by Mary Sue Stephenson. Metuchen,
N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1990. ix, 249 p. ; 23 cm.
Library architecture and buildings, 1985-1988 : a bibliography / Barbara J. Vaughan and Amy L.
DiBartolo. Monticello, Ill. : Vance Bibliographies, [1990] 51 p. ; 28 cm. Architecture series-bibliography ; A 2312
Planning library buildings : a select bibliography / compiled by Anders C. Dahlgren and Erla P. Heyns.
Chicago, Ill. : American Library Association, 1995. 63p.
Allen, Walter C.: Selected references. (library buildings and architecture). Library Trends, v36, no.n2,
1987 Fall, p475(17) (ISSN: 0024-2594). Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987 Fall
Margeton, Stephen G.: Law library design bookshelf - an annotated bibliography.(Bibliography). Law
Library Journal, v.97, no.1, 2005 Wntr, p.77-101 (ISSN: 0023-9283). American Association of Law
Libraries, 2005 Wntr
Browsing subject area: Library architecture -- Bibliography (Exclude extended shelves).
Building Libraries and Library Additions: A Selected Annotated Bibliography.
A reading list on library buildings ... / [Krause, Louise Beerstecher]. Boston, The Boston book
company, 1898, [3]-15 p. 21 cm.
Design and planning of school libraries, compiled by G. M. Mainelis. Adelaide, State Library of South
Australia, 1971. 20 p. 26 cm. ISBN: 0724300201
Planning school libraries; a selected bibliography. American Library Association. [Chicago] 1964. 6 p.
Planning library buildings in the 1980's : a selective bibliography / John O. Christensen. Monticello,
Ill. : Vance Bibliographies, [1989]. 11 p. ; 28 cm . ISBN: 0792003160 (pbk.)
Bibliography on college library buildings ... (From Bibliography of college and university buildings,
grounds and equipment,. / Smith, Henry Lester, b. 1876. Noffsinger, Forest Ruby,
[Chicago, American Library Association, 1937
A reading list on library buildings. [ Krause, Louise Beerstecher. ]. 1898. In: Bulletin of bibliography.
Boston, 1898. 27 cm. v. 1, p. 102-104, 119-121
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DATABASE: Library of Congress Online Catalog
YOU SEARCHED: Subject Browse = Library architecture Bibliography.
SEARCH RESULTS: Displaying 1 through 17 of 17.
Type of material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Main title: Výstavba, zařízení a vybavení veřejných knihoven ve velkoměstech.
Published/Created: Praha, MeÌŒst. knihovna, rozmn., 1970.
22, [1] p. 20 cm.
Z679 .V97
Copy 1
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-- Status:
Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms
Not Charged
LC control no.:
Type of material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Corporate name: Boston Public Library
Main title: An index to the pictures and plans of library buildings to be found in the Boston Public
library. By James Lyman
2d, enl. ed.
Published/Created: Boston, Pub. by the Trustees, 1899.
3 p. l., 31 p. 25 cm.
Z679 .B76
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-- Status:
Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms
Not Charged
-- Request in:
Electronic Resource
LC control no.:
Type of material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Personal name:
Dahlgren, Anders.
Main title: Planning library buildings : a select bibliography /
compiled by Anders C. Dahlgren and Erla P. Heyns.
4th ed.
Published/Created: Chicago : American Library Association, 1995.
v, 63 p. ; 28 cm.
Z679 .D35 1995
Copy 1
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-- Status:
Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms
Not Charged
LC control no.:
Type of material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Personal name:
Dahlgren, Anders.
Main title: Planning library buildings : a select bibliography / LAMA
Buildings and Equipment Section ; compiled by Anders C.
Dahlgren and Erla P. Heyns.
Published/Created: Chicago : Library Administration and Management
Association, 1990.
v, 60 p. ; 28 cm.
Z679 .D35 1990
Copy 1
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-- Status:
Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms
Not Charged
LC control no.:
Type of material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Personal name:
Main title:
Higgins, Elmer Eugene. [from old catalog]
Library facilities planning aids,
Published/Created: [Washington, U. S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare,
Office of Education] 1962.
15 p. 26 cm.
LB3223 .H5
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-- Status:
Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms
Not Charged
LC control no.:
Type of material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Personal name:
Main title:
Krause, Louise B. (Louise Beerstecher)
A reading list on library buildings ...
Published/Created: Boston, The Boston book company, 1898,
[3]-15 p. 21 cm.
Z679.A1 K9
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-- Status:
Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms
Not Charged
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Electronic Resource
LC control no.:
Type of material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Personal name:
Kremenetï¸ s︡kaiï¸ a︡, Agrippina Viktorovna. [from old
Main title:
Bibliotechnye zdaniiï¸ a︡.
Published/Created: 1973.
343 p. 20 cm.
Z679 .K893
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Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms
-- Status:
Not Charged
LC control no.:
Type of material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Personal name:
Main title:
Kunovjánková, Milena. [from old catalog]
Výstavba a modernizace knihoven a informačních
1. vyd.
Published/Created: Praha, UVTEI-St. techn. knihova, 1968.
78 p. 20 cm.
Z679 .K8
Copy 1
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-- Status:
Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms
Not Charged
LC control no.:
Type of material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Corporate name: Library of Congress. General Reference and Bibliography Division.
Main title:
Recent books and periodical articles on library architecture,
Published/Created: [Washington] 1947.
22 l. 27 cm.
Z679.A1 U5
Copy 1
-- Request in:
-- Status:
Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms
Not Charged
LC control no.:
Type of material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Personal name:
Main title:
Mainelis, G. M.
Design and planning of school libraries, compiled by G. M.
Published/Created: Adelaide, State Library of South Australia, 1971.
20 p. 26 cm.
Z1009 .S73 no. 146
Copy 1
-- Request in:
-- Status:
Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms
Not Charged
LC control no.:
Type of material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Corporate name: Royal Institute of British Architects. Library.
Main title:
Bibliography on library buildings.
Published/Created: [London, 1951]
5 pts. in 1 v. 33 cm.
Z679 .R69
Copy 1
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-- Status:
Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms
Not Charged
LC control no.:
Type of material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Corporate name: Saskatchewan Provincial Library. Bibliographic Services
Main title:
Planning library buildings : a selected bibliography.
Published/Created: Regina, Sask. : Bibliographic Services Division,
Professional Services Branch, Saskatchewan Library,
38 p. ; 28 cm.
0919059112 (pbk.)
Z679 .S27 1985
Copy 1
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-- Status:
Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms
Not Charged
LC control no.:
Type of material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Personal name:
Main title:
Schröder, Kai.
Aufbau, Umbau oder Neubau einer Bibliothek :
Informationsquellen zu den Themen Raum und Einrichtung /
Kai Schröder.
Published/Created: Saarbrücken : VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008.
v, 234 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Z679 .S338 2008
Copy 1
-- Request in:
-- Status:
Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms
Not Charged
LC control no.:
Type of material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Personal name:
Main title:
Shaw, Thomas Shuler, 1906-
Library architecture : a selected and annotated list of
references with emphasis on the planning of large
libraries / compiled by Thomas S. Shaw.
Published/Created: 1955.
35 leaves ; 27 cm.
Z679 .S5 1955
Copy 1
-- Request in:
-- Status:
Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms
Not Charged
LC control no.:
Type of material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Personal name:
Main title:
Stephenson, Mary Sue.
Planning library facilities : a selected, annotated
bibliography / by Mary Sue Stephenson.
Published/Created: Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow Press, 1990.
ix, 249 p. ; 23 cm.
0810822857 (alk. paper)
Z679.5 .S73 1990
Copy 1
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-- Status:
Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms
Not Charged
LC control no.:
Type of material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Personal name:
Main title:
Vaughan, Barbara J.
Library architecture and buildings, 1985-1988 : a
bibliography / Barbara J. Vaughan and Amy L. DiBartolo.
Published/Created: Monticello, Ill., USA : Vance Bibliographies, [1990]
51 p. ; 28 cm.
MLCM 93/02212 (Z) FT MEADE
Copy 1
-- Request in:
-- Status:
Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms - STORED OFFSITE
Not Charged
LC control no.:
Type of material: Book (Print, Microform, Electronic, etc.)
Personal name:
Main title:
Weis, Ina J.
The design of library areas and buildings / Ina J. Weis.
Published/Created: Monticello, Ill. : Vance Bibliographies, [1981]
80 p. ; 28 cm.
Z679 .W38 1981
Copy 1
-- Request in:
-- Status:
Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms
Not Charged
Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20540
Questions? Ask a Librarian:
EK 5: "Library, Information Science and Technology
Abstracts (LISTA)"da yapılan sorgulama (SU LIBRARY
ARCHITECTURE 2011-2012) sonucu:
Waves of the Future.
By: Fox, Bette-Lee. Library Journal, 11/15/2012, Vol. 137 Issue 19, p16, 1p
The article discusses a developing trend in United States library design and architecture that involves
an open concept layout, in which the service areas of the library surround a central atrium...
Subjects: LIBRARY architecture; LIBRARIES -- Design & construction; LIBRARIES & children; LIBRARIES
& teenagers; LIBRARY buildings; UNITED States; Commercial and Institutional Building Construction;
ENVIRONMENTAL aspects; CIVIC centers -- Design & construction
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Rockridge TeenZone.
By: MOORHEAD, SUSY. Voice of Youth Advocates, Oct2012, Vol. 35 Issue 4, p333-335, 3p
This article describes the 650-square-foot TeenZone young adult area of the Rockridge Library in
Oakland, California. The TeenZone is a physically separated area located on the northeast portion ...
Subjects: YOUNG adults' libraries; LIBRARIES & teenagers; LIBRARIES & young adults; LIBRARY
architecture; LIBRARY decoration; OAKLAND (Calif.); CALIFORNIA; DESIGN & construction
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Customized User Design.
(cover story) By: Murvosh, Marta. Library Journal, 9/15/2012 Library By Design, p1-7, 5p
This article discusses the renovation and redesign of several library branches in the Denver Public
Library (DPL) system in Colorado based on an evaluation of the primary user populations for eac...
Subjects: BRANCH libraries -- Design & construction; LIBRARY architecture -- Remodeling; PUBLIC
libraries -- Space utilization; PUBLIC libraries -- Aims & objectives; DENVER (Colo.); COLORADO;
DENVER Public Library; MARKETING strategy
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Best Of Interior Design.
By: Bayliss, Sarah. Library Journal, 9/15/2012 Library By Design, p8-9, 2p
This article announces the winners of the American Library Association (ALA) and the International
Interior Design Association's (IIDA) 2012 Library Interior Design Competition including the Juli...
Subjects: LIBRARY architecture -- Awards; LIBRARIES; PUBLIC libraries -- Awards; WASHINGTON
(D.C.); PRINCETON University. Library; INTERIOR decoration; AMERICAN Library Association -Competitions; MCALLEN Memorial Library (McAllen, Tex.); ANACOSTIA (Washington, D.C.)
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Building for the Future.
By: Schwartz, Meredith. Library Journal, 9/15/2012 Library By Design, p12-13, 2p
This article discusses the journal's Design Institute (DI) symposium held at the Denver Public Library's
(DPL) Central Library on May 4, 2012, which featured presentations and panels about the fu...
Subjects: LIBRARY architecture; LIBRARIES -- Design & construction; LIBRARIES -- Reorganization;
DENVER (Colo.); COLORADO; Commercial and Institutional Building Construction; CONGRESSES;
SUSTAINABLE buildings -- Design & construction; SUSTAINABLE design
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Boulder Public Library.
By: Allee, Elizabeth J.. Library Journal, 9/15/2012 Library By Design, p14-14, 1/3p
This article reports on a meeting which focused on the Dewberry Architects firm's design suggestions
for the first floor renovation of the Boulder Public Library in Colorado, highlighting the ope...
Subjects: LIBRARY architecture -- Remodeling; PUBLIC libraries -- Design & construction; BOULDER
Public Library (Boulder, Colo.)
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Fish Creek Branch, Calgary Public Library.
By: Schwartz, Meredith. Library Journal, 9/15/2012 Library By Design, p14-14, 1/3p
This article reports on a meeting which focused on the Holzman Moss Bottino Architecture firm's
design suggestions for the renovation of the Calgary Public Library's Fish Creek Branch in Alberta,...
Subjects: LIBRARY architecture -- Remodeling; PUBLIC libraries -- Design & construction; CALGARY
Public Library (Alberta, Canada)
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Pikes Peak Library District.
By: Miller, Rebecca T.. Library Journal, 9/15/2012 Library By Design, p15-15, 1/3p
This article reports on a meeting which focused on the Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture firm's
design suggestions for the renovation of the Pikes Peak Library District in Colorado Springs, Color...
Subjects: PUBLIC libraries -- Design & construction; LIBRARY architecture -- Remodeling; PIKES Peak
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Linked Knowledge -- Open Libraries. (English)
By: Degkwitz, Andreas. Bibliotheksdienst, jul2012, Vol. 46 Issue 7, p570-577, 8p; Language: German
The article discusses the impact of the communication revolution and technological innovations on
libraries. It reflects on the evolution of the representation of knowledge and information from c...
Subjects: LIBRARIES -- Technological innovations; LIBRARIES -- Social aspects; BOOKS & reading -History; DIGITAL media; LIBRARY architecture; LIBRARY science; COMMUNICATION revolution;
KNOWLEDGE, Sociology of
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Slaying a Sacred Cow with a Deck of Cards.
By: Bayliss, Sarah. Library Journal, 5/15/2012 Supplement, p14-17, 3p, 9 Color Photographs
The article looks at the 2011 renovation of the Cannell Library at Clark College in Vancouver,
Washington, during which architecture firm GouldEvans used a so-called Idea Kit deck of cards to
Subjects: LIBRARY architecture -- Remodeling; ACADEMIC libraries -- Design & construction;
VANCOUVER (Wash.); WASHINGTON (State); CLARK College (Vancouver, Wash.). Cannell Library;
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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How Social Media Built a Library.
By: Bayliss, Sarah. Library Journal, 5/15/2012 Supplement, p34-34, 1p, 1 Color Photograph
The article looks at how the builders of the Surrey City Centre Library in British Columbia, Bing Thom
Architects (BTA), used social media to discover the community's needs for its library. Socia...
Subjects: PUBLIC libraries -- Design & construction; LIBRARY architecture; VANCOUVER (B.C.); BRITISH
Columbia; SURREY City Centre Library (Vancouver, B.C.); SOCIAL media
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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12th Annual Architecture Series.
By: Estes, Mark E.. AALL Spectrum, May2012, Vol. 16 Issue 7, p11-11, 1p, 1 Color Photograph
The article introduces the 12th annual architecture series, a group of articles which discuss new
buildings, renovations, and space use for law libraries, federal courts, and law firms in Mississ...
Subjects: LIBRARY architecture; CONSERVATION & restoration; PUBLIC buildings -- Design &
construction; ARCHITECTURE
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Renew, Reuse, Renovate!
By: Farrell, Elizabeth. AALL Spectrum, May2012, Vol. 16 Issue 7, p12-13, 2p, 3 Color Photographs
The article reviews the renovation of the reading room of the Research Center of the Florida State
University (FSU) College of Law by architect Jeff Hunt of Library Interiors of Florida.
Subjects: LIBRARY architecture -- Remodeling; READING rooms; FLORIDA State University; DESIGN &
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Bryan Cave HRO debuts its redesigned library space.
By: Elisha, Matthew R.. AALL Spectrum, May2012, Vol. 16 Issue 7, p14-21, 3p, 2 Color Photographs
The article discusses the renovation of the library of the law firm Bryan HRO in Denver, Colorado by
architect Gillian Hallock Johnson.
Subjects: LIBRARY architecture -- Remodeling; LAW libraries; Libraries and Archives; LAW firms -Colorado
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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A Study in Light and Nature.
By: Daniels, Bethany. AALL Spectrum, May2012, Vol. 16 Issue 7, p16-18, 3p, 4 Color Photographs
The article discusses the renovation of the University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law’s Legal
Studies Center, designed by Pfau Long Architecture to incorporate faculty offices, a glass atr...
Subjects: LIBRARY architecture -- Remodeling; LAW libraries; UNIVERSITY of the Pacific; CALIFORNIA
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Ambitious NYPL Renovation Back on Track.
By: Kelley, Michael; Schwartz, Meredith; Lee, Michelle. Library Journal, 3/15/2012, Vol. 137 Issue 5,
p15-16, 2p, 1 Color Photograph
The article reports that planning for the renovation project for the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building
of the New York Public Library (NYPL) has restarted as of March 2012.
Subjects: LIBRARY architecture -- Remodeling; NEW York (N.Y.); NEW York Public Library
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Academic Journal
The second hand library building: Sustainable thinking through recycling old buildings into new
By: Hauke, Petra; Werner, Klaus Ulrich. IFLA Journal, Mar2012, Vol. 38 Issue 1, p60-67, 8p; DOI:
Old buildings are being recycled into libraries all over the world. The process of rededication of a
building with a former different usage into a library is quite obviously a matter of recycling...
Subjects: LIBRARY buildings -- Design & construction; CONSERVATION & restoration; LIBRARY
architecture; LIBRARY planning; GERMANY; EUROPE; ADAPTIVE reuse of buildings; SUSTAINABLE
buildings; BUILDINGS
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Academic Journal
P.J.H. Cuypers' Art Library in the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam: a room dedicated to arts and science.
By: Vogel, Melanie. Art Libraries Journal, Jan2012, Vol. 37 Issue 1, p46-49, 4p
With the construction of the Rijksmuseum by Cuypers in 1885, the art museum acquired its first
rooms solely dedicated as a reference library. This was a direct consequence of the growing demand
Subjects: ART libraries -- History; MUSEUM libraries -- History; LIBRARY architecture; RIJKSMUSEUM
(Netherlands); HISTORY; CUYPERS, P. J. H.; DELLA Santa, Leopoldo
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
Add to folder Cited References: (4)
Academic Journal
Designing the Research Commons: Classical Models for School Libraries.
By: Buchanan, Sarah. School Libraries Worldwide, Jan2012, Vol. 18 Issue 1, p56-69, 14p
School libraries and media centers today are embracing the idea of the "learning commons," an
approach to learning which makes use of the facility's physical openness and group meeting places to
Subjects: SCHOOL libraries -- Design & construction; LIBRARY architecture; INFORMATION commons;
INSTRUCTIONAL materials centers; SCHOOL libraries -- Administration; SCHOOL libraries -- History;
Libraries and Archives
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
Add to folder Cited References: (76)
Academic Journal
By: Bailin, Kylie. Australian Academic & Research Libraries, Dec2011, Vol. 42 Issue 4, p342-359, 18p
As the digital environment continues to become more pervasive in our lives, academic libraries have
had to adapt to ensure that services remain relevant to users' needs. Research was conducted to...
Subjects: ACADEMIC libraries -- Use studies; LIBRARY architecture -- Remodeling; LIBRARIES &
students; LIBRARIES -- Design & construction; UNIVERSITY of New South Wales; Commercial and
Institutional Building Construction; CASE studies; STUDY groups (Education)
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Academic Journal
Serota helps transform dormitory into a library.
CILIP Update, Nov2011, Vol. 10 Issue 11, p16-16, 1p
The article reports that the architect Richard Ibbett of Ibbett Associates and the company Serota
Library Furniture have worked to construct a school library at the St James Senior Boys' School i...
Subjects: LIBRARY architecture; SEROTA Ltd.; IBBETT, Richard
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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A Whole Systems Approach.
By: Aldrich, Rebekkah Smith. Library Journal, 9/15/2011, Vol. 136 Issue 15, p30-33, 4p, 1 Color
Photograph, 1 Diagram, 1 Graph
The author offers opinions on the design and construction of library buildings. The use of so-called
Integrated Building Design, in which library administrators, architects and contractors respon...
Subjects: LIBRARY buildings -- Design & construction; LIBRARY architecture; PROJECT management;
PARTICIPATORY monitoring & evaluation (Project management); TEAMS in the workplace;
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Academic Journal
Graphics enhance new Sheffield library.
CILIP Update, Sep2011, Vol. 10 Issue 9, p20-20, 1/4p, 1 Color Photograph
The article reports that thedesignconcept, a library design team, has developed a library at Parson
Cross in Sheffield, England and looks at the arrangement of shelving, an interactive area for c...
Subjects: LIBRARIES -- Design & construction; LIBRARY architecture; SHEFFIELD (England);
Commercial and Institutional Building Construction
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Academic Journal
Big box libraries: beyond restocking the shelves with books.
By: Lesneski, Traci. New Library World, 2011, Vol. 112 Issue 9/10, p395-405, 11p; DOI:
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the opportunities, implications, and challenges of
reusing big box retail stores for library facilities. Design/methodology/approach – The paper'...
Subjects: LIBRARIES; LIBRARIANS; LIBRARY architecture; LIBRARY buildings; Libraries and Archives;
PUBLIC institutions; RETAIL stores
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Academic Journal
21st-century library.
CILIP Update, Jun2011, Vol. 10 Issue 6, p26-27, 2p
The article discusses a library building design seminar, which was held on May 7, 2011 at Manchester
University in Manchester, England. This was organised by Maggie Barlow of Ryder Architecture a...
Subjects: CONFERENCE proceedings; LIBRARY architecture; PUBLIC libraries; MANCHESTER (England);
ENGLAND; RYDER Architecture Ltd.; UNIVERSITY of Manchester; Libraries and Archives
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Academic Journal
Sustainability as a Driving Force in Contemporary Library Design.
By: EDWARDS, BRIAN W.. Library Trends, Summer2011, Vol. 60 Issue 1, p190-214, 25p
The drive for energy efficiency arising from a growing awareness of the dangers of climate change is
leading to new approaches to library design. The article explores the interaction between libr...
Subjects: LIBRARY architecture; LIBRARY buildings -- Design & construction; UNITED States; Other
Building Material Dealers; Other Construction Material Merchant Wholesalers; Roofing, Siding, and
Insulation Material Merchant Wholesalers; Brick, Stone, and Related Construction Material Merchant
Wholesalers; Fabricated Structural Metal Manufacturing; CLIMATIC changes; SUSTAINABILITY;
BUILDING materials; BUILDING material manufacturing
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Academic Journal
The Dark Side of Library Architecture: The Persistence of Dysfunctional Designs.
By: SCHLIPF, FRED. Library Trends, Summer2011, Vol. 60 Issue 1, p227-255, 29p
One of the most disappointing aspects of library architecture is the endless repetition of the same
two or three dozen dysfunctional design ideas. Bad design ideas come from many sources, not onl...
Subjects: LIBRARY architecture; LIBRARY buildings -- Design & construction; LIBRARY decoration;
LIBRARIANS; Interior Design Services; INTERIOR decoration
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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From Eyesore to Eye-Catcher.
Library Journal, Spring2011 Library by Design, p6-6, 1p, 4 Color Photographs
This article reports on the renovation of the Poplar Creek Public Library in Streamwood, Illinois. The
article discusses the library's 1960s style and the redesign of the space to incorporate fea...
Subjects: LIBRARIES -- Design & construction; LIBRARY buildings; LIBRARY architecture; PUBLIC
libraries -- Design & construction; Commercial and Institutional Building Construction; Libraries and
Archives; SUSTAINABLE architecture
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Reinvigorating a Community.
Library Journal, Spring2011 Library by Design, p7-7, 1p, 1 Map
This article reports on the design of the Palo Verde Library/Maryvale Community Center of the
Phoenix Public Library in Phoenix, Arizona. The article discusses the effect of the library and commu...
Subjects: LIBRARIES -- Design & construction; LIBRARY public services; LIBRARY buildings; LIBRARY
architecture; Commercial and Institutional Building Construction; Libraries and Archives;
COMMUNITY centers -- Design & construction; INNER cities; SUSTAINABLE architecture
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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A Living Room on the Lake.
Library Journal, Spring2011 Library by Design, p8-8, 1p, 4 Color Photographs
This article reports on the design of the Cesar Chevaz Branch Library of the Phoenix Public Library in
Laveen, Arizona. The article discusses the library's architecture and services including its...
Subjects: BRANCH libraries; LIBRARY buildings; LIBRARY architecture; PUBLIC libraries -- Design &
construction; LIBRARIES -- Environmental aspects; Libraries and Archives; ENVIRONMENTAL aspects;
SUSTAINABLE architecture
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Blessed by Location, Elevated by Art.
Library Journal, Spring2011 Library by Design, p9-9, 1p, 3 Color Photographs
This article reports on the design of the Hamilton Mill Branch Library of the Gwinnett County Library
System in Dacula, Georgia. The article discusses the library's five-acre property and nearby ...
Subjects: PUBLIC libraries -- Design & construction; LIBRARIES -- Environmental aspects; LIBRARY
architecture; LIBRARY buildings; BRANCH libraries; Libraries and Archives; SUSTAINABLE architecture
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Setting a New Gold Standard.
Library Journal, Spring2011 Library by Design, p10-10, 1p, 1 Color Photograph
This article reports on the Durango Public Library in Colorado and its architecture and sustainable
design. The article discusses the library's renovation and growth, describing the environmental...
Subjects: LIBRARY buildings; PUBLIC libraries -- Design & construction; LIBRARIES -- Environmental
aspects; LIBRARY architecture; Libraries and Archives; SUSTAINABLE architecture; LEADERSHIP in
Energy & Environmental Design Green Building Rating System
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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The Heart of a New Downtown.
Library Journal, Spring2011 Library by Design, p11-11, 1p, 3 Color Photographs
This article reports on the Sammamish Library from the King County Library System in Sammamish,
Washington. The article discusses the library's architecture and sustainable design, describing its...
Subjects: LIBRARIES -- Environmental aspects; PUBLIC libraries -- Design & construction; LIBRARY
architecture; LIBRARY buildings; Libraries and Archives; SUSTAINABLE architecture; FLOOR plans
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Pop Goes the Library!
Library Journal, Spring2011 Library by Design, p14-14, 1p, 3 Color Photographs
This article reports on the Roseville Library of the Ramsey County Public Library system in Roseville,
Minnesota. The article discusses the library's expansion and renovation, describing its sust...
Subjects: LIBRARIES -- Environmental aspects; PUBLIC libraries -- Design & construction; LIBRARY
architecture; LIBRARY buildings; Interior Design Services; Libraries and Archives; SUSTAINABLE
architecture; INTERIOR decoration
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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10 More That Will Inspire.
Library Journal, Spring2011 Library by Design, p16-17, 2p, 10 Color Photographs
This article reports on 10 libraries with innovative designs and inspiring features. Buildings discussed
include the Anacostia Library in Washington, DC; the Kilton Public Library in West Lebanon...
Subjects: PUBLIC libraries -- Design & construction; LIBRARY buildings; LIBRARY architecture;
LIBRARIES -- Environmental aspects; Libraries and Archives; SUSTAINABLE architecture
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Shifting Spaces.
By: Kuzyk, Raya; Fialkoff, Francine. Library Journal, Spring2011 Library by Design, p18-21, 4p, 18 Color
This article reports on the periodical's Design Institute seminar in South Carolina and its content
related to library design and development. The article discusses the changing nature of library...
Subjects: LIBRARIES -- Design & construction; LIBRARY buildings; PUBLIC libraries -- Design &
construction; LIBRARY architecture; RURAL libraries; Commercial and Institutional Building
Construction; Libraries and Archives; ORGANIZATIONAL change; SUSTAINABLE architecture
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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The Risk of Cacophony.
By: Markham, Ben; Zenk, David; Verbitzki, Christine. Library Journal, Spring2011 Library by Design,
p38-38, 1p
This article reports on the importance of acoustical management in open floor plans in libraries. The
article discusses noise control in library environments through using sound-absorbing treatme...
Subjects: LIBRARIES -- Design & construction; SHELVING for books; LIBRARY architecture; LIBRARY
buildings; Commercial and Institutional Building Construction; Libraries and Archives; ACOUSTICAL
engineering; NOISE control -- Equipment & supplies; FLOOR plans
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Academic Journal
Nachrichten. (German)
/ News. (English) BuB: Forum Bibliothek und Information, 2011, Vol. 63 Issue 5, p343-351, 9p;
Language: German
The article presents news briefs related to libraries as of May 2011. An information corner for
scientific work was established at the academic library in Ansbach, Germany, where former minister
Subjects: LIBRARIES; ACADEMIC libraries; PLAGIARISM; LIBRARY architecture -- Remodeling;
ANSBACH (Germany); AUGSBURG (Germany); BASEL (Switzerland); GERMANY; Libraries and Archives;
NEWS briefs; STUDY & teaching; RAIN & rainfall; GUTTENBERG, Karl Theodor, Freiherr von und zu,
1971Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Academic Journal
Teaching and Learning with Collections: The Library as a Site for Exploration and Inspiration.
By: Aurand, Martin. Art Documentation: Bulletin of the Art Libraries Society of North America,
Spring2011, Vol. 30 Issue 1, p12-20, 9p
The library is commonly seen as a site for information seeking and directed research, yet it may also
serve as a site for exploration and inspiration. The library as Wunderkammer, or a cabinet of...
Subjects: LIBRARIES; ARCHITECTURAL libraries; LIBRARY architecture; CARNEGIE-Mellon University.
University Libraries; Libraries and Archives; CASE studies; CABINETS of curiosities; ARCHITECTURE
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Academic Journal
Toward a Learning Commons: Where Learners Are Central.
By: HARLAND, PAMELA. Teacher Librarian, Apr2011, Vol. 38 Issue 4, p32-36, 5p
The article discusses the library at Plymouth Regional High School in Plymouth, New Hampshire. The
teacher-librarian on staff describes the facility's transition into a learning commons, a switch...
Subjects: INFORMATION commons; SCHOOL libraries; LIBRARY architecture; LIBRARIES & the
Internet; HIGH school librarians; PLYMOUTH (N.H.); NEW Hampshire; Libraries and Archives;
FACILITATED learning; BLENDED learning; HIGH school students; PLYMOUTH Regional High School
(Plymouth, N.H.)
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Academic Journal
Library Architecture Influences Library Efficiency.
By: Gisolfi, Peter. Journal of the Library Administration & Management Section, Mar2011, Vol. 7 Issue
2, p23-28, 6p, 4 Color Photographs, 1 Chart
As public libraries evolve in the 21st century, they may need to provide more services with the same
or less funding. Architects can influence the costs associated with energy use, building maint...
Subjects: LIBRARY architecture; LIBRARIES -- Design & construction; LIBRARIES & education;
ACQUISITIONS (Libraries); UNITED States; Commercial and Institutional Building Construction;
BUILDINGS -- Energy conservation
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Academic Journal
Ambient Room -- neue Elemente der Innenarchitektur und ihr Potenzial füür den modernen
Bibliotheksbau. (German)
By: Herrmann, Simon. Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 2011, Vol. 35 Issue 1, p74-83, 10p, 8 Color
Photographs; Language: German; DOI: 10.1515/bfup.2011.010
The combination of innovative interior design and modern library buildings is based on general
design policies, current product developments and aesthetically outstanding areas outside of librari...
Subjects: LIBRARY buildings -- Design & construction; LIBRARY decoration; LIBRARY architecture;
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Academic Journal
»Ich fühl reich wie in der Kinderpost«. (German)
By: Grimmer, Anne. BuB: Forum Bibliothek und Information, 2011, Vol. 63 Issue 2, p134-136, 3p;
Language: German
The article reports on the renovation of the building housing the city library of Erlangen, Germany,
the renovated palace "Bürgerpalais." It discusses the temporary housing for the library during...
Subjects: LIBRARY buildings -- Design & construction; LIBRARY buildings; LIBRARY buildings -- Barrierfree design; LIBRARY architecture; ERLANGEN (Germany); GERMANY
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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Academic Journal
Room within a room: Louis I. Kahn and the Reference Library of the Yale Center for British Art.
By: Binkowski, Kraig. Art Libraries Journal, Jan2011, Vol. 36 Issue 1, p5-10, 6p
What does it mean to work in a Modernist masterpiece? How is a 'humanist' space used? The
author's personal perspective on the architectural elements of the Reference Library at the Yale
Center f...
Subjects: LIBRARY buildings -- Design & construction; LIBRARY architecture; NEW Haven (Conn.);
CONNECTICUT; YALE Center for British Art; EVALUATION; KAHN, Louis I., 1901-1974
Database: Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
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