Hello from the English Department!


Hello from the English Department!
Istek Kemal Atatürk Kindergarten
4 years English Language Newsletter
2 3 March, 2012
Hello from the English Department!
This week we continued learning opposite adjectives. We looked at opposite word
pairs, for example, big and small. We had lots of fun matching words with their
opposite and we were very good at thinking of things for each describing words,
for example: “What is cold?” “Ice cream”, “Snow”, “Winter”.
We reviewed the words big, small, hot, cold, tall, fast and slow.
Our new words were dirty, clean, short, full, and empty.
Cold (soğuk)
hot (sıcak)
Full (dolu)
slow (yavaş)
Fast (çabuk)
Big (büyük)
empty (boş)
small (küçük)
We sang the song Shake our Sillies Out:
We’re gonna shake, shake, shake our sillies out.
shake, shake, shake our sillies out.
shake, shake, shake our sillies out
and wiggle our waggles away.
Bu hafta sıfatları öğrenmeye devam ettik. Dersimizde zıt anlamlı kelimeleri
çalıştık. Sıfatlarla ve zıt anlamlı kelimelerle cümleler kurduk. “Big, small, hot,
cold, tall, fast, slow - büyük, küçük, sıcak, soğuk, uzun, hızlı, yavaş” kelimelerini
tekrar ettik.
Yeni kelimelerimiz: dirty, clean, short, full, and empty - kirli,temiz,dolu,boş.
Bu haftaki şarkımız: Shake our Sillies Out
This week in our Cheeky Monkey 1 class we started our unit on the park and the
playground . We talked about the different things we could see in a park (swings,
slides, seesaws, jungle gyms, benches, bikes and rollerblades) and the students
practiced talking about what they like to do at the park. Everyone liked making
their park.
"Swing, slide, jungle gym chant"
Swing, slide, jungle gym
Seesaw, seesaw
Who's on the seesaw?
Sally's on the seesaw.
Sue's on the slide.
Tim's on the jungle gym.
Swing on the swing.
Slide on the slide.
Climb on the jungle gym.
roller blades
jungle gym
hafta Cheeky Monkey 1 dersinde parklar ve oyun alanları konulu üniteye
başladık. Parklarda gördüğümüz oyuncaklar ve
severek yaptığımız etkinlikler
hakkında konuştuk. Sınıfta herkes kendi parkını oluşturdu.